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The effect of carbonate sediment in regulating phosphate concentrations in sea water was investigated by laboratory incubation experiments using different sediment types. Incubation experiments were made with two types of sediments: uncontaminated sediment from a marine reserve and contaminated sediment with deposited phosphate powders. Fluxes of inorganic nitrogen and phosphate were estimated from linear regressions of solute concentrations over incubation periods. Ammonium and phosphate fluxes were about twofold higher in the uncontaminated sediment that had significantly lower organic carbon and total phosphate concentrations than in the phosphate-contaminated sediment. To test the effect of dissolved phosphate on increasing nitrogen fixation, additional incubation experiments were carried out using treated carbonate and silicate sediments with added dissolved phosphate (20 μM). Incubations were made under sterile conditions with HgCl2 added to distinguish between biologically enhanced processes and pure physicochemical processes. The adsorption rate of phosphate onto carbonate sediment was about twice that onto silicate sediments. No nitrogen elevation either as ammonium or as nitrate was observed in the soluble phosphate enrichment incubations. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the importance of the regulation of soluble phosphate concentrations in carbonate sediment environments where the carbonate sediment acts as a buffering system keeping soluble phosphate concentrations at certain steady-state levels. The study also demonstrates the lack of evidence on enhancement of nitrogen concentrations due to the increase phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

气候因子对靖远松叶蜂暴发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SAS8.2中的主成份分析法分析了1988~1997年的气象数据,研究了温度、湿度、降雨量与靖远松叶蜂发生的关系,用实验数据对统计分析结果进行了解释,并运用典型判别分析建立了非时滞和时滞预报模型,进一步研究各种气候因子的综合作用.结果表明,10月份较高的气温与较高的湿度有利于靖远松叶蜂大量结茧,为来年的暴发提供虫源;靖远松叶蜂小幼虫的死亡率与温度呈显著线性正相关(r=0.4,P=0.036),与相对湿度呈弱的线性负相关(r=-0.25,P=0.147),即7月较高的温度与较低的湿度有利于靖远松叶蜂的暴发.1991年靖远松叶蜂开始小规模暴发与1990年初霜期异常推迟有关,8月份过多或过少的降雨可能会妨碍靖远松叶蜂病毒的流行,从而有利于靖远松叶蜂大规模暴发.非时滞预报模型回代正判率为81.8%,时滞预报模型回代正判率为72.7%.典型判别函数表明,温度因子是决定靖远松叶蜂暴发的最主要气象因子.图3表4参9  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the content of elements in the parsley roots (Petroselinum crispum) of different geographic origin and estimate their possible sources applying chemometric analysis. The concentrations of 13 elements in parsley collected at 12 locations in five districts were examined. Cluster analysis (CA) separated elements into three statistical significant clusters: metalloids, heavy, and essential metals. Principal component analysis (PCA) permitted the reduction of 13 variables to three principal components explaining 82.3% of the total variance. The first component with 48.2% of variance comprises Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, and Co. Some of these metals are essential in low concentrations and their presence in plants is of lithogenic origin. Multivariate statistical analysis approach, such as PCA and CA can be used to assess the level of elements in vegetables. These methods can be used to identify sources of elements in plants too.  相似文献   

The European WFD (2000/60/EC) requires the assessment of the ecological quality status of water bodies, and gives great importance to the biological components of the ecosystem. A multimetric, fuzzy-based index for the evaluation of environmental quality (FINE: Fuzzy INdex of Ecosystem integrity) has been developed. The FINE index was calculated at 7 sites in the Sacca di Goro and the Valli di Comacchio (Adriatic Sea), where water and sedimentary chemical data were available for the years 2004 and 2005. A significant positive correlation was found between FINE values and dissolved oxygen, while significant negative correlations were observed between FINE values and transparency, nitrogen and phosphorous in the water column, and heavy metals and PCB in the sediments.  相似文献   

