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We measured the horizontal and vertical movements of five adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, estimated body mass 64 to 93 kg) near the main Hawaiian Islands, while simultaneously gathering data on oceanographic conditions and currents. Fish movements were recorded by means of ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters. Depth–temperature and depth–oxygen profiles were measured with vertical conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) casts, and the current-velocity field was surveyed using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Large adult yellowfin tuna spent ≃60 to 80% of their time in or immediately below the relatively uniform-temperature surface-layer (i.e. above 100 m), a behavior pattern similar to that previously reported for juvenile yellowfin tuna, blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) tracked in the same area. In all three species, maximum swimming depths appear to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the surface-layer water temperature. Therefore, neither large body mass, nor the ability to maintain elevated swimming-muscle temperatures due to the presence of vascular counter-current heat exchangers in tunas, appears to permit greater vertical mobility or the ability to remain for extended periods below the thermocline. In those areas where the decrease in oxygen with depth is not limiting, the vertical movements of yellowfin tuna, blue marlin and striped marlin all appear to be restricted by the effects of water temperature on cardiac muscle function. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, but unlike blue marlin and striped marlin, adult yellowfin tuna remained within 18.5 km of the coast and became associated with floating objects, including anchored fish-aggregating devices (FADs) and the tracking vessel. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, large adult yellowfin repeatedly re-visit the same FAD, and appear able to navigate precisely between FADs that are up to 18 km apart. The median speed over ground ranged from 72 to 154 cm s−1. Neither speed nor direction was strongly influenced by currents. Received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

We measured the vertical and horizontal movements of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) off the leeward coast of the Island of Hawaii between 20 November and 18 December 1992 while simultaneously gathering data on water temperature and oceanic currents. Fish movements were monitored by ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters, depth-temperature profiles by an expendable bathythermograph system, and oceanic current patterns by an acoustic Doppler current profiler. Like Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara), striped marlin near Hawaii spend >85% of their time in the mixed layer (i.e., above 90 m depth). The maximum depth for striped marlin appears to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the mixed layer, rather than by an absolute lower temperature. We also found that the horizontal displacements of some striped marlin can be strongly influenced by currents.  相似文献   

The post-release behaviour of eight black marlin (Makaira indica), caught by standard sportfishing techniques off the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, was investigated using ultrasonic telemetry. Five marlin between 100 and 420 kg were successfully tracked for periods of 8 to 27 h. Of the three others tagged, one was killed by a shark and two shed their tags, probably as the result of poor attachment. The black marlin spent most of their time within 10 m of the surface, both day and night. During the day, however, they also spent some time between 40 and 140 m depth. They rarely penetrated the thermocline, and then only briefly, remaining at temperatures no more than 8 C° below that of surface waters. The deepest dives were to 178 m. Four of the five marlin tracked, initially moved offshore before heading parallel to the shore, whereas the other marlin stayed close to the reef edge. The average mean swimming speeds over the ground for entire tracks ranged from 0.7 to 1.02 m s−1. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

The influence of salinity, temperature and prey availability on the marine migration of anadromous fishes was determined by describing the movements, habitat use and feeding behaviours of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). The objectives were to determine whether char are restricted to the upper water column of the inter-/subtidal zones due to warmer temperatures. Twenty-seven char were tracked with acoustic temperature/pressure (depth) transmitters from June to September, 2008/2009, in inner Frobisher Bay, Canada. Most detections were in surface waters (0–3 m). Inter-/subtidal movements and consecutive repetitive dives (maximum 52.8 m) resulted in extreme body temperature shifts (−0.2–18.1 °C). Approximately half of intertidal and subtidal detections were between 9–13 °C and 1–3 °C, respectively. Stomach contents and deep diving suggested feeding in both inter-/subtidal zones. We suggest that char tolerate cold water at depth to capture prey in the subtidal zone, then seek warmer water to enhance feeding/digestion physiology.  相似文献   

