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Air quality is especially important in surface layers, for it is this layer that provides the living components of environment with the needed oxygen and carbon dioxide. Various air polluting gases penetrate cells affecting and contaminating them. Chloroplast shell of some pine species, for instance, doubles under the impact of carbon dioxide which is followed by tillacoids swelling and reduction.Literature provides opinions of some authors, who consider Scotch pine needle to be a biological indicator of sulphur dioxide. Others object to it basing on the observations of physiological development.The property of a Scotch pine as that of biological indicator manifests in SO2 absorption by its needles. The analysis of total content of SO2 in the needles shows an increase of SO2 concentration.Sulphur in the needles is found in the form of organically bound sulphur, aminoacids, hormones as well as in the form of sulphates.Basing on our previous analysis we have generalized the data on the correlation concentrations of sulphur dioxide in the air and general concentrations of sulphur in the needles. We have supplemented the observations with the analyses of organically bound sulphur and concentrations of nonorganic sulphur. According to research data, needles contain a characteristic and rather stable quantity of organically bound sulphur.So we may state that the SO inf4 sup2– concentration and the amount of SO2 absorbed from the air are interdependent.Some authors state that SO inf4 sup2– content in the soil doesn't affect sulphur content in pine needles. That is why we studied the affect of SO inf4 sup2– content in the soil on sulphur content in Scotch pine needles.We could prove this statement by means of various kinds of analyses only partially. The ion transport is affected by the presence of other ions, pH and a lot of other factors.What may be said for sure is that different qualities of soils gave only minor and insignificant deviations.Hence our assumption about the SO2 contamination from air, proved by its effect on the soils, turns to suit approximate measurements.  相似文献   

The effect of metals and ammonia on the relationship between mass concentrations of sulphur dioxide and sulphate in the air was studied near an aluminium plant over a 1-year period. Sulphur dioxide, sulphates and ammonia in the air as well as metals (Pb, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Al) in the deposit were measured at four measuring sites.The levels of mass concentrations of SO2 were low at all measuring sites while the levels of mass concentrations of sulphates in the air and concentrations of metals in the deposit were high. The levels of ammonia were found to decrease in relationship to the distance from the source of pollution.The relationship between the mass concentrations of sulphate and SO2 can be described by the equation y=ax b ;where y is the percentage of sulphate sulphur in the total sulphur (sulphate and SO2) and x is the mass concentration of the total sulphur in the air. The values of the coefficients a and b are characteristic of individual areas.As the results show the coefficients a and b obtained at a measuring site close to the plant and outside the urban area are characteristic of an industrial area. At control sites in the urban area the coefficients are characteristic of an urban area. At the measuring site close to the industrial zone and the centre of the urban area the interaction of the effects occurs. Therefore, the coefficient a is characteristic of an urban area and b of an industrial one.  相似文献   

This report deals with the implementation of Article 10 of the Directive on air quality limit values and guide values for sulphur dioxide and suspended particulates (80/779/EEC). For this purpose the Commission, in cooperation with the Member States, has prepared a ‘Common Measurement Programme’ which basically provides for:
  1. examination and improvement of the reference measurement methods,
  2. examination of the comparability of the measuring procedures and equipment used for monitoring purposes in the Member States,
  3. the provision of guidelines and the carrying out of measurements to determine the corresponding stringency of the limit values laid down in Annexes IV and I of the Directive.

A gas chromatograph with a flame photometric detector is set up for the direct analysis of COS, H2S, CS2, SO2, CH3SH, C2H5SH in ambient air.Logarithmic transformation is used to counterbalance the non-linear nature of the detector response for the individual sulphur gases. A quality assurance procedure is described to compensate any variation of response during field measurement. The use of Tedlar bags for sampling COS, CS2, CH3SH, C2H5SH is acceptable despite the general conception that sulphur gases are unstable in Tedlar bags.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the development and ongoing activities of the WHO/UNEP air quality monitoring project. The project started in 1973 and is part of the Global Environmental Monitoring System. An analysis of the sulphur dioxide and suspended particulate matter is also included. The results show that the annual mean concentration for sulphur dioxide has decreased since 1973; for suspended particulate matter, however, a gradual increase is observed since 1976.  相似文献   

