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Long-term observations of the Xiamen Sea in Fujian Province were used to analyze variations in sea temperature, salinity, inorganic nitrogen (N), activated phosphate (P), and phytoplankton, as well as the features of red tides. Results showed that in recent decades, sea temperature and concentrations of N and P nutrients increased while salinity decreased attributed to climate warming, rainfall, and human sewage. In addition, reduction in the number of phytoplankton species and rising abundance of phytoplankton indicated that the structure of phytoplankton community presented a simplified and minimized trend which magnified the dominance of dominant phytoplankton species. Since 2000, red tides have occurred more frequently, and the eutrophic-type diatom species, Skeletonema costatum appears to be the predominant species. Data suggested that variations of N and P nutrients exert a potent and rapid influence on phytoplankton than sea temperature and ocean salinity.  相似文献   

We consider one and two-dimensional minimal models in plankton dynamics. The influence of oscillating boundary forcing functions as agents for triggering pattern formation is discussed. In particular it is found that in these conditions population waves arise for one dimensional models, while for two dimensional models, different amplitudes and frequencies in the boundary forcing generate definite patterns, mimicking the boundary term. This happens even though the model we investigate is very simple. The emergence of these features is an interesting metaphor for the fundamental biological problem of how pattern formation processes may be inevitable in natural heterogeneous ecosystems.  相似文献   

J. Kuprinen 《Marine Biology》1987,93(4):591-607
Primary productivity and respiration of the overall plankton community and of ultraplankton (organisms passing through a 3-m Nuclepore filter) were studied at the entrance to the Gulf of Finland during the growth season in 1982. Data of the respiration measurements from previous years are also presented. During the development of a diatom spring bloom, the algal component could be successfully separated from the bacterial component by size fractionation with a 3-m Nuclepore filter and thus the algal respiration could be approximated, being on the order of 10 to 20% of the gross production. After the phytoplankton spring maximum, bacteria played an important role in mediating the energy flow from phytoplankton exudates to higher trophic levels. Maximum values of 1 230 and 740 mg O2 m-2 d-1 were recorded for overall and for ultraplankton respiration, respectively, during late July. High productivity values coupled with low phytoplankton biomass and low inorganic nutrient values were also recorded in late July, indicating effective nutrient regeneration and rapid turnover of the plankton community. During late summer, a considerable fraction (over 30%) of phytoplankton production was released as exudates, suggesting that much of the energy is channeled to higher trophic levels via bacterial pathways rather than by direct herbivorous grazing during this season. The summer development of phytoplankton community structure and functioning is strongly controlled by hydrographic conditions, i.e. by nutrient inputs via upwelling and by water temperature. A carbon budget for late summer indicated that bacteria may contribute only up to 50% of the overall respiration of the plankton community, which suggests that heterotrophs other than bacteria play an important role in nutrient regeneration. The present study stresses the importance of energy flow via the phytoplankton exudatebacteria-micrograzer pathway in relatively oligotrophic, brackish water ecosystems.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of eight Northwest Atlantic populations of the marine polychaeteGlycera dibranchiata Ehlers was examined with starch gel electrophoresis. Samples were collected during summer and fall 1981, and seven polymorphic and four monomorphic loci were consistently scored. Average heterozygosity (0.126) and percent polymorphic loci (59.3) were comparable to the averages reported for marine invertebrates. Minimum genetic distances between populations ranged from 0.003 to 0.093, levels typically associated with local populations of the same species in other taxa. Based on these data, inter- and intra-estuarine migration and gene flow appear to be low. Only two populations, separated by 13 km along the same river in New Brunswick, Canada, were not genetically different from each other. These findings may have relevance for management strategies in bloodworms.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,184(1):103-123
The nitrogen cycle in the lagoon of Venice, which is the largest Italian lagoon, was investigated by means of a 3D fully coupled transport – water quality model, which had been validated against a substantial amount of real-world data. Nitrogen fluxes among different ecosystem compartments were computed for each month of a reference year, and for each one of the three sub-basins into which the lagoon is conventionally subdivided. The computation included the loads of nitrogen discharged by the tributaries, the direct inputs from the industrial area and the city of Venice, the atmospheric loads, the fluxes at the three lagoon inlets and the internal fluxes between sediment and water compartments and among the three sub-basins. The results of the analysis show that the lagoon, as a whole, exports nitrogen towards the sea. Approximately 4000 tN/year are recycled by the system, while 4640 tN/year is the net input from the drainage basin and the other sources, thus leading to about 8640 tN/year of dissolved inorganic nitrogen that enter the water compartment. Around half of the this amount is used by primary producers, one fourth is exported towards the sea, and one fourth is transferred into the sediment compartment, or lost to atmosphere. These findings suggest that the exchanges through the inlets play an important role in keeping nitrogen concentration at an acceptable level. A more detailed analysis of the model results shows that the non-homogeneous spatial distribution of tributary discharges and point sources is the main cause of the differences in the ecosystem response and water quality among the three sub-basins. Nutrient poorer sub-basins fix a ration of available inorganic nutrient higher than nutrient rich ones. However, they are more efficient in transferring the biomass to the highest trophic levels. Results also include estimates of fluxes that were not quantified so far (such as grazing and recycling), and a validated model, which could have a practical use, for example for assessing implications of reduction of nutrient loads.  相似文献   


