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两种常见沉水植物与藻的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
白秀玲  谷孝鸿  张钰  何俊 《生态环境》2006,15(3):465-468
选用太湖常见的沉水植物苦草(VallisneriaspiralisL.)和轮叶黑藻(HydrillaverticillataRoyle),构建微型生态系统。通过对沉水植物作用下水体中藻类叶绿素a及试验前后沉水植物生物量变化的观测,分析沉水植物与藻类的相互作用。结果表明,(1)相同条件下,苦草和轮叶黑藻对藻类变化的影响没有显著差异。(2)在苦草生物量相同的情况下,藻类叶绿素a初始值越大,其变化速率也越快。叶绿素a初始值差别越大,其变化速率差异越显著。轮叶黑藻也有相似的结果。(3)从试验前后苦草和轮叶黑藻生物量的变化可知,苦草受藻类影响较大,轮叶黑藻几乎没有受到藻的影响。  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染的植物修复中转基因技术的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
重金属污染的植物修复技术以其费用低廉、不污染环境等优点一度成为环境科学界研究的热点。为了克服植物修复技术中超积累植物生长缓慢和地上部生物量小等带来的限制,近年来研究者通过大量试验研究发展,外源基因在植物体内的高效表达可以提高植物吸收、运输、降解污染物的能力和修复的效率。本文首先对目前国内外重金属污染土壤植物修复的研究动态进行综述,重点论述了PCs、MTs、MerA、MerB、ArsC、γ-ECS等转基因在土壤重金属污染植物修复中的应用,最后指出在充分考虑到转基因植物给生态环境带来潜在威胁的前提下,转基因技术的研究与开发不仅可以促进多学科的交叉研究和丰富环境科学的研究领域,更重要的是在很大程度上有效地克服了目前土壤重金属污染植物修复中存在并急需解决的棘手问题,为土壤重金属污染的植物修复提供了更加广阔的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

原海燕  黄苏珍  郭智 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1918-1922
通过野外调查和实地修复铅锌矿污染土壤试验,研究了铅锌矿区排污渠污水及底泥中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd含量和分布特征以及4种鸢尾属植物马蔺(Iris lactea var.chinensis)、黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus L.)、溪荪(Iris sanguinea Donn ex Horn.)、花菖蒲(Iris ensata Thunb.)对Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd的积累能力和土壤修复效率差异。结果表明,离污染源越近,重金属污染越严重。Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd4种重金属均大部分沉积在排污水渠的底泥中,污水中Pb严重污染,超标达120倍,底泥中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd质量分数分别超标1.5倍、1.7倍、1.6倍和1.7倍。排污渠岸土壤Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd质量分数也明显超过了国家规定的土壤环境质量Ⅱ级标准1~5倍。种植4种鸢尾属植物后,土壤中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd质量分数有所降低。其中,种植马蔺1个月后土壤Pb、Cu、Cd修复效率分别为8.13%、2.45%和22.3%。黄菖蒲和花菖蒲对Zn的修复效率相对较高。4种鸢尾属植物中马蔺对Pb、Cd的吸收能力最强,马蔺地上部(叶、茎)Pb质量分数达983mg·kg-1,且转运系数大于1,是一种潜在的Pb积累植物,黄菖蒲、溪荪和花菖蒲对Zn的吸收能力较强,且吸收的重金属主要积累在根系。  相似文献   

The uptake from water and the elimination of carbon‐14 radiolabelled triphenyltin hydroxide ([14C]TPTH) was studied in two fish species: guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and rainbow trout larvae (Salmo gairdneri). During all the experiments no steady state in fish was found. TPTH was rapidly taken up, while elimination was very slow. Uptake and elimination rate constants (k 1 and k 2, respectively), and a bioconcentration factor were estimated, assuming first order kinetics.

During eight days of exposure of guppy to TPTH an uptake rate constant k 1 of 70±7L/kg.d and an elimination rate constant k 2 of 0.005 ±0.029d ‐1 was found. This resulted in a biconcentration factor of at least 2.1 × 103L/kg (wet weight). Comparable results were obtained during a 30 days exposure experiment with guppy: k 1 was 41±2L/kg.d, k 2 0.014 + 0.002d‐1, and the bioconcentration factor was estimated to be 2.9 × 103 L/kg (wet weight).

