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Males and females have been reported to differ in their feeding of large and small siblings in several species of birds. According to recent hypotheses, this phenomenon may be related to a sexual conflict over avian hatching patterns. We designed an experiment to test for the existence of such a sex difference by manipulating nestling size hierarchies of the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica) in two directions; half the broods were “asynchronized” to yield large size-differences within broods and the other half were “synchronized” to yield small size-differences. In all broods, nestlings were categorized as being either large or small according to body mass. We recorded male and female food distribution by video early (day 4 after hatching) and late (day 8) in the nestling period. Males and females did not differ in their distribution of food among different-sized nestlings. With large size-differences, both males and females fed large nestlings nearly twice as often as small ones. In contrast, when the size-differences were small, food was more evenly distributed among nestlings. Early in the nestling period, males fed more nestlings during each feeding visit than did females. Our finding that male and female bluethroats do not differ in the feeding of large and small siblings is in contrast to most previous studies. Variation in costs and benefits to males and females from feeding different-sized nestlings, and restrictions to parental choice due to nestling interactions, may explain interspecific variation. Received: 27 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 26 January 1998  相似文献   

In avian families, some offspring are rendered unequal by parental fiat. By imposing phenotypic handicaps (e.g., via asynchronous hatching) upon certain of their offspring and not others, parents structure the sibship into castes of advantaged “core” offspring and disadvantaged “marginal” offspring that results in an asymmetric sibling rivalry. Here, I show how this family structure scales up to population level reproductive consequences. In a 17-year study of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), I show that year-to-year variation in the number of surviving offspring is driven primarily by variation in the number of marginal offspring at hatching and their posthatching survival. Clutch size, core brood at hatching, and fledging varied little from year to year and had little direct effect on year-to-year variation in total brood size at fledging; conversely, variation in the size of the marginal brood at hatching and at fledging was much greater. Marginal but not core brood size at hatching rose with mean clutch size; in years where parents laid larger average clutches they did so by adding marginal progeny. The mean posthatching survival of marginal offspring was always lower than that of core offspring in a given year, and there was no overlap in the distributions. The highest mean survival of marginal offspring across years fell below the lowest mean survival of core offspring; broods were deeply structured. There was an overall female bias among fledglings, and the sex ratio varied across years, with a higher proportion of the smaller female nestlings in years of below average reproductive success. Such variation was especially pronounced in the marginal brood where a higher incidence of brood reduction allowed greater potential for sex-biased nestling mortality. In years of the highest average reproductive success, the sex ratio in the marginal brood approached equality, whereas in years of the lowest average reproductive success, more than two thirds of 8-day-old nestlings were female. Structuring the brood into core and marginal elements allowed parents to modulate both offspring number and sex under ecological uncertainty with direct consequences for population-level reproductive success. They produced fewer and less expensive fledglings in below average years and more and more expensive fledglings in above average years.  相似文献   

We examined the causes, costs and benefits of adoption in the altricial lesser kestrel Falco naumanni. Specifically, we tested the intergenerational conflict hypothesis, proposed to explain adoption in some birds. Adoptions involved 76% of the nests and 51% of the nestlings at a mean age of 25 days (12 days before fledging). Nest-switching nestlings were not in poorer body condition, more parasitized or younger than their siblings, and body condition and prey delivery rates of their parents did not differ from those of other parents. In the foster nest, adopted nestlings did not benefit from higher feeding rates or a prolongation of the nestling period. They did not have fewer nest-mates or achieve higher rank within the new brood. Thus, adopted nestlings did not improve their body condition and survival. Adult lesser kestrels seemed unable to finely discriminate beween their own and alien chicks. Foster parents bore the cost of an increase of prey delivery rates, although it did not affect their survival or subsequent reproductive performance. Therefore, our results do not support the intergenerational conflict hypothesis, and suggest that adoption in this species is non-adaptive. Traditionally, the lesser kestrel bred in cliffs where movement among nest-sites was restricted. Nowadays, about half of the colonies are in tiled roofs which facilitate nest-switching by nestlings. The high rate of adoptions may thus be explained as reproductive errors associated with the recent occupation of a new breeding habitat. Received: 3 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 19 January 1997  相似文献   

