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循环泵是用来产生动力,强迫有机热载体在有机热载体炉、用热设备及其管道系统中液相流动的机械设备,是有机热载体炉液相供热循环系统的心脏。但目前在设计、制造、安装、运行、改造、甚至安装监检及定期检验过程中,普遍存在对循环泵作用认识不足甚至忽视其功效现象。  相似文献   

有机热载体炉又称导热油炉,以其高效低耗,安全可靠的性能,广泛应用于石油、化工、化纤、木材加工、汽车制造、食品加工、纺织印染和沥青溶化等工业领域中,取得了良好的经济效益。然而,有关有机热载体炉的安全监督和相关检验标准却相对滞后,目前作为检验依据的仍是1993年由原劳动部锅炉局制定颁发的《有机热载体炉安全技术监察规程》。当时国内使用有机热载体炉的用户还较少,对这类锅炉的检验尚未全面开展,《规程》中也没有明确规定有机热载体炉的定期检验内容和要求。  相似文献   

简述有机热载体炉辅助装置的结构设计要求,分析在用有机热载体炉存在的缺陷,有针对性的提出问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

近年来,有机热载体炉的应用范围越来越广。然而有机热载体在高温运行状态下容易因氧化或过热而变质,如不及时处理,很容易在锅炉受热面上炭化结焦,造成传热系统的隐患,其不仅影响传热,浪费燃料,而且易烧损炉管,导致爆管或产生裂缝引发泄露,严重影响锅炉的安全经济运行。此文对有机热载体炉在制造安装使用中存在的影响锅炉安全运行的危险因素进行了分析并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

有机热载体炉检验中几个容易忽视的问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,随着我国工业经济的飞速发展,有机热载体锅炉在印染、喷涂、化工等等领域得到了广泛的应用。有机热载体锅炉的设计、制造、安装、修理、改造、使用等环节都有了长足的进步。但由于用户的管理和设计安装的不规范等各方面的原因,有机热载体锅炉的使用现状还不尽人意,经常发生事故。本文针对有机热载体炉经常被忽视的几个问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

有机热载体锅炉被广泛运用工业生产当中,但由于制造、使用以及管理水平较低等因素,有机热载体炉在实际使用中出现诸多问题,本文总结了有机热载体炉常见的问题并进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文针对液相有机热载体炉监督检验中经常遇到的有机热载体介质选择不当,膨胀罐、分油缸、集油缸的分类不清和监督检验要求不明确等现象,结合相关规范,提出相应的处理措施和建议。  相似文献   

有机热载体炉是一种以煤、油、气体、电等为燃料,以导热油为循环介质供热的特种设备。近年来,有机热载体炉已越来越多地应用于石油化工、纺织印染、轻工、建材等工业领域。由于设计、制造、使用操作中的问题,以及管理水平较低,有机热载体炉曾发生一些危及安全的事故。以下简要介绍两起由于操作不当造成的有机热载体炉喷油火灾事故。  相似文献   

有机热载体炉是采用导热油、联苯、熔盐为导热介质的锅炉,它具有工作压力低传热温度高,行运平衡等特点,受到广大用户的喜爱。由于我国有机热载体炉起步较晚,与先进国家相比尚有一定差距需要进一步完善。本文试图通过实践对有机热载体锅炉焊接质量作出持续改进,提高有机热载体炉运行安全可靠性,逐步达到和国际接轨的目的。  相似文献   

分析了目前国内有机热载体炉能效测试现状和存在的主要问题,并对促进有机热载体锅炉能效测试的准确性提出了积极的建议。  相似文献   

We describe a case study where one software module of an existing physical access control system was re-developed using formal software development methods. Because of increased software quality and comparable development efforts, we are considering the use of formal methods for the future development of critical modules. Further results of this work include the identification of a critical property of the given requirements, as well as insights into overall requirements quality.  相似文献   

Safety instrumented systems (SIS) are becoming increasingly complex, and form a growing proportion of programmable electronic parts. The IEC 61508 global standard was established to ensure the functional safety of SIS; however, it was expressed in highly macroscopic terms. The safety integrity level (SIL) is a criterion describing whether a component meets the safety requirements of a SIS. The safety requirements give a target SIL for the expected risks using hazard analysis and risk assessment (HARA). The SIL must correspond to the safety requirements. This study introduces an evaluation process for determining the hardware SIL through failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA). First, the components of the SIS subsystem are defined in terms of failure modes and effects, and then the failure rate and failure mechanism distribution are assigned to each component. The safety mode and detectability of each failure mode are determined for each component and, finally, the hardware SIL is evaluated. We perform a case study to evaluate the hardware SIL of the flame scanner system using HARA and FMEDA, where the safety requirement of the flame scanner was determined using the risk graph method. We verified that the hardware SIL of the flame scanner corresponded to the safety requirement.  相似文献   

