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The genotoxicity potential of silver nanowires synthesized via the solution-based polyol method has been investigated. They were found to be non-mutagenic in three Salmonella strains and were not genotoxic in a clastogenicity assay in mice. Residual surfactant was found to have an effect on the toxicological properties of the nanowires by increasing the rate of Ag+ release. Residual surfactant can be easily degraded via a UV treatment.  相似文献   

A model predictive of the potential mutagenicity of organic compounds was devised by relating mutagenicity data obtained in the Ames reversion test to molecular structure parameters describing their hydrophobic, topological, steric and electronic properties. These included second order valence molecular connectivity index, parachor, molar refraction and polarizability of electrons. A classification rule was calculated, by means of discriminant analysis, using a training set of 117 compounds of various chemical classes. There was agreement between experimental data and theoretical expectations for the majority of compounds (70.9%), with homogeneous figures among the different chemical classes under scrutiny. An exception was represented by halogenated aliphatics with up to 3 C atoms, the mutagenicity of which was poorly predicted by the structural analysis model.  相似文献   

Literature data concerning the genotoxicity of cobalt salts have been conflicting. To establish appropriate incubation conditions, we conducted a series of uptake studies, before genotoxicity was determined by DNA strand break induction in HeLa cells and mutagenicity in V79 Chinese hamster cells. Co(II) is taken up by HeLa cells in a concentration‐dependent manner and is accumulated inside the cell. The uptake is preceded by a fast association step to the outer membrane, with no saturation up to 24 h. DNA strand breaks as determined by nucleoid sedimentation are induced at concentrations as low as 50μMCoCl2. The induction is time‐dependent, showing the highest number of breaks after 4h incubation with no further increase up to 24h. CoCl2 is mutagenic at the HPRT‐locus, enhancing the spontaneous mutation frequency 4.2‐fold at 100μ?. Besides direct interactions with DNA, the mutagenicity of CoCl2 could also be due to a decrease in the Fidelity of DNA polymerisation.  相似文献   

• Mechanisms of redox reactions of Fe- and Mn-oxides were discussed. • Oxidative reactions of Mn- and Fe-oxides in complex systems were reviewed. • Reductive reaction of Fe(II)/iron oxides in complex systems was examined. • Future research on examining the redox reactivity in complex systems was suggested. Conspectus Redox reactions of Fe- and Mn-oxides play important roles in the fate and transformation of many contaminants in natural environments. Due to experimental and analytical challenges associated with complex environments, there has been a limited understanding of the reaction kinetics and mechanisms in actual environmental systems, and most of the studies so far have only focused on simple model systems. To bridge the gap between simple model systems and complex environmental systems, it is necessary to increase the complexity of model systems and examine both the involved interaction mechanisms and how the interactions affected contaminant transformation. In this Account, we primarily focused on (1) the oxidative reactivity of Mn- and Fe-oxides and (2) the reductive reactivity of Fe(II)/iron oxides in complex model systems toward contaminant degradation. The effects of common metal ions such as Mn2+ , Ca2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cu2+, ligands such as small anionic ligands and natural organic matter (NOM), and second metal oxides such as Al, Si and Ti oxides on the redox reactivity of the systems are briefly summarized.  相似文献   

The most toxic form of arsenic is arsine gas. Arsenite is also highly toxic and arsenate is moderately toxic. Arsine gas will lyse red blood cells, arsenite inactivates particular enzymes and arsenate uncouples oxidative phosphorylation. Arsenic does not appear to be a significant mutagen. Epidemiological studies have implicated arsenic as a cause of lung cancer and skin cancer, but arsenic generally does not induce cancer in laboratory animals. Arsenic may bioaccumulate in some plants and marine organisms. Bacteria can be resistant to arsenic by preventing arsenate from entering the cell (chromosomal resistance) or pumping arsenic out of the cell (plasmid resistance). Many different organisms, including mammals, have the ability to methylate inorganic arsenic. Biomethylation seems to be a mechanism of arsenic detoxification.  相似文献   

Both raw water and chlorinated drinking water samples were collected from and the Liu‐Du water treatment plant in northern Taiwan from October 1990 to April 1992. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and mutagenicity in these water samples were analyzed by GC/MS and Ames test. The Mutagenicity/DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) ratio in S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 with or without S9 mixture increased, even higher than 2, following the sequence of unit process. It was observed that the mutagenicity with TA98 (S9+) was highly related to most of PAHs in the raw water; while the mutagenicity with TA98 (S9+) was only correlated with DbA and BghiPr in the treated water. It could be expected that the mutagenicity level was controlled by other predominant components after the raw water was treated, for example, the chlorination process.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the potential mutagenic activity of diesel engine exhaust in the Ames/Salmonella assay using a direct aerosol exposure system. So, TA 98 and TA 100 strains, with or without added S9 mix, were exposed to diesel emissions after varying degrees of filtration. Variants of these two strains, deficient in nitroreductase (TA 98NR and TA 100NR) or over-expressing O-Acetyl Transferase (YG 1024 and YG 1029), were also exposed to total (unfiltered) diesel exhaust to highlight the putative mutagenicity of any nitro-PAHs present in these emissions. Mutagenic activity of the diesel exhaust was demonstrated on Salmonella typhimurium, strains TA 100 and variants TA 100 NR and YG1029. The use of a particle filter did not modify the genotoxicity of the diesel emissions, indicating a major contribution of the gas phase to the mutagenicity of these diesel emissions. The prominent role of the particulate-associated nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAHs) claimed by some authors working on diesel exhaust organic extracts was not confirmed by our results with native diesel exhaust exposure. Our results show that the gas phase is potentially more mutagenic than the particles alone.  相似文献   