I describe siblicide in the laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), a reverse size-dimorphic, cooperatively breeding kingfisher. Clutches were usually of three eggs, and nestlings hatched asynchronously, with intervals of 2–72 h between successive eggs. Siblicide occurred in two temporally and mechanistically distinct episodes. The youngest nestling died in one-third of all nests within days of hatching as a result of aggression from its elders. Kookaburra nestlings attacked each other using a hook on their upper beak – a rare example of a morphological specialisation for sibling rivalry. In one-fifth of all nests, the youngest nestling starved to death much later, without overt aggression, when nestling growth rates were highest. I examined the effects of food availability and competitive disparities between nestlings on the incidence of both types of siblicide. The probability of late, starvation-mediated mortality was negatively correlated with the number of male helpers. Early, aggressively mediated siblicide occurred in nests characterised by a suite of correlated variables that I call the ”kookaburra siblicide syndrome”: (1) no male helpers attended the nest, (2) the third-hatched nestling was much smaller than the second-hatched nestling, (3) the first and second nestling to hatch were male and female, respectively, and (4) there was a short hatch interval between the first two nestlings. The kookaburra siblicide syndrome variables could be inter-correlated if they were all related to the female’s condition at the onset of incubation. Females in poorer condition may be less likely to have male helpers, more likely to lay small third eggs, and more likely to hatch the first two eggs relatively synchronously because of nutritional constraints during the onset of incubation. These females may further promote siblicide by modifying the sexes of the first two nestlings. If a female hatches soon after an older but eventually smaller brother, dominance between the first two nestlings could be destabilised. I suggest this leads to escalated aggression in the nest and the death of the third nestling, which is least able to defend itself. Received: 17 December 1999 / Received in revised form: 8 May 2000 / Accepted: 20 May 2000  相似文献   

Abstract: European earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) are spreading into previously earthworm‐free forests in the United States and Canada and causing substantial changes, including homogenization of soil structure, removal of the litter layer, and reduction in arthropod abundance and species richness of understory plants. Whether these changes affect songbirds that nest and forage on the forest floor is unknown. In stands with and without earthworms in the Chequamegon‐Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin (U.S.A.), we surveyed for, monitored nests of, and measured attributes of habitat of Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus) and Hermit Thrushes (Catharus guttatus), both ground‐dwelling songbirds, and we sampled earthworms at survey points and nests. Bird surveys indicated significantly lower densities of Ovenbirds and Hermit Thrushes in relation to Lumbricus invasions at survey point and stand extents (3.1 and 15–20 ha, respectively). Modeling of Ovenbird nest survival (i.e., the probability that nestlings successfully fledge) indicated that lower survival probabilities were associated with increased sedge cover and decreased litter depth, factors that are related to Lumbricus invasions, possibly due to reduced nest concealment or arthropod abundance. Our findings provide compelling evidence that earthworm invasions may be associated with local declines of forest songbird populations.  相似文献   

The extent to which male birds in polygynous species with biparental care assist in nestling feeding often varies considerably between nests of different mating status. Both how much polygynous males assist and how they divide their effort between nests may have a profound effect on the evolution of mating systems. In this study we investigated how males in the facultatively polygynous European starling Sturnus vulgaris invested in their different nests. The amount of male assistance affected the quality of the offspring. Polygynous males invested as much as monogamous males, but divided their effort asymmetrically between nests, predominantly feeding nestlings of first-mated (primary) females. Although females partly compensated for loss of male assistance, total feeding frequency was lower at primary females’ nests than at monogamous females nests. Secondary females received even less assistance with nestling rearing, and the extent to which males assisted decreased with the length of the interval between the hatching of the primary and secondary clutches. These results are contrasted with those from a Belgian populations of starlings with a much more protracted breeding season and thus greater opportunities for males to attract additional mates during the nestling rearing period. The results show that both the “defence of male parental investment model” and the “asynchronous settlement model” have explanatory power, but that their validity depends on the potential length of the breeding season. Received: 21 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 13 July 1996  相似文献   

