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Patella caerulea L., P. aspera Lam. (=P. ulyssiponensis Gmelin). P. rustica L. (=P. lusitanica Gmelin) are coexisting Mediterranean species of the genus Patella. P. caerulea and P. rustica have a haploid complement of n=9 with seven metacentric and two telocentric chromosomes, while P. aspera has a haploid complement of n=8 without telocentric chromosomes. To better define the phylogenetic relationships among these three species, an electrophoretic analysis of 12 enzyme coding loci was performed on samples of the three species collected from Laigueglia (Liguria, Italy) in 1989. On the whole, genotypic frequencies were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg expectations and no significant differences were observed among the populations of the three species as far as their genetic structure is concerned. Nearly 50% of the sampled loci were diagnostic. Nei's genetic distance was 0.82 between P. caerulea and P. aspera, 0.97 between P. aspera and P. rustica and 0.94 between P. caerulea and P. rustica. By greatly separating P. rustica from the other two species, results of the electrophoretic analysis are consistent with the traditional view, which regards P. aspera and P. caerulea as more closely related than P. rustica on the basis of radular teeth morphology. Using genetic distances and the assumptions of the molecular clock, lineages leading to P. aspera and to P. caerulea may have diverged from the stem common to P. rustica ca. 18 million years ago.  相似文献   

Summary Female preferences for dominant males in prairie and montane voles were analyzed in two different test situations. In the first, prairie vole females preferentially spent time in proximity to dominant versus subordinate males which were housed behind a wire mesh screen. In a two-male tether test prairie voles females both preferentially associated and mated with dominant males. Montane voles, on the other hand, showed no preference in either test situation. The baseline copulatory behavior of naive montane vole males which became dominant differed significantly from those which became subordinate; no such differences were evident in the baseline copulatory behavior of naive praire voles. One hour following dominance testing, there was no difference evident between dominant and subordinate males of either species but there was a general facilitation of male copulatory behavior in both species, the effect being of greater magnitude in montane voles.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in territorial behavior of blackchinned hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) in response to experimental changes in territory quality were investigated using artificial feeders and simultaneous, pair-wise observations of owners. Some of the responses of A. alexandri were similar to those documented by a previous study of the Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna): A. alexandri defending rich territories spent more time on their territories, encountered a greater percentage of intruders, and chased more intruders than did A. alexandri defending poor territories. In contrast to C. anna, A. alexandri supplemented chases with energetically inexpensive threat vocalizations more extensively when territory quality was increased. This difference may be related to A. alexandri's more tenuous control of rich territories. When both species were observed on very poor territories, A. alexandri chased a greater percentage of intruders, consumed a greater proportion of available food, and obtained a greater net energy gain from their territories. When observed simultaneously on territories with ad lib food, both species defended highly exclusive territories but A. alexandri suffered higher intrusion pressure and spent more time and energy in defense. These interspecific differences in territorial behavior may facilitate sympatric coexistence of the two species through aggressive partitioning of flower patches according to productivity: the greater payoff received by C. anna on rich territories and A. alexandri on poor territories should favor a corresponding monopolization of rich areas by C. anna and poor areas by A. alexandri.  相似文献   

Comparative use of shelter use by three sympatric species of combtooth blenny (Ecsenius stictus, Glyptoparus delicatulus, and Salarias patzneri) was studied among micro-atolls in the lagoon at Lizard Island (14°42′S, 145°30′E), northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Blenny species used different sized holes; however, the average diameter and depth of holes used by the smallest and largest species differed by only 4 and 25 mm, respectively, indicating interspecific differences in suitable refuge can be very subtle. Both hole diameter and depth were positively related to total length of fish, suggesting use of holes relates to interspecific differences in body size. Total abundance of blennies was best explained by a general linear model that included either the number of holes or total habitat area on individual micro-atolls, predictor variables that were positively correlated with each other. However, the relative importance of variables differed among the three species, feeding area being most important for S. patzneri, feeding area and number of holes for E. stictus, and variance in hole diameter being the best explanatory variable for G. delicatulus abundance. The number of blenny species on a micro-atoll was best explained by variance in hole diameter, emphasizing the influence of refuge size variety in fish diversity. It is likely that subtle habitat partitioning, which relates to interspecific differences in body size, contributes to the co-existence of blenny species within the same microhabitat, but presence of holes is unlikely to regulate abundance of these fish.  相似文献   

