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Hojaji E 《Chemosphere》2012,89(3):319-326
The binding behavior of lignin for Pb, Cu, Co, Mn, Cd and Ni was studied using the diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT). Samplers with different structures of diffusive gel were used in the well-stirred systems containing known concentrations of metals along with (a) 10, 20 and 40 μM lignin and; (b) 0.64 and 6.47 μM Suwannee river fulvic acid + 40 μM lignin at an ionic strength of 0.01 M (NaNO3) and pH = 7. Diffusion coefficients of lignin complexes in acrylamide gels were estimated and found to be less than 5% of the equivalent coefficients for the uncomplexed metal ions. These values were used to calculate concentrations of labile metals from DGT measurements in solutions, where lignin could discriminate metals in the order of Pb+2 > Cu+2 > Cd+2 > Ni+2 > Co+2 > Mn+2. Stability constants (Log K) were calculated using Visual MINTEQ II and WHAM V software. The K values were compared with the stability constants from titration of Pb and Cd with 10 μM lignin aqueous samples and with those of humic substances in natural waters. The constants obtained from measurement of complexing capacities might bias the real corresponding values unless two line regression analyses on titration data are considered. The DGT study of fractionation of metal species at varying ratios indicated that the proportion of organic complexes decreased with increasing ratios and gradually more metals were exchanged with inorganic phases. Speciation of Pb and Cd is affected by the concentrations of FA, Cd is dominantly bound with FA while Pb is evenly partitioned between the ligands. The comprehensive knowledge of metal-lignin complexes sheds some light on in situ operational speciation information that can be achieved by DGT.  相似文献   

Larner BL  Seen AJ  Snape I 《Chemosphere》2006,65(5):811-820
This work has been the first application of DGT samplers for measuring metals in water and sediment porewater in the Antarctic environment, and whilst DGT water sampling was restricted to quantification of Cd, Fe and Ni, preconcentration using Empore chelating disks provided results for an additional nine elements (Sn, Pb, Al, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, As). Although higher concentrations were measured for some metals (Cd, Ni, Pb) using the Empore technique, most likely due to particulate-bound or colloidal species becoming entrapped in the Empore chelating disks, heavy metal concentrations in the impacted Brown Bay were found to be comparable with the non-impacted O'Brien Bay. Sediment porewater sampling using DGT also indicated little difference between Brown Bay and O'Brien Bay for many metals (Cd, Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu), however, greater amounts of Pb, Mn, Fe and As were accumulated in DGT probes deployed in Brown Bay compared with O'Brien Bay, and a higher accumulation of Sn was observed in Brown Bay inner than any of the other three sites sampled. Comparison of DGT derived porewater concentrations with actual porewater concentrations showed limited resupply of Cd, Pb, Al, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and As from the solid phase to porewater, with these metals appearing to be strongly bound to the sediment, however, resupply of Fe and Sn was apparent. Based upon our observations here, we suggest that Sn, and to a lesser extent Pb, are critical contaminants.  相似文献   

The diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique was evaluated in modelling wheat (Triticum aestivum) arsenic toxicity using a dataset of As-contaminated soil samples (n = 28) collected from former sheep dip sites. Above ground wheat biomass from a 21-day early growth bioassay was adopted as the response variable and the dose-response relationships were modelled using the three-parameter sigmoid equation. The DGT-derived effective soil solution As to P concentration ratios corresponded strongly to the differences in the response variable. With a single sample identified as an outlier, the 95% confidence interval for the effective soil solution As/P molar concentration ratio which resulted in a 50% reduction in the response (EC50) was 0.168-0.360. While the DGT-derived soil measure of As/P ratio was shown as a promising phytotoxicity predictor, the influence of P nutrition on the dose-response relationship deserves further consideration.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale column experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic carbon amendments on the mobility of As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl and Zn in mine tailings. Three columns were packed with sulfide- and carbonate-rich tailings, which were amended with a 1:1 (vol.) mixture of peat and spent brewing grain at proportions of 0, 2 and 5vol.%. A simulated input solution characterized by circumneutral pH and elevated concentrations of SO(4) and S(2)O(3) was passed through the columns for 540 days. The input solution contained low concentrations of metal(loid)s during the initial 300 days and elevated concentrations thereafter. Decreases in mass transport of S(2)O(3) were observed in all columns; with increased attenuation observed at 5 vol. % organic carbon content. Removal of Mn, Ni, Cu, Sb and Mo was observed in all columns during the initial 300 days. However, during this time, mobilization of Fe, As, Zn and Pb was observed, with the greatest increases in concentration observed at the higher organic carbon content. During the final 240 days, S(2)O(3) removal was enhanced in columns containing organic carbon, and Fe, Mn, Ni, Tl, As and Sb removal also was observed. This study demonstrates the influence of organic carbon amendments on metal(loid) mobility in mine tailings. Decreases in mass discharge of metal(loid)s may be achieved using this technique; however, site-specific geochemical conditions must be considered before field-scale implementation.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to assess the potential of several industrial wastes to immobilise metals in two polluted soils deriving from an old Pb/Zn mine. Two different approaches were used to assess the performance of different amendments: a chemical one, using extraction by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and a biological one, using Lupinus albus as a bio-indicator. Four amendments were used: inorganic sugar production waste (named ‘sugar foam’, SF), sludge from a drinking water treatment sludge (DWS), organic waste from olive mill waste (OMW) and paper mill sludge (PMS). Amendment to soil ratios ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 (w/w). All the amendments were capable of significantly decreasing (p?<?0.05) EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in the two soils used, with decreases in ranges 21–100, 25–100 and 2–100 % for Pb, Zn and Cu, respectively. The amendments tested were also effective in reducing the bioavailability of Pb and Zn for L. albus, which gave rise to a decrease in shoot metal accumulation by the lupine plants compared to that found in the control soil. That decrease reached up to 5.6 and 2.8 times for Pb and Zn, respectively, being statistically significant in most cases. Moreover, application of the OMW, DWS and SF amendments led to higher average values of plant biomass (up to 71 %) than those obtained in the control soil. The results obtained showed the technology put forward to be a viable means of remediating mine soils as it led to a decrease in the availability and toxicity of metals and, thus, facilitated the growth of a vegetation layer.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To date, no study has linked the environmental and the ecogenotoxicological bioavailability of contaminants to land snails. Yet, understanding the...  相似文献   

This study investigated the concentration of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn in 102 soils (in the Near and Far areas of the mine), 7 tailings, and 60 plant samples (shoots and roots of Artemisia sieberi and Zygophylum species) collected at the Gol-E-Gohar iron ore mine in Iran. The elemental concentrations in tailings and soil samples (in Near and Far areas) varied between 7.4 and 35.8 mg kg?1 for As (with a mean of 25.39 mg kg?1 for tailings), 7.9 and 261.5 mg kg?1 (mean 189.83 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Co, 17.7 and 885.03 mg kg?1 (mean 472.77 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Cu, 12,500 and 400,000 mg kg?1 (mean 120,642.86 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Fe, and 28.1 and 278.1 mg kg?1 (mean 150.29 mg kg?1 for tailings) for Ni. A number of physicochemical parameters and pollution index for soils were determined around the mine. Sequential extractions of tailings and soil samples indicated that Fe, Cr, and Co were the least mobile and that Mn, Zn, Cu, and As were potentially available for plants uptake. Similar to soil, the concentration of Al, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Zn in plant samples decreased with the distance from the mining/processing areas. Data on plants showed that metal concentrations in shoots usually exceeded those in roots and varied significantly between the two investigated species (Artemisia sieberi > Zygophylum). All the reported results suggest that the soil and plants near the iron ore mine are contaminated with PTEs and that they can be potentially dispersed in the environment via aerosol transport and deposition.  相似文献   

A novel design of rapidly equilibrating passive air sampler was deployed at 38 sites across 19 European countries to investigate short-term spatial variability of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Devices were sealed in airtight containers to eliminate the possibility of contamination during transit and couriered to recipients with deployment instructions. Exposure times of 7days permitted the use of back trajectory analysis to further understand the factors responsible for influencing the large-scale spatial distribution of PCBs, PBDEs, PCNs, PAHs, lindane and HCB. Following sampler harvest, devices were sealed and returned for analysis. Comparison of sequestered levels showed that PAHs exhibited the greatest spatial variability (by a factor of 30) with higher levels often associated with greater population density. In contrast, HCB values were much more uniform, reflecting its well mixed distribution in the atmosphere. Spatial variation was strongly influenced by air mass origin, with lower levels being observed at most sites impacted by maritime air masses.  相似文献   

