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• UV/O3 process had higher TAIC mineralization rate than O3 process. • Four possible degradation pathways were proposed during TAIC degradation. • pH impacted oxidation processes with pH of 9 achieving maximum efficiency. • CO32– negatively impacted TAIC degradation while HCO3 not. • Cl can be radicals scavenger only at high concentration (over 500 mg/L Cl). Triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC, C12H15N3O3) has featured in wastewater treatment as a refractory organic compound due to the significant production capability and negative environmental impact. TAIC degradation was enhanced when an ozone(O3)/ultraviolet(UV) process was applied compared with the application of an independent O3 process. Although 99% of TAIC could be degraded in 5 min during both processes, the O3/UV process had a 70%mineralization rate that was much higher than that of the independent O3 process (9%) in 30 min. Four possible degradation pathways were proposed based on the organic compounds of intermediate products identified during TAIC degradation through the application of independent O3 and O3/UV processes. pH impacted both the direct and indirect oxidation processes. Acidic and alkaline conditions preferred direct and indirect reactions respectively, with a pH of 9 achieving maximum Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal. Both CO32– and HCO3 decreased TOC removal, however only CO32– negatively impacted TAIC degradation. Effects of Cl as a radical scavenger became more marked only at high concentrations (over 500 mg/L Cl). Particulate and suspended matter could hinder the transmission of ultraviolet light and reduce the production of HO· accordingly.  相似文献   

水环境中抗生素的光降解研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄宏  李圆杏  杨红伟 《环境化学》2013,(7):1335-1341
抗生素的大量使用已经成为了全球环境问题.由于其在环境水体中难以被微生物降解,且能导致细菌抗药性越来越受到关注.光降解是污染物在水环境中非常重要的非生物降解途径.本文介绍了水环境中抗生素的直接、间接和自敏化光降解动力学,着重阐述了抗生素的光降解过程的影响因素、降解产物和可能降解途径等最新研究成果,指出抗生素光降解产物的分离提取与结构鉴定,以及预测抗生素降解过程的动力学模型构建将成为今后主要的研究方向和趋势.  相似文献   

• Cu2O NPs/H2O2 Fenton process was intensified by membrane dispersion. • DMAc removal was enhanced to 98% for initial DMAc of 14000 mg/L. • Analyzed time-resolved degradation pathway of DMAc under ·OH attack. High-concentration industrial wastewater containing N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc) from polymeric membrane manufacturer was degraded in Cu2O NPs/H2O2 Fenton process. In the membrane-assisted Fenton process DMAc removal rate was up to 98% with 120 min which was increased by 23% over the batch reactor. It was found that ·OH quench time was extended by 20 min and the maximum ·OH productivity was notably 88.7% higher at 40 min. The degradation reaction rate constant was enhanced by 2.2 times with membrane dispersion (k = 0.0349 min1). DMAc initial concentration (C0) and H2O2 flux (Jp) had major influence on mass transfer and kinetics, meanwhile, membrane pore size (rp) and length (Lm) also affected the reaction rate. The intensified radical yield, fast mass transfer and nanoparticles high activity all contributed to improve pollutant degradation efficiency. Time-resolved DMAc degradation pathway was analyzed as hydroxylation, demethylation and oxidation leading to the final products of CO2, H2O and NO3 (rather than NH3 from biodegradation). Continuous process was operated in the dual-membrane configuration with in situ reaction and separation. After five cycling tests, DMAc removal was all above 95% for the initial [DMAc]0 = 14,000 mg/L in wastewater and stability of the catalyst and the membrane maintained well.  相似文献   

