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广州市空气污染物和气象要素的主成分与典型相关分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈家芬  张凌  莫测辉  冯建军 《生态环境》2006,15(5):1018-1023
用主成分和典型相关分析方法分析广州市近4a(2001—2004年)的空气污染物与气象要素之间的关系,按夏半年、冬半年和全年3个时间尺度分别进行。结果表明:污染物数据所得到的主成分分别代表机动车污染源(汽油燃烧和扬尘)和工业污染源(工业燃煤和燃油),气象数据的主成分分析表明空气的温度、湿度及对流速度对空气污染作用明显,而污染物和气象要素的主成分分析表明气温高低和空气干湿程度对大气污染的影响较大。污染物与气象要素两组数据之间的典型相关分析表明污染物与气象要素之间存在显著的相关关系,其中温度和风速对气态污染物有显著影响。  相似文献   

舒锋敏  罗森波  罗秋红  罗聪  张维 《环境化学》2012,31(8):1157-1164
以广州市环境监测站2007年1月—2009年12月监测的空气污染指数(API)以及SO2、NO2、PM10等污染物为研究对象,探讨了广州市空气污染的变化规律;并分析它们与常规观测的地面气象资料之间的关系;建立了API指数以及SO2、NO2、PM10等污染物的预报方程;为了弥补单纯基于数学模型预报的不足,分析和确定了造成广州严重空气污染的典型天气类型和相关指标,以便在具体的业务预报中可以根据天气形势和相关指标做进一步的订正;该预报方法于2010年10月起应用于广州市环境监测中心站,作为2010年16届亚运会广州空气质量预报预警服务的重要工具之一,运行服务效果良好.  相似文献   

Recently, a building-based air quality model system which can predict air quality in front of individual buildings along both sides of a road has been developed. Using the Macau Peninsula as a case study, this paper shows the advantages of building-based model system in data capture and data mining. Compared with the traditional grid-based model systems with input/output spatial resolutions of 1–2 km, the building-based approach can extract the street configuration and traffic data building by building and therefore, can capture the complex spatial variation of traffic emission, urban geometry, and air pollution. The non-homogeneous distribution of air pollution in the Macau Peninsula was modeled in a high-spatial resolution of 319 receptors·km-2. The spatial relationship among air quality, traffic flow, and urban geometry in the historic urban area is investigated. The study shows that the building-based approach may open an innovative methodology in data mining of urban spatial data for environmental assessment. The results are particularly useful to urban planners when they need to consider the influences of urban form on street environment.  相似文献   

利用山东省济南、青岛2001—2010年以及其他7个重点城市2005—2010年逐日空气污染指数(API)和同期的常规气象资料,运用统计方法,分析了各市空气质量年、季变化特征,并利用SPSS软件进一步分析探讨了API指数与风速、气温、降水、湿度、日照时数等气象因子的相关关系。结果表明:济南由于受能源结构、地形、气象条件等因素的影响,API指数累年平均值最大达到91.2,沿海城市空气质量明显好于内陆城市,日照 API 指数最小仅为56.5;从年际变化来看,济南由于加强对空气污染的治理,空气质量明显改善,API指数呈逐年下降趋势,其他城市有不同程度的增加或减小。空气质量具有明显的季节变化,各城市均是夏季空气质量最好,优良率天数频率最多,冬季最差,济南冬季发生轻微污染以上天数的频率最大占39.8%;各城市均以 PM10为首要污染物出现的频率为最多,出现以 NO2、SO2为首要污染物频率最多的城市分别是枣庄、潍坊,出现空气质量为优频率最多的城市是日照;各城市4季 API 指数与同期常规气象要素密切相关,4季API指数与降水均呈负相关,除济南春季外,与风速基本呈负相关,春、夏、秋3个季节API指数与相对湿度基本均成负相关,冬季API指数与日照时数成负相关、与气温、相对湿度成正相关。  相似文献   