An extremely potent mutagen, 3‐chloro‐4(dichloromethyl)‐5‐hydroxy‐2(5/f)‐furanone (MX) is commonly present in chlorinated drinking water. Due to its high mutagenic activity and according to WHO guidelines its concentration should be controlled in drinking waters. Determination of MX is difficult due to ppt levels at which the compound usually exists in drinking waters. Derivatization with 2‐propanol is presented as a method which significantly lowers GC/MS detection level of MX. Suitability of 2‐propylation for derivatization of other hydroxyfuranones is also shown.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Antimicrobial resistance is a major health issue induced by the overuse of antibiotics and disinfection reagents, e.g. chlorine. Resistant bacteria thus occur in...  相似文献   

Since the last few decades, terrestrial diversity is found to be under stress due to the contamination by various chemicals and gases of aquatic and agricultural media. The bioaccumulation of these compounds at certain concentrations in different tissues produces histopathological changes leading to behavioral changes in target animals. This study focused on terrestrial molluscan slug, Semperula maculata, against lethal concentrations of mercury chloride (HgCl2). Bioaccumulation of Hg was highest in ovotestis, while lowest in the molluscan penis. Histopathological changes were observed in the cellular arrangement of reproductive organs. Alterations in the penis and the dart gland included dilated unicellular, multicellular glands, and muscular dystrophy, dilated peripheral glandular cells, respectively; dilation being maximal in the prostate gland. Ovotestis showed depleted number of gametocytes. Vacoulized pre-vitellogenic oocytes with early vitellogenic oocytes were noted under light microscopy. Mercury produced toxicity on secretory functions and lowered the rate of reproduction in animals. Evidence indicates that Hg produced gamete degeneration, impacted reproductive capacity and survival of this species in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

研究常用增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(di-n-butyl phthalate,DBP)对农作物生长的影响,为农用地膜及其残留物的环境安全性评估提供实验依据。以蚕豆为试材,DBP处理浓度为0(CK)、9 mmol·L-1、18 mmol·L-1、27 mmol·L-1和36 mmol·L-1,培养24 h、48 h和72 h后,观测根尖细胞染色体结构变化,测试胚根抗氧化酶活性。结果显示:DBP暴露的蚕豆胚根生长速率减缓;随着DBP暴露时间延长,根尖正在进行分裂的细胞被阻断在有丝分裂前期的比例增加,微核率升高,出现多种类型的染色体畸变;DBP暴露的胚根超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性提高5.41%~29.68%,过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性随DBP浓度增加而递减,过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性显著降低14.00%~43.08%。结果表明,DBP对蚕豆胚根具有遗传毒性,且能够破坏纺锤丝的结构。  相似文献   

探讨了蒽在Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ni等重金属离子饱和的黏土矿物表面的光降解行为,研究了重金属离子种类,黏土矿物种类、p H、自由基捕获剂和氧气对黏土表面蒽降解速率的影响.研究表明,不同种类金属离子饱和的蒙脱石表面蒽的降解速率Cu2+Pb2+Zn2+Cd3+Ni2+Na+,其中Cu-蒙脱石表面蒽的光降解速率达78.8%;黏土矿物CEC值越高,可交换的铜离子含量越大,对蒽的光降解速率的促进作用越明显;Cu-蒙脱石表面蒽的光降解速率随p H值增大而逐渐减小,p H≥8.71时,蒽的降解率为0,其变化规律与Cu2+随p H值的存在形态的变化趋势相吻合.此外,蒽在Cu-蒙脱石表面的光降解速率随加入的对苯醌增多而减小,对苯醌含量达2.0 mg·g-1时蒽的降解率为0,无氧条件下蒽的降解率为0,推测该反应体系中有氧化活性自由基(O-2·)的产生,可能为光催化氧化降解起始因素之一.  相似文献   