Four days exposure of rainbow trout larvae resulted in a it, of 22+ 2 L/kg.d, and a k 2 of 0.031 ±0.007d‐1. Using these k, and k 2 values it was estimated that the biconcentration factor exceeds 650 L/kg (wet weight).  相似文献   

• Sediment desiccation alters morphological characteristics of aquatic sediment. • Alternation in morphological properties of sediment limiting root characteristics. • Fibrous-rooted macrophytes root properties extra favor nutrients removal. • Thick-rooted macrophytes exhibit higher life-span in two sediment types. Purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of constantly wet and dried-rewetted sediments on root functional traits of emerged macrophytes and their nutrients removal abilities. It is based on the hypothesis that root characteristics and nutrients removal abilities of plants will be altered in the course of sediment desiccation. Four emerged macrophytes including two fibrous-root plants (Canna indica and Acorus calamus) and two thick-root plants (Alocasia cucullata and Aglaonema commutatum) were investigated for their root functional traits and rhizoperformance in both wet and dried-rewetted sediments. Results showed that sediment desiccation followed by rewetting substantially altered the root functional traits (root surface area, radial oxygen loss, and root activity) of plants due to adverse changes in morphological characteristics (porosity, bulk density, particle density) of dried-rewetted sediments than by wet sediments. Consequently, limited plants growth and removal of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were recorded in dried-rewetted sediments and their pore water than in wet sediments. Radial oxygen loss from plant roots correlated positively with root functional traits, plants growth, and removal of N, P and DOC from pore water and sediment in both sediment types. Among the macrophyte species, the fibrous-root plants having advantages root functional traits, greatly influenced the rhizospheric conditions (pH, dissolved oxygen and redox potential), and demonstrated higher N, P and DOC reduction from both sediment types. While, the thick-rooted plants with thick diameter roots (D > 1 mm) and higher rhizome exhibited longer life-span in both sediment types.  相似文献   

为了阐明铜离子对沉水植物化感抑藻作用的影响,利用2种常见且具有明显化感抑藻效应的沉水植物:马来眼子菜和苦草种植水进行了研究,分析了协同加入铜离子的情况下,种植水对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)脆杆藻(Fragilariasp.)和沙角衣藻(Chlamydomonas sajao)等单细胞蓝绿藻生长的抑制效应。铜离子投入量参考污水综合排放标准,综合考虑水生动物和藻类的耐铜毒性范围,在较低的范围内设置4个水平:100、150、200、250μg铜离子每升藻类培养液。研究结果表明,与不同水平铜离子混合后,种植水的抑藻效应出现4种情况,(1)被消除,100μg·L-1铜离子加入后,马来眼子菜种植水对脆杆藻、苦草种植水对铜绿微囊藻的抑制作用被消除。(2)被削弱,马来眼子菜种植水在加入100μg·L-1和150嵋·一铜离子2种情况下,对铜绿微囊藻抑制作用被削弱,加入200μg·L-1铜离子后,对脆杆藻抑制作用被削弱;苦草种植水在加入150μg·L-1铜离子后,对铜绿微囊藻的抑制被削弱。(3)无变化,马来眼子菜种植水,分别加入200μg·L-1和250μg·L-1铜离子后,对铜绿微囊藻抑制效应不受影响,分别加入150μg·L-1和250μg·L-1铜离子,对脆杆藻抑制效应不受影响;苦草种植水,加入150μg·L-1铜离子后,对铜绿微囊藻抑制效应不受影响,加入100μg·L-1和150μg·L-1铜离子后,对沙角抑藻的抑制效应不受影响。(4)被强化,苦草种植水,分别加入200μg·L-1和250μg·L-1铜离子后,对铜绿微囊藻、沙角抑藻的抑制效应均被强化。沉水植物化感抑藻物质主要是小分子的有机物,包括各种有机酸,而铜离子极易和水中的有机物发生络合反应.可能是铜离子与种植水中某些抑藻化感物质发生络合反应导致其抑藻效应受到影响.具体机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Due to increased pollution of potable water sources as a consequence of eutrophication and anthropogenic xenobiotics, sustainable water purification is an essential concern. Therefore, the Green Liver System, a natural, economic and sustainable water purification system employing the biotransformation capabilities of aquatic plants, was developed. To expand the capacities and applications of this system, new aquatic plants are continually evaluated for their potential to remediate various aquatic pollutants. In this study, the potential of Cladophora glomerata to internalize cyanotoxins, microcystins (MCs) and anatoxin-a, and consequently its ability to cope with the subsequent oxidative stress associated with toxin-uptake were investigated. C. glomerata was able to take up all three of the tested MC congeners as well as anatoxin-a, similarly to previous toxin internalizations reported for aquatic plants such as Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum and Hydrilla versiculata. The antioxidative stress defense of C. glomerata proved to efficiently endure the toxin-uptake with no adverse effects. Subsequently, the uptake potential of C. glomerata was investigated at lab-scale by exposure to the three MC congeners and anatoxin-a collectively. After a period of seven days, 95–97% of the MCs and 100% of anatoxin-a were removed from the exposure media. C. glomerata therefore, is a suitable candidate to be incorporated in future Green Liver Systems.  相似文献   

