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闽江流域畜禽粪便的污染负荷及其环境风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从闽江流域畜禽养殖业现状分析入手,根据作物所需畜禽粪尿肥的最大量,估算流域各县市的畜禽污染物产生量和农田畜禽粪便负荷量,对各县市畜禽养殖粪便污染进行潜在的环境风险评价.结果表明:闽江流域大多数集约化养殖场集中分布于中上游,并有向下游扩散的趋势;流域农田畜禽粪便负荷量平均达22.95 t·hm-2·a-1;整个流域的畜禽污染已对环境产生风险,尤其是富屯溪、沙溪流域更为突出.  相似文献   

鸭绿江口汞的污染状况及其防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以对鸭绿江口水中、沉积物中以及16种鱼鱼体中Hg含量的实测结果,阐明了鸭绿江口Hg的污染状况,在找出该江口Hg的主要污染源的基础之上,提出了三项Hg的污染防治对策,以其中的H2S除Hg的实验结果,阐述了该法技术经济上的可行性。  相似文献   

The near shore coastal and marine environment of several Caribbean islands is their most biologically productive and economically important zone. However, almost all landbased activities possess the real potential of degrading the quality of near shore waters and ultimately diminishing the utility of the marine resource. This condition is largely attributed to the individual smallness of the islands and their geographic proximity to each other.

Available sanitary water quality data from across the region indicated that while recreational areas are in general safe for water contact activities, bacterial densities in excess of several international criteria are consistently recorded in harbours. Organochlorine pesticide residues were generally in the 5 ng l-1 range in unfiltered sea water but were significantly higher (1-100) ng g-1 in limited samples of sediment and biota. Additional data requirements to gain further insight into the current state of the Caribbean environment are also identified.

A summary of the major land based sources of marine pollution (including sewage, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off) in the insular Caribbean is presented.  相似文献   


The near shore coastal and marine environment of several Caribbean islands is their most biologically productive and economically important zone. However, almost all landbased activities possess the real potential of degrading the quality of near shore waters and ultimately diminishing the utility of the marine resource. This condition is largely attributed to the individual smallness of the islands and their geographic proximity to each other.

Available sanitary water quality data from across the region indicated that while recreational areas are in general safe for water contact activities, bacterial densities in excess of several international criteria are consistently recorded in harbours. Organochlorine pesticide residues were generally in the 5 ng l?1 range in unfiltered sea water but were significantly higher (1–100) ng g?1 in limited samples of sediment and biota. Additional data requirements to gain further insight into the current state of the Caribbean environment are also identified.

A summary of the major land based sources of marine pollution (including sewage, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off) in the insular Caribbean is presented.  相似文献   

针对我国农业非点源污染特征,提出污染控制经济政策体系,包括基于限制和约束功能的税费政策,基于引导和鼓励功能的补贴、补偿等优惠政策,以及创建基于流域的使污染削减总成本最小化的排污权交易市场。选择北京市重要水源地———密云水库的2大汇水流域之一的潮河流域(密云县境内)为政策设计示范区,从经济、技术及制度方面分析了各经济政策的功能和适用情况,提出本区以鼓励扶持引导为主、收费惩罚为辅控制削减农业非点源污染的经济政策构想,并估算了对农民环保行为给予补贴和补偿的额度。  相似文献   

为有效控制防污漆中杀生物活性物质给海洋环境带来的不利影响,亟需开展活性物质的环境风险评估研究,为筛选环境友好型活性物质提供依据。以25种国产防污漆中的铜为评估对象,采用防污漆活性物质环境风险评估的针对性方法,分步进行暴露评估、危害性评估和风险表征。暴露评估采用海洋防污剂预测环境浓度模型(MAMPEC)中的港口、码头和开阔海域等典型暴露场景;危害性评估基于铜对淡水和海水水生生物的慢性毒性数据,采用物种敏感度分布法和评估因子法;风险表征采用熵值法。结果表明,铜对全部水生生物和海水生物的预测无效应浓度分别为2.8和2.3μg·L~(-1),藻类对铜最为敏感。除1种配方外,其余24种防污漆配方中铜的风险熵均小于1,可判定铜为"相对低风险"类活性物质,使用上述防污漆时铜对生态环境造成的风险较小。铜在不同暴露场景中的环境风险分析表明其对水流交换较弱海域的码头造成的风险最大,其次是默认港口和码头,对于公海造成的风险最小。根据现有的评估结果,设计含铜型防污漆配方时,应使铜的释放速率不大于33.5μg·cm~(-2)·d~(-1),以避免对较封闭海域的生态环境造成不可忽视的风险。  相似文献   

