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高太忠  张昊  周建伟 《生态环境》2011,20(4):652-658
为揭示在溶解性有机物(DOM)作用下土壤中重金属的吸附和迁移规律并确定迁移数学模型,通过不同条件下的等温吸附实验和土柱淋滤实验,研究了溶解性有机物对重金属Cu,Cd,Pb,Zn在褐土中吸附和迁移行为的影响。结果表明DOM对Cu和Cd在土壤中的吸附促进作用较明显,对Pb有微弱的促进作用,对Zn的吸附影响不明显;随着pH的改变,25℃下Cu在土壤中的吸附高于15℃和35℃条件下。DOM质量浓度越高,Cd、Zn溶出的促进效果越明显,Cu、Pb则恰好相反。DOM对土壤中Cd、Zn的垂直迁移起着促进作用,而对Cu、Pb迁移起着一定的抑制作用;DOM对土壤重金属的平均迁移量随时间的延长而减少。此迁移模型能够定量计算并预测重金属质量浓度的时空分布。  相似文献   

Sorption of heavy metals on organic and inorganic soil constituents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sorption of heavy metals to organic matter and mineral soil constituents can hardly be separated experimentally. Here we studied the retention capacity of organic matter and minerals from soils in a long-term field experiment in which the organic carbon content had been altered, but the mineral phase had remained constant over time. The sorption of Cu, Cd and Zn showed a non-additive contribution of soil organic matter and minerals to the sorption capacity of soil. Sorption on organic matter exceeded mineral sorption from 6 to 13 times. This is the first time that sorption to soil organic matter is quantified in bulk soils.  相似文献   

吴鑫  杨红 《生态环境》2003,12(1):81-85
概括了环境中可溶性有机物的特点,并系统总结了当前国内外关于可溶性有机物对土壤中主要污染物环境行为的影响的研究进展。阐述了可溶性有机物对农药、多环芳烃在土壤中的吸附、解吸及分配等环境行为所起的作用。最后指出了该方面研究存在的问题及今后应加强的方向。  相似文献   

为掌握可溶性有机质(DOM)对憎水性有机污染物吸附和解吸行为的影响,本研究选取四环多环芳烃——芘作为目标污染物,通过批平衡实验研究了不同分子量组分DOM对芘在泥炭和高岭土上吸附和解吸的影响.结果表明,吸附和解吸数据均可以用Freundlich模型很好地拟合(R2>0.93).DOM的添加抑制了泥炭对芘的吸附,并且分子量...  相似文献   

Most current soil organic matter (SOM) models represent the soil as a bulk without specification of the vertical distribution of SOM in the soil profile. However, the vertical SOM profile may be of great importance for soil carbon cycling, both on short (hours to years) time scale, due to interactions with the soil temperature and moisture profile, as well as on long (years to centuries) time scale because of depth-specific stabilization mechanisms of organic matter. It is likely that a representation of the SOM profile and surface organic layers in SOM models can improve predictions of the response of land surface fluxes to climate and environmental variability. Although models capable of simulating the vertical SOM profile exist, these were generally not developed for large scale predictive simulations and do not adequately represent surface organic horizons. We present SOMPROF, a vertically explicit SOM model, designed for implementation into large scale ecosystem and land surface models. The model dynamically simulates the vertical SOM profile and organic layer stocks based on mechanistic representations of bioturbation, liquid phase transport of organic matter, and vertical distribution of root litter input. We tested the model based on data from an old growth deciduous forest (Hainich) in Germany, and performed a sensitivity analysis of the transport parameters, and the effects of the vertical SOM distribution on temporal variation of heterotrophic respiration. Model results compare well with measured organic carbon profiles and stocks. SOMPROF is able to simulate a wide range of SOM profiles, using parameter values that are realistic compared to those found in previous studies. Results of the sensitivity analysis show that the vertical SOM distribution strongly affects temporal variation of heterotrophic respiration due to interactions with the soil temperature and moisture profile.  相似文献   

