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Ownership structure is an important factor. For independent enterprises, the ergonomic, physical and chemical work environment is more hazardous in small enterprises than in large ones. For enterprises that are part of a larger organization, the work environment tends to be more hazardous in large enterprises when controlling for the same factors. For the psychosocial factors, the trend is different – better in small than in large enterprises independent of ownership. In all enterprises, both public and private, the quality of health and safety management systems and workplace assessment is remarkably higher in large than in small enterprises.These differences in work environment for small and large enterprises have been studied in the ‘Danish Work Environment Cohort Study’ and ‘Surveillance of health and safety activities in enterprises’. These datasets are linked together to a reliable database with data on work environment and enterprises including size, ownership structure, and health and safety management.  相似文献   

2007年3月28日-30日,美国西部国际安全展(ISC West)在拉斯维加斯举办,洪迪、景阳、慧锐通、永发、兰德华等约30家中国安防企业在这个全球最著名的展会上展示了他们最新的产品和技术.……  相似文献   

This study addressed some conceptual issues central to understanding human reactions to dangerous settings and empirically explored the meaning of physically dangerous work in three different occupational groups (street patrol officers, n=96; investigators, n=21; and clerical and support service workers, n=60) practicing in the same organizational setting (city police department). Objective hazards, estimated with occupational risk statistics, explained 56 per cent of the variation in experienced physical danger which, in turn, significantly heightened emotional exhaustion, dissatisfaction with pay, and disaffection from the employing organization, in the street patrol officer group only, perceived physical danger significantly correlated with task variety, task significance and feedback. The data are interpreted to mean that for street patrol officers, experienced physical danger adds a modicum of enrichment and significance to the work itself. One theme of the analysis is that potentially stigmatic features of the work can be transformed into socially meaningful illusions that enhance the personal dignity of the performer (cf. Hughes, 1958). However, the dominant theme is that physically dangerous work produces fear and related affective distress. Further research on this topic is recommended because of the affective and behavioral consequences of perceived physical danger and also because definitions and meanings of dangerous work are socially, politically and morally important.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon (HC) leaks are important initiating events for major accidents in the oil and gas industry. This study explores the extent to which a safety climate indicator from a survey on working conditions undertaken in an oil and gas company (n = 2188) can be used as a leading and/or lagging indicator in relation to HC leaks on 28 offshore installations. It was found that more negative safety climate scores were associated with increasing numbers of HC leaks over a 12-month period following the survey. The safety climate indicator explained more of the variance in HC leaks than technical indicators. HC leaks in the 12-month period preceding the survey did also correlate significantly with the safety climate indicator. More HC leaks during this period were associated with worse scores on the safety climate indicator. Thus, the results support that the safety climate measure could serve as leading and lagging indicator for HC leaks. The results and their possible implications are discussed.  相似文献   



Mental health professionals are gatekeepers of patient confidentiality. Yet, confidentiality held too strictly, by allowing a potentially dangerous driver to assume control of a car, endangers society. Recent court cases have mandated that mental health professionals must warn those who may be potentially harmed by patients. In spite of this, disagreements linger as to whether it is the responsibility of governmental agencies or mental health professionals to decide who is unfit to operate a vehicle because of cognitive impairment. Methods: This article addresses the legally relevant considerations when working with cognitively compromised individuals who operate a motor vehicle. Legal issues surrounding confidentiality, patient rights, foreseeable risk, and the duty to warn and protect are presented in order to understand their relationship to recent court rulings.

Impact on industry

The impact on the mental health care industry includes not only concerns about increased insurance premiums or costs due to alleged negligence or litigation expenses secondary to failure to ensure the safety of an impaired client under their care. Mental health care providers are aware that the welfare of clients with impairment to cognitive decision making ability may require unique considerations for safety such as ensuring safe and appropriate transportation.  相似文献   