Size segregated suspended particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10-2.5) in air at four major petroleum-filling stations in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, were monitored using double staged “Gent” stacked samplers to assess variations in mass loads and elemental concentrations of 25 elements. Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Cs, Ta, W, and Pb were determined in both fractions by external ion beam proton-induced X-ray emission technique. Enrichment factors and pollution indices were calculated and results revealed that most elements were anthropogenic in both fractions with concentrations exceeding the World Health Organization guideline standards.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a recently developed spatial interpolation methodology in a study of the chronic effects of air pollution on respiratory morbidity. Our study uses data from the Ontario Health Study, a large survey of households in Ontario conducted for the province by Statistics Canada. The interpolation procedure imputes unobserved vectors of air pollution concentrations for individual Public Health Units, from those observed at a few fixed air pollution monitoring sites. We use logistic regression methods to assess the significance of air pollution levels based on the imputed values after modelling the relationship between binary health responses and assorted covariates such as measures of life style. Our findings prove negative; no significant relationship between chronic respiratory morbidity and air pollution is found. The imputation methodology is seen to be promising and might well be used in other such analyses.  相似文献   

● We evaluated the accuracy of iPhone data in capturing time-activity patterns. ● iPhone data captured the most important microenvironments and time spent in them. ● iPhone data also accurately captured daily exposure to ambient PM pollution. ● A considerable fraction of the population in the USA may have iPhone data available. ● iPhone data has great potential in air pollution health studies. In many air pollution health studies, the time-activity pattern of individuals is often ignored largely due to lack of data. However, a better understanding of this location-based information is expected to decrease uncertainties in exposure estimation. Here, we showcase the potential of iPhone’s Significant Location (iSL) data in capturing the user’s historical time-activity patterns in order to estimate exposure to ambient air pollutants. In this study, one subject carried an iPhone in tandem with a reference GPS tracking device for one month. The GPS device recorded locations in 10 second intervals while the iSL recorded the time spent in locations the subject visited frequently. Using GPS data as a reference, we then evaluated the accuracy of iSL data in capturing the subject’s time-activity patterns and time-weighted air pollution concentration within the study time period. We found the iSL data accurately captured the time the subject spent in 16 microenvironments (i.e. locations the subject visited more than once), which was 93% of the time during the study period. The average error of time-weighted aerosol optical depth value, a surrogate of particle pollution, is only 0.012%. To explore the availability of iSL data among iPhone users, an online survey was conducted. Among the 349 surveyed participants, 72% of them have iSL data available. Considering the popularity of iPhones, iSL data may be available for a significant portion of the general population. Our results suggest iSL data have great potential for characterizing historical time-activity patterns to improve air pollution exposure estimation.  相似文献   

Extreme value analysis of Munich air pollution data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present three different approaches to modelling extreme values of daily air pollution data. We fitted a generalized extreme value distribution to the monthly maxima of daily concentration measures. For the exceedances of a high threshold depending on the data, the parameters of the generalized Pareto distribution were estimated. Accounting for autocorrelation, clusters of exceedances were used. To obtain information about the relationship of the exceedance of the air quality standard and possible predictors we applied logistic regression. Results and their interpretation are given for daily average concentrations of ozone and nitrogen dioxide at two monitoring sites within the city of Munich.  相似文献   

A study has been conducted over a period of one year on measurements of air pollution in the Shuaiba Industrial Area (SIA) of Kuwait. The study included analysis of pollutant behaviour relative to the wind speed and direction. SIA comprises several large scale industries including three petroleum refineries, two power plants, two fertilizer plants, a cement plant, a chlorine and soda plant, a commercial harbour and two large oil loading terminals. Measurements of 15 parameters have been carried out every 5 minutes using a mobile laboratory fitted with an automatic calibrator and a data storage system. The pollutants studied include methane, non‐methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, and NO x ), sulphur dioxide, ozone and suspended dust. Meteorological parameters monitored simultaneously include wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and barometric pressure. The air quality data collected using the mobile laboratory have been used to calculate the diurnal and monthly variations in the major primary and secondary pollutants. Distribution levels of these pollutants relative to wind direction and speed have also been used in the analysis. The results show large diurnal variations in some pollutant concentrations. Generally, two types of concentration variations have been found, depending on whether the species is a primary or a secondary pollutant. Diurnal variations with two maxima were observed in the concentrations of primary pollutants including NO, SO2, NMHC, CO and suspended dust, whereas a single maximum was observed for secondary pollutants such as O3and NO2. The monthly variations of SO2and NO x showed maximum values during the warm months. However, ozone showed a quite marked seasonal variation with maxima during spring and late summer and a minimum during the early summer. The results also indicated a common source for NO x , SO2, NMHC, CO and suspended dust to the North‐West (NW) of the monitoring station. Moreover for NO x and SO2, another less significant source is to the South‐South‐West (SSW) and South‐West (SW) of the monitoring station.  相似文献   

