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An existing multiphase flow simulator was modified in order to determine the effects of four mechanisms on NAPL mass removal in a strongly layered heterogeneous vadose zone during soil vapor extraction (SVE): a) NAPL flow, b) diffusion and dispersion from low permeability zones, c) slow desorption from sediment grains, and d) rate-limited dissolution of trapped NAPL. The impacts of water and NAPL saturation distribution, NAPL-type (i.e., free, residual, or trapped) distribution, and spatial heterogeneity of the permeability field on these mechanisms were evaluated. Two different initial source zone architectures (one with and one without trapped NAPL) were considered and these architectures were used to evaluate seven different SVE scenarios. For all runs, slow diffusion from low permeability zones that gas flow bypassed was a dominant factor for diminished SVE effectiveness at later times. This effect was more significant at high water saturation due to the decrease of gas-phase relative permeability. Transverse dispersion contributed to fast NAPL mass removal from the low permeability layer in both source zone architectures, but longitudinal dispersion did not affect overall mass removal time. Both slow desorption from sediment grains and rate-limited mass transfer from trapped NAPL only marginally affected removal times. However, mass transfer from trapped NAPL did affect mass removal at later time, as well as the NAPL distribution. NAPL flow from low to high permeability zones contributed to faster mass removal from the low permeability layer, and this effect increased when water infiltration was eliminated. These simulations indicate that if trapped NAPL exists in heterogeneous porous media, mass transfer can be improved by delivering gas directly to zones with trapped NAPL and by lowering the water content, which increases the gas relative permeability and changes trapped NAPL to free NAPL.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is commonly used to remediate nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) from the vadose zone. This paper aims to determine the effect of grain size heterogeneity on the removal of NAPL in porous media during SVE. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to observe and quantify the amount and location of NAPL in flow-through columns filled with silica gel grains. MRI is unique because it is nondestructive, allowing three-dimensional images to be taken of the phases as a function of space and time. Columns were packed with silica gel in three ways: coarse grains (250-550 microm) only, fine grains (32-63 microm) only, and a core of fine grains surrounded by a shell of coarse grains. Columns saturated with water were drained under a constant suction head, contaminated with decane, and then drained to different decane saturations. Each column was then continuously purged with water-saturated nitrogen gas and images were taken intermittently. Results showed that at residual saturation, a sharp volatilization front moved through the columns filled with either coarse-grain or fine-grain silica gel. In the heterogeneous columns, the volatilization front in the core lagged just behind the shell because gas flow was greater through the shell and decane in the core diffused outward to the shell. When decane saturation in the core was above residual saturation, decane volatilization occurred near the inlet, the relative decane saturation throughout the core dropped uniformly, and decane in the core flowed in the liquid phase to the shell to replenish volatilized decane. These results indicate that NAPL trapped in low-permeability zones can flow to replenish areas where NAPL is lost due to SVE. However, when residual NAPL saturation is reached, NAPL flow no longer occurs and diffusion limits removal from low-permeability zones.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is typically effective for removal of volatile contaminants from higher-permeability portions of the vadose zone. However, contamination in lower-permeability zones can persist due to mass transfer processes that limit the removal effectiveness. After SVE has been operated for a period of time and the remaining contamination is primarily located in lower-permeability zones, the remedy performance needs to be evaluated to determine whether the SVE system should be optimized, terminated, or transitioned to another technology to replace or augment SVE. Numerical modeling of vapor-phase contaminant transport was used to investigate the correlation between measured vapor-phase mass discharge, MF(r), from a persistent, vadose-zone contaminant source and the resulting groundwater contaminant concentrations. This relationship was shown to be linear, and was used to directly assess SVE remediation progress over time and to determine the level of remediation in the vadose zone necessary to protect groundwater. Although site properties and source characteristics must be specified to establish a unique relation between MF(r) and the groundwater contaminant concentration, this correlation provides insight into SVE performance and support for decisions to optimize or terminate the SVE operation or to transition to another type of treatment.  相似文献   

