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The zooplankton and physicochemistry of Ehoma lake were studied from March 2005 to August 2006 in order to evaluate seasonal trend in species composition and abundance in relation to water quality. Forty two (42) species of rotifers dominated by Keratella tropica tropica were encountered. Species richness declined by nearly 50% from dry season values during the rainy season. Species richness was higher in the littoral zone during the dry season, the reverse was the case during the rainy season. Species abundance followed similar trend as species richness. Abundance was closely associated with dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand and width of the lake and these in turn varied significantly between seasons. Shannon-Weaver diversity varied from 2.2 to 3.8 bit ind(-1) and significantly between seasons (p<0.05). Anuraeopsis navicula navicula and Euchlanis dilatata dilatata Ehrenbreg were the only species gained during the flood periods.  相似文献   

An investigation on the abundance and distribution of trace metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb) in water, and nine species of fish samples from Calabar river was carried out in 1992. The concentrations of iron (6000–7240gl–1), zinc (4910–7230gl–1), and cadmium (3–7gl–1) showed moderate pollution while those of copper (420–630gl–1), manganese (23–48gl–1), chromium (<10–20gl–1) and lead (<1–10gl–1) in water were well below WHO permissible levels. Significant seasonal changes (0.001p0.25) were obtained for iron, copper, zinc, manganese and cadmium in water. Furthermore, iron, zinc and cadmium showed statistically significant spatial changes (0.005p0.10). Of the nine fish species studied, no statistically significant relationship between body weight and the concentrations of the metals was observed. The concentrations of the metals per mean total body weight apparently decreases in the order Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>Pb>Cd=Cr and were within the limits that were safe for consumption.  相似文献   

Seasonal differences in the dissolved arsenic concentration and speciation in a contaminated urban waterway in northwest England have been determined using a coupled ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS) technique. Waters sampled in the vicinity of an industrial works during relatively dry conditions in April 2000 were found to contain total arsenic concentrations (As) of up to 132 g L–1, more than an order magnitude greater than the 4 g L–1 maximum found in December 2000. The difference in As between the April and December sampling periods is speculated to be largely due to the irregular anthropogenic supply of arsenic to the watercourse. For both sampling periods, the dissolved arsenic was exclusively inorganic in nature and had an As(V)/As ratio of between 0.6 and 0.8. Analysis of samples taken downstream of the industrial site, after the confluence with a relatively As-poor stream, revealed that As(III), As(V) and As concentrations were lower than would be expected from conservative mixing. The As(V)/As ratio was also observed to decrease markedly. The loss of arsenic from solution is thought to be due to adsorption on the iron oxyhydroxide-rich sediment observed to coat the riverbed downstream of the confluence. The reduction in the As(V)/As ratio is believed to be due to the more rapid adsorption of As(V) compared to that of As(III). Deviations from conservative behaviour were more marked during the relatively dry April 2000 sampling period and suggest the increased importance of adsorption processes controlling arsenic availability during this time.  相似文献   

Levels of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Cd were determined in topsoil and vegetation in the vicinity of a factory manufacturing lead- batteries in Ibadan, Nigeria. The samples were collected along five transects in different directions, and varying distances up to 1000m from the factory. Soil lead levels were found to be elevated around the factory, with average levels of about 2000mgkg–1 close to the fence that declined gradually to about 50mgkg–1 some 750m away. Soil-lead level around a primary school located about 500m from the factory was as high as 1450mgkg–1. Lead levels were equally elevated in the vegetation, though average levels in vegetation were slightly lower than in the soil. Cadmium concentrations in soil and vegetation, though low, were more positively correlated with lead levels than any of the other metals are with lead.  相似文献   