Given the complexity and time-consuming of the conventional environmental capacity based assessment on air environment carrying capacity; a new method for assessing urban air environment carrying capacity based on air pollution index (API) is presented. By using this new method, the air environmental bearing capability of 333 cities at the prefecture level and above is assessed. The results show that of the 333 cities 9.6% is of high bearing capability, 34.5% relatively high bearing capability, 52.6% medium bearing capability, 2.7% low capability, and 0.6% is of weak bearing capability; in terms of regional distribution, the western region is of relatively high air environment bearing capability, followed by north-eastern and eastern regions, and the ambient air quality in the middle region is quite poor; among the 12 urban agglomerations in key regions, Pearl River delta, west side of Taiwan Strait and Chengdu-Chongqing agglomerations are of relatively high carrying capacity while other agglomerations are of medium bearing capability. The assessment results imply that the existing air quality standard (GB3095-1996) is quite unsound.  相似文献   

天津城区道路雨水径流水质监测及污染特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市市区道路由于交通活动产生大量的重金属、无机阴离子、营养盐、有机污染物等,对受纳水体的水质造成很大破坏,并影响了水体的生态环境.通过对天津城区不同功能区(商业区、文教区和居住区)的道路降雨径流的30个水质指标进行监测分析,评估天津市区道路雨水径流的污染程度,进而分析天津市区降雨污染的基本特征.结果表明,不同功能区理化指标平均浓度的大小顺序为:商业区>居住区>文教区,天津市区道路雨水pH接近中性;金属离子中铅在3个功能区中均超标,在商业区、文教区和居住区中分别超标1.16、1.05和1.28倍,且天津市区重金属污染浓度与南京和澳门相近;无机阴离子并未超出地表水质量标准V类标准或集中式生活饮用水地表水源地补充项目标准限值.TN、TP、COD和BOD_5最大值分别严重超出国家地表水环境质量V类标准的2.5、2.0、10和50倍.挥发酚在3个功能区中均未超标,而阴离子表面活性剂在商业区、文教区和居住区分别超过地表水质量标准V类标准的37、17和6.3倍.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor air pollution is known to contribute to increased lung cancer incidence. This study is the first to address the contribution of home heating fuel and geographical course particulate matter (PM10) concentrations to lung cancer rates in New Hampshire, USA. First, Pearson correlation analysis and geographically weighted regression were used to investigate spatial relationships between outdoor PM10 and lung cancer rates. While the aforementioned analyses did not indicate a significant contribution of PM10 to lung cancer in the state, there was a trend towards a significant association in the northern and southwestern regions of the state. Second, case-control data were used to estimate the contributions of indoor pollution and secondhand smoke to the risk of lung cancer with adjustment for confounders. Increased risk was found among those who used wood or coal to heat their homes for more than 10 winters before the age of 18, with a significant increase in risk per winter. Resulting data suggest that further investigation of the relationship between heating-related air pollution levels and lung cancer risk is needed.  相似文献   

•Impacts of air pollution on various body systems health in China were highlighted. •China’s actions to control air pollution and their effects were briefly introduced. •Challenges and perspectives of the health effects of air pollution are provided. The health effects of air pollution have attracted considerable attention in China. In this review, the status of air pollution in China is briefly presented. The impacts of air pollution on the health of the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the digestive system, the urinary system, pregnancy and life expectancy are highlighted. Additionally, China’s actions to control air pollution and their effects are briefly introduced. Finally, the challenges and perspectives of the health effects of air pollution are provided. We believe that this review will provide a promising perspective on the health impacts of air pollution in China, and further elicit more attention from governments and researchers worldwide.  相似文献   

This paper computes efficient industrial waste and air pollutants abatements for 47 regions in Japan for the period 1992–2002. The variable-returns-to-scale (VRS) data envelopment analysis (DEA) with a single output (real GDP) and seven inputs (labor, real public capital stock, real private capital stock, industrial waste, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and soot and dust) is used to compute target wastes of each region for each year. The efficient abatement ratios of each region in each year are obtained by comparing the actual to the target amount of a pollutant. Our major findings are: (1) Most regions in Japan have significant room to reduce their pollution since there is a wide gap between efficient and inefficient regions; (2) For each air pollutant, approximately 25–33% of Japan's prefectures can reduce their output by more than 50% without harming regional GDP, and approximately one-third of prefectures can reduce industrial waste more than 30%; (3) Hokkaido is the least efficient region for all years studied and for all waste and pollutants, and target abatement ratios there drastically worsened in the last two sample years; (4) Tokyo, Saitama, Yamanashi, Shiga, Nara, and Tottori are efficient with respect to each type of industrial waste and pollution throughout the study period; (5) many regions in the bottom quartile with respect to real per capita income have significant room to reduce their waste and pollution output; and (6) many regions where energy-intensive industries dominate produce excessive amounts of waste and air pollution compared to other regions.  相似文献   