Although laboratory experiments show that non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) is retained in the unsaturated zone, no existing multiphase flow model has been developed to account for residual NAPL after NAPL drainage in the unsaturated zone. We developed a static constitutive set of saturation-capillary pressure relationships for water, NAPL and air that accounts for both this residual NAPL and entrapped NAPL. The set of constitutive relationships is formulated similarly to the set of scaled relationships that is frequently applied in continuum models. The new set consists of three fluid-phase systems: a three-phase system and a two-phase system, that both comply with the original constitutive model, and a newly introduced residual NAPL system. The new system can be added relatively easily to the original two- and three-phase systems. Entrapment is included in the model. The constitutive relationships of the non-drainable residual NAPL system are based on qualitative fluid behavior derived from a pore scale model. The pore scale model reveals that the amount of residual NAPL depends on the spreading coefficient and the water saturation. Furthermore, residual NAPL is history-dependent. At the continuum scale, a critical NAPL pressure head defines the transition from free, mobile NAPL to residual NAPL. Although the Pc-S relationships for water and total liquid are not independent in case of residual NAPL, two two-phase Pc-S relations can represent a three-phase residual system of Pc-S relations. A newly introduced parameter, referred to as the residual oil pressure head, reflects the mutual dependency of water and oil. Example calculations show consistent behavior of the constitutive model. Entrapment and retention in the unsaturated zone cooperate to retain NAPL. Moreover, the results of our constitutive model are in agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dissolution characteristics of ternary nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) mixtures with the goal of comparing the relative contributions of multicomponent (intra-NAPL) diffusion, film transfer and thermodynamic nonideality. These contributions are compared at the pore scale and intermediate scale (several centimeters downstream from the source). Trichloroethene (TCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) were selected to model a reasonably ideal mixture; TCE, PCE and octanol were selected as a relevant nonideal mixture. A multicomponent diffusion-based dissolution model incorporating hydrodynamic theory was formulated to estimate intra-NAPL concentration gradients and associated aqueous interfacial concentrations for ideally shaped (spherical) NAPL blobs. Pore scale dissolution times for this model were compared to those generated using the conventional well-mixed NAPL dissolution model, applying the same film transfer boundary condition in both cases. Activity coefficients (spatially and temporally variable for the diffusion model, temporally variable for the well-mixed model) were estimated using UNIFAC. NAPL interfacial concentration histories generated using the pore scale models were used as input in a three-dimensional groundwater transport model (MT3DMS) to compare downstream concentration distributions. For the relatively large NAPL bodies simulated (r=0.6 cm), intra-NAPL diffusion effects were found to be significant at the pore scale and were strongly impacted by the mixture's thermodynamic ideality. At the intermediate scale, and for the conditions tested, modest differences in the simulations suggested that intra-NAPL diffusion effects would be negligible compared to those associated with mixture composition uncertainty, dissolution rate processes related to NAPL-induced permeability effects and hydrodynamic issues associated with flow field heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Air sparging and soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE) are innovative remediation techniques that utilize volatilization and microbial degradation to remediate petroleum spills from soils and groundwater. This in situ study investigated the use of AS/SVE to remediate a gasoline spill from a leaking underground storage tank (UST) in the low permeability, clayey soil of the Appalachian Piedmont. The objectives of this study were to evaluate AS/SVE in low permeability soils by quantifying petroleum mass removal rates, monitoring vadose zone contaminant levels, and comparing the mass extraction rates of continuous AS/SVE to 8 and 24 h pulsed operation. The objectives were met by collecting AS/SVE exhaust gas samples and vadose zone air from multi-depth soil vapor probes. Samples were analyzed for O2, CO2, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene), and total combustible hydrocarbon (TCH) concentrations using portable hand meters and gas chromatography. Continuous AS/SVE was effective in removing 608 kg of petroleum hydrocarbons from low permeability soil in 44 days (14.3 kg day−1). Mass removal rates ranged from 2.6 times higher to 5.1 times lower than other AS/SVE studies performed in sandy sediments. BTEX levels in the vadose zone were reduced from about 5 ppm to 1 ppm. Ten pulsed AS/SVE tests removed 78 kg in 23 days and the mean mass removal rate (17.6 kg day−1) was significantly higher than the last 15 days of continuous extraction. Pulsed operation may be preferable to continuous operation because of increased mass removal and decreased energy consumption.  相似文献   

