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Hyperiid amphipods in the eastern part of the South Pacific gyre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies were made of Amphipoda Hyperiidea collected in 1987 with a pelagic trawl in the South Pacific anticyclonic gyre in the vicinity of the Nazca and Sala y Gómez ridges (17°35 to 26°01S, 80°10 to 100°50W), at depths ranging from 50 to 300 or 600 m. Forty-three hauls contained 7 198 specimens, comprised of 119 species within 43 genera. Two of the species appeared to be new for science; two others were found in the Pacific Ocean for the first time. A comparison with hyperiid collections from other tropical Pacific regions revealed great stability of oceanic faunal composion. However, the collections differed considerably in their dominant species. Furthermore, comparison of Hyperiidea from various parts within the investigated area of the South Pacific gyre also reflected differences in dominant species. The degree of these mesoscale spatial differences was comparable to that among the central regions of the northern and southern anticyclonic gyres.  相似文献   

V. J. Loeb 《Marine Biology》1979,53(2):173-191
Patterns of species structure are described for the larval fish assemblage in the North Pacific Central Gyre. About 30,000 larvae, primarily of mesopelagic fish species, were identified for 7 cruises. Samples were collected using Isaacs-Kidd plankton trawls on 6 cruises over a 4 1/2 year period; stratified samples were taken with an opening/closing bongo net on one late-summer cruise. Data on absolute and relative abundances, size ranges and summertime depth distributions of over 150 species of larvae are presented. The depth distribution and abundance of the ichthyoplankton are compared to those of the total zooplankton community. The larval assemblage is also examined with respect to the known adult mesopelagic fish assemblage. Seasonal changes in ichthyoplankton species structure occur but, within seasons, species structure is remarkably constant from year to year. Despite seasonal changes in species abundance and rank order of abundance, a constant cumulative frequency structure was found to exist in the ichthyoplankton, both between seasons and between years. The implications of this result are discussed in light of similar findings in a terrestrial community and with respect to possible mechanisms of regulation.  相似文献   

Two traps baited with fish were placed on the bottom (5720 m) of the central North Pacific Gyre. A total of 1793 lyssianassid amphipods were collected no ovigerous females and no identifiable males were caught. Five amphipod species were represented [1 undescribed species of Orchomene; 2 undescribed species of Paralicella; Eurythenes gryllus (Lichtenstein); and Cyclocaris sp.], 2 by single specimens. Amphipod samples give no evidence of size-classes. Evidence for scavenging as the amphipods' primary mode of existence is discussed. Forty-four copepods, of a single harpacticoid genus (Tisbella), were also collected.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal feeding patterns (determined from an index of gut fullness) are described for 10 typical species of calanoid copepods collected from the North Pacific central gyre (September 1968 to June 1977), an area where the zooplankton is food limited and there were a-priori reasons to suspect that feeding and competition for food were important in regulating zooplankton community structure. Over 100 samples from 11 cruises to the eastern part of the gyre were examined, and patterns of gut fullness were related to environmental variables and the copepod species structure. The copepods studied all tended to be omnivores and food generalists. Males had lower indices of gut fullness than females but both males and females of a species had similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. Guts were usually fuller at night than during the day, even in nonmigrating species; however, within nighttime depth distributions, no depths were preferred for feeding. There were also differences between species in mean gut fullness, but different species tended to have similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. There was considerable spatial variability, and locales could be identified in which most species had higher indices of gut fullness. The copepods were not necessarily more abundant in these locales, nor did these tend to be areas of above average chlorophyll concentration. These patterns were consistent with relatively nonselective feeding, and there was no evidence that these species separate their niches by feeding at differing places or times.  相似文献   

V. J. Loeb 《Marine Biology》1980,60(2-3):189-200
The larval fish assemblage in the epipelagic zone of the North Pacific central gyre near Lat. 28°N, Long. 155°W during late summer was sampled with stratified opening/closing bongo nets. This assemblage exhibited recurring patterns of spatial and species distributions. Spatial patterns included species vertical distributions, co-occurrence and pathchiness; species patterns included species composition and abundance relations. Both types of patterns changed with depth, the most dramatic change occurring in relation to the bottom of the summer mixed layer. An examination of the physical and biological environments of the epipelagic zone with relation to the summertime species and spatial patterns and to seasonal changes in larval fish species structure indicates that the thermal structure of the upper water column may exert a major influence on overall ichtyoplanton species and spatial structures within the gyre.  相似文献   

