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A method to determine flow specific first-order closure for the turbulent flux of momentum in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is presented. This is based on the premise that eddy viscosity is a flow rather than a fluid property, and the physically more realistic assumption that the transfer of momentum and other scalar quantities in a turbulent flow takes place by a large, but finite number of length scales, than the often used single length scale, the ‘mixing length’. The resulting eddy viscosity is flow specific and when applied to the study of the ABL, yields the vertical profiles of shear stress and mean wind velocity in good agreement with observations. The method may be extended to other types of turbulent flows, however it should be recognized that each type of flow may yield a different eddy viscosity profile. Using the derived eddy viscosity the paper presents simple analytical solutions of the ABL equations to determine observationally consistent wind speed and shear stress profiles in the ABL for a variety of practical applications including air pollution modelling.  相似文献   

Turbulence closures are fundamental for modelling the atmospheric diffusion in numerical codes and the resulting eddy diffusivities are key parameters in describing the transport and dispersion in the boundary layer. In this work, four turbulence closure schemes have been applied for reproducing a neutral flow over schematic complex terrain using the meteorological model RAMS. Two of the closures, a one-equation (E-l) and a two-equations (E-) model, have been implemented in RAMS in alternative to the ones originally available. In these cases, an analytical method based on the similarity theory for the atmospheric surface layer and boundary layer is adopted to calculate the empirical constants of the turbulence closures. Some examples of numerical studies performed to simulate the flow and turbulence over a 3-D hill in wind-tunnel experiment in neutral stratification are presented and discussed. An intercomparison of simulations related to different closures is considered by analysing the main features of the flow over the hill and by comparing calculated vertical profiles of turbulent kinetic energy with measured ones.  相似文献   

In this work we address the role of turbulence on mixing of clear layer of fluid with sediment-laden layer of fluid at a sediment concentration interface. This process can be conceived as the entrainment of sediment-free fluid into the sediment-laden layer, or alternatively, as the transport of sediment into the top sediment-free flow. This process is governed by four parameters—Reynolds number of the flow \(Re_\tau\), non-dimensional settling velocity of the sediment (proxy for sediment size) \(\tilde{V}\), Richardson number \(Ri_\tau\) and Schmidt number Sc. For this work we have performed direct numerical simulations for fixed Reynolds and Schmidt numbers while varying the values of Richardson number and particle settling velocity. In the simple model considered here, the flow’s momentum and turbulence pre-exists over the entire layer of fluid, while the sediment is initially confined to a layer close to the bed. Mixing of sediment-free fluid with the sediment-laden layer is associated primarily with upward transport of sediment and buoyancy. There is no simultaneous upward transport of fluid momentum and turbulence into the sediment-free fluid layer, which is already in motion and turbulent. The analysis performed shows that the ability of the flow to transport a given sediment size decreases with the distance from the bottom, and thus only fine enough sediment particles are transported across the sediment concentration interface. For these cases, the concentration profiles evolve to a final steady state in good agreement with the well-known Rouse profile. The approach towards the Rouse profile happens through a transient self-similar state. This behavior of the flow is not seen for larger particles. Detailed analysis of the three dimensional structure of the sediment concentration interface shows the mechanisms by which sediment particles are lifted up by tongues of sediment-laden fluid with positive correlation between vertical velocity and sediment concentration. Finally, the mixing ability of the flow is addressed by monitoring the time evolution of the center of mass of the sediment-laden layer and the vertical location of the sediment-free/sediment-laden interface.  相似文献   

The atmospheric boundary layer adjustment at the abrupt transition from a canopy (forest) to a flat surface (land or water) is investigated in a wind tunnel experiment. Detailed measurements examining the effect of canopy turbulence on flow separation, reduced surface shear stress and wake recovery are compared to data for the classical case of a solid backward-facing step. Results provide new insights into the interpretation for flux estimation by eddy-covariance and flux gradient methods and for the assessment of surface boundary conditions in turbulence models of the atmospheric boundary layer in complex landscapes and over water bodies affected by canopy wakes. The wind tunnel results indicate that the wake of a forest canopy strongly affects surface momentum flux within a distance of 35–100 times the step or canopy height, and mean turbulence quantities require distances of at least 100 times the canopy height to adjust to the new surface. The near-surface mixing length in the wake exhibits characteristic length scales of canopy flows at the canopy edge, of the flow separation in the near wake and adjusts to surface layer scaling in the far wake. Components of the momentum budget are examined individually to determine the impact of the canopy wake. The results demonstrate why a constant flux layer does not form until far downwind in the wake. An empirical model for surface shear stress distribution from a forest canopy to a clearing or lake is proposed.  相似文献   