根据江西宜春市某煤矿因电流短路,电火花引爆矿井瓦斯,致使4人死亡的事实,提出了防止爆破线短路的注意事项和接线方法,以杜绝事故的发生。  相似文献   

Introduction: Driver distraction has become a significant problem in transportation safety. As more portable wireless devices and driver assistance and entertainment systems become available to drivers, the sources of distraction are increasing. Method: Based on the results of different studies in the literature review, this paper categorizes different distraction enablers into six subcategories according to their fundamental characteristics and how they would affect a driver's likelihood of engaging in non-driving related activities. The review also discusses the characteristics and influence of external and internal distractions. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of different distraction sources in fatal crashes with the consideration of a driver's age and sex. Tukey test, chi-square test of independence, Nemenyi post-hoc test, and Marascuilo procedure have been used to investigate the top distraction sources, the trend of distraction-affected fatal crashes, the effect of different distractions on drives in different age groups, and their influence on female and male drivers. Results: It was found that inner cognitive inferences accounted for the greatest proportion of driver engagement in distractions. Young drivers show a larger probability of being distracted by in-vehicle technology-related devices/objects. Within the group of young drivers, female drivers showed a higher probability than their male counterparts of engaging in distracted driving caused by in-vehicle technology-related devices. Among six subcategories of distractions, drivers older than 80 years old were found to be most likely affected by inner cognitive interferences.  相似文献   

Not surprisingly it has been shown that there are higher accident rates and larger magnitudes in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) if compared with the case of the larger ones. Some studies suggest that SMEs have serious problems aggravated by limited access to human, economic and technological resources. Moreover, it is now acknowledged that methods developed specifically for Large Enterprises (LEs) cannot be simply transferred to smaller enterprises. Although the debate concerning essentially the size of the enterprises and their corresponding accident rates is ongoing, very little attention is paid to the difference between the Micro- (MiEs), the Small- (SEs), and the Medium-sized Enterprises (MEs). Indeed, in most of the cases, SMEs are bundled together and considered as a whole, in opposition to LEs. In some cases SEs and MEs are studied separately, but only the difference in terms of accident rates is highlighted. Instead, important information in terms of performance and organizational, cultural and economic differences between MiEs, SEs and MEs exist. Within the implementation of the E-merging project (financed by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents – INAIL), some differences have been identified on the basis of two existing data sources.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This commentary illustrates the advantages of multilevel modeling compared to statistical techniques that ignore hierarchies, based on two empirical traffic safety examples. METHODS: The common concept shared by different definitions of multilevel modeling is identified and illustrated. Each definition defines multilevel modeling in its own way but they all refer to hierarchies. Conceptual issues inherently related to hierarchies are then pointed out and illustrated. RESULTS: Broadly speaking there are two important consequences of ignoring a hierarchical structure in the data. The first consequence, underestimation of standard errors, is illustrated with data from an observational study on seatbelt behavior. Two effects that were significant at the 5% level in a single-level model were no longer found to be significant in a two-level model. The single-level model is therefore bound to lead to erroneous conclusions regarding variables that could have an impact on seatbelt use and, ultimately, on increasing the level of traffic safety. The second consequence, related to contextual information, is illustrated with data from a roadside survey on drink driving. Of particular interest is the relationship between Traffic Count, an aggregated level 2 explanatory variable and Odds of drink driving, an individual level 1 dependent variable. CONCLUSIONS: Like every statistical technique, multilevel models should be used with caution and reservation. However, given certain limitations, multilevel modeling is very useful and valuable to traffic safety research.  相似文献   

为了探索员工-组织社会交换与安全绩效的作用关系,以广东省5家制造业企业员工为调查对象,基于社会交换理论,运用Mplus建立结构方程模型对74个团队468份有效问卷进行实证研究。研究结果表明:员工-组织社会交换对安全促进心理所有权和安全绩效均具有显著正向影响,员工-组织社会交换可以通过安全促进心理所有权的中介效应最终影响安全绩效。服务型领导跨层调节员工-组织社会交换与安全促进心理所有权之间的关系,并可进一步调节安全促进心理所有权的中介作用。  相似文献   

In a matched data set consisting of survey responses from both members of 39 dual earner couples, work and family involvement was used to predict job satisfaction, marital satisfaction, stress and work restructuring of both members of the couple. In general, the wives were found to be restructuring their work activities more than their husbands. Couples whose members had high levels of family involvement were experiencing high levels of marital satisfaction and low levels of stress. In addition, the coded responses to seven open ended questions provided qualitative data reflecting what specific types of work restructuring arrangements were most popular and the reasons for work restructuring.  相似文献   