Hypotheses relating the behavior of voles to their population cycles often assume that the rate of social interaction increases with population density. To test this assumption, we examined the frequency of social interactions in a population of prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) over a 7-year period. In addition, we characterized space use by resident animals, patterns of visitation by nonresidents to nests, and participants in social interactions. Social groups within the population typically displayed little overlap in their use of space, even at high population densities. Nevertheless, nonresidents, particularly wandering males, were captured as visitors at nests. The number of visits per social group did not increase in a simple linear manner with population density and was particularly variable when there were fewer than 100 animals/ha. At such times, more single females and fewer pairs received visits from males than expected based on the frequency of occurrence of these groups in the population; a similar pattern was noted during periods of high population density (≥100 animals/ha) but the comparisons failed to reach statistical significance. Furthermore, at high population density, more communal groups received visits from females than expected. Patterns of visitation to communal groups were influenced by the number of adult male residents (winter only), but not by the number of adult female residents or presence of philopatric female offspring. These data indicate that the frequency of social contact in prairie voles does not increase linearly with population density and is influenced by the spacing and possible mate-guarding behavior of resident animals. Received: 7 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 16 May 1998  相似文献   

The congeneric spiny lobsters Panulirus argus and P. guttatus co-occur throughout the Caribbean Sea, where they may share the coral reef habitat. Despite their phylogenetic closeness, both species have many different life-history traits that may partially explain their coexistence. However, even though both species may face the same predators, their defense mechanisms and antipredator strategies had not been compared. We compared the performance between species in 18 morphological and behavioral defense mechanisms commonly expressed by most spiny lobsters, including predator-avoidance mechanisms (activity schedule, sheltering behavior, delay to disturbance, and effect of conspecific damage-released scents on shelter choice) as well as antipredator mechanisms (body size, several parameters of the escape response and limb autospasy, clinging strength, antennal strength, and cooperative defense). As hypothesized, both species expressed all these defense mechanisms (except cooperative defense, shown only by P. argus), reflecting their phylogenetic closeness, but performed significantly differently in most, in accordance with their particular ontogenetic traits. Their comparative performance in individual defense mechanisms as well as the antipredator strategies displayed by groups of lobsters of each species in the presence of a common predator (the triggerfish Balistes vetula) showed that, in general, the defensive behavioral type of P. argus is more bold and that of P. guttatus more shy. Therefore, their distinct defensive behaviors contribute to their niche differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Hypothetical patterns of male and female cumulative reproductive effort in canvasback ducks were used to predict the efforts of males and females in pair-bond reinforcing behavior through a breeding sequence. The predictions were that, at any point in time in a monogamous breeding system, given certain assumptions, (a) the sex investing less should be more active in reinforcing the pair bond, and (b) this relationship should shift within and between breeding attempts with the pattern of cumulative reproductive effort per brood by the male and female. Data on the behavior of newly-formed pairs were obtained by observing apparently paired but unmarked canvasbacks during spring migration. Later, 11 individuallymarked pairs were followed through breeding sequences, including repeated nesting attempts. Observed affiliative behavior fit the predictions reasonably well. That sex whose cumulative reproductive effort was less tended to be more active in maintaining proximity to its mate, initiating bouts of mutual display, and coordinating pair activities. Predictions were met in 14 of 24 cases, results were contrary in 3 cases, and in 7 cases trends were not statistically different (P>0.05). Shifts in relative male and female reinforcement efforts that coincided with major changes in investment were apparent. These results support the proposition that factors other than simple parental investment-related desertion costs might be important to an individual's behavioral decisions regarding pairbond reinforcement and ultimately mate abandonment. Discrepancies in a few predicted outcomes further suggest that males and females may use and balance various pair-reinforcement tactics differently through a breeding season.  相似文献   