The interaction of hydrological, chemical and biological factors in a defined time may cause an excess bloom of phytoplankton in an ecosystem, which can persist over a long period or occur from time to time.

This phenomenon has been recorded from the northern Adriatic and coastal enclosed basins along the eastern Adriatic coast (Ka?tela Bay, Split) for a long time now.

During 1988 this phenomenon of increased production was recorded from almost the entire northern and middle Adriatic with some traces even in its southern part. Some preliminary results for that period point to the fact that this was caused very likely by exceptionally warm and dry weather, with no significant precipitations and wind. Such conditions affect horizontal and vertical stratification of water masses.

High photosynthetic radiation, increased quantities of alochthonous organic matter, either in the form of particulate or dissolved organic matter, either in the form of particulate or dissolved organic carbon (POC or DOC), influx of nutrients (via rivers, municipal sewage or upwelling) are the main causes of sudden bloom and rapid reproduction rate of phytoplankton species (Diatoms) to the large quantities to which the pollution of the entire coastal area is due.  相似文献   

A synoptic study of the phytoplankton and zooplankton distribution in the eastern Mediterranean Sea was carried out in the summer of 1965 during a cruise of R.V. “Pillsbury”. The phytoplankton maximum was normally found at 100 m, below the 1% level of surface light, with a frequent smaller peak at 40 m. In shallower waters, the main peak was at 80 m. The greatest number of phytophagous crustaceans was recorded at, or close to, the phytoplankton maximum. Depth relationships of phytoplankton and functionally phytoplanktonic species are discussed. Zooplankton was collected from depths down to 4,400 m, the deepest cast being in the Rhodes Deep. The most common species and genera of some selected groups of zooplankton were identified and their distribution considered in the light of some previous cruises in part of the area. The presence of Acantharia containing zooxanthellae with chlorophyll at, and below, 4,000 m was recorded for the first time. Potentially photosynthetic Ceratium vultur and C. carriense (Dinophyceae), both species in active division, were also found at these depths, as well as Halosphaera viridis (Prasinophyceae), which was recorded down to a depth of 1,000 m.  相似文献   

固定化微生物对养殖水体浮游生物的影响及生物除氮研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
研究了固定化微生物(含有光合细菌、芽胞杆菌、硝化细菌以及反硝化细菌)对养殖水体中藻类和浮游动物的种类、数量、生物量以及水体氮素等理化环境的影响.结果表明,固定化微生物处理后,水体中藻的种数增加,藻类细胞(或丝状体)数量及生物量减少;水体中浮游动物种类和生物量增加,从而浮游动物的群落组成发生了变化.微生物经固定化处理后,脱氮率高,有效期长;小球内固定化微生物总数和与脱氮速率呈正相关,其回归方程为y=-6.23×10-3 1.86×10-5x;固定化微生物处理可以显著降低水体的总氮、氨态氮和硝态氮的浓度,其含量分别是对照的40.8%、36.5%和45.9%.图3表1参10  相似文献   


Kingston Harbour has been experiencing increased levels of organic pollution since initial ecological assessments in 1971. to develop a new baseline of eutrophication in the Harbour 20 years later, and determine the most appropriate indices to be used in the continued monitoring the area, the water quality of Kingston Harbour was reassessed between December 1992 and 1993, by contemporaneous sampling of traditional water column parameters and planktonic communities at 28 stations within the Harbour. Indices used for water quality assessment were temperature, salinity, light penetration, dissolved oxygen, BOD and nutrients (nitrates-N, phosphate-P and ammonia-N). Results indicated that the planktonic community provided the most reliable index of increased eutrophication and changes in water quality. While physical variables indicated little change in Harbour waters and chemical variables indicated significant but erratic changes, the planktonic community displayed the classic characteristics of eutrophication. Phytoplankton biomass (a maximum of 148 mg m?3 chlorophyll a) was 5 to 10 times greater than in 1971 while zooplankton abundances (maximum of 80,000 animals m?3) were 4 times greater. in both cases the community composition had altered and there were fewer taxa than previously found.  相似文献   