The reclamation of freshly produced composite or consolidated tailings (CT) is a challenge for the Oil Sands Industry in the boreal forest of Western Canada. CT tailings materials are characterized by a relatively high salinity (dominated by sodium, sulphate and chloride) and a high pH (8-9). A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the germination, survival, injury and early plant growth of two grass species recommended for land reclamation, altai wildrye (Elymus angustus Trin) and slender wheatgrass (Agropyron trachycaulum Link Malte), growing in two different oil sand CT tailings (alum-CT and gypsum-CT), with and without peat amendment. Ion accumulation in the resulting plant tissues was determined. Our results showed that slender wheatgrass was most affected by the tailings at the germination stage, while for altai wildrye, the early growth stage was the most sensitive stage. Alum-CT had similar or less negative impact on plants than gypsum-CT. Amendment of CT with peat limited the reduction in germination and growth that was recorded in plants growing directly in CT. Based on these results, recommendations were made to improve reclamation strategies.  相似文献   

The measurement of diffusive gels in thin films (DGT) has recently been developed to assess metal bioavailability in soils. The DGT-method is based on diffusion in a porous matrix. To test the predictive capabilities of the method with regard to metal bioavailability, a study was set up with 28 soils having a variety of textures and amounts of zinc salts added. Correlation and regression analyses were performed to compare DGT-extracted zinc levels to zinc concentrations obtained by extraction with 0.01 M CaCl(2) and 0.43 M HNO(3), digestion with aqua regia and the zinc concentration in pore water. The amount of zinc extracted with CaCl(2) correlated well with DGT-extracted zinc levels in all soils spiked with different amounts of ZnCl(2). A similar correlation was not found for zinc concentrations in soil samples collected in the field. Experiments were performed to compare zinc content in organisms and in soils. The organisms tested were plants (grass, lettuce and lupine) and the hard bodied soil dwelling isopod Oniscus asellus. Good correlations were found between zinc accumulation in grass and lettuce and the C(E) (effective concentration) measured by a DGT-device, CaCl(2) extracted zinc and the zinc content in the pore water of all soils. The correlation with C(E) was not significant for lupine, neither for spiked soils, nor for field soils (p< or =0.001). Zinc levels in the isopods were not significantly related to any set of zinc measurements. From a synthesis of all results obtained it is concluded that the DGT-methodology does not have an additional value in predicting bioavailability of zinc in terrestrial ecosystems as compared to conventional extraction methods.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in encouraging revegetation of copper (Cu) mine tailings. Two native plant species, Coreopsis drummondii and Pteris vittata, together with a turf grass, Lolium perenne and a leguminous plant Trifolium repens associated with and without AMF Glomus mosseae were grown in Cu mine tailings to assess mycorrhizal effects on plant growth, mineral nutrition and metal uptake. Results indicated that symbiotic associations were successfully established between G. mosseae and all plants tested, and mycorrhizal colonization markedly increased plant dry matter yield except for L. perenne. The beneficial impacts of mycorrhizal colonization on plant growth could be largely explained by both improved P nutrition and decreased shoot Cu, As and Cd concentrations. The experiment provided evidence for the potential use of local plant species in combination with AMF for ecological restoration of metalliferous mine tailings.  相似文献   

An in vitro method that simulated the physiological conditions of the digestive process was applied to samples taken from an old mining site, providing information on the levels of metals (Cd, Pb and As) that can be ingested and assimilated by humans. Samples were first characterized by determining pH, texture, mineralogical composition and total metal contents. The mean pH value was 5.4, ranging from 3.1 to 8.4. The mean total metal content for Pb was 2,632+/-59 mg kg(-1), 65+/-1.5 mg kg(-1) for Cd and 279.9+/-9.9 mg kg(-1) for As. Cadmium was the most bioavailable metal both in the stomach and intestinal phases (mean value of 47% and 27.8%, respectively), followed by lead (25.3% and 11.5%) and arsenic (4.9% and 0.5%). A Pearson correlation matrix suggested that pH and mineralogical composition were important factors controlling metal bioavailability from materials in abandoned mining sites.  相似文献   