在镇江金东造纸工程环境影响评价中,提出了长江镇江段全江段COD排放量控制方案,通过模式进行分段定量计算,分析了工程实施所造成的环境损失和实施区域排放量控制所产生的环境效益。结果表明,拟用控制方案环境效益显著,其实施将明显改善内江江段和畅洲江段南汊的水环境质量;金东造纸工程选址合理,充分利用了大港江段水环境容量大的优势,其实施所造成的环境损失较小。考虑到污染负荷削减的环境效益,对我国实施污染物排放总量控制提出了4条建议。  相似文献   

为对比微宇宙方法和物种敏感度分布曲线法在铜离子生态危害评估中的差异,构建了包括浮游藻类、轮虫和大型溞的微宇宙系统,持续监测了铜离子浓度、物种丰度和系统理化性质的变化,推导出铜离子对微宇宙系统的63 d无显著效应浓度(63 d-NOEC);同时,将铜离子对鱼类、甲壳类、昆虫类、藻类及软体动物等对铜离子的长期毒性数据通过物种敏感度分布曲线法进行拟合,推导出对生态系统中95%物种无显著危害的作用浓度(HC5)。测试结果表明,大型溞种群在铜离子110.80μg·L-1作用下暂时消失,导致了系统中轮虫和藻类数量的增长,试验后期铜离子浓度降低,大型溞种群呈现恢复的趋势;在212.06及420.26μg·L-1铜离子作用下,藻类和轮虫的存活受到严重抑制,在试验后期也没有恢复。与物种敏感度分布曲线法推导得出的HC5值相比,通过微宇宙系统得出的NOEC值较高,这可能是微宇宙系统中铜离子生物可利用性在各相介质间的差异及种间反馈调节造成的。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The physical, economic, and sociocultural displacement of local peoples from protected areas generates intense discussion among scholars and policy makers. To foster greater precision and clarity in these discussions, we used a conceptual framework from the political economy literature to examine different forms of human displacement from protected areas. Using marine protected areas (MPAs) to ground our analysis, we characterized the 5 types of property rights that are reallocated (lost, secured, and gained) through the establishment of protected areas. All forms of MPA "displacement" involve reallocation of property rights, but the specific types and bundles of rights lost, secured, and gained dramatically shape the magnitude, extent, and equity of MPA impacts—positive and negative—on governance, economic well-being, health, education, social capital, and culture. The impacts of reallocating rights to MPA resources vary within and among social groups, inducing changes in society, in patterns of resource use, and in the environment. To create more environmentally sustainable and socially just conservation practice, a critical next step in conservation social science research is to document and explain variation in the social impacts of protected areas.  相似文献   

