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The resolution of intersexual conflict over mating should be dependent on the current state of each individual. In this study, I used a factorial design to examine the influence of two physiological factors, sperm depletion and food deprivation, on resistance to mating by females of the water strider, Aquarius remigis. Females employ several different mate-resisting tactics during an encounter with a male. Five measures of female resistance to mating were identified: jumping, rolling, dunking, time spent dunking, and struggle duration. Jump, roll, and dunk rates were highly correlated with each other and combined into one metric of resistance to mating (PC1) using principal components analysis. Time per dunk (T/D) and struggle duration were also analyzed. Discrete male behaviors during the struggle could not be identified. Two measures of female resistance, PC1 and T/D, were significantly lower in sperm-depleted females than in sperm-replenished females. Struggle duration did not differ between the two treatments. Starvation had no effect on any of the measures of resistance. Sperm depletion significantly enhanced the probability of mating (54% vs. 24% for replenished females), while starvation had no effect on the probability of mating. I pooled all the females and compared females that mated with those that did not mate. Nonmating females resisted significantly more than mating females in all three measures of resistance. Path analysis indicated that PC1 was the only measure of resistance that was significantly negatively related to the probability of mating. Almost half (46%) of sperm-depleted females showed no resistance to males, while only 3% of sperm-replenished females were nonresistant. When nonresisters were removed from the analysis, sperm depletion had no effect on any of the measures of female resistance to mating and no effect on the probability of mating. In A. remigis, female resistance appears to be a yes/no phenomenon with respect to sperm depletion and not affected directly by starvation. Received: 2 September 1994/Accepted after revision: 9 September 1995  相似文献   

The tragedy of the commons usually refers to the overexploitation of resources such as food or water. Here, we show in a laboratory study that competition among males for females can also result in a tragedy of the commons’ situation. Male water striders (Aquarius remigis) vary widely in their aggressiveness toward pursuing females. The most aggressive males prevent females from feeding and cause them to leave the water surface, where they are unavailable to all males. Groups of nonaggressive males are collectively three times more fit than groups of hyperaggressive males, but hyperaggressive males are more successful than nonaggressive males within mixed groups. This is the classic tragedy of the commons’ situation, and it is likely to occur in many species that exhibit sexual conflict. We have also shown that individual differences in male aggression are stable across time and are not influenced by food or light regime, although all individuals become nonaggressive in the presence of fish predators.  相似文献   

Summary Non-random mating by size (NRMS) plays a central role in the study of sexual selection and the evolution of mating systems. Theory suggests that NRMS should be influenced by conflicting demands (e.g., predation risk, hunger); few experimental studies, however, have addressed these effects. We used a factorial experiment to examine the influence of predatory green sunfish and food deprivation on NRMS in male and female stream water striders, Aquarius remigis. As predicted by theory, food deprivation decreased the large-male mating advantage. The influence of predation risk, however, went against existing theory; that is, risk increased the large male mating advantage. The degree of large-male mating advantage was negatively related to a measure of the rate of male harassment of females. A behavioral mechanism that can explain these patterns emphasizes the contrasting effects of different competing demands on male harassment rates, female resistance and the role of male size in overcoming female resistance. Females usually resist male mating attempts. Successful mating occurs when males overcome female resistance. If harassment rates (of females by males) are low, larger males have a mating advantage over smaller males perhaps because females resist heavily and thus only larger males can overcome female resistance. If, however, male harassment rates are very high, female resistance might be swamped; mating should then be more random with respect to male size. Food deprivation increases gerrid activity and thus increases harassment rates which should then reduce NRMS. In contrast, risk decreases gerrid activity, thus decreasing harassment rates and increasing NRMS. Females did not show significant NRMS. Females did, however, show a pattern of change in NRMS that is consistent with male choice for larger females. Correspondence to: A. Sih  相似文献   

