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Due to the special geographic locations and multiple typhoons a year, the frequent strong winds bring great discomfort and danger to the daily lives of the urban residents in southeast coast of China. The strategic design of landsenses pattern on different scales can help reduce gale days in urban areas while delivering diverse additional benefits such as pollution control and biodiversity habitat protection. Although the greatest gale days are observed in cold and damp winters, there is comparatively little information available for land managers to determine an appropriate strategy for landsenses pattern design under these climatic conditions. We present a framework for prioritization and selection of landsenses pattern for gale day reductions. The framework is supported by examining the relationships between urban landsenses pattern evolution and gale day mitigation in the past, with which we used to develop implementation guidelines that maximize reductions of urban surface gale days. We focus particularly on quantifying the benefits of four types of landsenses: land-use patterns, urban road network, architectural patterns, and vertical greening systems (green walls and facades) and demonstrate how to apply the framework with a case study from Pingtan Island, China.  相似文献   

Behavioral type–environment correlations occur when specific behavioral types of individuals are more common in certain environments. Behavioral type–environment correlations can be generated by several different mechanisms that are probably very common such as niche construction and phenotypic plasticity. Moreover, behavioral type–environment correlations have important ecological and evolutionary implications. However, few studies have examined behavioral type–environment correlations in natural populations. In this study, we asked whether some behavioral types of three-spined stickleback were more likely to occur in certain social environments (alone or in a shoal with other stickleback) or in certain microhabitats in a river (in the open or under cover). We found that individuals that were in shoals with other stickleback at the time of collection from the field emerged from a refuge more quickly compared to individuals that were found alone. In addition, fish that were alone in an open microhabitat explored more of a pool compared to fish that were alone in cover, but this difference did not occur among fish that were in shoals at the time of collection. Subsequent analyses of gut contents suggested that differences in microhabitat use were consistent over time. Our study provides some of the first evidence for behavioral type–environment correlations in a natural population of non-human animals.  相似文献   

Molecular methods of assessing dispersal have become increasingly powerful and have superseded direct methods of studying dispersal. Although now less popular, direct methods of studying dispersal remain important tools for understanding the evolution of dispersal. Here, we use data from Siberian jays Perisoreus infaustus, a group-living bird species, to compare natal dispersal distances and rates using visual mark–recapture, radio-tracking and microsatellite data. Siberian jays have bimodal natal dispersal timing; socially dominant offspring remain with their parents for up to 5 years (delayed dispersers), while they force their subordinate brood mates to leave the parental territory at independence (early dispersers). Early dispersers moved about 9,000 m (visual mark–recapture, radio-tracking) before settling in a group as a non-breeder. In contrast, delayed dispersers moved about 1,250 m (visual mark–recapture only) and mainly moved to a breeding opening. Dispersal distances were greater in managed habitat compared to natural habitat for both early and delayed dispersers. Molecular estimates based on 23 microsatellite loci and geographical locations supported distance estimates from the direct methods. Our study shows that molecular methods are at least 22 times cheaper than direct methods and match estimates of dispersal distance from direct methods. However, molecular estimates do not give insight into the behavioural mechanisms behind dispersal decisions. Thus, to understand the evolution of dispersal, it is important to combine direct and indirect methods, which will give insights into the behavioural processes affecting dispersal decisions, allowing proximate dispersal decisions to be linked to the ultimate consequences thereof.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the temporal and spatial variations of water quality data sets for the Xin'anjiang River through the use of multivariate statistical techniques, including cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA), correlation analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA). The water samples, measured by ten parameters, were collected every month for three years (2008-2010) from eight sampling stations located along the river. The hierarchical CA classified the 12 months into three periods (First, Second and Third Period) and the eight sampling sites into three groups (Groups 1, 2 and 3) based on seasonal differences and various pollution levels caused by physicochemical properties and anthropogenic activ- ities. DA identified three significant parameters (tempera- ture, pH and E.coli) to distinguish temporal groups with close to 76% correct assignment. The DA also discovered five parameters (temperature, electricity conductivity, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus) for spatial variation analysis, with 80.56% correct assignment. The non-parametric correlation coefficient (Spear- man R) explained the relationship between the water quality parameters and the basin characteristics, and the GIS made the results visual and direct. The PCA identified four PCs for Groups 1 and 2, and three PCs for Group 3. These PCs captured 68.94%, 67.48% and 70.35% of the total variance of Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Although natural pollution affects the Xin'anjiang River, the main sources of pollution included agricultural activities, industrial waste, and domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of water quality using multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of nutrients (NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, SiO4-Si, total N, total P) in relation to some physico-chemical features (DO, BOD, TSS, TDS, SO42−, Cl) were studied for 31 different stations of the Mahanadi river–estuarine system in the eastern part of India. The seasonal nutrient variations (except SiO4-Si) exhibit higher values during monsoon season in unpolluted stations and the reverse trends for polluted stations, which are related to agricultural run-off and regional anthropogenic activities respectively. Silicate shows a well defined pattern of distribution with a higher concentration during the monsoon, which is slightly removed from the estuarine water of Mahanadi during the pre-monsoon season. The results of R-mode factor analyses revealed that anthropogenic contributions are responsible for the increase in nutrients and the decrease in DO and pH levels of the water. The magnitude of BOD with respect to total N and P demonstrates the intensity of organic pollution in the system. The removal of silicate in the saline system is clearly visible through factor analysis and the different mode of association of TSS is reflected seasonally. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendograms to categorize different levels of contamination.  相似文献   

