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《Chemistry and Ecology》2007,23(5):393-407
The massive red tide bloom of Chattonella antiqua that occurred in Alexandria waters during late August/early September 2006 was monospecific, of very high density, and of wide spatial distribution, and was accompanied by mass fish and invertebrates mortalities. During the bloom, surface water temperature ranged between 26.5 and 28.5 °C and salinity between 23 and 27 psu. The bloom started under very high nitrate and ammonia levels; where the uptake of ammonia seemed to be faster than that of nitrate, and the bloom seemed to avoid the copepod grazing. Mass fish and invertebrates mortality was observed. Few cells of Heterosigma species have been reported for the first time in the Alexandria waters. Several environmental constraints (including physical factors), nutrient loading, copepod grazing and comparison with other data for C. antiqua blooms in Alexandria waters are also discussed.  相似文献   

A monitoring programme during 4 years (1993-1996) was established in four eutrophic marine basins along the Mediterranean coast of Alexandria (Egypt) to follow the occurrence of a newly recorded dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum and ambient environmental conditions. the species achieved its massive occurrence in warm seasons at low salinity, density stratified water column and different nutrient concentrations. A simple statistical approach showed temperature and phosphate to effect its distribution. Apparently no cases of toxic effect have accompanied the occurrence of G. catenatum. the regular occurrence of the species during the 4 year survey mean the existence of its benthic resting cysts, which certainly have important implications for its distribution dynamics.  相似文献   

《Chemistry and Ecology》2006,22(6):479-488
Tin concentrations were determined in surface and core sediments from three hot spots along the Alexandria coast, namely: Abu-Qir Bay, Eastern Harbour, and Western Harbour. The mean concentrations in surface sediment were 2.434, 3.212, and 5.572 μg/g dry weight for Abu-Qir Bay, Eastern Harbour, and Western Harbour, respectively. A sharp decrease in tin level in core sediments with depth was observed in almost all locations except for core 4 in Abu-Qir Bay and core 17 in the Eastern Harbour, where the sub-sample at the 5 cm level recorded the highest tin concentrations.  相似文献   

Freshly deposited surface sediments from the Alexandria coastal zone were collected and analysed in 1995 for their trace metal concentrations. Metal concentrations in the sediments vary between sites within a wide range for copper, zinc, iron, lead, chromium and cadmium. the statistical analysis between the metal concentrations and the different constituents (organic carbon, total nitrogen, silt, clay and total iron) showed significant correlations. the enrichment factors for the sediments ranged between 3 and 4-fold for copper, chromium and zinc and reached up to 9-fold for lead and 113-fold for cadmium. the highest index for cadmium and lead may be attributed to the anthropogenic inputs from the surrounding area, where they are highest in lower discharge areas.  相似文献   

Freshly deposited surface sediments from the Alexandria coastal zone were collected and analysed in 1995 for their trace metal concentrations. Metal concentrations in the sediments vary between sites within a wide range for copper, zinc, iron, lead, chromium and cadmium. the statistical analysis between the metal concentrations and the different constituents (organic carbon, total nitrogen, silt, clay and total iron) showed significant correlations. the enrichment factors for the sediments ranged between 3 and 4-fold for copper, chromium and zinc and reached up to 9-fold for lead and 113-fold for cadmium. the highest index for cadmium and lead may be attributed to the anthropogenic inputs from the surrounding area, where they are highest in lower discharge areas.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were recorded in sediment and fish samples collected from the western coast of Alexandria. Total hydrocarbons (aliphatic+PAHs ) in sediment ranged from 683.8 to 34670.1 ng g ?1 with an average of 9286.9 ng g ?1. The sum of C16–C34 of aliphatic fractions was<4000?ng g;?1, indicating the presence of a fresh petroleum source. For all sediments, the anthracene/phenanthrene ratio was>0.1, suggesting the dominance of a pyrolytic source. Total aliphatics in different fish species ranged from 253 to 11?132 ng g;?1, while total PAHs ranged from 3862 to 35?746 ng g;?1 wet weight. Benzo[a]pyrene was the most dominant PAH fraction ranged from 1902.7 to 32 905.5 with an average of 9464.5?ng g;?1 wet weight in all fish species. Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) ranged from 0.79 to 64.9?ng g;?1 with an average 12.14?ng g;?1 wet weight. The concentrations of organochlorines in fish species (Euthynnus alleferatus, Scomberomorus commerson, Sphyraena Sphyraena, Diplodus vulgaris, and Alepes djedaba) decreased following the order: PCBs>DDTs>HCHs>total cyclodienes. Concentrations of DDTs in fish tissues ranged from 4.89 to 36.37 ng g?1 with an average of 16.4?ng g;?1 wet weight. The concentrations of total HCHs ranged from 0.3 to 65.7?ng g;?1 with an average of 16.35?ng g;?1. The present study indicates: (1) fresh petroleum input where Pr/Ph>1; (2) PAHs in sediment<4000 ng g ?1; (3) BaP concentration exceeded the permissible levels in Alepes djedaba species; (4) DDTs in sediment were below the effective range low level; (5) PCBs>effective range low and相似文献   