Data upon water exit-velocity in an encased high-speed plankton sampler were obtained during field use and analysed; the results show that reduction in size of mouth opening allows complete avoidance of clogging under normal working conditions in temperate waters. Reduction of mouth opening has the further effect of increasing the filtration coefficient in such a way that the sampler apparentlyfilters more than the theoretical quantity of water that would be expected from the mouth area. Unobstructed flow through the net probably reduces avoidance by fast-moving plankters.  相似文献   

Between 1980 and 1984, plankton was collected for metal analysis during four expeditions in the Baltic Sea. for comparison, samples from adjacent areas of the northeastern Atlantic Ocean were also taken. the mixed net-plankton samples were analyzed by AAS for metals (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu. Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn). the results are discussed with regard to spatial and temporal trends and for comparison with data from other authors. Correlations among the contents of the different metals and between the metal contents and 'external factors' including salinity, season, percentage of co-collected phytoplankton, and concentration of dissolved and particulate metals in the water are considered.

There is a tendency for higher metal contents in plankton from the brackish Baltic Sea (Al, Mn and Hg), while other metals (e.g. Cd) show higher levels in samples taken from the marine environment. Except for mercury, no clear correlations could be found between the metal content in plankton and the dissolved concentration of the same metal in the ambient water. Otherwise, the contents of aluminium, iron, manganese and zinc in the suspended particulate matter and in the plankton seem to be partly related to each other.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic phase of plankton succession in the Japan Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The vertical structure, composition and productivity of a plankton community was studied in the Japan Sea in June, 1972 during a period of thermocline formation; the parameters measured were: phytoplankton production and biomass; number, biomass, and production of planktonic bacteria; biomass of phagotrophic flagellates, ciliates and remaining microzooplankton. The concentration of micro- and mesozooplankton attained a basic maximum in a layer near the upper part of the thermocline. The biomass and calculated production of the heterotrophic part of the community exceeded considerably the amount of primary production. The heterotrophic phase of the seasonal succession of a plankton community in a temperate sea is described, when heterotrophic metabolism and production predominate. Heterotrophs at this stage use mostly energy from organic matter accumulated during the previous spring phytoplankton bloom.  相似文献   

对2006年1月采自松花江红旗渡口到同江7个样点的浮游生物群落进行了RAPD指纹分析,进而探讨了河流生态系统浮游生物群落DNA指纹与物种组成之间的关系.筛选出的8条随机引物扩增的谱带全为多态性带,其中特有条带所占比例最大(30.2%);形态分类共检测到浮游生物66种,且没有检测到7个样点的共有种类;这些结果显示研究区域浮游生物群落相似性比较低,环境差异性较大.基于DNA指纹的聚类进一步表明,同江、红旗渡口和佳木斯的浮游生物群落较为相似而聚为一枝,哨口、肇源和哈尔滨为一枝,而松原成为单独的一枝.物种组成则将上游的红旗渡口与哨口,下游的同江与佳木斯分别划为一类,位于中间的3个样点为一类.DNA指纹主要揭示相对优势类群DNA的多态性,因此主要反映的是浮游生物群落与环境的关系;而物种组成在这里更多是反映与空间距离的关系,水流是重要的影响因素,上游的部分个体随水流带到了下游.由此可见,浮游生物群落DNA指纹分析在河流生态系统大空间尺度研究中具有重要意义,尤其是在揭示群落与环境关系方面,并能为水环境分子生物学评价体系的建立积累基础资料和提供蘑要依据.图4表3参21  相似文献   

以宁波市北仑区梅山水道形成的人工泻湖为研究对象,在不同季节进行水质及浮游生物调查,分析其浮游生物时空分布特征与水质的关系。4个采样点共检出浮游植物66种,以硅藻为绝对优势种,检出浮游动物25种,主要为桡足类、少量轮虫及网纹虫;拦坝后水道内浮游生物密度有了数量级增长,各项生物评价指数降低,但各采样点仍处于中污染水平。监测理化参数表明,研究水域在拦坝后盐度下降、悬浮物浓度下降,氮磷含量无明显变化;水域大部分点位处于中度富营养化水平。结合浮游生物分布与理化参数进行分析,发现堤坝合龙后,水道内侧海水淡化、悬浮物含量下降,导致浮游生物密度上升、生物多样性下降、出现淡水优势种群;营养盐含量不是浮游生物生长的限制因子,对浮游生物分布无显著影响。  相似文献   