Experiments are reviewed in which a two-layer salt-stratified tank of water was mixed by turbulence. The density profile began as a single step and evolved to a smooth mixed profile. The turbulence was generated by many excursions of a horizontally moving vertical rod with Richardson number Ri >  0.9 and Reynolds Number Re  >  600. There was almost perfect collapse of all the profiles to one universal profile as a function of a similarity variable. We develop a theoretical model for a simple mixing law with a buoyancy flux that is a function of internal Richardson number Rii. A similarity equation is found. A flux law that increases with small Rii and decreases with large Rii is considered next. Since no analytical solution is known, the similarity concept is tested by numerically integrating the equations in space and time. With buoyancy flux monotonically increasing with internal Richardson number, the similarity approach is valid for a profile starting from a slightly smoothed step. However, a shock forms for a mixing law with higher initial Rii (so that buoyancy flux decreases with Richardson number) and the similarity approach is invalid for those initial conditions.  相似文献   

In large-eddy simulations of atmospheric boundary layer turbulence, the lumped coefficient in the eddy-diffusion subgrid-scale (SGS) model is known to depend on scale for the case of inert scalars. This scale dependence is predominant near the surface. In this paper, a scale-dependent dynamic SGS model for the turbulent transport of reacting scalars is implemented in large-eddy simulations of a neutral boundary layer. Since the model coefficient is computed dynamically from the dynamics of the resolved scales, the simulations are free from any parameter tuning. A set of chemical cases representative of various turbulent reacting flow regimes is examined. The reactants are involved in a first-order reaction and are injected in the atmospheric boundary layer with a constant and uniform surface flux. Emphasis is placed on studying the combined effects of resolution and chemical regime on the performance of the SGS model. Simulations with the scale-dependent dynamic model yield the expected trends of the coefficients as function of resolution, position in the flow and chemical regime, leading to resolution-independent turbulent reactant fluxes.  相似文献   

We implemented the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model and WRF Large-Eddy Simulation (WRF–LES), focusing on calculations for the planetary boundary layer (PBL), and compared the results against a data set of a well-documented campaign, in the Houston–Galveston area, Texas, in summer 2006. A methodology using WRF in a mesoscale and LES was implemented to assess the performance of the model in simulating the evolution and structure of the PBL over Houston during the Vertical Mixing Experiment. Also, the WRF model in a real case mode was examined to explore potential differences between the results of each simulation approach. We analyzed both WRF results for key meteorological parameters like wind speed, wind direction and potential temperature, and compared the model results against the observations. The reasonably good agreement of LES results forced with observed surface fluxes provides confidence that LES describes turbulence quantities such as turbulent kinetic energy correctly and warrants further turbulence structure analysis. The LES results indicate a weak but noticeable nighttime turbulent kinetic energy which was produced by wind shear in Houston’s planetary boundary layer and which may likely be related to intermittent turbulence. This is supported by observations made at the University of Houston Moody Tower air quality station when intermittent peaks of carbon monoxide occurred in the evening, although the variability in wind conditions was very little.  相似文献   

Laminarization of flow in a two-dimensional dense gas plume was experimentally investigated in this study. The plume was created by releasing CO2 through a ground-level line source into a simulated turbulent boundary layer over an aerodynamically rough surface in a meteorological wind tunnel. The bulk Richardson number (Ri*), based on negative plume buoyancy, plume thickness, and friction velocity, was varied over a wide range so that the effects of stable stratification on plume laminarization could be observed. A variety of ambient wind speeds as well as three different sizes of roughness arrays were used so that possible effects of roughness Reynolds number (Re*) on plume laminarization could also be identified. Both flow visualization methods and quantitative measurements of velocity and intermittency of turbulence were used to provide quantitative assessments of plume laminarization.Flow visualization provided an overall picture of how the plume was affected by the negative buoyancy. With increasing Ri*, both the plume depth and the vertical mixing were significantly suppressed, while upstream propagation of the plume from the source was enhanced. The most important feature of the flow revealed by visualization was the laminarization of flow in the lower part of the plume, which appeared to be closely related to both Ri* and Re*.Measurements within the simulated dense gas plumes revealed the influence of the stable stratification on mean velocity and turbulence intensity profiles. Both the mean velocity and turbulence intensity were significantly reduced near the surface; and these reductions systematically depended on Ri*. The roughness Reynolds number also had considerable influence on the mean flow and turbulence structure of the dense gas plumes.An intermittency analysis technique was developed and applied to the digitized instantaneous velocity signals. It not only confirmed the general flow picture within the dense plume indicated by the flow visualization, but also clearly demonstrated the changes of flow regime with variations in Ri* and Re*. Most importantly, based on this intermittency analysis, simple criteria for characterizing different flow regimes are formulated; these may be useful in predicting when plume laminarization might occur.  相似文献   

