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Cadmium has been recognized as pollutant of the environment for many years and numerous studies on its toxic effects have been carried out. Little, however, is known about its metabolic behaviour e.g. why the metal is accumulated so extremely rapidly into the organs of men and animals. Since the study of the individual metabolic steps is very difficult in vivo cell cultures may be used to obtain first indications of what happens in the whole animal.

We used CHO cells in monolayer culture to study the conditions under which the uptake of cadmium occurs. From serumfree medium the metal is accumulated rapidly in the cells. The uptake is inhibited very strongly by the presence of serum or albumin. Accumulation occurs against a concentration gradient and is dependent on the incubation temperature. Below 10°C no cadmium uptake is seen. Several substances which are known to affect cell metabolism have been used to influence cadmium accumulation. Neither inhibitors of energy production nor microtubule or microfilament disruptors showed any substantial effect. In contrast SH‐group blocking agents markedly reduced cadmium uptake.

The results show that cadmium uptake does not occur by passive diffusion but by some active mechanism.  相似文献   

Total concentration and chemical forms of heavy metals in samples of sediment from a drinking water reservoir have been analysed. The result of total metal contest shows Fe and Mn concentration increase along the reservoir, from 4.4% in Fe and 0.07% in Mn in the end part to 6.4% Fe and 0.22% Mn at the dam. However, a decrease in organic matter along the reservoir is observed. In order to test the accuracy of the digestion methods used, a standard reference material was also analysed.

Trace metal concentrations, with exception of Cadmium, Pb and Mn, found in fraction 5 are higher than those observed in the others extractions, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cr and Cu content in non‐residual fraction is found mainly in moderately reducible fraction, but the percentage of this fraction in each metal is very different.  相似文献   

Fluorides were analysed in drinking water and in urine of pre‐school children from different districts of Tricity (Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot). Concentration of fluorides in urine was found to depend on their content in drinking water. The two years (1997–98) study was made for 15 preschool children populations; each numbering in 10–20 individuals. The fluorides were determined by flouroselective electrode potentiometry.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two hot spots of lead (Pb) exposure in Israeli and Jordanian occupational settings. The study also sought to assess whether any differences in regulations and legislation regarding occupational health could be identified as a source of exposure disparities. Blood and hair specimens were collected from workers in a battery factory in Jordan and a secondary Pb smelter in Israel and compared. About 33% of the currently exposed group showed blood lead (BPb) levels above the internationally recommended concentration of 40 µg dL?1. Although the differences of BPb levels between Israel and Jordan were not statistically significant, average levels were lower in Jordan. Beyond the difference in the factory types, disparity in exposure levels might be explained due to a combination of proclivities of factory management, public policies, existing medical surveillance and insurance, as well as cultural differences. Results reveal that despite existing regulations and the growing attention that is dedicated to Pb and metal occupational exposures, there are still hot spots for Pb exposure in Israel and Jordan. The contrasting experience found in the current study raises the possibility that information and technology exchange between the two countries Israel and Jordan, may be beneficial for improving occupational health policy in these two neighboring countries.  相似文献   

Rice’s theory for the statistical properties of random noise currents has been employed in the context of concentration fluctuations in dispersing plumes. Within this context, the theory has been extended to calculate the distribution of excursion times above a small threshold for arbitrary spacings between an up-crossing and the successive down-crossing. This approach has then been applied to a second-order stochastic model for the evolution of odour concentrations and their time derivative (simple model), and to the superstatistics extension of this model [Reynolds (2007) Phys. Fluids]. In agreement with the measurements of Yee and coworkers [Yee et al. (1993) Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 65, Yee et al. (1994) J. Appl. Meteorol. 33 ], both formulations predict a distribution of excursion times that can be well approximated by a power-law profile with exponent close to −3/2. For the superstatistical model the power-law profile extends over approximately three or more decades, for the simple model this range is smaller. Compared to the simple model, predictions for the superstatistical model are in a better agreement with the measurements.  相似文献   

Quantum mechanic computer models are often used in chemistry to predict properties of molecules and to simulate reaction pathways. Such models calculate bond lengths, bond angles, dihedral angles, the energy of the molecular‐orbitals (MO's), the dipole moment, the ionisation potential, and the heat of formation. These results lead to detailed information on electronic structures like bond orders, electronic charges and levels of frontier orbitals (HOMO, LUMO).

