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深埋长隧道施工地质灾害风险模糊层次评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地质灾害是影响深埋长隧道安全施工的重要因素,将综合超前地质预报和模糊层次评价相结合,建立深埋长隧道地质灾害风险预测体系。首先对超前地质预报进行了研究并建立综合超前地质预报体系,以该体系为指导对隧道进行地质预报,了解掌子面前方的地质信息。其次在地质预报基础上作隧道施工地质灾害风险模糊层次评价,对隧道施工中可能遇到的地质灾害及整体风险程度进行评估。最后以米仓山隧道为工程背景,对建立的地质灾害风险预测体系进行了实践,得到里程段内发生涌水突泥、塌方、大变形及岩爆等地质灾害的风险等级,以及地质灾害整体综合评价风险等级。  相似文献   

油罐区泄漏及火灾危险危害评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对某大型油罐区进行泄漏及火灾的危险危害评价.采用毒性物质泄漏扩散模型模拟油罐的泄漏事故,得出了泄漏介质在罐区附近的等质量浓度分布曲线;采用池火火焰与辐射强度模型,计算油罐、输油管道、汽车装油栈台等发生池火灾时的热辐射强度,并结合不同辐射强度值对人和设备的影响程度,给出了池火灾的影响范围.  相似文献   

Processes that utilize multistage compression systems (olefins plant compression systems, gas processing, integrated refrigeration systems, etc.) have the potential for overpressure due to single or multiple check-valve failure. Catastrophic equipment failure resulting from overpressure can potentially occur due to compression system discharge, interstage, and/or suction check-valve failure, coincident with compressor shutdown. Depending on system design and application, overpressure values approaching or exceeding 300% of equipment design are possible, while for some equipment, even limited overpressure can result in catastrophic vessel failure due to brittle fracture. Additional hazards associated with compression system fail-to-check scenarios include risks associated with excessive flare loading and compressor rotor reverse rotation. In the case of an ethylene refrigeration compressor at a typical ethylene plant, rotor reverse rotation can potentially exceed overspeed limits.This paper provides risk assessment results based on analyses performed on the three primary compression systems in six ethylene plants. The methodologies used for risk identification screening, detailed risk assessment and evaluation of system dynamics are all presented. Alternative methods for mitigating risks are also discussed, along with check-valve reliability data. An overview of applicable overpressure protection requirements defined in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is provided. This paper will be of interest to anyone who designs or operates multistage compression systems in the chemical, petrochemical or refining industries.  相似文献   

The hazards of dust explosions prevailing in plants are dependent on a large variety of factors that include process parameters, such as pressure, temperature and flow characteristics, as well as equipment properties, such as geometry layout, the presence of moving elements, dust explosion characteristics and mitigating measures. A good dust explosion risk assessment is a thorough method involving the identification of all hazards, their probability of occurrence and the severity of potential consequences. The consequences of dust explosions are described as consequences for personnel and equipment, taking into account consequences of both primary and secondary events.While certain standards cover all the basic elements of explosion prevention and protection, systematic risk assessments and area classifications are obligatory in Europe, as required by EU ATEX and Seveso II directives. In the United States, NFPA 654 requires that the design of the fire and explosion safety provisions shall be based on a process hazard analysis of the facility, process, and the associated fire or explosion hazards. In this paper, we will demonstrate how applying such techniques as SCRAM (short-cut risk analysis method) can help identify potentially hazardous conditions and provide valuable assistance in reducing high-risk areas. The likelihood of a dust explosion is based on the ignition probability and the probability of flammable dust clouds arising. While all possible ignition sources are reviewed, the most important ones include open flames, mechanical sparks, hot surfaces, electric equipment, smoldering combustion (self-ignition) and electrostatic sparks and discharges. The probability of dust clouds arising is closely related to both process and dust dispersion properties.Factors determining the consequences of dust explosions include how frequently personnel are present, the equipment strength, implemented consequence-reducing measures and housekeeping, as risk assessment techniques demonstrate the importance of good housekeeping especially due to the enormous consequences of secondary dust explosions (despite their relatively low probability). The ignitibility and explosibility of the potential dust clouds also play a crucial role in determining the overall risk.Classes describe both the likelihood of dust explosions and their consequences, ranging from low probabilities and limited local damage, to high probability of occurrence and catastrophic damage. Acceptance criteria are determined based on the likelihood and consequence of the events. The risk assessment techniques also allow for choosing adequate risk reducing measures: both preventive and protective. Techniques for mitigating identified explosions risks include the following: bursting disks and quenching tubes, explosion suppression systems, explosion isolating systems, inerting techniques and temperature control. Advanced CFD tools (DESC) can be used to not only assess dust explosion hazards, but also provide valuable insight into protective measures, including suppression and venting.  相似文献   