The European WFD (2000/60/EC) requires the assessment of the ecological quality status of water bodies, and gives great importance to the biological components of the ecosystem. A multimetric, fuzzy-based index for the evaluation of environmental quality (FINE: Fuzzy INdex of Ecosystem integrity) has been developed. The FINE index was calculated at 7 sites in the Sacca di Goro and the Valli di Comacchio (Adriatic Sea), where water and sedimentary chemical data were available for the years 2004 and 2005. A significant positive correlation was found between FINE values and dissolved oxygen, while significant negative correlations were observed between FINE values and transparency, nitrogen and phosphorous in the water column, and heavy metals and PCB in the sediments.  相似文献   

研究各种水质因子(水温、溶解氧、电导率、pH、营养盐等)对三峡库区支流水体富营养化的驱动效果,为库区支流水体富营养化的防控与治理提供科学依据.于2018年11月至2019年10月在三峡库区高阳平湖进行了12次样品采集,获取了水温、水体pH、营养盐、水体溶解氧等指标数据,利用主成分分析法研究三峡库区支流水体富营养化状况,...  相似文献   

Molluscan assemblages were studied on fringing reefs (reef flats, Millepora-fringing reefs, fringing reefs with massive corals) and fore-reef hard substrata (coral patches, coral carpets and small patch reefs) in the Gulf of Aqaba at water depths ranging from the intertidal to 26 m. A total of 1,665 molluscan individuals from 51 taxa was counted on 44 transects, which covered 220 m2 at eight diving sites. The most important molluscs in the assemblage were the parasitic gastropod Coralliophila neritoidea, the encrusting gastropod Dendropoma maxima and the coral-associated bivalve Pedum spondyloideum. The dead assemblage, in contrast, was dominated by encrusting bivalves (Ostreoidea, Chamoidea, Spondylidae) and the coral-predating gastropod Drupella cornus. Distinct molluscan assemblages inhabit each of the three fringing reef-habitats and most of the important depth-related community changes occurred within the uppermost 5 m. In contrast, the three deeper fore-reef habitats are characterized by a more uniform molluscan composition. Molluscan assemblages were more dependent on substrata and their coral associations than on water depth. Comparisons with other published studies indicate that reefoidal hard substrata in the northern Red Sea are largely characterized by similar species-abundance patterns. The minor differences to other Red Sea studies probably reflect the northern, isolated position of the Gulf of Aqaba, the lack of certain molluscan habitats, and the differential impact of anthropogenic influences. Strong differences between living and dead assemblages in Aqaba are similar to those observed in other regions and are due to distinct biases in the dead assemblage. Molluscs closely associated with living corals (mostly bivalves and Dendropoma) can easily be overgrown after death and are thus undetectable in visual censuses. Some gastropod taxa are preferentially transported into surrounding soft-substrata postmortem or redistributed by hermit crabs. Such complex relationships between ecology and taphonomy are crucial in evaluating the quality of the molluscan fossil record in coral reef environments. The comparison of our results with literature data documents an increase in coral predators during the last two decades in the northern Red Sea. Due to the greater mollusc biodiversity in the shallower Aqaba reef habitats, damage to this coral reef zone would have the greatest impact on the overall mollusc community.  相似文献   

典型铜尾矿库周边土壤重金属复合污染特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用了Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法、相关分析法、主成分分析法对德兴铜矿尾砂库周边土壤Cu、Zn、Ni、Pb、Cr和Cd复合污染特征进行研究,定量确定了铜尾矿库潜在生态风险程度、主要污染因子和潜在生态风险因子。结果表明:铜矿尾矿库周边土壤受到不同程度的重金属污染,该地区平均潜在生态风险污染指数超过600,具有极高的潜在生态风险;各重金属潜在生态风险参数由高至低顺序为Cd、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr、Zn,其中Cd为主要潜在生态风险因子。进一步通过主成分分析法研究了重金属的污染特性,发现前3个主成分贡献率分别为:65.033%、18.825%、6.243%,第一主成分反映了Zn、Ni、Cr的信息,第二主成分反映了Cu和Cd的信息,第三主成分反映Pb的信息。  相似文献   