The physicochemical characteristics of the River Challawa in the Kumbotso Local Government Area of Kano State were studied across four seasons (warm and dry, cold and dry, hot and dry, and warm and wet seasons) between October 2006 and August 2008. Physicochemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDSs), total suspended solids (TSS), alkalinity, turbidity, hardness, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate were analyzed and compared with standard permissible limits. The mean range of parameters determined across the seasons revealed: 8.36–8.59 for pH; 209.57–335.27 µS cm?1 for EC; 134.05–208.5 mg L?1 for TDS; 182.4–273.45 mg L?1 for TSS; 125.3–276.07 mg L?1 for hardness; 16.11–40 mg L?1 of CaCO3 for alkalinity; 2.76–3.78 mg L?1 for DO; 1.9–43.33 mg L?1 for BOD; 231.67–310.06 mg L?1 for COD; 221.67–441.67 mg L?1 for turbidity; 17.98–35.89 mg L?1 for chloride; 5.12–8.89 mg L?1 for nitrate; 37–558.83 mg L?1 for sulfate; and 0.47–0.81 mg L?1 for phosphate. Data showed that all parameters determined were significantly different among the various sampled sites across seasons. With the exception of COD, EC, and phosphate, all other parameters determined were within the WHO and USPH standard limits.  相似文献   

Levels of lead, zinc, cadmium, copper and nickel were determined in roadside moss samples within towns in the northern and south-eastern regions of Nigeria. Average lead level in the south-east (59 ppm) was higher than the average for the northern region (44 ppm). Average levels of zinc, cadmium, copper and nickel did not differ significantly between the two regions, with overall averages for the entire study area being 50.9, 1.2, 11.3 and 5.6 ppm for these metals. Lead levels were poorly correlated with those of the other metals, indicating that automobile emissions may not be the main source for these metals in the moss. In comparison with a previous study of the south-west region, the results indicate a generally slightly higher level of metal pollution in the south-west region than in both the northern and south-eastern regions.  相似文献   


The humid zone of Nigeria has traditionally been considered unsuitable for extensive cattle production because of the prevalence of tsetse fly. Over the years, nomadic pastoralists, mainly Fulani, from the northern part of the country paid seasonal visits to this zone in search of pasture and water for their cattle during the dry season when the threat of the tsetse menace is less. The recent increase in the number of settled pastoralists has been associated with changing trends in the ecology and economy of the zone.

Relying on recent survey data, this paper attempts a systematic analysis of the adaptive strategies of the Fulani in pursuit of a sedentary lifestyle in the humid frontier of southwest Nigeria. Some of the adaptive strategies identified include: establishment of grazing orbits within a 20 km radius of their settlements, adjustment of herd size and structure, adoption of a multiple livelihood system, production of arable crops and appropriation of traditional social structures and kinship networks for herd management.

Long-term insecure land-holding arrangements, incessant seasonal bush burning for regeneration of pasture by the Fulani and the gradual destruction of the native forest cover are some of the problems arising from the sedentarisation of livestock production in the area. It was observed that the present land-use arrangement, even though it appears to guarantee the pastoralists security of tenure in the short term, is not sustainable in the long run, given the increasing commercialization of land in the area and rapid population growth. It was, therefore, concluded that government should put in place a land redistribution arrangement that will ensure secure land ownership by the Fulani. Development initiatives in the area should also focus on reinforcing those traditional practices of the Fulani that would guarantee a sustainable land-use system in the area.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and partition of trace metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Cr and Pb) in the surface sediments of the Calabar River are reported. Chemical partition of the metals in the sediments reveals that 2–30% of the total metal load was contributed by the non-detrital (acid-soluble) fraction, while fine-grained host minerals/compounds are the main carriers of the detrital (acid-insoluble) fraction (70–98%). Using multivariate statistical analysis, the seasonal fluctuations in the distribution of some of the metals show significant influence by physio-chemical changes (dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity and conductivity) in the water column. Fe–Mn oxide grain coatings and sulphide materials have been identified as scavengers of some of the non-detrital and detrital trace metals in the sediments. On the basis of index of geoaccumulation (I-geo) and comparison with previous studies, the Calabar River surface sediments have been classified as unpolluted.  相似文献   

