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学校图书信息管理系统设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
图书管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),本文主要介绍后台数据库的建立、维护及前端应用程序开发两个方面.该系统采用BIS架构,将图书入库、查询、借阅、维护、用户信息等功能集成在一起,具有用户介面友好、操作简单、数据安全、功能强大、实用性强的特点.  相似文献   

砍伐森林不是一种新现象.在这项研究中,一些数据用来表示马达加斯加在不同方面对森林开发和利用.基于本文研究的目的,我们定义了主要开发用法,譬如非法木材业,灌木火,耕种和燃料采伐.结果表明,那些测量的数据非常重要以致于引起我们足够的重视,而且数据表明在今后几年中森林砍伐量将达到最大值.  相似文献   

汕头市位于粤东沿海.有丰富的浅海滩涂资源.围海造田在一定程度上缓解了汕头市人多地少的矛盾,但也产生了一些亟待解决的问题.今后,浅海滩涂开发要因地制宜、综合利用.促进汕头市海洋经济可持续发展.  相似文献   

在削减战略投资30年期间,经合组织成员国的污染已经显著减少.然而,经济增长速度正在超过这些成就,因而经合组织国家政府正在转向新的战略和政策手段,以促进污染预防和清洁生产.尽管清洁技术的迅速、普遍开发与推广仍存在着障碍,但经合组织国家正在开始取得进展.正在实施各种各样的途径,包括经济手段、与生产者签订自愿协议、寿命周期分析、信息与生态标志计划、出口促进计划、清洁技术的研究与开发.努力的步伐预期会加大.尤其需要注意引导中小型企业,全面促进私有部门的进展.  相似文献   

大丰市滩涂生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用遥感技术,通过对TM影像的解译,分析了江苏省大丰市不同历史阶段滩涂开发状况。运用Costanza方法计算了滩涂生态系统的服务价值。研究结果表明,在1984年至2002年18a间,由于缺乏科学规划,滩涂开发对大丰市滩涂生态系统服务功能造成损害;与1997年相比,2002年大丰市滩涂生态系统服务价值损失达88.38万美元,减少33.46%。  相似文献   

南岳衡山生态旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态旅游是实现旅游可持续发展的重要途径.南岳衡山开发生态旅游条件优越,生态旅游资源类型齐全,区位优越,市场前景广阔,但必须走可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

朱亭森林公园旅游开发初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对株洲县朱亭森林公园的旅游开发基本条件进行了多层面的分析,并且对朱亭森林公园如何进行旅游开发规划建设做了初步探讨.对类似朱亭森林公园背景条件的森林旅游资源非优型森林公园的旅游开发具有现实的借鉴指导意义.  相似文献   

通过对六种植物配置方式及三种开发模式的对比试验分析,试验出了一种融水土保持效益与经济效益于一体的高效生态经济型造林模式,并探讨了灰毡毛忍冬产量与海拔高度的关系.结果表明:在自然条件恶劣的小沙江高海拔山区,采用金银花(品种为灰毡毛忍冬) 三木药材或其它草本药材,运用景观生态学原理进行设计开发,可获得很好的经济效益与社会效益,并能保持山区的可持续发展.同时还试验出了主栽树种灰毡毛忍冬在海拔1000~1400m之间时经济效益最好.  相似文献   

在化学安全信息分享问题上,政府和工业界正在付出更多的努力.有许多国家和国际的法律手段,保障公众知情权.在这一点上,OECD已经开发出指导方针并且采用了一批关于化学安全的决定和建议.与公众的沟通,是政府、工业界和社会的共同责任,而公私合作是基础.当化学作业风险信息被广泛了解的时候,社会通常是受益的.然而,有一种忧虑认为,把某些类特定信息公诸于众,会危及安全.  相似文献   

Vrsl.  DV 《产业与环境》1997,19(3):67-69
在火地岛智利部分的南部,发现了南方壳斗科(山毛榉科)的最后完好森林.一个大规模伐木项目很可能毁坏这个辽阔地区的原始状态,而其湖泊、河流和野生森林有开发生态旅游的巨大潜力.预计会有日益增大的商业利益冲突.  相似文献   