Objectives. The aim of this article is to reduce the risk of occupational hazards and improve safety conditions by enhancing hazard knowledge and identification as well as improving safety behavior for freight port enterprises. Methods. In the article, occupational hazards to health and their prevention measures of freight port enterprises have been summarized through a lot of occupational health evaluation work, experience and understanding. Results. Workers of freight port enterprises confront an equally wide variety of chemical, physical and psychological hazards in production technology, production environment and the course of labor. Such health hazards have been identified, the risks evaluated, the dangers to health notified and effective prevention measures which should be put in place to ensure the health of the port workers summarized. Discussion. There is still a long way to go for the freight port enterprises to prevent and control the occupational hazards. Except for occupational hazards and their prevention measures, other factors that influence the health of port workers should also be paid attention to, such as age, work history, gender, contraindication and even the occurrence and development rules of occupational hazards in current production conditions.  相似文献   

水电工程地下洞室施工建设周期长、施工复杂,不同工种作业人员众多,且都属于地下作业,现场作业环境恶劣,加强作业人员职业健康保护尤显重要。本文通过调查水电工程地下洞室施工过程中的工程建设内容、施工机械设备、作业人员构成,并根据水电工程地下洞室施工各阶段的施工特点,分析了各阶段施工作业过程中可能产生的职业性有害因素的类型和特点。在此基础上,有针对性的提出预防控制措施,以达到防治相关职业性有害因素对作业人员危害的目的。  相似文献   

To improve safety one has to know where risks are. For determining risks, hazards have to be identified and representative accident scenarios defined. This needs effort and technique. Man is quite limited in foresight without having experience and lessons from the past. For knowing the risk of an incidental, undesired event both its severity and probability has to be estimated. Then ways to reduce risk become clear. In a process plant risks are many and it is not possible to remove them all. One has to attribute priorities. Intuitive and qualitative methods can do much, but plant complexity may be large and communication on risk may become difficult without formal methodology. Quantitative risk analysis offers much, but has its weaknesses and drawbacks. The required effort is considerable, specialists are needed, and variability in answers is large. Yet, a model built to go along with the life of an installation and updated periodically may be very useful. This paper presents an overview of the demand, problems encountered, possible remedies, and an outlook on useful improvement and extension of risk analysis methodology, including decision making.  相似文献   

通过开展现场卫生学调查、职业病危害因素检测和职业健康体检的方法,对熔模铸造企业职业病危害因素分布及其健康影响进行了研究。调查结果表明:该企业作业场所存在粉尘、噪声、高温、石蜡烟等多种职业病危害因素,并已对作业人员健康造成损害。其中矽尘、高温等职业病危害因素超标严重;制壳、熔炼、浇铸等岗位的职业病危害严重,需重点加以治理。  相似文献   

Laboratory hydrogen generators, medical oxygen, and micro-breweries are examples of modular and micro technologies that are commercial successes. Researchers, patients, and unskilled workers operate these facilities but more complex processes require highly qualified personnel to ensure they operate safely. Modular-micro processes in isolated locations meet economic objectives when operated remotely thereby minimizing labor costs. Mitigating the risk requires a comprehensive hazards analysis with advanced control systems particularly for explosive and toxic compounds. Here, we propose a method called Failure Mode Risk Decision (FMRD) to review the inherent hazards of a micro-refinery unit (MRU) that converts flared and wasted natural gas to long chain hydrocarbons. This approach combines the Process Flow Failure Mode (PFFM) methodology as a systematic and reliable technique with a novel numerical risk assessment to improve the analytical evaluation of hazardous conditions. The objective is to combine causes and consequences in a single metric, where scaled probability of evident causes and severity of consequences are used to derive a risk level measure. With the proposed metric, the magnitude of a potential hazard is directly correlated with the risk level. This mechanism identifies extra risk scenarios compared to the classical hazard analysis method and provides a straightforward comprehensive numerical assessment to represent the inherent and residual risks to facilitate justifying the hazardous scenarios. Accordingly, we design a safety loop and supply all the required facilities to remove the potential risks at the process plant. Not only the proposed methodology clarifies the risks of the MRU presented in this study, but can be extended to review the hazards of other chemical process plants.  相似文献   