Ammonia interference in acidimetric determination of sulphur dioxide can be eliminated by separate determination of ammonia in the same sample and by correction of results. However, with this addition the procedure is no longer simple.To avoid two separate determinations a selective absorption of ammonia from the air stream before it enters the absorbent solution for SO2 has been considered. Several absorbents used to remove or to collect ammonia for subsequent determination were tested in the laboratory. Whatman No. 1 (or 41) filter papers impregnated with 3% oxalic acid solution in ethanol proved to be the most efficient for ammonia retention without an effect on SO2. In a comparative testing over 52 days at a permanent sampling station no statistically significant difference was observed between two trains with impregnated filters and a third train where correction for ammonia, separately determined in the same sample, was performed.Regression analysis, however, showed that the results obtained in the third train are more dispersed due to accumulated errors in two analyses at low concentration levels further aggravated by conversion of ammonia to equivalent SO2 concentrations. The removal of ammonia with impregnated filters gives better precision with less inconvenience and is therefore preferable.  相似文献   

研究SO_2与硫酸盐化速率的相关关系,以GB3095-82(大气环境质量标准)中的SO2标准为基础,并借鉴国外先进国家的标准和硫酸盐化速率植物试验的成果,结合南京市大气环境质量现状,制定适合于南京地区的大气硫酸盐化速率建议标准.  相似文献   

Effects of cement flue dust from Ewekoro cement Kilns were monitored at some aquatic receptor locations. High levels of total suspended particulates (TSPs) and atmospheric deposition rates (ADRs) were recorded within the factory compared to ancillary locations outside the factory. The TSP and ADR levels which were location dependent were significantly higher (P?<?0.05) during the dry periods than in the wet season. Irrespective of seasonal variations, the key elements in the emissions were Ca2?+? and Fe2?+?. The concentrations of Zn2?+?, Mn2?+? and Pb?+? which were trace elements were significantly higher (P?<?0.05) in the deposited than in the airborne particulates. The planktonic flora and fauna of the river systems draining the area were poor with 16 phytoplanktonic and nine zooplanktonic species. Numerically, the phytoplanktons were dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyta) with Synedra sp. being the most abundant species. The zooplanktonic fauna dominated by rotifers had Lecane curvicornis as a regular occurrence in all the three catchment rivers. The physicochemical parameters assayed were significantly higher (P?<?0.05) in the factory effluent discharges than in water samples from each of the catchment rivers. Seasonal variations inclusive, HCO $_{3}^{-}$ , CO $_{3}^{2-}$ , Ca2?+? and Mg2?+? constituted the major ionic component of water samples analysed irrespective of location. Alaguntan River which receives effluents directly from the factory had significantly higher levels (P?<?0.05) of the assayed ions than the other two rivers draining the cement factory catchment areas.  相似文献   

利用多方位监测数据和气象资料,分析了2010—2011年春季外来沙尘输送对北京市空气质量指数的影响,提出外来沙尘对北京市空气质量级别影响的预报判据。此外,基于NAQPMS模型的沙尘模块,开展数值预报研究,并对北京市2010年3月一次沙尘天气污染过程进行数值模拟试验,结果表明,模拟的PM10浓度值与实测值有较好的一致性。通过判别预报和数值模拟两种预报技术的开展,可以预报沙尘输送影响的空气质量级别、沙尘分布和演变规律,为进一步开展空气质量预报预警和防控沙尘工作打下了很好的科学基础。  相似文献   

兰州市空气污染对儿童肺功能影响的前瞻性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从不同的角度阐述了室内外空气污染对儿童肺功能 ,特别是小气道功能的影响及其影响程度的前瞻性研究结果。并通过多因素、多指标的综合分析 ,揭示了一些影响儿童肺功能的主要因素。指出了从保护人体健康的角度来说 ,好的环境空气质量和良好的室内空气质量同样重要  相似文献   

The performances and applicability of a diffusion tubesampler for the simultaneous measurements of NO2 andSO2 in ambient air were evaluated. SO2 andNO2are collected by the passive sampler using triethanolamine astrapping agent and are determined as sulphate and nitrite withion chromatography. The detection limit (2.3 g m-3 ofNO2 and 4.2 g m-3 of SO2 for two weekssampling) is adequate for the determination of concentrationsin urban and industrial areas. Precision of the method as RSDis in mean 5% for NO2 and 12% for SO2 at theconcentration levels in urban areas. Calibration of the methodwas performed in the field conditions by comparison between theresponses of sampler and the concentrations measured by thecontinuous monitors. High degree of linearity (correlationcoefficients > 0.8) is found between the passive sampler tubeand the continuous monitor data for both NO2 and SO2.To reduce the wind velocity influence on passive sampling ofdiffusion tubes, a protective shelter was tested in this study.The overall uncertainty of one measure for the optimised methodis estimated at 5 g m-3 for NO2 and 6g m-3 for SO2. Suitability of this passivesampling method for air pollution monitoring in urban areas wasdemonstrated by the results shown in this paper on a campaigncarried out in the French agglomeration.  相似文献   

