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Like many temperate European lakes, Lake Bourget (France) has suffered from eutrophication during the second half of the last century. Due to a remarkable restoration program, the lake has been recovering for the past 25 years after a massive decrease in total phosphorus (TP) loading. TP concentrations have decreased from about 100-120 to 20-25 μg/L. Additional efforts are, however, still required to obtain a perennially sustainable good ecological status and model parameterisation of fluxes can assist in predicting future outcomes, especially in the context of global warming. In this paper, a dynamic model (MeroLakeMab) was developed and tested with the purpose to reconstruct the loading history of Lake Bourget and to predict TP concentrations during scenarios of increased temperature, decreased water runoff and decreased P loading. Simulations suggested that the historical TP loading decrease may have been as extensive as 88%. Decreases in water discharge to Lake Bourget at magnitudes forecasted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would not affect TP concentrations notably, but marked concentration changes could, however, occur if decreases in runoff would have a strong impact on the TP loading. Increasing temperature effects on yearly mean TP concentrations in the water column would be very small compared to effects from changes in the TP loading. Predictions such as these could be instrumental for future successful lake management.  相似文献   

珠江流域土壤中碳库的存量与通量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对珠江流域各主要环境介质中不同形态碳含量的分析和计算,得出该流域0~1.0m范围内土壤碳库的存量为1.36×1013kg,占中国陆地碳库总量的9.51%,全球碳库总量的0.907%;流域净碳输入量为4.141×1010kg/a,碳通量912.74kg/(hm2·a),初步计算表明珠江流域可能是陆地生态系统的一个碳汇区。另一方面,人类活动造成流域内有机碳的大量流失,其中,水土流失损失的碳8.01×109kg/a,植物收割及森林砍伐从土壤-植物系统中携带出的有机碳高达6.26×1011kg/a,这将造成土壤有机质含量的降低,因此促进陆地生态系统有机碳存储是提高本流域土地质量的关键。  相似文献   

Weekly measurements of chemical composition were made at four sampling sites on the Lea River (Spain) between July 1985 and August 1986. at two stations there were gauging-weirs for stream discharge monitoring. Conductivity, pH, alkalinity, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonia, nitrate, sulphate, chloride, reactive phosphate, and total phosphate, were recorded in each site.

Results were analysed using multiple regression techniques to study the relationship between flow and chemical components.

Conductivity, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and sulphate were strongly related to flow, decreasing in concentration with increased flow. Ammonia, potassium, reactive phosphate and total phosphate varied most widely, with peaks at times of heavy rainfall. Nitrate increased at times of high discharge, with little variation between sampling points. Silicon decreased in summer and autumn in the lower catchment area whilst chloride and sodium were higher in the lower catchment of the River Lea.  相似文献   

• The three simulation factors caused various changes in both water and sediment. • Responses to simulations differed with the reported natural lakes and wetlands. • Al has dominant effects on sediment P release control among the three factors. • Adding sediment Al can be effective and safe under the simulated conditions. • Polyphosphates were not generated, while added phytate was rather stable. The effects of sediment aluminum (Al), organic carbon (OC), and dissolved oxygen (DO) on phosphorus (P) transformation, at the water-sediment interface of a eutrophic constructed lake, were investigated via a series of simulative experiments. The above three factors had various influences on dissolved P concentration, water pH, water and surface sediment appearance, and P fractions. Additions of Al had the greatest effect on suppressing P release, and the water pH remained alkaline in the water-sediment system under various OC and DO conditions. No dissolution of the added Al was detected. 31P-NMR characterization suggested that OC addition did not promote biological P uptake to polyphosphates under oxic conditions. The simulation result on the added phytate indicated the absence of phytate in the original lake sediment. As compared to the reported natural lakes and wetland, the water-sediment system of the constructed lake responded differently to some simulative conditions. Since Al, OC, and DO can be controlled with engineering methods, the results of this study provide insights for the practical site restorations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a research project dealing with the mapping of the intertidal vegetation of several harbours along the southern coastline of England. It describes in detail the methods used to map the vegetation and gives examples of the results from these studies. This paper then goes on to explain how these results are applied by the Environment Agency of England and Wales to improve water quality in the harbours. This type of vegetation mapping is useful in monitoring the development of the intertidal species includingSpartina, Zostera and of particular importance to this study the green algaeUlva andEnteromorpha. The work was undertaken with funding from the Environment Agency and at present has taken place over a four year period. The data collected will be used by the Environment Agency to assess macro-algae covervalues for the intertidal area of the harbours concerned. This forms part of the Agency's commitment to the EU Nitrates Directive and the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Some of the species mapped act as suitable indicators of water quality and are symptoms of entrophication. Other species are of interest for nature conservation and were recorded to provide a record for longer-term trends in vegetation patterns within the harbour. This paper aims to provide readers with an understanding of the techniques involved as well as an evaluation of the methodology.  相似文献   