尽管采用了新型的造船模式,而且在我国的现代化造船厂中得到了广泛的应用,但是造船企业的职业病危害问题并没有得到根本性的解决;那么,如何有效控制造船行业职业病的发生,就成了所有造船企业面临的一个共同难题。本文通过识别某造船厂存在的主要职业病危害因素,检测危害因素的浓度或强度,并结合现场调查结果,分析造船企业工作场所中相关的危害因素超标原因,确定超标作业点,也就明确了造船企业职业病危害关键因素和严重危害区域,达到根据作业特点、场所、工种的不同,有针对性地采取职业病危害工程技术和个体防护措施的目的,为帮助造船企业在日常生产中进一步做好职业病危害因素的防控工作具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Many diazonium salts are thermally unstable and sensitive to friction and shock. Most diazonium salts are known for their violent decomposition hazard in the solid state. There are many industrial and laboratory incidents caused by this group of chemicals. For safety purposes, the hazards related to the preparation and the handling of diazonium salts are discussed. Twelve cardinal rules are provided:1. Use only a stoichiometric amount of sodium nitrite when generating diazonium salts, avoiding excess sodium nitrite.2. Check for the excess of nitrous acid by starch–potassium iodide papers and neutralize it.3. Minimize the presence of nitrous acid by combining amine and acid first, then subsequently adding the sodium nitrite.4. Keep the temperature below 5 °C.5. Always vent the gases generated.6. Determine the thermal stability of diazonium compounds in your system.7. Understand the explosive properties of diazonium salts. If unknown, always assume they are explosive.8. Never allow the undesired precipitation of diazonium salts out of solution.9. Analyze the residual diazo compounds in the final product, especially for new process conditions.10. Quench the remaining diazonium salts before any further treatments.11. Isolate no more than 0.75 mmol of explosive diazonium salts at one time; also consider the addition of an inert material to stabilize the diazonium salts.12. Use a plastic spatula when handling the solid. The dried powder should not be “scratched” with a metal spatula or ground finely.An example of a testing strategy and data interpretation is provided for a process which has multiple steps and two diazonium compounds. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Heat of Mixing calorimetry (HOM) successfully serve as efficient tests to screen thermal stability and gas generation, identifying the candidates for advanced tests.  相似文献   

为解决尾矿库安全隐患及风险,应用基于证据(Evidence-based)方法和事故树分析模型,辨识并表征尾矿库事故影响因素、隐患及耦合状态,根据事件发生可能性、潜在后果严重性和受体暴露程度相关独立参数,给出尾矿库事故风险表征方法,建立尾矿库事故多情景、多阶段(3段)、多层次和多等级(4级)风险防控框架。结果表明:对尾矿库5类事故(溃坝、漫顶、渗流、输送冒漏、库区扬尘)进行分析,得出基本事件或蛰伏隐患对尾矿库事故结构重要度或影响程度,给出尾矿库事故风险3维表征方法,并结合巴西布鲁马迪尼奥尾矿库进行实例应用,确定尾矿库风险等级(最高级4级),验证方法可行性与有效性。研究结果可为尾矿库减灾防灾提供理论支撑与实践指导。  相似文献   

高危作业职业危害的严重性迫切需要对此建立有效的预警机制。目前的预警方法无法对多种职业危害因素作出综合、系统的评价。本文采用改进的BP神经网络,对多种职业危害因素进行综合预警,该预警模型不受人为因素的影响,在误差允许范围内可实现准确的实时预测。  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper used a quantitative analysis of relevant risks through the development of fault tree analysis and risk analysis methods to aid real time risk prediction and safety evaluation of leak in a storage tank. Criticality of risk elements and their attributes can be used with real time data to predict potential failures likely to occur. As an example, a risk matrix was used to rank risk of events that could lead to a leak in a storage tank and to make decisions on risks to be allowed based on past statistical data. An intelligent system that recognizes increasing level(s) and draws awareness to the possibility of additional increase before unsafe levels are attained was used to analyse and make critical decisions. After a visual depiction of relationships between hazards and controls had been actualized, dynamic risk modelling was used to quantify the effect controls can potentially have on hazards by applying historical and real-time data into a probabilistic model. The output of a dynamic risk model is near real-time quantitative predictions of risk likelihood. Results from the risk matrix analysis method mixed with RTD and FTA were analyzed, evaluated, and compared.  相似文献   

