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The objective of this study was to determine the ocular changes leading to blindness following different salt concentration consumption in Wistar rats. Test groups consumed 1, 2, 3, 3.5, or 4% salt concentration respectively as potable water, while the control group used tap water. Ophthalmic examinations with a slit-lamp and fundus camera were performed. Lack of eye response to light and manual stimuli were considered as blindness criteria. Similar experimental conditions were performed in pigs and rabbits. Short duration consumption of 1 or 2% salt concentrations did not produce any detectable ocular signs, whereas long duration consumption of 2% salt concentration induced prominent ocular signs. After 3–4 days of consuming 3% and higher salt concentrations, retinal and vitreous hemorrhages, posterior vitreous detachment PVD, and retinal detachment were observed. The following ocular changes included conjunctivital injection, cornea and lens opacities, swelling of the optic disc, blindness, vitreous collapse, and finally phthisis bulbi. Salt poisoning led to hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity. Due to hyperosmolarity, the vitreous lost some of its fluid contents and vitreous shrinkage resulted in vascular damage, retinal and vitreous hemorrhage, PVD, and retinal detachment. In addition, conjunctivitis, corneal and lens opacities, swelling of the optic disc, blindness, vitreous collapse, and finally phthisis bulbi was evident.  相似文献   

The concentrations of lead and copper in sclerotium of the mushroom Pleurotus tuber-regium widely consumed in Southeastern Nigeria were determined. The specimens purchased from different markets were mineralized with H2SO4 and H2O2 and analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentrations of Pb ranged from 0.2?±?0.1?mg?kg?1 to 0.8?±?0.5?mg?kg?1 with approximately 91% of the results being below 1?mg?kg?1. The concentrations of Cu ranged from 0.5?±?0.2?mg?kg?1 to 1.2?±?0.6?mg?kg?1 with 78% of the results below 1?mg?kg?1. The results were compared with the literature and levels set by regulatory authorities, with the conclusion that the consumption of sclerotium does not pose a toxicological risk. The low Pb content of the studied products would contribute to only about 1% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake of Pb. The Cu contents would contribute to nutritional intake of the metal in the general population. It is recommended that the outer layers of the sclerotia be properly scrapped before use to reduce metal contamination from exogenous sources.  相似文献   

中国天然水体中五氯酚的浓度水平、管理及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五氯酚(PCP)属内分泌污染物,也是可对生物产生复合毒性的有机污染物。五氯酚及其钠盐曾被用作杀螺剂在我国血吸虫病流行疫区大范围长时间使用。为了解PCP在中国水环境中的污染现状,在阐述中国PCP的生产使用状况基础上,重点论述中国水环境介质中PCP的污染分布及影响因素。中国多地河流水环境中均存在PCP,其中沿长江流域的长江、洞庭湖、鄱阳湖PCP残留量较高,虽均在限值范围内,但PCP污染范围有从主要江河、湖泊等向沿海海域蔓延的趋势。PCP使用历史、用药区域类型、区域PCP消耗量等均会影响PCP的残留量,血吸虫病疫区PCP残留量明显高于对照区,在PCP及其钠盐显著减少使用后(2003年以后),施药历史仍然影响着水体介质中PCP的残留情况,PCP虽已停用,但其对环境所造成的不良影响还在持续。与国外研究相比,我国水环境介质中的PCP污染偏高且有上升趋势,这可能与部分区域近年来重现血吸虫病后施药控制有关。未来一段时期内有关PCP及其环境副产物在环境介质中的迁移转化规律、人群暴露评估、污染介质修复技术以及其替代品的研制都将是研究重点领域。  相似文献   