Micro-irrigation systems (MIS) have been at the forefront of policy-making and social research in exploring determinants that could potentially impact the adoption of MIS technologies in the field to fulfil the basic aim of enhanced agricultural productivity and enriched nutritional quality of the produce with optimal adoption of natural resources. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine why MIS technologies have not been adopted to the extent anticipated, so that suitable policy schemes, promotional schemes and socio-technical frameworks could be formulated for their enhanced adoption to enhance the socio-economic status of the farming community in the Dahod district of Gujarat State, India. A study of 350 non-MIS (NMIS) and 350 MIS farmers was conducted to identify factors affecting the MIS adoption process. The logit model was fitted using XLSTAT software (XLSTAT 2014.1.04) to the explanatory variables (determinants) of the MIS adoption process. Type III analysis and ANOVA were conducted to test the relative significance of the explanatory variables adopted. It was found that total income had the highest weight (or beta coefficient, i.e. 0.625) followed by total land area (0.546), motor horsepower (0.499), dependency ratio (0.397), and education (0.295) and age of household head (0.207). Furthermore, to assess the efficacy of the logit model, the ROC curve was also developed and the AUC was found to be 0.881, and therefore the model was considered to discriminate well in identifying the factors affecting the MIS adoption process. The study found that higher total income and education level increase the likelihood of MIS adoption and agricultural water management, and therefore special training programmes on installation, as well as repair and maintenance, of MIS systems and agricultural water management can be planned at the institutional/organisation level. The total cultivable area is also one of the important determinants in MIS adoption, and therefore the adoption of MIS schemes should not be restricted to large farmers only, but rather should be extended to both small and marginal farmers.  相似文献   

Summary Yellow-bellied marmots express considerable individuality as measured by behavior in a maze, mirror-image stimulation (MIS), and social behavior in the field. Maze behavior discriminated between residents and dispersers; residents explored the maze more widely than did dispersers. Males could not be distinguished from females nor survivors from non-survivors by their maze behavior. A group of six yearling females was established to examine the relationship between individual behavioral phenotypes (as determined by MIS) and social behavior in the field. This experiment provided a situation in which social behavior was not influenced by age, sex, or reproduction (female yearlings are non-reproductive). The number of social interactions per individual ranged from 25 to 69. The number of observed interactions per individual differend significantly from the expected for greeting, allogrooming, total amicable, play, and total social interactions. Rankings of greeting, total amicable, and total interactions were directly correlated with rankings on the avoidance axis; play was inversely correlated with the approach axis. These results suggest that marmots have individual behavioral phenotypes that are expressed in their social interactions with their conspecifics.  相似文献   

Sustainable development planning must be based on environmental and biophysical baseline indices that effectively define comparative development potential and environmental constraints. As such, indices must define the comparative advantage of the natural resource base and measure the fundamental capacity to sustain production rates of natural resource goods and services used to create societal well being. Complex biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics affect the identification and selection of sustainable development strategies. When derived from effective baseline indicators, indices may be used to define the spatial and temporal distribution of economically viable production opportunities and may be expressed in derived indices that realistically describe basic production opportunities and guide the selection of feasible, long-term development strategies. Specifically, representative indices are critical in the identification of development goals and realistic objectives and can be used to evaluate, select and implement sustainable development strategies and plans. It is stressed that the relevancy and effectiveness of public policies depend on the identification of representative evaluation models and baseline indices to define development strategies that are both environmentally sustainable and economically viable. In this context, the role of baseline indicators that define natural resource production capacities is discussed. This includes potential resource uses, derived benefits and their economic and environmental impacts. Key thematic indicators are suggested that may be especially useful in identifying development alternatives and impacts. This suggested that clearly defined environmental pollution limits or impact standards be used to define public risk tolerance limits and carrying capacity constraints. It is argued that these measures may be more effective in directing policy choices than economic valuation of non market goods and services that represent environmental externalities associated with resource exploitation options and economic development strategies. To this end, examples of thematic indicators and derived indices are introduced that may prove effective in resource assessment, economic evaluation and strategic development planning.  相似文献   

慕庆国 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1970-1973
能源是经济发展的命脉。经济和能源的协调发展是社会发展的原动力。经济发展离开能源的基础,那将是无源之水,无本之木。所以,经济和能源应该协调发展,社会才能稳步前进。发展低碳经济是利用先进的技术和有效的管理方法与手段,保护资源,保护环境,实现社会和经济的可持续化发展的必由之路;是我国经济发展方式转型,产业结构调整过程中必须完成的紧迫任务之一。世界产业结构的变动,必然影响到开放度不断加大的我国,正是在这样的背景下,我国的煤炭及其他矿产品的出口不断增长。在我国融人经济全球化的过程中,要注意在接受国际产业结构调整对我国经济发展有利影响的同时,要用低碳经济的发展战略模式,避免消极影响危及我国经济的长期、根本利益。应该在这个大前提下,对我国自然资源进行有计划的开发和提高自然资源的有效利用。实现可持续发展已经成为中国社会经济发展的一个重要基本方针,可持续发展不仅要强调对环境的保护,而且应包括如何解决在人口已经高度密集,人均资源相对匮乏,自然生态环境已经十分脆弱的条件下,如何实现经济的长期高速发展,同时又要保护环境的这样一个史无前例的社会实践问题。低碳经济和能源资源的协调发展就成了解决这一问题的必经之路。能源既是重要的必不可少的经济发展和社会生活的物质前提,又是现实的重要污染来源,解决好我国的能源可持续发展战略问题,是实现我国社会经济可持续发展的重要环节。  相似文献   