This article introduces a method for assessing health and safety management systems (MAHS) that has two innovative characteristics: (a) it brings together the three main auditing approaches to health and safety (HS) – the structural approach (which assesses the system prescribed), the operational approach (which assesses what is really happening on the shop-floor) and the performance approach (which assesses the results of performance indicators); (b) it emphasizes the resilience engineering perspective on HS, which takes into consideration four major principles (flexibility, learning, awareness, and top management commitment). Such principles underlie seven major assessment criteria, which in turn are divided into items (e.g. hazard identification from a resilience perspective is an item that belongs to the criteria of production processes). The items are sub-divided into statements, which are the requirements that should be assessed based on interviews, analysis of documents and direct observations. Within the 112 requirements proposed, 38 of them have clear links with at least one out of the four resilience engineering principles adopted. The remaining requirements are based on traditional assumptions underlying the so-called best practices of HS management. The results of the assessment for each item are expressed by a score on a scale of compliance with the established requirements, ranging from 0% to 100%. The specific score within that scale is obtained from tables used to assess applications for the Brazilian national quality award. The MAHS was tested in a case study that was carried out in a factory that manufactures automobile exhaust systems, located in Brazil.  相似文献   

不少压力容器都要在非常严峻的工况下工作,要保证其长期安全运行,就必须在设计、选材、制造、检验及使用管理上有一整套严格的要求.介绍了在设计石油、化工用压力容器过程中,需要满足的几方面要求,并对各方面要求进行了阐述,同时指出了压力容器设计技术的进展.  相似文献   

通过事故案例和对现行国家标准的分析,提出了气瓶充装场所防爆墙安全评价要点,从实践角度为防爆墙设计提出了要求。  相似文献   

滑坡稳定性评价的非线性方法   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
在全面分析了滑坡稳定性评价方法的基础上 ,确定了影响滑坡稳定性的相关因素 ,应用BP神经网络建立了滑坡稳定性评价模型。应用表明 ,该模型精度很高。将该模型用于预测红石包和谭家评滑坡稳定性 ,其结果与实际相符。  相似文献   

简述了安全工程专业认证标准、程序及要求,介绍了围绕专业认证所进行的课程体系建设。课程体系强化实践环节,广泛吸取产业界专家建议,培养学生国际化视野等。按新的课程体系开展教学活动,可望使学生综合素质和能力达到专业认证通用标准和安全工程专业补充标准的全部规定,对于提高教学质量,与注册工程师制度相衔接,密切与工业界和社会的联系,提高人才培养对工业产业的适应性,促进本专业参与国际交流,实现国际互认等方面,均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Together with other variables, human factors play a central role in the safety of highly complex technical systems such as nuclear power plants. However, despite the unquestionable importance of human factors, little information is available about relevant ability requirements for control room jobs in nuclear power plants. The purpose of this study was to close this gap, to provide specific information about ability requirements for such jobs, and to evaluate how several hypothesized factors (ability domain, type of job, and operating condition) contribute to ability requirements. We found that high levels of cognitive as well as social/interpersonal abilities are needed for control room jobs, and that ability requirements increase with the hierarchical job level for these two domains but decrease for psychomotor/physical abilities and for sensory/perceptual abilities. Furthermore, specifically concerning jobs with a leadership function, we found some differences between incidents and normal operations regarding requirements for social/interpersonal abilities, indicating that the former require a different leadership style than the latter.  相似文献   

介绍了东莞市塘厦镇石桥头污水处理厂工程设计的情况,有关污水处理工艺和污泥处理方案的优化选择过程,以及工程设计中具体措施的技术要点。  相似文献   

高温防护鞋检测装置由温度传感器、智能电脑温控仪、鞋底隔热性能试验箱和外底耐高温性能试验台四部分组成。它具有测量范围宽、测量精度高、抗干扰能力强、操作方便等特点,完全满足LD32-1992《高温防护鞋》标准规定的试验方法要求。  相似文献   

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