American robin nestlings compete by jockeying for position   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary We investigated whether nestling American robins (Turdus migratorius) were capable of influencing food distribution in their nests by perceiving that certain sectors of the nest received a relatively high proportion of feedings and positioning themselves accordingly. Feeding observations were obtained from videotape recordings taken at different stages of the nestling period. Parents generally arrived at a predictable location on the nest rim and allocated proportionally more food to nestlings in the central position. The degree of nestling movement was significantly positively correlated with variation in the predictability of parental arrival locations on the nest rim. Furthermore, nestlings moved more in broods suffering brood reduction. This suggests that when competition for food is intense and the location of parental arrival is predictable, nestlings respond by jockeying for access to the most favorable (i.e., central) position in the nest. We conclude that jockeying for position by nestlings can influence the pattern of food allocation by parents, and that hungry nestlings can improve their competitive standing against nestmates by moving to positions where parents are more likely to feed them. Correspondence to: S.B. McRae  相似文献   

Summary We experimentally removed males from a random sample of 14 snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) pairs to determine the influence of male parental care on reproductive success. Widowed females increased their rate of food delivery to nestlings by increasing their feeding visit rate but not their load size. However, Widows were only able to achieve 73% of the food delivery rate of Control pairs and, as a result, they raised fewer offspring of lower quality (i.e. lower mass at fledging). Total brood mass raised by Widows was only 55% of that of Control pairs. Thus, in the year of our experiment, male parental care in the nestling period almost doubled the reproductive success realized from a brood. Our experiment, however, was done in a year of poor food availability and data from the previous year, when food supply was higher, indicate that males may not always be so important. Since nestling food supply appears to be unpredictable at the time of pair formation, we suggest that monogamy is a bet-hedging strategy in case of poor food availability. As a consequence the importance of male parental care in some years may explain why snow buntings are almost always monogamous.  相似文献   

The begging of nestling birds is known to reliably signal short-term nutritional need, which is used by parents to adjust rates of food delivery and patterns of food distribution within broods. To test whether begging signals reflect more than just short-term feeding history, we experimentally created 18 "small" (4-nestling) and 18 "large" (8-nestling) broods in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Compared to small broods, large broods were provisioned by parents at a greater rate, but at a lower visit rate per nestling and with no obvious differences in load mass per visit. However, lower rates of food mass delivery per nestling in large broods did not result in any measurable reduction in nestling growth (i.e. "long-term need") or in any increase in the begging effort per individual nestling whilst in the nest. Mid-way through the nestling period we also used hand-feeding laboratory trials to assess in more detail individual begging behaviour and digestive performance of the three mid-ranking nestlings from each brood. More food items were required at the start of each trial to satiate nestlings from large broods, but despite this initial control for "short-term need", nestlings from large broods went on to beg at consistently higher rates and at different acoustic frequencies. Large brood nestlings also produced smaller faecal sacs, which were quantitatively different in content but did not differ in frequency. We suggest that different nutritional histories can produce cryptic changes in nestling digestive function, and that these can lead to important differences in begging signals despite controlling for short term need.  相似文献   

Need and nestmates affect begging in tree swallows   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We conducted an experiment on nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to examine predictions from signalling models for the evolution of conspicuous begging behaviour. Specifically, we examined the relationship between (1) nestling begging intensity and hunger, (2) begging intensity and parental provisioning and (3) begging intensity and nestmate condition. Forty broods of 9-day-old nestlings were removed from their nests for 1 h and assigned to one of the following three treatments: (1) all nestlings in the brood deprived of food (n = 13), (2) all nestlings in the brood fed (n = 11) or (3) half the nestlings in the brood deprived and half fed (n = 16). Videotapes before and after the treatments showed that begging intensity increased in broods in which all of the nestlings had been deprived and decreased in broods in which all of the nestlings had been fed. Deprived nestlings in the half-and-half treatment did not change their begging intensity in response to treatment, while fed nestlings in this treatment group showed a decrease in begging intensity. Parent tree swallows increased their feeding rate to deprived broods and decreased their rate to fed broods. Within broods, parents decreased their feeding rate to fed nestlings, but showed no significant change in feeding to deprived nestlings. Our results suggest that begging intensity is influenced by hunger and that parents appear to respond to variation in begging intensity. The begging of nestmates also appears to influence begging independently of need. These results are consistent with predictions derived from signalling models of begging. Received: 20 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

