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At the start of the Loch Fleet Project in 1984, the Loch and the upper 7 km of its efferent stream were found to be devoid of trout (Salmo trutta) as a result of acidification. Following the liming treatments applied to the catchment, from 1986 the formerly toxic water quality conditions (pH ∼ 4.5, calcium ∼ 1 mgl-1, elevated aluminium and heavy metal levels) were eliminated, and trout were reintroduced on two occasions, in 1987 and 1988. A total of 520 fish were stocked, at a combined density equivalent to 5.5 kg ha-1. Surveys of the loch and stream populations were carried out annually until 1993 to monitor their development, using a range of techniques, including electrofishing, gill-netting, seine-netting, spawner trapping and mark-release recapture methods. Length and scale- analysis were used to investigate fish growth.

The trout population in Loch Fleet expanded rapidly as a result of natural spawning in the loch's main feeder stream, augmented by the use of an artificial spawning bed which was constructed at the loch outlet in 1990. in mid-1983 the stock density, estimated by mark-recapture census methods, had increased to 24.9 kg ha-1. Poor recruitment in the years 1991-93, however, reduced the rate of expansion and resulted in a population comprising mainly older individuals. the poor recruitment in these years was not fully explained but was not caused by water quality and was most likely a result of fry washout by spring spates.

Fish growth rates were high initially and were estimated on the basis of the Elliott trout growth model to be optimal for the prevailing water temperature regime of the loch. By 1991, growth rates had fallen, probably as a result of competition for food, but showed signs of recovery towards the end of the study period in 1993, following the period of lower population densities of young fish.

Trout rapidly repopulated the loch's outlet stream after 1987 but have remained sparse and have shown no signs of spawning within most of the stream. Water analyses have shown that the liming of the Loch Fleet catchment has minimal impact on downstream waters when flows are high, so that potentially toxic acid episodes have not been prevented.  相似文献   

Rainfall quantity and quality, and stream and loch water quality have been monitored throughout the Loch Fleet Project. This has allowed the effects of liming of parts of the catchment to be monitored, and assessments made of the effectiveness and duration of these treatments. Rainfall over 1989-1993 fluctuated around the long-term average of 2100 mm. Over this time, year by year variations in acid or sulphate loading from deposition was evident and quite substantial. There was no trend, however, reflecting reductions in national sulphur emissions. Liming parts of the catchment in 1986 increased stream and loch water pH and calcium concentrations and reduced inorganic aluminium concentrations. Improved stream and loch water quality has been maintained for more than eight years since liming.  相似文献   

In the period following liming and before the introduction of brown trout to Loch Fleet, there was a reduction in the numbers of invertebrates, including the Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Hydracarina in the loch, but an overall increase in invertebrates in the inlet and outlet streams. This was followed in the loch by a recovery in the numbers of certain groups (particularly the Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) to pre-liming levels in spite of the introduction of the trout.

The diets of the trout comprised a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial organisms ranging in size from Fprotozoans to newts and are dominated by chironomids. Opportunistic type of feeding as found in the present study appears to be typical of the brown trout and is reported for many water bodies by other workers.

Significant differences (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001) were found in the numbers and weights of certain food organisms in the stomachs of brown trout caught by different fishing methods in the summers of 1992 and 1993. Fish caught by gill net contained fewer planktonic crustaceans and chironomids, but greater numbers of trichopterans and terrestrial organisms, than in those caught by fly and spinner. the differences are probably related to differences in the depth at which the fish, caught by the various methods, were feeding.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

Rainfall quantity and quality, and stream and loch water quality have been monitored throughout the Loch Fleet Project. This has allowed the effects of liming of parts of the catchment to be monitored, and assessments made of the effectiveness and duration of these treatments. Rainfall over 1989–1993 fluctuated around the long-term average of 2100 mm. Over this time, year by year variations in acid or sulphate loading from deposition was evident and quite substantial. There was no trend, however, reflecting reductions in national sulphur emissions. Liming parts of the catchment in 1986 increased stream and loch water pH and calcium concentrations and reduced inorganic aluminium concentrations. Improved stream and loch water quality has been maintained for more than eight years since liming.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

The impact of liming on the insects associated with peat pools was studied in the Loch Fleet catchment in 1991 and 1992. Fifty-six taxa were identified from 121 timed samples. Despite the raised pH associated with liming in 1986, the population densities of Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera appeared to be unaffected when compared with those of untreated peat pools in the same area. the study demonstrated the existence of two main types of community, that of the steep-sided edges of pools, dominated by odonate nymphs and large species of beetles, and that of the shallower pools, dominated by Hydroporus species (Col., Dytiscidae).  相似文献   

In 1986, application of lime within the upper wetland area of sector VII of the Loch Fleet catchment initiated numerous unscheduled small-scale experiments on the vegetation of this heterogeneous terrain. Vegetation changes and erosion were monitored in permanent or relocated plots established in 1987 and 1989 and re-surveyed in 1993, seven years after liming.

