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The objective of this study was to determine the ocular changes leading to blindness following different salt concentration consumption in Wistar rats. Test groups consumed 1, 2, 3, 3.5, or 4% salt concentration respectively as potable water, while the control group used tap water. Ophthalmic examinations with a slit-lamp and fundus camera were performed. Lack of eye response to light and manual stimuli were considered as blindness criteria. Similar experimental conditions were performed in pigs and rabbits. Short duration consumption of 1 or 2% salt concentrations did not produce any detectable ocular signs, whereas long duration consumption of 2% salt concentration induced prominent ocular signs. After 3–4 days of consuming 3% and higher salt concentrations, retinal and vitreous hemorrhages, posterior vitreous detachment PVD, and retinal detachment were observed. The following ocular changes included conjunctivital injection, cornea and lens opacities, swelling of the optic disc, blindness, vitreous collapse, and finally phthisis bulbi. Salt poisoning led to hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity. Due to hyperosmolarity, the vitreous lost some of its fluid contents and vitreous shrinkage resulted in vascular damage, retinal and vitreous hemorrhage, PVD, and retinal detachment. In addition, conjunctivitis, corneal and lens opacities, swelling of the optic disc, blindness, vitreous collapse, and finally phthisis bulbi was evident.  相似文献   

Nanosized magnetite has emerged as an adsorbent of pollutants in water remediation. Nanoadsorbents include magnetic iron oxide and its modifiers/stabilizers, such as carbon, silica, clay, organic moieties (polymers, aminoacids, and fatty acids) and other inorganic oxides. This review is focused on the recent developments on the synthesis and use of magnetic nanoparticles and nanocomposites in the treatment of contaminated water. The emphasis is on the influence of the iron oxide modifiers on some properties of interest such as size, BET area, and magnetization. The characteristics of these nanomaterials are related to their ability to eliminate heavy metal ions and dyes from wastewater. Comparative analysis of the actual literature was performed aiming to present the magnetic material, its preparation methodology and performance in the elimination of the selected pollutants. Vast information has been properly summarized according to the materials, their properties and preferential affinity for selected contaminants. The mechanisms governing nanomaterial’s formation as well as the interactions with heavy metals and dyes have been carefully analyzed and associated to their efficiency.  相似文献   

The problems of contamination caused by arsenic (As) and other toxic metals in groundwater, surface water and soils in the Bengal basin of Bangladesh have been studied. Altogether 10 groundwater, seven surface water and 31 soil samples were collected from arsenic-affected areas and analysed chemically. The geologic and anthropogenic sources of As and other toxic metals are discussed in this paper. The chemical results show that the mean As concentrations in groundwater in the Char Ruppur (0.253mg As L–1), Rajarampur (1.955mg As L–1) and Shamta areas (0.996mg As L–1) greatly exceed the WHO recommended value, which is 0.01mg As L–1. The concentrations of As in groundwater are very high compared to those in surface water and in surface soil in the three (As-affected) areas studied. This indicates that the source of As in groundwater could be bedrock. The relatively high concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in surface water, compared to world typical value, are due to the solubility of metal ions, organometalic complexes, coprecipitation or co-existance with the colloidal clay fraction. In the soil, the elevated concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn are due to their strong affinity to organic matter, hydrous oxides of Fe and Mn, and clay minerals.  相似文献   

研究三丁基氯化锡(TBT)对中国近海常见5种硅藻和甲藻(硅藻中丹麦细柱藻(Leptocylindrus danicus)、派格棍形藻(Bacilaria paxillifera)、聚生角毛藻(Chaetoceros socialis),甲藻中微型原甲藻(Prorocentrum minimum)、简裸甲藻(Gymnodinium simplex))的毒性效应,考察了有机锡对浮游藻光合活性(Fv/Fm)、粒径、生长的影响。结果表明:派格棍形藻、聚生角毛藻、简裸甲藻的光合活性(Fv/Fm)受TBT影响较显著;微型原甲藻、丹麦细柱藻的光合活性受TBT影响较小。高质量浓度TBT胁迫下海洋微藻峰值粒径显著减小,低质量浓度TBT对峰值粒径影响不显著。低质量浓度TBT对派格棍形藻、聚生角毛藻、简裸甲藻、微型原甲藻均有较强的毒性作用,非检测毒性浓度(NDEC)分别为1.17、1.07、0.23、3.73μg.L-1,丹麦细柱藻对TBT具有很强耐受性,NDEC为112.62μg.L-1。  相似文献   