An emplaced hydrocarbon source field experiment was conducted in the relatively homogeneous sandy geology of the vadose zone at Airbase Vaerl?se, Denmark. The source (10.2 l of NAPL) consisted of 13 hydrocarbons (n-, iso- and cyclo-alkanes and aromates) and CFC-113 as a tracer. Monitoring in the 107 soil gas probes placed out to 20 m from the centre of the source showed spreading of all the compounds in the pore air and all compounds were measured in the pore air within a few hours after source emplacement. Seven of the fourteen compounds were depleted from the source within the 1 year of monitoring. The organic vapours in the pore air migrated radially from the source. The CFC-113 concentrations seemed to be higher in the deeper soil gas probes compared with the hydrocarbons, indicating a high loss of CFC-113 to the atmosphere and the lack of degradation of CFC-113. For the first days after source emplacement, the transport of CFC-113, hexane and toluene was successfully simulated using a radial gas-phase diffusion model for the unsaturated zone. Groundwater pollution caused by the vadose zone hydrocarbon vapours was only detected in the upper 30 cm of the underlying groundwater and only during the first 3 months of the experiment. Only the most water-soluble compounds were detected in the groundwater and concentrations decreased sharply with depth (approximately one order of magnitude within 10 cm depth) to non-detect at 30 cm depth. The groundwater table varied more than 1 m within the measurement period. However that did not influence the direction of the groundwater flow. Approximately 7 months after source emplacement the groundwater table rose more than 1 m within 1 month. That did not cause additional pollution of the groundwater.  相似文献   

Contamination of the subsurface by nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) is a widespread problem. To investigate the behavior of a nonspreading, dense NAPL (DNAPL) in the vadose zone, we conducted perchloroethylene (PCE) infiltration experiments in nominally 1- and 2-dimensional (D), stratified porous media. In addition, the usefulness and limitations of a multifluid flow simulator to describe PCE infiltration and redistribution under the experimental conditions were tested. The physical simulations were conducted in a column (1-D) and a flow container (2-D) which were packed with two distinct layers of coarse-grained sand and a fine-grained sand layer in between. Volumetric water and PCE contents were determined with a fully automated dual-energy gamma radiation system. While migrating through the drier parts of the coarse-grained sand layers, PCE appeared to wet the water–air interface rather than displacing any water. In the wetter parts of the porous medium, PCE displaced water and behaved as a true nonwetting fluid. PCE showed a limited response to gradients in capillary pressure and rather high values for the volumetric PCE content were measured in the fine-grained sand layers. This was attributed to the nonspreading nature of PCE. The multifluid flow simulator appeared to predict the initial PCE movement in the vadose zone reasonably well. However, the model was not capable of predicting the final amounts of PCE retained in either the unsaturated or saturated part of the flow domain, mainly because the simulator does not consider the nonspreading flow behavior of NAPLs.  相似文献   