不同改良剂对重金属污染农田水稻产量和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
探讨了石灰、过磷酸钙和有机物等改良剂的应用对水稻(oryzasativa)产量和重金属吸收的影响。实验共四种处理:T1,对照;T2,石灰(0.25kg·m-2);T3,石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2);T4,石灰 过磷酸钙 有机物(0.90kg·m-2)。叶面喷施的处理方法研究不多,因此结合在水稻的孕穗期喷施KH2PO4(0.3%)溶液研究喷施途径的处理效果。结果显示,T3处理即石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2),对于降低水稻体内的重金属含量效果最好,与对照相比,米中的Pb、Zn和Cd分别下降了61.8%、14.1%和45.1%,同时也使水稻茎叶中的Pb和Zn分别比对照下降8.1%和4.3%。另外,在水稻的叶面喷施KH2PO4溶液将水稻的产量从0.61kg·m-2提高到0.68kg·m-2,并且这种喷施措施也能有效地降低水稻中的重金属含量。  相似文献   

红树植物凋落叶分解对土壤可溶性有机质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究红树林湿地土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的来源、性质及其归宿对于揭示 DOM 在红树林湿地生物地球化学循环中的作用具有重要意义。采集了木榄(Bruguiera gymnoihiza)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)和桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)3种红树植物的新近落叶进行室内48 d分解实验,探讨了凋落叶分解过程对土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和可溶性总氮(TDN)含量、C/N比(DOC/TDN)及紫外-可见(UV-Vis)光谱特征(A280、A240/A420和A250/A365比值)的影响。在48 d分解期间,3种红树植物凋落叶的输入均明显增加了土壤DOC的含量,其变化在分解第6 d最为显著,各凋落叶添加组比对照组平均增加了149%(秋茄)~196%(桐花树),随后各凋落叶添加组土壤DOC含量呈下降趋势。与土壤DOC的变化不同,凋落叶输入后土壤TDN的变化与对照组的差异不明显,但木榄和桐花树添加组的C/N比在分解初期(第6天)显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。凋落叶的输入亦在不同程度上增大了土壤DOM的A280值,降低了DOM的A240/A420和A250/A365比值。与土壤DOC的变化相似,凋落叶输入使DOM的UV-Vis光谱特征在分解初期(第6天)的变化最明显,其中桐花树凋落叶的影响最大,秋茄凋落叶的影响最小。结果表明:凋落叶输入使培养初期土壤DOM的含量和性质发生明显改变,DOM中大分子及芳香类组分增多、团聚化程度增加,DOM 的生物可降解性变小。然而,随着分解的进行,不同凋落叶处理组之间土壤DOM的变化差异性逐渐缩小,并在分解后期与对照组趋近。  相似文献   

污染土壤中有机质结合态重金属的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
章明奎  方利平  周翠 《生态环境》2005,14(5):650-653
用物理与化学相结合的方法研究了2个污染土壤剖面中有机质结合重金属(Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn)的分布,把有机质相结合态重金属分为颗粒状有机质(POM)结合的重金属和与细土腐殖质结合的重金属。结果表明,土壤POM对重金属有明品的富集作用,其中〉2mmPOM重金属Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn的富集系数分别在1.4~3.2、2.5~2.6、2.8—3.9和3.0~3.9之间;而0.05~2mmPOM重金属Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn的富集系数分别在2.7~7.8、3.2~6.4、3.2~9.3和3.2~5.6之间,0.05~2mmPOM组分中重金属的平均富集高于〉2mmPOM组分。POM中重金属的富集程度与土壤重金属的积累呈正相关。有机质结合态重金属占土壤重金属总最的比例随土壤有机质积累而增高,表土层约40%以上的重金属以有机质结合态存在。  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤的原位淋洗修复既要实现对重金属的高效去除,还要尽量减少对土壤性质的破坏,这一点在农业污染土壤修复中尤为重要。以张士污灌区农田土壤为研究对象,利用振荡浸提技术筛选有机酸和表面活性剂组合,并确定了两者联合淋洗修复污染土壤的最佳配比。结果表明:有机酸(酒石酸、乙酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸)中的酒石酸浓度为0.5 mol.L-1和表面活性剂(SDBS、鼠李糖和皂素)中的皂素质量分数为0.7%时对土壤Cd、Pb、Zn的浸提效果较好;在酒石酸与皂素体积配比为1∶1时,对重金属Cd、Pb、Zn浸提效果最好,浸提率分别为87.62%、36.30%、20.67%;单一有机酸、表面活性剂或者有机酸与表面活性剂的混合溶液,对土壤重金属的浸提效果均为Cd〉Pb〉Zn。虽然有机酸与表面活性剂联合浸提效果略低于酒石酸浸提,但其弱酸性对土壤性质影响较小,在原位淋洗修复工程中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

