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Coastal rivers contributed the majority of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loads to coastal waters, often resulting in eutrophication and hypoxia zones. Accurate N source identification is critical for optimizing coastal river N pollution control strategies. Based on a 2-year seasonal record of dual stable isotopes (\({\updelta}^{15}\mathrm{N}-{\mathrm{NO}}_3^{\hbox{-} }\) and \({\updelta}^{18}\mathrm{O}-{\mathrm{NO}}_3^{\hbox{-} }\)) and water quality parameters, this study combined the dual stable isotope-based MixSIAR model and the absolute principal component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) model to elucidate N dynamics and sources in two coastal rivers of Hangzhou Bay. Water quality/trophic level indices indicated light-to-moderate eutrophication status for the studied rivers. Spatio-temporal variability of water quality was associated with seasonal agricultural, aquaculture, and domestic activities, as well as the seasonal precipitation pattern. The APCS-MLR model identified soil + domestic wastewater (69.5%) and aquaculture tailwater (22.2%) as the major nitrogen pollution sources. The dual stable isotope-based MixSIAR model identified soil N, aquaculture tailwater, domestic wastewater, and atmospheric deposition N contributions of 35.3 ±21.1%, 29.7 ±17.2%, 27.9 ±14.5%, and 7.2 ±11.4% to riverine \({\mathrm{NO}}_3^{\hbox{-} }\) in the Cao’e River (CER) and 34.4 ±21.3%, 29.5 ±17.2%, 27.4 ±14.7%, and 8.7 ±12.8% in the Jiantang River (JTR), respectively. The APCS-MLR model and the dual stable isotope-based MixSIAR model showed consistent results for riverine N source identification. Combining these two methods for riverine N source identifications effectively distinguished the mix-source components from the APCS-MLR method and alleviated the high cost of stable isotope analysis, thereby providing reliable N source apportionment results with low requirements for water quality sampling and isotope analysis costs. This study highlights the importance of soil N management and aquaculture tailwater treatment in coastal river N pollution control.


Wijnbladh E  Jönsson BF  Kumblad L 《Ambio》2006,35(8):484-495
Studies of carbon fluxes in marine ecosystems are often done by using box model approaches with basin size boxes, or highly resolved 3D models, and an emphasis on the pelagic component of the ecosystem. Those approaches work well in the ocean proper, but can give rise to considerable problems when applied to coastal systems, because of the scale of certain ecological niches and the fact that benthic organisms are the dominant functional group of the ecosystem. In addition, 3D models require an extensive modeling effort. In this project, an intermediate approach based on a high resolution (20x20 m) GIS data-grid has been developed for the coastal ecosystem in the Laxemar area (Baltic Sea, Sweden) based on a number of different site investigations. The model has been developed in the context of a safety assessment project for a proposed nuclear waste repository, in which the fate of hypothetically released radionuclides from the planned repository is estimated. The assessment project requires not only a good understanding of the ecosystem dynamics at the site, but also quantification of stocks and flows of matter in the system. The data-grid was then used to set up a carbon budget describing the spatial distribution of biomass, primary production, net ecosystem production and thus where carbon sinks and sources are located in the area. From these results, it was clear that there was a large variation in ecosystem characteristics within the basins and, on a larger scale, that the inner areas are net producing and the outer areas net respiring, even in shallow phytobenthic communities. Benthic processes had a similar or larger influence on carbon fluxes as advective processes in inner areas, whereas the opposite appears to be true in the outer basins. As many radionuclides are expected to follow the pathways of organic matter in the environment, these findings enhance our abilities to realistically describe and predict their fate in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis was used to examine the food web of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, a coastal basin experiencing several anthropogenic impacts. Main food sources (algal detritus, seaweeds, particulate organic matter (POM) and sediment organic matter (SOM)) and benthic and pelagic consumers were collected during two contrasting seasons (June and April), at four sites distributed over two inlets, and characterized by different level of confinements, anthropogenic inputs and the presence of mussels farming. δ13C values of organic sources revealed an important contribution of POM to both planktonic and benthic pathways, as well as the influence of terrigenous inputs within both inlets, probably due to high seasonal land runoff. Although δ13C of both sources and consumers varied little between sampling sites and dates, δ15N spatial variability was higher and clearly reflected the organic enrichment in the second inlet as well as the uptake of anthropogenically derived material by benthic consumers. On the other hand, within the first inlet, the isotopic composition of consumers did not change in response to chemical contamination. However, the impact of polluted sediments near the Navy Arsenal in the first inlet was detectable at the level of the macrobenthic trophic structure, showing high dominance of motile, upper level consumers capable to face transient conditions and the reduction of the more resident deposit feeders. We therefore underline the great potential of matching stable isotope analysis with quantitative studies of community structure to assess the effects of multiple anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