A partitioning tracer test based on gas-phase diffusion in the vadose zone yields estimates of the residual nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) saturation. The present paper investigates this technique further by studying diffusive tracer breakthrough curves in the vadose zone for a heterogeneous NAPL distribution. Tracer experiments were performed in a lysimeter with a horizontal layer of artificial kerosene embedded in unsaturated sand. Tracer disappearance curves at the injection point and tracer breakthrough curves at some distance from the injection point were measured inside and outside of the NAPL layer. A numerical code was used to generate independent model predictions based on the physicochemical sand, NAPL, and tracer properties. The measured and modeled tracer breakthrough curves were in good agreement confirming the validity of important modeling assumptions such as negligible sorption of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) tracers to the uncontaminated sand and their fast reversible partitioning between the soil air and the NAPL phase. Subsequently, the model was used to investigate different configurations of NAPL contamination. The experimental and model results show that the tracer disappearance curves of a single-well diffusive partitioning tracer test (DPTT) are dominated by the near-field presence of NAPL around the tip of the soil gas probe. In contrast, breakthrough curves of inter-well tracer tests reflect the NAPL saturation in between the probes, although there is no unique interpretation of the tracer signals if the NAPL distribution is heterogeneous. Numerical modeling is useful for the planning of a DPTT application. Simulations suggest that several cubic meters of soil can be investigated with a single inter-well partitioning tracer test of 24-hour duration by placing the injection point in the center of the investigated soil volume and probes at up to 1 m distance for the monitoring of gaseous tracers.  相似文献   

The amount, location, and form of NAPL in contaminated vadose zones are controlled by the spatial distribution of water saturation and soil permeability, the NAPL spill scenario, water infiltration events, and vapor transport. To evaluate the effects of these processes, we used the three-phase flow simulator STOMP, which includes a new permeability-liquid saturation-capillary pressure (k-S-P) constitutive model. This new constitutive model considers three NAPL forms: free, residual, and trapped. A 2-D vertical cross-section with five stratigraphic layers was assumed, and simulations were performed for seven cases. The conceptual model of the soil heterogeneity was based upon the stratigraphy at the Hanford carbon tetrachloride (CT) spill site. Some cases considered co-disposal of NAPL with large volumes of wastewater, as also occurred at the Hanford CT site. In these cases, the form and location of NAPL were most strongly influenced by high water discharge rates and NAPL evaporation to the atmosphere. In order to investigate the impact of heterogeneity, the hydraulic conductivity within the lower permeability layer was modeled as a realization of a random field having three different classes. For six extreme cases of 100 realizations, the CT mass that reached the water table varied by a factor of two, and was primarily controlled by the degree of lateral connectivity of the low conductivity class within the lowest permeability layer. The grid size at the top boundary had a dramatic impact on NAPL diffusive flux just after the spill event when the NAPL was present near the ground surface. NAPL evaporation with a fine grid spacing at the top boundary decreased CT mass that reached the water table by 74%, compared to the case with a coarse grid spacing, while barometric pumping had a marginal effect for the case of a continuous NAPL spill scenario considered in this work. For low water infiltration rate scenarios, the distribution of water content prior to a NAPL spill event decreased CT mass that reached the water table by 98% and had a significant impact on the formation of trapped NAPL. For all cases simulated, use of the new constitutive model that allows the formation of residual NAPL increased the amount of NAPL retained in the vadose zone. Density-driven advective gas flow from the ground surface controlled vapor migration in strongly anisotropic layers, causing NAPL mass flux to the lower layer to be reduced. These simulations indicate that consideration of the formation of residual and trapped NAPLs and dynamic boundary conditions (e.g., areas, rates, and periods of different NAPL and water discharge and fluctuations of atmospheric pressure) in the context of full three-phase flow are needed, especially for NAPL spill events at the ground surface. In addition, NAPL evaporation, density-driven gas advection, and NAPL vertical movement enhanced by water flow must be considered in order to predict NAPL distribution and migration in the vadose zone.  相似文献   