It is possible to calculate properties of ground state molecules as well as ionic and radicalic structures, or reaction intermediates and other compounds with very short lifetimes.

From the exact knowledge of electronic structure, frontier orbitals, and reaction intermediates it is possible to predict stability of chemicals in the environment but also of fictive chemicals, which are not yet synthesized. Some authors have shown that there are correlations between electronic structure and toxicity.

The most interesting models for environmental chemistry are semiempirical models, such as MINDO, MNDO or MOPAC. Theses programs are able to handle molecules with 30 and more heavy atoms (all elements without hydrogen), and it is possible to install them on main frame computers (CPU‐time several minutes to hours) and on personal computers, with coprocessors (CPU‐time several hours to a few days).

Normally the molecule is read in from a Z‐matrix (a matrix of polar coordinates of atoms connected in the molecule) and with symmetry data. Furthermore, programs are available which create a Z‐matrix from the molecular structure plotted on the screen with a mouse.  相似文献   

A yearlong monitoring program in the backwater area of Xiaojiang River (XBA) was launched in order to investigate the eutrophication of backwater areas in tributaries of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) in China, starting after the impoundment water level of the TGR reached 156 m. From March 2007 to March 2008, the average concentration of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were (1553±484) μg·L?1 and (62±31) μg·L?1, respectively. The mean value of chlorophyll was (9.07±0.91) μg·L?1. The trophic level of XBA was meso-eutrophic, while the general nutrient limitation was phosphorus. The results indicated that XBA has a strong ability to purify itself and has non-point source pollution from terrestrial runoff. The variation of TN/TP ratio was caused by a variation in TN rather than in TP when TN/TP < 22. N-fixation from cyanobacteria occurred and became an important process in overcoming the nitrogen deficit under a low TN/TP ratio. When TN/TP ? 22, the variation of TP affected the TN/TP ratio more significantly than TN. The increase of TP in XBA was caused mainly by particulate phosphorus, which could originate from a non-point source as adsorptive inorganic forms after heavy rainfall and surface runoff. An increase in the river’s flow could also contribute to an unstable environment for the growth of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Urban children remain disproportionately at risk of having higher blood lead levels than their suburban counterparts. The Westside Cooperative Organization (WESCO), located in Marion County, Indianapolis, Indiana, has a history of children with high blood lead levels as well as high soil lead (Pb) values. This study aims at determining the spatial relationship between soil Pb sources and children’s blood lead levels. Soils have been identified as a source of chronic Pb exposure to children, but the spatial scale of the source–recipient relationship is not well characterized. Neighborhood-wide analysis of soil Pb distribution along with a furnace filter technique for sampling interior Pb accumulation for selected homes (n = 7) in the WESCO community was performed. Blood lead levels for children aged 0–5 years during the period 1999–2008 were collected. The study population’s mean blood lead levels were higher than national averages across all ages, race, and gender. Non-Hispanic blacks and those individuals in the Wishard advantage program had the highest proportion of elevated blood lead levels. The results show that while there is not a direct relationship between soil Pb and children’s blood lead levels at a spatial scale of ~100 m, resuspension of locally sourced soil is occurring based on the interior Pb accumulation. County-wide, the largest predictor of elevated blood lead levels is the location within the urban core. Variation in soil Pb and blood lead levels on the community level is high and not predicted by housing stock age or income. Race is a strong predictor for blood lead levels in the WESCO community.  相似文献   