Industrial pollutions are responsible for alterations in biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus (P) in freshwater systems. The objectives of the present study were to quantify the major P forms and assess the relationship between P fractions in water and surface sediments of Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar (GBPS) reservoir, India. Surface water samples (n?=?48) and surface sediment samples (n?=?48) were collected from six regions of GBPS reservoir in December 2014. The results showed that total particulate phosphorus (TPP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) account for 45%–58% and 42%–55% of total phosphorus (TP) in the surface water. The authigenic-P was found to be more than 84% of the total P in surface sediments. The TPP showed a positive statistical relationship with sedimentary P fractions (authigenic-P, exch-P, and organic-P) indicated the impact of industrial pollution load on inorganic and organic P fractions in water and sediments of GBPS reservoir. The discriminant fraction analysis (DFA) revealed that the exch-P, Fe(III)-bound-P, detrital-P, organic-P, and TPP were sensitive indicators of P dynamics in the industrially polluted GBPS reservoir.  相似文献   

Micro-scale thermal profile data were acquired in four lakes in northwest England and southeast Australia that ranged from a small, sheltered pond with a surface area of about 1 ha to more open lakes with surface areas of several square kilometres. These lakes provided a range of topographic and climatic contexts, basin morphologies and dominant macrophyte species. The data were acquired using two SCAMP profilers, one deployed in the open water and the other mounted on a field traverse deployed within the vegetated littoral zone. From these profile data, turbulence parameters were calculated. The results show the variation in the influence of vegetation on turbulence in the four lakes, which depends on the combination of wind stress, solar radiative forcing and macrophyte mechanical properties. In the sheltered pond, the vegetation alters the light climate within the water, thus reducing stratification and allowing weak, thermally-driven mixing. In the larger lakes, however, the primary action of the vegetation is to prevent surface-generated TKE from penetrating the water column, although this effect becomes less important as the plant separation increases. A simple mechanistic model, calibrated against the field data, suggests that the macrophyte mechanical properties are most important in determining the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) profile. Increasing the number of turbulence-generating plants reduces the transport of surface-generated TKE into the deeper water, consistent with the field observations. The model suggests that solar forcing, as measured by the temperature gradient between the surface and bottom waters, is of less importance since the TKE profile is similar in runs with different gradients. Perhaps most surprisingly, the value of the surface-wind stress used in the model is not important, within the limitations of the model, as it does not change the TKE profile, except in a thin surface layer.  相似文献   

Sediment biotic and abiotic attributes were determined during the PRISMA II oceanographic campaigns in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. The radiotracer orthophosphate 32 P was used under laboratory conditions to analyse the role of micro- and macrofauna in phosphorus dynamics at the water-sediment interface. Effects of infaunal suspensivores on microfungal growth were also investigated. Our findings emphasised: 1) significant differences in sediment 32 P uptake as related to the sampling area, occurrence of the pelagic frontal system, sediment grain size, microbial activity, and anoxia; 2) the crucial role played in 32 P dynamics by different tropho-functional groups r - r i.e ., infaunal filter-feeders and epifaunal detritivore characterising the benthic community of the northern Adriatic basin. The significant changes in ergosterol concentration (adopted as an index of microfungal growth) observed in sediments subjected to infaunal activity, eventually provided a comprehensive insight into macrofauna-microorganism interactions. The potential impact of macrofaunal activity in phosphorus dynamics in the Adriatic benthic system is discussed.  相似文献   