研究三丁基氯化锡(TBT)对中国近海常见5种硅藻和甲藻(硅藻中丹麦细柱藻(Leptocylindrus danicus)、派格棍形藻(Bacilaria paxillifera)、聚生角毛藻(Chaetoceros socialis),甲藻中微型原甲藻(Prorocentrum minimum)、简裸甲藻(Gymnodinium simplex))的毒性效应,考察了有机锡对浮游藻光合活性(Fv/Fm)、粒径、生长的影响。结果表明:派格棍形藻、聚生角毛藻、简裸甲藻的光合活性(Fv/Fm)受TBT影响较显著;微型原甲藻、丹麦细柱藻的光合活性受TBT影响较小。高质量浓度TBT胁迫下海洋微藻峰值粒径显著减小,低质量浓度TBT对峰值粒径影响不显著。低质量浓度TBT对派格棍形藻、聚生角毛藻、简裸甲藻、微型原甲藻均有较强的毒性作用,非检测毒性浓度(NDEC)分别为1.17、1.07、0.23、3.73μg.L-1,丹麦细柱藻对TBT具有很强耐受性,NDEC为112.62μg.L-1。  相似文献   

苏打盐碱土地区水田水盐运移模拟与预测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李取生 《生态环境》2005,14(3):396-398
井灌种稻虽然是近年来松嫩平原西部土地苏打盐碱化治理的有效途径,但苏打盐碱地种稻改良对土壤盐分状况的长期影响,却缺乏定量化评价。作者选择该区代表性地点,通过田间观测与建立模型相结合的方法,对现有种植条件下的水田盐分动态变化进行了模拟和检验。研究发现,经过一定开垦年限土壤剖面平均含盐量下降到1.5g·kg-1左右后,在降水量正常的条件下,土壤盐分已基本达到平衡,不再随着开垦年限增加而进一步下降。相反,如遇干旱年份土壤盐分还会略有增加。需要进一步采取增加排水次数、改善土壤通透性等其它技术措施,才能使苏打盐碱地种稻改良达到更加理想的效果。  相似文献   

Essential and toxic elements were determined by Energy Dispersive Polarized X-Rays Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDPXRF) in the meat of 145 wild and bred animals to provide the baseline data regarding meat of wild and bred animals consumed in central Italy. As far as K, Fe, Ni, Zn, and Cu are concerned, no significant differences resulted between young and adults and between males and females for farmed and wild animals. No marked differences were found between hunted and non-hunted animals groups. In all samples analyzed, Mn, Cr, and Mo were below the detection limit. As far as the non-essential or toxic elements are concerned, As, Cd, V, and Hg concentrations in muscle from wild and bred animals were low and always below the detection limits. Among the wild animals killed with lead (Pb) bullets, elevated Pb concentrations in tissues were detected. This finding may result in elevated Pb levels in meat ingested by humans.  相似文献   

张治宏  薛峰 《环境化学》2012,31(5):677-681
采用水溶液合成法制备了具有Keggin型结构的十一镍锆钼杂多酸盐Na6[Ni(Mo11ZrO39)].20H2O(NiZrMo),并对其进行表征及分析.元素分析表明,镍锆钼之间的物质的量之比满足1∶1∶11的关系;热重/差热分析说明合成的杂多酸盐具有比较好的热稳定性并带有20个结晶水;红外光谱、X射线衍射及紫外光谱表征充分表明合成的杂多酸盐其阴离子仍保持Keggin型结构;扫描电镜分析表明,具有比较好的大分子化合物的基本特征和比较规则的晶体结构.以NiZrMo杂多酸盐为催化剂降解酸性绿B(AGB)染料废水,降解率最高可达95.72%.  相似文献   