The impact of disturbance on the macroinvertebrate community was investigated in the biotope of a river catchment area. A total of 56 and 18 taxa were recorded at Stations 1 and 2, accounting for 71 and 29% individual organisms, respectively. Twelve taxa were common at both stations. Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) constituted the predominant group with the 46% density at the upstream biotope of Station 1, whereas, family Hydrobidae (Mollusca) dominated numerically the downstream Station 2. Data revealed that months of sampling at stations significantly influenced the occurrence and abundance of the major groups. Three distinct patterns of seasonal affiliation among the benthos were observed. Monthly variation in species diversity occurred. The macroinvertebrate community was affected by disturbances at the downstream bank-root biotope, limiting the occurrence of life forms to a few adaptable groups.  相似文献   

A speciation study of Pb and Mn in roadside dust along major roads in Ile-Ife, South Western Nigeria, was investigated. Pb and Mn values obtained by total digestion ranged from 22.23 ± 3.52 to 43.48 ± 3.05 μg/g and 35.93±0.15 to 83.76 ± 0.06 μg/g, respectively. The results of speciation analysis of Pb and Mn in the samples showed that the mean levels of these metals in the various fractions followed the order: organic matter>residual>Fe-Mn>carbonate>exchangeable and organic matter-bound>exchangeable>carbonate-bound>residual>Fe-Mn oxide-bound respectively. The speciation study therefore revealed that most of the Pb and Mn were associated with the organic matter fraction and that they were least available in the exchangeable and Fe-Mn oxide fractions, respectively. The apparent mobility and potential bioavailability for these metals in the road dust was Mn>Pb. There is a significant difference between the means of Pb and Mn in the road dust of the study area at p≤0.05, which strongly suggests that they may not have come from the same source; different sources may be responsible, which may be anthropogenic, such as tyre wear, vehicular emission, brake linings and natural.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the differences in the chemical conditions of lotic waterbodies in the two major ecosystems in Nigeria, the forest and savanna zones. The forest waters were slightly acidic (mean±SD pH = 6.72±0.58) while the savanna waters were slightly alkaline (pH = 7.11±0.33). The cationic order of dominance in the forest waters was Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ in contrast to Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ in savanna waters. The forest waters were chlorided (typical of coastal and/or marine waters) whereas the savanna waters were carbonated in nature, typical of the worldwide freshwater. Organic carbon was significantly higher in forest waters than in the savanna waters (p < 0.05) while nutrient compounds were significantly higher in savanna waters than in forest waters. The seasonal variation of the chemical parameters was generally more evident in savanna than in forest waters. The differences in water quality between the two major vegetation zones reflect the differences in the biogeochemical processes and nutrient cycling that characterise forest and savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

Gas Chromatographic determination of blood levels of organochlorine pesticides in people of Southern Nigeria is described. Among the compounds detected and quantified were the HCH‐isomers, DDT and its metabolites and dieldrin, the major pollutants being DDT, DDE and the HCH‐isomers. Delta‐HCH, HCB and Endrin were also detected in a few samples. Total DDT (DDT + DDE + DDD) ranged from 0.04–7.24 ppm, total HCH (alpha + beta + gamma) 0.08–5.64 ppm, and dieldrin 0.03–0.28 ppm.  相似文献   

