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Fenthion [O.O-dimethyl 0-3-methy1-4(methylthio) phenyl phosphorothioate] is one of the most used mosquito insecticides in Florida, USA. Aerially applied insecticides may accidentally drift into estuarine coastal water and affect non-target organisms (Johnson and Finley, 1980; Kenaga, 1979; Patterson and Von Windeguth, 1964; Ray and Stevens, 1970). A field spray and a laboratory study were conducted to determine the persistence and disappearance rates of fenthion in the water and its toxicity on non-target organisms. This paper summarizes the results of the study and determines the assimilation capacity of fenthion in coastal waters. The fenthion is often applied as a thermal fog by a DC-3 aircraft. The thermal fog mixture contains 1.5% fenthion, 33.5% fog oil and 65% No. 2 diesel fuel. The spray duration was one to two minutes as the plane made its swath directly over the target site. The field spray was in St. Lucie County Impoundment on the east coast of Florida, USA. Before and after the spray, water samples were collected at different time intervals up to 48 hours to determine the fenthion concentration and their disappearance rates in the coastal water (Wang et al., 1987).  相似文献   

近十多年来,江苏沿海化工产业发展迅速,化工废水的长期排放对水生生态系统及人群健康构成潜在威胁.采用非洲猴肾细胞(CV-1)核受体介导的体外转录激活试验方法,对中国东部沿海A、B、C三市的6个水源地进行了拟雌激素活性调查研究.结果表明:C市2处水源水的有机提取物在枯水期、平水期和丰水期均无拟雌激素活性检出,水质较好;A市...  相似文献   

The coastal water of northeast Taiwan island, called 'Yin-Yang Hai' for its distinct yellow colour compared with blue offshore water, was investigated from 1989 to 1990 by the authors. Biological study showed the dominant species of plankton to be Copepoda, Cladocera, planktonic eggs and Diatoma. Dominant species of benthos were young crabs, Amphipoda and Annelida, with Amphipoda usually occurring in heavily polluted areas. Heavy metal data showed that the concentration of copper was high. the copper and iron concentration in algae of the intertidal zone was also high. the concentrations of iron and copper in inshore water were also higher than in offshore water. By comparison of the pH and salinity distribution of this area, we conclude that this coastal water has been polluted by acid waste water from coastal industry. the suspended solids concentration in sea water is high. Flocculation occurring at the boundary of fresh and saline water might be a reason for the distinct yellow colour of the water of this area. Further study is required.  相似文献   


The coastal water of northeast Taiwan island, called ‘Yin-Yang Hai’ for its distinct yellow colour compared with blue offshore water, was investigated from 1989 to 1990 by the authors. Biological study showed the dominant species of plankton to be Copepoda, Cladocera, planktonic eggs and Diatoma. Dominant species of benthos were young crabs, Amphipoda and Annelida, with Amphipoda usually occurring in heavily polluted areas. Heavy metal data showed that the concentration of copper was high. the copper and iron concentration in algae of the intertidal zone was also high. the concentrations of iron and copper in inshore water were also higher than in offshore water. By comparison of the pH and salinity distribution of this area, we conclude that this coastal water has been polluted by acid waste water from coastal industry. the suspended solids concentration in sea water is high. Flocculation occurring at the boundary of fresh and saline water might be a reason for the distinct yellow colour of the water of this area. Further study is required.  相似文献   

A total of six nuclear reactors installed in three power plants, two along the northern and one along the southern coasts of Taiwan, started their operations one after another since October 1977. Owing to the large quantities of cooling water intake into and discharge from the plants, some environmental factors such as water temperature, chlorine, environmental radioactivity and nearshore currents may be significantly changed. Variations of these abiotic environmental factors may influence the biological activities in the ecosystem, particularly doing some kinds of damage to marine biological resources. Therefore, the possible environmental impact upon the biological systems including the fishery resources along the northern and southern coasts of Taiwan should be studied before and during the plant operation.