The infratidal zonation of animals in a 35 m deep fjord-like South African estuary is described. The barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin and the bivalve Musculus virgiliae Barnard form the uppermost zone and extend to a depth of 9 m. The oyster Crassostrea margaritacea (Lam.) forms a zone between 1 and 3 m depth while the sponge Grantessa ramosa (Haeckel) occurs between 3 and 7 m. The tubiculous polychaete Mercierella enigmatica Fauvel is the only species found below 10 m, and attains a depth of 33 m. In the wet season (summer) the surface salinity dropped to 2 and temperatures rose to 24°C. In the dry season (winter) surface salinity rose to 24 and temperatures dropped to 16°C. Salinity and temperature of deep water (6 to 33 m) were more stable and varied only between 32.5 and 35 and between 19.6° and 20.5°C, respectively. In June, water below 12 m was 50 to 60% saturated with oxygen but this declined to less than 5% saturation in January.  相似文献   

Six Greenland sharks, Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801), 190–355 cm fork length, were tracked under land-fast sea ice off northern Baffin Island (73.2°N; 85.3°W) between 16 and 28 May 1999, using ultrasonic telemetry. The sharks were tracked continuously for periods of 5.5–13.0 h, with the tracks of two individuals lasting 31.4 and 42.8 h, respectively, each with an interval when the track was lost. Several sharks dove after release and moved along the ocean bottom for the duration of the tracking period, while others varied their movements regarding course and depth. Two sharks made repeated visits to within 11 m of the ice–water interface from deeper water. The tracked sharks exhibited no apparent depth or temperature preferences, and pooled data indicated that sharks remained deep during the morning and gradually moved into shallower depths through the afternoon and night. Rates of descent (average=0.099 m s–1) were significantly greater than rates of ascent (average=0.058 m s–1) for all sharks, and the average rate of horizontal movement over ground was estimated as 0.215 m s–1. Based on the movements of tracked sharks and information contained in the literature, S. microcephalus may prey on seals in areas covered by land-fast sea ice.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

We examined movements of Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) from the Gulf of Mexico based upon 42 pop-up archival transmitting (PAT) tags. Long deployments (including one 334-day track) revealed diverse movement patterns within the Gulf of Mexico. North–south seasonal changes in blue marlin distribution showed strong correspondence with established seasonal patterns of sea surface temperature and primary production. During the summer spawning season, blue marlin utilized outer shelf and shelf edge waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and longer duration tracks indicated overwintering habitats in the Bay of Campeche. Egress occurred throughout the year and was difficult to determine because some tracks ended in the Straits of Florida (n = 3) while other tracks recorded movement through it or the Yucatan Channel (n = 4). Our results indicate that Atlantic blue marlin have a more restricted geographic range of habitats than previously recognized and that the Gulf of Mexico provides spatially dynamic suitable habitat that is utilized year-round through seasonal movements.  相似文献   

Juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, were grown in the laboratory at different temperatures, and metabolic-rate determinations were made. Growth is shown to be dependent upon temperature. Crabs kept at high temperatures (34° and 27°C) grow faster than those kept at lower temperatures (13°, 15°, and 20°C). Increase in size per molt is less at higher temperatures than at lower ones. Mortality is directly proportional to temperature between 13° and 34°C and is very high during ecdysis at elevated temperatures. Metabolic rate increases with temperature, but various degrees of acclimation are seen after 4 weeks exposure. No acclimation of general activity to temperature was found. The findings are applied theoretically to crabs living in the region of heated discharge canals of electrical generators: the motile blue crab could extend its growing season without decreasing size at maturity by active selection of thermal surroundings.In part based on a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the University of Florida, USA.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to investigate the taxonomic status of the following species-pairs of Atlantic and Indo-Pacific istiophorid billfishes: Atlantic blue marlin Makaira nigricans (Lacépède) and Indo-Pacific blue marlin M. mazara (Jordan and Snyder); Atlantic sailfish Istiophorus albicans (Latreille) and Indo-Pacific sailfish I. platypterus (Shaw and Nodder); and white marlin Tetrapturus albidus Poey and striped marlin T. audax (Phillippi). Tissue samples were collected from 1990 to 1992. Several mtDNA haplotypes were common to Atlantic and Indo-Pacific samples of blue marlin and sailfish, although there were significant differences in the distribution of haplotypes between samples from different oceans. For both blue marlin and sailfish, a single group of closely related mtDNA haplotypes was found among all indo-Pacific and some Atlantic individuals, while the remaining Atlantic specimens exhibited mtDNA haplotypes that differed by several consistent restriction site changes from the common haplotype. No restriction site differences were found to discriminate white marlin from striped marlin, and the mtDNA haplotypes of both species were very similar although significant differences were found in the distribution of haplotypes between the two species. Two of 26 haplotypes were shared between white and striped marlin, and the corrected mean nucleotide sequence divergence between species (0.06%) was not much greater than that observed between geographically distant samples of striped marlin from the Pacific Ocean (mean 0.03%). The presence of identical haplotypes in samples from both oceans for each of the three species-pairs of istiophorid billfishes suggests that specific status may not be warranted for any of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations. The significant difference in the distributions of mtDNA haplotypes between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations, which contrasts sharply with the homogeneity reported for several species of tunas, indicates considerable population structuring within the highly vagile billfishes.  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the most critical environmental factors for fish ontogeny, affecting the developmental rate, survival and phenotypic plasticity in both a species- and stage-specific way. In the present paper we studied the egg and yolk-sac larval development of Pagellus erythrinus under different water temperature conditions, 15°C, 18°C and 21°C for the egg stage and 16°C, 18°C and 21°C for the yolk-sac larval stage. The temperature-independent thermal sum of development was estimated as 555.6 degree-hours above the threshold temperature (the temperature below which development is arrested), i.e. 7°C for the egg and 12.1°C for the yolk-sac larval stage. Higher hatching and survival rates occurred at 18–21°C. At the end of the yolk-sac larval stage, body morphometry differed significantly (p<0.05) between the temperatures tested. The growth rate of the total length increased as temperature rose from 16°C to 18°C, while in the range of 18–21°C it stabilized and was independent of water temperature. The estimated Gompertz growth curve for the yolk-sac larvae of P. erythrinus was (r2=0.992) for the 16°C, (r2=0.991) for the 18°C and (r2=0.981) for the 21°C treatment. The efficiency of vitelline utilization during the yolk-sac larval stage was higher at 18°C.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

In the flat fish Limanda limanda L., feeding rate and conversion efficiency were studied as functions of body weight, sex, temperature and food quality. When offered herring meat at 13 °C (series I), females (live weights 1 to 150 g) consume more food than males; the magnitude of this difference is body weight-dependent. With increasing wieght, both females and males consume less food per unit body weight per day. Variations in daily ration are considerable; the range of deviation from mean feeding rate is about 60% for males and 40% for females. The range of deviation does not vary significantly among females and males of different body weights. At the same temperature level (13 °C; series II), females consume almost the same, or even less, cod meat than males. Among individuals of series I and II, there is a little difference in the feeding rate; however, herring-fed individuals obtain about 2 times more energy than cod-fed individuals. Each gram wet weight of herring meat yields 2001, each gram cod meat 1137, calories. Small individuals completely cease to feed at 3°C; they feed little at 8 °C. Larger females consume maximum amounts at 8 °C. Small individuals consume maximum amounts at higher temperatures. Thus, with increasing body weight (age), the temperature for maximum feeding shifts downwards. Feeding with cod or herring meat results in considerable changes in composition and calorific content of L. Limanda. The magnitude of these changes depends both on temperature and food quality. Food conversion efficiency values of herring-fed individuals are about 1 1/2 times higher than of cod-fed individuals. In series I and II, females are more efficient converters than males. In individuals weighing more than 50 g, conversion efficiency decreases in the order: 8°, 13°, 18° C; in smaller individuals this order is 13°, 18°, 8 °C. Conversion rate is about 2 to 5 times faster in individuals fed herring meat than those receiving cod meat. Conversion rate decreases in the order 13°, 8°, 18 °C in males, and in the order 18°, 13°, 8 °C in females; females of more than 80 g are exceptional in that they reach the maximum at 8 °C. From the data on food intake and food conversion, the biologically useful energy available for metabolism has been calculated for each test individual kept at 13° and 18 °C. At these temperature levels, the weight exponents are about 0.6; the a value or metabolic level for the 18 °C series is about 2 times higher than that at 13 °C. Thus, temperature affects metabolic rate but not the exponential value. The exponential value for the body weight-metabolism relation at 13 °C is for dab fed herring meat 0.9; the a value amounts to about half that for dab fed cod meat. Food quality, unlike temperature, alters not only the exponential value but also metabolic rate.  相似文献   

