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1,1-二氯乙烯降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从好氧活性污泥中分离得到一株能以1,1-二氯乙烯(1,1-DCE)作为惟一碳源和能源生长的革兰氏阴性菌株D-B,经鉴定属于产碱杆菌属(Alcaligenessp.)。当维持菌株D-B浓度一定时,1,1-DCE的去除率随着1,1-DCE浓度的增大先增加后降低,且降解过程主要发生在加入1,1-DCE后的3~5 h内。当1,1-DCE的初始浓度为300μg/L时去除率达到最大值85.32%。菌株D-B对1,1-DCE的降解符合Monod方程,饱和常数Ks=21.96 mg/L,1,1-DCE的最大比基质降解速率Vmax=50.76 mg/(L.h)。  相似文献   

王文静  陈海  李博  杨琦 《环境工程学报》2016,10(11):6332-6336
为更好有效去除地下水中的常见污染物芘,以萘为降解基质,利用苍白杆菌降解芘,并对反应影响因素进行了研究,模拟了反应动力学。结果表明:浓度为100 mg·L-1、pH=7、25℃、萘的初始反应24 h后萘的去除率达到99.84%,芘的去除率达到37.5%。另外,菌株在萘初始浓度不同的条件下对萘的降解符合一级动力学,对芘的降解符合二级动力学。结果表明苍白杆菌在去除地下水中的萘和芘方面具有很大前景。  相似文献   

用驯化好的厌氧污泥对葡萄糖、乳酸盐和醋酸盐作为电子供体时四氯乙烯(PCE)的降解进行研究.实验结果表明,PCE是通过还原脱氯发生生物降解的.实验的回归结果表明,反应均符合一级动力学反应速率,常数的大小依次为k乳酸>k葡萄糖>k醋酸.表明乳酸盐作为电子供体时PCE的降解速率较快,说明在实验条件下乳酸盐是最合适的电子供体.并且在整个实验过程中由共代谢基质提供的电子供体不是PCE降解的限制因素.  相似文献   

不同共代谢基质下四氯乙烯厌氧生物降解研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别用葡萄糖、乳酸盐和醋酸盐作为驯化好的厌氧污泥的共代谢基质 ,对四氯乙烯 ( PCE)的降解进行研究。结果表明 ,PCE是通过还原脱氯发生生物降解的。实验的回归结果表明 ,反应均符合一级动力学方程 ;反应速率常数的大小依次为 k乳酸盐 >k葡萄糖 >k醋酸盐 ;以乳酸盐作为共代谢基质时 ,PCE的降解速率较快 ,在实验条件下乳酸盐是最合适的共代谢基质  相似文献   

用驯化好的厌氧污泥对葡萄糖、乳酸盐和醋酸盐作为电子供体时四氯乙烯(PCE)的降解进行研究。实验结果表明,PCE是通过还原脱氯发生生物降解的。实验的回归结果表明,反应均符合一级动力学反应速率,常数的大小依次为k乳酸>k葡萄糖>k醋酸。表明乳酸盐作为电子供体时PCE的降解速率较快,说明在实验条件下乳酸盐是最合适的电子供体。并且在整个实验过程中由共代谢基质提供的电子供体不是PCE降解的限制因素。  相似文献   

通过对3,5-二硝基水杨酸(DNS)法测定还原糖含量各影响因素的筛选,优化确定了显色时间8 min,稳定时间10 min,最佳波长490 nm下进行吸光度测定的检测方法;分析分别以葡萄糖和麦芽糖作为外加碳源时,降解菌Pseudomonas putida B-31的生长情况和共代谢降解典型药物苯扎贝特(BZF)的过程。结果表明,降解菌只有在外加碳源的条件下才可正常生长,而且其在葡萄糖环境中生长得更好;拟合得到的葡萄糖、麦芽糖和BZF代谢动力学结果显示,葡萄糖对BZF去除的促进作用更为明显,同时从葡萄糖培养基中降解菌所提取的酶比活力要高于麦芽糖培养基,分析原因可能是葡萄糖所诱导的降解菌关键酶活力更强,而且还可能会产生不同的蛋白质点位。  相似文献   

三氯乙烯(trichloroethylene,TCE)是土壤和地下水中广泛存在的有机污染物,好氧生物降解因可将污染物彻底转化成无毒的终产物,一直受到广泛关注,但是TCE好氧降解需要共代谢底物。首次提出以汽油为底物,选取真养产碱杆菌作为活性降解菌株,对地下水中三氯乙烯的好氧共代谢降解进行了初步研究。分别优化了共代谢底物、底物与TCE浓度比、培养基、pH值、盐度、溶解氧等条件,确定了最佳降解条件。当水中TCE的浓度为1 mg/L时,通过对体系预曝氧气,调节汽油浓度为10 mg/L,pH值为5,降解24 h,TCE的降解率可达66.8%。为修复同时被汽油和TCE污染的场地提供了一个新的研究方向。  相似文献   