We have started the long-term programmes of biological, chemical and hydro-graphical surveys of the nuclear power plant sites on both northern (since July 1974) and southern (since July 1979) coasts of Taiwan. the survey items include ocean currents, physical and chemical properties of sea water, primary productivity, specific compositions and interspecific relationships among phyto- and zooplankton, algae, invertebrates, corals, and fishes; and radionuclides in water and biological specimens, and fishery statistics. in general, except for a few events, the operations of the six units of nuclear power plants have not produced detectable effects on the marine ecosystem. Radio activity levels and radionuclides in water and the biological specimens remained the same as background levels throughout the survey period. However, the events of coral bleaching and fish body anomalies caused by thermal discharges were observed respectively along the outlets of third and second Nuclear Power Plants. the purposes of this paper are to report and evaluate these two events during the operations of nuclear power plants in Taiwan.  相似文献   

A total of six nuclear reactors installed in three power plants, two along the northern and one along the southern coasts of Taiwan, started their operations one after another since October 1977. Owing to the large quantities of cooling water intake into and discharge from the plants, some environmental factors such as water temperature, chlorine, environmental radioactivity and nearshore currents may be significantly changed. Variations of these abiotic environmental factors may influence the biological activities in the ecosystem, particularly doing some kinds of damage to marine biological resources. Therefore, the possible environmental impact upon the biological systems including the fishery resources along the northern and southern coasts of Taiwan should be studied before and during the plant operation.

We have started the long-term programmes of biological, chemical and hydro-graphical surveys of the nuclear power plant sites on both northern (since July 1974) and southern (since July 1979) coasts of Taiwan. the survey items include ocean currents, physical and chemical properties of sea water, primary productivity, specific compositions and interspecific relationships among phyto- and zooplankton, algae, invertebrates, corals, and fishes; and radionuclides in water and biological specimens, and fishery statistics. in general, except for a few events, the operations of the six units of nuclear power plants have not produced detectable effects on the marine ecosystem. Radio activity levels and radionuclides in water and the biological specimens remained the same as background levels throughout the survey period. However, the events of coral bleaching and fish body anomalies caused by thermal discharges were observed respectively along the outlets of third and second Nuclear Power Plants. the purposes of this paper are to report and evaluate these two events during the operations of nuclear power plants in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The zinc, cadmium, copper and lead release from the uncontaminated and contaminated coastal sediments with aerated sea water was studied. the metals transfer to the dissolved forms was monitored during one-two months by differential pulse anodic voltammetry (DPASV). the sediments with different initial degree of contamination were sampled in the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan around Vladivostok-the biggest city in Russian Far East. Sediment contamination by metals led to increased release to solution of zinc due to sulphide oxidation and cadmium on account of organic matter decomposition. the copper behaviour was complicated by strong binding with organic matter and enhancements of copper release can only be seen in sediment with a low organic matter content. Significant lead transfer to dissolved forms was not observed regardless of sediment contamination. the temperature affected the release of cadmium and copper through enhanced organic matter destruction. the dissolved metal fluxes from the sediment transformation are compared with metal fluxes towards bottom. Such comparisons show that second contamination by dissolved metals of the studied coastal environment may be important for cadmium only.  相似文献   

The zinc, cadmium, copper and lead release from the uncontaminated and contaminated coastal sediments with aerated sea water was studied. the metals transfer to the dissolved forms was monitored during one-two months by differential pulse anodic voltammetry (DPASV). the sediments with different initial degree of contamination were sampled in the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan around Vladivostok-the biggest city in Russian Far East. Sediment contamination by metals led to increased release to solution of zinc due to sulphide oxidation and cadmium on account of organic matter decomposition. the copper behaviour was complicated by strong binding with organic matter and enhancements of copper release can only be seen in sediment with a low organic matter content. Significant lead transfer to dissolved forms was not observed regardless of sediment contamination. the temperature affected the release of cadmium and copper through enhanced organic matter destruction. the dissolved metal fluxes from the sediment transformation are compared with metal fluxes towards bottom. Such comparisons show that second contamination by dissolved metals of the studied coastal environment may be important for cadmium only.  相似文献   