To optimize fitness, organisms may have to trade the number and quality of individual offspring against their own condition and survival. Limiting micronutrients such as antioxidants may be crucial to this trade-off. We investigated whether vitamin E, a major antioxidant in the diet of vertebrates, is limiting to barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings. We manipulated brood size to alter the intensity of sib–sib competition and supplemented nestlings with two different physiological doses of vitamin E while establishing a control group. Treatment effects were measured on body mass and size, feather growth, T cell-mediated immune response and hematocrit. Supplementation with vitamin E at intermediate physiological doses improved nestling mass and condition and feather growth, whereas higher physiological doses did not enhance offspring quality compared to a control treatment. The positive effects of vitamin E on body mass and condition were only detectable from days 6 to 10 when maximum growth rate is attained. Experimental enlargement of broods reduced body mass and size and T cell-mediated immune response only during the late nestling period. The effect of vitamin E supplementation did not depend on brood size manipulation, as revealed by the nonsignificant statistical interaction. This result contradicts the hypothesis that availability of vitamin E depends on intrabrood competition and instead suggests that it depends on concentration of vitamin E in the insect prey of swallows. Thus, antioxidants may be available in limited amounts to barn swallow nestlings and such limitation affects growth. In addition, present results confirm that barn swallow parents trade progeny number against growth and immunity of individual offspring.  相似文献   

For the protection of early and summer cauliflower and brussels sprouts crops against root fly, the insecticide chlorpyrifos was applied at planting onto soil around the stem of the plant, or in the planting line. In the soil, chlorpyrifos (1) was transformed into the insecticide metabolites oxon, 0,0‐diethyl‐0‐(3,5,6‐tri‐chloro‐2‐pyridinyl) phosphate (2), and 3,5,6‐trichloro‐2‐pyridinol (3). The soil half life time of chlorpyrifos could be 2.8 times greater (42 days relative to 15 days) when the field history as to cauliflower monoculture and insecticide treatments was short (1 year), than when it was long (8 years). Rains and season also had cumulative effects on the chlorpyrifos soil half life times. In the leaves of cabbage, chlorpyrifos and compound 3 were observed at concentrations which were higher, especially when their soil concentrations were high. Chlorpyrifos and compounds 2 and 3 however were not detected in the “flower” of cauliflower, nor in the brussels sprouts itself, the limit of sensitivity being 0.02 ppm of fresh weight.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that parental condition may affect offspring mortality patterns by affecting offspring testosterone levels. Accordingly, we hypothesized that there is a relationship between offspring testosterone concentration and survival during the early nestling period, and that both are influenced by parent age/experience and by prey availability. We tested our hypothesis on tawny owls Strix aluco in their first and third known breeding seasons, when they bred either in adverse or mild weather conditions, in Duna-Ipoly National Park, Hungary. Plasma testosterone concentrations of the nestlings were analyzed and related to parental condition, hatching order and nestling mortality. Inexperienced parents breeding in all weather conditions and experienced parents breeding in adverse conditions were both in poor condition compared to experienced parents breeding in mild conditions. Parents in poor condition produced broods with large between-sibling differences in testosterone concentrations and their later-hatched nestlings (which had low testosterone levels) died during the early nestling period, whereas parents in good condition produced broods with lower variation in offspring testosterone concentrations and all offspring survived the early nestling period. We discuss environmental influences on the amount of testosterone deposited in eggs, and also how maternal testosterone might induce those mechanisms producing testosterone in the nestlings.Communicated by M. Webster, T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Summary The effect of brood size and female nesting status on male parental behavior was investigated in red-winged blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus using brood size manipulation experiments. Male redwings allocated parental effort on the basis of brood size and nestling age. Males began assisting females only at nests with at least three offspring older than three days. Female nesting status had no singificant influence on male parental care. When females were unable to meet a brood's demand for food, males assisted females with nestling feeding. Females did not reduce the amount of food delivered to nestlings when males assisted. The amount of food brought to nestlings by the male was additional to the amount of food provided by the female. Male assistance increased fledgling success. When female provisioning was sufficient to meet a brood's demand for food males did not assist. The value of male parental care varied inversely with the ability of the female to meet nestling food demands. The ability of unassisted females to provide sufficient food and to raise a brood of nestlings successfully appeared to be influenced by resource abundance.  相似文献   

