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液化石油气储罐爆炸碎片抛射的蒙特卡罗分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
液化石油气发生BLEVE具有极大的危害性,如何对危害性进行定量分析和评估是风险分析评价的重要内容。由于BLEVE的发生具有很大的不确定性,其造成的危害也存在不确定性,这给定量分析评价带来了较大的困难。该文从风险工程学的角度对BLEVE引起的碎片抛射可能对人员造成的危害风险进行了定量分析,对不确定性参数利用有关的资料和数据确定其概率密度分布,并利用蒙特卡罗方法进行模拟,从而计算了碎片抛射范围。对于定量评价BLEVE风险具有重要意义。  相似文献   

After the 2011 Tohoku earthquakes, several chemical and oil complexes on the Pacific Ocean shoreline of northeast Japan experienced massive losses. In Chiba, a refinery operated by Cosmo Oil lost 17 LPG storage vessels which were either heavily damaged or totally destroyed by fires and explosions in the refinery. These large vessels ranged in size from 1000 to 5000 m3. The estimated volume of LPG at the time of the incident was between 400 and 5000 m3 for each vessel. Five boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions (BLEVEs) of LPG occurred, resulting in huge fire balls measuring about 500 m in diameter.A BLEVE is defined as the explosive release of expanding vapor and boiling liquid when a container holding a pressure-liquefied gas fails catastrophically. It is thus important to estimate the physical properties of superheated liquids: the thermodynamic and transport properties, the intrinsic limits to superheating and depressurization, and the nature of thermodynamic paths. Also it is hoped to provide better understanding of the vessels designed, manufactured, installed, and operated to reduce or eliminate the probability that a sequence of events will result in BLEVE or loss of primary containment. Knowledge of these matters is still incomplete. The objective of this research is to estimate the significant BLEVE phenomenon in very large scale spherical vessels based on published information in Japan. There are some models predicting BLEVEs. However, it is essential to know if this is true for very large scales such as spheres since validation is usually rare to provide confidence in estimating the superheated liquids behaviors. To this end, comparing with the information on this event, the conditions in the five LPG vessels at the time of the BLEVE were determined in terms of: duration of vessel failure (time to BLEVE); mass fraction in the vessel with time; temperature distribution in the liquid and vapor region and pressure within the vessel (e.g. initial pressure and internal high-speed transient pressure during failure), by means of a computer program AFFTAC Analysis of Fire Effects on Tank Cars, which solves heat conduction, stress and a failure model of the tank, a thermodynamic model of its fluid contents, and a flow model for the lading flowing through the safety relief device. Subsequently, the consequences from the sphere BLEVE, such as the expected fireball diameter and duration and the expected blast overpressure produced by the BLEVE failures, are also subjects of active research. Here the blast using the methods of PHAST and SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering was calculated.Results suggest that methodologies here used gave reasonable estimations for such real and huge BLEVEs in a validated way, which may provide valuable guidance for risk mitigation strategy with regard to LPG facility in design, emergency planning, resiliency, operations, and risk management.  相似文献   

Leakage and explosion of hazardous chemicals during road transportation can cause serious building damage and casualties, and adoption of highly-efficient emergency rescue measures plays a critical role in reducing accidental hazards. Considering a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) transport tanker explosion accident that occurred in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, China on June 13, 2020 as example, this study proposes a risk assessment framework. This framework recreates the leakage and explosion of the accident process using FLACS v10.9, suggests plans for evacuation, describes the rescue areas of different levels, and explores the influence of environmental factors on the evacuation and rescue areas. The results show that simulated and predicted distributions of fuel vapour cloud concentration and explosion overpressure can provide a reference basis for rapid rescue activities; the characterization of the dynamic effects of wind speed, wind direction, and temperature with respect to the evacuation and rescue areas can be used as theoretical support for on-site adjustment of rescue forces. The role of obstacles can prevent the expansion of the evacuation areas under low wind-speed conditions, and the presence of highly congested obstacles determines the level of the rescue area. The results obtained are important for the risk analysis and the development of emergency rescue measures in case of explosion accidents associated with transportation of hazardous chemicals on high-hazard and high-sensitive road sections.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental study of 2300 L pressure vessels exposed to remote fire heating by a natural gas fuelled wall fire simulator. The tanks were filled to 15% capacity with commercial liquid propane. The flame intensity and distance were varied to study the effect of different heating levels on the tank and its lading.The fire simulator is first characterized with tests including fire thermocouples, radiative flux meters and thermal imaging. With the appropriate positioning of a target tank it is possible to get very realistic fire heat fluxes at the tank surface.Three tests were conducted with the 2300 L tanks filled to 15% capacity with propane. The tanks were positioned at three different distances from the wall fire resulting in measured average peak heat flux at the tank surfaces ranging between 24 and 43 kW m?2. The data shows rapid rise in vapour space wall temperatures, significant temperature stratification in the vapour space, and moderate rate of pressure rise. These results provide excellent data for the validation of computer models used to predict the response of pressure vessels exposed to moderate heating from a remote fire.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis and simulation of an accident involving a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) truck tanker in Kannur, Kerala, India. During the accident, a truck tanker hit a divider and overturned. A crack in the bottom pipe caused leakage of LPG for about 20 min forming a large vapor cloud, which got ignited, creating a fireball and a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) situation in the LPG tank with subsequent fire and explosion. Many fatalities and injuries were reported along with burning of trees, houses, shops, vehicles, etc. In the present study, ALOHA (Area Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) and PHAST (Process Hazard Analysis Software Tool) software have been used to model and simulate the accident scenario. Modeling and simulation results of the fireball, jet flame radiation and explosion overpressure agree well with the actual loss reported from the site. The effects of the fireball scenario were more significant in comparison to that of the jet fire scenario.  相似文献   