In anoxic sediments, as those found in estuaries, the mobility of metals can be controlled by the formation of stable sulfide complexes. The potential bioavailability of a metal can then be predicted on the basis of the acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) criterion. Distributions of AVS and SEM (Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, and Ni) along the sediment profiles were determined seasonally for three rivers that constitute the Santos-Cubat?o estuarine system (SE Brazil), which is located in one of the most industrialized areas of Latin America. AVS and SEM concentrations varied significantly, from 0.04 to 31.9 μmol g−1 and 0.086–6.659 μmol g−1, respectively. The highest AVS levels in sediments were detected in the winter, whereas high SEM values predominated in the summer. Considering SEM–AVS molar differences as a parameter to evaluate potential bioavailability, sediments nearest to the industrial area represent higher risk to biota, especially during the summer. It is due to relatively low AVS values and not necessarily high concentrations of metals.  相似文献   

To obtain comparable results of multi‐element analysis of plant materials by different laboratories, a harmonized sampling procedure for terrestrial and marine ecosystems is essential. The heterogeneous distribution of chemical elements in living organisms is influenced by different biological parameters. These parameters are mainly characterized by genetic predetermination, seasonal changes, edaphic and climatic conditions, and delocalization processes of chemical substances by metabolic activities.

The biological variations of the element content in plants were divided into 5 systematic levels, which are: 1. the plant species; 2. the population; 3. the stand (within an ecosystem); 4. the individual; and 5. the plant compartment. Each of these systematic levels can be related to: 1. genetic variabilities; 2. different climatic, edaphic and anthropogenic influences; 3. microclimatic or microedaphic conditions; 4. age of plants (stage of development), exposure to environmental influences (light, wind, pollution etc.), seasonal changes; and 5. transport and deposition of substances within the different plant compartments (organs, tissues, cells, organelles).

An expert system for random and systematic sampling for multi‐element analysis of environmental materials, such as plants, soils and precipitation is presented. After statistical division of the research area, the program provides advice for contamination‐free collection of environmental samples.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) has a great capacity of binding metal ions showing an interesting connection with metal toxicology, as a biochemical marker for environmental metal pollution.

To normal male Wistar rats (200±10 g) and other groups with ferropenic anemia, are administered 1 mg Cd/Kg/day, during 6 days, and MT labelled with the administration 2 h before sacrifice of 3 μCi 109CdCl2, also through intragastric catheter. The MT concentration in the intestinal mucosa is expressed in μg MT/g fresh tissue, being for control rats 1.4 ± 0.5; for rats administered with 6 doses of Cd 2.5 ± 0.6 (P<0.05); with ferropenic anemia 4.3±0.7 (P<0.001), and for anemic rats treated with 6 doses Cd 12 + 0,3 (P<0.001) μg MT/g fresh tissue respectively. PAGE 15% T, 2% CBis show for intestinal mucosa 2 MT peaks and for brain 3 MT peaks. Anemia induce MT accumulation and increases cadmium incorporation, being anemic subjects eligibles to be submitted first to control and detoxication than the rest of the population, and also MT should be studied as biochemical marker of the pollution.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the probable etiological factors for the incidence of gastric cancer, the interaction between selenate and fulvic acids was investigated under chemically controlled conditions. The reduction ability of selenate by fulvic acids was enhanced in acidic conditions. The fulvic acids may play an important role in the nitrosation process. Thus the investigations of the mechanism by which selenate interact with fulvic acids will provide a new insight into the chemical activation process by which selenium supplementation is supposed to act as an anticarcinogen.  相似文献   