The annual epidemic spawning period of a Scottish population of Arenicola marina (L.) has been recorded over a period of 13 yr. This population spawns between mid-October and mid-November in a discrete spawning event over a period of 4 to 5 d. Endocrine manipulation experiments showed that spawning is induced in females only if sufficient titres of PMH (prostomial maturation hormone) are present in the prostomia. These levels are attained during the 2 to 3 wk prior to the natural spawning date. The East Sands, St. Andrews population always spawns during periods of spring tides regardless of tidal amplitude or whether they are full- or new-moon tides. Meteorological data, including sea-temperature data were collected for each year, and correlation of the environmental data with spawning time was attempted. Correlation of spawning times with weather patterns showed that mean daily air pressures were significantly higher during the spawning period than from September to November as a whole. Evidence also suggests that a reduction in sea temperature is required prior to spawning. A significant moderate negative correlation was found between May to July air temperatures and spawning date, suggesting that higher May to July temperatures may induce early spawning. Daily rainfall and wind speed were also lower during the spawning period, but not significantly so. These results indicate that air pressure (or changes therein) may act as a final spawning cue, and the advantages of this are discussed in relation to fertilization success. A model of the interplay between environmental parameters and the endocrine mechanisms controlling the induction of spawning is proposed. Higher than average summer temperatures may advance gametogenesis to bring the population into a state of maturity (full-size oocytes, well-developed sperm morulae), and may also advance spawning time. Once the population has completed gametogenesis, a drop in sea temperature is then required to trigger an increase in endocrine titres within the prostomium, without which spawning cannot be induced by prostomial injection. The population spawns on spring tides; however a lack of clement weather coinciding with the spring tide will result in population-wide spawning being aborted, as in 1996. Clement weather (high pressure, low rainfall and wind speed) in conjunction with spring tides permits spawning to proceed to completion. Received: 21 June 1999 / Accepted: 25 January 2000  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the bulk chemical composition as well as the extent and severity of heavy metal contamination in the paddy soil of Kočani Field (eastern Macedonia). The results revealed that the paddy soil of the western part of Kočani Field is severely contaminated with Pb, Zn, As and Cd in the vicinity of the Zletovska River due to irrigation with riverine water that is severely affected by acid mine and tailing effluents from the Pb–Zn mine in Zletovo. The detected total concentrations of these metals are far above the threshold values considered to be phytotoxically excessive for surface soil. The paddy soil in the vicinity of the Zletovska River was also found to exhibit elevated levels of Ba, Th, U, V, W, Mo, Cu, Sb, Bi, Ag, Au, Hg and Tl, with concentrations above their generally accepted median concentration values obtained during this study. A correlation matrix revealed that the Mn and Fe oxides/hydroxides are the most important carrier phase for several trace elements, with the exception of rare earth elements (REEs). These also represent a major sink for the observed heavy metal pollution of the soil. REEs are mostly associated with two phases: light (L)REEs are bound to K-Al, while heavy (H)REEs are bound to Mg-bearing minerals. Although there is no direct evidence of a health risk, the paddy soil in the vicinity of Zletovska River needs further investigation and an assessment should be made of its suitability for agricultural use, particularly in view of the highly elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn, As and Cd.  相似文献   