The macrofauna settling on experimental substrates was studied at two sites of the Lesina Lagoon to test its possible role in monitoring ecological variations in a brackish-water ecosystem. The community settlement was seasonally investigated on 3-month-old wooden poles; the development was monitored from 2001 to 2005. Comparisons with benthic assemblages settled on 10-yr-old poles were also performed. The main hydrological parameters were periodically measured during the study. A total of 38 species were collected. The assemblage reached the highest development in the central lagoon, showing relevant carbonate structures which supported a rich vagile fauna. Close to the sea-water inlet species richness and abundance values were lower, with the disappearance of some brackish-water species. A remarkable salinity drop during 2004 produced some faunistic changes in the assemblages, which however maintained different structures between the study sites, thus confirming macrozoobenthos as an efficient bioindicator of different environmental conditions for transition biotopes and a useful investigation tool in monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments collected in two areas of the Mediterranean Sea having different sedimentological characteristics have been analyzed to determine present concentrations and inventories of 239,240Pu and to study the main mechanisms controlling them. Plutonium distribution in the deepest part of a submarine canyon (Taranto Valley, Ionian Sea) is compared to that obtained in an abyssal plain (north Algerian Plain). in the latter case, sedimentation is mainly due to the sinking of biogenic particles, while in the former lateral transport of terrigenous material along the slope of the canyon can significantly contribute to sediment accumulation on the bottom.

239,240Pu surface concentration in the canyon ranged from 0.2 to 1 Bq kg-1 (dry weight) and this was lower in the abyssal plain. in this area, plutonium was detectable only in the first 4 cm, while in the canyon it was present down to 11-15 cm. 239,240Pu inventories are 3 Bq m-2 in the plain and 45-60 Bq m-2 in the canyon, indicating considerable input of terrigenous material towards the final part of the Taranto Valley.  相似文献   

Vermetid reefs are among the most important bioconstructions in the Mediterranean Sea, with a distribution restricted to the warmest part of the basin. Their structure, and vertical and geographical distribution make them good biological indicators of changes in sea level and sea-surface temperature over the last two millennia.  相似文献   

In July 2012, a ship-board double-platform line-transect survey was conducted to assess harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) abundance in the Kattegat, Belt Seas and the Western Baltic. A total of 826 km of track lines were surveyed between the 2nd and 21st of July 2012, and 169 observations were made by the primary observers, comprising a total of 230 porpoises. Fifty-seven observations were identified as duplicate sightings observed by both tracker and primary observers and were used to correct for availability and perception bias of the primary detections. Using Mark–Recapture Distance Sampling analysis, we produced a model using the half-normal key function, including sightability as the only covariate to estimate the density and abundance of harbour porpoise within the 51,511 km2 survey area. Estimated detection probability on the transect line, known as g(0), was at 0.571 (±0.074; CV = 0.130). Using a point independence model of the detection function, the abundance of harbour porpoises within the survey area was estimated at 40,475 animals (95 % CI 25,614–65,041, CV = 0.235) with an associated density of 0.786 animals km?2 (95 % CI 0.498–1.242, CV = 0.235) and an average group size of 1.488 animals. These results reflect densities obtained during the SCANS surveys in 1994 and 2005, indicating no significant population trend in the area. However, it should be noted that the survey area covers more than one population and that results are therefore not necessarily reflecting local population trends. Until proper population borders are obtained, the abundance estimate provides baseline data for future monitoring and is an important input to the assessment of the conservation status of harbour porpoises in the area.  相似文献   

Seven sediment samples from mangrove sediments of the Red Sea were taken in order to evaluate the possible contamination of the sediments by trace metals (iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)). Sequential extraction techniques were performed to study the different geochemical forms of these metals. X-ray diffraction analysis has been performed to correlate the mineralogical composition with the geochemical forms of the studied elements. The results of Fe and Mn contents indicate that they are in large part from lithogenous origin. The elevated concentrations are associated with the residual form ranged from 70 to 93% for Fe and 46 to 70% for Mn. The percentage of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb in the non-residual form was much greater than that of the residual fractions. This reflects the high mobility and bioavailability of these metals in mangrove sediments of the Red Sea. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the presence of silicate components including quartz, feldspars and clay minerals in some locality. Non-silicate components recorded in the study area as calcite as well as, Mg-calcite. Quantitatively both components i.e. silicate and carbonate varied according to their source material.  相似文献   