The present study elucidated the biomagnification profiles of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) through a tropical aquatic food web of Vietnam based on trophic characterization using stable nitrogen analysis. Various biological samples collected from the main stream of the Mekong Delta were provided for the analysis for both POPs, and stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios. Of the POPs analyzed, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs) were the predominant contaminants with concentrations ranging from 0.058 to 12 ng/g wet weight, followed by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at 0.017-8.9 ng/g, chlordane compounds (CHLs) at 0.0043-0.76 ng/g, tris-4-chlorophenyl methane (TCPMe) at N.D.-0.26 ng/g, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) at N.D.-0.20 ng/g and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) at 0.0021-0.096 ng/g. Significant positive increases of concentrations in DDTs, CHLs, and TCPMe against the stable nitrogen ratio (delta(15)N) were detected, while, concentrations of HCHs and HCB showed no significant increase. The slopes of the regression equations between the log-transformed concentrations of these POPs and delta(15)N were used as indices of biomagnification. The slopes of the POPs for which positive biomagnification was detected ranged from 0.149 to 0.177 on a wet weight basis. The slopes of DDTs and CHLs were less than those reported for a marine food web of the Arctic Ocean, indicating that less biomagnification had occurred in the tropical food web. Of the isomers of CHLs, unlike the studies of the Arctic Ocean, oxychlordane did not undergo significant biomagnification through the food web of the Mekong Delta. This difference is considered to be due to a lack of marine mammals, which might metabolize cis- and trans-chlordane to oxychlordane, in the Mekong Delta ecosystem. The biomagnification profile of TCPMe is reported for the first time in the present study.  相似文献   

Ogawa M  Yoshida N 《Chemosphere》2005,61(6):877-887
The intramolecular distribution of stable isotopes in nitrous oxide that is emitted during coal combustion was analyzed using an isotopic ratio mass spectrometer equipped with a modified ion collector system (IRMS). The coal was combusted in a test furnace fitted with a single burner and the flue gases were collected at the furnace exit following removal of SO(x), NO(x), and H2O in order to avoid the formation of artifact nitrous oxide. The nitrous oxide in the flue gases proved to be enriched in 15N relative to the fuel coal. In air-staged combustion experiments, the staged air ratio was controlled over a range of 0 (unstaged combustion), 20%, and 30%. As the staged air ratio increased, the delta15N and delta18O of the nitrous oxide in the flue gases became depleted. The central nitrogen of the nitrous oxide molecule, N(alpha), was enriched in 15N relative to that occupying the end position of the molecule, N(beta), but this preference, expressed as delta15N(alpha)-delta15N(beta), decreased with the increase in the staged air ratio. Thermal decomposition and hydrogen reduction experiments carried out using a tube reactor allowed qualitative estimates of the kinetic isotope effects that occurred during the decomposition of the nitrous oxide and quantitative estimates of the extent to which the nitrous oxide had decomposed. The site preference of nitrous oxide increased with the extent of the decomposition reactions. Assuming that no site preference exists in nitrous oxide before decomposition, the behavior of nitrous oxide in the test combustion furnace was analyzed using the Rayleigh equation based on a single distillation model. As a result, the extent of decomposition of nitrous oxide was estimated as 0.24-0.26 during the decomposition reaction governed by the thermal decomposition and as 0.35-0.38 during the decomposition reaction governed by the hydrogen reduction in staged combustion. The intramolecular distribution of nitrous oxide can be a valuable parameter to estimate the extent of decomposition reaction and to understand the reaction pathway of nitrous oxide at the high temperature.  相似文献   

Compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) was used to assess biodegradation of MTBE and TBA during an ethanol release study at Vandenberg Air Force Base. Two continuous side-by-side field releases were conducted within a preexisting MTBE plume to form two lanes. The first involved the continuous injection of site groundwater amended with benzene, toluene and o-xylene ("No ethanol lane"), while the other involved the continuous injection of site groundwater amended with benzene, toluene and o-xylene and ethanol ("With ethanol lane"). The delta(13)C of MTBE for all wells in the "No ethanol lane" remained constant during the experiment with a mean value of -31.3 +/- 0.5 per thousand (n=40), suggesting the absence of any substantial MTBE biodegradation in this lane. In contrast, substantial enrichment in (13)C of MTBE by 40.6 per thousand, was measured in the "With ethanol lane", consistent with the effects of biodegradation. A substantial amount of TBA (up to 1200 microg/L) was produced by the biodegradation of MTBE in the "With ethanol lane". The mean value of delta(13)C for TBA in groundwater samples in the "With ethanol lane" was -26.0 +/- 1.0 per thousand (n=32). Uniform delta(13)C TBA values through space and time in this lane suggest that substantial anaerobic biodegradation of TBA did not occur during the experiment. Using the reported range in isotopic enrichment factors for MTBE of -9.2 per thousand to -15.6 per thousand, and values of delta(13)C of MTBE in groundwater samples, MTBE first-order biodegradation rates in the "With ethanol lane" were 12.0 to 20.3 year(-1) (n=18). The isotope-derived rate constants are in good agreement with the previously published rate constant of 16.8 year(-1) calculated using contaminant mass-discharge for the "With ethanol lane".  相似文献   


Drinking water reservoirs are threatened globally by anthropogenic nitrogen pollution. Hydrochemistry and isotopes were analyzed to identify spatial and temporal varieties of main nitrate sources in a large drinking water reservoir in East China. The results showed that NO3? was the main nitrogen form in both the dry and wet seasons, but dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was increased in the wet season. The δ15N-NO3? values (+?1.3‰ to +?11.8‰) and δ18O-NO3? values (+?2.5‰ to +?13.5‰), combined with principal component analysis (PCA), indicated that chemical fertilizer was the main nitrate source during the dry season, while chemical fertilizer, soil N, and sewage/manure were the main nitrate sources during the wet season in the Qiandao Lake area. And, the nitrate isotopes showed the significant nitrification and assimilation in the Qiandao Lake area. A Bayesian isotopic mixing model (Stable Isotope Analysis in R) was applied to the spatial and seasonal trends in the proportional contribution of four NO3? sources (chemical fertilizer (CF), soil nitrogen (SN), sewage and manure (SM), and atmospheric deposition (AD)) in the Qiandao Lake area. It was revealed that CF was the most important nitrate source in the dry season, accounting for 53.4% with 19.2% of SM and 18.9% of SN, while the contribution of SN increased in the wet season, accounting for 31.6%, followed by CF (30.8%) and then SM (24.2%). The main nitrate sources in the urban area, rural area, and central lake area were CF and SN, accounting for 66.1% in the urban area, 71.7% in the rural area, and 68.2% in the central lake area. Measures should be made to improve chemical fertilizer use efficiency and to reduce nitrogen loss in the Qiandao Lake area.