A series of simulations under weakly to moderately stable boundary layers (SBLs) have been performed using the proposed subgrid-scale (SGS) model implemented into the Terminal Area Simulation System (TASS). The proposed SGS model incorporates some aspects of the two-part eddy viscosity SGS model of Sullivan et al. (1994) and further refinements which include the dependence of SGS mixing length on stratification, two-part separation of the SGS eddy diffusivity of heat, and more realistic empirical forms of Monin–Obukhov similarity functions. The potential temperature profiles from simulations clearly show a three-layer structure: a stable surface layer of strong gradients, a middle layer of small gradients, and an inversion layer on the top. The wind speed profiles show the formation of low level jet (LLJ). However, the sub-layer structures under moderately SBLs differ from those under weakly SBLs. Both the momentum and heat fluxes decrease almost linearly in the lower part of the SBL. The near surface values of the normalized turbulent kinetic energy (TKE/u * 2) in all simulations are about 4 which is much less than the typical value of 5.5 under the neutral condition. The decay of turbulence first occurs in the area with large values of Richardson number (R i<0.2). Generally, instantaneous values of the TKE and R i at the various grid points are negatively correlated, but there is not a unique relationship between the two parameters.  相似文献   

In the present article, the potential of embedded large eddy simulation (ELES) approach to reliably predict pollutant dispersion around a model building in atmospheric boundary layer is assessed. The performance of ELES in comparison with large eddy simulation (LES) is evaluated in several ways. These include a number of qualitative and quantitative comparisons of time-averaged and instantaneous results with wind tunnel measurements supplemented by statistical data analyses using scatter plots and standard evaluation metrics. Results obtained by both LES and ELES approaches show very good agreement with the experiment. However, addition of turbulence to mean flow at Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)–LES interface in ELES approach not only increases the turbulence intensity, it also results in larger values of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) as well as a shorter reattachment length in the wake region. Accordingly, higher levels of TKE predicted by ELES increase the local intensity of concentration leading to shorter plume shapes as compared with LES. In general, ELES shows better agreement with experiment on the surfaces of model building and also in the downstream wake region. In terms of computational costs, the CPU time required to obtain statistical values in ELES is about 49 % lower than that of LES and the number of iterations per time step is also reduced by 55 % as compared with LES.  相似文献   

Turbulence and turbulent flux events in a small estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Relatively little systematic research has been conducted on the turbulence characteristics of small estuaries. In the present study, detailed measurements were conducted in a small subtropical estuary with a focus on turbulent flux events. Acoustic Doppler velocimeters were installed in the mid-estuary at fixed locations and sampled simultaneously and continuously for 50 h. A turbulent flux event analysis was performed for the entire data sets extending the technique of Narasimha et al. (Phil Trans R Soc Ser A 365:841–858, 2007) to the unsteady open channel flow motion and to turbulent sub-events. Turbulent bursting events were defined in terms of the instantaneous turbulent flux. The data showed close results for all ADV units. The very-large majority of turbulent events lasted between 0.04 and 0.3 s with an average of 1 to 4 turbulent events observed per second. A number of turbulent bursting events consisted of consecutive turbulent sub-events, with between 1 and 3 sub-events per main event on average. For all ADV systems, the number of events, event duration and event amplitude showed some tidal trends, with basic differences between high- and low-water periods. A comparison between the present estuary data and the atmospheric boundary layer results of Narasimha et al. (Phil Trans R Soc Ser A 365:841–858, 2007) showed a number of similarities and demonstrated the significance of turbulent events in environmental flows. A burstiness index of 0.85 was found for the present data.  相似文献   