Agricultural production is influenced by many factors beyond the control of individual producers. In recent decades, air pollution has become one of these exogenous factors. This study uses a price-endogenous mathematical programming model to assess the economic benefits of reducing 1976 ambient oxidant exposures of 14 annual crops in southern California. A measure of the distributional consequences of these benefits across producers, consumers and locations is also provided. Results indicate that 1976 benefits of control for the fourteen included crops would have been approximately $46 million.  相似文献   

将乡土木本植物猫尾木Dolichandronecauda-felina、蒲桃Syzygiumjambos、野牡丹Melastomacandidum、翻白叶树Pterospermumheterophyllum以及鸭脚木Scheffleraoctophylla1年生袋装苗盆栽,置半庇荫环境下适应4周,之后按株数均等分成两组,分别放置在南海五星污染区和广州华南植物园清洁区进行试验。5个月后进行植物构形生长参数和干物质量的测定,以探讨这5种亚热带树苗对大气污染响应的差异。结果表明,①这5种树苗均能在清洁区和污染区都存活,但生长特征表现明显差别。②除翻白叶树基径有少许增大外,大气污染基本上都使植物基径生长减小;树高方面,除了蒲桃外,其余树种树高都有所降低,鸭脚木树高受到的影响最为严重。③翻白叶树与猫尾木单株侧枝数有少许增加,而蒲桃和鸭脚木单株侧枝数有大幅度地下降,分别减少为清洁区单株侧枝数的46.5%和65.1%,野牡丹单株侧枝数基本上没有受到影响。④在污染区生长的5个树种单株干物质总量除了翻白叶树有所增加外,其余4个树种单株干物质量均有不同程度地下降。⑤除了蒲桃保持不变外,污染区?生长4种植物冠根比(CRR)均有不同程度地增加。在污染区生长的植株叶质量比(LWR)和叶面积比(LAR)与清洁区相比存在差异,野牡丹和蒲桃叶质量比和叶面积比下降,而其余3种植物叶质量比和叶面积比上升。综合实验结果表明,5种植物幼苗中对大气污染抗性最强的是翻白叶树和蒲桃,抗性最弱的是鸭脚木。  相似文献   

城市大气环境监测优化布点模糊优选模型及应用实例   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
文章根据城市大气环境监测优化布点的模糊性,提出了一种模糊环境条件下的模糊聚类与模糊识别理论模型,并且在山东省肥城等市成功应用。结合统计方法确定出的大气监测优化点位,不但具有代表性和整体性,而且具有较高的分辨率,能快速准确地、最大范围地反映出该区域的环境空气质量状况、大气污染扩散规律、污染源分布特点、污染气象及地理位置特征,为环境管理和政府决策提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

We present a detailed tree species inventory covering Europe, parts of Africa and parts of Asia. The inventory contains 39 groups of species that are important for biogenic VOCs or pollen emission calculations. For example: oak (Quercus), poplar (Populus), pines (Pinus), spruce (Picea), birch (Betula) and alder (Alnus). The inventory is based on national forest inventories and national statistics and gives tree species distribution in percentage within broadleaved as well as conifer forests. The inventory includes data from 799 regions and is redistributed into the 50 km × 50 km EMEP grid. The inventory is therefore prepared for easy implementation into atmospheric transport models by providing an extension to already applied land use data such as the Corine Land Cover (CLC2000) or Global Land Cover (GLC2000). The gridded version of the data set will be available on the webpage http://www.dmu.dk/International/Air/Models/Background/Trees/.  相似文献   

广州市道路绿化模式环境效益分析   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
在广州市各主要交通道路上选择7个有代表性的道路绿化模式,分别监测它们对NOx、CO和TSP等大气污染物质的净化效果,分析其环境效益,结果表明,绿化模式对大气污染整体净化效果与绿化模式的植物配置方式密切相关,苦植物种类多、乔-灌-草立体结构明显、绿化带宽,则对大气污染的净化效果越显著。  相似文献   

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