Wet and dry weight, total carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and ash contents were determined on 33 species of zooplankton distributed predominantly in the open sea region of the North Pacific. Sampling covered the waters from 44°N to the equator. Average percentage of dry weight to wet weight was about 19% of all samples from the whole area. Percentage dry weight of carbon in copepods was on an average 51.5%. The highest value, 66.6%, was obtained in eggs of the copepod Pareuchaeta sarsi. Mixed zooplankton was assumed to contain carbon comprising about 35 to 45% of the dry weight. Carbon contained in the zooplankton biomass existing in the upper 200 m in the western parts of the northern North Pacific and Bering Sea during spring and summer was estimated to range from 20 to 85 mg C/m3. Nitrogen content varied considerably with localities. Average ratio of carbon to nitrogen was 8.5 in subarctic copepods, and 4.1 in subtropic-tropic copepods. This ratio also varied with season. In the copepod Calanus cristatus the ratio was highest (10.0) in May, immediately after the spring bloom of phytoplankton, when the animals contained much fat. The ratio fell to 5.1 in December. There seemed to be a large seasonal variation in boreal zooplankton due to great fluctuations of environmental conditions, especially the amount of food available; in tropical species the range was small because of environmental uniformity. Average hydrogen content was about 6 to 10%. The percentage of ash to dry weight amounted to 39.3% in pteropods and 3.4% in copepods.  相似文献   

L. R. Haury 《Marine Biology》1976,37(2):159-167
This study compares the small-scale (100's to 1000's of meters) horizontal spatial distribution of zooplankton from stations in the California Current (29°N; 118°W) and in the North Pacific Central Gyre (31°N; 155°W). Patterns were inferred from the spacing of vertical tows and the variability in abundance of 15 taxonomic categories caught in these tows. In the California Current, 4 tows were taken at random positions within 2000 m of a drogue or fixed geographic position and 4 replicate tows were taken at the drougue or the fixed point. Four series of these 8 tows were taken around noon and midnight during two days. At the Central Gyre station, two similar series (one day and one night) were taken while following a drogue. Estimates of the scale of structure based on comparisons of replicate and random tow variability suggest that aggregated patterns in the Central Gyre are larger than a few hundred meters, while the California Current structures may be less than 100 m in size. Day-night changes in patch size were not apparent in either area. Evidence for multispecies patches was found only for the Central Gyre station. Replication samples in both areas gave more consistent measures of community structure (relative proportions of species) than the random tows. Similarity of community structure decreased with increasing distance between tows being compared. The decrease was much greater for the California Current station, a further indication of smaller patch size in this area. Diurnal changes in community structure occurred in both areas.Based in part on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Ph.D. degree at the University of California, San Diego. Portions of this research were supported by the Marine Life Research Program of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  相似文献   

The gammaridean amphipods Cymadusa compta (Smith), Gammarus mucronatus Say, Melita nitida Smith and Grandidierella bonnieroides Stephensen from a seagrass community in the Indian River estuary of Florida (USA) fed variously upon large drift algae, small algae epiphytic on seagrasses and seagrass leaf debris and detritus. Consumption was measured in the laboratory using an index (CI) equivalent to mg ingested mg-1 amphipod day-1. Observations revealed that the amphipods fed by macrophagy, an attack upon large algae and seagrass debris, and by microphagy, small particle detritus feeding and scraping of plant surfaces for diatoms and other epiphytic algae. C. compta was a macrophagous feeder with a generalized diet of algae and seagrass debris, preferring epiphytic algae and drift algae at mean rates of 1.10 and 0.87 CI, respectively. Gammarus mucronatus fed upon epiphytes and seagrass debris equally at mean rates of 0.90 and 0.97 CI, respectively. The diet of M. nitida condisted primarily of epiphytes, consumed at an average rate of 1.05 CI. Grandidierella bonnieroides fed in a specialized microphagous manner, grooming plant surfaces for small particle detritus and diatoms at an approximate CI rate of 1.45. Assimilation of plants ingested, as reflected by carbon-14 uptake, varied similarly among the 4 amphipods. Epiphytic algae appeared to be most useful as food, providing means of 41 to 75% carbon-14 uptake as ingesta. Drift algae and seagrass debris were of less value, with means varying between 11 and 24 % of carbon-14 uptake by the amphipods. The data show a pattern of feeding which resembles resource partitioning of food both by size and kind. Other evidence, however, including population limitation by predators and an apparent overabundance of food, indicate that resource partitioning as seen may be an artifact, and one which has no co-evolutionary basis among the present species.Contribution No. 102 of Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   