五种重金属在小麦植株不同器官中的分布特征   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
为研究Cd、Pb、As、Cu、Zn等5种重金属在小麦植株不同器官的分布特征,以郑州9023为供试品种,采用田间试验方法,应用原子吸收分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICPS)分别测定了小麦植株不同器官的重金属质量分数并进行了分析。结果表明,小麦植株中较易富集Cd的器官是根、叶及废弃物,较易富集Pd、As的器官是根、茎及废弃物,较易富集Zn、Cu的器官是根、茎和籽粒;在这5种重金属中,Zn在小麦茎和籽粒中的富集系数最高,Cd在地上部分其他器官的富集系数最高,而Pb在这些器官中富集系数均为最低,Cu和As则居中。  相似文献   

底质中氨氮对沉水植物生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
朱伟  张俊  赵联芳 《生态环境》2006,15(5):914-920
沉水植物的生长不但与水体营养盐浓度具有十分密切的关系,也受底泥中营养物质的影响,尤其是底泥中氨氮的含量对于植物生长具有重要的作用,因此研究底质中氨氮对高等沉水植物生长的影响,能够为沉水植被的重建及选种提供科学参考。作者在人工配制的7种含不同浓度铵态氮的底质条件下,通过测定苦草VallisnerianatansL.和伊乐藻Elodeanuttallii两种沉水植物的植株鲜物质量的变化、干物质量、根系的活力、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,以期明确这两种沉水植物与水体底质浓度之间的关系。试验结果表明,氨氮起始质量分数<50mg·kg-1和<500mg·kg-1时可以分别促进苦草和伊乐藻鲜物质量、干物质量和根系活力的增加,大于此范围则会抑制苦草VallisnerianatansL和伊乐藻Elodeanuttallii的生长。  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes often provide refuge for zooplankton from fish predation in temperate and subtropical shallow lakes. However, since the relationship between submerged macrophyte abundance and its refuge effect has not been well established, the refuge effect is difficult to be simulated. In this paper, we constructed mathematical models to describe the refuge effect of submerged macrophytes on fish foraging activities and ecological dynamics of shallow lakes based on the previous studies. We clarified the underlying behavioral mechanisms of the observed functional responses through analyses of the fish foraging behavior, extracted the affected variables related to the refuge effect, formulized the relationship between the affected variables and submerged vegetation density, and determined parameter values with a compensative procedure. Calibration and validation results indicated that the new functional response model was successful to simulate the refuge effect on interfering with fish foraging behavior. Moreover, the model was cooperated into a minimal ecological model for shallow lakes. Modeling results showed that the model was able to simulate the refuge effect in ecological dynamics, and made the ecological model produce significantly different results from those with the existing functional response models.  相似文献   

典型城市污染水体底泥中重金属形态分布和相关性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用Tessier五步连续提取法,研究了南京市莫愁湖、玄武湖、秦淮河13个底泥样品中的重金属的形态分布情况,分析了重金属浸出量与各形态间的相关性及有机质与有机结合态的相关性,并通过红外谱图分析了有机质与重金属结合的机理.结果表明:底泥中Pb,cu,zh,Ni,Cr主要以有机结合态和残渣态俘在,两种形态的含量占总量70%以上,Zn和Cd的可交换态和碳酸盐结合态含量相列较高,Zn约占20%,Cd约占30%;Zn,Cu,Cd,Ni,Cr的浸出量均与可交换离子态呈现显著的相关性,因此可通过减小可交换离子态含量控制底泥重金属污染的风险性;研究还表明,有机质与有机结合态呈现显著的正相关,因此增加底泥中有机质含量有助于重金属向有_棚结合态转化,有机质与重金属的结合主要是由于其中-些官能团和重金属形成稳定的络合物.  相似文献   