Evidence for host assimilation of 14C-labeled symbiont photosynthates is presented from laboratory studies of the solitary radiolarian Thalassicolla nucleata and the colonial species Collosphaera huxleyi. The amount of 14C-labeled product assimilated in the central capsule of T. nucleata is directly related to the amount of 14C incorporated by the symbionts. In C. huxleyi central capsules, the percentage of 14C-label occurring in the water-soluble fraction is 38% and in the lipid-soluble fraction is 20%, the remainder being in insoluble products. Within the lipid-soluble fraction, a substantial percentage of the 14C activity is associated with the triglyceride and wax ester fractions. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the possible physiological role of symbionts in sustaining the host and stabilizing the host-symbiont association.  相似文献   

Water samples were taken from 12 stations at El-Dikheila Harbour, El-Mex Bay, Western Harbour, Qayet Bey outfall, Eastern Harbour, El-Ibrahemiya, Gleem, Sidi Bishr and Mandara, during January, April, August and November 1995. the area lies between latitude 31˚ 8' and 31˚ 17' North and longitude 29˚ 47' and 30˚ East. the annual mean of chlorinity (11.69-20.5%0), pH (7.9-8.3), reactive phosphate (0.31-2.24 μM), nitrite (0.18-1.98 μM), oxidizable organic matter (1.97-8.95 mgO2 1-1), iodide (21.14-46.74 μg 1-1) and iodate (4.61-2.04 μg 1-1) were measured. Iodide content in water is three times higher than iodate. Iodide is positively correlated with chlorinity (r=0.65) and iodate (r=0.45), while it is negatively correlated with nitrite (r= -0.72), oxidizable organic matter (r= -0.55) and pH (r= -0.4).  相似文献   

A. Clarke 《Marine Biology》1979,52(2):157-160
When fed shrimp every 2 days, the isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus Eights assimilated over 90% of the ingested food. Errors in this estimate due to loss of food material during maceration by G. antarcticus were investigated and allowed for. These results are discussed in relation to data for other isopods and marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Radiotracer experiments were performed (February–April, 1982) to study the assimilation and metabolism of the transuranium nuclide americium-241 in the marine teleosts Serranus scriba (Linnaeus, 1758) and Scorpaena notata Rafinesque, 1810, caught off the Monaco coast. Fish fed with 241Am-labelled food showed that assimilation of this radionuclide takes place through the gastrointestinal walls and that the small fraction accumulated is incorporated mainly in the skin, muscle and skeleton. Gut-transfer coefficients were similar in both species and averaged 0.7% (range 0.1 to 1.7%) of the ingested activity. The calculated biological half-lives for loss of the absorbed fraction ranged between 49 and 61 d for Serranus scriba and 12 and 117 d for Scorpaena notata. Results from an intramuscular injection experiment indicated that 241Am was retained mainly in the liver, skin and skeleton; the fraction accumulated by muscle was very low. Liver displayed a relatively short biological half-time for 241Am loss of roughly 24 d. Routes of 241Am excretion from the teleosts appear to be through the kidneys, gills and feces with bile serving as a possible excretion route from the liver. From the limited amount of published information available for comparison, experimental evidence is presented which suggests that 241Am taken up via the food chain is more biologically available to marine fish than is plutonium.  相似文献   

天津滨海湿地典型野生盐生植物的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天津滨海湿地具有丰富的野生盐生植物资源,其中为数众多的盐生植物成功适应了本地区生境,深入研究其应用对滨海盐碱地改良与植被恢复具有重要意义。在滨海自然盐生植物资源调查的基础上,对滨海盐生植物多样性组成进行了简要分析;结合典型盐生植被景观的构成及特征,重点探究了典型野生盐生植物在滨海盐碱地改良和植被恢复、园林绿化方面的应用。研究表明:本区15科,35余种的野生盐生植物中,能够重点推荐作为盐碱地改良和绿化的典型野生盐生植物至少有15种。最后提出保留和保护典型盐生植物和植被景观的建议。  相似文献   

