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For many years, the sculpin has been utilized as a sentinel monitoring species for anthropogenic impacts on the marine environment. To further develop its potential as a screening model body burden of several trace elements, including cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and selenium (Se), were investigated. In addition, histopathology in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius; n?=?20) and fourhorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus quadricornis; n?=?10) were examined at three sites around the Scoresby Sound settlement in Central East Greenland. Fourhorn sculpins caught at the most distant site from the settlement, contained significantly higher hepatic Cu and Cd concentrations as well as significantly elevated gill Pb levels compared to the shorthorn sculpins collected at two other sites closer to the settlement. Histological examinations showed that fish with significantly higher concentrations of hepatic Cd and Se exhibited greater nuclear alterations, interstitial hyperplasia/hypertrophy, interstitial mononuclear infiltrations and granulomas. Further, fish with higher Cd and Cu gill tissue levels displayed a significantly higher number of cytoplasmic alterations and lamellar epithelium lifting, hypertrophic and hyperplastic epithelium along with mucus cell hyperplasia. While the presence of liver lesions were not species or sex-specific, the presence of gill lesions decreased in the order female fourhorn sculpins?>?female shorthorn sculpins?>?male fourhorn sculpins?>?male shorthorn sculpins. Hepatic Hg concentrations exceeded known lowest observable effect doses (LOED) for fish (0.1–0.5?μg g?1 ww) in 27% of fish, while liver Cd residues in 80% exceeded LOED (0.42–1.8?μg g?1 ww). Based upon these results, data suggest that using the sculpin as a valuable sentinel fish species histopathology may serve as a reliable tool for assessing marine ecosystem exposure to trace metals. However, confounding physiological and ecological factors also need to be considered.  相似文献   

The potential effects of sucralose on the Arctic copepods Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus glacialis were studied in Disko Bay, Greenland. Sucralose is a non-calorie sweetener and chlorine derivate of sucrose containing three chlorine atoms. Scandinavian screening studies of sucralose in 2007, revealed sucralose in all effluent samples. To investigate whether sucralose is harmful to the Arctic aquatic ecosystems, possible short-term effects were investigated on egg production, hatching rate, food intake and mortality of two species of Arctic copepods. The copepods were exposed to six different concentrations (0–50,000 ng · L?1) of sucralose, which spans the range of concentrations found in the screening studies. Exposure led to no mortality among the copepods. Food intake by C. glacialis increased with increasing concentrations of sucralose. In C. finmarchicus, food intake did not differ with increasing concentrations. No effect of sucralose was observed on egg production of C. finmarchicus. Despite increased food intake with increasing concentrations of sucralose, C. glacialis did not increase its egg production. The results show that both species responded weakly to sucralose, but with C. glacialis being possibly slightly more sensitive to sucralose than C. finmarchicus.  相似文献   

Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from North West Greenland are known to bioaccumulate mercury (Hg) in tissues and internal organs. This is postulated to be a health concern and therefore studies were undertaken to conduct a screening study of Hg concentrations and histopathology of liver and renal tissues in a total of 12 specimens. The sample consisted of two sub-adults (one male, one female) and 10 adult (six males, four females) collected in Qaanaaq (Thule) 2010. In liver, Hg mean ± SD was 11.88 ± 10.47 μg/g ww (range: 0.39?31.8 μg/g ww) while the concentrations in kidneys were 1.85 ± 1.20 μg/g ww (range: 0.41?4.03 μg/g ww). There was no marked difference in Hg concentrations between males and females while sub-adults had significantly lower concentrations. The histological examinations of renal tissue showed glomerular capillary dilatation and basement membrane thickening, dilatation, and hyalinization of Bowman's space/capsule and tubular lesions with hyaline casts accompanied by interstitial fibrosis in the kidneys. In liver tissue, portal cell infiltrates and fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, lipid-filled Ito cells, and steatosis were found. There was no marked difference in histological prevalence between males and females and in Hg concentrations in individuals with or without lesions. Four of seven renal lesions and one liver lesion were found in the two sub-adult whales. Based upon these findings, as well as the nature of the lesions, evidence suggests that histopathological alterations were a result of age but that Hg might be an aggravating co-factor in development of renal lesions in particular.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of sublethal cadmium concentrations on the levels of cadmium, metallothionein (MT) and histological changes in gills of East Java strain tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at different salinity levels. The levels of cadmium in control gills were not significantly different at 0, 5 and 10 practical salinity unit (PSU). The cadmium concentrations in gills of cadmium-exposed fish were significantly higher at 0 PSU than at 5, 10 and 15 PSU. The MT concentrations in control gills were not significantly different at 0, 5, and 10 PSU. The MT concentrations of cadmium-exposed fish were significantly higher than those in respective control groups at 0, 5 and 10 PSU. Significant gill damage occurred in fish exposed to cadmium at lower salinity. The epithelial lifting was noted at gills of fish exposed to 2.5 mg/L of cadmium at 0 PSU, and telangiectasis was observed at gills exposed to 5 mg/L of cadmium at 0 PSU. The level of gill damage decreased with increasing salinity of media. The increased MT and histological changes in gills of our findings could be a protective response of animals to toxic effect of cadmium.  相似文献   