不同沉水植物对沉积物磷迁移转化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择了微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A.Benn .)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L .)和金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demerswn L .)3种沉水植物,在温室模拟研究了不同沉水植物对湖泊沉积物磷迁移转化的影响.研究结果表明,随着培养时间的延续微齿眼子菜和穗花狐尾藻对沉积物NaOH-P有明显的吸收和转化作用,分别吸收和转化了36.9%和33.2%,而金鱼藻对沉积物NaOH-P的影响不显著;各处理随着植物的生长,由于根系的吸收作用,沉积物中Olsell-P发生了从非根际→根际→沉水植物的迁移过程,其中微齿眼子菜和穗花狐尾藻更为明显.因此,微齿眼子菜和穗花狐尾藻对沉积物磷释放的控制作用更为明显.  相似文献   

Drinking water quality should remain constant from the drinking water treatment plant to the consumer's tap. However, water quality characteristics might be affected by interactions with pipe materials. This review describes the iron, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum, chromium, and cadmium in drinking water leached from the pipe material present in drinking water, as well as the factors and mechanisms that affect leaching processes. Data analysis suggests that monitoring the water quality in distribution systems is important for their proper management; however, the low measured concentrations highlight the need for sensitive sensors. In addition, further research is necessary to anticipate possible future effects before the installation of new materials/infrastructure or changes in water source/treatment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of seven metals (Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) were determined in 14 plant species including vegetables and crops from an agricultural area located at the Southern part of the Iranian capital, near the Tehran oil refinery. Different statistical methods, especially multivariate ones, were employed for the analysis of the results. Based on the results of agglomerative hierarchical method for clustering of the grid cells, some similarities between the dendrograms of Pb, Ni, and V and, furthermore, between Mn and Cr were observed that could be attributed to their similar distribution sources in the study area. The principal component analysis showed that with respect to accumulation of all the metals in the plant species, two main groups could be identified. The highest mean concentrations of all metals (except for Pb) were found in onions. In all plants the mean concentrations of Cd and Pb were considerably higher than limits stated in international guidelines for human consumption. The levels of the metals in onions exceeded these limits. Moreover, the Cr concentrations in mint and basil and the Zn concentrations in tarragon and parsley were higher than the established limits.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - By investigating three dominant mangrove species, namely Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel, Ceriops tagal and their rhizosediment in Mangrove wetlands...  相似文献   

重金属在土壤-水稻体系中的分布、变化及迁移规律分析   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
关共凑  徐颂  黄金国 《生态环境》2006,15(2):315-318
以佛山市南海区小塘镇和高明区杨梅镇的标准农田为研究对象,分析重金属在土壤和水稻植株不同部位的分布及其随时间变化、迁移规律。结果表明:重金属被水稻吸收以后,多数仍滞留在土壤里,只有少量向地上部分迁移。重金属在水稻植株不同部位的质量分数分布由大到小的次序为:根→茎→籽→叶。水稻地上部分中4种重金属元素分布由大到小的次序是:Zn→Cu→Pb→Cd。水稻分蘖期重金属在根、茎和叶的积累量达到最大,随着时间的延续,在根部积累的重金属就越来越少,茎和叶积累的重金属在拔节期降至最小,随后又慢慢上升。4种重金属在水稻植株中的迁移能力由大到小依次为:Cd→Zn→Cu→Pb,但也有个别情况是Cu的迁移能力大于Zn。  相似文献   

典型野生食用菌重金属含量及其人体健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属污染是影响生态环境、食品安全和人体健康的重要因素.云南省土壤重金属背景值较高,且矿产资源丰富、采矿活动频繁,导致土壤重金属含量较高.野生食用菌是高效重金属储积器,云南是中国野生食用菌最大产区.因此,本文以云南省8种典型野生食用菌为研究对象,探究其重金属含量(汞、镉、铅、锌、铜、砷)与分配特征,采用单因子污染指...  相似文献   