Soit carbon (C) stock is the largest C pool in terrestrial ecosystems, and the emission of CO2 through soil respiration contributes to the majority of soil C expenditure and atmospheric C. Soil respiration is also one of the major processes controlling the C budget of terrestrial ecosystems. A slight change in soil CO2 emission might cause drastic variations in global C balance. Therefore, it is of great significance to investigate the characteristics of soil respiration of soils growing different types of vegetation over a long period, and determine its relationship with variables such as soil temperature and moisture. The rate of soil respiration was measured each month in the growing seasons (from April to October) of 2011, 2013, and 2014 using the Li-8100 CO2 flux measurement system in the central Loess Plateau. Four types of vegetation (Quercus liaotungensis, Platycladus orientalis, Robinia pseudoacacia, and a natural shrub) were chosen for the periodical measurements. A permanent sample plot was established for each type of vegetation, and five polyvinyl chloride (PVC) collars were placed in each plot for the measurements. The temperature and water content of the soil in the upper 12 cm near the collar were measured using a digital soil temperature probe and a TDR 200 soil moisture meter at the same time when the soil respiration was measured. The soil respiration rates were fitted to the soil temperature and moisture with an exponential function, power function, linear function, and an equation combining the two variables. The results showed that: (1) the seasonal variation in the rates of soil respiration in the soils growing the four types of vegetation were almost the same, and were lower in the earlier period and then increased to high levels in the middle and later periods; (2) the rates of soil respiration in the same month varied with the type of vegetation grown, and were in the descending order: Q. liaotungensis > P. orientalis > shrub > R. pseudoacacia; (3) the average values of the rates of soil respiration in 2011, 2013, and 2014 were 2.77, 3.48, and 5.08 μmol m-2 s-1, respectively. The variation in soil respiration was higher across the three years than the variation for the types of vegetation grown; and (4) the rate of soil respiration was positively correlated to soil temperature and moisture for all the types of vegetation. A better fit was obtained by using the equation that included both the variables, soil temperature and moisture, than by an equation that included a single factor. Our results suggested that both seasonal and inter-annual variations of soil respiration occurred in the soils growing the four types of vegetation in the region. The temperature and water content of soils are the major regulating factors, and soil respiration in the Loess Plateau is more greatly affected by environment factors than by the type of vegetation. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Different elements were found to accumulate at different levels at different parts of balsam plants. Results on multielement concentrations determined for plant foodstufffs of root, seed and leaf nature and As, Cr and Zn distributions along the stems and roots of balsam plant agree well with the above finding.  相似文献   

海拔对植物养分元素的分配和生存策略的权衡具有重要影响.为了解金佛山方竹(Chimonobambusa utilis)叶片氮、磷养分对海拔梯度的响应,以四川盆地南缘3个海拔(1 400 m、1 600 m和1 800 m)金佛山方竹纯林为研究对象,建立12个典型样地,对生长季节叶片氮、磷含量和土壤养分含量、温度、含水量等进行定量研究和相关性分析.结果表明:(1)随海拔的升高,叶片氮含量呈上升趋势,叶片磷含量呈下降趋势,叶片氮磷比呈上升趋势;各海拔叶片氮磷比均大于16,表明金佛山方竹生长可能受到磷限制.(2)冗余分析表明,叶片氮含量和氮磷比与土壤温度、含水量和速效磷含量呈负相关,与土壤速效氮含量呈正相关;叶片磷含量与土壤全氮和速效氮含量呈负相关,与其余环境因子呈正相关;土壤温度、速效氮、全氮、含水量和速效磷含量对叶片氮、磷化学计量特征整体影响显著,变量解释度分别为72.10%、7.90%、8.80%、2.50%和1.20%.(3)相对重要性分析表明,土壤温度和速效氮含量是叶片氮含量变异的主导因子,土壤温度、速效磷和全氮含量是叶片磷含量变异的主导因子,土壤温度、速效磷含量和速效氮含量是叶片氮磷比变异的主导因子.上述研究结果说明,海拔引起的土壤温度和养分供应的差异调节着金佛山方竹叶片的氮、磷化学计量特征.(图4表3参49)  相似文献   

Summary. The among-leaves allocation of DIBOA, a hydroxamic acid associated with plant resistance, in the shoot of rye (Secale cereale) was evaluated over the vegetative development of the plant. The appropriateness of using the concentration of secondary metabolites, DIBOA in this case, as the parameter to evaluate defense allocation in plants is discussed. Both biological and statistical arguments are put forward to suggest that allocation of chemical defenses should refer to absolute content and not to concentration. Results showed that leaf age was significantly linked to leaf concentration of DIBOA, young leaves having higher concentrations. In contrast, leaf content of DIBOA, our proposed currency of allocation, was not significantly higher in younger leaves. Furthermore, a regression analysis showed that the DIBOA content of leaves was better explained by the leaf relative biomass (proportion of shoot biomass) than by leaf biomass itself. It is suggested that, rather than leaf age, leaf relative biomass is the major factor determining DIBOA allocation in rye shoots. It is proposed that studies addressing within-plant defense allocation should use chemical defense content as the currency, emphasizing the major factors driving this process and its underlying mechanisms. Likewise, it is proposed that studies aiming at characterizing optimal patterns of plant defense should use chemical defense concentration as the currency, and be accompanied by evaluations of the actual resistance against herbivores of the plant parts analyzed, together with the effect on plant fitness. Received 19 February 1999; accepted 28 April 1999.  相似文献   