Male copulatory guarding enhances female foraging in a water strider   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary In the laboratory, females of Gerris remigis foraging singly after being separated from a copulating male averaged 16 times longer to repel male copulatory attempts compared to repelling time when copulating (60 trials). In<10 min after separation, all females either became immobile at the edge (in 34% of all trials), or recopulated and either continued to forage (61%) or swam to the edge and became immobile (5%). Copulating females captured 85% of imitation prey, but single females, harassed by males, captured only 32% of prey.During a census of 2 small streams, in the pools with swimming single males, >99% of all swimming females were copulating, <1% being single. Ninety seven percent of all single females were immobile at the edge, whereas only 11% of all pairs were at the edge. In pools without swimming single males, 32% of all single females were swimming, compared to <1% in pools with swimming males. Introductions of a male into 4 pools with a female swimming singly in each resulted in the females either becoming immobile at the edge or copulating. The 2 streams had a : sex ratio of 1.6:1, and 79% of all females were copulating during the census. Foraging, copulation and copulatory attempts continued at a reduced level during the night.Thus in streams where male G. remigis are attempting to copulate, females can forage effectively only by carrying a copulating male who apparently repels copulatory attempts by other males.  相似文献   

Summary Males of the water strider Gerris elongatus established territories which included copulation and oviposition sites (small pieces of fallen bamboo). Males were aggressive and competition for territory and females was observed frequently. Male midlegs were more developed than female midlegs and were used as weapons. Reproductive behaviour changed as the breeding season advanced. Early in the season immature females were attracted by male surface wave courtship signals, then copulated white floating on the water surface without ovipositing (type 1). In midseason, males established territories, produced calling signals and attracted females which copulated and oviposited there with male postcopulatory guarding (type 2). In late season, many females oviposited without postcopulatory guarding on pondweed mats near fallen bamboo. Non-territorial males waiter for the arrival of these females and copulated without courtship, but mating success was low (type 3). These alternative mating strategies appeared to depend on differences in male size. Larger males were superior to smaller males in many ways (establishing territory, fighting, mating etc.). The largest males defended territories and had higher mating success than small non-territorial males. Medium sized males used all three strategies according to the number of empty territories and seasonal femald distribution.  相似文献   

Summary We used field surveys, field experiments and experiments in artificial pools to study the effects of variation in sex ratio and density on mating dynamics of a stream water strider, Aquarius remigis. Our field survey documented the existence of hot spots, sites of higher than average total gerrid density, a male-biased sex ratio, and higher than average female mating activity. Female gerrids frequently changed sites, usually moving upstream, perhaps to spread their eggs among many sites. Male gerrids showed two movement strategies: some males frequently changed sites, while other males were stationary at hot spots. Surprisingly, smaller males tended to be stationary at hot spots. A field manipulation of the availability of refuges for females to avoid harassment by males supported the notion that males prefer hot spots because they are sites where a scarcity of refuge for females makes it relatively easy for males to intercept females. Experiments in plastic pools compared sites with 20 males: 5 females (simulating hot spots) to pools with 5 males: 5 females. The rate of male harassment of females was higher in 20:5 pools as compared to 5:5 pools. In response to increased male harassment, females reduced their activity on the water and increased their time spent out of the water and thus unable to forage. Males showed a large male mating advantage (LMMA) in 5:5 pools, but, surprisingly, not in 20: 5 pools. This pattern can explain the field observation that small males prefer hot spots. A behavioral mechanism that can explain the LMMA is as follows. Mating occurs when males overcome female resistance. Larger males have a mating advantage over smaller males if females resist heavily. Increased harassment (e.g., in 20:5 pools as compared to 5:5 pools) might result in reduced female resistance to males and thus a reduced LMMA. Females also showed some non-random mating by size that might reflect an interplay between male preference for large females and the avoidance of males by large females. Correspondence to: A. Sih  相似文献   

Parker's seminal work brought attention to the possibility of postmating sexual selection by non-random fertilization success. Mechanisms for these processes are still only partly understood and there is clearly a need for more studies of intraspecific variation in sperm precedence. Here, we report results from an experimental study of the variation in fertilization success between males of the water strider Gerris lacustris. Genital morphology, male body size, and copulation duration were examined as possible correlates of paternity. The significance of guarding duration was also analysed. Only male genital morphology was correlated to fertilization success. This is one of the first studies showing a relationship between male genital traits and fertilization success, supporting the view that sexual selection may be responsible for the rapid and divergent evolution of genital structures in animals with internal fertilization. The fertilization success of last males varied considerably after double matings with a short mating interval (10 min). Last-male priority ranged from 0 to 100% and usually one of the males involved fertilized almost all the eggs. After double matings with a short mating interval, the proportion of eggs fertilized by the last male averaged 0.68 and was greater than 0.5. In contrast, the average fertilization success was biased towards the first male when the matings were more spread out over time (24 h). These results do not support earlier suggestions of a widespread last-male sperm priority in water striders. Received: 28 July 1998 / Received in revised form: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 28 March 1999  相似文献   