Stable isotope analysis of chlorinated ethene contaminants was carried out during a bioaugmentation pilot test at Kelly Air Force Base (AFB) in San Antonio Texas. In this pilot test, cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) was the primary volatile organic compound. A mixed microbial enrichment culture, KB-1, shown in laboratory experiments to reduce chlorinated ethenes to non-toxic ethene, was added to the pilot test area. Following bioaugmentation with KB-1, perchloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE) and cDCE concentrations declined, while vinyl chloride (VC) concentrations increased and subsequently decreased as ethene became the dominant transformation product. Shifts in carbon isotopic values up to 2.7 per thousand, 6.4 per thousand, 10.9 per thousand and 10.6 per thousand were observed for PCE, TCE, cDCE and VC, respectively, after bioaugmentation, consistent with the effects of biodegradation. While a rising trend of VC concentrations and the first appearance of ethene were indicative of biodegradation by 72 days post-bioaugmentation, the most compelling evidence of biodegradation was the substantial carbon isotope enrichment (2.0 per thousand to 5.0 per thousand) in ?13C(cDCE). Fractionation factors obtained in previous laboratory studies were used with isotope field measurements to estimate first-order cDCE degradation rate constants of 0.12 h(-1) and 0.17 h(-1) at 115 days post-bioaugmentation. These isotope-derived rate constants were clearly lower than, but within a factor of 2-4 of the previously published rate constant calculated in a parallel study at Kelly AFB using chlorinated ethene concentrations. Stable carbon isotopes can provide not only a sensitive means for early identification of the effects of biodegradation, but an additional means to quantify the rates of biodegradation in the field.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine (1) how much N is transferred into the food web via plants from a wetland receiving not only inputs of treated sewage effluent, but also containing contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), (2) how birds, as consumers, utilize exogenous N and uptake PCBs in relation to the food web of the wetlands, (3) the feasibility of using isotopic analysis in estimating trophic levels in a semi-arid system. Our results demonstrate that there is very high spatial variability in the N isotopic composition of primary producers. Birds had lower variability in delta15N, despite feeding at multiple trophic levels. In very high spatial variability in delta15N of primary producers, it is difficult to use N isotope techniques to define trophic levels relevant to the bioaccumulation of organic pollutants, but it is possible to track the flow of exogenous N through the food web.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) data can provide important information regarding the sources and the processing of atmospheric organic carbon species. Formic, acetic and oxalic acid were collected from Zurich city in August–September 2002 and March 2003 in the gas and aerosol phase, and the corresponding δ13C analysis was performed using a wet oxidation method followed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In August, the δ13C values of gas phase formic acid showed a significant correlation with ozone (coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.63) due to the kinetic isotope effect (KIE). This indicates the presence of secondary sources (i.e. production of organic acids in the atmosphere) in addition to direct emission. In March, both gaseous formic and acetic acid exhibited similar δ13C values and did not show any correlation with ozone, indicating a predominantly primary origin. Even though oxalic acid is mainly produced by secondary processes, the δ13C value of particulate oxalic acid was not depleted and did not show any correlation with ozone, which may be due to the enrichment of 13C during the gas - aerosol partitioning.The concentrations and δ13C values of the different aerosol fractions (water soluble organic carbon, water insoluble organic carbon, carbonate and black carbon) collected during the same period were also determined. Water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) contributed about 60% to the total carbon and was enriched in 13C compared to other fractions indicating a possible effect of gas - aerosol partitioning on δ13C of carbonaceous aerosols. The carbonate fraction in general was very low (3% of the total carbon).  相似文献   

CO concentration and its isotopic composition (13C, 14C, 17O and 18O) are used to characterize air pollution events observed at Schauinland, Germany, in August 2000. After determination of the background signal, we could identify and characterize five pollution events. Particularly, 14CO and δ18O variations help to determine the nature of the pollution source (fossil fuel or biomass combustion) and its origin (local or regional/continental). By using a box model, further information about the age of the polluted air mass is derived. We particularly establish that one polluted air mass was about 10 days old and that this event was due to long-range transport of products emitted from forest fires in Canada.  相似文献   