Nestling American robins compete with siblings by begging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The evolution of intense begging by dependent nestling birds has recently been the subject of several theoretical papers. The interesting problem here is that nestlings should be able to communicate their nutritional status to parents in ways that are less costly energetically and less likely to attract predators. Thus, conspicuous begging behaviour is thought to have evolved as a result of either competition among nestmates or the manipulation of their parents to provide more food than would otherwise be favoured by selection. We studied sibling competition for parental feedings in the American robin (Turdus migratorius). We demonstrate that the probability that an individual nestling received food was related to several indices of begging. When we experimentally prevented parents from feeding part of their brood, both the intensity of begging and the number of feedings subsequently received by food-deprived nestlings increased. Furthermore, the begging intensity of those nestlings that were not food-deprived also increased in response to the begging of their hungrier siblings.Offprint requests to: R. Montgomerie  相似文献   

We used a brood-size manipulation to test the effect of rearing environment on structural coloration of feathers grown by eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) nestlings. Ultraviolet (UV)-blue structural coloration has been shown to be sexually selected in this species. Our experimental design took advantage of the growth of UV-blue wing feathers in nestlings that are retained as part of the first nuptial plumage. We cross-fostered nestlings to create enlarged and reduced broods with the purpose of manipulating parental feeding rates and measured the effect on nestling growth and plumage coloration. Brood size influenced feeding rates to offspring, but the effect varied with season. In general, male nestlings reared in reduced broods were fed more often, weighed more, and displayed brighter structural plumage compared to nestlings reared in enlarged broods. Female nestlings appeared to experience less adverse affects of brood enlargement, and we did not detect an effect of brood-size manipulation on the plumage coloration of female nestlings. Measures of plumage coloration in both males and females, however, were correlated to hatching date and nestling mass during feather development. These data provide empirical evidence that environmental quality can influence the development of the blue structural coloration of feathers and that males may be more sensitive to environmental fluctuations than females.  相似文献   

We conducted playback experiments to examine how parent tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) use nestling begging calls to distribute feedings to individuals within broods. In a first study, we used a paired-choice test to determine if parents discriminated between the taped begging calls of nestlings deprived of food and those of nestlings that had been recently fed. Our results showed that parents directed their first feeding attempt towards model nestlings near speakers playing deprived calls significantly more often than to models near speakers playing fed calls. They also made more feeding attempts overall to models with deprived calls. In the second study, we varied call rate and amplitude to examine which call features parents might use to discriminate begging calls. Parents directed significantly more first feeding attempts and more feeding attempts overall towards non-begging nestlings near speakers playing high call rates than to nestlings near speakers playing low call rates. They did not, however, discriminate between calls differing in amplitude. Previous studies have shown that parent birds use begging calls to regulate overall feeding rates to the brood. Our results suggest that parent tree swallows also use begging calls when feeding individual nestlings and, in particular, prefer calls associated with increased levels of nestling hunger. Received: 14 February 2000 / Revised: 6 October 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