黑土有机质分解、积累及其变化规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
有机质是黑土肥力的基础,通过区域分析和长期定位试验探索有机质变化规律,结果表明,黑土有机质含量总体呈下降趋势,不同施肥处理对黑土有机质含量变化呈现不同变化趋势。  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤的原位淋洗修复既要实现对重金属的高效去除,还要尽量减少对土壤性质的破坏,这一点在农业污染土壤修复中尤为重要。以张士污灌区农田土壤为研究对象,利用振荡浸提技术筛选有机酸和表面活性剂组合,并确定了两者联合淋洗修复污染土壤的最佳配比。结果表明:有机酸(酒石酸、乙酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸)中的酒石酸浓度为0.5 mol.L-1和表面活性剂(SDBS、鼠李糖和皂素)中的皂素质量分数为0.7%时对土壤Cd、Pb、Zn的浸提效果较好;在酒石酸与皂素体积配比为1∶1时,对重金属Cd、Pb、Zn浸提效果最好,浸提率分别为87.62%、36.30%、20.67%;单一有机酸、表面活性剂或者有机酸与表面活性剂的混合溶液,对土壤重金属的浸提效果均为Cd>Pb>Zn。虽然有机酸与表面活性剂联合浸提效果略低于酒石酸浸提,但其弱酸性对土壤性质影响较小,在原位淋洗修复工程中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

土壤溶解性有机质的生态环境效应   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李睿  屈明 《生态环境》2004,13(2):271-275
土壤生态环境是一个复杂的多介质多界面体系。现有的研究表明,DOM作为环境中重要的天然配位体和吸着载体,是一种非常活跃的化学物质,它将土壤中的矿物质、有机质与生物成分联系在一起,通过物理或化学作用改变金属与外源性化合物的环境行为,促进温室气体的排放,调节土壤养分流失,指示土壤质量,并对成土过程、微生物的生长代谢过程、土壤有机质分解和转化过程有着重要作用,已经成为土壤科学、生态科学和环境科学交叉领域的研究热点。文章系统地评述了DOM的组成特点及其环境效应,同时介绍了未来的研究方向及一些有待于进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