北京和上海市居民冬夏两季饮用水消费习惯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饮用水是人体暴露于有毒物质的重要暴露源,为了定量描述饮用水中污染物对暴露人群所造成的危害,世界各国的科学家们对饮用水的健康风险评价做了大量的研究.通常,健康风险评价需要污染物毒理学数据和暴露人群的暴露剂量数据.目前,针对很多的有毒污染物,国际上已经建立了应用于健康风险评价的毒理学数据库,同时积累了大量可用的有效数据.而对于暴露人群的暴露剂量数据,则是健康风险评价所要研究的重点.正确估计暴露人群的暴露剂量需要消费者提供大量的消费信息.例如,暴露人群每天消费的饮用水水量.美国环保局(EPA)认为成人每天消耗的饮用水水量为2L·d-1,此外,饮用水的消耗量会随着暴露人群的身体活动状况和所处环境状况(温度,湿度等)的改变而改变.目前,许多研究都是关于饮用水消费信息的,总体来讲这些研究结果基本上与美国环保局所采用的饮水消耗数据相一致.需要说明的是中国居民有完全不同于西方人的饮用水消费方式,如果在进行中国居民饮用水健康风险评价过程中应用美国环保局的假设会带来较大的不确定性.饮用水健康风险评价工作在我国开展并不多,尤其缺少中国居民饮用水消费习惯的数据库.这些客观条件使得在我国进行饮用水健康风险评价时只能从基础做起,积累有效的数据.本研究以北京和上海两座城市居民为研究对象,2002年到2004年分冬夏两季分别进行了4次饮用水消费习惯调查.研究采用随机入户方式(2004年至2005年),与中央电视台-索福瑞联合调查有限公司合作进行.参加调查的家庭从中央电视台入户收视率调查的基础数据库中随机抽取,在抽取过程中兼顾了不同城区、年龄结构、知识结构、收入水平等因素.研究表明,北京和上海居民冬夏两季的日均饮水量分别为2.2L·d-1、1.7L·d-1、2.0L·d-1和1.8L·d-1,这一结果和美国环保局的假设基本一致.同时本研究考察了性别、年龄、职业和季节对应用水消费习惯的影响.研究表明,日均饮水量随年龄的增加有增加的趋势,这一趋势在北京的夏季调查中趋势明显(p=0.01);男性的日均饮用水量大于女性,在上海冬季和夏季调查中均存在显著的差异(冬季:p=0.01;夏季:p=0.04);季节也同样影响被访者的日均饮水量,但是在4次调查中均未发现显著性差异.在北京冬季和夏季的调查中均发现了工作地点对饮用水消费习惯的显著影响(夏季p=0.01和冬季p=0.00).研究同样考察了居民饮用水消费类型,调查结果表明,煮沸后的自来水是中国居民最主要的日常饮品(上海夏季:58.3%;上海冬季67.9%;北京夏季:42.7%;北京冬季:60.0%).同时消费桶装纯净水的被访者也占有相当的比重(上海夏季:36.2%;上海冬季:24.7%;北京夏季:30.7%;北京冬季:60.0%).研究同时表明,在中国居民的日常生活中牛奶和豆奶已经成为重要的日常饮品.极少量的居民(北京夏季:10.7%;北京冬季5.7%;上海夏季1.2%;上海冬季0.6%)有直接饮用自来水的习惯.研究表明滞留水(在自来水水管中滞留6h以上的自来水)是对人体健康影响最大的水,而在我们的调查中,中国居民几乎不直接饮用滞留水.当前,饮用水健康风险评价在世界范围内蓬勃展开,但是这一技术在我国还处于起步阶段.本研究作为饮用水健康风险评价的前期工作,为其在中国的进一步发展提供了基础性的数据.  相似文献   