The difference in morphology between zoeae of Cancer magister Dana from Alaskan and Californian waters was documented to determine if the morphological variation is attributable to environmental influences. First-stage zoeae from Alaska have significantly longer carapace spines than zoeae from central California. The dorsal, rostral and lateral carapace spines were 14, 14 and 29% longer, respectively, in the Alaskan zoeae. The effect of temperature was tested on zoeal morphology as it is an obvious environmental difference between Alaskan and Californian waters. Ovigerous female crabs collected in southeastern Alaska in 1984 were held at 1°, 5°, 10° and 15° C until hatching occurred. Eggs were sampled seven times during the incubation period, and relative mortality, egg diameter and development stage were measured. All of the crabs and eggs at 1° C died before hatching occurred. Egg mortality averaged less than 2% in the other temperature treatments. Egg diameter increased significantly over the incubation period for all temperatures. Developmental rate of the embryos was inversely related to temperature. Hatching first occurred in 42 d at 15° C, 60 at 10° C and 160 d at 5° C. Newly hatched zoeae were collected and body length, dorsal, rostral and lateral carapace spines were measured. Significant differences existed between all temperatures for all spine lengths, with longer spines occurring at lower temperatures. Zoeal body lengths were also significantly different between the three temperatures. The results of this study question the use of spine lengths to distinguish similar larval species.  相似文献   

Exposure of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) to oil-polluted sea water for 7 d in the laboratory did not affect their body fluid concentrations of inorganic ions and free amino acids. Mussels exposed to-4°C for 12 h did not freeze, whereas freezing occurred invariably in mussels exposed to-7°C or lower temperatures for the same period. Following freezing at-10°C, oil polluted mussels resumed normal activity considerably more slowly than unpolluted ones, but oil-polluted as well as unpolluted mussels showed normal activity 3 h after thawing. Freezing at-15°C was invariably lethal to individuals of both groups. One possible explanation of the delayed recovery of oil-polluted mussels frozen at-10°C may be that oil components had become concentrated to toxic levels as the amount of solvent water diminished during freezing.  相似文献   

A mass mortality of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, attributed to disease, was monitored in an echinoiddominated barren ground at Eagle Head on the south-western coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1982. Mortality was 70% in a shallow (3 m) nearshore area, resulting in a loss of echinoid biomass of 2 042 g fresh weight m-2, and 6% in deeper (7 m, 10 m) offshore areas. Echinoid density, size and nutritional condition (gonad index) were highest in the nearshore area. Survivorship was higher in juveniles (<15 mm diameter) than in adults resulting in the formation of a bimodal size distribution in the nearshore area. Mortality began around early October, near the peak of the annual cycle of seawater temperature (15°C), and was arrested by early December (seawater temperature 7°C) when morbid echinoids appeared to recover. In laboratory experiments, time to morbidity of S. droebachiensis exposed to morbid conspecifics increased exponentially with decreasing temperature (20° to 8°C). There was no survival at 20° and 16°C, 20% survival at 12°C and 100% survival at 8°C after 60 d; suggesting a lower temperature limit (between 12° and 8°C) for possible transmission of a pathogenic agent. Morbid laboratory echinoids from experiments at 16°C, and recovering echinoids collected in the nearshore area in early December, showed 100 and 85% survival respectively at <=8°C, and 0 and 15% survival respectively at 16°C, after 30 d. Time to morbidity was not affected significantly by nutritional condition and was similar for juvenile and adult echinoids. Time to morbidity was greater in echinoids exposed to one or three morbid individuals continuously, or seven morbid individuals for 1 h, relative to higher levels of exposure (up to seven morbid individuals continuously). Recent mass mortalities in S. droebachiensis have occurred in years of record high sea surface temperatures. The extent of mortality is correlated with the magnitude and duration of temperatures above a lower limit.  相似文献   