城市大气中颗粒物的研究现状及健康效应   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
综述了大气尘(TSP、PM10、PM2.5)的研究现状,重点围绕TSP、PM10、PM2.5的物理特征、化学组成(有机组成、重金属元素的总含量及其各化学形态分布)及其源解析进行描述,也提及了大气颗粒物与健康的关系.  相似文献   

室外空气污染对成人呼吸系统健康影响的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报告在广州、武汉、兰州、重庆市 8所小学共 80 0 0余名学生父母患呼吸系统疾病的病症率受空气污染影响的分析结果。每个城市城区污染点的成人感冒咳嗽和咳痰、未感冒咳嗽和咳痰、支气管炎等病症的发生率均高于相应城市的郊区对照点 ,且男性比女性更高。呼吸系统的病症率与空气 PM1 0 、PM2 .5 污染呈正相关。调整了混杂因子的影响后 ,这种相关关系仍保持不变。结论是 :空气中 PM1 0 的污染与成人 (男女 )的感冒或未感冒时咳嗽、男性未感冒时咳痰、哮喘、支气管炎有明显正相关关系 ;空气 SO2 污染与成人 (男女 )感冒时咳嗽、咳痰呈显著正相关 ;空气中 NOx 污染对成人呼吸系统病症率的影响相对较弱  相似文献   

In the absence of methods for determining particle size distributions in the inhalable size range with good discrimination, the samples collected by personal air sampling devices can only be characterized by their total mass. This parameter gives no information regarding the size distribution of the aerosol or the size-selection characteristics of different samplers in field use conditions. A method is described where the particles collected by a sampler are removed, suspended, and re-deposited on a mixed cellulose-ester filter, and examined by optical microscopy to determine particle aerodynamic diameters. This method is particularly appropriate to wood dust particles which are generally large and close to rectangular prisms in shape. Over 200 wood dust samples have been collected in three different wood-products industries, using the traditional closed-face polystyrene/acrylonitrile cassette, the Institute of Occupational Medicine inhalable sampler, and the Button sampler developed by the University of Cincinnati. A portion of these samples has been analyzed to determine the limitations of this method. Extensive quality control measures are being developed to improve the robustness of the procedure, and preliminary results suggest the method has an accuracy similar to that required of National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) methods. The results should provide valuable insights into the collection characteristics of the samplers and the impact of these characteristics on comparison of sampler results to present and potential future limit values. The NIOSH Deep South Education and Research Center has a focus on research into hazards of the forestry and associated wood-products industry, and it is hoped to expand this activity in the future.  相似文献   

Styrene-7,8-oxide (SO) is generated at low concentrations from the oxidation of styrene during the processing of reinforced plastics. Since exposure to SO has important health implications, we developed air sampling and analytical methods to measure low levels of airborne SO in the presence of styrene and its other oxidation products, namely phenylacetaldehyde (PAA) and acetophenone (AP). Both active and passive air monitors were used. The active sampling method, which employed adsorption on Tenax, was suitable for measuring SO, PAA and AP but had limited capacity for styrene due to breakthrough. The passive monitor employed a carbon adsorbent and was suitable for measurement of styrene and SO but not PAA and AP due to poor recovery. After sampling, the analytes were extracted from the adsorbents with ethyl acetate and measured by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection or mass spectrometry. By maintaining the injection port at 70 degrees C, the thermal rearrangement of SO to PAA was minimized. Recovery of styrene and SO from the passive monitor depended upon loading and was corrected by linearization of the Freundlich isotherm. The limits of detection for SO, PAA, and AP were 0.2 ppb using the active monitor, and for SO was 1 ppb using the passive monitor. The sampling precision for SO (RSD from personal measurements) was 5.0% for the passive monitor and was 13.4% for the active monitor over a range of exposures from 5-150 ppb. The corresponding precision for styrene was 5.3% for the passive monitor for levels ranging from 1.2 to 104 ppm. Measurements of 235 personal exposures with the active monitor in 12 facilities manufacturing fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) showed that levels of AP and PAA were below 7.8 ppb and 5 ppb, respectively. In contrast, SO averaged 30.4 ppb (SE=2.4) in these FRP facilities, ranging from below 0.2 ppb to 190 ppb. The active monitor was also used to detect airborne SO at levels of approximately equals 1 ppb in one facility manufacturing styrene butadiene rubber, suggesting that SO is generally present during the polymerization of styrene. Personal passive monitoring in the 12 FRP facilities (n = 657) revealed mean concentrations of styrene ranging between 1.8 and 55.4 ppm, and for SO between 1.7 and 62.6 ppb. The ratio of the mean styrene level to the mean SO level varied between 449:1 and 1,635:1 among the 12 FRP facilities.  相似文献   