典型铜尾矿库周边土壤重金属复合污染特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
应用了Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法、相关分析法、主成分分析法对德兴铜矿尾砂库周边土壤Cu、Zn、Ni、Pb、Cr和Cd复合污染特征进行研究,定量确定了铜尾矿库潜在生态风险程度、主要污染因子和潜在生态风险因子。结果表明:铜矿尾矿库周边土壤受到不同程度的重金属污染,该地区平均潜在生态风险污染指数超过600,具有极高的潜在生态风险;各重金属潜在生态风险参数由高至低顺序为Cd、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr、Zn,其中Cd为主要潜在生态风险因子。进一步通过主成分分析法研究了重金属的污染特性,发现前3个主成分贡献率分别为:65.033%、18.825%、6.243%,第一主成分反映了Zn、Ni、cr的信息,第二主成分反映了Cu和Cd的信息,第三主成分反映Pb的信息。  相似文献   

苏南丘陵区主要林分类型土壤抗蚀性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以苏南丘陵区杉木、马尾松、麻栎、毛竹等4种林分土壤为研究对象,研究了该区域内不同林分类型土壤的抗蚀性。结果表明:不同林地土壤的抗蚀指数、抗冲指数、抗剪强度均表现出明显的规律性,即随着土壤深度的增加,呈减小的趋势;对不同林地土壤的抗蚀指数(S)随浸水时间(t)的变化过程进行拟合,发现本研究区内土壤的抗蚀指数与浸水时间呈二次多项式函数关系,其通式为S=at2+bt+c;选取土壤理化性质、土壤团聚体特征、抗冲、抗剪等17个指标,以主成分分析为基础,筛选出了土壤抗蚀性的最佳评价指标体系;计算各林地土壤的抗蚀性综合指数,得出各林地土壤抗蚀性由强到弱依次为:毛竹(1.33),杉木(0.35),麻栎(-0.75),马尾松(-0.89)。  相似文献   

基于多元统计的引黄水库沉沙条渠泥沙与水质的变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济南市引黄供水鹊山水库沉沙条渠为研究对象,测定了9个断面(Y1—Y9)表层水体中的含沙量、总有机碳、总磷、总氮、叶绿素a等19个水质指标.运用主成分分析法和聚类分析法分别探讨水体的主要污染因子及监测断面的沿程归类,并通过室内模拟实验分析了泥沙对水体中N、P浓度的影响.结果表明,沉沙条渠中的水质总体特征以Ⅱ类水和Ⅲ类水为主,其中,超标水质指标为TN,达到劣Ⅴ类水标准,P为藻类生长的限制因子.19个水质指标可由6个主成分来反映,其贡献率分别为:F1(TN、NH3-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、总碱度、Br-、硫酸盐)34.41%,F2(含沙量、浊度、色度、电导率)22.78%,F3(pH和UV254)13.95%,F4(TP)6.280%,F5(CODCr)4.990%和F6(Chl-a)4.830%;9个监测断面归为4类,相应地整个沉沙条渠可划分为4个功能区:入渠布水区(Y1、Y2、Y3)、快速沉降区(Y4、Y5)、缓慢沉降区(Y6、Y7、Y8)和出水稳定区(Y9).此外,水质与泥沙关系的室内模拟实验表明,条渠来水的P浓度随着泥沙颗粒的沉降而降低,TP在0—15 h内快速下降,而后缓慢下降,30 h内基本达到平衡;而泥沙颗粒对水中N浓度基本没有影响.  相似文献   

Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of the city air in Oba Akran road, Lagos were investigated. The chlorinated VOCs and xylene in Oba Akran were high. The average benzene/toluene ratio in Oba Akran was 1.7 suggesting that vehicular emission was a possible VOC source in most areas of Oba Akran. The toluene/(m+p-xylene) ratio also suggests a common source of toluene and xylene at these sites, presumably organic solvent used by industries located at Oba Akran. Our results showed that 7.10 tons of CO 2 equivalents of VOCs are being emitted per year from Oba Akran. Xylenes were found to be the largest contributor to the ozone formation followed by trichloroethylene. A multivariate statistical analysis (Factor analysis extracted with Principal Component Analysis) has been applied to a set of data, and it was found that the main principal components, extracted from the air VOC pollution data, were related to gasoline and oil combustion/industrial activities.  相似文献   