Leachate pollution in landfill sites is a major source of environmental concern. This study evaluates organics, nutrients and heavy metals in a landfill site in Beijing, and introduces a method combining coagulation–flocculation with filtration for the advanced treatment of leachate. The results confirm that CODCr, TN, NH4+ ? N, TP, Mn and As in leachate treated by an anaeobic–oxic biological method are unable to meet discharge or surface water quality standards. When treated with coagulation–flocculation combined with filtration under optimal conditions (cationic polyacrylamide dosage of 8.0 mg/L; polyaluminium chloride dosage of 350 mg/L; 0.4–0.6 mm ceramsite media in the filtration process), the residual NH4+? N, TN, Mn and As in the leachate meet the maximum allowed values for landfill leachate discharge or surface water quality standards in China; the exceptions are chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus. Leachate treatment processes could be further strengthened or improved.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentration of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas (GHG), is rising largely due to agriculture. At the plot scale, N2O emissions from crops are known to be controlled by local agricultural practices such as fertilisation, tillage and residue management. However, knowledge of greenhouse gas emissions at the scale of the cropping system is scarce, notably because N2O monitoring is time consuming. Strategies to reduce impact of farming on climate should therefore be sought at the cropping system level. Agro-ecosystem models are simple alternative means to estimate N2O emissions. Here, we combined ecosystem modelling and field measurements to assess the effect of agronomic management on N2O emissions. The model was tested with series of daily to monthly N2O emission data. It was then used to evaluate the N2O abatement potential of a low-emission system designed to halve greenhouse gas emissions in comparison with a system with high productivity and environmental performance. We found a 29 % N2O abatement potential for the low-emission system compared with the high-productivity system. Among N2O abatement options, reduction in mineral fertiliser inputs was the most effective.  相似文献   

Simulated composite sampling was carried out using data from a contaminated site. The values obtained by composite sampling were compared with the results obtained using discrete (individual) samples. It is appropriate to use a modified investigation level (MIL) when using composite samples. The MIL is lower than the standard investigation level, (IL). Various MILs were considered in this study. Too low an MIL will indicate that some composite samples require further investigation, when none of the discrete samples comprising the composite would have exceeded the IL. Too high an MIL will result in some discrete samples that exceed the IL being missed. A suggested MIL is IL/ where n is the number of discrete samples in the composite sample. This MIL was found to give few false negatives but many fewer false positives than the IL/n rule. Although this MIL was effective on the test data it could be site specific. Some local areas of high concentration may be missed with composite samples if a lower investigation level is used. These however do not make a large contribution to the health risk because they will have a contaminant level only slightly higher than the IL, and the neighboring samples must have a low concentration of the contaminant. The increased risk due this cause may be more than offset by the higher sampling density made possible through the economies of composite sampling When composite sampling is used as the first phase of an adaptive cluster-sampling scheme, it must be augmented by additional samples to delineate the contaminated area to be cleaned up. Composite sampling can also be effectively used in a clean up unit technique, where a clean up unit is represented by one or more composite samples. Suggestions are given for when composite sampling can be used effectively.  相似文献   

This review has been undertaken to understand the role of various parameters such as redox potential, microbes, and organic matters on the fate and transport of arsenic in the constructed wetland. A conceptual diagram of arsenic fate and transport in the constructed wetland was developed. Role of various minerals which are produced due to microbial activities are described. The role of these minerals on arsenic adsorption is discussed. It was envisaged that iron sulphide would be the main adsorbent for arsenic in microbe-mediated adsorption process. Beside microbe-mediated arsenic adsorption, roles of various microbes, such as sulphate reducers and methane producers, on arsenic transformation are discussed. Role of various organic carbon sources and electron acceptors on the proliferation of the above mentioned microbes with respect to arsenic transformation was envisaged. Role of dissolved organic matters on arsenic transformation and transport was also discussed in details. To strengthen the review, laboratory studies and modelling of arsenic adsorption and transformation using the Visual Minteq were appended.  相似文献   