This ecological study aimed, through the analysis of 1,146 wards in the South West of England (1998–2002), firstly, to examine whether chemical incidents and public casualties are more likely near complex industry (emissions to land, air or water: Integrated Pollution Control industry, IPC) or industry with emissions to air only (Local Air Pollution Control industry, LAPC). Secondly, the study examined whether industry, incidents and casualties are found close to deprivation. Social inequalities were examined across quintiles of wards. Fifty-two wards (4.5%) contained an IPC industry and 712 (62.1%) an LAPC. Incidents occurred in 132 wards (11.5%), with casualties in 59 (5.1%). Chemical incidents occurred more frequently in wards with LAPC (152, IPC 20); the same was true of casualties (211, 12). With each additional LAPC site in a ward, the risk of an incident rose by 22% (95% confidence interval [CI] 8–38%), suggesting a dose–response relationship. No clear social inequalities were found. In the South West of England, the public are more likely to be affected by an incident occurring at a simple LAPC site rather than a complex IPC site. This has implications for emergency planning which, at present, focusses most attention on the larger, more complex IPC sites.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Die-offs of cordgrass are pervasive throughout western Atlantic salt marshes, yet understanding of the mechanisms precipitating these events is limited. We tested whether herbivory by the native crab , Sesarma reticulatum , is generating die-offs of cordgrass that are currently occurring on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (U.S.A.), by manipulating crab access to cordgrass transplanted into die-off areas and healthy vegetation. We surveyed 12 Cape Cod marshes to investigate whether the extent of cordgrass die-off on creek banks, where die-offs are concentrated, was related to local Sesarma grazing intensity and crab density. We then used archived aerial images to examine whether creek bank die-off areas have expanded over the past 2 decades and tested the hypothesis that release from predation, leading to elevated Sesarma densities, is triggering cordgrass die-offs by tethering crabs where die-offs are pervasive and where die-offs have not yet been reported. Intensity of crab grazing on transplanted cordgrass was an order of magnitude higher in die-off areas than in adjacent vegetation. Surveys revealed that Sesarma herbivory has denuded nearly half the creek banks in Cape Cod marshes, and differences in crab-grazing intensity among marshes explained >80% of variation in the extent of the die-offs. Moreover, the rate of die-off expansion and area of marsh affected have more than doubled since 2000. Crab-tethering experiments suggest that release from predation has triggered elevated crab densities that are driving these die-offs, indicating that disruption of predator–prey interactions may be generating the collapse of marsh ecosystems previously thought to be exclusively under bottom-up control .  相似文献   

The megabenthic fauna in the deep sea south of New England,USA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Data from 105 benthic trawls made in an area south of New England, USA between 40 and 5000 m show the fauna to be zoned with depth, areas of rapid faunal change separating regions of relative faunal homogeneity. Distinct faunal assemblages with characteristic catch rates, diversity, and dominant species are found on the shelf (40 to 264 m), upper continental slope (283 to 650 m), middle continental slope (653 to 1290 m), lower continental slope (1380 to 1947 m), the transitional region from slope to rise (2116 to 2481 m), the upper continental (2504 to 3113 m), the middle continental rise (3244 to 3470 m), and lower continental rise to abyssal plain (3879 to 4986 m). Catch rates and diversity are greatest on the lower continental slope and transition to the upper rise, and are lowest at the greatest depths. Dominance, particularly by echinoderms, is an important aspect of community structure. The 3 major taxa represented (decapod crustaccean, echinoderms, and fishes) do not always display the same patterns within and between assemblages. Generalities derived from study of a single group need not apply to all segments of the deep-ocean community. Overall patterns in the megafauna are similar to those described in other groups and areas, but species assemblages are not the same everywhere and perhaps too much has been made of the horizontal extent of zones. Trophic level is related to degree of zonation, but where predators are generalists their ranges may be wide rather than restricted. Diversity patterns can be understood in terms of the interrelationships of predation, competition, environmental heterogeneity, and trophic level. Faunal zones are of importance as the geographical units within which evolution, community development, and diversification take place.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE76-21878, the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-74-C0262, and, in part, by the United States Department of Energy under Contract No. EY-76-C-02-0016 and the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Cancil under Grant A-7230  相似文献   