饮用水是人体暴露于有毒物质的重要暴露源,为了定量描述饮用水中污染物对暴露人群所造成的危害,世界各国的科学家们对饮用水的健康风险评价做了大量的研究. 通常,健康风险评价需要污染物毒理学数据和暴露人群的暴露剂量数据. 目前,针对很多的有毒污染物,国际上已经建立了应用于健康风险评价的毒理学数据库,同时积累了大量可用的有效数据. 而对于暴露人群的暴露剂量数据,则是健康风险评价所要研究的重点. 正确估计暴露人群的暴露剂量需要消费者提供大量的消费信息. 例如,暴露人群每天消费的饮用水水量. 美国环保局(EPA)认为成人每天消耗的饮用水水量为2L·d-1,此外,饮用水的消耗量会随着暴露人群的身体活动状况和所处环境状况(温度,湿度等)的改变而改变. 目前,许多研究都是关于饮用水消费信息的,总体来讲这些研究结果基本上与美国环保局所采用的饮水消耗数据相一致. 需要说明的是中国居民有完全不同于西方人的饮用水消费方式,如果在进行中国居民饮用水健康风险评价过程中应用美国环保局的假设会带来较大的不确定性. 饮用水健康风险评价工作在我国开展并不多,尤其缺少中国居民饮用水消费习惯的数据库. 这些客观条件使得在我国进行饮用水健康风险评价时只能从基础做起,积累有效的数据. 本研究以北京和上海两座城市居民为研究对象,2002年到2004年分冬夏两季分别进行了4次饮用水消费习惯调查. 研究采用随机入户方式(2004年至2005年),与中央电视台-索福瑞联合调查有限公司合作进行. 参加调查的家庭从中央电视台入户收视率调查的基础数据库中随机抽取,在抽取过程中兼顾了不同城区、年龄结构、知识结构、收入水平等因素. 研究表明,北京和上海居民冬夏两季的日均饮水量分别为2.2L·d-1、1.7L·d-1、2.0L·d-1和1.8L·d-1,这一结果和美国环保局的假设基本一致. 同时本研究考察了性别、年龄、职业和季节对应用水消费习惯的影响. 研究表明,日均饮水量随年龄的增加有增加的趋势,这一趋势在北京的夏季调查中趋势明显(p=0.01);男性的日均饮用水量大于女性,在上海冬季和夏季调查中均存在显著的差异(冬季:p=0.01;夏季:p=0.04);季节也同样影响被访者的日均饮水量,但是在4次调查中均未发现显著性差异. 在北京冬季和夏季的调查中均发现了工作地点对饮用水消费习惯的显著影响(夏季p=0.01 和冬季p=0.00). 研究同样考察了居民饮用水消费类型,调查结果表明,煮沸后的自来水是中国居民最主要的日常饮品(上海夏季:58.3%;上海冬季67.9%;北京夏季:42.7%;北京冬季:60.0%). 同时消费桶装纯净水的被访者也占有相当的比重(上海夏季:36.2%;上海冬季:24.7%;北京夏季:30.7%;北京冬季:60.0%). 研究同时表明,在中国居民的日常生活中牛奶和豆奶已经成为重要的日常饮品. 极少量的居民(北京夏季:10.7%;北京冬季5.7%;上海夏季1.2%;上海冬季0.6%)有直接饮用自来水的习惯. 研究表明滞留水(在自来水水管中滞留6h以上的自来水)是对人体健康影响最大的水,而在我们的调查中,中国居民几乎不直接饮用滞留水. 当前,饮用水健康风险评价在世界范围内蓬勃展开,但是这一技术在我国还处于起步阶段. 本研究作为饮用水健康风险评价的前期工作,为其在中国的进一步发展提供了基础性的数据.  相似文献   

在c(NaCl)=200mmol/L,t=14d胁迫条件下,盐敏感品种糖高粱(T)成熟叶生长抑制、含水量的下降和质膜透性均明显大于耐盐品种独角虎(D);盐胁迫下,质外体和共质体中Na+浓度明显增加,增加的幅度是质外体大于共质体,T大于D.相反,盐胁迫下质外体和共质体Ca2+浓度均明显下降,研究结果表明:质外体Na+浓度剧增并没有改变细胞膨压,而可能通过取代质膜上Ca2+而破坏质膜选择透性,从而引发盐害  相似文献   

We aimed to measure concentrations of the commonly used artificial sweetener sucralose, following ingestion of doses reflecting a range of consumption and to compare concentrations in children and adults. Eleven adults consumed 355 mL water containing 0 mg (control), 68, 170, or 250 mg sucralose (equivalent to 1–4 diet sodas). A second group of adults (n = 11) consumed 355 mL Diet Rite Cola? (68 mg sucralose and 41 mg acesulfame-potassium (ace-K)) or 68 mg sucralose and 41 mg ace-K in seltzer. Beverages were provided at separate visits in randomized order, prior to an oral glucose tolerance test. Eleven children consumed 0 or 68 mg sucralose in 240 mL water, in an identical study design. Blood was collected before beverage ingestion and serially for 120 min. Sucralose doses (corrected for weight) resulted in similar plasma concentrations in children and adults. Concentrations were comparable whether sucralose was administered in water, combined with ace-K, or in diet soda. Due to their lower body weight and blood volume, children have markedly higher plasma sucralose concentrations after the consumption of a typical diet soda, emphasizing the need to determine the clinical implications of sucralose use in children.  相似文献   