Summary Summer generation 3rd, 4th and 5th instar nymphs plus adults of Gerris remigis were satiated for 2 days in a laboratory tray then deprived of food. Within 1/2–2 days, 19 of 27 nymphs and 10 of 30 adults began to exhibit territoriality, continued being so for 3–9 days, then ceased shortly before becoming quiescent. In the field, muscid flies fed to different territorial striders at a rate of 0, 1, 2, or 3 flies/day, resulted in 8 of 10 striders (at 2 flies/day) and 10 of 10 striders (at 3 flies/day) ceasing territoriality, whereas 5 of 8 controls (at 0 flies/day) remained territorial. Thus, lower and upper food thresholds were demonstrated, the upper threshold approached both from above (laboratory study) and below (field study).  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits associated with matings and the effects of mating frequency on fitness commonly differ between the sexes. As a result, outcrossing simultaneous hermaphrodites may prefer to copulate in the more rewarding sex role, generating conflicts over sperm donation and sperm receipt between mates. Because recent sex role preference models remain controversial, we contrast here some of their assumptions and predictions in the sea slug Chelidonura sandrana. For this hermaphrodite with sperm storage and internal fertilisation, risk-averse models assume that fitness pay-offs are constantly higher in the female than in the male function in any single mating. Moreover, excluding mutual partner assessment, these models predict male mating behaviour to be independent of receiver traits. The competing gender ratio hypothesis assumes that relative fitness pay-offs, and thus the preferred mating roles, vary and may reverse between matings and predicts that ejaculation strategies co-vary with receiver quality. We found that field mating rates of C. sandrana substantially exceeded what is required to maintain female fertility and fecundity, indicating large variation in direct female benefits between matings. We further demonstrate that male copulation duration adaptively increased with partner body size (i.e. fecundity) but decreased with recent partner promiscuity. These findings are compatible with the gender ratio hypothesis but contradict risk-averse models.  相似文献   

Female seaweed flies, Coelopa frigida, have the potential to benefit from mating more than once. Single matings result in low fertility so females may benefit directly from multiple copulations by sperm replenishment. A chromosomal inversion associated with larval fitness, with heterokaryotypic larvae having higher viability than homokaryotypes, means that polyandrous homokaryotypic females have a higher probability of producing genetically fit offspring than monandrous homokaryotypic females. We allowed females to mate only once, repeatedly four times to the same male, or polyandrously four times to four different males. Multiply mated and polyandrous females laid more eggs and produced more offspring than singly mated and monandrous females, respectively. Polyandrous females laid more eggs, had higher egg-to-adult survival rates and produced more offspring than repeatedly mated females. Fertility rates did not differ between treatments. The observed fitness patterns therefore resulted from increased oviposition through multiple mating per se, and a further increase in oviposition coupled with higher egg-to-adult offspring survival benefits to polyandry. Daily monitoring of individual females over their entire life spans showed that multiple copulations induced early oviposition, with polyandrous females ovipositing earlier than repeatedly mated females. Singly mated and polyandrous females incurred a longevity cost independent of egg production, whereas repeatedly mated females did not. This suggests that repeatedly mating with the same male may counteract a general cost of mating. Longevity, however, was not correlated with overall female fitness. Our data are discussed in the overall context of the seaweed fly mating system.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Although the effects of male mating history on female reproductive output and longevity have been studied in insects, few such studies have been carried out in spiders. In a mating system in which females are monandrous while males are polygynous, females may incur the risk by mating with successful males that have experienced consecutive matings and suffer from the possible depletion of sperm and/or associated ejaculates. Here, we examine the effects of male mating history on male courtship and copulation duration, female reproductive fitness, and female adult longevity of the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. Results indicated that male mating frequency had little effect on their subsequent copulation success, and of 35 males tested, about half of the males were able to copulate with five virgin females successively at an interval of 24 h. Male mating history had little effect on their courtship duration. However, male mating history significantly affected male copulation duration, female adult longevity, and reproductive output. Males that mated more frequently copulated longer and more likely failed to cause their mates to produce a clutch, although there was no significant difference in the number of eggs laid and the number of eggs hatched regardless of the first clutch or the second one. Multiple mating of male P. astrigera resulted in significant reduction in female adult longevity. Our results indicate that monandrous females mating with multiple-mated males may incur substantial fitness costs.  相似文献   