The ivory tree coral Oculina varicosa (Leseur, 1820) is an ahermatypic branching scleractinian that colonizes limestone ledges at depths of 6–100 m along the Atlantic coast of Florida. This paper describes the development of embryos and larvae from shallow-water O. varicosa, collected at 6–8 m depth in July 1999 off Fort Pierce, Florida (27°32.542 N; 79°58.732 W). The effect of temperature on embryogenesis, larval survival, and larval swimming speed were examined in the laboratory. Ontogenetic changes in geotaxis and phototaxis were also investigated. Embryos developed via spiral cleavage from small (100 µm), negatively buoyant eggs. Ciliated larvae developed after 6–9 h at 25°C. Embryogenesis ceased at 10°C, was inhibited at 17°C, and progressed normally at 25°C and 30°C. Larval survival, however, was high across the full range of experimental temperatures (11–31°C), although mortality increased in the warmest treatments (26°C and 31°C). Larval swimming speed was highest at 25°C, and lower at the temperature extremes (5°C and 35°C). An ontogenetic change in geotaxis was observed; newly ciliated larvae swam to the water surface and remained there for approximately 18 h, after which they swam briefly throughout the water column, then became demersal. Early larvae showed no response to light stimulation, but at 14 and 23 days larvae appeared to exhibit negatively phototactic behavior. Although low temperatures inhibited the development of O. varicosa embryos, the larvae survived temperature extremes for extended periods of time. Ontogenetic changes in larval behavior may ensure that competent larvae are close to the benthos to facilitate settlement. Previous experiments on survival, swimming speeds, and observations on behavior of O. varicosa larvae from deep-water adults indicate that there is no difference between larvae of the deep and shallow populations.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Nine individuals of shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, were tracked in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, off northern Chile, by means of pop-up satellite archival tags. No common pattern was observed in their trajectories, apart from a movement onshore of all the fish tracked during June–August. The average estimated rate of movement was of c. 27 km day−1. Data were collected and processed for a total of 341 days, including 33 days for one recaptured fish specimen, allowing high-resolution archived data to be downloaded. The fish spent most of their time in the mixed layer but undertook dives down to 888 m. Ambient temperatures ranged between 4.6 and 24.1°C, and the sea surface temperatures recorded ranged from 13.4 to 24.1°C during the study period. No clear diel pattern in depth behavior was observed, but mean vertical distribution was deeper during the daytime. Moreover, a foraging pattern, consisting of rapid descents below the thermocline followed by slower ascents, was generally observed during daylight hours. Dissolved oxygen concentration and water temperature seem to be the main factors affecting the vertical range of the species in the area. This is the first study on electronic tagging of the shortfin mako in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and covers the longest total tracking period reported so far for this species.  相似文献   