Microbial desalination cell (MDC) is a promising technology to desalinate water and generate electrical power simultaneously. The objectives of this study were to investigate the desalination performance of monovalent and divalent cations in the MDC, and discuss the effect of ion characteristics, ion concentrations, and electrical characteristics. Mixed salt solutions of NaCl, MgCl2, KCl, and CaCl2 with the same concentration were used in the desalination chamber to study removal of cations. Results showed that in the mixed salt solutions, the electrodialysis desalination rates of cations were: Ca2+ >Mg2+>Na+>K+. Higher ionic charges and smaller hydrated ionic radii resulted in higher desalination rates of the cations, in which the ionic charge was more important than the hydrated ionic radius. Mixed solutions of NaCl and MgCl2 with different concentrations were used in the desalination chamber to study the effect of ion concentrations. Results showed that when ion concentrations of Na+ were one-fifth to five times of Mg2+, ion concentration influenced the dialysis more profoundly than electrodialysis. With the current densities below a certain value, charge transfer efficiencies became very low and the dialysis was the main process responsible for the desalination. And the phosphate transfer from the anode chamber and potassium transfer from the cathode chamber could balance 1%–3% of the charge transfer in the MDC.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental factors on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila was investigated Four isolates (AH 37, AH 79, AH 86 and AH 100) were exposed to various environmental factors such as pH, salt concentration and temperature in laboratory condition. All the four isolates showed more or less similar growth at pH 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 at 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C. At pH 5.0, 6.0 and 10.0, the log number of cells was found to be lesser than that of pH 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 at both 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C. The results of the influence of salt concentration on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila revealed that NaCl concentration of 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% favored the growth of this organism at both 30 degrees C and 5 degrees C. Increase in the salt concentration resulted in the growth of the decrease of this organism. Three percentages and 4% salt concentration moderately supported the growth of the organisms in the medium whereas at 5.0% NaCl concentration, there was no growth. Moderate growth of A. hydrophila at 5 degrees C is an interesting observation. The ability to grow at salt concentration between 0.5%, 4.0% under acidic and alkaline conditions pose a problem in the preservation of seafoods. These criteria may account for modified preservation techniques.  相似文献   

The effect of salt and drought stress at the water potentials of-2, -4,-6and -8 bars induced by NaCl and PEG 6000 (Polyethylene glycol 6000) each, on germination and early seedling growth, were investigated for two varieties (PU-19 and Type-9). Electrical conductivity (EC) value of the NaCl solutions were 4.5, 8.8, 12.7 and 16.3 dS m(-1). Germination percentage, root and shoot length, and seedling fresh and dry weight were measured in the study. The objective was to determine genotypic differences among P. mungo varieties in terms of salt and drought stress and to determine factors (salt toxicity or osmotic stress due to PEG) inhibiting seed germination. The germination results revealed that the genotypes significantly differed for salt and drought stress. PU-19 appeared to be more tolerant to salt and drought stress comparable to var Type-9. Both NaCl and PEG inhibited germination and seedling growth in both the varieties, but the effects of NaCI compared to PEG was less on germination and seedling growth. All varieties were able to germinate at all NaCl levels without significant decrease in germination, while a drastic decrease in germination was recorded at -6 and -8 bars of PEG. It was concluded that inhibition in germination at equivalent water potential of NaCl and PEG was mainly due to an osmotic effect rather than salt toxicity.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对甜高粱发芽期生理生化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王秀玲  程序  谢光辉  李桂英 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2285-2290
为筛选耐盐甜高粱材料,探讨NaCl胁迫对甜高粱发芽期生理生化特性的影响,研究了0、70、140、210 mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫对吉甜3、BJK156、甜132、凯勒、威利、考利、吉甜2、戴尔等8个甜高粱材料发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、芽长、根长、芽鲜质量、根鲜质量等8个指标盐害系数的影响,利用系统聚类分类法对甜高粱耐盐性进行聚类可分为3类:耐盐性最强的是甜132,耐盐性中等的是BJK156,耐盐性较敏感的是考利、吉甜3、吉甜2、戴尔、凯勒、威利。进一步研究了盐胁迫对甜高粱芽苗中丙二醛、可溶性蛋白含量及过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响。结果得出:随着盐胁迫的加重丙二醛含量逐渐增加,可溶性蛋白含量逐渐减少。NaCl胁迫不同程度地提高了8个甜高粱材料POD、CAT、SOD活性,受3种NaCl质量浓度胁迫后8个甜高粱材料POD、CAT、SOD活性的变化趋势不同,这可能是它们耐盐差异的生理原因之一。另外,在3种NaCl浓度胁迫后甜132中的丙二醛增加量在8个材料中都是最低的,这与系统聚类分析得出甜132耐盐性最强的结论相吻合。研究认为丙二醛含量的变化可以作为筛选发芽期耐盐甜高粱品种的一个指标。  相似文献   