Importing the anthropological, sociolinguistic theory of ‘politeness’ into the domain of organizational studies, this article presents results of a laboratory study that illustrates how power is communicated through specific linguistic gestures differentially used by superiors and subordinates throughout daily interchange. The approach taken illustrates how language is amenable to quantitative, as opposed to sheerly qualitative analysis. Contributions of politeness theory to the study of organizational communication, of influence tactics, the distortion of communication in hierarchical relations, and the presumed egalitarianism associated with programmes of workplace participation, are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Purpose. The purpose of this particular study was to test a newly created instrument in describing the facilitators and barriers to occupational health and safety in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ontario, Canada. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used to identify the occupational health and safety culture of SMEs in public and private sectors in Ontario. Results. A total of 153 questionnaires were completed. The majority of respondents were female (84%) with a mean age of 49.8 years (SD 10.6). Seventy-four percent were supervisors. Seventy percent of respondents were from the private sector while 30% derived from the public sector including healthcare, community services, and non-profit organizations. Further, conducting regular external safety inspections of the workplace was found to be statistically associated with a safe work environment 2.88 95% CI [1.57, 5.27]. Conclusions. Strategies and training opportunities that focus on how to adapt occupational health and safety legislation to the nature and diversity of SMEs are recommended. Furthermore, employers may use such information to improve safety in their SMEs, while researchers can hopefully use such evidence to develop interventions that are applicable to meeting the occupational health and safety needs of SMEs.  相似文献   

Introduction: Numerous studies have demonstrated the close relationship between alcohol availability and alcohol-related crashes. However, there is still a lack of spatial empirical analysis regarding this relationship, particularly in large cities of developing countries. Differences in alcohol outlets and drinking patterns in these cities may lead to quite different patterns of crash outcomes. Method: 3356 alcohol-related crashes were collected from the blood-alcohol test report of a forensic institution in Tianjin, China. Density of alcohol outlets such as retail locations, entertainment venues, restaurants, hotels, and companies were extracted based on 2114 Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) together with the residential and demographic characteristics. After applying the exploratory spatial data analysis, this research developed and compared the traditional Ordinary Least Square model (OLS), Spatial Lag Model (SLM), Spatial Error Model (SEM) and Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) to explore spatial effects of all the variables. Results: The results of incremental spatial autocorrelation show that the most significant distance threshold of alcohol-related roadway traffic crashes is 3 km. The SDM is found to be the optimal spatial model to characterize the relationship between alcohol outlets and crashes. The number of alcohol-involved traffic crashes is positively related to population density and retail density, but negatively related to the company density, hotel density, and residential density within the same TAZ. Meanwhile, dense population and hotels have reverse spillover effects in adjacent zones. Conclusions: The significant spatial direct effect and spillover effect of alcohol outlet densities on drunk driving crashes should not be neglected. These findings could help improve transportation planning, traffic law enforcement and traffic management for large cities in developing countries.  相似文献   

Unethical behaviors are prevalent and costly in organizations, and much recent research attention has been paid to different forms of workplace unethical behaviors. We contend that the extant research has overlooked an important form of workplace-related unethical behaviors: unethical behaviors that are conducted to benefit one's family but which violate societal and organizational moral rules, a construct we label as “unethical pro-family behavior” (UPFB). Our paper systematically conceptualizes UPFB and develops a scale for it. Drawing upon social cognitive theory, we argue that employees with stronger family financial pressure are more likely to employ moral disengagement mechanisms to deactivate moral self-regulation, resulting in higher levels of UPFB. Additionally, we argue that the proposed relationship is more pronounced when employees have high family motivation but is mitigated when employees have high organizational identification. Two studies are conducted for this paper. In Study 1 (N = 328 for Sample 1; N = 243 for Sample 2; N = 279 for Sample 3; N = 267 for Sample 4), we demonstrate that our UPFB scale has good construct validity and that our construct is differentiable from relevant constructs. In two time-lagged survey samples in Study 2 (N = 255 for Sample 1; N = 233 for Sample 2), we find support for our hypotheses. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Process hazards review (PHR) techniques have generally been applied by large, sophisticated companies in the nuclear, aerospace, and chemical process industries. There remains, however, a large population of smaller distributors and consumers of hazardous materials which could benefit equally from the application of PHR. These consumers unfortunately are generally less sophisticated and individually lack the necessary resources required to apply such state-of-the-art safety techniques.