煤加压气化废水中含有多种难降解有机物,其成分因原煤性质和气化工艺的不同而复杂多变,属于难处理工业废水,目前主要的处理方法有臭氧氧化法、活性炭吸附法、Fenton试剂法、超声空化效应等,文章综合比较各种方法的优缺点,针对煤加压气化废水的特点,利用不同类型的无机混凝剂和Fenton试剂对气化废水进行了混凝-Fenton法处理,并确定了最佳处理条件。在最佳条件下,COD、BOD5、氨氮、挥发酚和色度的平均去除率分别达到81.27%、76.87%、72.45%、86.42%和99.9%,BOD5与COD的比值由0.34提高到0.45。在对处理前后的废水的液-质联用谱图分析得知,处理后苯酚的去除率约为97.6%左右。结果表明煤加压气化废水经过混凝-Fenton法联合处理后出水能达到国家标准,并且成本相对较低,具有广阔的实际应用前景。  相似文献   

苯酚类化合物是一类毒性较强的有机污染物,对生态环境影响较大,研究了近几年新兴的一种等离子体降解水处理技术降解苯酚的效果,比较了接地极曝气式反应器和放电极曝气式反应器,考察了多种因素对曝气式高压脉冲放电等离子体降解水中苯酚效果的影响,结果表明:提高脉冲电压峰值和放电频率、减小气体的流量和针板间距等均可提高降解效果.接地极曝气式反应器和放电极曝气式反应器的最佳参数分别为:空气流量旦Q=18 m3·h-1,放电电压±20 kV,放电频率100 Hz,5mm极板间距;空气流量Q=0.032 m3·h-1,放电电压±18 kV,放电频率50 Hz,5mm极板间距.苯酚最高降解率分别能达到68.7%和40.1%.  相似文献   

高岐  窦宪民 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1333-1336
有机酚类化合物造成的水体的污染,直接危害着人类的健康和生态环境,如何有效地处理环境水样中有机酚类化合物,是当今人们普遍关注的一个问题。以苯酚水溶液为研究对象,在紫外光和功率为150 W、40 kHz超声波的协同作用下,对苯酚的降解效率和降解规律进行了初步的研究,讨论了溶液的酸度、光辐射的时间、H2O2及Fe2 (FeSO4)等因素对苯酚溶液降解的影响,结果表明,单一超声波对苯酚的降解率很低,不超过6.5%。在紫外光一超声波协同辐射60 min,溶液的pH值为3-4,加入6%H2O2 4 mL,加入0.1 nmol·L-1Fe2 (FeSO4)1.6 mL,可达到91.8%的降解率。试验证明,利用紫外光-超声波协同照射是降解苯酚的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

硫肟醚[O-(3-苯氧苄基)-2-甲硫基-1-(4-氯苯基)丙基酮肟醚]是我国研制成功的具有自主知识产权的一种新型杀虫剂.在室内紫外光(λ254 nm)照射下研究了几种表面活性剂和金属离子对硫肟醚在水溶液中光解的影响.试验结果表明,当土温80(Tween80)、十二烷基苯磺酸钙(ABS-Ca)、蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚(BY)、三氯化铁(FeCl_3)、硫酸铜(CuSO_4)和无水硫酸镁(MgSO_4)分别与硫肟醚以1:1的比例混合后,硫肟醚的光解速率发生了不同程度的改变.ABS-Ca对硫肟醚在水溶液中的光解速率表现出显著的光猝灭降解效应,蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚类表面活性剂BY对硫肟醚在水溶液中的降解表现出一定程度的光敏化作用.而吐温80对硫肟醚在水体中光解速率的影响则随照光时间而改变,当照光时间小于40 min时,表现为光敏化降解作用,大于40 min时可延缓硫肟醚的光解进程,表现出光猝灭作用.Fe~(3+)使硫肟醚在水溶液中的光解速率增快,表现出明显的光敏化降解效应,而Cu~(2+)和Mg~(2+)使硫肟醚在水体中的光解速率减慢,表现为较强的光猝灭降解作用.硫肟醚在含Tween80、ABS-Ca、BY、FeCl_3、CuSO_4和MgSO_4水溶液中的光解半衰期分别为21.63、34.42、15.29、9.85、43.95和32.20 min,而在不含任何农药化肥的纯净水中的光解半衰期为22.30 min.  相似文献   