The most striking early effect, possibly occurring within a few weeks of lime application, was the death of Sphagnum papillosum carpet in soakways within the 2.5 ha area. Some patches of dead material were washed away, but bare surfaces were generally colonised by vascular plants, notably Juncus bulbosus. Effects in moorland and bog communities with dwarf shurbs were more subtle, involving reduction in Sphagnum cover and expansion of Erica teralix, Molinia caerulea, sedges and Narthecium ossifragum, but little change in the frequency of occurrence of Calluna vulgaris.  相似文献   

The impact of liming on the insects associated with peat pools was studied in the Loch Fleet catchment in 1991 and 1992. Fifty-six taxa were identified from 121 timed samples. Despite the raised pH associated with liming in 1986, the population densities of Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera appeared to be unaffected when compared with those of untreated peat pools in the same area. the study demonstrated the existence of two main types of community, that of the steep-sided edges of pools, dominated by odonate nymphs and large species of beetles, and that of the shallower pools, dominated by Hydroporus species (Col., Dytiscidae).  相似文献   

The distribution and behaviour of radiocaesium have been studied in the sediments of two contrasting freshwater lochs: Round Loch of Glenhead, an acidified loch in south-west Scotland, with organic-rich sediments (≈20%C) and Loch Lomond, 35 km north-west of Glasgow, where sediments are low in organic matter (1–6%C, southern basin), but with a relatively high clay content. In the sediments of Scottish freshwater lochs,137Cs [half life (t1/2) = 30.23 yr] originates from fallout from nuclear weapons’ testing (1950s and 1960s) and from the Chernobyl reactor accident in 1986, which is also the source of the shorter-lived134Cs [half life (t1/2) = 2.05 yr]. Use of the characteristic134Cs/137Cs activity ratio of radiocaesium emitted from Chernobyl enables resolution of sedimentary radiocaesium profiles into the two component sources. In the organic-rich sediment of Round Loch, downward diffusion of radiocaesium in porewaters obscures its pattern of input to the loch. In the more clay-rich sediments of Loch Lomond, separate radiocaesium concentration peaks, related to atmospheric deposition maxima, are clearly discernible, although an influence of partial mixing is apparent. While the derived Chernobyl fallout inventory of radiocaesium in Round Loch sediments is broadly comparable with that for Loch Lomond, the corresponding weapons testing inventory is an order of magnitude lower than in Loch Lomond. Although Round Loch is situated in an area of known elevated Chernobyl deposition, the inventory is much lower than literature values of atmospheric deposition, indicating significant loss of radiocaesium from this loch. The weapons testing inventory in Round Loch is also lower than reported estimates, whereas in Loch Lomond the established inventories from both sources are similar to, or greater than, fallout deposition. The differences between the distribution and inventories in the two lakes confirms that radiocaesium is much less efficiently bound and is correspondingly much more mobile in the organic sediments of Round Loch of Glenhead than in the more clay-rich sediments of Loch Lomond.  相似文献   

The access for anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) to watercourses on Funen was poor due to migratory barriers for upstream moving fish. Since 1990 fish passages have been established at 192 of these obstructions. We investigated the effect of the fish passages on parr abundance (age-0) at 24 obstructions between 1999 and 2008. Parr density increased significantly in stream sections upstream of the fish passage with a typical increase of 200 to 300 % with a maximum of 500 %. Mean parr density increased from 44 to 85 individuals 100 m2 bottom area during the study period in the streams where the fish passages were established. Parr density was unchanged in streams where the migratory barriers remained. Thus, anadromous brown trout populations can be enhanced by the establishment of fish passages in rivers with migratory obstacles, and trout production increased quickly after access to new spawning and nursery areas were opened.  相似文献   