韩玉麟  魏红  郝淼  耿琳  张洁莹 《环境化学》2021,40(3):717-728
通过紫外吸收光谱,三维荧光光谱结合平行因子分析(EEMs-PARAFAC)方法及主成分分析(PCA),研究了夏季渭河西安段水体中的溶解性有机质(DOM)的组成、来源,及其与水质指标的相关性.在研究区域共检出2种类别5个不同的DOM组分,分别为类腐殖质荧光组分C1、C2、C3、C5和1个类蛋白类荧光组分C4,5个组分具有...  相似文献   

The distribution of the main herbivorous fishes (Acanthuridae, Scaridae, Siganidae) was studied across a coral reef of the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). Visual counts were realized by diving along transects (200 m long and 5 m wide), parallel to the shore, at 10 stations located from the lagoon to 40 m deep on the outer reef slope. Herbivorous reef fishes reach their highest abundance on the reef front, where 234 fishes were counted per 1,000 m2. Their density decreases on the reef flat, with an average of 150 fish 1,000 m-2, and is lowest on the outer reef slope (69 fish 1,000 m-2). Surgeonfishes form 63% of the herbivorous ichthyofauna, parrotfishes 35%, and rabbitfishes 2%. Families and species display different distributions according to biota. The Acanthuridae dominate on the reef flat, whereas the Scaridae are more numerous on the outer reef slope. The evolution of the social structure of the main species was observed: the adults generally school in the lagoon and on the reef flat, but are mainly solitary on the reef slope. The distribution of juvenile individuals is more restricted: they are concentrated on the reef front and on the upper part of the reef slope.This study is part of a cooperation programme between the University of Nice (France) and the University of Jordan, to study the ecology of the coral reefs and the surrounding waters of the Jordanian coast (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea)  相似文献   

保持和提高森林土壤肥力质量是实现森林健康的基础。研究不同林型下土壤肥力质量对森林可持续经营具有重要意义。以东北过伐林区金仓林场中的落叶松Lartx gmelinii人工纯林、云杉Picea asperatax紫椴Tilia amurensis天然混交林、紫椴×白桦Betula platyphylla天然混交林、五角槭Acer monox白桦×落叶松天然混交林、五角槭×白桦×紫椴天然混交林、白桦×落叶松天然混交林和五角械×紫椴×青杨Populus pseudo-simonii天然混交林为研究对象,分析和比较了不同林分下的土壤物理和化学性质,并采用主成分分析与聚类分析相结合的方法评价了其土壤肥力质量。结果表明:①林分类型对土壤理化性质影响显著;随土壤深度增加,土壤密度和土壤pH值增大,而土壤含水量、物理性粘粒含量和养分质量分数减少,但其在不同林分下的变化程度不同;②土壤因子之间关系密切,物理性粘粒含量与含水量、全氮、速效钾质量分数呈极显著正相关,而与土壤密度和pH值呈显著负相关;土壤养分质量分数之间具有不同程度的显著正相关关系;③采用主成分分析法对不同林分下0~60cm的土壤肥力质量进行了评价,土壤肥力质量表现为天然混交林高于落叶松人工纯林;采伐降低了土壤的肥力质量;在落叶松人工纯林中,随着林龄的增加,土壤的肥力质量下降。通过对土壤肥力质量综合指标值的聚类分析,将研究区土壤肥力质量分为优、良、中、差4个等级,肥力质量属于中等以上(优、良、中等)的林地所占研究样地的比例为66.7%,研究区森林土壤肥力质量属于中等水平。建议在经营过伐林时,注意调整林分结构和树种组成,控制采伐强度,同时进行长期定位观测和比较,以改善林分整体的肥力状况。本研究结果为该地区林业可持续经营提供直接依据,也为东北地区森林土壤肥力质量评价提供参考。  相似文献   