Caulerpa paspaloides (Bory) Greville were collected during the winter and summer (1978 to 1979) from the Florida Keys, USA. Thalli collected during the winter photosynthesized more efficiently at low light intensities (Ic<1, Ik=38 Exm-2xs-1) than did thalli collected in the summer (Ic=13, Ik=111 Exm-2xs-1). Summer thalli exhibited higher Pmax values (2.20 mgO2xg-1 dry wtxh-1) than winter thalli (1.70 mg O2xg-1 dry wtxh-1). Rates of rhizome elongation and frond initiation were strongly inhibited by winter temperatures. The maximum lethal temperature for summer thalli was 37° to 38°C as measured by both growth and photosynthesis. No evidence of nitrogen or phosphorus limitation was found. Relatively minor reductions in salinity (3S) resulted in significant increases in rhizome apex motality. Results indicate that low winter temperatures are responsible for reduced winter growth rates previously reported for the Key Largo population. Increased photosynthetic efficiency at low light intensities and preferential maintenance of rhizome elongation over frond initiation appear to allow this tropical macroalga to optimize growth and survival during the winter.  相似文献   

The results of the daNUbs-project deliver a basis for a proper management of nutrients in the Danube Basin. The understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of nutrients in the Basin and their effects on the Western ad North-Western Black Sea (WBS) ecosystem has been improved. Quantitative models on the emission of nutrients, their transport along the rivers, and their impact on the WBS have been further developed and combined. Phosphorus loads discharged by the Danube are 30-50% lower than in the 1980s (dissolved P even to a higher extent). Nitrogen emissions have decreased considerably as well. The lower nutrient discharges from the Danube have led to a significant improvement in the WBS ecosystem. Current low discharges of N and P to the WBS are the result of (1) improved nutrient removal from waste water in Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic, (2) reduced P-discharges from detergents and (3) the consequences of the economic crisis in central and eastern European countries following the political changes of 1989/1990. As the decrease is partly due to the economic breakdown in the formerly communist countries, economic development in these countries has to go along with proper nutrient management. Otherwise, the situation in the WBS ecosystem will deteriorate again.  相似文献   

The results of the daNUbs-project deliver a basis for a proper management of nutrients in the Danube Basin. The understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of nutrients in the Basin and their effects on the Western ad North-Western Black Sea (WBS) ecosystem has been improved. Quantitative models on the emission of nutrients, their transport along the rivers, and their impact on the WBS have been further developed and combined. Phosphorus loads discharged by the Danube are 30–50% lower than in the 1980s (dissolved P even to a higher extent). Nitrogen emissions have decreased considerably as well. The lower nutrient discharges from the Danube have led to a significant improvement in the WBS ecosystem. Current low discharges of N and P to the WBS are the result of (1) improved nutrient removal from waste water in Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic, (2) reduced P-discharges from detergents and (3) the consequences of the economic crisis in central and eastern European countries following the political changes of 1989/1990. As the decrease is partly due to the economic breakdown in the formerly communist countries, economic development in these countries has to go along with proper nutrient management. Otherwise, the situation in the WBS ecosystem will deteriorate again.  相似文献   

In order to provide a background picture of the water quality of the Egyptian Red Sea a number of hydrological and chemical parameters have been measured bimonthly in 2000. Few data are available on this area, which is apparently subjected to an increasing human impact due to recreational (swimming and diving), industrial (mainly phosphate shipping and industry) and fishing/harbor activities. The results of the present study indicate that changes in the salinity and pH were not significant with highly oxygenated seawaters. The levels of suspended solids (as total suspended matter, TSM) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were generally low and showed an homogeneous distribution in the study region. The ratio of chlorophyll-a to total suspended matter concentrations increased between November and March and decreased from May to September. Chlorophyll-a was significantly correlated with transparency and total suspended matter concentrations in July, September and November. Nitrogen, phosphorus and reactive silicate concentrations were generally low, and allowed classifying the Egyptian Red Sea coastal water as oligotrophic to mesotrophic. The middle region of the study area, which was located between Safaga and Qusair displayed relatively high phosphate contents when compared with other coastal areas. The high values of N:P ratios indicate that PO 4 -P is the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth in the Red Sea coastal waters, with the possible exception of the middle region. Significant relationships were found between chlorophyll-a concentrations and nutrient levels in different sampling periods. Spatial distribution patterns of the studied variables revealed that productivity of the Red Sea coastal waters is mostly controlled by phosphate concentrations, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   