High concentrations of Cu of up to 200 mg/kg, and Cd of up to 4.0 mg/kg, were found in sediments from the aquatic environment around Sisimiut, Greenland. These concentrations are four times higher than the limiting concentration where toxicological effects are expected. The pollution could be linked to human activities in Sisimiut, a link that have not been investigated previously in Greenland. Except from the most polluted samples there was good correlation between heavy metal concentration and organic matter. Also some relationship between fine fraction and heavy metal concentration was observed.  相似文献   

林丹短期暴露下的斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)组织学变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以斑马鱼(Brachydaniorerio)为受试生物,初步探讨了林丹对斑马鱼的急性毒性以及不同浓度(0.01μg·L-1、1.0μg·L-1、100.0μg·L-1)的林丹暴露36d后对斑马鱼鳃和肝组织结构变化的影响.结果表明,林丹对斑马鱼96h-LC50为97.98μg·L-1,95%可信限为94.38 ̄101.72μg·L-1.当林丹浓度为0.01μg·L-1时,斑马鱼的鳃和肝组织结构未发生明显变化,而暴露在1.0μg·L-1和100.0μg·L-1林丹溶液中的斑马鱼的鳃和肝组织结构变化显著.斑马鱼鳃组织变化为:上皮细胞残损、脱落,鳃小片上皮细胞水肿,柱细胞变形.斑马鱼肝组织变化为:部分肝细胞肿大,细胞核萎缩变形或偏离细胞中心,胞质疏松,空泡明显增加,细胞质中可见脂沉积.与1.0μg·L-1林丹暴露相比,暴露在100μg·L-1林丹溶液中的斑马鱼鳃和肝组织结构受到的损害更为严重.  相似文献   

In this study, residual concentrations of chlorpyrifos (CPF) were determined in feed (40) and fodder (25) samples collected from various locations of Tarai region of Uttarakhand. For extracting residues, liquid–liquid partition followed by alumina column clean up was used and the detection and quantification of residues was undertaken with the help of high-performance liquid chromatography using C18 column and diode array detector at 220?nm. Of the total 40 feed samples analyzed, 7 (17.5%) samples were found positive for CPF with the mean residual concentration of 0.058?µg?g?1; while out of 25 fodder samples, CPF residues were detected in a single (4%) sample with residual concentration of 0.39?µg?g?1. However, none of the feed or fodder samples contained CPF residues above the prescribed limit.  相似文献   