白肚燕,又名双色树燕,栖居于五大湖流域中27个双边共同关注区域(AOCs),从2010年到2014年对其进行了污染物暴露风险评估,以协助管理者和监管者评估五大湖AOCs的污染状况。本文比较了AOCs和附近非AOCs雏鸟体内污染物浓度的差异。AOCs白肚燕雏鸟尸体中多氯联苯(PCB)和多溴联苯醚的含量分别为30%和33%,低于非AOCs的平均浓度。AOCs白肚燕雏鸟胃含物中多环芳烃(PAH)浓度和血浆中全氟化合物浓度分别为67%和64%,也低于非AOCs的平均浓度。但是与已有生殖效应记载的高PCB污染区相比,有些AOCs雏鸟尸体内的PCBs浓度只是存在小幅升高。一些AOCs食物中PAHs的浓度足够高以致引起可测量的生理响应。在AOCs中,全氟化合物全氟辛烷磺酸在血浆中的最高浓度出现在Raisin河(密歇根州,美国;几何平均数330 ng/mL),但远低于预估毒性的参考值(1 700 ng/mL)。之前有研究报道雏鸟胃含物中PAH和PCB的浓度以及尸体中PCBs的含量与沉积物中污染物的含量显著相关,从而可加强白肚燕在评估沉积物污染生物有效性方面的应用。
精选自Thomas W. Custer, Christine M. Custer, Paul M. Dummer, Diana Goldberg, J. Christian Franson, Richard A. Erickson. Organic contamination in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings at United States and binational Great Lakes areas of concern. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 735–748, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3598

Food supply and hatching asynchrony were manipulated for 90 broods of American kestrels (Falco sparverius) during 1989–1991. We measured the growth and mortality of nestlings within four treatment groups (asynchronous, synchronous, food-supplemented, unsupplemented) to test the brood reduction hypothesis of Lack (1947, 1954). Fledging success did not differ between synchronous and asynchronous broods when food was poor but consistent with the brood reduction hypothesis, nestlings died at a younger age in asynchronous broods. When food was supplemented, mortality did not occur in the synchronous broods but youngest nestlings still died in asynchronous nests despite apparently adequate food for the brood. Oldest nestlings in asynchronous broods fledged with a greater mass than their younger siblings, also consistent with Lack's hypothesis. Average nestling quality in synchronous broods was very dependent on food levels. Synchronous young that were supplemented were, on average, the heaviest of any treatment group but young from unsupplemented synchronous broods were the lightest. Overall, patterns of mortality and growth for kestrels support the brood reduction hypothesis when food is limited, but not when it is abundant. This food-dependent benefit of asynchrony in the nestling period is a prerequisite for facultatively adjusted hatching spans during laying.  相似文献   

In altricial birds, resource allocation during early developmental stages is the result of an interaction between parental feeding decisions and scramble competition between nestmates. Hatching asynchrony in birds leads to a pronounced age hierarchy among their offspring. Therefore, whenever parents exert control over resource allocation parents feeding asynchronous broods should simultaneously assess individual offspring internal condition and age. In this study, we first studied whether the highly ultraviolet (UV) reflective body skin of nestlings in the asynchronous European Roller (Coracias garrulus; roller hereafter) relates to nestling quality. In a second stage, we experimentally studied parental biases in food allocation towards senior and junior sibling rollers in relation to a manipulation of UV reflectance of the skin of their offspring. Heavier roller nestlings had less brilliant and less UV saturated skins than weaker nestlings. In our experiment, we found that parents with large broods preferentially fed nestlings presenting skin coloration revealing small body size (i.e. control nestlings) over nestlings presenting skin coloration revealing large body size (i.e. UV-blocked nestlings). Within the brood, we found that parental food allocation strategy depended on nestling age: parents preferentially fed senior nestlings signalling small body size, but did not show preference between control and UV-blocked junior nestlings. These results emphasise that parent rollers use UV cues of offspring quality while balancing the age of their offspring to adjust their feeding strategies, and suggest that parents may adopt finely tuned strategies of control over resource allocation in asynchronous broods.  相似文献   

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