Where common processes can be identified, it is possible to conduct a more generic PHR that will provide a sound technical basis for recognizing and preventing the development of hazards wherever these processes are used. Some facility-specific issues will always need to be considered, but the existence of the generic PHR should make the conduct of a PHR by each facility considerably easier and less costly.

Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) contracted with DNV Technica Inc. to lead a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) of agricultural handling of anhydrous ammonia, from the receipt of ammonia at the retail distribution centre to the application of the ammonia by farmers to the fields. The multidisciplinary HAZOP team consisted of representatives from NIOSH, an agricultural chemical trade association, an ammonia producer, state ammonia facility inspectors, a retail distributor, and an equipment manufacturer. Several participants were part-time farmers with ammonia application experience.

Some specific aspects of applying the HAZOP technique in the context of this study, the findings obtained, and the plans to disseminate the important safety information developed during the course of the PHR are discussed. Finally, it is suggested that this approach could prove to be a useful addition to the product stewardship activities of chemical producers.  相似文献   



In construction, the challenge for researchers and practitioners is to develop work systems (production processes and teams) that can achieve high productivity and high safety at the same time. However, construction accident causation models ignore the role of work practices and teamwork. This study investigates the mechanisms by which production and teamwork practices affect the likelihood of accidents.


The paper synthesizes a new model for construction safety based on the cognitive perspective (Fuller's Task-Demand-Capability Interface model, 2005) and then presents an exploratory case study. The case study investigates and compares the work practices of two residential framing crews: a 'High Reliability Crew' (HRC)—that is, a crew with exceptional productivity and safety over several years, and an average performing crew from the same company.


The model explains how the production and teamwork practices generate the work situations that workers face (the task demands) and affect the workers ability to cope (capabilities). The case study indicates that the work practices of the HRC directly influence the task demands and match them with the applied capabilities. These practices were guided by the 'principle' of avoiding errors and rework and included work planning and preparation, work distribution, managing the production pressures, and quality and behavior monitoring.


The Task Demand-Capability model links construction research to a cognitive model of accident causation and provides a new way to conceptualize safety as an emergent property of the production practices and teamwork processes. The empirical evidence indicates that the crews' work practices and team processes strongly affect the task demands, the applied capabilities, and the match between demands and capabilities.

Impact on Industry

The proposed model and the exploratory case study will guide further discovery of work practices and teamwork processes that can increase both productivity and safety in construction operations. Such understanding will enable training of construction foremen and crews in these practices to systematically develop high reliability crews.  相似文献   

Conflicting perceptions of risk in OHS generate barriers to occupational injury prevention. Occupational injury prevention strategies that fail to address workplace risk perceptions are likely to be ineffective. In this study, we ask whether employers' and employees' have conflicting risk perceptions that may produce barriers to injury prevention in workplaces and we explore underlying understandings of risk in OHS that produce conflicting risk judgements. A novel research methodology was utilised to compare and contrast risk judgements of employers and employees in a blue collar, small business industry. Participants were asked to rate ten OHS risks and the risk rating scores of the two groups were compared. They were also asked to explain their risk judgements and their responses were contrasted by a method of qualitative data analysis. Significant differences between the risk rating scores of employers and employees were found for four OHS risks. The focus of conflicting risk judgements was a distinction between risks with an immediate injury effect and those with a delayed disease effect. Employers tended to rate the former significantly higher than employees. Employees tended to rate the latter significantly higher than employers. Three themes emerged to explain underlying understandings of risk in OHS that produce conflicting risk judgements. Implications of these understandings for occupational injury prevention strategies in an Australian blue collar, small business industry are explored and a new approach is proposed.  相似文献   

Organizational scholars have recently shifted their attention to examining organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a group-level phenomenon. Adopting the input-mediator-outcome model of group performance, we examined antecedents and intermediate processes that predict group-level OCB (GOCB) in small work groups. The results, based on data from 62 work groups representing a variety of industries, revealed that demographic faultlines based on relation-oriented attributes (gender, age, and race) and a task-related attribute (tenure) had differentiated relationships with task and relationship conflict, which mediated the relationships between faultlines and group outcomes (GOCB and group performance). Both task and relationship conflict were negative predictors of group performance. However, task conflict increased GOCB, whereas relationship conflict decreased it. The present study offers evidence of the relationship between demographic faultlines and various group processes and outcome variables in natural work groups. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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