Coastal hazards and community-coping methods in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Addressing one of the most vulnerable coastal communities in Bangladesh, this paper explores people’s perception and vulnerabilities to coastal hazards. At the same time, it investigates the methods that communities apply to cope with different coastal hazards. Findings revealed that people perceived an increase in both the intensity of hazards and their vulnerabilities. In spite of having a number of socio-economic and locational factors enhancing their vulnerabilities, the community is creating their own ways to cope with these hazards. For different aspects of life like shelter, employment, water supply, and health, communities apply different coping methods that vary with the types of hazard. Efforts have also been made by governments and NGOs to manage coastal hazards. By highlighting both community-coping methods and efforts of development organizations, this paper attempts to devise an integrated approach for managing the coastal hazards that occur in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

There are three major factors affecting the coastal environment in Taiwan: tidal current, long-shore current and land subsidence. in Taiwan, most industrial areas are located on the southwestern coast. Most of the pollutants from the factories are discharged directly to the ocean, harbours or rivers. the pollutants in harbours or rivers will eventually be delivered to coastal waters. There, the tidal current is the major force dispersing the pollutants nearshore. the polluted water extends to an area about 5 km on both sides from the discharge source, and within about 3-4 km off-shore. in this study, Hsien-Da Harbour in southwestern Taiwan is cited to explain the effects of tidal current on the coastal environment. the long-shore current induced by breaking waves is the major force shaping the coastal morphology. Along the western coast of Taiwan, the long-shore current mainly flows northward along the southern section, and southward along the northern section. in the last one hundred years, in general, the coast has been eroded along the northern and southern sections of western coast, and some reclaimed lands were formed in the middle section. Recently, erosion in some coastal zones is quite serious because of excess groundwater extraction, especially along the southwestern coast. Groundwater extraction might also induce land subsidence. There are some areas near the coast which suffer serious land subsidence problems.  相似文献   

Large-Eddy Simulation of Coastal Upwelling Flow   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Large-eddy simulations were carried out to study laboratory-scale realizations of coastal upwelling in an annular rotating tank with a sloping bottom. A two-layer stratified fluid was set into rigid body motion with the tank and then driven by the relative rotation of a solid top lid. The simulation code developed in this work was a three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes solver using the message passing interface. The simulation runs were performed on a distributed memory massively parallel computer, namely, the IBM SP2. The simulation results were able to reveal the evolution of the complex upwelling structures in detail. The results were used to compare with and to complement two relevant series of coastal upwelling experiments. A Rayleigh-Taylor type of instability took place in the top inversion layer due to the unstable stratification after establishment of the upwelling front. The primary upwelling front was unstable to azimuthal perturbations and developed large amplitude baroclinic waves. The frontal wave structure consists of cyclone/anticyclone pairs. Whether cyclonic eddies containing the lower-layer fluid pinch off from the front depends on the * value. The non-dimensional parameter *=gh 0/u * fs, which was first introduced by Narimousa and Maxworthy, combines the effects of stratification, rotation and surface stress and can be used to characterize the upwelling flow field. Our studies show that the frontal instabilities are much more intense and the upwelling front itself displays strong unsteadiness and cyclonic eddies containing the lower-layer fluid pinch off from the front when * is significantly less than 5.8. For *=5.8, the frontal instabilities are less intense and no pinched-off process is observed. To separate these regimes, a critical value of * of about 5.4 is consistent with Narimousa and Maxworthy's results.  相似文献   

中国近海和河口环境铜污染的状况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国铜消费量已稳居世界前列,但随之而来的是铜带来的环境污染压力。铜污染问题不但在内陆环境逐渐突出,而且在近海和河口环境也日趋严重。通过分析近年来发表的我国近海河口海水、沉积物、牡蛎的铜含量数据,评估我国近海和河口环境的铜污染现状。数据显示,我国近海和河口环境大部分地区铜污染水平较低,但存在个别污染严重的区域。沉积物柱状样的数据显示,我国近海河口环境铜污染水平在过去几十年中呈逐渐上升趋势。铜污染已经开始威胁我国近海和河口环境的健康发展。"蓝牡蛎"和"绿牡蛎"是我国近海河口生物受铜污染影响的一个典型例子。多地发现"蓝牡蛎"的现象印证了铜污染源在近海河口环境普遍存在的观点。牡蛎受重金属污染而变色是一个值得研究的污染现象,它包含了复杂的生物学和生态学因素。本文探讨了"蓝牡蛎"和"绿牡蛎"形成的机制。  相似文献   

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