To investigate the coupled effects of solution chemistry and hydrodynamics on the mobility of quantum dot (QD) nanoparticles in the vadose zone, laboratory scale transport experiments involving single and/or sequential infiltrations of QDs in unsaturated and saturated porous media, and computations of total interaction and capillary potential energies were performed. As ionic strength increased, QD retention in the unsaturated porous media increased; however, this retention was significantly suppressed in the presence of a non-ionic surfactant in the infiltration suspensions as indicated by surfactant enhanced transport of QDs. In the vadose zone, the non-ionic surfactant limited the formation of QD aggregates, enhanced QD mobility and transport, and lowered the solution surface tension, which resulted in a decrease in capillary forces that not only led to a reduction in the removal of QDs, but also impacted the vadose zone flow processes. When chemical transport conditions were favorable (ionic strength of 5 × 10(-4)M and 5 × 10(-3)M, or ionic strengths of 5 × 10(-2)M and 0.5M with surfactant), the dominating phenomena controlling the mobility and transport of QDs in the vadose zone were meso-scale processes, where infiltration by preferential flow results in the rapid transport of QDs. When chemical transport conditions were unfavorable (ionic strength of 5 × 10(-2)M and 0.5M) the dominating phenomena controlling the mobility and transport of QDs in the vadose zone were pore-scale processes governed by gas-water interfaces (GWI) that impact the mobility of QDs. The addition of surfactant enhanced the transport of QDs both in favorable and unfavorable chemical transport conditions. The mobility and retention of QDs was controlled by interaction and capillary forces, with the latter being the most influential. GWI were found to be the dominant mechanism and site for QD removal compared with solid-water interfaces (SWI) and pore straining. Additionally, ripening phenomena were demonstrated to enhance QDs removal or retention in porous media and to be attenuated by the presence of surfactant.  相似文献   

A hysteretic constitutive model describing relations among relative permeabilities, saturations, and pressures in fluid systems consisting of air, nonaqueous-phase liquid (NAPL), and water is modified to account for NAPL that is postulated to be immobile in small pores and pore wedges and as films or lenses on water surfaces. A direct outcome of the model is prediction of the NAPL saturation that remains in the vadose zone after long drainage periods (residual NAPL). Using the modified model, water and NAPL (free, entrapped by water, and residual) saturations can be predicted from the capillary pressures and the water and total-liquid saturation-path histories. Relations between relative permeabilities and saturations are modified to account for the residual NAPL by adjusting the limits of integration in the integral expression used for predicting the NAPL relative permeability. When all of the NAPL is either residual or entrapped (i.e., no free NAPL), then the NAPL relative permeability will be zero. We model residual NAPL using concepts similar to those used to model residual water. As an initial test of the constitutive model, we compare predictions to published measurements of residual NAPL. Furthermore, we present results using the modified constitutive theory for a scenario involving NAPL imbibition and drainage.  相似文献   

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) is a common remediation technique for removing volatile organic compounds from unsaturated contaminated soils. Soil heterogeneities can however cause serious limitations to the applicability of SVE due to air bypassing low permeable areas of the soil, leading to diffusion limitation of the remediation. To enhance removal from areas subject to diffusion limitation a new remediation technique, pneumatic soil vapor extraction, is proposed. In contrast to traditional SVE, in which soil vapor is extracted continuously by a vacuum pump, pneumatic SVE is based on enforcing a sequence of large pressure drops on the system to enhance the recovery from the low-permeable areas. The pneumatic SVE technique was investigated in the laboratory using TCE as a model contaminant. 2D-laboratory tank experiments were performed on homogeneous and heterogeneous sand packs. The heterogeneous packs consisted of a fine sand lens surrounded by a coarser sand matrix. As expected when using traditional SVE, the removal of TCE from the low permeable lens was extremely slow and subject to diffusion limitation. In contrast when pneumatic venting was used removal rates increased by up to 77%. The enhanced removal was hypothesized to be attributed to mixing of the contaminated air inside the lens and generation of net advective transport out of the lens due to air expansion.  相似文献   