We investigate turbulent mixing in a tidally driven, mid-latitude, shallow-water basin. The study is carried out numerically at a laboratory-scale, using large-eddy simulation. We compared the results of the simulation with those of a correspondent purely oscillatory flow (Stokes boundary layer). The effect of rotation on the flow dynamics is twofold. First, rotation gives rise to a mean spanwise flow that concurs to redistribute the turbulent energy among the Reynolds stresses, in particular between the horizontal directions, thus increasing the mixing across the water column and thickening the layer where developed turbulence is observable. Second, the presence of the horizontal component of the background vorticity (latitude effect) breaks the symmetry between the two semi-cycles of the oscillation, since turbulence results suppressed/enhanced during the first/second semi-cycle. These two effects significantly modify the turbulent characteristics with respect to the purely oscillating flow, although the mechanisms that generates turbulence present similar features. The qualitative agreement between our results and some measurements carried out in two sites with characteristics similar to the case analyzed suggests that the outcomes here provided may be of general use for the analysis of mid-latitude, neutrally stratified, shallow-water basins mainly driven by semi-diurnal tidal currents.  相似文献   

A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distributions of aerosols and droplets associated with clustering instability in the atmospheric turbulent flow is discussed. The particle clustering is a consequence of a spontaneous breakdown of their homogeneous space distribution due to the clustering instability, and is caused by a combined effect of the particle inertia and a finite correlation time of the turbulent velocity field. In this paper a theoretical approach proposed in Elperin et al. (2002) Phys Rev E 66:036302 is further developed and applied to investigate the mechanisms of formation of small-scale aerosol inhomogeneities in the atmospheric turbulent flow. The theory of the particle clustering instability is extended to the case when the particle Stokes time is larger than the Kolmogorov time scale, but is much smaller than the correlation time at the integral scale of turbulence. We determined the criterion of the clustering instability for the Stokes number larger than 1. We discussed applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of aerosols and droplets in the atmospheric turbulent flow.  相似文献   

Estuarine turbulence is notable in that both the dissipation rate and the buoyancy frequency extend to much higher values than in other natural environments. The high dissipation rates lead to a distinct inertial subrange in the velocity and scalar spectra, which can be exploited for quantifying the turbulence quantities. However, high buoyancy frequencies lead to small Ozmidov scales, which require high sampling rates and small spatial aperture to resolve the turbulent fluxes. A set of observations in a highly stratified estuary demonstrate the effectiveness of a vessel-mounted turbulence array for resolving turbulent processes, and for relating the turbulence to the forcing by the Reynolds-averaged flow. The observations focus on the ebb, when most of the buoyancy flux occurs. Three stages of mixing are observed: (1) intermittent and localized but intense shear instability during the early ebb; (2) continuous and relatively homogeneous shear-induced mixing during the mid-ebb, and weakly stratified, boundary-layer mixing during the late ebb. The mixing efficiency as quantified by the flux Richardson number Rf was frequently observed to be higher than the canonical value of 0.15 from Osborn (J Phys Oceanogr 10:83–89, 1980). The high efficiency may be linked to the temporal–spatial evolution of shear instabilities.  相似文献   

The turbulence behaviour along a wall roughened by pyramidal elements was analysed in the region extending from the apex of the roughness elements up to the external limit of the roughness sub-layer. The data used for the analysis were obtained by particle image velocimetry technique. The rough wall turbulent boundary layer flow is characterized by a relatively low Reynolds number. All the results on the rough wall were compared with data referring to the canonical flow on a smooth wall turbulent boundary layer. Mean values and turbulence quantities for the two flows collapse when approaching the external limit of the roughness sublayer. The quadrant analysis of the Reynolds shear stress, in the region near the surface, shows that the contribution of the sweep motions is about equivalent for the two flows (except for wall distances lower than 40 viscous units). The contribution of the ejection motions appears to be more important over the smooth wall than over the rough wall with increasing differences approaching the wall. The probability density functions of the streamwise fluctuating velocity field for the rough wall case appear to be positively skewed in the zone very close to the pyramid apex, in contrast with the behavior observed for the smooth wall case at corresponding distances from the wall. The integral and Taylor scales for the rough wall case appear to be strongly reduced by the presence of the roughness, while the Kolmogorov microscale shows higher values.  相似文献   