The magnitude and physiological characteristics of biological nitrogen fixation have been studied in the oligotrophic waters of the North pacific gyre. The filamentous blue-green algae Trichodesmium spp. and Richelia intracellularis were the important nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton. Most of the nitrogen fixation occurs in the upper 40 m of the water column, with detectable fixation as deep as 90 m, which corresponds to about the 1 % light depth. There was no evidence of photoinhibition of nitrogen fixation, although CO2 reduction was depressed slightly at the highest light levels. The rate of nitrogen fixation in the water column varied throughout the day, being highest in mid-morning and in late afternoon. Relatively high fixation rates were also found during periods of darkness. Elevated oxygen concentrations had a marked inhibitory effect on rates of nitrogen fixation, a pO2 of 0.4 atm causing a 75% inhibition. Data from studies of nitrogen fixation and assimilation rates of 15N-labelled nitrate, ammonium, and urea indicate that nitrogen fixation furnished about 3% of the total daily fixed nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth. Studies with isolated colonies of Trichodesmium spp. indicated that 100% of their nitrogen requirement was met by nitrogen fixation. Chemical composition of the Trichodesmium colonies showed that the C:N ratio was 4.1 and that their phosphorus content relative to carbon or nitrogen was much lower than that of the total particulate material in the water column. Elevated ratios of carbon: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also suggest that phosphorus deficiency may be limiting the growth of Trichodesmium. The magnitude of nitrogen fixation in the gyre is seasonally dependent, with high rates in late summer and autumn. At these times the water column is stratified, with phosphate and nitrate barely detectable in the upper 100 m. Our data suggest that during these months of stratification, biological fixation of nitrogen amounts to about 33 g-at N/m2/day.  相似文献   

Assimilation rates of 15N-labelled ammonium, urea, and nitrate by plankton in the upper euphotic zone were measured in 2 summer, 2 winter, and 1 spring cruise in the central North Pacific Ocean. Average rates of ammonium plus urea assimilation could not be determined precisely, but were estimated to be 7 to 25 g-at. N m-3 day-1. Indirect evidence suggested that non-photosynthetic microorganisms contributed to these rates. Nitrate assimilation was negligible in the upper waters considered in this report (above the chlorophyll maximum and the nutricline). Potential, nitrate-saturated rates were in the range 1 to 8 g-at. N m-3 day-1. Seasonal comparison showed lowest rates of both carbon and nitrogen assimilation rates per chlorophyll a in winter.  相似文献   

Scavenging abyssal amphipods from the North-East Atlantic ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A baited trap set on the bottom (4855 m) in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean caught over 600 specimens belonging to 7 species of lysianassid amphipods. Photographic evidence showed a slow build up of numbers and demonstrated fluctuations apparently related to current and pressure changes and to the presence of fish. Length-frequency distributions for the more abundant species reveal size classes related to growth stages. Paralicella caperesca produces a single brood of about 90 eggs. Maturity in this species may be attained in 7 to 11 moults, the precise number possibly being determined by food availability. Orchomene gerulicorbis requires about 11 moults to reach maturity, and females are double-brooded. Mortality within the trap is discussed. A comparison of species of Paralicella and Orchomene based on morphological, developmental, reproductive and ecological characters indicates that the former genus are specialized necrophages whereas the latter are opportunist generalists. The abundance and mobility of necrophagous amphipods indicate that they play a very significant role in the trophic web.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen fixation in the euphotic zone of the ocean was measured by C2H2 reduction and 15N2 incorporation associated with Trichodesmium sp. and also with Richelia intracellularis occurring within the cells of Rhizosolenia styliformis var. longispina, and R. cylindrus. The vertical distribution of N2 fixation activity, N2-fixing species, particulate matter and dissolved nutrients was measured. The effects of light intensity, sample concentration, length of incubation, and nutrient enrichment on the rates of C2H2 reduction were determined. Estimates of the importance of N2 fixation in adding previously uncycled nitrogen to the euphotic zone are given.  相似文献   