用气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定了一只中国东海海域抹香鲸(Physeter macrocephalus)皮脂24种多氯联苯(PCBs)同系物的含量,并分析了其组成特征以及国际毒性当量.结果表明,东海海域抹香鲸皮脂PCBs的湿重含量为1.12μg.g-1;PCBs同族体中以含6和5个氯原子的化合物为主,高氯代PCBs占总量的92.10%;PCBs同系物中以PCB153、PCB138、PCB101和PCB149居多,分别占到PCBs总量的21.28%、15.97%、10.29%和10.23%;抹香鲸皮脂的TEQs含量为1663.07 pg.g-1,其毒性主要来自PCB126,其次是PCB123和PCB118;初步推断中国东海海域的抹香鲸受PCBs污染程度较轻.  相似文献   

Nine selected elements (Cu, Pb, As, Zn, Co, Ni, Cr, Cd and Fe) were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy in 15 samples from the tailings pond (Zelazny Most) and waste water streams (Moskorzynke and Rudna) in the Kupferschiefer mining district in Southwest Poland. Waste water from mining and industry enter the Zelazny Most pond. The water then flows through Moskorzynke and Rudna streams, and discharges into the River Odra. The analytic results indicate that the contamination with Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Co, Cd and Fe extend about 6km along the streams in contrast to the nonpolluted samples close the River Odra. Their concentrations reach a level, which could be toxic for plants, animals and humans. The contamination with Ni and Cr continued at least 20km along Rudna stream. Besides mechanical transport, redox conditions and Corg contents also played an important role for trace element and Fe contamination in Rudna stream. The samples with high Corg contents have also high contents of trace metals. In Moskorzynke stream the element contamination was mainly caused by mechanical transport of particles. Polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), which is abundant in Kupferschiefer, is toxic for animals and humans. The PAH concentration in the stream sediments was determined by GC and GC/MS. The results indicate that the contamination of PAH reaches 6 and 17mgkg–1 in samples TP1 and RS6, respectively. In the other samples, the PAH contents are lower than 3mgkg–1. Some PAH could be solved by waste water in the tailings pond and migrated to the stream sediments. Some PAH might be contained in particles which were transported mechanically from the tailings pond into stream sediments.  相似文献   

Cartap is an insecticide known to produce contraction and damage to mouse and rabbit diaphragms, and plays a pivotal role in respiratory paralysis and mortality in rabbits. The aim of this study was conducted to screen for the toxic properties and blood concentrations of commercialized cartap products in New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits. Five granular formulations (GRs) with different concentrations (4, 6, 6.5, 6.66 or 10%) and seven water-soluble powders (SPs, 50%) of commercialized cartap products were chosen to study toxicity following ocular instillation. Furthermore, ocular instillation (5, 12.5, 25 or 50 mg kg?1) and oral administration (25 mg kg?1) of the technical material (TC) cartap was also performed to compare blood concentration changes in rabbits. There was no death or eye irritation with all GR products; however, soluble powder (SP) products produced severe toxicity and mortality in rabbits. The blood concentration of TC cartap in rabbits started to increase from 2 min and reached peak levels at 7–9 min after ocular instillation in a dose-related pattern. For comparison of the blood distribution of cartap via different administration routes, oral exposure exhibited a higher absorption of cartap than ocular instillation. It was suggested that the commercialized GR products of cartap were safe but 50% SP products were highly toxic to rabbits following ocular exposure. This study provides valuable data to screen for potential acute toxicity of cartap to farmers and animals in the field.  相似文献   

随着滨海盐业的迅猛发展,盐田的急剧扩张已经对周边环境产生了影响。通过调查盐田周边植被分布特征,分析与植被带对应的典型样地土壤理化性质的空间异质性,研究了盐田对周边土壤及植被的影响。结果表明:盐田周边的植被分布存在明显的空间异质性,在盐田周边呈带状分布,且距盐田越近,植被盖度、物种丰富度越低。土壤含盐量的空间分布在宏观上表现为距盐田越近,含盐量越高,土壤盐渍化越重。距离盐田20m处土壤含盐量平均值达8.22g·kg-1,距离盐田1000m处,土壤含盐量平均值为1.84g·kg-1,土壤含盐量显著降低,且表层土壤含盐量与采样地距盐田间的距离之间呈显著相关关系。由此可见,盐田的扩建已经显著加重了周边土壤的盐渍化程度。  相似文献   