粤北2座饮用水源地水库的富营养化与浮游植物群落动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤北地区的水库以山地型水库为主,其中有不少担负着饮用水源的功能。为了解粤北地区水源地水库的富营养化状态与浮游植物种群的动态变化,于2011年的枯水期(2―3月)和丰水期(6―7月)对花山和白水礤2座中型水库进行了采样调查,对水库的营养盐和浮游植物种群进行了分析。结果表明:2座水库均为贫营养型;浮游植物在枯水期和丰水期的种类变化不大,共鉴定出的浮游植物6门37种(属),以硅藻为主要优势种群,优势种为小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)和颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)。同时,枯水期和丰水期2座水库浮游植物的丰度和生物量都比较低,其值分别为0.65×106~1.95×106cells.L-1、0.11 mg.L-1和0.73×106~8.9×106cells.L-1、0.05~0.50 mg.L-1。在浮游植物种群动态中,2座水库浮游植物丰度和生物量的季节变化主要表现为硅藻丰度和生物量的变化,低浓度的氮、磷营养盐限制是影响这2座贫营养水库浮游植物动态变化主要因素。  相似文献   

着生藻类是河流水生生物群落的重要组成部分,其与栖境水环境因子有着紧密的关联性。国内外关于着生藻类群落与栖息地环境因子关系的研究多是通过多元统计分析,评价影响着生藻类群落时空分布的环境要素,这种定性分析仅能判断环境驱动因子,而无法精确定量着生藻类群落与环境因子(如氮、磷)的响应关系。本研究以辽宁省太子河为范例,基于3次全流域的水生态调查所获得的141个站位的生态数据,运用临界指示物种分析法(TITAN)和加权平均回归分析(WA),定量评价着生藻类群落与河流水环境中氮、磷营养盐的定量响应关系(最适值和阈值)。结果表明,采用TITAN在太子河共确定了22种总氮(TN)指示物种,其中,13种为负响应物种,9种为正响应物种。TN负响应指示种中,普通等片藻(Diatoma vulgare)为出现频数较高的物种; TN正响应指示种中,小片菱形藻(Nitzschia frustulum)出现的频数最高。TITAN确定的太子河流域总磷(TP)指示物种为19种,其中,9种为负响应物种,10种为正响应物种。TP指示种中,负响应种近缘桥弯藻(Cymbella affinis)出现频数最高,TP指示种所对应的正响应突变点中,小片菱形藻和急尖舟形藻(Navicula cuspidata)出现频数最高。总体上看,太子河TN和TP对着生藻类最适值范围分别为0.025~0.47 mg·L~(-1)和0.65~12.14 mg·L~(-1),直链藻属(Melosira)和菱形藻属(Nitzschia)的种类,适宜栖息于TP较高的水环境中;异极藻属(Gomphonema)和桥弯藻属(Cymbella)适宜栖息于TP较低的水环境中;裸藻属(Euglena)和菱形藻属(Nitzschia)适宜栖息于TN较高的水环境中;而桥弯藻属和舟形藻属(Navicula)适宜栖息于TN较低的水环境中。通过定量分析水环境因子氮、磷对着生藻类群落的最适值和阈值,可以相对准确地评估着生藻类群落与河流营养盐含量的定量响应关系,对于在太子河开展对氮、磷等典型营养物的流域"污染物"排放的总量控制等流域生态管理决策和环境保护提供基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   

Samples of urban dusts and sediments have been collected and categorised into three compartment those which act mainly as sources, those undergoing transport and those which have been deposited. The sediments were fractionated into <63m to match similar sized lacustrine sediments and <2mm to represent natural and anthropogenic fluvially transported sediments. Preliminary results of total heavy metals analysis show that the <2mm fraction of the source group exhibits the greatest variabilty in metal concentrations. Overall, however, the <63m fraction dominates regardless of compartment. Some heavy metal concentrations decrease through the sourcetransportdeposit process, possibly due to selective onward transport of finer material or other anthropogenic processes unique to the urban environment (e.g. street cleansing). Sitespecificity is indicated in a comparison with other similar studies.  相似文献   

黄河中下游表层沉积物磷的赋存形态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓丽  张丽坤 《生态环境》2011,20(5):904-907
利用淡水沉积物中磷形态的标准测试程序(SMT),研究了黄河中下游10个沉积物样品中磷的赋存形态变化规律和分布特征,并分析了沉积物中磷的来源和释放潜力。研究结果表明,黄河中下游沉积物中总磷(TP)的含量为85.0~128.2 mg.kg-1,无机磷(IP)的含量范围在52.4~80.0 mg.kg-1,有机磷(OP)的含量范围在28.4~48.2 mg.kg-1。其中主要以无机磷的形式存在,而无机磷中以钙结合态磷为主。线性回归分析结果表明,NaOH-P的含量与活性态Fe、Al含量总和有一定的线性关系。黄河沉积物向上覆水体释放磷的潜力不大。  相似文献   