In vivo genetic toxicology tests measure direct DNA damage or the formation of gene or chromosomal mutations, and are used to predict mutagenic and carcinogenic potential of compounds for regulatory purposes. These adverse genotoxic effects may be manifested in the form of gene mutations, structural chromosomal aberrations (CA), recombination, and numerical changes. The present investigation was carried to assess genotoxic effects of five different implantable biomaterials developed in different laborataries of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology. All biomaterials were developed for clinical applications. CA and micronuclei (MN) studies are biomarkers of genotoxicity testing. Leachants from the extract of biomaterials are capable of inducing structural and numerical chromosomal changes. The studies were conducted in Swiss albino mice with the physiological saline extract of materials together with cyclophosphamide and physiological saline as positive and negative controls. Animals were administered intraperitoneally (ip) with a single injection of test, positive (cyclophosphamide), and negative (physiological saline) control and sacrificed after 24 or 48?h. Bone marrow cells were collected for CA and MN assays. Data showed that all five biomaterials did not significantly exert genotoxic effects. Hence, the study indicates that these biomaterials do not induce any chromosomal anomalies.  相似文献   

Complexity and uncertainty play important roles in coastal management. Economic development may push the coastal system beyond its resilience thresholds as a result of interactions between environmental and socio-economic processes. The concepts in this paper link processes of system change, natural evolutionary processes observed in coastal zones, to processes of social evolution. An indicator based on calculating an ecological footprint for coastal zones is presented to guide decision-making in spatial and economic planning. The suggested indicator may support a range of methods linking economic valuation and environmental impact analysis.  相似文献   

Nylon bags containing yellow leaves of Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia marina, were immersed for 80 days from August to October, 1996. the decomposing leaves were collected every 10 days and analysed for dry weight loss and six biochemical parameters: tannins, total amino acids, total sugars, total nitrogen, total lipids and fatty acid profile. the leaf weight initially decreased very rapidly by about 50% of the start in two species of mangroves within 10 days. Similar changes were observed with tannins, total amino acids and sugars. However, the concentration of nitrogen increased significantly with decomposition. There was no significant change in total lipid and fatty acid profile. the highest concentration of fatty acid in the decomposing leaves was palmitic acid (16:0). Unsaturated fatty acids such as, 18:1 w7c and 18:1 w9c were found to be present in decomposing leaves of both species.  相似文献   

With the advancement of computational systems and the development of model integration concepts, complexity of environmental model systems increased. In contrast to that, theory and knowledge about > environmental systems as well as the capability for environmental systems analyses remained, to a large extent, unchanged. As a consequence, model conceptualization, data gathering, and validation, have faced new challenges that hardly can be tackled by modellers alone. In this discourse-like review, we argue that modelling with reliable simulations of human-environmental interactions necessitate linking modelling and simulation research much stronger to science fields such as landscape ecology, community ecology, eco-hydrology, etc. It thus becomes more and more important to identify the adequate degree of complexity in environmental models (which is not only a technical or methodological question), to ensure data availability, and to test model performance. Even equally important, providing problem specific answers to environmental problems using simulation tools requires addressing end-user and stakeholder requirements during early stages of problem development. In doing so, we avoid modelling and simulation as an end of its own.  相似文献   

The interaction between NTA and soluble Cr(VI) (K2Cr2O7) was studied by the Ames test on S. typhimurium and the sex‐linked recessive lethal test on D. melanogaster. In both systems a synergistic effect of NTA on Cr(VI) mutagenicity took place at sub‐toxic doses of Cr(VI). The synergism could depend on the action of NTA on intracellular Cr(VI) reduction, as more Cr(VI) was reduced in vitro to Cr(III) by Salmonella and Drosophila protein extracts in the presence of NTA. A similar enhancement of soluble Cr(VI) mutagenicity was produced by low doses of EDTA.  相似文献   

羧基化多壁碳纳米管对雌性小鼠卵泡发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳纳米管(carbon nanotubes, CNTs)作为一种新形式的结晶碳,在工业及医药领域具有非常广阔的应用前景。本研究采用水溶性较好的羧基化多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs-COOH)为研究对象,探索功能化多壁碳纳米管对小鼠卵巢发育的影响。将羧基化多壁碳纳米管溶解在含0.5% Tween-20的磷酸盐缓冲溶液(PBS)中,对实验小鼠按照2.5, 5, 10 mg·kg-1进行持续64 d的灌胃处理。处理结束后通过透射电子显微镜和HE染色观察卵巢组织的形态学变化。结果显示,碳纳米管确实进入了小鼠卵巢中。同时,随着MWCNTs-COOH暴露的增加,雌性小鼠卵泡数量显著减少,而雌性小鼠卵泡的形态结构并无明显影响。  相似文献   

Nylon bags containing yellow leaves of Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia marina, were immersed for 80 days from August to October, 1996. the decomposing leaves were collected every 10 days and analysed for dry weight loss and six biochemical parameters: tannins, total amino acids, total sugars, total nitrogen, total lipids and fatty acid profile. the leaf weight initially decreased very rapidly by about 50% of the start in two species of mangroves within 10 days. Similar changes were observed with tannins, total amino acids and sugars. However, the concentration of nitrogen increased significantly with decomposition. There was no significant change in total lipid and fatty acid profile. the highest concentration of fatty acid in the decomposing leaves was palmitic acid (16:0). Unsaturated fatty acids such as, 18:1 w7c and 18:1 w9c were found to be present in decomposing leaves of both species.  相似文献   

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