A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based bacterial biosensor Escherichia coli DH5alpha (pVLCD1) was developed based on the expression of gfp under the control of the cad promoter and the cadC gene of Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pI258. DH5alpha (pVLCD1) mainly responded to Cd(II), Pb(II), and Sb(III), the lowest detectable concentrations being 0.1 nmol L(-1), 10 nmol L(-1), and 0.1 nmol L(-1), respectively, with 2h exposure. The biosensor was field-tested to measure the relative bioavailability of the heavy metals in contaminated sediments and soil samples. The results showed that the majority of heavy metals remained adsorbed to soil particles: Cd(II)/Pb(II) was only partially available to the biosensor in soil-water extracts. Our results demonstrate that the GFP-based bacterial biosensor is useful and applicable in determining the bioavailability of heavy metals with high sensitivity in contaminated sediment and soil samples and suggests a potential for its inexpensive application in environmentally relevant sample tests.  相似文献   

The phytoavailabilities and potential remobilization of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) such as Zn, Pb, Cd, As, and Sb were assessed in contaminated technosols from former mining and smelting sites. The PTE concentrations in soil pore water (SPW) and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT)-measured concentration (C DGT) methods were used to assess the bioavailabilities of PTE and their remobilization in this study. Together with classical Chelex-100 DGT probes to measure Zn, Cd, and Pb, novel ferrihydrite-backed DGT were used for As and Sb measurements alongside with Rhizon soil moisture sampler method for SPW sampling. To assess the phytoavailabilities of PTE, a germination test with dwarf beans as a plant indicator was used for this purpose. Dwarf bean primary leaves showed high Zn concentrations in contrast to Pb and Cd which showed low phytoavailabilities. Despite As and Sb are present in high concentrations in the mine tailings, their phytoavailabilities indicate very low bioavailabilities. The amounts of Zn, Pb, Cd, As, and Sb extracted with DGT devices correlated well with the total dissolved PTE concentrations in the SPW. The highest R values were observed for Zn, followed by Cd and Pb, indicating the ability of the soil to sustain SPW concentrations, which decreased in that order. Good correlations were also observed between each of dissolved PTE concentrations in SPW, DGT-measured PTE concentrations (C DGT), and the accumulation of PTE in dwarf bean primary leaves. It could be concluded that the use of Rhizon soil moisture samplers and DGT methods may be considered to be a good methods to predict the PTE bioavailabilities in contaminated technosols.  相似文献   

Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) is a dynamic, in situ measuring technique that can be used to supply diverse information on concentrations and behaviour of solutes. When deployed in soils and sediments, quantitative interpretation of DGT measurements requires the use of a numerical model. An improved version of the DGT induced fluxes in soils and sediments model (DIFS), working in two dimensions (2D DIFS), was used to investigate the accuracy with which DGT measurements can be used to estimate the distribution coefficient for labile metal (KD) and the response time of the soil to depletion (TC). The 2D DIFS model was used to obtain values of KD and TC for Cd, Zn and Ni in three different soils, which were compared to values determined previously using 1D DIFS for these cases. While the 1D model was shown to provide reasonable estimates of KD, the 2D model refined the estimates of the kinetic parameters. Desorption rate constants were shown to be similar for all three metals and lower than previously thought. Calculation of an error function as KD and TC are systematically varied showed the spread of KD and TC values that fit the experimental data equally well. These automatically generated error maps reflected the quality of the data and provided an appraisal of the accuracy of parameter estimation. They showed that in some cases parameter accuracy could be improved by fitting the model to a sub-set of data.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - It is known that the tailings of gold mines have brought serious heavy metal pollution; however, the heavy metal pollution caused by gold tailings in...  相似文献   