In many Asian cities the public water supply is characterised by low pressure, frequent interruptions and occasional contamination. Hence, private households have to store water and increase pressure individually to ensure an uninterrupted supply at sufficient pressure and water for drinking has to be boiled or supplied separately in bottles. In this study the present water supply system in Hanoi and a number of modification options were analysed from an environmental point of view through life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to identify the most sustainable solutions for future water supply. It was found that the boiling of water for drinking was the largest source of impacts in the present system. Impacts could be reduced significantly if the public supply network was improved and private pumping and storage could be avoided and if the water could be used directly for drinking. It was also found that impacts could be reduced if consumers used bottled water for drinking instead of boiling tap water. Finally, it was demonstrated that even if drinking water cannot be supplied directly through the public network, a reliable public water supply at high pressure is environmentally advantageous. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the conclusions of this study are likely to be applicable to other cities with similar water supply systems.  相似文献   

A red water phenomenon occurred in several communities few days after the change of water source in Beijing, China in 2008. In this study, the origin of this problem, the mechanism of iron release and various control measures were investigated. The results indicated that a significant increase in sulphate concentration as a result of the new water source was the cause of the red water phenomenon. The mechanism of iron release was found that the high-concentration sulphate in the new water source disrupted the stable shell of scale on the inner pipe and led to the release of iron compounds. Experiments showed that the iron release rate in the new source water within pipe section was over 11-fold higher than that occurring within the local source water. The recovery of tap water quality lasted several months despite ameliora- tive measures being implemented, including adding phosphate, reducing the overall proportion of the new water source, elevating the pH and alkalinity, and utilizing free chlorine as a disinfectant instead of chloramine. Adding phosphate was more effective and more practical than the other measures. The iron release rate was decreased after the addition of 1.5 mg. L-1 orthophosphate- P, tripolyphosphate-P and hexametaphosphate-P by 68%, 83% and 87%, respectively. Elevating the pH and alkalinity also reduced the iron release rate by 50%. However, the iron release rate did not decreased after replacing chloramine by 0.5-0.8 mg. L-1 of free chlorine as disinfectant.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the determination of uranium concentrations in drinking and ground water samples by laser fluorimetry and calculation of cumulative, age-dependent radiation doses to humans. The concentrations were found to be between 0.20 ± 0.03 and 64.0 ± 3.6 μg L?1, with an average of 11.1 ± 1.5 μg L?1, well within the drinking water limit of regulatory bodies. The concentrations of uranium increase with depth of water samples collection. The estimated annual ingestion dose due to the intake of uranium through drinking water for all age groups varied between 0.2 and 137 μSv a?1, with an average of 17.3 μSv a?1. The mean annual ingestion dose is 5% of the global average ingestion dose, for infants, marginally higher than for other age group. Most effective dose values were less than 20 μSv a?1.  相似文献   

廖岩  兰竹虹  陈桂珠 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1449-1454
红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)属于乔木红树植物,它对不同盐度的生理反应存在着差异。本文通过对拒盐红树植物红海榄Rs在盐胁迫下各种生理反应的研究,分析了各种生理现象与盐度之间的关系,这对红树植物耐盐机理的研究打下了基础,并为中国南海岸耐盐红树树种的选育提供科学依据,也有助于从多学科研究的角度评估盐胁迫的生态重要性。通过对Rs用不同的盐度的水3个月的处理,发现Rs根、茎、叶中蛋白质质量分数随盐度的变化趋势与可溶性总糖质量分数与盐度的变化趋势相反。当盐度高于40时,Rs茎、叶的膜脂质过氧化破坏显著加强,植物体内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性也明显增加,两者具有很好的相关性(R2=0.893)。随着盐度的升高,Rs各器官过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性都增强。根据实验结果,Rs能够在高盐度(50)下存活3个月。在盐度为20~30时,Rs在生理生态上表现对盐环境的适应性。当盐度高于40时,Rs的生理表现较为敏感,膜脂质氧化破坏严重。  相似文献   