A total of 12 feeding experiments were conducted in the northern Gulf of Aqaba during spring (March/April) and autumn (September/October) 2002 at the Marine Science Station (MSS) in Aqaba. Females of three species of clausocalanids were selected: Clausocalanus farrani, C. furcatus and Ctenocalanus vanus. Natural occurring particle (NOP) larger than 5 μm were investigated as food source. The ambient chlorophyll a concentration at sampling depth (∼70 m) ranged between 0.15 and 1.00 μg chl a l−1 and NOP concentrations ranged between 1.78 and 14.0 × 103 cells l−1 during the sampling periods. The division of particles into five size classes (5–10, 10–20, 20–50, 50–100 and >100 μm) revealed that most of the particles were found in the size classes below 50 μm (81–98%), while most of the natural occurring carbon (NOC) was concentrated in the size classes larger than 20 μm (70–95%). Ingestion rates were food density dependent rather than size dependent ranging between 0.02 and 1.65 × 103 NOP ind−1 day−1 and 0.01 and 0.41 μg NOC ind−1 day−1, respectively, equivalent to a body carbon (BC) uptake between 0.4 and 51.8% BC day−1. The share of the size classes to the total ingestion resembled in most cases the size class composition of the natural particle community.  相似文献   

Site-specific differences were found in consumer isotope values among ten sites examined in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Average δ13C values among sites ranged ?21.7 to ?15.7 ‰, δ15N ranged <3 ‰: from 9.8 to 11.5 ‰, and δ34S ranged from 5.9 to 18.3 ‰. Isotope variation among these sites provided insight into the ranging habits of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sampled in St. George Sound (29.8N, 84.6W), a nearshore seagrass habitat, during May of 2005. Isotope comparisons suggest that the majority of dolphins sampled (average ± one standard deviation: δ13C = ?17.5 ± 0.8, δ15N = 14.5 ± 0.9, and δ34S = 10.6 ± 1.5) did not forage significantly on offshore species which are significantly 34S-enriched, nor is it likely that they ranged either eastward or westward along the coast within the sampling region. Despite their capability for ranging, these dolphins occupied a restricted home range, during the spring before our sampling efforts. These results demonstrate significant fine-scale isotope variation among coastal habitats explained by differences in freshwater inputs, organic matter loading, and modes of primary production that may be used to constrain the foraging ranges of a highly mobile apex predator.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of tintinnines was studied in the open sea of the South Adriatic at a station near the city of Dubrovnik (Station 12) in the period from 1979–1980 as well as at 11 stations during a cruise in January 1980. Samples were taken with the 53-m Nansen type net equipped with a closing system. The hauls were taken in 7 vertical layers. In the area investigated 72 species of tintinnines were observed. Six dominating species contributed from 30 to 93%, an average of 63% of the total numerical abundance of tintinnines. Based on the occurrence of the majority of the population of individual species going from the surface towards the sea bottom, the tintinnines have been divided into 5 groups. Most of the species (42), presenting more than 90% of the population, were found in the layer between the surface and a depth of 100 m. Other species were found in deeper layers (rarely or almost never at the surface).  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to apply principal component analysis (PCA) and ionic impulsions to the study of the accumulation and uptake of metals in wild plants. Soil samples were taken in three locations and the following plant species were selected: Poa, Pteridium aquilinum, Diplotaxis, Plantago lanceolata and Trifolium repens. After determining contents of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Pb, Co, Ni, Cu, Cr, Zn, Cd and Fe in the plant samples and in the soils, principal component analysis was carried out for plant data treatment. Sample position maps revealed that there was no substantial differences among samples when plant species or sampling locations were used as a criteria. As the factors obtained by PCA only correlated with one or two variables, the study of accumulation patterns of metals was carried out by using ionic impulsions. The presence of large amounts of pollutants (like Cd, Cr) in plants is related to a greater assimilation of essential micronutrients in order to counteract the influence of the pollutants.  相似文献   

于2009年5月(枯水期)、8月(丰水期)、11月(平水期)对天津地区蓟运河、潮白新河、永定新河、金钟河、北塘排污河、黑猪河、海河、大沽排污河、独流减河、青静黄排水渠、子牙新河和北排水河12条主要河流的水质进行监测,并对监测数据进行主成分分析,构建水质评价指标体系,采用水质标识指数进行水质评价。结果表明,主成分分析与水质标识指数相结合的评价方法客观可靠。从时间分布来看,枯水期水质最差,58.3%的河流为劣Ⅴ类水质,部分河流已经黑臭,8月水质较好。从综合水质标识指数来看,海河以南河流污染较为严重。该地区河流NH3-N污染最为严重,其次是BOD5、CODMn和TP,属于有机型及富营养化污染。  相似文献   

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