The concentrations of lead and copper in sclerotium of the mushroom Pleurotus tuber-regium widely consumed in Southeastern Nigeria were determined. The specimens purchased from different markets were mineralized with H2SO4 and H2O2 and analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentrations of Pb ranged from 0.2?±?0.1?mg?kg?1 to 0.8?±?0.5?mg?kg?1 with approximately 91% of the results being below 1?mg?kg?1. The concentrations of Cu ranged from 0.5?±?0.2?mg?kg?1 to 1.2?±?0.6?mg?kg?1 with 78% of the results below 1?mg?kg?1. The results were compared with the literature and levels set by regulatory authorities, with the conclusion that the consumption of sclerotium does not pose a toxicological risk. The low Pb content of the studied products would contribute to only about 1% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake of Pb. The Cu contents would contribute to nutritional intake of the metal in the general population. It is recommended that the outer layers of the sclerotia be properly scrapped before use to reduce metal contamination from exogenous sources.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the occurrence, prevalence and contributing factors to the incidence of goitre in Yewa north local government area of Ogun state, southwestern Nigeria. To achieve these objectives, soil, water, and cassava tubers were collected from four villages – Igbogila, Egua, Sawonjo and Imoto and from Lagos (about 250 m to the ocean) as a reference location, in order to determine their iodine concentrations. The results of the analyses indicated a soil mean iodine range of 2.1–5.8 μg g−1; a cassava mean iodine value of 2.3–3.5 μg g−1 and a drinking water mean iodine value of generally <1.0 μg L−1 in all the four villages. These values of iodine in soil and water of the four villages are considered low when compared with the soil iodine value of 7.4 μg g−1 and water iodine value of 6.1 μg L−1 obtained from Lagos. The limestone unit of the study area remains an inhibiting factor in the bioavailability of the iodine because of its alkalinity. Statistical analysis has shown that there was significant difference between iodine concentration in the soils and the drinking water, and a correlation between the soil iodine and organic matter content at p < 0.05. The correlation between soil iodine and granulometric fractions occurred at p < 0.01. Potential goitrogens in the commonly consumed cassava products might also have contributed to the prevalence of goitre in the study area. Both the females and the adults (i.e., less mobile groups) were found to be vulnerable to goitre development in these villages.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of the determination of concentrations of the trace metals Ni, Zn, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, and Fe in eggs from farms in Southern Nigeria. The mean concentrations (µg?g?1 fresh weight) ranged from 0.6 to 1.2 for Ni, 3.1 to 8.9 for Zn, 0.45 to 0.65 for Mn, 0.4 to 1.2 for Pb, <0.09 to 0.3 for Cr, 0.1 to 0.3 for Cd, 0.26 to 0.34 for Co, 0.9 to 1.2 for Cu and 19.5 to 24.0 for Fe. The concentrations and estimated dietary intakes of these metals were below the respective statutory limits. The Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) values for the individual metals in all zones are less than 1, i.e., within safe levels. The combined THQ values for the different zones were greater than 1but less than 2, with a significant contribution of cobalt.  相似文献   

This study assessed the distribution of heavy metals in soil and their subsequent accumulation in plants at a site at Umudike, Nigeria, that had been contaminated by agrochemicals. Soil and plant samples were analysed for zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd). The highest concentrations of Zn (251.50 mg/kg) and Cd (61.33 mg/kg) were obtained at a soil depth of 0–10 cm. The highest concentrations of Zn (16.52 mg/kg), Cd (27.12 mg/kg) and Cr (164.07 mg/kg) were accumulated by Baphia nitida. The levels of Cd, Cr and Zn in soil were 27.97–61.33, 24.97–45.43 and 148.57–251.50 mg/kg, and their concentrations in B. nitida were 16.18–27.13, 97.99–164.07 and 0.10–16.52 mg/kg, respectively. There were significant correlations between Cd and Cr and Cd and Zn in soil, as well as between Cd and Cr in plants. The concentration of Cd in soil reflected a state of pollution relative to Dutch criteria for soil and the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission.  相似文献   

Major and trace elements were determined in nzu (calabash clay) from Abia State, Nigeria, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mean calcium content was 1900 ± 100 mg/kg dry weight, followed by Na 1400 ± 96, Fe 1500 ± 480, K 260 ± 150, and Mg 100 ± 48 mg/kg. The mean concentration of Zn was 35 ± 5, Cu 16 ± 2.0, Mn 17 ± 5.0, Cr 10 ± 1.0, Ni 9.0 ± 2.0, Cd 4.3 ± 1.7, Co 3.9 ± 1.1, and Pb 3.0 ± 0.8 mg/kg. The contents of Ba and V were <0.4 mg/kg. The mean Pb content was higher than the WHO safe limit (0.4 mg/kg) and EU (1 mg/kg) limit for food. Estimates of daily intake of Cd, Cr, Fe, and Ni upon consuming 30–80g of nzu were above the recommended daily intake values. The Ba, Ca, Co, K, Mg, Na, and Zn contents should not exceed the recommended daily intake while Cd, Ni, and Pb would pose health risks, especially in pregnancy. The total target hazard quotient indicated potential health risks to consumers.  相似文献   