为了解水体铜(Cu(Ⅱ))在日本青鳉(Oryzias latipes)脑、鳃、肝脏、性腺和肌肉组织中的累积特征,以及Cu(Ⅱ)对肝脏组织结构的影响,本文采用生态学单因子梯度实验,进行20 d的日本青鳉毒性暴露试验。结果显示,日本青鳉各个组织对Cu(Ⅱ)的累积量随着浓度的升高而增多,但不同组织对Cu(Ⅱ)的累积量有较大的差异,铜累积量由大到小依次为:肝脏脑鳃性腺肌肉。铜暴露后的日本青鳉肝细胞出现肿大、大小不一、排列混乱,静脉扩张淤血,部分肝细胞固缩和坏疽等现象。肝脏是日本青鳉蓄积铜的主要器官之一,实验发现高浓度的Cu(Ⅱ)对肝脏组织结构造成了明显的损伤,进而严重影响日本青鳉的存活率。  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants such as Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) are known to exert various adverse health effects in wildlife mammals. The impact from dietary intake of minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber high in organohalogen and other chemical contaminants on renal morphology and function was investigated via a controlled study on West Greenland sledge dogs (Canis familiaris). Our results showed significantly higher frequencies of glomerular, tubular, and interstitial lesions in the exposed group. Furthermore, higher urine protein?:?creatinine ratio and plasma urea levels were found in the exposed group, which indicated a negative impact on kidney function via tubular and glomerular dysfunctions. The lesions were similar to those observed in top predator marine species–such as seals and polar bears–and humans exposed via diet to persistent environmental pollutants. The lesions may have impacts on the overall health of these animals. It is reasonable to suggest that chronic exposure to organic pollutants via a country diet of high trophic level marine organisms may have an impact on renal morphology and function in Arctic apex predators in general as well as Inuit people.  相似文献   

East Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are among the mammals with the highest bioaccumulated concentrations of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs). Since Greenlanders in this region ingest significant quantities of adipose tissue from polar bears and also ringed seals (Pusa hispida), initial conservative estimates of the daily oral exposure to this chemical cocktail are thus presented. The tolerable daily intake was exceeded approximately five-fold for polychlorinated biphenyls and chlordane pesticides and metabolites, while the estimated daily toxic equivalent (TEQ) (based on the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-rho-dioxin toxicity equivalence factors) for East Greenland subsistence hunters was three- to ten-fold higher than the WHO ∑TEQ guidelines even though the estimations were conservative. The daily oral OHC exposure from polar bear and ringed seal blubber consumption is markedly high and needs to be reduced in order to remove this co-factor with respect to the influence on the development of chronic diseases. Furthermore, it is warranted that a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for Greenlander's exposure to OHCs is constructed and that risk quotients calculated to estimate the threats to health for East Greenland subsistence hunters.  相似文献   

Adult males of the quail Coturnix coturnix were exposed to lead acetate trihydrate in drinking water (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, and 1% for one–six months) to investigate histological and histochemical alterations induced by lead intoxication in the liver. Chronic exposure to subtoxic concentrations of lead produced changes in hepatocytes, portal veins, Kupffer cells, and blood sinusoids. Alterations in hepatocytes mainly involved cytoplasmic vacuolation, necrosis, cytolysis, and glycogen accumulation. Kupffer cell hyperplasia, hemosiderosis, blood sinusoidal dilatation, portal vein congestion, and edema were also observed. No fibrosis or cirrhosis in the liver of any member of the dose groups over the entire period of the study was noted. The findings revealed that chronic exposure to lead produced mild histological and histochemical changes in the liver of the quail Coturnix coturnix.  相似文献   

A total of six nuclear reactors installed in three power plants, two along the northern and one along the southern coasts of Taiwan, started their operations one after another since October 1977. Owing to the large quantities of cooling water intake into and discharge from the plants, some environmental factors such as water temperature, chlorine, environmental radioactivity and nearshore currents may be significantly changed. Variations of these abiotic environmental factors may influence the biological activities in the ecosystem, particularly doing some kinds of damage to marine biological resources. Therefore, the possible environmental impact upon the biological systems including the fishery resources along the northern and southern coasts of Taiwan should be studied before and during the plant operation.