徐州市售蔬菜中多环芳烃污染与健康危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析徐州市蔬菜中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染及其对人群的健康危害,本研究于2016年5月在徐州大型农贸市场和超市采集了当地居民经常食用的7种蔬菜样品,使用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)分析了蔬菜样品中的8种中低环PAHs。结果表明PAHs总含量为27.7~53.8 ng·g-1,其中2、3环分别占总PAHs的45.53%、45.65%。不同类型蔬菜中PAHs含量为:叶菜类>根菜类>果菜类。运用毒性当量法计算得到徐州市不同人群对PAHs的摄食暴露量为7.88~14.65 ng·d-1,引起的致癌风险在1.79×10-7~1.08×10-6范围内,处于低致癌风险水平,但是其健康影响仍不容忽视。  相似文献   

Abandoned mines are known to contaminate private drinking water wells with toxic metals and arsenic (As). Little attention is given, however, to sites in rural areas with low population densities where natural, geogenic sources of contaminants might also occur. This study measured arsenic and trace element exposure among residents consuming water from wells adjacent to abandoned mines near Twisp, in Okanogan County, Washington, USA, estimated the risk of adverse health effects, and considered the degree of uncertainty associated with the assessed risk. Water samples were collected between October 1999 and June 2001. Average As concentrations ranged from <1 to 298 microg L(-1), lead (Pb) ranged from 0 to 94 microg L(-1), cadmium (Cd) 0-5 microg L(-1), and selenium (Se) 0-390 microg L(-1). Concentrations varied seasonally with maximum concentrations occurring in conjunction with snow-melt. The calculated risk of mortality from cancer following exposure to As at average concentrations as low as 8 microg L(-1) was greater than one in 10,000. Additional noncarcinogenic risks are associated with exposure to As, Cd, Pb and Se. A potentially affected population, estimated to be between 1000 and 1287 residents, live within a 6.5-km (4-mile) radius of the study site. This study emphasises the need to test drinking water wells in the vicinity of abandoned mines during times of maximum snow-melt to determine the extent of risk to human health. Residents drinking water from wells tested in this study who want to reduce the estimated carcinogenic risk and the noncarcinogenic hazard quotient should consider treating their water or find alternative sources.  相似文献   

In the present study, the tube well water quality and the associated health risks, emphasizing on arsenic contamination, were investigated in rural and urban samples from Tehsil Mailsi located in Punjab, Pakistan. Arsenic concentrations (μg/L) were ranged from 12 to 448.5 and which exceeded the WHO recommended limit (10 μg/L) in all cases. The calculated average daily dose (3.3 × 10?0.4 to 1.2 × 10?0.2 mg/kg day) and hazard quotient (1.1–40) reflected the potential health risk to local population due to tube well water consumption as drinking purpose. Sodium percent (Na%), sodium absorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, Kelly’s index and magnesium absorption ratio were also determined to assess the suitability of tube well water for irrigation purpose. The resulting piper plot revealed the Na–Ca–HCO3 type water chemistry of the area and generally alkaline environment. The spatial distribution of arsenic in the tube well waters pinpoints the significant contribution of anthropogenic activities to arsenic pollution. Nevertheless, different statistical tools, including principal component analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and correlation matrices, revealed the contribution of both natural and anthropogenic activities and alkaline type of aquifers toward the high level of arsenic contamination.  相似文献   

