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工业生产中用到不同种类的铅酸蓄电池,铅酸蓄电池充电场所也不同,但铅酸蓄电池在开路放置或充电过程中均会由于电解水副反应的存在而释放氢气,使得充电区域存在火灾爆炸危险。通过在不同的铅酸蓄电池充电场所分别进行氢气的现场测量,结合气体扩散理论,明确了氢气的浓度分布的机理,进一步分析了不同种类铅酸蓄电池,不同充电场所以及不同通风条件下氢气浓度分布的规律,对充电区域火灾爆炸事故的预防以及设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近几年来,先后发生过多起重大汽油爆炸事故,使人民生命和国家财产遭到很大损失。 发生事故的主要原因,是使用汽油的人不懂得安全知识。他们只知道汽油能洗涤油污,不知道汽油极易挥发,其蒸汽与空气混合达到爆炸极限浓度时,遇明人或火花即会爆炸。上海某厂用400-500公斤120#汽油清洗现场。由于使用汽油量大,室内充满了油蒸汽,并很快达到爆炸浓度极限,恰巧遇上电瓶车在运送汽油时打出火花引起爆炸。陕西某厂在气温高达38℃、面积不大的车间里,使用63公斤汽油掺干锯末拖地,加以关着窗户,通风不良,致使汽油蒸汽很快达到爆炸极限浓度,遇到火花导致…  相似文献   

煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故特征与耦合规律研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
分析瓦斯爆炸事故的瓦斯积聚原因、引爆火源和引爆地点等事故特征及其分类,统计并分析1988—2008年发生的563次瓦斯爆炸事故的基本特征和耦合规律,结果表明:通风混乱等通风系统问题导致瓦斯缓慢积聚的瓦斯爆炸事故占90.6%;电火花和放炮火焰引爆瓦斯占事故的78.6%;发生在采掘工作面的瓦斯爆炸事故占69.4%;通风系统问题导致瓦斯积聚的瓦斯爆炸事故主要发生在采掘工作面和巷道,占81.3%;通风系统问题导致瓦斯积聚的事故其引爆火源主要是电火花,占72.8%;电火花和放炮火焰引爆瓦斯主要发生在采掘工作面和巷道,占73.2%。有效预防和控制煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故需切实加强通风管理、电气管理和严格放炮操作与程序。  相似文献   

为研究燃料氢气泄漏、爆炸的特性和规律,预防高压储氢系统中氢气泄漏爆炸事故发生,以加氢站为背景,数值仿真45 MPa高压储罐氢气泄漏并引发爆炸事故,分析泄漏爆炸动力学性质以及爆炸波在非均匀氢气浓度中的传播机制。同时,基于泄漏爆炸事故演化的力学机理,开展氢气泄漏爆炸动态风险分析,针对氢气不同泄漏量,建立泄漏扩散形成的气云体积、气云爆炸产生的冲击波与空间x,z方向上危害距离之间关系。研究结果表明:氢气泄漏过程中,气云氢气浓度变化与流场雷诺数具有较好一致性;氢气扩散受到高压储氢罐周围装置影响,流场中氢气浓度分布不均匀;当发生燃烧爆炸事故时,冲击波参数和湍动能变化梯度大;得到复杂布局区域冲击波超压峰值与比例距离之间关系式,其相比于理论方法更精细、计算结果更准确。研究结果可为降低高压储氢系统泄漏爆炸事故后果、采取有效防护措施提供一定依据。  相似文献   

为了研究漳州PX事故原因及影响,预防同类事故的发生,收集了相关事故资料,通过照片简单介绍了事故现场爆炸情况;结合事故参数及实际情况对点火源、管道断裂原因进行了分析;同时,根据事故前检测到的管道运行记录计算氢气泄漏量,进一步研究爆炸产生冲击波对储罐区影响。结果表明,爆炸是由于存在残余应力的管道在测试中开裂,管内氢气快速泄漏,与断口摩擦产生静电火花引爆蒸气云;泄漏的229.7 t氢气爆炸对原料储罐的影响范围为427.03 m。鉴于爆炸位置与储罐区的距离远大于此,此次事故不会引发大规模泄漏爆炸事故。  相似文献   

含氧氢气钢瓶释放过程危险性分析及处置   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对一起空气误充入氢气钢瓶而导致使用时发生多起爆炸的事故,详细分析了氢氧混合气钢瓶在释放过程中的主要危险性,对释放过程中最可能存在的点火源即静电的产生机理及静电的放电条件进行了详细的论述,应用TNT当量法对可能发生的氢气钢瓶爆炸事故的破坏强度进行了估算。针对爆炸事故的高危险性,制定了以电机作为开阀动力的远距离放空方案,并提出了接地、洒水增湿等预防静电产生的有效措施,综合考虑冲击波超压伤害和人员操作的方便,确定了合理的安全操作距离,为防止爆炸产生的碎片对周围人员、建筑的伤害,在释放场所周围及人员操作场所设置了沙包墙作为防爆掩体。  相似文献   