An experiment to investigate how the water quality of acid lakes can be improved by liming the surrounding catchment was begun at Loch Fleet, Scotland in 1984. the effects on the soils of three sectors of the catchment where limestone was added in 1986 are reported here, following analysis of soils sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. the effect of the lime on soil chemistry was still evident in 1991, with about 15% of free lime remaining in the hydrochemical reaction zone of sectors IV and VI and nearly 50% in sector VII. However, this free lime appeared to be dissolving too slowly to maintain large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soils, indicating that the treatment is starting to become less effective. the fall in the mean exchangeable calcium in the reaction zone between 1988 and 1991 was mirrored by a drop in mean soil pH over the 5 years post-liming from 6.1 to 5.6 on sector IV and from 5.9 to 5.4 on sector VI, whereas mean pH remained constant at about 6.0 in the limed areas of sector VII. Using soil data to predict longevity suggests that the exchangeable calcium remaining on the catchment at the end of 1991 will maintain target water quality in the loch until sometime during 1994. the soil pH is likely to fall to between 5.2 and 5.3 by this time. If the region of hydrochemical reaction is assumed to extend to a depth of 20 cm rather than 5 cm, target water quality is predicted to be maintained until the end of 1995. When the free lime remaining on the catchment is included as a source of acid neutralising capacity, calculations show that treatment may remain effective until around the year 2000.  相似文献   

An experiment to investigate how the water quality of acid lakes can be improved by liming the surrounding catchment was begun at Loch Fleet, Scotland in 1984. the effects on the soils of three sectors of the catchment where limestone was added in 1986 are reported here, following analysis of soils sampled in 1987, 1988 and 1991. the effect of the lime on soil chemistry was still evident in 1991, with about 15% of free lime remaining in the hydrochemical reaction zone of sectors IV and VI and nearly 50% in sector VII. However, this free lime appeared to be dissolving too slowly to maintain large amounts of exchangeable calcium in the soils, indicating that the treatment is starting to become less effective. the fall in the mean exchangeable calcium in the reaction zone between 1988 and 1991 was mirrored by a drop in mean soil pH over the 5 years post-liming from 6.1 to 5.6 on sector IV and from 5.9 to 5.4 on sector VI, whereas mean pH remained constant at about 6.0 in the limed areas of sector VII. Using soil data to predict longevity suggests that the exchangeable calcium remaining on the catchment at the end of 1991 will maintain target water quality in the loch until sometime during 1994. the soil pH is likely to fall to between 5.2 and 5.3 by this time. If the region of hydrochemical reaction is assumed to extend to a depth of 20 cm rather than 5 cm, target water quality is predicted to be maintained until the end of 1995. When the free lime remaining on the catchment is included as a source of acid neutralising capacity, calculations show that treatment may remain effective until around the year 2000.  相似文献   

Summary Preference behaviour patterns of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) towards odours in their home-stream water were measured in laboratory experiments. Stream-dwelling, sexually mature trout were captured by electrofishing in different sections of a stream, transferred to a hatchery, and exposed to water sampled from various stream sections and to neutral water, scented by fish captured in the same stream sections. The fish preferred stream water originating from their home stream over that from a neighboring stream. Among water samples from their home stream, they preferred water from the home sections over water from distant sections both upstream and downstream. In most cases they also preferred neutral water scented by other mature fish captured in their home section over water scented by fish from the distant sections. Trout from two neighboring stream sections showed indifferent responses towards water and fish from the adjacent section. The attractive properties of stream water sampled from home sections coincided with those obtained with neutral water scented by fish from the same sites. Accordingly, the attractive components in stream water may be intraspecific odours derived from separate spawning demes of fish present in local areas of the stream.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin has undergone widespread land cover change. Urbanization of coastal areas, land abandonment of steeper slopes, and agricultural intensification in alluvial plains are recurrent themes. The objective of this study was to examine how vineyard land cover changes have affected agricultural soil erosion in a 50 year period (1950–2011). The study area covers a 235 km2 catchment located near the Gulf of St Tropez. Aerial photographs were used to map land cover in 1950, 1982, 2003 and 2011, and the RUSLE soil erosion model was run to estimate soil erosion.

Between 1950 and 2011, vineyard went from about 2,426 ha to 1,561 ha. Mean soil erosion increased as vineyard slopes became steeper (11.8 T ha?1, 13.2 T ha?1, 14.4 T ha?1 and 13.5 T ha?1 for 1950, 1982, 2003 and 2011). Total erosion decreased after 1982: 28,621 T y?1 in 1950, 29,030 T y?1 in 1982, 22,848 T y?1 in 2003, and 21,074 T y?1 in 2011. Total soil loss in 2011 is about 75% of values in 1950–1982, so impacts on water pollution and channel dredging have evolved positively over time.  相似文献   