Theoretical analysis of boundary layer turbulence has suggested a feasibility of sufficiently accurate turbulence resolving simulations at relatively coarse meshes. However, large eddy simulation (LES) codes, which employ traditional eddy-viscosity turbulence closures, fail to provide adequate turbulence statistics at coarse meshes especially within a surface layer. Manual tuning of parameters in these turbulence closures may correct low order turbulence statistics but severely harms spectra of turbulence kinetic energy (TKE). For more than decade, engineering LES codes successfully employ dynamic turbulence closures. A dynamic Smagorinsky turbulence closure (DSM) has been already tried in environmental LES. The DSM is able to provide adequate turbulence statistics at coarse meshes but it is not completely consistent with the LES equations. This paper investigates applicability of an advanced dynamic mixed turbulence closure (DMM) to simulations of Ekman boundary layers of high Reynolds number flows. The DMM differs from the DSM by explicit calculation of the Leonard term in the turbulence stress tensor. The Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (HATS) field program has revealed that the Leonard term is indeed an important component of the real turbulence stress tensor. This paper presents validation of a new LES code LESNIC. The study shows that the LES code with the DMM provides rather accurate low order turbulence statistics and the TKE spectra at very coarse meshes. These coarse LES maintain more energetic small scale fluctuations of velocity especially within the surface layer. This is critically important for success of simulations. Accurate representation of higher order turbulence statistics, however, requires essentially better LES resolution. The study also shows that LES of the Ekman boundary layer cannot be directly compared with conventionally neutral atmospheric boundary layers. The depth of the boundary layer is an important scaling parameter for turbulence statistics.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation of bubbly flow and turbulence in hydraulic jumps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many environmental problems are linked to multiphase flows encompassing ecological issues, chemical processes and mixing or diffusion, with applications in different engineering fields. The transition from a supercritical flow to a subcritical motion constitutes a hydraulic jump. This flow regime is characterised by strong interactions between turbulence, free surface and air–water mixing. Although a hydraulic jump contributes to some dissipation of the flow kinetic energy, it is also associated with increases of turbulent shear stresses and the development of turbulent eddies with implications in terms of scour, erosion and sediment transport. Despite a number of experimental, theoretical and numerical studies, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the physical mechanisms involved in the diffusion and air–water mixing processes within hydraulic jumps, as well as on the interaction between the free-surface and turbulence. New experimental investigations were undertaken in hydraulic jumps with Froude numbers up to Fr = 8.3. Two-phase flow measurements were performed with phase-detection conductivity probes. Basic results related to the distributions of void fraction, bubble frequency and mean bubble chord length are presented. New developments are discussed for the interfacial bubble velocities and their fluctuations, characterizing the turbulence level and integral time scales of turbulence representing a “lifetime” of the longitudinal bubbly flow structures. The analyses show good agreement with previous studies in terms of the vertical profiles of void fraction, bubble frequency and mean bubble chord length. The dimensionless distributions of interfacial velocities compared favourably with wall-jet equations. Measurements showed high turbulence levels. Turbulence time scales were found to be dependent on the distance downstream of the toe as well as on the distance to the bottom showing the importance of the lower (channel bed) and upper (free surface) boundary conditions on the turbulence structure.  相似文献   

Subgrid-scale (SGS) modeling is a long-standing problem and a critical component in the large-eddy simulation (LES) of atmospheric boundary layer. A variety of SGS models with different levels of sophistication have been proposed for different needs, such as Smagorinsky's (1963) eddy viscosity model, Mason and Thomson's (1992) stochastic backscattering model, and Sullivan et al.'s (1994) near surface model. A modified Smagorinsky SGS model has been used in the LES version of Terminal Area Simulation System (TASS-LES). It has successfully simulated the buoyancy-dominated, convective atmospheric boundary layer flows, while simulations of the shear-dominated, slightly unstable, neutral, and stably stratified boundary layer flows are not so good. For the later, we used a simpler version of Sullivan et al.'s subgrid-scale model in which turbulent kinetic energy equation is not included and the model is still the first-order closure. A momentum profile matching approach is adopted in the proposed model. A series of simulations for shear-dominated, slightly unstable and neutral boundary layers are performed using different subgrid-scale models and different grid resolutions. The results are compared with those of Sullivan et al. (1994) and with empirical similarity relations for the surface layer. The simulations with the new SGS model appear to be far more satisfactory than those with the modified Smagorinsky model.  相似文献   

Atmospheric air pollution turbulent fluxes can be assumed to be proportional to the mean concentration gradient. This assumption, along with the equation of continuity, leads to the advection-diffusion equation. Moreover, large eddies are able to mix scalar quantities in a manner that is counter to the local gradient. We present a general solution of a two-dimension steady state advection-diffusion equation, considering non-local turbulence closure using the General Integral Laplace Transform Technique. We show some examples of applications of the new solution with different vertical diffusion parameterisations.  相似文献   

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