A study of seasonal variations in the pattern of year-to-year changes, for 1948 to 1982, in the abundance of four zooplankton taxa (Pseudocalanus elongatus Acartia clausi, Calanus finmarchicus and Hyperiidea) for the North Sea suggests that an element of the variations, represented at least in part by a quasi-linear downward trend, has its origins in winter and its occurrence through the year is a function of inherent persistence. A downward linear trend is the dominant pattern in the annual fluctuations in abundance of many species of zooplankton throughout the north-east Atlantic and the North Sea. It is argued that it is reasonable to extrapolate from the limited data set included in the detailed study and to assume a winter origin for the pattern wherever it occurs. Some implications for ideas about the dynamics of the plankton ecosystem are considered.  相似文献   

Vasseur DA  Gaedke U 《Ecology》2007,88(8):2058-2071
Community biomass is often less variable than the biomasses of populations within the community, yet attempts to implicate compensatory dynamics between populations as a cause of this relationship often fail. In part, this may be due to the lack of appropriate metrics for variability, but there is also great potential for large-scale processes such as seasonality or longer-term environmental change to obscure important dynamics at other temporal scales. In this study, we apply a scale-resolving method to long-term plankton data, to identify the specific temporal scales at which community-level variability is influenced by synchrony or compensatory dynamics at the population level. We show that variability at both the population and community level is influenced strongly by a few distinct temporal scales: in phytoplankton, ciliate, rotifer, and crustacean communities, synchronous dynamics are predominant at most temporal scales. However, in phytoplankton and crustacean communities, compensatory dynamics occur at a sub-annual scale (and at the annual scale in crustaceans) leading to substantial reductions in community-level variability. Aggregate measures of population and community variability do not detect compensatory dynamics in these communities; thus, resolving their scale dependence unmasks dynamics that are important for community stability in this system. The methods and results presented herein will ultimately lead to a better understanding of how stability is achieved in communities.  相似文献   

The first incident of green oysters (Crassostrea gigas) was reported in Taiwan in the Charting coastal area in January, 1986 and mortality was reported three months later. the cause of the greened oysters was identified as copper pollution. the copper content of the green oysters was extremely high - 2100 ppm, 2225 ppm, and 4400 ppm dry weight, in January, 1986, February 1987, and January 1989, respectively. in this paper we summarize the seasonal and regional distributions of copper species (complexed by inorganic and organic ligands, labile and non-labile, polar and non-polar) and forms (dissolved and particulate) and the hydrographic and biomass parameters (mainly particulate organic carbon, chloropyll -α, adenosine triphosphate and primary production) in sea water in the Erhjin Chi coastal area. in general, high concentrations of particulate material (0.24 to 724 ppb) and non-labile organic copper (0.03 to 21.5 ppb) were observed. Low values of polar organic copper (<0.02 to 16.5 ppb) indicated that non-polar organic complexes (0.3 to 20.4 ppb) from man-made organic pollutants were the major complexes in the area studied. On the basis of this data, the cause of greening and mortality in oysters is evaluated in relation to the bioavailable copper (sum of particulate and labile copper) and copper assimilative capacity (detoxicant). Finally, the correlations between the species and forms of copper, hydrographic and biomass parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   

Primary productivity data from 6 cruises in the Gulf of California are summarized. A total of 31 stations with 133 samples was available. The Gulf of California represents a subtropical area with exceptionally high rates of primary productivity. This fact may be accounted for by temporary seasonal upwelling, a wind-mixed water column down to the shallow thermocline, especially in the northern part of the Gulf, and by tidal mixing, especially in the Ballenas Channel between Baja California and the island Angel de la Guardia. Rates of primary productivity in the Gulf of California are comparable to those in areas such as the Bay of Bengal, the upwelling areas off the west coast of Baja California, or North Africa. They are about 2 to 3 times greater than that in the open Atlantic or the open Pacific at similar latitudes.Contribution from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. This work was part of the Scripps Tuna Oceanography Research Program. It was supported by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries under contract number 14-17-0007-963. Shiptime was provided from funds of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Closing the Gulf between Botanists and Conservationists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《Ecological modelling》2007,200(1-2):225-233
An eco-hydrodynamic (ECOH) model is proposed for Lake Tanganyika to study the plankton productivity. The hydrodynamic sub-model solves the non-linear, reduced-gravity equations in which wind is the dominant forcing. The ecological sub-model for the epilimnion comprises nutrients, primary production, phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton biomass. In the absence of significant terrestrial input of nutrients, the nutrient loss is compensated for by seasonal, wind-driven, turbulent entrainment of nutrient-rich hypolimnion water into the epilimnion, which gives rise to high plankton productivity twice in the year, during the transition between two seasons. Model simulations predict well the seasonal contrasts of the measured physical and ecological parameters. Numerical tests indicate that the half saturation constant for grazing by zooplankton and the fish predation rate on zooplankton affect the zooplankton biomass measurably more than that of phytoplankton biomass. This work has implications for the application of this model to predict the climatological biological productivity of Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

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