Cadmium is supplied to Southern Norway in considerable amounts by atmospheric transport from other areas of Europe. This has caused a very marked increase of Cd levels in the natural environment in this area. Evidence of the main source areas is inferred from air concentration studies coupled to trajectory analysis. The extent of contamination is indicated from deposition studies and investigations of Cd in peat cores and surface soils, including soil profile distributions. The Cd content of vascular plants is substantially higher in Southern Norway than in areas farther north and further transfer in terrestrial food chains is occurring and may eventually lead to increased human exposure.  相似文献   

Exposure of the general population to lead in the environment is mainly caused by motor traffic exhaust and by industrial pollution. The aim of the study in Greece was to assess lead exposure in children living in point source impacted areas (Lavrion and Aspropyrgos‐Eleusis) using the biological monitoring parameter “blood lead concentration”;.

In addition, workers of a lead smelter, a battery plant and an oil refinery were investigated in these areas at the same time.

Five hundred and thirty‐four children and 105 workers took part in this investigation.

The highest blood lead levels (mean: 24.16 μg/100ml; range: 10.40–60.49 μg/100 ml) were found in children living in a 500m‐area around the lead smelter at Lavrion. Blood lead decreases corresponded to the increasing distance from the emitter. Nevertheless the values of children living in a 1500 m distance to the smelter are significantly higher than those of children living next to other kinds of industrial lead sources.

The mean values of the children living in the two industrial towns were manifold higher than those of the control group.

The blood lead levels of the investigated workers did not exceed the German BAT‐value (Biologischer Arbeitsstoff‐Toleranzwert) of 70 μg/100ml.  相似文献   

U. Witte 《Marine Biology》1996,124(4):571-581
The examination of oogenesis and reproductive pattern in three deep-sea demosponge species from the foot of the Barents Sea continental slope (Norwegian Sea, 2300 m, 75°18N; 9°55E), Thenea abyssorum, Trichostemma sol and Tentorium semisuberites, suggests that sexual reproduction is triggered by the vertical flux of particulate organic carbon at least in one species. All three species examined reproduce sexually and proved to be oviparous and gonochoristic. A considerable number of asexually produced reproductive units was found in Thenea abyssorum, but owing to morphological details the origin of these buds is equivocal, and asexual reproduction is therefore judged to be of minor importance. Oogenesis in the three species can be divided into two developmental periods and does not differ greatly from processes known from shallow water species, except for the almost complete absence of nurse cells. For Thenea abyssorum a distinct seasonal reproductive cycle was found. The onset of yolk accumulation coincides precisely with a maximum in vertical particle flux as detected in sediment trap studies (von Bodungen et al. 1994). In addition, prior to yolk accumulation the sponge tissue appears almost empty, without storage units. Once yolk accumulation (i.e. the second growth period) has started, gamete development and release are completed within a few weeks. Thus sexual reproduction is an important reproductive mode in deep-sea sponges, which may be triggered by the pulsed input of POC to this food-limited environment, the energy-dependent process of yolk accumulation being the most sensitive process.  相似文献   

Data on Cd, Pb and Cu concentrations in seawater referring to five years of field studies on the western Mediterranean Sea are reported in order to present a space and time integrated situation on the levels of these metals. Surface total metal concentrations present rather homogeneous distributions between the different areas considered, including the Tyrrhenian Sea. The metal concentrations in three areas affected by natural and industrial wastes are also discussed. The vertical distribution of the dissolved Cd, Pb and Cu in the Alboran Sea seems to be rather homogeneous, both vertically and among the stations chosen between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Island of Alboran.  相似文献   

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