In order to assess the potential of As and heavy metal contamination derived from past mining activity and to estimate the human bioavailability quotients for As and heavy metals. Tailings, soils and crop samples were collected and analysed for As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the tailings were 68.5, 7.8, 99, 3,754 and 733 µg g–1, respectively. Maximum Pb concentration in tailings was up to 90 times higher than its tolerable level. The concentrations of these metals were highest in the soils from the dressing plant area, and decreased in the order: farmland soil to paddy soil. In particular, some of the soils from the dressing plant area contained more than 1% of Pb and Zn. The pollution index ranged from 0.19 to 1.93 in paddy soils, and from 1.47 to 3.60 in farmland soils. The average concentrations of heavy metals in crops collected from farmland were higher than those in rice stalks or rice grains, and higher than the internationally accepted limits for vegetables. Element concentrations extracted from farmland soils within the simulated human stomach for 1 h are 9.4 mg kg–1 As, 3.8 mg kg–1 Cd, 37 mg kg–1 Cu, 250 mg kg–1 Pb and 301 mg kg–1 Zn. In particular, the extracted concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn are in excess of the tolerable levels. The results of the simple bioavailability extraction test (SBET) indicate that regular ingestion (by inhalation and from dirty hands) of soils by the local population could pose a potential health threat due to long-term toxic element exposure.  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses that adversely affect crop productivity and quality. The present investigation was carried out to study the alterations in the growth characteristics of a grass species, Pennisetum alopecuroides under the influence of sodium chloride (NaCl) salinity. From the results it is clear that shoot length of Pennisetum alopecuroides was increased by 13.17% at 100 mM NaCl concentration while the root length was observed to be increased at 50 mM NaCI concentration by 26.93%.Maximum height of the plant was observed by 18.23% at 50 mM while shoot to root ratio was higher at 300 mM concentrations by 29.17% increase over the control. Moreover, the maximum percent increase in leaf area was recorded as 11.17% (100 mM). Fresh weight was increased by 50.92% at 100 mM while dry weight of the experimental grass was increased by 33.64% at the same concentration of salt to the rooting medium while moisture percentage was increased to a maximum by 24.61% at 50 mM. It appears that the grass species studied exhibit a moderate salinity tolerance as far as linear growth of plant is concerned.  相似文献   

中国居民碘营养健康风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国碘元素的天然分布极不均匀,因此对地域差异缺乏考虑的全民食盐加碘政策(USI)并非碘缺乏病的最适宜的防控策略,甚至还增加了"碘过量"导致的潜在健康风险。近年来,中国卫生部多次调整食盐加碘政策,但亟需从健康风险评估的角度对该政策进行科学的论证和解读。通过解析全国碘缺乏病监测数据中8~10岁儿童尿碘浓度的数据,采用有阈值的剂量效应曲线,评价了中国居民碘营养健康状况,并计算出全国31个省级地区8~10岁儿童因碘过量导致的"亚临床甲状腺功能减低(亚甲减)"的发病率,最后利用5%基准剂量(benchmark dose,BMD),并结合我国居民膳食营养结构的调查结果,提出了考虑地域差异的分层次的食盐加碘量推荐值上限。研究表明,我国居民尿碘浓度分布有明显的区域性特征,尿碘浓度几何平均值和几何标准差分别为168.17和2.24μg·L-1,由于碘摄入过量导致的亚甲减发生率为4.00%。低水碘地区(水碘浓度低于150μg·L-1)的食盐加碘量推荐值上限为29.62mg·kg-1;中、高水碘地区(水碘浓度高于150μg·L-1)的居民通过非碘盐途径摄入的碘量已高于日可耐受最大摄入量,不宜再食用加碘食盐。这些结果基本支持了我国调整后的现行食盐加碘政策,即各地区根据当地人群实际碘营养水平,选定适合本地的食用盐加碘量。  相似文献   