南海市是我国经济最发达的县级市之一,工业门类多,布局分散,工业“三废”对土壤环境产生一定影响。研究结果表明,土壤中铜、锌、镍的容量分别为185 .58 kg/h m 2 、292 .88 kg/h m 2 、63 .92 kg/h m 2 。丘陵地区容最较大,其次是基塘区,平原地区较小。重金属污染型企业分布密集的地区环境容量较小。土壤环境容量与元素含量和最大允许含量有关。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Marine environments have suffered from a lack of quantitative methods for delineating areas that are sensitive or vulnerable to particular stresses, natural and anthropogenic. We define sensitivity as the degree to which marine features respond to stresses, which are deviations of environmental conditions beyond the expected range. Vulnerability can then be defined as the probability that a feature will be exposed to a stress to which it is sensitive. Using these definitions, we provide a quantitative methodology for identifying vulnerable marine areas based on valued ecological features, defined as biological or physical features, processes, or structures deemed by humans to have environmental, social, cultural, or economic significance. The vulnerability of the valued ecological features is a function of their sensitivity to particular stresses and their vulnerability to those stresses. We used the methodology to demonstrate how vulnerable marine areas for two groups of endangered whale species (inshore and offshore) could be identified with a predictive habitat model and acoustic stress surfaces. Acoustic stress surfaces were produced for ferry traffic, commercial shipping traffic, potential offshore oil production, and small-boat traffic. The vulnerabilities of the two whale groups to the four stressors considered in this example were relatively similar; however, inshore species were more sensitive to on-shelf, coastal activities such as offshore hydrocarbon production, ferry traffic, and small-boat traffic. Our approach demonstrates how valued features can be associated with stresses and the likelihood of encountering these stresses (vulnerability) in order to identify geographic areas for management and conservation purposes. The method can be applied to any combination of valued ecological features and stressors.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the environmental changes witnessed in the past decade call for a new approach to environmental management; an approach based not on the principle of the assimilative capacity of the environment but on the precautionary principle, and the emerging preventive environmental paradigm. Uncertainties in scientific knowledge and complexities in ecological systems have presented specific failures of the assimilative capacity methodology. It is argued that these failures are not circumstantial in nature, nor are they the result of misapplication of science by scientists. Rather, they represent inherent problems in the use of the assimilative capacity concept in environmental management. The emergence of the precautionary principle is discussed and a formulation of the principle is presented. In conjunction with the operational approach of clean production, we believe that this principle offers a sounder basis for the prevention of marine pollution in the next decade.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the environmental changes witnessed in the past decade call for a new approach to environmental management; an approach based not on the principle of the assimilative capacity of the environment but on the precautionary principle, and the emerging preventive environmental paradigm. Uncertainties in scientific knowledge and complexities in ecological systems have presented specific failures of the assimilative capacity methodology. It is argued that these failures are not circumstantial in nature, nor are they the result of misapplication of science by scientists. Rather, they represent inherent problems in the use of the assimilative capacity concept in environmental management. The emergence of the precautionary principle is discussed and a formulation of the principle is presented. In conjunction with the operational approach of clean production, we believe that this principle offers a sounder basis for the prevention of marine pollution in the next decade.  相似文献   

The pollution of the marine environment caused by land-based sources threatens or impairs the health of the ecosystems and the value of human uses of the coastal waters. the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region agreed to take all appropriate measures to prevent, reduce and control pollution. in the first meeting of the Contracting Parties, the development of a protocol on the control of marine pollution from land-based sources was recommended as a measure to protect the marine environment.

A small group of experts from the Caribbean Region formulated a strategy for controlling land-based sources of marine pollution. Due to the diverse nature, resources and capabilities of the countries comprising the Region, the pollution control strategy suggested by the group of experts included the following techniques or their most appropriate combination: (1) pollution prevention measures, (2) effluent limitations, (3) water quality limitations, (4) environmental planning, and (5) best management practices. the desirable control strategy should be based on a system of discharge permits in the case of point source pollution, which includes effluent and water quality limitations. the technology based effluent limitations could be applied as a short-range strategy to control pollution from industrial and domestic point source discharges. the use of water quality standards could become part of a long-range strategy for controlling point sources. for nonpoint sources, it would be virtually impossible to develop effluent limitations. Thus, the implementation of best management practices and effective environmental planning would be the most reasonable control strategy for non-point sources. However, pollution prevention measures could consist of a “black list” of substances that should be completely banned, and a “grey list” for those that should be strictly limited. These lists should be adopted or appropriately modified for the conditions of the Wider Caribbean Region.