We have started the long-term programmes of biological, chemical and hydro-graphical surveys of the nuclear power plant sites on both northern (since July 1974) and southern (since July 1979) coasts of Taiwan. the survey items include ocean currents, physical and chemical properties of sea water, primary productivity, specific compositions and interspecific relationships among phyto- and zooplankton, algae, invertebrates, corals, and fishes; and radionuclides in water and biological specimens, and fishery statistics. in general, except for a few events, the operations of the six units of nuclear power plants have not produced detectable effects on the marine ecosystem. Radio activity levels and radionuclides in water and the biological specimens remained the same as background levels throughout the survey period. However, the events of coral bleaching and fish body anomalies caused by thermal discharges were observed respectively along the outlets of third and second Nuclear Power Plants. the purposes of this paper are to report and evaluate these two events during the operations of nuclear power plants in Taiwan.  相似文献   

A total of six nuclear reactors installed in three power plants, two along the northern and one along the southern coasts of Taiwan, started their operations one after another since October 1977. Owing to the large quantities of cooling water intake into and discharge from the plants, some environmental factors such as water temperature, chlorine, environmental radioactivity and nearshore currents may be significantly changed. Variations of these abiotic environmental factors may influence the biological activities in the ecosystem, particularly doing some kinds of damage to marine biological resources. Therefore, the possible environmental impact upon the biological systems including the fishery resources along the northern and southern coasts of Taiwan should be studied before and during the plant operation.

We have started the long-term programmes of biological, chemical and hydro-graphical surveys of the nuclear power plant sites on both northern (since July 1974) and southern (since July 1979) coasts of Taiwan. the survey items include ocean currents, physical and chemical properties of sea water, primary productivity, specific compositions and interspecific relationships among phyto- and zooplankton, algae, invertebrates, corals, and fishes; and radionuclides in water and biological specimens, and fishery statistics. in general, except for a few events, the operations of the six units of nuclear power plants have not produced detectable effects on the marine ecosystem. Radio activity levels and radionuclides in water and the biological specimens remained the same as background levels throughout the survey period. However, the events of coral bleaching and fish body anomalies caused by thermal discharges were observed respectively along the outlets of third and second Nuclear Power Plants. the purposes of this paper are to report and evaluate these two events during the operations of nuclear power plants in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the bioavailability and adverse effects of cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) on hibernating Egyptian toads and whether ascorbic acid (vitamin C) blocked Cd- and Cu-induced effects during hibernation. The oxidative status of liver, kidney, and intestine of Bufo regularis to Cd, Cu, and/or a combination of both metals administered orally for 2 weeks was determined. In the protection studies, vitamin C was given for 1?h prior to administration of Cu, Cd, and/or metal combination for 2 weeks. Treatment with Cu, Cd, and a combination of both metals produced a reduction in red blood count cells and hemoglobin content, while white blood count cells showed an increase in numbers during these treatments. After 2 weeks exposure, Cd and Cu increased significantly in all the tissues studied. Cu storage presented the following sequence: liver?>?intestine?>?kidney. Cd storage presented the following sequence: intestine?>?kidney?>?liver. When exposed to both metals, Cu and Cd storage presented the following sequence: liver?>?intestine?>?kidney. Histopathological examination of the liver revealed marked alterations including loss of hepatic cell architecture, and some cells exhibited distinct cytoplasmic vacuoles. The majority of blood vessels exhibited a marked dilatation and congestion with infiltration of blood cells, prominent hyperemia of hepatic veins, and significant proliferation of bile ductules. Histopathological changes in the kidney showed destruction and degeneration of both renal tubule cells and glomerular with infiltration of leukocytes and inflammatory cells. Histopathological alterations in the intestine were restricted to the innermost mucosal epithelium with marked degeneration of the villi and submucosa and an extensive fragmentation of mucosal epithelium as well as atrophy of goblet cells. The administration of vitamin C 1?h prior to administration of Cd, Cu, and metal combination did not protect against hepatic, renal, and intestinal damage. However, parental vitamin C given alone increased tissue toxicity.  相似文献   

The view is expressed that the assessment of disposal of nuclear waste in the ocean (specifically the Arctic and Kara Seas) is critical to understanding Arctic pollution. Much needs to be done in deciding what we should do, even though many wastes are long-standing and persistent. in 1993, disclosures about Russian dumping of submarine nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel, and other radioactive wastes into the Arctic Ocean brought this region and its problems into the world spotlight and raised public concerns about the resulting health and environmental risks. As a result of this concern, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment published a 1995 study, Nuclear Wastes in the Arctic (US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1995). This paper summarises and updates that study.  相似文献   