正近年来,我国室内燃气泄漏爆炸事故屡见不鲜。例如,2013年8月7日中午,辽宁省朝阳市龙城区海龙街道紫金苑社区88号楼1单元601室发生燃气爆炸,并引发火灾,3栋居民楼数十户居民家玻璃被瞬间震碎,事故造成1人死亡;2017年7月20日早上,河南省鹤壁市山城区天隆苑小区2号楼某住户发生燃气泄漏引起燃爆,致该楼与附近楼房窗玻璃被震碎,9人受到不程度的烧伤。燃气泄漏爆炸原因分析民用燃气一般是由天然气(甲烷)、液化石油  相似文献   

为探索加油站埋地油罐油气爆炸破坏效应,搭建埋地油罐燃爆试验平台,在油罐内布置压力传感器和温度传感器,在人孔井周围布置热流传感器,向罐内注入少量汽油,利用鼓吹方式使油气浓度达到爆炸极限,通过电火花点火模拟清罐、检修过程中的爆炸事故,掌握埋地油罐、人孔井及周围环境受爆炸影响的压力冲击波和热辐射数据。结果表明,加油站发生埋地油罐敞口爆炸时,爆炸会对罐壁产生峰值强度为100~400 k Pa的冲击波。爆炸形成的火焰和冲击波向人孔井口正上方释放,不会向四周扩散。  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾多以填埋处理为主,经填埋的生活垃圾会产生垃圾沼气,其中含有易燃易爆的甲烷等气体。放散的沼气一旦遇到房屋或棚罩阻拦,浓度积聚达到爆炸极限,就可能发生火灾和爆炸事故。垃圾内的易燃易爆物质受足够能量激发,也会燃烧爆炸。目前,我国对填埋场沼气的管理相对薄弱,一些旧的垃圾填埋场没有开展填埋场气体监测,没有配备防爆、灭火设施,一些新建的填埋场虽然配备了相关设施,却因管理不善未能充分发挥作用,导致垃圾场火灾爆炸事故时有发生。  相似文献   

建立了液氨储罐火灾爆炸事故树,分析了导致火灾爆炸的各种因素及其逻辑关系,并对事故树基本事件结构重要度进行了分析.从改善库区通风、加强设备安全监察检查、防止点火源、提高操作人员素质的角度提出了预防火灾爆炸事故的措施.  相似文献   

An analysis was completed of the hazards and risks of hydrogen, compared to the traditional fuel sources of gasoline and natural gas (methane). The study was based entirely on the physical properties of these fuels, and not on any process used to store and extract the energy. The study was motivated by the increased interest in hydrogen as a fuel source for automobiles.The results show that, for flammability hazards, hydrogen has an increased flammability range, a lower ignition energy and a higher deflagration index. For both gasoline and natural gas (methane) the heat of combustion is higher (on a mole basis). Thus, hydrogen has a somewhat higher flammability hazard.The risk is based on probability and consequence. The probability of a fire or explosion is based on the flammability range, the auto-ignition temperature and the minimum ignition energy. In this case, hydrogen has a larger flammability zone and a lower minimum ignition energy—thus the probability of a fire or explosion is higher. The consequence of a fire or explosion is based on the heat of combustion, the maximum pressure during combustion, and the deflagration index. Hydrogen has an increased consequence due to the large value of the deflagration index while gasoline and natural gas (methane) have a higher heat of combustion. Thus, based on physical properties alone, hydrogen poses an increase risk, primarily due to the increased probability of ignition.This study was unable to assess the effects of the increased buoyancy of hydrogen—which might change the probability depending on the actual physical situation.A complete hazard and risk analysis must be completed once the actual equipment for hydrogen storage and energy extraction is specified. This paper discusses the required procedure.  相似文献   

Utility-scale lithium-ion energy storage batteries are being installed at an accelerating rate in many parts of the world. Some of these batteries have experienced troubling fires and explosions. There have been two types of explosions; flammable gas explosions due to gases generated in battery thermal runaways, and electrical arc explosions leading to structural failure of battery electrical enclosures. The thermal runaway gas explosion scenarios, which can be initiated by various electrical faults, can be either prompt ignitions soon after a large flammable gas mixture is formed, or delayed ignitions associated with late entry of air and/or loss of gaseous fire suppression agent. The electrical explosions have entailed inadequate electrical protection to prevent high energy arcs within electrical boxes vulnerable to arc induced high pressures and thermal loads. Estimates of both deflagration pressures and arc explosion pressures are described along with their incident implications.  相似文献   