This work investigated the effect of granular activated carbon adsorption (GACA) on fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in secondary effluent, by means of excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectra, the fluorescence regional integration (FRI) method, synchronous spectra, the fluorescence index defined as the ratio of fluorescence emission intensity at wavelength 450 nm to that at 500 nm at excitation (λex)=370 nm, and the wavelength that corresponds to the position of the normalized emission band at its half intensity (λ0.5). DOM in the secondary effluent from the North Wastewater Treatment Plant (Shenyang, China) was fractionated using XAD resins into 5 fractions: hydrophobic acid (HPO–A), hydrophobic neutral (HPO–N), transphilic acid (TPI–A), transphilic neutral (TPI–N) and hydrophilic fraction (HPI). Results showed that fluorescent materials in HPO–N and TPI–N were less readily removed than those in the other fractions by GACA. The relative content of fluorescent materials in HPO–A, TPI–A and HPI decreased whereas that in HPO–N and TPI–N increased as a consequence of GACA. Polycyclic aromatics in all DOM fractions were preferentially absorbed by GACA, in comparison with bulk DOM expressed as DOC. On the other hand, the adsorption of aromatic amino acids and humic acid-like fluorophores exhibiting fluorescence peaks in synchronous spectra by GACA seemed to be dependent on the acid/neutral properties of DOM fractions. All five fractions had decreased fluorescence indices as a result of GACA. GACA led to a decreased λ0.5 value for HPO–A, increased λ0.5 values for HPO–N, TPI–A and HPI, and a consistent λ0.5 value for TPI–N.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of malic, tartaric, oxalic, and citric acid on the adsorption and desorption characteristics of Cd by two typical anthropic soils (lou soil and irrigation-silted soil) in North-west China. Cadmium adsorption and desorption were studied under a range of temperatures (25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C), organic acid concentrations (0.5–5.0 mmol·L-1), and pH values (2–8). The results showed that the Cd adsorption capacity of the lou soil was significantly greater than that of the irrigation-silted soil. Generally, Cd adsorption increased as the temperature increased. In the presence of NaNO3, the adsorption of Cd was endothermic with ΔH values of 31.365 kJ·mol-1 for lou soil and 28.278?kJ·mol-1 for irrigation-silted soil. The endothermic reaction indicated that H bonds were the main driving force for Cd adsorption in both soils. However, different concentrations of organic acids showed various influences on the two soils. In the presence of citric acid, chemical adsorption and van der Waals interactions were the main driving forces for Cd adsorption rather than H bonds. Although the types of organic acids and soil properties were different, the effects of the organic acids on the adsorption and desorption of Cd were similar in the two soils. The adsorption percentage of Cd generally decreased as organic acid concentrations increased. In contrast, the adsorption percentage increased as the pH of the initial solution increased. The exception was that adsorption percentage of Cd increased slightly as oxalic acid concentrations increased. In contrast, the desorption percentage of Cd increased with increasing concentrations of organic acids but decreased as the initial solution pH increased.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,而大型土壤动物对土壤碳库的稳定性起着重要的决定作用。利用14C示踪技术,以14C-葡萄糖制备微生物源的土壤有机质(Soil organic matter,SOM),以蚯蚓威廉腔环蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)为代表,研究了14C-SOM在含有蚯蚓的两种土壤、不含蚯蚓的对照土壤和不含蚯蚓的蚓粪中的矿化、残留物在土壤和蚓粪中分布以及蚯蚓对14C-SOM的吸收。结果显示,15 d的培育期内蚯蚓显著加快了14C-SOM的矿化,在土壤中的矿化量是不含蚯蚓的对照土壤中矿化量的1.5~1.7倍,然而当移出蚯蚓后,残留14C-SOM在两种土壤中40 d内的矿化都比对照土壤中低。大约有4.2%~4.8%的14C-SOM被蚯蚓吸收利用。在有蚯蚓存在的土壤中,14C-SOM残留物在胡敏素中的含量有所增高,而在溶解有机物(DOM)中的含量显著降低。14C-SOM在不含蚯蚓的蚓粪中55 d内的矿化量和矿化动力学以及残留分布与在对照土壤中均没有显著区别。这些结果表明,蚯蚓对微生物源14C-SOM转化的影响主要是蚯蚓的肠道作用,这种作用可表现在两个方面,即初期对14C-SOM矿化的促进作...  相似文献   