Summary Habits, home range, and social behavior of three species of voles of the genus Pitymys, P. multiplex, P. subterraneus, and P. savii, were studied in Tessin (Switzerland) by radioactive tagging. P. multiplex and P. savii are fossorial and often use the burrow systems of moles (Talpa); P. subterraneus moves around on the surface under dense vegetation. Males and females of P. multiplex were territorial and their home ranges averaged 342 and 229 m2 respectively. The mating system appeared to be monogamous. P. savii male and female home ranges averaged 445 and 298 m2 respectively. Groups of up to one to three adult females, one or more adult males, and several young, occupied exclusive communal territories. The mating system appeared to be flexible, including monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry. P. subterraneus females occupied exclusive territories (mean 256 m2) overlapped by the home ranges of one or more males (1025 m2). The mating system appeared to be promiscuous. Individuals of the three species occupied one to seven nests. In P. savii all family members utilized three or more communal nests at the same time or alternatively. Co-nesting between males and females of P. multiplex or P. subterraneus were observed less frequently.  相似文献   

Oviposition site selection has a strong impact on the spatial distribution and sustenance of a species. This site selection by ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is known to be well mediated amongst other factors by the oviposition deterring pheromones present in conspecific larval tracks. It would be also useful to the organism to be sensitive to heterospecific larval tracks, to protect from intraguild predation; however, this has not yet garnered much attention and there are only a few scattered studies with ambiguous results. The present study thus investigates the oviposition deterring effects of heterospecific presence and semiochemicals of heterospecific life stages (eggs, fourth instar larvae, pupae, adult males and females) of ladybird species, viz. Coccinella septempunctata, C. transversalis, Propylea dissecta on females of Menochilus sexmaculatus. Results reveal that the presence of all heterospecific life stages inhibits oviposition of M. sexmaculatus and the inhibition is density dependent. Semiochemicals of eggs, larval and adult tracks also show density-dependent inhibitory effects. The semiochemical-induced oviposition inhibition was stage specific with respect to the degree of inhibition. Of all heterospecific species tested, maximum and minimum oviposition deterrence of M. sexmaculatus was against C. septempunctata and P. dissecta, respectively. Comparison of our previously published results on oviposition inhibition in M. sexmaculatus due to conspecific presence with the current ones revealed increased inhibition in conspecific presence than heterospecific indicating ability to differentiate.  相似文献   

The mussels Mytilus edulis L. and M. trossulus Gould are found sympatrically in most areas of Newfoundland, with a low frequency of hybrids. To assess the potential for reproductive isolation, we sampled mussels from three sites in an eastern Newfoundland Bay from May–October 1996 to determine if there were differences in the reproductive cycles of the two species and their natural hybrids. In mussels with sheil lengths of 38–42 mm, males and females with mature gametes were dominant in June for M. edulis and hybrids, while M. trossulus showed a lower frequency of individuals with mature gametes. M. trossulus and hybrids spawned over a prolonged period (from late spring to early autumn) compared with most M. edulis individuals that spawned over a period of 2–3 weeks in July. This asynchrony in spawning activity between the two species may partially explain the low frequency of hybrids found in previous studies of these mussel populations. Female and male hybrids between M. edulis and M. trossulus showed normal gonad development, ripening and spawning, providing an opportunity for the introgression of genes between the two species. M. trossulus had a higher reproductive output than M. edulis of similar shell length, while hybrids showed intermediate values of reproductive output. M. trossulus females produced smaller eggs than either M. edulis or hybrids. Differences in reproductive traits may partially explain the maintenance of the mussel hybrid zone in Newfoundland. Published online: 13 August 2002  相似文献   