Pan J  Yang YL  Xu Q  Chen DZ  Xi DL 《Chemosphere》2007,66(10):1971-1982
Influence of current circulation and sewage sludge on spatial distributions of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments and mussels from the Qingdao coastal sea were investigated. Total concentrations of PCBs, PCNs and PBDEs in sediments ranged 6.5-32.9, 0.2-1.2, and 0.1-5.5 ngg(-1) dry wt, respectively. The maximum concentrations were all found near the Haibo River mouth, affected by sewage sludge input from the river. Under the current system in Jiaozhou Bay the organic pollutants were subject to deposit on the east side of the bay and trapped inside the bay. Sewage sludge was an important source of PCBs, PCNs and PBDEs in the bay and exponentially magnified the enrichment of PCBs. On the other hand, the congener profiles of PCBs in sediments outside the bay may signify an atmospheric source of PCBs. Total Concentrations of PCBs, PCNs and PBDEs in mussels were 61.4-88.6, 9.0, and 13.8 ngg(-1)lipid, respectively. Mussels enriched significantly PCBs, PCNs and PBDEs relative to the sediments. The total toxicity equivalent quantities (TEQs) of PCNs in mussels were generally lower than that of PCBs. The fluxes of the total PCBs and their TEQs have been decreased steadily since 1950s. The lower chlorinated/brominated congeners of PCNs and PBDEs may exhibit a greater tendency due to less lipophilic and thus a greater probability of being affected by the current circulation in the bay.  相似文献   

一体化生物膜技术处理滨海农村污水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对厌氧-3级好氧/缺氧生物膜工艺进行技术改进,并对改进后的"一体化生物膜技术"处理低碳氮比农村生活污水进行了实际应用。新工艺增设了回流泵(回流比2∶1),且厌氧段悬浮填料装填率由原来的15%提高到30%,3级好氧/缺氧段YDT型弹性立体填料装填率依次由原来的50%、40%、25%提高到70%、60%和40%。装置连续稳定运行12个月,平均进水量为18 m3/d,HRT为3.7 d,监测结果表明:对COD、BOD、NH3-N、TN、TP和SS平均去除率分别为75.6%、85.9%、86.7%、63.9%、69.3%和85.5%;出水COD、BOD、NH3-N、TN、TP和SS的平均浓度分别在34.9、8.9、3.4、9.9、0.9和6.9 mg/L以下。改进后出水BOD和TN的去除能力有较大提高,除TP外其他各项指标均达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

复合式生物除臭反应器处理城市污水处理厂恶臭气体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用复合式生物除臭反应器处理北京某城市污水处理厂污泥浓缩池和脱水间散发的恶臭气体,研究了反应器对恶臭气体的净化效果和微生物悬浮生长区与附着生长区内的生物特性及对恶臭污染物的去除能力。该污水处理厂的恶臭气体中主要发臭物质为硫化氢和氨,除臭反应器的运行结果表明,在设备稳定运行期间,进气中硫化氢和氨的浓度分别为0.21~22.61 mg/m3和0.1~0.5 mg/m3,而出气中硫化氢浓度在0~0.06 mg/m3,氨浓度为0~0.02 mg/m3。对反应器内部测试表明,微生物悬浮生长区和附着生长区对硫化氢和氨都有一定的去除,但去除机理不同。硫化氢主要被附着生长区的嗜酸性硫细菌生物氧化,少量硫化氢在悬浮区溶于水被中性硫细菌氧化;氨主要在悬浮区靠生物硝化作用去除,少部分氨在附着区被去除,且多因化学中和作用转移到填料所含的水中。  相似文献   