Terrestrial laserscanning (TLS), also called ground-based LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is a relatively new method which revolutionised geomorphological research in many domains. However, detailed studies of tidal flats by TLS have not been described in the literature yet. This study aims to fill this methodological gap by the application of TLS at two different locations on the coast of Jiangsu Province, Eastern China, and an assessment of the usability of this method for geomorphological research in such environments. The acquired point clouds are first processed to remove erroneous and noisy points. Subsequently, point clouds are computed to produce polygonal meshes and grid-based digital terrain model (DTM) more commonly used by the scientific community. The accuracy of the measurements is assessed by an analysis of elevation deviations for flat and horizontal concrete blocks. High quality point clouds with point densities of up to 4,000 points/m2 were acquired for a distance of up to 200 m. The data allowed for the detection of small landforms such as tidal channels, creeks and ripples in centimetre and decimetre scale. The point clouds had an average error of approximately 3 mm, however for some few points errors of up to 1.8 cm were detected. Based on the results it can be concluded that TLS can be a useful additional method for geomorphological research on tidal flats due to its ability to describe the landforms from high density point clouds. Repeated scanning could therefore provide data to quantitatively and qualitatively describe geomorphological changes over wider areas and thereby improve the understanding of sedimentation and erosion on tidal flats.  相似文献   

Both natural and human factors contributing to desertification were examined to understand the driving mechanisms of the desertification process in Zhalute Banner, Inner Mongolia of China. The coefficient of variation (CV) and climate departure index (Z) were calculated to examine the fluctuations and trends of interannual variations of temperature and precipitation; TM remote sensing data was extracted to obtain the sandy land area; linear regression analysis was used to analyze climate changes and the socio-economic evolution over the years, and it was also used to standardize the variables, which included annual temperature, annual precipitation, human population, and livestock number, in order to measure the difference in the rate of change between climate and anthropogenic factors. The results showed that there was a rise of about 1.6°C in temperature but no significant change in precipitation from 1961 to 2000, which indicated a short-term climatic trend toward aridity in this area, a condition necessary for desertification. The fraction of precipitation in spring tended to increase whilst the fraction in autumn and winter decreased. Both the human population and livestock population had tripled and the cultivated area had doubled from 1961 to 2000, suggesting that socio-economic factors might have contributed more significantly to the desertification. Between 1988 and 1997, the sandy land area increased by 12.5%, nearly 2.4 times in the farming section. It could be concluded that the driving mechanisms of the desertification processes in Zhalute banner are mainly the policy of cropland expansion and the rising populations of humans and their livestock, which has affected the land use pattern in the past decades.  相似文献   

The studies about patterns and impacts of a company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes on the local communities have been conducted in a number of developed countries. The similar studies, however, were still rarely conducted in developing countries, particularly in Indonesia. This study aims at discussing the impact of the CSR programmes of a cement company on the lifestyles of a rural community in six villages in Tuban district of East Java Province in Indonesia. The study was conducted from January to September 2015, using qualitative data collection and analysis. This study found that the presence of the cement company has made both positive and negative impacts to the rural community. For the positive impacts, we can see the development of infrastructure that makes the villages become more representative; the emergence of new business opportunities, such as food stalls and boarding houses; and the improvement of the quality of human resources through free health care, education, and religious activities. The supports from the cement company, however, have not been distributed equally among the villagers. In addition, we can also see the following negative impacts: the increase of social tense among the villagers due to the tight competition to obtain work in the cement company; the uneasy relation between the local people and the immigrants who work in the cement company; the decrease in the number of people working in agricultural sectors, as most of them have moved or wish to move to the cement company.  相似文献   

Paddy (rice) plants were dusted with 10% HCH containing 14C‐Γ‐HCH, at the rate of 2.5 kg a.i./ha and 14C‐residues were determined in different fractions of rice. Rice bran (0.187 ppm) had more of 14C‐residues than grain (0.026 ppm) and husk (0.042 ppm). The rice bran oil contained 0.129 ppm HCH residues. While degumming, dewaxing, alkali refining and bleaching had no effect, deodorisation alone eliminated 99.5% of added 14C‐residues in rice bran the oil during refining process.  相似文献   