The view is expressed that the assessment of disposal of nuclear waste in the ocean (specifically the Arctic and Kara Seas) is critical to understanding Arctic pollution. Much needs to be done in deciding what we should do, even though many wastes are long-standing and persistent. in 1993, disclosures about Russian dumping of submarine nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel, and other radioactive wastes into the Arctic Ocean brought this region and its problems into the world spotlight and raised public concerns about the resulting health and environmental risks. As a result of this concern, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment published a 1995 study, Nuclear Wastes in the Arctic (US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1995). This paper summarises and updates that study.  相似文献   

通过琼脂块法和滤纸片法,对白桦Betula platyphylla、棘皮桦B.dahurica、硕桦B.costata和柴桦B.fruticosa)的内生真菌产生抑菌物质的特性进行研究,结果表明分离自白桦3年生枝条的内生真菌拟茎点霉Phomopsis sp.BP103381表现出较强的抑菌物质形成能力。采用正交设计优化了BP103381的培养条件,在含有40 g/L蔗糖、3 g/L NaNO3、1 g/LMgSO4的改良查氏液体培养基中,在pH值6.5、28℃条件下发酵培养9 d,有利于抑菌活性物质的形成。BP103381产生的抑菌活性物质具有较好的温度稳定性,但是酸碱变化对抑菌物质的活性影响较大,BP103381产生的抑菌物质在pH为5.0~7.0时活性较强。  相似文献   

An investigation on the abundance and distribution of trace metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb) in water, and nine species of fish samples from Calabar river was carried out in 1992. The concentrations of iron (6000–7240gl–1), zinc (4910–7230gl–1), and cadmium (3–7gl–1) showed moderate pollution while those of copper (420–630gl–1), manganese (23–48gl–1), chromium (<10–20gl–1) and lead (<1–10gl–1) in water were well below WHO permissible levels. Significant seasonal changes (0.001p0.25) were obtained for iron, copper, zinc, manganese and cadmium in water. Furthermore, iron, zinc and cadmium showed statistically significant spatial changes (0.005p0.10). Of the nine fish species studied, no statistically significant relationship between body weight and the concentrations of the metals was observed. The concentrations of the metals per mean total body weight apparently decreases in the order Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>Pb>Cd=Cr and were within the limits that were safe for consumption.  相似文献   

在自行设计的稻田-鱼塘模拟生态系统中,以鲤鱼幼鱼和沼虾成虾为试验生物,对果尔在稻田使用的生态影响进行了模拟评价。结果表明,果尔在环境中消解很快,若按规定剂量在稻田使用,不会对邻近水域的鱼虾类生物产生危害,对稻田养鱼也是安全的。  相似文献   

大亚湾裸甲藻种群动态及其关键调控因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赖海燕  徐宁  段舜山 《生态环境》2011,20(3):505-510
2008年1—12月对大亚湾养殖海域裸甲藻种群动态和主要环境因子进行了周年调查。结果表明,大亚湾海域裸甲藻类群以直径约为16~22μm的小型裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sp.)为主,另外米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)、链状裸甲藻(Gymnodnium catenatum)和血红哈卡藻(Akashiwo sanguinea)也有少量出现。裸甲藻种群密度呈现出明显的季节性变化特征:5月出现裸甲藻密度高峰,全年最大密度达到903 cells.mL-1,秋冬季节密度最小。不同站位裸甲藻密度也具有明显的空间分布差异,养殖及近岸海域密度普遍高于外海对照区。相关性分析结果表明,裸甲藻密度的关键调控因子包括温度、化学需氧量(COD)、可溶性有机氮(DON)和尿素浓度。裸甲藻高密度、高频率出现的温度范围在24~26℃,DON和尿素的质量浓度范围分别为N 156.38~187μg·L-1和N 17.4~38.9μg·L-1。在温度适宜的条件下,尿素等有机氮含量的增加可能成为裸甲藻赤潮的触发因子。  相似文献   

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