The present study on environmental pollution in northern Vietnam investigates elemental concentrations in fine particulate matter (PM2.5), freshwater, and aquatic biota at two sites with differing levels of industrial activities. An Thin is situated 47 km east of Hanoi in the neighbourhood of a coal combustion power plant, whereas the reference site, Duy Minh, is situated in the agricultural province of Ha Nam, 40 km south of Hanoi. Elemental concentrations were analysed using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence, total reflection X-ray fluorescence, and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectro-metry. All investigated elements in fine particles (PM2.5) had significantly higher concentrations in An Thin, thus identifying the air at this site as polluted. In contrast to the aerosol samples, elemental concentrations as well as quantitative differences between the sampling sites were low in freshwater and biota, indicating that the impact of atmospheric deposition was limited.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the status of potentially toxic element concentrations of road dust in a medium-sized city (Rawang, Malaysia). This study adopts source identification via enrichment factor, Pearson correlation analysis, and Fourier spectral analysis to identify sources of potentially toxic element concentrations in road dust in Rawang City, Malaysia. Health risk assessment was conducted to determine potential health risks (carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks) among adults and children via multiple pathways (i.e., ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation). Mean of potentially toxic element concentrations were found in the order of Pb > Zn > Cr(IV) > Cu > Ni > Cd > As > Co. Source identification revealed that Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cr(IV) are associated with anthropogenic sources in industrial and highly populated areas in northern and southern Rawang, cement factories in southern Rawang, as well as the rapid development and population growth in northwestern Rawang, which have resulted in high traffic congestion. Cobalt, Fe, and As are related to geological background and lithologies in Rawang. Pathway orders for both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks are ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation, involving adults and children. Non-carcinogenic health risks in adults were attributed to Cr(IV), Pb, and Cd, whereas Cu, Cd, Cr(IV), Pb, and Zn were found to have non-carcinogenic health risks for children. Cd, Cr(IV), Pb, and As may induce carcinogenic risks in adults and children, and the total lifetime cancer risk values exceeded incremental lifetime.  相似文献   

Nanomaterials are widely used in the field of engineering and in modern society. Although the unique characteristics of nanoparticles also enable them to provide environmental solutions to reduce the formation and emissions of pollutants, adverse effects on human health may occur from the exposure to nanomaterials during the manufacturing processes and when nanomaterials are released and they contaminate the environment. It is essential to understand the factors affecting the accumulation, aggregation, deposition, translocation, and distribution of nanomaterials (natural or engineered) in the ecosystem. This study presents an extensive review of the environmental effects of nanomaterials, including classification, adverse impacts on human health and the environment, transport pathways, monitoring methods, and the current regulations regarding nanomaterials. The review indicates that the diversity of nanoparticles and their properties make the identification and characterization of nanomaterials a difficult task, and an improvement in sensitivity and selectivity of analytical methods for detecting nanoparticles in the environment is required. Besides, few regulations have been established for the management of nanoparticles released into the environment. In order to expedite the environmental management of nanomaterials, this study proposes a risk assessment framework based on the findings in the review as a practice alternative for the environmental assessment and effective management of nanomaterials. Development of practical innovative risk-based management measures may help us to find answers to the concerns such as safety of engineering and applying nanomaterials and effective control of nanoparticle contamination in the environment.  相似文献   

Seasonal variability in source water can lead to challenges for drinking water providers related to operational optimization and process control in treatment facilities. The objective of this study is to investigate seasonal variability of water quality in municipal small water systems (<3000 residents) supplied by surface waters. Residual chlorine and trihalomethanes (THM) were measured over seven years (2003–2009). Comparisons are made within each system over time, as well as between systems according to the type of their treatment technologies. THM concentrations are generally higher in the summer and autumn. The seasonal variability was generally more pronounced in systems using chlorination plus additional treatment. Chloroform, total THM (TTHM) and residual chlorine concentrations were generally lower in systems using chlorination plus additional treatment. Conversely, brominated THM concentrations were higher in systems using additional treatment. Residual chlorine was highest in the winter and lowest in the spring and summer. Seasonal variations were most pronounced for residual chlorine in systems with additional treatment. There was generally poor correlation between THM concentrations and concentrations of residual chlorine. Further study with these data will be beneficial in finding determinants and indicators for both quantity and variability of disinfection byproducts and other water quality parameters.  相似文献   

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