The hydrochemistry of forest springs was investigated in the Fichtelgebirge, a region in NE Bavaria (F.R.G.) which is strongly affected by forest decline. Data were collected from 165 springs (Tables 1–5). Water chemistry is characterized by high concentrations of nitrate, sulfate and aluminium and is influenced by forest decline, liming and soil type of the catchment. Model calculations show maximal N-outputs of 40 kg nitrate-N/ha*a indicating N-saturation in some forest ecosystems of the Fichtelgebirge. N-saturated ecosystems without buffercapacity for Nitrogen will release all further N-inputs as NO3 to the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the influence of underwater divers on the behaviour of fish in Loch Torridon, on the west coast of Scotland. An electronically scanned sonar and a television camera were used to record the behaviour of 4 species common in the loch. These were the cod Gadus morhua (L), the saithe Pollachius virens (L), the pollack P. pollachius (L) and the common dab Limanda limanda (L). These fish were attracted to divers and to a sound source when the recorded noise from an aqualung and demand valve was transmitted into the water. By analysis and by testing different components of the noise it was shown that low frequencies between 30 and 110 Hz, generated by the release of exhaled air, were responsible for the attraction. It is suggested that the fish associated this noise with the presence of food organisms disturbed from the sea bed by the diver and that they had become conditioned to the noise over a period of time.  相似文献   

The rates of sedimentation of organic detritus were measured at 3 stations in two Scottish sea lochs, Loch Etive and Loch Creran, using sedimentation jars exposed at various depths. Details are given of the seasonal and depth distribution of sedimenting material, and its composition for a 1-year period. Differences in the pattern of sedimenting material collected at different depths and in the seasonal patterns of sedimentation at the different stations suggested that, in each case there were differences in the relative importance of detritus from various sources. At all stations, phytoplankton production made a relatively small contribution to the total detritus collected, either directly as dead cells, or indirectly as the faeces of zooplankton organisms. Near the head of Loch Etive there were contributions by filamentous algae and Enteromorpha sp., but a major source of detritus was terrestrial debris, mainly carried into the loch in the waters of the River Etive. In the lower basin of Loch Etive, terrestrial detritus also contributed to the total sedimenting near the surface, but at greater depths much of the material collected in the sedimentation jars probably resulted from short-term resuspension and re-deposition of bottom material, reflecting a net transport of fine sediment from the shallower to the deeper areas of the loch. Secondarily resuspended material was also a major source of material collected in the jars exposed in Loch Creran.  相似文献   


Reproductive and teratogenic effects of endosulfan were investigated by exposure of mature breeding zebrafish (Danio rerio) to environmentally relevant concentrations of 0.01–1.2?μg L?1 and monitoring their spawning, fertilization success, and gonad histology. Fertilization success was negatively correlated to duration of exposure at endosulfan concentration of 1.2?μg L?1. No apparent effect was observed on fish gonads after histological examination. Teratogenic effects were assayed by exposing newly spawned embryos to endosulfan at 1.0–200?μg L?1 and determining coagulation, tail development, eye formation, and spontaneous movements 24?h after fertilization; pigmentation, heart rate, edema, and mortality after 48?h and hatch time, mortality, and spinal deformations after 144?h. At 50–100?μg L?1, endosulfan caused impaired tail development and differentiation, and at 10–200?μg L?1 spinal deformation and increased mortality, depending upon the timing of exposure.  相似文献   

Summary. In the present experiment the behaviour and endocrine status of males of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae) were studied when males were kept in a stream tank with a nest digging female. Groups of mature adult males and precocious intact or anosmic male parr were placed with the nesting female so that the group resembled a natural spawning situation with big anadromous fish acting as dominant males and precocious parr acting as “sneakers”. A control experiment was also run with only males without a female present. In intact parr there were significant positive correlations between the per cent of the total observation time spent with a female, milt volume, and plasma concentration of 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. Anosmic parr had significantly lower volumes of strippable milt and gonadal steroid hormone levels compared with intact parr. However, no differences were found in the control experiment. Significantly fewer anosmic parr attended and courted the nesting female and those anosmic fish that attended the female had significantly lower plasma levels of gonadal hormones. Intact parr also displayed a greater number of agonistic acts against other parr without any difference in fighting ability. No differences in aggression occured in the control experiment. In adult males together with a female, post-experimental gonadal steroid hormone levels were higher than pre-experimental levels. Positive correlations between aggression and androgen hormone levels were observed in adult males. No differences in plasma hormone levels were observed between adult males and intact precocious males. The results show that olfactory occlusion results in low steroid hormone levels and milt volumes in precocious males placed in a spawning situation. The courting behaviour was also affected by anosmia. Odours from the nesting female may have caused the enhanced plasma hormone levels and stimulated the males to attend the female. Received 15 May 1997; accepted 29 June 1997.  相似文献   

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