The costs of courtship and mating may include increased risks of predation, the transmission of pathogens, and a loss of foraging opportunities. Thus, a female's decision to tolerate a courting male will depend upon how these costs offset the benefits of mating, which will depend on her reproductive and nutritional status. While these costs may be similar for mated and unmated females, the benefits of mating will be less for mated than virgin females. However, the cost of lost foraging opportunities may be higher for females with fewer nutritional reserves necessary for forming eggs. We examined how these costs and benefits influence the courtship and mating behaviour of male and female orb-web spiders, Argiope keyserlingi. In the field, females on webs that also contained a courting male intercepted fewer prey items per hour than females on webs without a male. In the laboratory, the presence of a courting male at the hub also attracted mantid predators to the web, increasing the risk of predation for both male and female. Staged mating experiments in the laboratory revealed that the frequency of female attacks and pre-copulatory cannibalism was greater among mated than virgin females. Feeding history did not affect aggression in virgin females but, among mated females, food-deprived spiders attacked and cannibalized males more frequently than sated females and only the latter ever remated. These differences in female behaviour influenced male mating strategies. Choice experiments demonstrated that males preferred to venture onto the silk threads of virgin rather than those of mated females. Similar patterns of mate selectivity were observed in the field; females with narrow abdomens attracted more males to the webs than females with broad abdomens, and copulations were observed more frequently among females with narrow abdomens. These smaller females are likely to be virgins that have recently molted. Males that preferentially mate with virgin females will not only avoid potentially fatal attacks but also obtain, on average, a higher fertilization success.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that mating with multiple males can be beneficial for females and her offspring even if males contribute nothing but sperm. This was mainly established for species in which sperm from several males mix in the reproductive tract of the female, thus allowing sperm competition and/or female sperm choice. However, in species with last male sperm precedence, female re-mating decides against the previous male by strongly limiting his reproductive success. We tested the effect of female re-mating behaviour using the cellar spider Pholcus phalangioides, which shows strong last males sperm precedence and moderate levels of polyandry under natural situations. We predicted that females prevented from remating even though they are receptive would show reduced reproductive success compared to females that accept two copulations and females that reject a second male, since the latter two treatments were allowed to behave according to their decisions. However, if the number of matings per se had an effect on oviposition or on offspring performance, double-mated females should perform better compared to both treatments of once-mated females. We measured female fecundity and fertility over a period of 140 days, comparable to the species' natural reproductive peak season. Two thousand one hundred and fifty-two offspring from 67 first egg sacs were reared under two feeding levels. We registered development time and survival, and measured offspring adult size and mass. We found a positive effect of double mating, as in this treatment, oviposition probability was higher compared to the other treatments. Interestingly, adult female offspring of the DM treatment that were raised under low food level had a higher condition index compared to those from FS and RM, but development time, size and mass at adulthood were not affected by mating treatment. Female choice only seemed to affect hatching latency of the offspring. Overall, the main predictor of female reproductive output and success was female body size.  相似文献   

Summary Female mating frequency was studied in the laboratory in field crickets, Gryllus integer. Females mated 9.8 times on average (N = 46, SD = 6.6, range = 1–30) in 10-day observations of 5 h each. Offspring from each female were raised and the mating frequency determined for 10 female offspring from from each family. Female offspring mated from 0 to 26 times. The average number of matings across all families was 7.3 (SD = 3.4, range 1.9–16.2). Regression of daughter mating frequency on mother mating frequency resulted in a statistically significant slope of 0.345 and a narrow sense heritability estimate of 0.69 (SE = 0.29). Additive genetic variation is available for selection on female mating frequency in G. integer. Results are discussed in terms of selection on female mating frequency. Offprint requests to: W.H. Cade  相似文献   

Using four polymorphic microsatellite loci, we found that four Apis andreniformis queens collected in Thailand each mated at least 10–20 times, producing an average relatedness, g ww, of workers of 0.30 ± 0.007, and an average effective number of matings of 9.1 ± 2.2. The degrees of polyandry and intra-colonial genetic relatedness in A. andreniformis are similar to those in A. mellifera, slightly more than in A. florea, and up to 6 times less than in A. dorsata. We argue that while presently favoured hypotheses for the evolution of polyandry in monogynous social insects may adequately explain the evolution of up to five or six matings, they are inadequate to explain the extreme polyandry (10–60 matings) observed in Apis. One alternative possibility is that colony fitness is a non-additive function of the fitness of individual subfamilies. Such behavioral over-dominance may mean that queen fitness is increased by high levels of polyandry, which increase the probability of desirable combinations of worker genotypes occurring in one colony. The special attributes of honey bees which may lead to behavioral over-dominance include colony aggregation (which may increase the incidence of disease), and frequent long-distance migration. Received: 8 May 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