Biosolids and woody debris were applied with target C:N ratios of 8:1 to 50:1 to phytotoxic, acidic, high metal mine tailings to test the effect of amendment C:N ratio on native plant restoration. Total soil C decreased over time indicating an active microbial community. The 8:1 treatment initially had no growth, the highest plant cover for the final sampling (86.8+/-13.8%) and the lowest number of species (3.33+/-0.4). The greatest number of species was in the 30:1 treatment (5.44+/-0.45). Plant cover increased over time for all treatments from 44.7% in 2001 to 71% in 2005. This response was consistent across all except for the 30:1 treatment, which showed a slight decrease in the final year (65+/-11%). Volunteer species and evidence of animal grazing were observed in all amended plots. Results indicate that a C:N ratio>/=20:1 increased species diversity.  相似文献   

The metal concentrations in a copper mine tailings and desert broom (Baccharis sarothroides Gray) plants were investigated. The metal concentrations in plants, soil cover, and tailings were determined using ICP-OES. The concentration of copper, lead, molybdenum, chromium, zinc, arsenic, nickel, and cobalt in tailings was 526.4, 207.4, 89.1, 84.5, 51.7, 49.6, 39.7, and 35.6mgkg(-1), respectively. The concentration of all elements in soil cover was 10-15% higher than that of the tailings, except for molybdenum. The concentration of copper, lead, molybdenum, chromium, zinc, arsenic, nickel, and cobalt in roots was 818.3, 151.9, 73.9, 57.1, 40.1, 44.6, 96.8, and 26.7mgkg(-1) and 1214.1, 107.3, 105.8, 105.5, 55.2, 36.9, 30.9, and 10.9mgkg(-1) for shoots, respectively. Considering the translocation factor, enrichment coefficient, and the accumulation factor, desert broom could be a potential hyperaccumulator of Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, As, and Ni.  相似文献   

Our work was conducted to investigate the heavy metal toxicity of tailings and soils collected from five metal mines located in the south of Morocco. We used the MetPAD biotest Kit which detects the toxicity specifically due to the heavy metals in environmental samples. This biotest initially developed to assess the toxicity of aquatic samples was adapted to the heterogeneous physico-chemical conditions of anthropogenic soils. Contrasted industrial soils were collected from four abandoned mines (A, B, C and E) and one mine (D) still active. The toxicity test was run concurrently with chemical analyses on the aqueous extracts of tailings materials and soils in order to assess the potential availability of heavy metals. Soil pH was variable, ranging from very acidic (pH 2.6) to alkaline values (pH 8.0-8.8). The tailings from polymetallic mines (B and D) contained very high concentrations of Zn (38,000-108,000 mg kg(-1)), Pb (20,412-30,100 mg kg(-1)), Cu (2,019-8,635 mg kg(-1)) and Cd (148-228 mg kg(-1)). Water-extractable metal concentrations (i.e., soil extracts) were much lower but were highly toxic as shown by the MetPAD test, except for soils from mines A, E and site C3 from mine C. The soil extracts from mine D were the most toxic amongst all the soils tested. On this site, the toxicity of soil water extracts was mainly due to high concentrations of Zn (785-1,753 mg l(-1)), Cu (1.8-82 mg l(-1)) and Cd (2.0-2.7 mg l(-1)). The general trend observed was an increase in metal toxicity measured by the biotest with increasing available metal contents in tailings materials and soils. Therefore, the MetPAD test can be used as a rapid and sensitive predictive tool to assess the heavy metal availability in soils highly contaminated by mining activities.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was undertaken to determine the suitability of adding papermill sludge to neutral/alkaline gold mine tailings to improve the establishment of Festuca rubra, Agropyron trachycaulum and Medicago sativa. Festuca rubra root and shoot biomass and A. Trachycaulum shoot biomass were increased with papermill sludge amendment. The addition of papermill sludge and fertilizer drastically increased the shoot and root biomass of M. sativa (20-30 times) while A. trachycaulum and F. rubra showed a more moderate increase in growth. Photosynthetic pigment content of the leaves was higher in papermill sludge treatments than in the treatments without papermill sludge. The organic carbon content, macro-aggregate content and field capacity of the gold mine tailings were increased while the bulk density was decreased by the addition of papermill sludge. This study suggests that addition of papermill sludge and adequate fertilization can alleviate some of the adverse conditions of neutral/alkaline gold mine tailings.  相似文献   

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