Despite its importance for understanding the behaviour of antimony in the environment, the oxidation kinetics of Sb(III) with natural oxidants is still not well understood. We have studied the oxidation of Sb(III) by hydrogen peroxide on a time scale of hours in the presence of some trace metals, Cu(II), Mn(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II), under pH and concentration conditions close to natural ones. The effects that these trace metals have on Sb(iii) oxidation by hydrogen peroxide vary. Zn(II) had no catalytic effect at all, but Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) did, though their effects were not uniform. Cu(II) significantly accelerated the reaction, which remained first-order with respect to Sb(III) at any Cu(II) concentration tested. Pb(II) and Mn(II) also enhanced the reaction rates, but the apparent order of the reaction with respect to Sb(III) changed to two. The trace metal effect observed was concentration dependent for Pb(II). The addition of the hydroxyl radical scavenger 2-propanol suggests that the trace metal catalytic effect observed involves the action of hydroxyl radicals, but that they are not responsible for the oxidation of Sb(III) by H2O2 in the absence of trace metals. The fact that Sb(III) can be oxidized by hydroxyl radicals present in water, even if it is not capable of producing them, has important environmental implications because hydroxyl radicals are known to be abundant in many natural waters such as seawater, humic-rich surface waters or rainwater.  相似文献   

The air quality over the Toulouse urban area (France) is recorded daily by the regional "Midi-Pyrénées" atmospheric pollution measurements network (ORAMIP). Relevant data is collected from about 100 analysers spread over more than thirty stations. The regulations covering major indicators of atmospheric pollution (ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide) have been updated in recent years to include additional compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The ORAMIP, in partnership with the ENSIACET has undertaken background PAH average concentration measurements over the urban agglomeration of Toulouse during spring 2006 for various types of sites (traffic, urban, industrial). The sampling was performed using a low volume air sampler equipped with quartz fiber filters and polyurethane foams For the two urban sites, total atmospheric concentrations between 12 and 20 ng/m(3) have been obtained, whereas for the industrial site the values averaged 22 ng/m(3). In addition, and regardless of site, the average concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene, at present the only regulated PAH, were always less than the 1 ng/m(3) limit.  相似文献   

The speciation of metals in a contaminated, anoxic, sulfide-rich, freshwater sediment was determined experimentally, using a sequential extraction procedure based on the method of Tessier et al. Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of sequential extractions, the applied methodology allowed the investigation of the influence of aeration and acidification on the distribution of various metals in the sediment. Aeration caused Zn and Cd to be released from sulfides. Carbonates were partly dissolved by the oxidation process, causing mobilisation of Ca. Fe became less mobile owing to a stronger binding to organic matter. The speciation of K, Al, Ni, Pb and Mn and to a lesser extent of Cu was not affected by aeration. As a result of acidification of the aerated sediment, Ca, Mn, Ni, Zn and Cd became more mobile owing to the dissolution of carbonates.  相似文献   

In this study, environmental impact on air quality was evaluated for a typical Cement Industry in Nigeria. The air pollutants in the atmosphere around the cement plant and neighbouring settlements were determined using appropriate sampling techniques. Atmospheric dust and CO2 were prevalent pollutants during the sampling period; their concentrations were recorded to be in the range of 249–3,745 mg/m3 and 2,440–2,600 mg/m3, respectively. Besides atmospheric dust and CO2, the air pollutants such as NO x , SO x and CO were in trace concentrations, below the safe limits approved by FEPA that are 0.0062–0.093 mg/m3 NO x , 0.026 mg/m3 SO x and 114.3 mg/m3 CO, respectively. Some cost-effective mitigating measures were recommended that include the utilisation of readily available and low-cost pozzolans material to produce blended cement, not only could energy efficiency be improved, but carbon dioxide emission could also be minimised during clinker production; and the installation of an advance high-pressure grinding rolls (clinker–roller-press process) to maximise energy efficiency to above what is obtainable from the traditional ball mills and to minimise CO2 emission from the power plant.  相似文献   

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