The Northwater Polynya (NOW) is a large area of year-round open water found in the high Arctic between Ellesmere Island and Greenland. NOW has high biological productivity compared with other arctic marine areas, and supports large populations of several seabird species. Seven species of seabirds, dovekie (Alle alle, DOVE), thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia, TBMU), black guillemot (Cepphus grylle, BLGU), black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla, BLKI), ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea, IVGU), glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus, GLGU) and northern fulmar (Fulmaris glacialis, NOFU) were collected in May and June 1998 to determine chlordane concentrations in liver and fat and to examine species differences, relationships with stable isotopes of nitrogen, and enantiomeric fractions (EFs) of chiral components. sigma CHLOR concentrations varied over an order of magnitude among species, from a low of 176 +/- 19 ng/g (lipid corrected) in TMBU liver to a high of 3190 +/- 656 ng/g (lipid corrected) in NOFU liver. Lipid-corrected concentrations of chlordane did not vary between sex for any species or between fat and liver except for the DOVE, that had fat concentrations that were significantly greater than the liver. delta 15N values described a significant percentage of the variability of concentrations for most chlordane components, although less than what has been reported for whole food chains. Slopes of delta 15N versus concentration of chlordane components and sigma CHLOR were similar with the exception of those which were metabolized (trans-chlordane) or formed through biotransformation (oxychlordane). The relative proportions of chlordane components in seabirds were related to phylogeny; the procellariid (NOFU) had the greatest percentage of oxychlordane (> 70%), followed by the larids (BLKI, IVGU and GLGU; 40-50%) and the alcids (DOVE and BLGU; 10-20%). The exception was TBMU, an alcid, where oxychlordane made up > 40% of its chlordane. EFs of chiral components failed to predict concentration or trophic level, but did identify biotransformation differences between species and chlordane components. TBMU appeared to have a greater capacity to metabolize and eliminate chlordane, based on high proportions of oxychlordane, the highest EFs for oxychlordane and heptachlor epoxide, and a delta 15N-sigma CHLOR value which was well below the relationships developed for all seabird species.  相似文献   

Mesocosms filled with dune sand were planted with graminoid (Calamagrostis epigejos, Carex arenaria) and herbaceous species (Carlina vulgaris, Galium verum). Strong effects of nitrogen addition on the vegetation were found within two to three years. The above-ground biomass of C. epigejos and C. arenaria increased at deposition rates between 10 and 80 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). Both grasses were limited by N. In latter stages P limitation was suggested for C. arenaria. At high N-levels, C. epigejos dominated the vegetation within two years. C. vulgaris and G. verum declined drastically as a result of increased competition for light by the highly competitive grass C. epigejos. It is concluded that increased (ambient) N inputs are of major importance for the increased dominance of tall grasses in stable dune grasslands.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM, AND SCOPE: The presence of a variety of pollutants in the aquatic environment that can potentially interfere with the production of sex steroid hormones in wildlife and humans has been of increasing concern. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of extracts from Hong Kong marine waters, and influents and effluents from wastewater treatment plants on steroidogenesis using the H295R cell bioassay. After exposing H295R cells to extracts of water, the expression of four steroidogenic genes and the production of three steroid hormones were measured. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Water samples were collected during the summer of 2005 from 24 coastal marine areas and from the influents and effluents of two major waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) in Hong Kong, China. Samples were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE). H295R cells were exposed for 48 h to dilutions of these extracts. Modulations of the expression of the steroidogenic genes CYP19, CYP17, 3betaHSD2, and CYP11beta2 were determined by measuring mRNA concentrations by real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR). Production of the hormones progesterone (P), estradiol (E2), and testosterone (T) was quantified using enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). RESULTS: Extracts from samples collected in two fish culture areas inhibited growth and proliferation of H295R cells at concentrations greater or equal to 10(5) L equivalents. The cells were exposed to the equivalent concentration of active substances in 10,000 L of water. Thus, to observe the same level of effect as observed in vitro on aquatic organisms would require a bioaccumulation factor of this same magnitude. None of the other 22 marine samples affected growth of the cells at any dilution tested. Twelve of the marine water samples completely inhibited the expression of CYP19 without affecting E2 production; inhibition of CYP17 expression was observed only in one of the samples while expression of CYP11beta2 was induced as much as five- and ninefold after exposure of cells to extracts from two locations. The expression of the progesterone gene 3betaHSD2 was not affected by any of the samples; only one sample induced approximately fourfold the production of E2. Although more than twofold inductions were observed for P and T production, none of these values were statistically significant to conclude effects on the production of these two hormones. While influents from WWTPs did not affect gene expression, an approximately 30% inhibition in the production of E2 and a 40% increase in P occurred for the exposure with influents from the Sha Tin and Stonecutters WWTPs, respectively. Effluents from WWTPs did not affect the production of any of the studied hormones, but a decrement in the expression of the aldosterone gene CYP11beta2 was observed for the Sha Tin WWTP exposure. No direct correlation could be established between gene expression and hormone production. DISCUSSION: Observed cytotoxicity in the two samples from fish culture areas suggest the presence of toxic compounds; chemical analysis is required for their full identification. Although effluents from WWTPs did not affect hormone production, other types of endocrine activity such as receptor-mediated effects cannot be ruled out. Interactions due to the complexity of the samples and alternative steroidogenic pathways might explain the lack of correlation between gene expression and hormone production results. CONCLUSIONS: Changes observed in gene expression and hormone production suggest the presence in Hong Kong coastal waters of pollutants with endocrine disruption potential and others of significant toxic effects. The aromatase and aldosterone genes seem to be the most affected by the exposures, while E2 and P are the hormones with more significant changes observed. Results also suggest effectiveness in the removing of compounds with endocrine activity by the WWTPs studied, as effluent samples did not significantly affect hormone production. The H295R cell showed to be a valuable toll in the battery required for the analysis of endocrine disrupting activities of complex environmental samples. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Due to the intrinsic complexity of environmental samples, a combination of analytical tools is required to realistically assess environmental conditions, especially in aquatic systems. In the evaluation of endocrine disrupting activities, the H295R cell bioassay should be used in combination with other genomic, biological, chemical, and hydrological tests to establish viable modes for endocrine disruption and identify compounds responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