An adequate human diet should satisfy the requirements for energy and nutritive components including essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, mineral components, vitamins, and fat. The benefits of the fish consumption are, however, often counteracted by toxic metals such as lead present in fish meat. Adverse effects of toxic metals on the aquatic environment and human health have aroused increasing interest in recent years. The achievement of an appropriate balance between the risks and benefits associated with fish consumption has therefore become a key health issue in current research. Therefore, we studied health impacts associated with the consumption of sardine fish, one of the most commonly consumed fish species throughout the world. Hepatic damages associated with the consumption of white or red muscle of sardine fish were explored and evaluated using a rat model. Rats were fed for 60 days with white or red sardine meat. Findings revealed (1) an elevated level of uric acid in the blood, (2) an accumulation of lead in the liver, (3) an atrophy of the liver, (4) an increase in plasma aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities, and (5) an oxidative stress in the liver, including increased levels of lipid peroxidation and enhanced activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. Several abnormalities were also observed in liver histology. The alterations observed in the animals can be attributed to both the accumulation of lead and the high levels of purine in the sardine meat. The findings show that special attention should be given to the health effects associated with high intakes of sardine meat, particularly dark-meat sardine.  相似文献   


The contamination of the Sonora River with 40,000 m3 of toxic leachate released from a copper mine on August 6, 2014, was considered the worst environmental disaster of the mining industry in Mexico, exceeding safety levels in the concentrations of heavy metals and arsenic. To explore the potential association of the toxic release with subfecundity, by comparing time to pregnancy (TTP) of women with different levels of exposure at municipalities located along the Sonora River watershed, just 35 km south of the Arizona–Mexico border. Data from 235 pregnancies were included in a retrospective cohort study. Exposure was measured whether pregnancy occurred before or after the disaster and included a non-exposed community outside the watershed. Pregnancies were also compared between communities according to the concentration-level gradient of water pollutants found in the river. Fecundability odds ratios (fORs) were calculated using discrete time analogue of Cox’s proportional hazard models. Multiple analysis included all pregnancies with TTP of no more than 12 months, only first-time pregnancy, or excluding women with TTP = 1. The probability for pregnancy decreased after the disaster (fOR 0.55, 95% CI 0.31, 0.97), when the residency was located mid-or-downstream the watershed (fOR 0.37, 95% CI 0.15, 0.91), when reported chicken consumption, when mining was the father’s occupation, and when surface water was reported to be used for crop irrigation and for animal consumption. There was a decrease in fecundity on women exposed to the contaminated river. There is a need for more studies to prove these findings and to broaden the knowledge of other possible adverse health effects associated with this environmental disaster.


全氟化合物(PFASs)作为一类新型的有机污染物,因具有持久性、可长距离传输、生物蓄积性和生物毒性等POPs特性,近年来得到全世界的广泛关注。本文以北京市水源地(密云水库和官厅水库)为研究区域,采用固相萃取(SPE)前处理与高效液相色谱串联质谱联用(HPLC-MS/MS)相结合的方法,分析测定了鱼样品中包括全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)、全氟辛酸(PFOA)、全氟丁酸(PFBA)、全氟丁烷磺酸(PFBS)等在内的12种PFASs的含量。利用同位素法确定了不同种类鱼的营养级关系,研究不同营养级中的PFASs浓度及生物放大效应,重点对全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)与全氟辛酸(PFOA)的生态风险以及对人体的健康风险进行评价。结果表明:北京市水源地的鱼体中的PFASs存在不同程度的检出,其中,全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)、全氟辛酸(PFOA)、全氟壬酸(PFNA)、全氟癸酸(PFDA)、全氟十一酸(PFUdA)和全氟十二酸(PFDoA)的检出率均达到100%,PFASs总量浓度达1.70~14.32 ng·g~(-1) wet weight(w.w.),PFOS和长链全氟羧酸PFCAs是鱼体中的主要污染物。同位素鉴定水库鱼的营养级层次范围在2.11~4.10,且肉食性鱼类营养级大多高于杂食性鱼类,PFOS沿着食物链生物放大的过程与稳定碳氮同位素富集过程基本同步。此外,采用人均日摄入量法(average daily intake,ADI)评估得到PFOS与PFOA的风险值分别为1.16 ng·kg~(-1)·d~(-1)和0.31ng·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),整体低于人均每天可承受摄入量(tolerable daily intake,TDI),结果表明,北京水源地鱼体中PFOS和PFOA含量未达到对生态系统和人体健康具有风险的水平。  相似文献   

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