An emergency plan is a formal written plan which, on the basis of identified potential accidents together with their consequences, describes how such accidents and their consequences should be handled either on-site or off-site. The primary objective of the off-site emergency plan for a hazardous installation is the prevention of accidents resulting in harm to human health, the environment or property. The prevention of accidents involving hazardous substances is the concern of many interested parties, including public authorities (district emergency authority, police, fire and medical services etc.) at all levels, industry and the community. This paper provides an overview of the release scenarios and affected areas, rescue and evacuation plans, communication and public information systems, roles and responsibilities of the district emergency authority, police, fire and medical authorities and their training, testing the plan/mock drill performance, review/observations, and finalization.  相似文献   

The production and storage of dangerous substances in an industrial establishment creates risks for man, environment and properties in the surrounding area. Safety regulations require the establishment of a preventive information campaign regarding industrial risks and self-defence measures to adopt in an emergency situation. In the case of a major accident, people must be promptly made aware of the appropriate self-defence actions and behaviours to adopt. This strategic activity can reduce the panic effect, make citizens more cooperative and guarantee the effectiveness of any emergency plan. In this paper, the information chain is studied as an industrial process modelled by the IDEF0 language. Through this method, each link in the chain has been deeply analysed. For each function of the process, the inputs, outputs and necessary controls and resources have been identified. Starting from a clear view of the current state, the process of re-engineering has been implemented to minimise or eliminate downtime, deficiencies and illnesses and, thus, consequent time losses. The main contribution of the IDEF0 application in emergency management is to provide a clear view of the whole system, a communication system between emergency actors, a rich information source and a structured base for the re-engineering process.  相似文献   

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is flammable and has risks of pool fires during its transportation, storage, and applications. The heat radiation by LPG pool fires poses hazards to individuals nearby and can lead to potential failures of ambient facilities. Due to the high costs and invasive nature of experiments for investigating large-scale pool fires, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is employed in this study as the cost-effective and noninvasive method to simulate the process and analyze the characteristics of large hydrocarbon pool fires. Specifically, an experimentally validated 3-D CFD model has been built to simulate surface emissive power (SEP) and incident radiation of large-scale LPG pool fires with three different diameters and wind speeds. Steady-state simulations with P1 radiation and probability density function (PDF) combustion models were employed to obtain reliable data after the optimizations based on the comparisons with experimental data and empirical models. The comparison with benchmark experimental data demonstrates that the CFD model employed in this study can accurately predict the incident radiation of large LPG pool fires. A new SEP correlation is also proposed, which is specifically for LPG pool fires with a diameter between 10 m and 20 m. Additionally, the safe separation distances between LPG facilities and surrounded objects have been estimated based on the CFD simulation results. The high-resolution CFD model for large LPG pool fires in this work provides noninvasive and direct quantitative evidence to enhance the fundamental understanding on the safety of large LPG pool fires and can assist regulatory agencies in refining the safety limits in the cost-effective and time-saving manners.  相似文献   

Public evacuation preparation exerts an important impact on overall evacuation efficiency during regional evacuations. Early warnings often delay the occurrence of chemical accidents. Studying the characteristics of public evacuation preparation in such accidents will help develop better evacuation strategies considering the actual public response. In this work, the characteristics and factors influencing public evacuation preparation behaviors were analyzed by examining an evacuation case in China. The results indicated that the probability distribution of public's evacuation preparation time during a regional evacuation conforms to a Weibull distribution regardless of whether or not evacuation warnings were received. An estimation model of the traffic flow loading rate in a regional evacuation was then proposed on the basis of this finding. The results of this research can provide a reliable reference for evacuation modeling or logistics optimization for future incidents.  相似文献   

