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用固相萃取法萃取水和废水中的多菌灵,取浓缩纯化后的有机相直接进样到高效液相色谱仪,用二极管矩阵检测器检测,根据保留时间外标法定量. 相似文献
根据2004~2008年清凉山水库及取水口棉地坑、梅江桥的实测资料,分析梅州饮用水源保护区的水质变化特点,并讨论对锰等微量元素影响在个别时间超标的原因;根据锰的特点,提出保洁治理的方法,为梅州的"以人为本"的和谐社会服务. 相似文献
根据EDTA滴定法测定水质总硬度的实践经验,对EDTA滴定法进行改进,该改进方法和标准方法通过地表水、地下水以及总硬度标准样品的比对测定,实验证明改进方法测定结果准确、可靠,操作更加简便、快捷。 相似文献
Robert C. Ostry 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1982,18(1):99-104
ABSTRACT: The Grand and Saugeen Rivers in southern Ontario were chosen for study as pilot watersheds under the Pollution From Land Use Activities Reference Group (PLUARG) study. The pilot watersheds have adjacent headwater areas and are physically similar in geology, physiography, and climate. Significant differences in water quality between the watersheds at their outlets are attributed to land use and population differences. The major pollutant sources in the two pilot watersheds were identified as trace elements from urban runoff and point source discharges; phosphorus from agricultural and urban runoff and private waste disposal; chloride from transportation corridors; and sediment and nitrogen from agricultural runoff. Yields at the watershed outlets were similar for suspended sediment and two to three times as high in the Grand River for phosphours, nitrogen, chloride, and lead. The higher phosphorus and nitrogen levels were attributed to larger point source inputs and the higher proportion of agricultural activity, comprising 75 percent of the Grand River basin compared to 64 percent in the Saugeen River basin. Similarly, the higher chloride and lead levels were attributed to an order of magnitude larger population and three times as much urban land in the Grand River basin compared to the Saugeen River basin. 相似文献
饮用水源水质监测中阴离子表面活性剂快速分析方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在饮用水源水质例行监测工作中,由于阴离子表面活性剂浓度极低,处于未检出浓度水平,因此可考虑将亚甲蓝分光光度法加以改进,设置最低检出浓度样、地表水Ⅰ类标准1/2浓度样、地表水Ⅰ类标准浓度样等系列参考样,来配制一个标准色阶,通过目视比色,确定出水样的浓度,以实现快速测定和减少有毒试剂用量,降低监测成本,提高工作效率. 相似文献
本文从污染源调查、监测方案、布点和采样、样品保存和前处理、监测分析、数据处理和监测报告等方面,讨论污染源水质监测的质量保证。强调质量保证体系应当贯穿于污染源水质监测的全过程。污染源水质监测过程始终都应有质量保证措施,才能获得准确可靠的测定结果。 相似文献
EXCEL在原水水质评价中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
采用综合水质指数法对原水水质评价的过程中,水质指数的计算十分繁琐,出错率高,且不易校核。本文运用Excel电子表格处理软件自动计算水质指数,可以大大减小水质指数计算的工作量,明显提高工作效率。 相似文献
Estimation of Catchment Nutrient Loads in New Zealand Using Monthly Water Quality Monitoring Data 下载免费PDF全文
T.H. Snelder R.W. McDowell C.E. Fraser 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2017,53(1):158-178
Causes of variation between loads estimated using alternative calculation methods and their repeatability were investigated using 20 years of daily flow and monthly concentration samples for 77 rivers in New Zealand. Loads of dissolved and total nitrogen and phosphorus were calculated using the Ratio, L5, and L7 methods. Estimates of loads and their precision associated with short‐term records of 5, 10, and 15 years were simulated by subsampling. The representativeness of the short‐term loads was quantified as the standard deviation of the 20 realizations. The L7 method generally produced more realistic loads with the highest precision and representativeness. Differences between load estimates were shown to be associated with poor agreement between the data and the underlying model. The best method was shown to depend on the match between the model and functional