羟基磷灰石对沉积物中重金属释放特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以羟基磷灰石掺杂前后模拟重金属污染沉积物为研究对象,利用混匀释放实验及化学连续萃取法分析沉积物中重金属的释放特征及形态分布特性,考察了羟基磷灰石对重会属污染沉积物中Cu、zn、Pb、Cd稳定性的影响.结果表明不同来源模拟污染沉积物中松花江沉积物中的重金属最易重新释放,而伊通河沉积物中的重金属释放量最小;同时伊通河沉积物中残渣态重金属的比例较其它沉积物高很多,而可交换态和碳酸盐结合态的重金属比例较其它沉积物低很多,说明同时进入沉积物中的重金属,伊通河沉积物中的重金属相对稳定一些.羟基磷灰石的掺杂不同程度降低了沉积物中重金属的释放能力,促使沉积物中的重金属由较不稳定结合态向较稳定结合态转化,减小了沉积物中重金属的生物可利用性,增强了重金属的稳定性.  相似文献   

In risk assessment of aquatic sediments, much attention is paid to the difference between acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) as indicators of metal bioavailability. Distribution of AVS and SEM (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in 20 representative sampling sites collected along the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. Total SEM concentration [ΣSEM] ranged from 0.012 to 0.241 μmoleg?1. AVS concentrations were much more variable, showing significant spatial variations. The values ranged from 0.015 to 31.326 μmoleg?1. The different relationships between AVS and SEM to establish mechanical models such as the ratio of ΣSEM and AVS [ΣSEM/AVS], the difference between the ΣSEM and AVS [ΣSEM–AVS], or the organic carbon normalised difference between SEM and AVS [ΣSEM-AVS]/foc models were used as parameters to evaluate potential bioavailability. Considering SEM/AVS model, sediments at the Western Harbour, Eastern Harbour, Ras El-Burr, El-Gamil East, and Port Said stations are occasionally toxic, while according to SEM-AVS model, no indication of associated adverse toxic effect would occur at any of the sampling sites. Calculated [ΣSEM-AVS]/foc was<130 μmoleg?1 in the sediments indicating that sediments should pose a low risk of adverse biological effects owing to cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc. Association of adverse effects to aquatic organisms was determined, using the classification of the sediments according to the Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs). The marine Threshold Effect Levels (TEL) and Probable Effect Levels (PEL) were used in this work and in order to obtain a more realistic measure of predicted toxicity, mean PEL quotients (PELq) were calculated. The mean PELq calculated for the sampling sites was (0.11–1.5) and categorised as slightly toxic at all stations except Baghoush, Nobarreya and western harbour, which had PELq<0.1 and categorised as non-toxic. The obtained data concluded that the remobility and bioavailability of trace metals contained in surfacial sediments of the Egyptian Mediterranean coastal area are low.  相似文献   

莱州湾表层沉积物重金属分布特征及污染评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
莱州湾属半封闭海湾,水体交换能力较弱,受多条河流入海影响,污染日趋加重。根据区域特征,于2008年5月对莱州湾30个采样点表层沉积物中的Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Hg、As、粒度和总有机碳进行测定,探讨了重金属含量和污染特征与粒度、总有机碳间的相关关系,利用污染评价法和潜在生态风险评价法进行污染和风险分析。结果表明:重金属平均含量较低,大部分低于国家海洋沉积物一类标准。Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd和As在莱州湾中部区域出现高值区,同时Cd在小清河口、Hg在莱州湾东部出现高值区。Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As重金属之间(除了Cd和As之间)及与沉积物粘土、有机碳含量之间显著正相关。莱州湾表层沉积物重金属单因子污染程度总体较轻,属于低污染水平,污染程度排序为CdPbZnCuAsHg,约30%的站位重金属综合污染指数大于5,达到中等污染水平,主要分布于小清河口、莱州湾中部和东部区域。莱州湾表层沉积物重金属潜在生态风险总体处于较低水平,风险排序为HgCdAsPbCuZn,风险指数高值区出现在莱州湾东部区域,主要受Hg的高风险水平影响。  相似文献   

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