城市绿地应急避难场所分析——以焦作市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市绿地是城市应急避难场所的主要组成部分.以焦作市为例,将城市绿地分类与景观生态学指标运用到绿地应急避难所的研究中,对防灾避难空间、绿地组成与结构等进行分析.结果表明:1)1999-2007年期间,焦作市人均中长期绿地避难所面积由5.60 m2增加到11.34 m2,远超过了人均中长期避难所需的基本避难面积;人均绿地临时避难所面积呈现先上升后下降的趋势,至2007年时为2.80m2达到了人均绿地临时避难所需的基本面积;人均绿地紧急避难所面积逐渐下降,由1999年的2.61 m2逐年递减到2007年的0.982,低于人均紧急避难空间所需的基本面积.2)大比例的公园绿地、生产绿地,较小比例的防护绿地、附属绿地和其他绿地,以及不合理的绿地格局导致无效绿地的增加,是上述问题的主要原因.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the accidental release of chlorine from bonnet of a valve in a bullet installed in a chloro-alkali industry, and the probable causes of the accident and the ensuing sequence of events. Emergency procedures are also discussed. Finally, in the conclusions reached at some useful recommendations, which has been drawn for industrial facilities handling chlorine.  相似文献   

Objective: Standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP) is often the primary outcome in experimental studies on impaired driving. However, other measures may be easier and more practical to obtain and reflect a broader range of driving-related behaviors. We wanted to assess the validity and sensitivity of a range of measures in a driving simulator as well as during real driving and compare these to SDLP.

Methods: Twenty healthy male volunteers undertook 6 driving trials each, 3 in a regular car on a closed track resembling rural road conditions and 3 in a simulator with an identical driving scenario. Ethanol was used as impairing substance due to its well-characterized effects on driving. The subjects were tested sober and at blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of approximately 0.5 and 0.9 g/L. We explored dose–response relationships between BAC and a range of driving-related measures, as well as their BAC-dependent effect sizes.

Results: In simulator driving, ethanol intake increased steering wheel reversal frequency, steering wheel movement measures, average speed, standard deviation of speed, and pedal use frequency. At the test track, only steering wheel movement and standard deviation of speed were significantly correlated to BAC. Likewise, reaction to unexpected incidents and observance of red traffic lights were adversely affected by ethanol in the simulator but not at the test track. Whereas SDLP showed a relatively large effect size that was similar in simulated and real driving, all other measures demonstrated smaller effect sizes, with less pronounced BAC effects on the test track than in the simulator.

Conclusions: The results suggest that the driving-related measures explored in this study are less sensitive to alcohol-mediated driving impairment than SDLP, especially during real (test track) driving. The discrepancy in effect sizes between simulated and real driving may imply low external validity of these measures in simulator studies.  相似文献   

为了研究电磁波的传播在采空区界面上发生反射和透射后对音频大地电磁测深(简称AMT)勘探的影响,模拟采空区推导出基于4层介质模型的阻抗计算公式。经过计算分析,采空区会引起AMT的电阻率和阻抗参数在高频段出现震荡,可利用高值异常波动来定性判断采空区。根据东川烂泥坪铜矿已知采空区的AMT探测资料,采空区引起视电阻率和阻抗在15~30 kHz频段出现高值异常,相对于视电阻率资料,阻抗对异常的反映更明显。提出采用阻抗平均法和最大阻抗法计算相对偏差,通过高值异常对采空区进行快速圈定。研究结果表明:2种方法得到的结果较为相似,基本符合实际采空区的分布情况,而最大阻抗法更适合采空区AMT探测使用。  相似文献   

Industrial technical accidents caused by natural disasters are defined as Natech accidents, such as earthquakes and landslides, which can cause tremendous damage to industrial storage tanks, and lead to accidental leakage and even serious fire and explosion accidents. In this study, a landslide-induced storage tank accident model under earthquake disasters was proposed, and the relationship between landslide mass impact and target impact resistance was taken into account. Also, tank failure and the formation of the pool fire were considered to be the consequences of the Natech accident. Through scenario deduction, the dynamic process of landslide Natech was transformed qualitatively into a disaster chain network diagram composed of a scenario state, a disaster-causing factor and emergency management. The Bayesian network was used to learn and deduce the parameters of the network diagram, and in this process, the prior probability and conditional probability of nodes were obtained primarily by Monte Carlo simulation, and by an improved expert scoring method based on the fuzzy set theory. Through visualization software, the sensitivity analysis of landslide Natech was achieved. Finally, a case study of a liquor storage tank area in Guizhou Province, China was carried out, and the results show that a large amount of hazardous material leakage caused by buckling is key to the formation of pool fire accidents, and several prevention measures for earthquake-induced landslide Natech was proposed according to the sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

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