The role of spatial scale in sustainable development is assessed by dividing the world into multiple spatial units at different levels on a socio-political spatial scale. The basic patterns of sustainable development do not appear to be evident at all spatial levels, owing to the absence of some capital stocks and the conversion processes linking them, but environmental economics theory can be generalized to explain phenomena at various levels. Capital conversion processes influencing the sustainability of development of spatial units are constrained by processes at different levels, e.g. those imposing environmental conditions on development or affecting availability of investment capital. The autonomy of individual spatial units is also compromised by capital transfers to and from other units at the same level, so it is proposed that the sustainability of development of a particular unit should be estimated using net, rather than gross capital trends. Because of uneven development the same degree of sustainability should not be expected at the same time for all spatial units at the same spatial level.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the potentials, problems, policies and progress in modelling sustainable development. After briefly describing ten approaches to modelling sustainable development, some of the methodological problems still to be resolved are addressed. It is then suggested that policies to promote sustainable development should operate at six different spatial levels connecting global, multinational, national, regional, local and individual. Attempting to model sustainable development in such a hierarchical manner is exceedingly difficult. One way of modelling sustainable development is to develop the concept of a sustainable corridor, combining ecological, economic and equity considerations in a hierarchical fashion and through space-time. A preliminary dynamic, hierarchical model is described connecting global and national patterns of development. Using global and national data for Scotland, the calibrated model, running under the business-as-usual scenario, shows that current development paths are unsustainable. It is shown that, by implementing a judicious choice of policies, a sustainable corridor for a global and a national system can be achieved. The ways in which this preliminary model can be developed to connect all six hierarchical levels are discussed.  相似文献   


What is sustainable development? Why is at an issue? Ideally, what needs to be done? and Practically, what can be done? are answered here by relying on the cultural theory of Mary Douglas and her colleagues, more especially Aaron Wildavsky and Michael Thompson, both of whom have used the model to address sustainable development. The implications of cultural theory for sustainable development are substantial.

The article is divided into five sections. The first describes the current controversy over sustainable development. The second sets out the cultural theory model, and the third applies that model to reformulate our understanding of sustainable development. The fourth draws out the implications of a reformulated sustainable development, while the conclusion uses those implications to answer the four questions that started the article.  相似文献   

中国农业可持续发展技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的高速发展,中国农业面临着环境与发展的双重挑战。为实现农业的可持续发展,必须在继承传统农业技术精华和引进现代农业新技术的基础上,运用生态经济学原理和系统工程方法,在不同层次上建立起具有中国特色的农业可持续发展技术体系。通过协调环境保护与经济发展、自然资源开发及其永续利用的关系,实现生态与经济的良性循环,达到持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

科学发展观的内涵与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳霞  郑习健 《生态环境》2005,14(3):447-448
概述了科学发展观的内涵;认为它是以人为本,以全面、协调和可持续为根本特征;它强调经济发展、社会发展和人的全面发展、人口、资源、环境等各方面的和谐与统一。这种新的理念应该转化成为政府的具体行动。  相似文献   

Migratory stopover habitats are often not part of planning for conservation or new development projects. We identified potential stopover habitats within an avian migratory flyway and demonstrated how this information can guide the site‐selection process for new development. We used the random forests modeling approach to map the distribution of predicted stopover habitat for the Whooping Crane (Grus americana), an endangered species whose migratory flyway overlaps with an area where wind energy development is expected to become increasingly important. We then used this information to identify areas for potential wind power development in a U.S. state within the flyway (Nebraska) that minimize conflicts between Whooping Crane stopover habitat and the development of clean, renewable energy sources. Up to 54% of our study area was predicted to be unsuitable as Whooping Crane stopover habitat and could be considered relatively low risk for conflicts between Whooping Cranes and wind energy development. We suggest that this type of analysis be incorporated into the habitat conservation planning process in areas where incidental take permits are being considered for Whooping Cranes or other species of concern. Field surveys should always be conducted prior to construction to verify model predictions and understand baseline conditions. Predicción y Mapeo del Hábitat Potencial de Descanso de la Grulla Americana para Guiar la Selección de Sitios para Proyectos de Energía Eólica.  相似文献   

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