Sequential chemical extraction of metals (Cu, Ni, Mn, Fe, Pb, Cr, and Zn) from core sediments of the Orogodo River was carried out with a view of providing information on the phase distribution of these metals with respect to depths and seasons. The results indicate that copper was speciated into organic matter/sulfide, Fe–Mn oxides, and residual forms at 0–5?cm depth while at deeper sections copper was predominantly in the residual form. Nickel was speciated mainly into Fe–Mn oxides and residual forms. The average of lead in various particulate phases of the sediment are 0–100% for residual; 0–8% for carbonate; 0–16.2% for exchangeable; 0–10% for organic matter/sulfide form and 22–56% for Fe–Mn oxides bound metals. Manganese was speciated into exchangeable (10–36%) and Fe–Mn oxides bound (10–48%) at the surface layers of 0–20?cm depths and predominantly in the residual form in deeper sections implying partitioning into trioctahydral clay and/or well-defined crystalline oxides. Iron was predominantly in the Fe–Mn oxides and residual fractions, less than 8% in the organic fraction, and 24.4–37.3% in the exchangeable and carbonates fractions at the surface. The percentage contributions of iron in the exchangeable and carbonate fractions decreased to 3.2% at 55–60?cm depth. The amount of chromium in the exchangeable fraction ranged from 0% to 7% for exchangeable; 0–26.5% for organic matter/sulfide bound; 3.8–17.9% for Fe–Mn oxides; and 46.8–100% for residual fraction. The mobility factors of the metals indicated that these metals were relatively mobile at top sections as compared with deeper sections. The overall picture of metal mobility and availability indicates potential contamination risk by Fe, Zn, Mn, and Pb in the Orogodo River sediment system.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in settlement and spiculation of sponge larvae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A settlement study, based in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, New Zealand, has revealed 3 different seasonal reproductive patterns among Demospongiae. Species which settled on our substrates can be divided into summer settlers, winter settlers, or all-year-round settlers. The composition of these groups is given, and the affinities and habitats of the constituent species are commented on. Variation in aspects of the spicule complement have been observed and discussed for three species: Mycale macilenta, Microciona coccinea and Ectyomyxilla kerguelensis.  相似文献   

Li  Yanbo  Zhou  Zhiwei  Chen  Ning  He  Li  Zhou  Muke 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2019,41(5):2113-2130

Stroke was demonstrated to correlate with seasonal variation. However, the relevant studies were incongruous. To better understand the rules of seasonal impact on ischemic stroke (IS) patients, we performed this meta-analysis. We systematically searched relevant observational studies in Pubmed, Web of science and Embase from January 1, 1980, to November 1, 2017, in English. Patients included in this study were adults who suffered from IS. Stata version 12.0 software was used to pool useful data and calculate incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We also performed heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses and evaluated publication bias. Thirty-three observational studies involving 234,196 participants were incorporated into the meta-analysis. Summer and December were regarded as reference, respectively. The IRRs were calculated showing: IRRWinter 1.05 (95% CI 1.04–1.07), IRRAutumn 1.03 (95% CI 1.02–1.04), IRRSpring 1.02 (95% CI 1.01–1.03). No obvious difference existed among 12 months. Stratified analyses on Köppen classification were also conducted. Between-study heterogeneity was discovered; however, predefined stratified analyses and meta-regression could not reduce this heterogeneity. Our meta-analysis has revealed very little seasonal variation in the overall study. Both cold and hot months may be high risky for IS after stratified by Köppen Climate Classification. Thus, a rationale to environmental setting of risky patient management could be provided. More studies with specific assessments are warranted for further comprehensive investigation.


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