表面活性剂对土壤中重金属清洗及有效态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲蛟  罗春秋  丛俏  袁星 《环境化学》2012,31(5):620-624
采用两种常用的表面活性剂-十二烷基苯磺酸钠(阴离子型)、Tween-80(非离子型),对锦州铁合金厂周边Zn、Cd及Pb重金属污染土壤进行化学修复试验,研究两种表面活性剂对重金属Zn、Cd及Pb的去除率及化学形态影响.结果表明,随着表面活性剂浓度的提高,两种表面活性剂对Pb、Cd及Zn的去除作用增强,Tween-80溶液的浓度越高,对重金属的萃取效果越好,对重金属的去除能力大小顺序为Cd>Zn>Pb,最大去除率分别为83.07%、56.78%及42.57%;十二烷基苯磺酸钠在低浓度时对Cd和Pb的去除效果不明显,而对金属Zn的去除效果较好,在0.09 mol.L-1时达到最大值83.86%;与淋溶前土壤中重金属有效态含量相比较,经不同浓度十二烷基苯磺酸钠淋洗后土壤中Cd有效态含量随LAS浓度的升高而先增加后下降,而Pb的有效态含量随十二烷基苯磺酸钠升高而增加;经不同浓度Tween-80淋洗后土壤中Zn及Cd有效态含量都是随Tween-80浓度的升高而先增加后下降,Pb有效态含量随Tween-80升高而下降.  相似文献   

土壤水溶解态有机物质与重金属的络合作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒋疆  王果  方玲 《生态环境》2001,10(1):67-71
水溶解态有机物质与重金属离子的络合反应对土壤重金属化学行为的影响十分显著。文章综述了土壤水溶解态有机物质与重金属离子之间相互作用的研究进展,讨论了水溶解态有机物质与络合反应有关的性质,以及水溶态有机物质与重金属的络合作用的问题。  相似文献   

设施土壤pH值与有机质演变特征研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
邓玉龙  张乃明 《生态环境》2006,15(2):367-370
设施土壤的pH、有机质与土壤环境质量及设施栽培作物生产水平密切相关。文章对云南不同区域、不同大棚种植年限、不同轮作制度的设施土壤pH与有机质的演变特征进行研究,结果表明:大棚种植年限长的地区,土壤pH、有机质变化明显;随着大棚种植年限的增长,土壤pH呈下降趋势,有机质含量则呈上升趋势;随着土壤层次的加深,大棚土壤pH逐渐升高,而有机质则逐渐降低;不同轮作方式,花-菜轮作比菜-菜轮作有利于增加有机肥对设施土壤pH的缓冲性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the toxicity reduction of wastewaster after treatment with fly ash. Fly ash is a waste material which is formed as a result of coal burning in power plants, but has the potential to adsorb heavy metal ions. The present study examined the adsorption capacity of fly ash to adsorb Pb2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ from waste water under different conditions of contact time, pH, and temperature. Uptake of metal ions by fly ash generally rose with increasing pH. At lower temperatures the uptake of heavy metal adsorption were enhanced. Significant reduction in Pb2+ (79%), Cu2+ (53%), and Zn2+ (80%) content was found after treatment with fly ash of waste water treatment. Using the microtox test toxicity of the effluent was reduced by 75% due to removal of Pb2+ ion by the fly ash. Data indicated that fly ash generated by power plants may be used beneficially to remove metals from waste water.  相似文献   

Discharges of nutrients, urea, dissolved organic matter and heavy metals by a sewage underwater pipeline are analysed in comparison to environmental conditions in a shallow coastal zone. Variable thermo-haline stratifications of the water column and currents in upper (2.62-34.97 cm s-1) and deeper (0.83-10.91 cm s-1) layers drive vertical diffusion and lateral transport of wastewaters. Loads of reactive phosphorus (0.13 tons d-1) and ammonium (1.62 tons d-1) by the pipeline are not negligible compared to the major river loads in the gulf. High concentrations of urea (≤11.51 μmol N dm-3) were found in the area of wastewater release. Ammonium uptake (6.14-534 nmol N dm-3 h-1) strongly exceeded nitrate uptake (0.19-138 nmol N dm-3 h-1), indicating that discharges of ammonium by the pipeline are actively assimilated by plankton community even at low levels of light. Distribution of Zn (≤27.7 ppb), Cu (≤25.6 ppb), Cd (≤0.80 ppb) and Pb (≤13.5 ppb) in the water column and the measurement of their complex-forming capacity in seawater did not indicate a persistent perturbation of the pelagic environment due to heavy metals.  相似文献   

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