Multispecies assemblages of the coral genus Acropora occur commonly throughout the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Nine species from such an assemblage comprising 41 species of Acropora, at Big Broadhurst Reef on the Great Barrier Reef, were studied during 1981–1983. Similarities and differences in reproductive modes and timing, oocyte dimensions and fecundity, recruitment by larvae and by fragments, and mortality were recorded. All species had an annual gametogenic cycle, were simultaneous hermaphrodites, and had the same arrangement of gonads in polyps. In six species, most colonies released gametes on the same night of the year, in early summer, during a mass spawning event involving many coral genera. A seventh species had colonies spawning at this as well as other times of the year. Another species spawned in late summer, and gametes were not observed to mature in the last species. Eggs were very large (601 to 728 m geometric mean diameter) and fecundity of polyps low, compared with other corals; no reduction in oocyte numbers occurred during oogenesis. Reef-flat species had slightly bigger and fewer eggs than reef-slope species. All species recruited by larvae, but four also multiplied by fragmentation, either year-round or during occasional rough weather. Yearround fragmenters had few larval recruits; non-fragmenters had many, and a rough-weather fragmenter had an intermediate number of larval recruits. It was concluded that larval recruitment largely determined species composition, and that reduced larval recruitment was responsible for sparse distribution of fragmenting species. Subsequent mortality in some species and increase by fragmentation in others probably determined relative abundances.  相似文献   

Laura Joan Feyrer 《Marine Biology》2010,157(11):2461-2465
The ecological importance of mysid (Crustacea: Mysidacea) populations in coastal food webs is not well understood. Although the 10 or more species of epibenthic mysids found in Clayoquot Sound, BC, Canada, form the primary prey resource for seasonally abundant gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus), little is known about their life history. Here, Holmesmysis sculpta dominates multi-species swarms, however there are several potential routes to this state, one of which is higher embryo production. Reproductive capacity is key to the resiliency of local mysid populations and species diversity, in this study I compare one aspect, brood size for the four most commonly found species, H. sculpta, Neomysis rayii, Exacanthomysis davisi, and Columbiaemysis ignota. The number of embryos per brood was found to vary significantly between species; however, individual length is a stronger determinant of brood size. Here, I report previously unknown life history attributes of coastal mysid species, with important consequences for community structure and local marine food webs.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of mating behavior between conspecific and heterospecific pairs of three closely related species in the genus Pseudodiaptomus reveal differences in the timing of life-history events, species-specific attraction of mates, distinctive tactile cues, multiple spermatophore attachments, and gametic incomptibility or hybrid inviability. These differences may function as reproductive isolating mechanisms among calanoid copepods. Differences in breeding behaviors and associated morphological features are greater between sympatric than between allopatric species, indicating that selection reinforces both behavioral and morphological divergences.  相似文献   

Behavior of male and female groupers, Cephalopholis spiloparaea, observed, between 1990 and 1991 in Sasanhaya Bay, Rota, Northern Mariana Islands, was compared to detect differences in proportional use between sexes, and between daylight and pre-courtship time periods. This species has male-dominated haremic groups. Time partitioning could not be measured exactly. Instead, the numbers of intra-and interspecific interactions, foraging, resting, swimming, and maintenance behaviors of each sex were measured during the observation periods. The proportion of acts in each category out of the total number of acts, termed effort, was used in comparisons. Males were predicted to devote more effort toward intra-and interspecific interactions compared to females and to maximize reproductive success. Females were predicted to devote more effort towards foraging, compared to males. This behavior maximizes reproductive effort. Both were predicted to engage in greater intra-and interspecific interactions during the pre-courtship period, corresponding both to the approaching time of courtship and to increases in the numbers of potential spatial and trophic competitors. Intra-and interspecific interactions of both males and females were greater during the pre-courtship period. Differences in all classes of behavior between sexes were only weakly significant for two, however. Males had greater effort in intra-and interspecific interactions. Females had greater effort only in maintenance behavior. Both differences were evident only during the pre-courtship period. Foraging behavior by both sexes was virtually absent during daylight and pre-courtship periods. Fish sought shelter and were not incidentally observed foraging after dusk, suggesting that this species actively forages later at night or during early morning hours, just prior to and during sunrise.  相似文献   