针对山区油气管道地质灾害的基本特征,将层次分析与模糊综合评价相结合,建立起可用于山区管道地质灾害易发性评价的层次-模糊评价模型;并从自然因素、管道敷设状况、灾害活动和设计与误操作四个方面建立山区油气管道地质灾害易发性评价体系.首先依据专家经验构造各层影响因素的判断矩阵,并利用层次分析法求出各影响因素的权重集,然后对山区油气管道地质灾害易发性进行多级模糊综合评价,最终根据评价结果确定山区油气管道地质灾害易发性等级.通过具体实例检验了本文所建立评价方法的应用效果.  相似文献   

We investigated the charge generated on bedclothes (cotton and polyester) during bedding exchange with different humidities and the ignitability of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (72.3 mass% ethanol) due to static spark with different temperatures to identify the hazards of electrostatic shocks and ignitions occurring previously in medical facilities. The results indicated that charging of the polyester bedclothes may induce a human body potential of over about 10?kV, resulting in shocks even at a relative humidity of 50%, and a human body potential of higher than about 8?kV can cause a risk for the ignition of the hand sanitizer. The grounding of human bodies via footwear and flooring, therefore, is essential to avoid such hazards (or to reduce such risks).  相似文献   

Accidents and injuries related to work are major occupational health problems in most of the industrialized countries.Traditional approaches to manage workplace safety in mines have mainly focused on job redesign and technical aspects of engineering systems.It is being realized that compliance to rules and regulations of mines is a prerequisite;however,it is not sufficient to achieve further reduction in accident and injury rates in mines.Proactive approaches are necessary to further improve the safety standards in mines.Unsafe conditions and practices in mines lead to a number of accidents,which in turn may cause loss and injury to human lives,damages to property,and loss of production.Hazard identification and risk assessment is an important task for the mining industry which needs to consider all the risk factors at workplaces.Applications of risk management approaches in mines are necessary to identify and quantify potential hazards and to suggest effective solutions.In this paper,the following risk estimation techniques were discussed:(i)DGMS(Directorate General of Mines Safety,India)risk rating criterion,and(ii)a matrix based approach.The proposed tools were demonstrated through an application in an opencast coal mine in India.It was inferred that the risk assessment approach can be used as an effective tool to indentify and control hazards in mines.  相似文献   

A computationally simple method is outlined to calculate the maximum adiabatic temperature rise for the decomposition of a compound. This method, termed the MART method, is shown to be useful to assess the likelihood of a compound being an energy release hazard. Calculations were made for a number of classes of compounds and the results were analyzed for each class. The method was shown to give relatively clear transitions between compounds not being energy release hazards up to a breakpoint value and being energy release hazards at higher values past the breakpoint value. Peroxides were shown to be a class of compounds that the method works less well on. A predictive rule that could be used regardless of compound class is suggested. The MART method was compared to the more computationally intensive CART method and was found to be quite similar in performance. Also discussed is the potential incorporation of the MART method into the CHETAHTM software.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations are rapidly introducing hazardous technological activities into less-developed nations. There is considerable evidence that this feature of global commerce poses risks to health, safety and natural resources, and most immediately endangers the workers involved. The less-developed nations hosting these activities are vulnerable to exploitation of their human resources because they lack the safeguards, expertise, and public pressures that prevent harms to workers in developed nations. This paper presents an evaluation of approaches taken by international and industrial organizations to address workplace hazards by soft law, hard law, codes of conduct, and voluntary self-regulation. Finding that these approaches have repeatedly failed, a new approach is presented for the purpose of assuring that the transfer of technology will be accompanied by the transference of practices for using it safely. The key features of this approach are then considered: defining a standard of care which aims to provide equivalent treatment of worker health and safety across all nations, irrespective of their level of development, and establishing contractual relationships between multinational companies and host countries as a feasible means of implementing the standard and achieving equivalent treatment.  相似文献   

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