The development of control based on the water quality of the receiving body of water involves the collection and analysis of effluent and ambient data to develop water quality based permit limits and to assess compliance with these permits. Finally, any marine pollution control strategy developed by the countries of the Region should be mutually agreed upon and implemented within a period of ten years from the ratification of a protocol on land-based sources of marine pollution.  相似文献   

以1987年至2011年的月测数据为基础,分析了珠江八大人海口可溶态铜的时空变化,并探讨了工业发展、铜矿厂分布、水产养殖及铜消费量等因素对它们的影响。研究结果表明:与国内外其它人海口相比,珠江口可溶态铜的含量处于较高水平,其中,虎门水道(A1)可溶态铜的含量显著高于除鸡啼门水道(A6)外的其它人海口(p0.1),可能是受工业废水排放及铜矿厂分布的影响。在时间变化趋势上,8个采样点之间,除了A1与A4外,其它采样点间均呈显著的正相关性(p0.1),其中A5和A6的变化趋势还与我国的铜消费量具有显著相关性(p0.1),表明人海口之间铜污染可能具有相似的影响因素,且工业生产活动对水体铜污染的波动具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

A major influence on the environment of active volcanic areas is expected from continuous input of chemical species pertaining to fumarolic activities occurring during inter-eruptive intervals.

The systematic investigations carried out during thirteen years in the island of Vulcano (Italy) showed also substantial contributions to phreatic waters and soils of minor constituents and trace metals from volcanic rocks with no negligible influence on growing crops.

Greater extents of these phenomena have been observed for products of hydromagmatic volcanic activity or of long-lasting weathering processes.  相似文献   

A major influence on the environment of active volcanic areas is expected from continuous input of chemical species pertaining to fumarolic activities occurring during inter-eruptive intervals.

The systematic investigations carried out during thirteen years in the island of Vulcano (Italy) showed also substantial contributions to phreatic waters and soils of minor constituents and trace metals from volcanic rocks with no negligible influence on growing crops.

Greater extents of these phenomena have been observed for products of hydromagmatic volcanic activity or of long-lasting weathering processes.  相似文献   

简要介绍了玉环县五大河流环境质量现状,分析了造成了五大河流受污染的原因,并从环保的角度提出了建议项目指导性意见,以及分流域提出了五大河流的污染防治对策。  相似文献   

农田土壤中铜的来源分析及控制阈值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农田土壤重金属污染直接危及到生态安全、食品安全和人体健康.从源头上控制农田土壤重金属污染是农业可持续发展和保障农产品质量安全的首要措施.本文采用物质流分析法与情景分析法,以水稻(双季稻、单季稻)、小麦-玉米、蔬菜(叶菜、根菜和果菜)的产地农田生态系统为研究对象,研究农田土壤中重金属铜的输入途径(大气沉降、磷肥、有机肥以及灌溉水)和输出途径(籽粒/可食部位、秸秆/残余物以及地表排水),并通过文献查阅和采样分析建立数据库,在平衡分析基础上为了保障100年土壤铜累积不超过设定的情景水平,当土壤铜背景值含量分别增加50%,100%和150%时,推导出磷肥、有机肥以及灌溉水的重金属含量安全阈值,磷肥中铜含量应控制在65~175 mg·kg-1范围内;畜禽粪肥中铜含量应控制在35~95 mg· kg-1范围内.灌溉水质标准应控制在40~70 μg·L-1范围内.这将为我国农产品产地安全管理和源头预防控制,保障我国农产品质量安全提供一定的技术指导作用.  相似文献   

The presence and concentration of pollutants in groundwater are influenced by geophysical processes and the behavior of economic agents. The purpose of this paper is to assess the importance of spatial variability in physical parameters in the design of efficient pollution regulations. Alternative tax policies are evaluated in terms of effects on farm profit utilizing a spatially distributed, dynamic simulation model which links economic behavior with the geophysical processes that determine groundwater quality. The empirical focus is the control of groundwater nitrates arising from irrigated agriculture in Malheur County, Oregon. Results indicate that a detailed accounting of spatial variance in physical parameters had little effect on selection of a cost-minimizing tax policy to control groundwater nitrate concentration. This result implies that relatively simple tax schemes and models to evaluate these tax schemes may be adequate in some settings.  相似文献   

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