钢渣-灰岩人工湿地脱除粪便污水高氮素的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
构建小试系统研究了钢渣-灰岩垂直潜流人工湿地对粪便污水中高浓度氮素的降解效果。同时比较分析了填料填铺方式和表层填料对钢渣-灰岩垂直潜流湿地降解粪便污水氮素效能的影响。结果表明:当原水氨氮在42.72~272.60 mg/L,总氮在107.40~689.35 mg/L内,钢渣-灰岩垂直潜流人工湿地出水氨氮和总氮浓度可分别达到13.57 mg/L和62.83 mg/L;从长期效果来看,大级配差的正反粒径混合填铺的填料结构更有利于钢渣-灰岩人工湿地保持氮素降解效能;表层的基质材料选择要充分考虑渗透性和复氧能力;钢渣不但对氨氮有吸附作用,而且为氨氮的挥发和硝化/反硝化作用创造有利环境;灰岩在钢渣协助下溶出钙离子以利于氨氮的阳离子交换,同时为铁自养反硝化菌和脱硫杆菌的自养反硝化作用提供碳源。  相似文献   

The measurement of organotins in the various biotas of coastal food webs with stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N), which increase 3.4‰ per trophic level, can provide a biomagnification profile of organotins through food web. In this study, various biological samples were collected from three localities in Western Japan between 2002 and 2003 for analyses. Tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) were still detected with a maximum of 99.5 and 8.7 ng wet weight g−1, respectively. Unlike TBT, significant biomagnification of TPT through the food web (expressed by δ15N) was found in all three localities. The log transformed octanol–water partition coefficient (log Kow) of TPT of 2.11–3.43 was overlapped by, but was slightly lower than, that of TBT of 3.70–4.70. Thus, this study demonstrates that although these chemicals have a log Kow lower than 5, at least TPT undergoes significant biomagnification through the food web.  相似文献   

Murai R  Sugimoto A  Tanabe S  Takeuchi I 《Chemosphere》2008,73(11):1749-1756
The measurement of organotins in the various biotas of coastal food webs with stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N), which increase 3.4‰ per trophic level, can provide a biomagnification profile of organotins through food web. In this study, various biological samples were collected from three localities in Western Japan between 2002 and 2003 for analyses. Tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) were still detected with a maximum of 99.5 and 8.7 ng wet weight g−1, respectively. Unlike TBT, significant biomagnification of TPT through the food web (expressed by δ15N) was found in all three localities. The log transformed octanol–water partition coefficient (log Kow) of TPT of 2.11–3.43 was overlapped by, but was slightly lower than, that of TBT of 3.70–4.70. Thus, this study demonstrates that although these chemicals have a log Kow lower than 5, at least TPT undergoes significant biomagnification through the food web.  相似文献   

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