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Introduction: This research aims to investigate the perceptions and reactions of drivers regarding freeway merging situation, utilizing a new approach with the basis of a multilevel simulation platform which incorporates virtual reality (VR) technology. Methods: A VR driving environment integrated with traffic micro-simulation was developed to evaluate driving behaviors and the impact of merging decisions in terms of traffic conflicts. The driving experiments were conducted under a variety of circumstances, including varying traffic flows and the presence of ramp metering. The Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM) was utilized to extract the number of conflicts from the micro-simulation results. Results: The final results indicated that the probability of conflict has a positive correlation with traffic flow, while conflict frequency at freeway merges is affected by the presence of ramp metering due to its potentiality to enhance driver decisions and reduce the drivers’ pressure when they make maneuvers. Practical Applications: The findings reveal that the proposed VR simulation platform is a useful tool to improve the safety of freeway merging. It has the potential to enhance driver skills and can also be used in the study of human–machine interaction.  相似文献   

Experience sampling methodology and daily diary (ESM/DD) research elicits repeated reports of immediate or very recent experiences from the same sample of people for several days or weeks. Experience sampling and diary methods were almost unheard of in organizational research 15 years ago, but the past decade has seen a rapid rise in their use. These methods are helpful in studying dynamic within‐person processes involving affect, behavior, interpersonal interactions, work events, and other transient workplace phenomena over time. Assessing cross‐level effects of traits or other stable features on within‐person processes and reactivity is also possible with ESM/DD data. We provide an introduction to issues in designing and carrying out an ESM/DD study, including data collection choices and schedules, measures, technology, training and motivation of participants, and analysis of multilevel data. We offer best practice recommendations and refer readers to further resources for additional detail on conducting and analyzing ESM/DD research. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了解决现实中隧道火灾应急救援演练成本高、危险性大、适应能力弱的问题,基于建构主义安全培训理论,以3Dmax和Unity3D为技术手段,构建隧道火灾应急救援培训系统。系统功能下设体验模式、训练模式和底层模式,对应开发6个培训模块和15个场景科目,实现在高沉浸性的虚拟环境中对隧道救援人员、管理人员进行火灾应急培训。研究结果表明:该系统可以提高人员参加应急救援演练的积极性,降低应急演练成本,使学员在安全真实的虚拟环境中熟悉救援设备使用方法,增强学员处理事故场景的能力。  相似文献   

After defining and providing the current status of psychological capital (PsyCap), we address the need to better understand its stability (i.e., state vs. trait). Specifically, we issue a call for longitudinal research. The balance of this “incubator” article examines the relevance, potential obstacles, and advantages of this design in meeting PsyCap's future research needs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is a science‐practice gap in organizational behavior (OB) whereby entire bodies of scholarly knowledge are ignored by practitioners. We identify research needed to improve performance management practices that is likely to enhance the relevance of OB in the eyes of practitioners and thus help reduce the science‐practice gap. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The human division of male and female sexes has profound unacknowledged consequences for behavior in organizations. Sex is not simply an individual difference (like eye color), but is an essential part played in life with others. This essay finds sex to be the main organizing principle of human life. Bringing this fact to light, the essay shows how we can begin to understand many perplexing problems of reconciling men and women in organizations today. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对非煤矿山救护队应急救援培训的实际需求和现实不足的情况,根据救护队行动程序,应用虚拟现实技术,研究与设计非煤矿山救护队应急救援培训系统。硬件系统采用可视立体技术和多点触摸技术,设计双屏触摸一体培训考试机。软件系统由用户信息管理子系统、多媒体演示培训子系统、专项操作训练子系统、考核与评价子系统、综合训练子系统构成。采用3D显示、人性化用户体验设计、自动寻路A*算法和导航网格等关键技术,从几何建模、动画建模、信息数据库和场景驱动等方面对系统整体进行架构。该系统的设计与开发可使非煤矿山救护队培训考核更加安全、高效、系统和节约。  相似文献   

This Incubator introduces scholars to death awareness research. We explicate how mortality salience can be studied in conjunction with workplace behavior. Using the Terror Management Theory (TMT) framework, we explore morality salience in combination with several workplace phenomena, including aggression, discrimination, and punishment; and, several ideas for future research are suggested. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) model of toxic gas diffusion was advanced based on Monte Carlo method with the presupposition that toxic gas diffusion process can be considered as random walk process of a large number of toxic gas particles. Compared to other existing models, this model includes analysis of both movement and non-movement attributes of toxic gas particles, and can well meet the need of dynamic simulation. Then, a 3D gas diffusion visualization scene management subsystem, including leak hazard source (tank), leak background (ground and sky) and surroundings near the leak area, was developed based on virtual reality (VR) technology. In this system, diffusion scene can be designed in accordance with the reality, which embodies the reunification between VR technology and engineering application. Finally, according to OpenGL particle system theory, by using Delphi and OpenGL as main programming tools, the diffusion simulation subsystem of toxic gas diffusion process and real-time concentration prediction and consequence simulation subsystem was completed. Application shows that by using VR technology in the accident consequence simulation, the whole system is of real-time, lifelike and visual characteristics, which not only embodies the great engineering value of virtual reality technology in the field of safety engineering, but also provides references for accident impact prediction, assessment and emergency plan.  相似文献   