Hot water flushing for immiscible displacement of a viscous NAPL   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thermal remediation techniques, such as hot water flooding, are emerging technologies that have been proposed for the removal of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) from the subsurface. In this study a combined laboratory and modeling investigation was conducted to determine if hot water flooding techniques would improve NAPL mass removal compared to ambient temperature water flushing. Two experiments were conducted in a bench scale two-dimensional sandbox (55 cmx45 cmx1.3 cm) and NAPL saturations were quantified using a light transmission apparatus. In these immiscible displacement experiments the aqueous phase, at 22 degrees C and 50 degrees C, displaced a zone with initial NAPL saturations on the order of 85%. The interfacial tension and viscosity of the selected light NAPL, Voltesso 35, are strongly temperature-dependent. Experimental results suggest that hot water flooding reduced the size of the high NAPL saturation zone, in comparison to the cold water flood, and yielded greater NAPL mass recovery (75% NAPL removal vs. 64%). Hot water flooding did not, however, result in lower residual NAPL saturations. A numerical simulator was modified to include simultaneous flow of water and organic phases, energy transport, temperature and pressure. Model predictions of mass removal and NAPL saturation profiles compared well with observed behavior. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the utility of hot water flooding improves with the increasing temperature dependence of NAPL hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

The efficiency of traditional soil venting or soil vapor extraction (SVE) highly depends on the architecture of the subsurface because imposed advective air flow tends to bypass low-permeable contaminated areas. Pneumatic SVE is a technique developed to enhance remediation efficiency of heterogeneous soils by enforcing large fluctuating pressure fronts through the contaminated area. Laboratory experiments have suggested that pneumatic SVE considerably improves the recovery rate from low-permeable units. We have analyzed the experimental results using a numerical code and quantified the physical processes controlling the functioning of the method. A sensitivity analysis for selected boundary conditions, initial conditions and parameters was carried out to examine how the method behaves under conditions different from the experimental set-up. The simulations show that at the laboratory level the pneumatic venting technology is superior to the traditional technique, and that the method is particularly efficient in cases where large permeability contrasts exist between soil units in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments demonstrate that in situ recovery of pooled tetrachloroethene (PCE) from porous media may be accomplished more efficiently using multiple-step alcohol floods than with single alcohol floods. To optimize flooding efficiency while maintaining a low risk of downward DNAPL mobilization, a three-step flooding process is developed employing an isobutanol preflood, a composite alcohol mainflood, and a polymer solution postflood. The density and viscosity of these solutions are manipulated to prevent the onset and propagation of viscous and gravitational fingers, while maintaining phase behavior critical for efficient miscible NAPL displacement. An aqueous partitioning preflood solution of 10% by volume (10% v) isobutanol reduces the NAPL density in situ to approximately 1.00 g/ml by swelling the NAPL prior to miscible displacement induced by the mainflood. The composite alcohol mainflood, containing 65% v ethylene glycol and 35% v 1-propanol maintains miscibility while achieving neutral buoyancy and near stable displacement of the NAPL. Aqueous solutions of xanthan gum polymer efficiently displace the mainflood, reducing viscous fingering associated with waterfloods. Two-dimensional experiments using the multiple-step technique achieve 99.8% DNAPL mass recovery using a total of 0.45 pore volumes of alcohol, illustrating greater recovery efficiency than previous alcohol flooding formulations under comparable conditions.  相似文献   

The gas-phase partitioning tracer method was used to estimate non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), water, and air saturations in the vadose zone at a chlorinated-solvent contaminated field site in Tucson, AZ. The tracer test was conducted in a fractured-clay system that is the confining layer for the underlying regional aquifer. Three suites of three tracers were injected into wells located 14, 24, and 24 m from a single, central extraction well. The tracers comprised noble gases (traditionally thought to be nonsorbing), alkanes (primarily water partitioning), perfluorides (primarily NAPL partitioning), and halons (both NAPL and water partitioning). Observations of vacuum response were consistent with flow in a fractured system. The halon tracers exhibited the greatest amount of retardation, and helium and the perfluoride tracers the least. The alkane tracers were unexpectedly more retarded than the perfluoride tracers, indicating low NAPL saturations and high water saturations. An NAPL saturation of 0.01, water saturation of 0.215, and gas saturation of 0.775 was estimated based on analysis of the suite of tracers comprising helium, perfluoromethylcyclohexane and dibromodifluoromethane, which was considered to be the most robust set. The estimated saturations compare reasonably well to independently determined values.  相似文献   