and distributional characteristics of the data, rather than on the contaminant. Short‐term load estimates poorly represented the long‐term load estimate, and deviations frequently exceeded estimated imprecision. The results highlight there is no single preferred load calculation method, the inadvisability of “unsupervised” load estimation and the importance of inspecting concentration‐flow, unit load‐flow plots and regression residuals. Regulatory authorities should be aware that the precision of loads estimated from monthly data are likely to be “optimistic” with respect to the actual repeatability of load estimates. 相似文献
微量和痕量有毒有害的有机污染物进入水体污染水源。而这些有机污染物浓度甚微,反映在COD,BOD_5~-,TOC等常规指标上微不足道,但其毒性甚大是致癌、可疑致癌和致突变的物质,对人体健康危害极大。本文简要介绍了受微量和痕量有机污染物污染的微污染水源的概况、微污染水源水处理技术的研究进展、解决微污染水源净化的若干途径。 相似文献
灰色聚类法在水环境质量评价中的应用 总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18
用灰色聚类法对乐山市境内的岷江、大渡河、体泉河的水环境质量进行评价,并与水质距离评价法、综合污染指数法进行比较。结果表明,灰色聚类法也是一种对水环境质量评价的实用方法。 相似文献
河北省集中式地表饮用水评价方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据河北省2011—2014年连续4年集中式饮用水评估状况,构建了集中式饮用水水源评估体系,同时将其运用到河北省集中式地表饮用水水源环境评估管理。适用层次分析法确定评价体系中各指标的权重,模糊评价评定模糊指标,加权综合评价结果反映水源环境保护状况。结果显示河北省集中式饮用水整体良好,接近优秀,2011—2013年水源状况提升,2014年有恶化趋势。 相似文献
Michael J. Paul Rory Coffey Jen Stamp Thomas Johnson 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2019,55(4):824-843
Anticipated future increases in air temperature and regionally variable changes in precipitation will have direct and cascading effects on United States (U.S.) water quality. In this paper, and a companion paper by Coffey et al., we review technical literature addressing the responses of different water quality attributes to historical and potential future changes in air temperature and precipitation. The goal is to document how different attributes of water quality are sensitive to these drivers, to characterize future risk to inform management responses, and to identify research needs to fill gaps in our understanding. Here we focus on potential changes in streamflow, water temperature, and salt water intrusion (SWI). Projected changes in the volume and timing of streamflow vary regionally, with general increases in northern and eastern regions of the U.S., and decreases in the southern Plains, interior Southwest, and parts of the Southeast. Water temperatures have increased throughout the U.S. and are expected to continue to increase in the future, with the greatest changes in locations where high summer air temperatures occur together with low streamflow volumes. In coastal areas, especially the mid‐Atlantic and Gulf coasts, SWI to rivers and aquifers could be exacerbated by sea level rise, storm surges, and altered freshwater runoff. Management responses for reducing risks to water quality should consider strategies and practices robust to a range of potential future conditions. 相似文献
"生态保护红线、环境质量底线、自然资源利用上线和环境准入负面清单"(简称"三线一单")是一项重大环境管理制度创新,目前国家已经发布相关编制技术指南(试行),并在长江经济带12省市全面启动编制工作,其中划定大气环境质量底线是"三线一单"的核心内容之一。本文结合生态环境部"三线一单"试点城市编制实践,从大气环境质量底线内涵与框架、技术方法、管控措施设计等方面,提出大气环境质量底线体系与划分技术方法,以期为进一步规范"三线一单"编制技术奠定基础。 相似文献
通过亚甲蓝分光光度法测定水体中阴离子表面活性剂所用三氯甲烷体积的选择以及萃取方法、萃取时间的比较,从标准曲线、线性相关系数计算以及方法所测样品的准确度、精密度等方面进行了分析,为建立简便、快捷的测定方法提供了依据。 相似文献
采用5B-1型COD快速测定仪测定废水中COD,得到较好的精密度和准确度。 相似文献
文献^[1]中提出了分散体系、分散介质、分散相的概念,前文^[2]认为水体是以水为分散介质的复合三元分散体系,本文认为水体是以水为分散介质的复合四元分散体系,分散相是:①粗分散相,②假胶体^[3]分散相,③真胶体^[3]分散相,④分子离子分散相。分散体系中分散相的分离方法的理论(方法)是给水(排水)处理理论(方法)之一。 相似文献