Patterns of reproductive effort were examined both within and between 4 species of the tropical marine gastropod genus Conus from Hawaii in 1979. Caloric content was measured for the somatic tissues of female cone shells and for their egg capsule masses. These data were used to calculate (1) current reproductive effort, which was the ratio of annual energy produced as spawn to the sum of the annual energy produced as spawn plus the annual energy produced as somatic tissue; and (2) weight-specific reproductive effort, which was the ratio of annual energy produced as spawn to the total energy content of the female body just before spawning. For C. pennaceus, during the approximately 10 yr of life of a female, current reproductive effort rose from about 0.35 at 2 yr to about 0.85 at 10 yr. In contrast, weight-specific reproductive effort remained relatively constant throughout life for C. pennaceus (about 0.2 to 0.5), C. abbreviatus (about 0.2 to 0.3), C. flavidus (about 0.2 to 0.3) and C. quercinus (about 0.1 to 0.2). It is suggested that weight-specific reproductive effort may be useful as an index of the selective importance of the survival cost of present reproduction, while current reproductive effort more closely reflects the selective importance of energy allocation tradeoffs. Data on the 4 species of Conus examined support the hypothesis that reproductive effort should be positively correlated with extrinsic adult mortality and negatively correlated with the variability of juvenile survivorship. The data also suggest a possible relationship between reproductive effort and the cost of parental care.  相似文献   

Summary Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is defined as small, random deviations from bilateral symmetry in a generally perfect bilaterally symmetrical morphological trait. FA in forewing length affects the outcomes of interspecific contests for food items (dead arthropods) between two species of Japanese scorpionflies, Panorpa nipponensis and P. ochraceopennis, in nature. FA differences between same-sex contestants are more important than either body size or ownership of food in determining the outcomes of interspecific contests; for both sexes, winners statistically significantly more often have relatively low FA. Two condition-dependent mating tactics are used by the males of each species: (a) a male may defend a dead-arthropod nuptial gift, or (b) a male without such an arthropod may wait near a male with one. In both tactics, males release long-distance sex pheromones. Groups of pheromone-releasing males are made up of one male with a nuptial gift and his satellites; the males in a group may be conspecifics or heterospecifics. Males that lose contests for nuptial gifts often become satellites of the contest winners whether or not winners are conspecific. Satellite males have statistically significantly greater FA than males with nuptial gifts in heterospecific male display groups. Satellite males mate infrequently and briefly compared to resource-holding males. Satellites of heterospecific males copulate with conspecific females displaced from nuptial gifts by the resource-holding males of the other species. In both species, the largest and smallest individuals have the greatest FA, and intermediate-sized individuals have the least; this same pattern often occurs in other animals.  相似文献   

Summary We examined components of agonistic behavior and dominance in parents and offspring of silvereyes on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, to discover their determinants. The data were collected over four years on 1,235 juveniles and their parents. Of four behavioral characters used to compare juveniles and their parents, bill clattering was seen significantly more among young from female parents that exhibited bill clattering. The total absence of submissive behavior and the total absence of aggressive behavior were shown more often than not by young from dominant male parents and subordinate female parents, respectively. Young fledging early in the breeding season tended to be more dominant than those fledging late in the season. The number of brood-mates or the local nest density did not affect the dominance of young. Dominance status appears to be little affected by the performance of parents.  相似文献   

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