Deliberation over and relative preference for general or specific (broad or narrow) constructs has long been an important issue in organizational behavior research. In this article, we provide a review of this general issue and some specific recommendations for researchers. We begin by discussing whether the general versus specific issue is an important debate and by discussing other underlying issues (the role of researcher preferences, distinction between reflective and formative indicators, and distinction between constructs and measures of constructs). Building on Chen's (this issue) analysis of core self‐evaluations, we first discuss how the general–specific debate has progressed in core self‐evaluations research. We then discuss three other important areas in which this debate has played out: intelligence, five‐factor model of personality, and job attitudes. Finally, we offer a framework to help guide decisions about whether to utilize general measures, specific measures, or both and conclude by providing recommendations for the use of general and specific measures in organizational behavior research. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

梁璇文  张俊  宋卫国  叶锐 《火灾科学》2020,29(3):181-189
为了研究利用虚拟现实开展行人疏散实验的有效性以及虚拟场景里不同控制方式的优劣,开展了真实世界与三种不同控制方式(头显-鼠标(HM)、鼠标-鼠标(MM)、键盘-鼠标(KM))下虚拟场景的绕障实验。分析并比较了平均轨迹、绕障距离、绕障起始时间以及归一化时间下的横向距离。实验结果表明,当横向坐标小于1 m时,虚拟场景与真实世界实验平均轨迹的差值在10 cm之内。平均轨迹、绕障距离、绕障起始时间方面,HM更接近真实世界实验;归一化时间下的横向距离方面,MM更接近真实世界实验。  相似文献   

This article draws on social exchange theory and the theory of other orientation to examine how job satisfaction and individual differences are related to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Previous research specifying a direct effect for individual differences on OCB has yielded disappointing results. In contrast, this study examines the moderating role of individual differences in the relationship between job satisfaction and OCB. As hypothesized, results show a weaker relationship between job satisfaction and OCB for persons who are higher in other orientation. We discuss the theoretical implications of this finding and directions for future research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了实现矿山三维实体模型和虚拟现实的快速搭建与实现,分析了当前数字化矿山建模可移植性差、扩展性不灵活、开发难度大的缺陷 ,提出了一种矿山三维模型及虚拟现实体系的自动构建方法:基于Blender开源软件提供的建模平台,利用Python语言编写矿山实体的表达方法 与生成算法;利用矿山基础信息,实现了对矿山井巷、矿体等三维实体模型的自动、快速构建,并以矿山井巷工程、矿体以及地表模型等实体 模型的构建为例进行了演示;利用Blender脚本实现对三维实体模型的快速渲染,初步建立了矿山虚拟现实环境与仿真系统,并利用驱动内核实 现虚拟情景的演示。结果表明,该方法具有开发快捷、要求低等特点,为数字化矿山建设提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is likely to become the major tool for studying the neural underpinnings of organizational behavior. It is a technique for brain imaging that, according to advocates, provides information about which areas of the brain are activated during organizational processes (e.g., leadership and decision‐making). In this article, we take a critical look at this tool from a technical perspective. In particular, we take the reader through the assumptions that must be made at the three main steps of the research process (study design, data capture, and interpretation of results) in order to draw conclusions about organizational phenomena from fMRI research. Applying this analysis to three case studies demonstrates the gap between what fMRI can actually tell us and the claims often made about the contribution of fMRI to understanding and improving organizational behavior. Our discussion provides researchers with a series of recommendations oriented toward optimizing the use of fMRI to help it live up to its potential in the field of organizational behavior and consumers with a means of evaluating fMRI research in order to draw appropriate and warranted conclusions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study of 402 professional and administrative employees of a VA hospital addressed the question of whether certain dispositional factors (Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Equity Sensitivity) could account for the relationship between contextual work attitudes and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Findings indicate this not to be the case. Fairness/satisfaction had independent effects on OCB. Additionally, Conscientiousness predicted some forms of OCB. Neither Agreeableness nor Equity Sensitivity affected OCB. Implications are noted for further inquiry into OCB.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of the psychological contract framework to understanding organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) using survey data gathered at three measurement points over a three‐year period from 480 public sector employees. Separating perceived contract breach into its two components (perceived employer obligations and inducements), the data suggest that perceived employer obligations explained unique variance in three dimensions of citizenship behavior (helping, advocacy and functional participation) beyond that accounted for by perceived employer inducements. Employees' acceptance of the norm of reciprocity moderated the relationship between employer inducements and the dimensions of advocacy and functional participation. Employees' trust in their employer moderated the relationship between perceived employer obligations and the dimensions of advocacy and functional participation. Contrary to the hypothesis, procedural or interactional justice did not moderate the relationship between employer inducements and OCB. The implications of the findings for psychological contract research are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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