Surface sediments were collected from the shore and lagoons of Kavaratti, Kadamat and Agatti islands of Lakshadweep Archipelago during May 2015 and analysed for the spatial distribution of the micronutrient element, phosphorus. Phosphorus was separated by sequential extraction procedure into five fractions – exchangeable (Ex-P), iron bound, (Fe-P), calcium bound (Ca-P), organic and residual fractions (OP) and total phosphorus (TP). The average relative contribution of each P species to TP was: OP?>?Ca –P?>?Ex – P?>?Fe – P. The high concentration of organic and residual phosphorus (87–96%) compared to inorganic phosphorus is particularly evident at stations characterised by higher total phosphorus concentrations. Among the three forms of IP in the sediments, Ca-P was dominant at all stations. The OC/OP ratio ranged from 3 to 163 in the sediments, suggesting that the organic matter in sediments had been subjected to degradation. Hence, the major contribution towards organic and residual phosphorus form is from the residual fraction comprising biologically resistant or non-available phosphorus form composed of refractory materials. The concentration of phosphorus reported in the present study is higher than that of the earlier studies in Lakshadweep, indicating a terrestrial and anthropogenic in?uence on the sediment.  相似文献   

Historically, management strategies in Canada's boreal forest have focused on forest polygons and terrestrial biodiversity to address ecological considerations in forest management. The Forest Watershed and Riparian Disturbance (FORWARD) project examines the problem from a watershed perspective rather than a forest polygon viewpoint. The main objective of this study was to devise an artificial neural network (ANN) modeling tool that can predict flow and total phosphorus (TP) concentration for ungauged watersheds (where daily flow is not monitored). This dictates that all inputs should be easily accessed via a public domain database, like the Environment Canada weather database, without the need to install flow gauges in each modeled watershed. Daily flow and TP concentration for two of the project watersheds were modeled using ANNs. The two watersheds (1A Creek, 5.1 km2 and Willow Creek, 15.6 km2) were chosen to reflect variations in wetland area and composition in the study area. Flow was modeled with a feed-forward multilayer perceptron ANN trained with the error back-propagation algorithm. Simulated values for flow were then used, as inputs, to model TP concentration using the same neural networks algorithm. One hidden layer with three slabs; each operating with a different activation function was utilized to simulate the conceptual differences between base flow, snowmelt, and storm events. Time domain analysis was conducted to identify possible model time-lagged inputs reflecting the time dependency of the modeled variables. Spectral analysis was used to address data hystereses. Our results highlight the capabilities of ANN in modeling complex ecosystems and highly correlated variables. Results also indicated that more research towards the phosphorus dynamics in wetlands is required to better represent the impact of wetland area and composition on the water-phase phosphorus in ANN modeling.  相似文献   

The development and application of ecosystem models in estuarine and coastal systems has grown exponentially over the past four decades. Models have become ensconced as major tools for both heuristic study of ecosystem structure and function as well as for informing management decisions, particularly with respect to cultural eutrophication. In recent years an ever-expanding toolbox of modeling approaches is being offered to complement traditional methods. This expansion of modeling in estuarine and coastal science was exemplified by four sessions devoted to modeling at the 2007 biennial conference of the Estuarine Research Federation in Providence, RI. We felt the time was right to propose a special session of Ecological Modelling to synthesize talks from these sessions to present the state of the art in coastal and estuarine modeling. The collection of papers contained in this special issue presents a diversity of traditional and novel modeling approaches, methods for assessing model validity and predictability, and the utility of models in management applications. We believe that together these papers provide an excellent overview of current approaches to modeling estuarine hydrodynamics, water quality, and ecosystem/food web dynamics, applications of complex and relatively simple modeling approaches, applications in both deep and shallow coastal systems, goals relevant for both heuristic and management applications, and perspectives based on traditional mechanistic model development as well as more recent alternative approaches.  相似文献   

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