A combined treatment technology (DEF-BIO) using the direct electro-Fenton (DEF) process and bioremediation (BIO) was established in this study. The performance of the DEF-BIO process on the remediation of a pyrene (PYR)-contaminated soil was evaluated in a slurry reactor. The appropriate order of application was to conduct the DEF process followed by BIO, evaluated through analysis of the degradation characteristics of each process individually. In addition, the application time of the DEF process affected the efficiency of the combined process. The optimum time to apply the DEF process was determined through an analysis of the induced changes in PYR intermediates, pH, soil organic matter (SOM) and bacteria. The optimum application time of the DEF process was 6 h. All the induced changes were beneficial for the BIO phase. The removal of PYR was 91.02% for DEF–BIO after 72 h, and the efficiency was almost 50% increased, compared with the individual DEF and BIO treatments. Therefore, the combined process of DEF–BIO process may be an efficient and promising method for the remediation.  相似文献   

按化学农药环境安全评价试验准则的要求进行了三十烷醇在水体中光解与水解的试验研究。结果表明,三十烷醇在该试验条件下光降解缓慢,半衰期为564d;在50d的试验期内,三十烷醇在不同酸度的水体中几乎不发生水解。  相似文献   

Three metallised azo dyes were investigated under TiO2‐photocatalytic and photosensitised conditions in aqueous buffering solutions. The degradation follows apparent first‐order kinetics. The size and strength of intramolecular conjugation determine the light‐fastness of the investigated dyes. Compared with 1O2 produced in photosensitised process, the more powerful *OH radicals in TiCO2 photocatalytic process are highly reactive towards the investigated azo dyes. And as a result, the TiO2‐photocatalysis makes little less distinction in the degradation kinetic data of the azo dyes compared with the photosensitised degradation of them.  相似文献   

菲在土壤中的微生物降解研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同条件土壤中多环芳烃菲的降解动态。结果表明:温度和底物浓度对土壤中菲的降解有较大影响,未灭菌土壤中菲的降解半衰期为5.1d;从污染土壤中分离到一株高效降解菲的菌株,经16S rDNA鉴定为产碱杆菌属(Alcaligenes bacterium LBM.),同源性高达99%;随着优势菌接种量增加,基础培养基中菲降解速率逐渐加快;Fe3+、Co2+和Cu2+对优势菌降解菲能力均有不同程度影响,其中以Fe3+影响最明显。  相似文献   

The kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of 10 different dichlorophenols and dichloroanilines have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. With the intention of finding certain molecular indices in order to determine the degradation rates of aromatic pollutants, geometry optimizations of the compounds have been performed with the semiempirical PM3 method. The molecular orbital calculations have been carried out by an SCF method using the RHF formalism. The correlations between the apparent first-order rate constants and the calculated molecular properties of the compounds have been examined. Four different structure–activity relationships have been developed expressing the logarithms of the rate constants in terms of the Hammett constants, electron densities of the substituents, the coefficients and the energies of the highest occupied molecular orbitals HOMO, and 1-octanol/water partition coefficients log?K OW.  相似文献   

Visible light is a major fraction of the solar spectrum; however, information on visible light radiation of macrophyte detritus is lacking. In this study, we conducted a microcosm experiment to assess the effects of visible light radiation on degradation of two litter species: Potamogeton malaianus (P. malaianus) and Phragmites australis (Ph. australis). This research represents an investigation of mass loss, microbial activity and nutrients released over a period of 168 days. Overall, we found that visible light radiation had significant effects on litter decomposition, but it did not affect the microbial activities which degrade cellulose and lignin. The decomposition rate order of the three components in P. malaianus and Ph. australis in treatments was: cellulose?>?hemicellulose?>?lignin. The visible light radiation mainly affected the degradation of lignin, which is the primary compound in litter susceptible to photodegradation. The exposure to visible light radiation up to 17.6?Wm?2 stimulated the dissolved organic carbon release and reduced the molecular weight to less reactive. Meanwhile, no obvious difference in nutrient contents (TP, TN, NO3–N, NO2–N, and NH3–N) was observed among different visible light intensities. The results of this study contribute to better understanding of the photochemical behaviour of macrophyte litter in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