The need for measuring dynamic fluid saturation distribution in multi-dimensional three-fluid phase flow experiments is hampered by lack of appropriate techniques to monitor full field transient flow phenomena. There is no conventional technique able to measure dynamic three-fluid phase saturation at several array points of the flow field at the same time. A multispectral image analysis technique was developed to determine dynamic NAPL, water and air saturation distribution in two-dimensional three-fluid phase laboratory experiments. Using a digital near-infrared camera, images of sand samples with various degrees of NAPL, water and air saturation were taken, under constant lighting conditions and within three narrow spectral bands of the visible and near-infrared spectrum. It was shown that the optical density defined for the reflected luminous intensity was a linear function of the NAPL and the water saturation for each spectral band and for any two and three-fluid phase systems. This allowed the definition of dimensionless lump reflection coefficients for the NAPL and the water phase within each spectral band. Consequently, at any given time, two images taken within two different spectral bands provided two linear equations which could be solved for the water and the NAPL saturation. The method was applied to two-dimensional three-phase flow experiments, which were conducted to investigate the migration and the distribution of LNAPL in the vadose zone. The method was used to obtain continuous, quantitative and dynamic full field mapping of the NAPL saturation as well as the variation of the water and the air saturation during NAPL flow. The method provides a non-destructive and non-intrusive tool for studying multiphase flow for which rapid changes in fluid saturation in the entire flow domain is difficult to measure using conventional techniques.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to visualize the NAPL source zone architecture before and after surfactant-enhanced NAPL dissolution in three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneously packed flowcells characterized by different longitudinal correlation lengths: 2.1 cm (aquifer 1) and 1.1 cm (aquifer 2). Surfactant flowpaths were determined by imaging the breakthrough of a paramagnetic tracer (MnCl(2)) analyzed by the method of moments. In both experimental aquifers, preferential flow occurred in high permeability materials with low NAPL saturations, and NAPL was preferentially removed from the top of the aquifers with low saturation. Alternate flushing with water and two surfactant pulses (5-6 pore volumes each) resulted in approximately 63% of NAPL mass removal from both aquifers. However, overall reduction in mass flux (Mass Flux 1) exiting the flowcell was lower in aquifer 2 (68%) than in aquifer 1 (81%), and local effluent concentrations were found to increase by as high as 120 times at local sampling ports from aquifer 2 after surfactant flushing. 3D MRI images of NAPL revealed that NAPL migrated downward and created additional NAPL source zones in previously uncontaminated areas at the bottom of the aquifers. The additional NAPL source zones were created in the direction transverse to flow in aquifer 2, which explains the higher mass flux relative to aquifer 1. Analysis using a total trapping number indicates that mobilization of NAPL trapped in the two coarsest sand fractions is possible when saturation is below 0.5 and 0.4, respectively. Results from this study highlight the potential impacts of porous media heterogeneity and NAPL source zone architecture on advanced in-situ flushing technologies.  相似文献   

A residual non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) present in the vadose zone can act as a contaminant source for many years as the compounds of concern partition to infiltrating groundwater and air contained in the soil voids. Current pressure-saturation-relative permeability relationships do not include a residual NAPL saturation term in their formulation. This paper presents the results of series of two- and three-phase pressure cell experiments conducted to evaluate the residual NAPL saturation and its impact on the pressure-saturation relationship. A model was proposed to incorporate a residual NAPL saturation term into an existing hysteretic three-phase parametric model developed by Parker and Lenhard [Water Resour. Res. 23(12) (1987) 2187], Lenhard and Parker [Water Resour. Res. 23(12) (1987) 2197] and Lenhard [J. Contam. Hydrol. 9 (1992) 243]. The experimental results indicated that the magnitude of the residual NAPL saturation was a function of the maximum total liquid saturation reached and the water saturation. The proposed model to incorporate a residual NAPL saturation term is similar in form to the entrapment model proposed by Parker and Lenhard, which was based on an expression presented by Land [Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (June 1968) 149].  相似文献   

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