During the decommissioning of certain legacy nuclear waste storage plants it is possible that significant releases of hydrogen gas could occur. Such an event could result in the formation of a flammable mixture within the silo ullage and, hence, the potential risk of ignition and deflagration occurring, threatening the structural integrity of the silo. Very fine water mist fogs have been suggested as a possible method of mitigating the overpressure rise, should a hydrogen–air deflagration occur. In the work presented here, the FLACS CFD code has been used to predict the potential explosion overpressure reduction that might be achieved using water fog mitigation for a range of scenarios where a hydrogen–air mixture, of a pre-specified concentration (containing 800 L of hydrogen), uniformly fills a volume located in a model silo ullage space, and is ignited giving rise to a vented deflagration. The simulation results suggest that water fog could significantly reduce the peak explosion overpressure, in a silo ullage, for lower concentration hydrogen–air mixtures up to 20%, but would require very high fog densities to be achieved to mitigate 30% hydrogen–air mixtures.  相似文献   

以采用封闭喷漆工艺的某喷漆车间为研究对象,分别分析了车间内封闭喷漆室以及敞开空间的火灾危险性。采用多能法进行了喷漆室爆炸冲击波超压计算,发现封闭喷漆作业的火灾爆炸事故会对车间围护结构产生不同程度破坏作用。因此,对大空间内采用封闭喷漆作业的情况,加强消防安全措施十分必要。结合上述火灾危险性定性、定量分析结果和相关标准规范要求,从设置灭火系统、火灾自动报警系统、通风系统、明确安全管理规定等角度提出了相应的消防安全措施建议,为确保此类场所的消防安全提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of an experimental program carried out to determine dust cloud deflagration parameters of selected solid-state hydrogen storage materials, including complex metal hydrides (sodium alanate and lithium borohydride/magnesium hydride mixture), chemical hydrides (alane and ammonia borane) and activated carbon (Maxsorb, AX-21). The measured parameters include maximum deflagration pressure rise, maximum rate of pressure rise, minimum ignition temperature, minimum ignition energy and minimum explosible concentration. The calculated explosion indexes include volume-normalized maximum rate of pressure rise (KSt), explosion severity (ES) and ignition sensitivity (IS). The deflagration parameters of Pittsburgh seam coal dust and Lycopodium spores (reference materials) are also measured. The results show that activated carbon is the safest hydrogen storage media among the examined materials. Ammonia borane is unsafe to use because of the high explosibility of its dust. The core insights of this contribution are useful for quantifying the risks associated with use of these materials for on-board systems in light-duty fuel cell-powered vehicles and for supporting the development of hydrogen safety codes and standards. These insights are also critical for designing adequate safety features such as explosion relief venting and isolation devices and for supplementing missing data in materials safety data sheets.  相似文献   

为提高天然气长输管道阀室冷放空作业的安全性,针对冷放空作业中的意外闪燃、爆燃事故现象,基于UDM模型并运用PHAST计算机软件,先模拟了泄放气体发生闪燃事故的影响域,分析冷放空气体闪燃范围随风速、大气稳定度、放空压力及放空速率4种影响因素而变化的趋势;后又讨论了放空速率对爆燃超压伤害范围的影响。结果表明:闪燃范围随风速、大气稳定度、放空压力及放空速率增加而递增,后两者对其影响较大,应重点关注并控制;在模拟工况下,最远轻伤距离达60 m,因此在实际工程中,控制放空速率对减轻意外燃爆事故的后果极为重要,应注重对放空作业参数的调整。  相似文献   

该试验通过测定爆炸下限与返回火焰长度这两个参数来确定4种煤粉的爆炸性。爆炸下限指能使喷入一定装置中的粉尘云点燃并维持火焰传播的最小粉尘浓度,是确定粉尘爆炸性重要参数,试验室通常使用20L的爆炸装置进行测定。喷吹现场广泛采用长管式煤粉爆炸性测试仪检测煤尘引燃后产生的返回火焰长度,该长度随煤粉爆炸性的强弱而显著变化:返回火焰长度大于600 mm可认定该煤粉具有强爆炸性;在400~600 mm之间则煤粉具有中强度爆炸性;小于400 mm则煤粉具有弱爆炸性。结果表明:20 L球测得4种煤粉的爆炸下限在60~85 g/m3之间;长管式煤粉爆炸性测定仪测得4种煤粉的返回火焰长度在20~50 mm之间。由测定的返回火焰长度可知,试验所用的4种煤样均属于弱爆炸性煤种。  相似文献   

为了促进我国的爆炸安全研究工作更深入发展,本文列出了利用爆炸激波管技术测定氢气、汽油、铝粉等可爆性物质的爆炸特性。研究表明:这些可爆性物质在一定条件都能形成破坏力极大的爆轰现象。实验确定了氢、汽油和氧混合物的可爆(轰)极限、可燃性极限、混合物临界初始压力等爆炸临界条件。控制可爆性物质的初始条件不超过其爆炸临界条件,能够防止爆轰或爆燃现象发生;添加不参加反应的物质(如氩气、氮气、水蒸汽等)能够使已达到爆炸条件的混合物阻爆。本文的数据可供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

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