在扬州和聊城两地进行了除草剂异丙隆在小麦上和麦田土壤中的残留动态和最终残留量试验,结果表明,异丙隆在小麦植株和土壤中消解较快,消解半衰期分别为3~4d和8~14d;收获时小麦籽粒中异丙隆残留量小于0.04mg/kg。推荐暂定异丙隆在小麦上MRIL值为0.5mg/kg。25%异丙隆可湿性粉剂,按7.5kg/hm ̄2用量,在次年早春(2月)使用,籽粒中异丙隆最终残留量不会超过MRL值,对小麦是安全的。  相似文献   

利用机械球磨法制备了零价镁/石墨(ZVMg/C)材料,并将其用于水溶液中三氯乙烯(TCE)的降解.研究通过SEM、BET和XRD等分析手段解析了ZVMg/C的表面形态结构和成分组成;采用正交实验方法优化了ZVMg/C的制备参数,比较了石墨含量对材料性能的影响;并考察了ZVMg/C投加量、溶液初始pH和地下水中常见阴(C...  相似文献   

• UV/chlorine can effectively remove VBNC pathogens, ARGs and MGEs in reclaimed water. • Microbial community was changed with reduced diversity during UV/chlorine process. • CRBs-carried MGEswere the predominant groups during UV/chlorine process. • No direct co-selection strategy was shared between UV/chlorine and resistome. Urban wastewater contains a wide range of pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which are a serious concern if reusing treated wastewater. However, few studies have explored the microbial communities in reclaimed water using ultraviolet (UV)/chlorine treatment and assessed the changes of the resistome. This study investigated the occurrence of typical pathogens, ARGs, and bacterial communities in UV/chlorine-treated reclaimed water samples. The numbers of culturable and viable but non-culturable pathogens were effectively reduced to 0 CFU/mL within 1–10 and 10–30 min after UV/chlorine treatment, respectively. Meanwhile, the physicochemical indices of water quality were not affected. UV/chlorine treatment could significantly change the bacterial community structure of reclaimed water, showing a decrease in bacterial abundance and diversity. Chlorine-resistant Acinetobacter and Mycobacterium were the dominant bacterial genera (>50%) after UV/chlorine treatment. Moreover, the number of ARGs and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) decreased with an increase in UV/chlorine exposure. However, eight ARGs and three MGEs were consistently detected in more than three seasons, making these major concerns because of their potential role in the persistence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Overall, the results of this study suggest that UV/chlorine treatment can potentially improve the microbiological safety of reclaimed water. And more attention should be paid to the pathogens that are both chlorine-resistant and carry MGEs because of their potential for resistance transmission.  相似文献   

序批式生物膜法同步除磷脱氮特性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对淹没序批式生物膜法去除有机物和磷及同步部分脱氮的特性进行了研究。其适合的载体装填密度为30%,水力停留时间为9h,其中厌氧3h,好氧6h,进水COD负荷从0.27kg/(m^3.d)到1.32kg/(m^3.d)均可使除磷率达90%以上,脱氮率达50%-60%。淹没式生物膜法除磷脱氮工艺中的优势菌属为假单胞菌属,其次依顺序为气单胞菌属,芽孢杆菌属,微球菌属,硝化矸菌属,生物膜具有生物量大(MLVSS达5531.7mg/L),脱落污泥含磷量高(达5.67%),沉降性好(SVI为101.7)的特点,污泥产率为0.1996kg干泥/kgCOD。  相似文献   

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