Continuous temperature measurements were made in a typical South East African estuary. Mean summer (November to March) temperatures were in the range 19° to 24°C, and in winter (June to August) from 13° to 16°C. Large daily temperature fluctuations of 6° to 10°C occurred in summer; these appear to result from tidal movement of cool sea water into the estuary. In winter, temperature fluctuations were much smaller (3° to 5°C). The burrowing prawn Upogebia africana (Obtmann) was found to have an upper lethal temperature of 29°C in both winter and summer. The resistance time of prawns to temperatures above 30°C was much greater in summer than in winter. It was possible to acclimate winter prawns and increase their resistance time to a level comparable to that of summer individuals. A latent period of 40 h occurred before acclimation effects were detectable. Long-term exposure of prawns to high temperatures did not increase their resistance above that of summer prawns. Water at a temperature above this upper lethal temperature is not pumped through the burrows. This avoidance behaviour considerably increases the ability of U. africana to withstand short-lived temperature extremes.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and respiration of 4 species of the marine red algal genus Polysiphonia were evaluated under a variety of light, temperature and salinity conditions. The manometric results were compared with the local distribution and abundance of each species. The species can be separated into two distinct categories based on their overall distribution and temperature optima: (1) cold water plants [P. lanosa (L.) Tandy and P. elongata (Hudson) Sprengel], with peak photosynthesis at 21° to 24°C, but with active photosynthesis as low as 5°C; (2) plants with warm-water affinities [P. nigrescens (Hudson) Greville and P. subtilissima Montagne], having photosynthetic optima at 27° to 30°C, and exhibiting little or no photosynthesis below 10°C. The plants from the first group exhibit thermal injury at temperatures of 25°C and show a narrow tolerance to low salinities during periods of high temperatures. The plants from the second group show thermal injury at 30°C and have a wider tolerance to low salinities. The horizontal distribution of the 4 Polysiphonia species within the Great Bay Estuary System of New Hampshire, USA, is primarily governed by their tolerances to high temperatures and low salinities. The temperature optimum for each of the species corresponds to its particular estuarine distribution. Thus, P. subtilissima, having the highest temperature optimum, penetrated furthest into the Estuary, while P. lanosa, having the lowest temperature optimum, was restricted to the more coastal stations. There was a good correspondence between the natural distribution patterns and the manometric results.Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Contribution No. 731.Scientific Contribution No. 4 of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory.  相似文献   

M. Omori 《Marine Biology》1971,9(3):228-234
Sergestes lucens Hansen, a mesopelagic shrimp fished commercially in Suruga Bay, Japan, was successfully reared from egg to post-larval stage V under laboratory conditions. Chaetoceros ceratosporum and Artemia nauplii were found to be satisfactory food in the laboratory during rearing. Growth, mortality, food preference, and feeding and swimming activities during the various developmental stages were investigated. Temperature changes greatly affected the speed of development and the mortality of the larvae. The optimum temperature range for larval development was 18° to 25°C. The growth rate (length) of larval stages was as rapid as 0.16mm/ day at 20 °C and 0.21 mm/day at 23 °C. The larvae first started feeding on phytoplankton at elaphocaris stage I, and then gradually became predators in the post-larval stages. It is suggested that the critical period for the species occurs in the elaphocaris stages. Environmental data, vertical distribution of the species, and data obtained from laboratory experiments suggest that the fluctuation in the abundance of S. lucens is greatly influenced by the water temperature at around 50 m from June to August. Feeding mechanisms observed in the post-larval stages are described.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of 3 species of Patella was measured in air and water at various temperatures. Measurements at constant temperature over a full tidal cycle showed no tidal or light-dark rhythms. Measurements under conditions simulating natural tidal, temperature and day-night cycles allowed calculation of daily respiratory energy budgets. P. cochlear occurs low on the shore, but experiences a food shortage due to intense intraspecific competition. Its rate of respiration is moderate, but metabolic expenditure is kept low because exposure to air is brief and body temperatures seldom rise above 23°C. P. cochlear has a respiratory rate-temperature (R-T) curve which peaks at 20°C and forms a plateau between 20° and 32.5°C. The midshore P. oculus has abundant food and adopts an exploitative strategy. Growth rate is very high, and this high turnover of energy is linked with a high metabolic rate, high Q10 (temperature coefficient) values, high body temperatures during the day-time low tide, and a respiratory R-T curve peaking at 32.5°C. Small P. oculus occur mainly in intertidal pools and respire faster in water, while larger individuals occur on bare rocks and respire faster in air over the upper temperature range. In contrast, the upper-shore P. granularis has little food, and conservation of energy is essential, particularly as its growth rate is moderate and its reprocurve output high. Respiratory losses are reduced by suppression of the R-T curve and low Q10 values, resulting in relative independence of temperature. Small P. granularis occur low on the shore and respire slower in water. Larger individuals occur at high levels due to migration, and respire slower in air. This further reduces respiratory energy losses. The patterns of respiration in these 3 species are thus related to food availability, resulting in exploitative or conservationist strategies.  相似文献   

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