Many communities along coastlines and riverbanks are threatened by water erosion and hence an accurate model to predict erosion events is needed in order to plan mitigation strategies. Such models need to rely on readily available meteorological data that may or may not be correlated with the occurrence of erosion events. Computing these correlations requires a quantified index that reports the magnitude of erosion events over time. This study introduces a method to create erosion indices using affordable consumer grade digital cameras. It is able to detect and quantify erosion using an image series obtained from just one such camera by segmenting each images instance into equally sized squares that can be preprocessed and analyzed separately. This approach isolates each image segment from noise and temporary disturbances that frequently occur throughout images taken with low cost cameras. In this fashion, noise may either be addressed locally or simply ignored if it is too extreme. After preprocessing, comparison of subsequent segments yields change matrices that form the basis for segment-specific erosion indices that are later combined into a composite value for the entire image instance. Whenever a segment instance is unavailable or unusable, the algorithm attempts to use neighboring instances whenever possible. When tested against human observation of erosion events during a 6 week period, the resulting index achieves a true positive rate of 67% while producing only a small number of false positives. Finally, the index is validated by significant correlation with various meteorological data streams.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating GIS and modern spatial data for the development of a detailed geomorphic classification of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. This classification is important for the precise measurement of various natural and technogenous (engineered) coastline types and serves as a basis for identification of the areas with high exposure to different coastal hazards. To illustrate potential uses of this simple methodology, a map of the potential coastal erosion/cliff retreat hazard for the Bulgarian coast was produced from this GIS database. Several types of data were used: high resolution orthophoto, topographical maps in 1:5,000 scale and geological maps. Geomorphic classification utilized both geomorphological and engineering criteria. A total of 867 segments were delineated along the coast. Four hundred sixty five were classified as natural landforms (cliffs, beaches, river mouths) with a total length of 362,62 km and 402 were indicated as technogenous segments (port and coast-protection structures, artificial beaches) with a total length of 70 km. Based on the geologic materials present at each segment and cliff height, the cliffed portions of the Bulgarian coast were classified for expected erosion rates, and therefore, hazard vulnerability: low hazard (volcanic type cliff); moderate hazard (limestone type cliff) and high hazard (loess and clayey types cliff). This “predictive model” was then compared to a previously published field study of coastal erosion rates to validate the model. As a result, a new high quality, but qualitative data for Bulgarian coastal bluff/cliff erosion were obtained, incorporated and analyzed in GIS.  相似文献   

Regional land-use development projects are undertaken to protect water resources necessary for agriculture, energy and sustaining human life. The De?irmendere valley, in the province of Trabzon in the Black Sea region of Turkey, provides clean water to the city of Trabzon. The valley is part of the Silk Road from Asia to the Black Sea and contains historical monasteries such as Sumela, Kustul and Vazelon. However, over the years, misuse of the valley has caused freshwater, sea and environmental pollution. In an attempt to overcome these problems, a multilateral project, De?irmendere Vadisi Çevre Düzenlemesi (DEVAÇED), was launched in the region. This paper aims to provide information necessary for engineering projects within the region. Six villages, on both sides of the valley, were selected for this research and evaluated in terms of river basin utilization, topography, cadastral survey of property and ownership, and land readjustment improvements. The study found illegal and improper urbanization, including industrial facilities within the valley causing water pollution. Current cadastral base maps are not sufficiently accurate for engineering projects, and in some places buildings have been constructed on unstable soils that are susceptible to landslides. The research results have helped to generate important recommendations for rehabilitation of the river basin.  相似文献   

Biological control agents have become a useful alternative for the reduction of the use of chemical insecticides. LABIOFAM (Cuba) is developing a new formulation of a biolarvicide that possesses as active biological agent Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis serotype H14. In order to evaluate the genotoxicity of this new formulation, an in vivo battery test was used: micronucleus (MN), chromosome aberrations (CAs), and sperm morphology (SM) assays. A dose of 6.45?×?108 spores was administered per animal via oral administration. Bone marrow cells were collected 24?h after a two day treatment for the MN assay, and 24?h after a unique treatment for the CA assay, using cyclophosphamide as the positive control. Sperm cells were collected at 5 weeks from the first of five administrations for the SM test, using acrylamide as positive control. Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis serotype H14 failed to show either a significative increase of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes, chromosomal aberrations, or sperm abnormalities. Acute oral administration of a high dose of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis serotype H14 did not produce mutagenic effects in bone marrow or sperm cells.  相似文献   

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