The Rhône delta is a typical microtidal estuary. River runoff spreads out into the Gulf of Lions as a surface plume influenced by the prevailing N or NW wind and the Liguro-Provençal-Catalan current. in the prodelta, sediments form a filter that traps radionuclides released by the different nuclear installations on the Rhône River and which are associated with fine particles. the horizontal distribution of various artificial radionuclides shows the highest concentrations at the Rhône River mouth. There,137Cs reaches 86.6 and 94.4 Bq·kg?1 dry wt. and is still present 10 miles away (32.5 Bq·kg?1 dry wt.) in the southwestward direction (influence of the general circulation). Data obtained in the sediment at Roustan station between 1980 and 1990 show that in 1990, 137Cs levels were similar to those found previous to the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

Contrasting conditions at-sea are likely to affect the foraging behaviour of seabirds. However, the effect of season on the dive parameters of penguins is poorly known. We report here on an extensive study of the diving behaviour of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) over the bird's complete annual cycle at the Crozet Islands. Time-depth recorders were used to record dive duration, bottom duration, post-dive interval, ascent rate and descent rate in breeding adults during different seasons in 1995 and 1996. Seasons included summer (n=6, incubation; n=6, chick brooding), autumn and winter (n=5 and n=3, respectively, chick at the crèche stage), and spring (n=4, birds at the post-moult stage). In all seasons dive duration increased with dive depth, but, for a given depth, dives were longer in winter (6.8 min when averaged over the 100-210 m depth layer) than in spring (4.6 min) and summer (4.4 min). The time spent at the bottom of the dives, which probably represents a substantial part of the feeding time, was much longer in winter (2.5 min per dive for dives over the 100-210 m layer) than during other seasons (1.0-1.4 min), i.e. there was a 2.5-fold augmentation for similar diving depths. Ascent and descent rates increased with increasing dive depth, but no difference in the relationships between rates of ascent and descent and dive depth was found among seasons. Furthermore, for all dive depths, ascent and descent rates were independent of the bottom duration. In all seasons post-dive intervals increased with dive duration and with dive depth, but they were longer in spring (2.3 min for dives over the 100-210 m layer) and summer than in autumn and winter (1.6-1.8 min). The diving efficiency decreased with increasing dive depth and was higher in autumn and winter (0.22-0.29) than in summer and spring (0.15-0.18). The large increase in bottom and dive duration from spring to winter is in agreement with the seasonal drop in prey density, with penguins spending more time searching for prey. In contrast, the consistency of the vertical velocity during contrasting conditions at-sea suggests that the transit time to depth is an important component of the foraging behaviour (scanning of the water column) that is independent of the prey availability. The time budget of the penguins during diving in a fluctuating environment appears to vary primarily during the bottom phase of the dives, with bottom duration increasing with diminishing prey supplies, while post-dive intervals shorten in the same time.  相似文献   

The European WFD (2000/60/EC) requires the assessment of the ecological quality status of water bodies, and gives great importance to the biological components of the ecosystem. A multimetric, fuzzy-based index for the evaluation of environmental quality (FINE: Fuzzy INdex of Ecosystem integrity) has been developed. The FINE index was calculated at 7 sites in the Sacca di Goro and the Valli di Comacchio (Adriatic Sea), where water and sedimentary chemical data were available for the years 2004 and 2005. A significant positive correlation was found between FINE values and dissolved oxygen, while significant negative correlations were observed between FINE values and transparency, nitrogen and phosphorous in the water column, and heavy metals and PCB in the sediments.  相似文献   

The European WFD (2000/60/EC) requires the assessment of the ecological quality status of water bodies, and gives great importance to the biological components of the ecosystem. A multimetric, fuzzy-based index for the evaluation of environmental quality (FINE: Fuzzy INdex of Ecosystem integrity) has been developed. The FINE index was calculated at 7 sites in the Sacca di Goro and the Valli di Comacchio (Adriatic Sea), where water and sedimentary chemical data were available for the years 2004 and 2005. A significant positive correlation was found between FINE values and dissolved oxygen, while significant negative correlations were observed between FINE values and transparency, nitrogen and phosphorous in the water column, and heavy metals and PCB in the sediments.  相似文献   

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