The gut contents of dominant deep-sea benthic boundary layer zooplankton (primarily copepods and mysids) and the vacuole contents of phaeodarians collected and preserved in situ at four depths (from 724 to 3112 m) on an eastern tropical Pacific seamount (Volcano 7; 13°23N, 102°27W) between 23 November and 4 December 1988 were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Suspended, and sinking plus resuspended particles, were quantitatively sampled to characterize potential food sources. The broad oxygen minimum characteristic of this region intersects the summit of the seamount and affects the feeding ecology of these organisms. Several copepods and mysids and an amphipod contained guts packed with what appeared to be gram-positive bacteria, an unusual finding. We hypothesize that the source of these bacteria-like bodies was a mat or aggregate that originated in the oxygen minimum or at its upper or lower interface. The presence of the bacteria-like bodies in 43 to 100% of the particlefeeding zooplankton that were sectioned and that had gut contents, suggests that the bacteria-like bodies are an important food source. The diverse gut and vacuole contents of other detritivores were similar among depths. Particles and microorganisms from the depths were also similar. This finding can be explained by the rapid sinking of particles and aggregates from surface waters and their relatively intact transit through the broad oxygen minimum with its reduced populations of zooplankton. The presence of algal cells in guts and vacuoles of benthic boundary-layer zooplankton suggests that these zooplankton select particles of recent surface origin for consumption. The presence of the guts filled with bacteria-like bodies shows that some deep-sea copepods and mysids that are normally generalist feeders can specialize opportunistically. The similarity of gut contents of crustaceans and vacuole contents of phaeodarians suggests that these two very different groups of particle feeders utilize similar food sources in the deep sea.  相似文献   

The report includes quantitative and qualitative data on the phytoplankton from the First Canadian Transpacific Oceanographic Cruise from March to May 1969. Nanoplanktonic species (<20 m) were numerically dominant and, together with nertic diatoms, made up the larger portion of the biomass at all stations outside the Western Subarctic and Alaskan Gyres, where Denticulopsis seminae predominated. The nanoplankton consisted mainly of haptophycean, dinophycean and cryptophycean flagellates. Tropical oceanic dinoflagellates and diatoms were abundant in the net samples from Station 17 in the warm Kuroshio current but absent from Stations 24–27 in the Western Subarctic Gyre, Stations 2, 37–39 in the Alaskan Gyre, in which cold water oceanic species predominated, and Stations 31 and 33, south of the Aleutians. Subsurface maxima were common on the outward bound (westerly) leg in March.  相似文献   

Barz  K.  Hirche  H.-J. 《Marine Biology》2005,147(2):465-476
The annual cycle of abundance and distribution of the scyphozoan medusae Aurelia aurita and Cyanea capillata was studied in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea) in 2002. Seasonal changes in prey composition and predatory impact were investigated by analyzing stomach contents. A. aurita occurred from July to November, with a maximum mean abundance of 2.3 ind. per 100 m3 in August, whereas C. capillata was caught in much smaller numbers from July to September. No ephyrae of either species were found; therefore, advection of medusae from the western Baltic Sea is assumed. From July to October, ~80% of A. aurita medusae was distributed in the upper 20 m above the thermocline, whereas C. capillata occurred only in the halocline below 45 m. A. aurita did not migrate vertically and fed mainly on the most abundant cladoceran species Bosmina coregoni maritima. Further prey organisms were the cladocerans Evadne nordmanni and Podon spp., mollusk larvae and copepods. Copepod nauplii and copepodite stages I–III were not eaten by the medusae, neither were fish eggs and larvae used as prey. Based on mean medusa and zooplankton abundance from the upper 20 m, the predatory impact was very low. In August, when mean abundance of A. aurita was highest, only 0.1% of the copepod and 0.5% of the cladoceran standing stock were eaten per day. However, in regions with higher medusa or lower zooplankton abundance, up to 7.9% of the cladoceran standing stock was consumed per day. Hence, A. aurita did not regulate the zooplankton community in the Bornholm Basin, and fish larvae did not suffer from competition with and predation by the medusae.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Data from 11 pop-up archival transmitting tags attached to opah (Lampris guttatus, F. Lampridae) in the central North Pacific between November 2003 and March 2005 were used to describe their vertical movement and habitat. In the subtropical gyre northwest of the Hawaiian Islands, opah generally inhabited a 50–400 m depth range and 8–22°C temperatures. They were frequently found in depths of 50–150 m at night and in greater depths (100–400 m) during the day, but were constantly moving vertically within this broad range. At night, excursions below 200 m were not uncommon and during the day they were very likely to spend some time at depths <175 m. Their vertical speeds were generally <25 cm s−1 but on one occasion an opah descended at a burst speed of 4 m s−1. Vertical habitat use by individual opah apparently varied with local oceanographic conditions, but over a 24-h period the average temperature experienced was always in the narrow range of 14.7 to 16.5°C.
Jeffrey J. PolovinaEmail:

Hyperiid amphipods are common components of oceanic plankton communities, and yet information is lacking on the ecology and biology of the majority of species. This study compares sympatric populations of two phrosinids, Primno johnsoni Bowman and P. evansi Sheader, using material collected on R.R.S. Discovery Cruises 121 and 140 in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. The two species were essentially very similar in terms of their vertical distribution and diurnal migration, and in the timing and sequence of reproductive events (onset of maturity, ovary/oocyte development, marsupial development). Mature female and male size ranges were comparable for the two species, males maturing at a small body size, with little subsequent growth, and females producing a succession of 5 (P. evansi) or 6 (P. johnsoni) broods maximum. The species differed significantly in egg size and in total egg output. These dissimilarities were accentuated by differences in the patterns of female mortality in the two species, such that actual egg output per female was 1.8 times greater (2.4 times in terms of total egg volume) in P. johnsoni than in P. evansi. These differences were reflected in the relative size of populations in the field. Although both species are capable of consuming a wide range of planktonic prey, it is assumed that gelatinous species are important, especially as hosts for the parasitoid juvenile stages, and it is suggested that host-specificity might act to separate the niches.  相似文献   

Specimens of the abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector, 1875), from the western North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Oceans were compared electrophoretically at 27 presumptive gene loci. At 6 of the 7 polymorphic loci there were only minor differences in allelic frequencies but a nearly fixed difference was found at one locus, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Eastern North Pacific grenadiers typically have a narrower interorbital space, a shorter dorsal interspace, more soft rays in the 1st dorsal fin (9–10 versus 8–9) and more pelvic fin rays (21–23 versus 18–21) than grenadiers from the western North Atlantic (as well as grenadiers from the eastern South Pacific, which were included in the biometric analysis). There is an apparent disjunction in the distribution of C. armatus in the eastern Pacific at the Gulf of Panamá which coincides with the change of morphology. It is suggested that North Pacific grenadiers comprise a subspecies, C. armatus variabilis Günther, 1878, which is morphologically distinct from the subspecies C. armatus armatus (Hector, 1875) of the other areas.  相似文献   

E. Sahlsten 《Marine Biology》1987,96(3):433-439
The uptake rates of the three nitrogen compounds ammonium, nitrate, and urea were measured in the oligotrophic North Central Pacific Gyre in August–September 1985. The measurements were performed by using 15N-labelled substrates and incubating for short-time periods (3 to 4 h) under simulated in situ conditions. Ambient concentrations of the nitrogenous nutrients were generally below 0.10 mol l-1. The average total daily nitrogen uptake rate, integrated over the euphotic zone, was 12.5 mmol N m-2 d-1. Diel studies in the upper water mass resulted in a calculated phytoplankton growth rate of 1.3 d-1. Ammonium was the dominating nutrient, accounting for on the average 54% of the total nitrogen uptake, while urea uptake represented 32% and nitrate 14%. Ammonium uptake rates at a coastal station off the Hawaiian Islands were very close to the rates found at the oceanic station. Organisms <3 m dominated the nitrogen assimilation, being responsible for about 75% of the ammonium uptake. The nitrogen uptake rates in this study seem to be higher than those found by earlier investigations in the area, but correlated well with other productivity measurements performed during the same cruise.  相似文献   

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