We investigated whether female association preferences for males are influenced by black spot disease (BSD), a parasite induced change of the host phenotype. We compared three different species of fish: a gynogenetic hybrid species, Poecilia formosa (amazon molly) and two sexual species (Poecilia latipinna and Poecilia mexicana), which were involved in the natural hybridisation leading to the amazon molly. Contrary to their sexual relatives, asexual amazon mollies significantly avoided images of males infected with black spot disease. We propose that amazon molly females have direct fitness benefits from choosing healthy males. The adaptive significance of the preference for BSD-uninfected males in the asexual amazon molly is yet unclear but may involve avoidance of predation or parasite infection as well as increased sperm availability.  相似文献   

Summary In many insects nutrients transferred by the male to the female at mating are later incorporated into both the eggs and soma of the mated females. Accordingly, it has been suggested that female insects can use these male-derived nutrients both for somatic maintenance and to increase both the number and quality of their offspring. Moreover, much discussion is presently devoted to whether the male nuptial gift represents paternal investment, defined as any increase in given male's total surviving progeny by increasing the reproductive output by a given female, or mating effort which obtains if a male gains by increasing the proportion of eggs he fertilizes from a given female (Parker and Simmons 1989). If the male nuptial gift represents parental investment it should be expected to benefit predominantly the offspring sired by the donor, whereas the physiological fate of the male nuptial gift is somewhat irrelevant under the mating effort explanation. In this paper we test these issues by studying the lifetime fecundity, egg weights and longevity of two groups of females of the polyandrous green-veined white butterfly, Pieris napi, one group of which was allowed to mate only once and the other of which was allowed to mate at liberty, the latter group of females mating on average 2.28 times. Moreover, to test the incorporation rate of male-derived nutrients, we performed a second set of experiments where females were allowed to mate with radioactively labelled males. The results showed that polyandrous females had higher lifetime fecundity compared to monandrous females, laying on average 1.61 as many eggs, and that the difference in cumulative fecundity between the two groups was statistically significant from the 5th day of egg-laying onwards. Polyandrous females also lived longer and maintained egg weight at a high level for longer than monandrous females. Largely concomitant with egg-laying rate, incorporation rate of male-derived nutrients peaked 3–4 days after mating, subsequently tapering off to stabilize at about 40% of the maximum. Given the opportunity, female P. napi remated after 3–5 days, the duration of the refractory period being positively correlated with ejaculate mass. Hence, although the nutrient investment of the first male to mate with a female subsidizes the progeny of later-mating males, the male nuptial gift in P. napi clearly qualifies as both paternal investment and mating effort. Correspondence to: C. Wiklund  相似文献   

Summary Variance in male mating success and female oviposition rate was studied on a lifetime and daily scale in a nonterritorial libellulid dragonfly. While controlling for weather, population density, and sex ratio, we investigated whether phenotypic variation could explain a significant amount of the observed variation. By collecting most of the data in a large outdoor field enclosure, we had access to (1) real lifetime data as emigration was prevented, (2) exact values of density and sex ratio, and (3) phenotypic data that are virtually unavailable under natural conditions. Variance in LMS was higher in males than variance in lifetime number of ovipositions in females. Lifespan was of major importance in explaining the variation. Males readily remated on the same day whenever possible (maximum 6 times), whereas in females each oviposition bout usually was followed by a nonreproductive period of approximately 4 days. An analysis of the sources of variance in daily reproduction rate showed that, besides the expected effects of weather, an excess of one sex resulted in a negative effect on the individual mating probability of members of that sex. Even after correction for weather and population parameters, phenotypic traits explained a significant amount of the remaining variation: males with a high mating rate were large, agonistic, active mate searching, and long-living individuals. Females were more likely to oviposit when they showed higher flight activity and when more days had elapsed since the previous oviposition. The presence of a strong size effect on male mating probability, and its absence in females, was confirmed at a pond (native habitat). We propose a model on the causal relationships between the relevant parameters and the variation in reproductive success. Finally, we briefly discuss why variance in reproductive success is not a very good measure of the opportunity for sexual selection in this species. Offprint requests to: N.K. Michiels at the present address  相似文献   

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