以吡啶,葡萄糖和邻苯二甲酸作为共代谢基质,研究了它们对芽孢杆菌Y_4降解异喹啉的影响。实验结果表明各降解过程均遵循二级反应动力学方程:-dS/dt=K2S2+K1S+K0。吡啶的加入会抑制异喹啉的降解,并且吡啶的浓度越高,抑制作用越明显。反应体系中葡萄糖的浓度为100-800mg/L时,葡萄糖的加入会促进异喹啉的降解,且葡萄糖浓度越大,异喹啉降解速率P越大,当葡萄糖的浓度为800mg/L时,其降解率速率P可由未加葡萄糖的0.1924h。上升为0.2255h-1。适宜浓度的邻苯二甲酸会对异喹啉的降解产生促进作用,邻苯二甲酸的浓度为50mg/L时,异喹啉的降解速率可由原来的0.1924h-1增加到0.2145h-1,邻苯二甲酸浓度过高反而会抑制异喹啉的降解。  相似文献   

采用自制厌氧反应器进行不同基质与苯胺黑药的共代谢特性研究。结果表明,经过72 d的驯化,反应器启动完成。在不同基质种类和比例条件下,蔗糖、乙酸钠、葡萄糖、淀粉和维生素C对苯胺黑药的厌氧降解有促进作用。当乙酸钠与苯胺黑药的质量比为2∶1 时降解效率最高,出水苯胺黑药浓度23.21 mg·L-1,降解率82.00%,出水COD为35.6 mg·L-1,去除率92.90%。对外加基质与苯胺黑药质量比为2∶1时的实验数据进行动力学分析,发现无外加基质组和共代谢基质为葡萄糖、蔗糖、淀粉和乙酸钠时,苯胺黑药的降解过程均符合一级动力学规律,而维生素C并不符合。反应速率常数的顺序为乙酸钠 > 淀粉 > 葡萄糖 > 蔗糖 > 空白。  相似文献   

不同基质共代谢降解2,4,6-三硝基苯酚的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以葡萄糖、可溶性淀粉、乙酸钠和苯酚作为共基质,通过35℃恒温生化培养箱缺氧驯化污泥,间歇恒温振荡试验研究了在不同共代谢基质条件下,2,4,6-三硝基苯酚(TNP)的缺氧降解性能。结果表明,经过驯化的微生物加入葡萄糖和苯酚作为碳源,在TNP∶苯酚∶葡萄糖为10∶3∶100的比例下,TNP生物降解率可以从不加碳源时的31.2%提高到86.6%;不同共基质条件下TNP的降解均符合一级反应动力学方程,反应速率常数大小依次是K苯酚K葡萄糖K葡萄糖+苯酚,其中葡萄糖和苯酚同时作为共基质时TNP降解速率常数最大为0.019 h-1。  相似文献   

A field study was performed to evaluate the potential for in-situ aerobic cometabolism of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA) through bioaugmentation with a butane enrichment culture containing predominantly two Rhodococcus sp. strains named 179BP and 183BP that could cometabolize 1,1,1-TCA and 1,1-dicholoroethene (1,1-DCE). Batch tests indicated that 1,1-DCE was more rapidly transformed than 1,1,1-TCA by both strains with 183BP being the most effective organism. This second in a series of bioaugmentation field studies was conducted in the saturated zone at the Moffett Field In Situ Test Facility in California. In the previous test, bioaugmentation with an enrichment culture containing the 183BP strain achieved short term in situ treatment of 1,1-DCE, 1,1,1-TCA, and 1,1-dichloroethane (1,1-DCA). However, transformation activity towards 1,1,1-TCA was lost over the course of the study. The goal of this second study was to determine if more effective and long-term treatment of 1,1,1-TCA could be achieved through bioaugmentation with a highly enriched culture containing 179BP and 183BP strains. Upon bioaugmentation and continuous addition of butane and dissolved oxygen and or hydrogen peroxide as sources of dissolved oxygen, about 70% removal of 1,1,1-TCA was initially achieved. 1,1-DCE that was present as a trace contaminant was also effectively removed ( 80%). No removal of 1,1,1-TCA resulted in a control test leg that was not bioaugmented, although butane and oxygen consumption by the indigenous populations was similar to that in the bioaugmented test leg. However, with prolonged treatment, removal of 1,1,1-TCA in the bioaugmented leg decreased to about 50 to 60%. Hydrogen pexoxide (H2O2) injection increased dissolved oxygen concentration, thus permitting more butane addition into the test zone, but more effective 1,1,1-TCA treatment did not result. The results showed bioaugmentation with the enrichment cultures was effective in enhancing the cometabolic treatment of 1,1,1-TCA and low concentrations of 1,1-DCE over the entire period of the 50-day test. Compared to the first season of testing, cometabolic treatment of 1,1,1-TCA was not lost. The better performance achieved in the second season of testing may be attributed to less 1,1-DCE transformation product toxicity, more effective addition of butane, and bioaugmentation with the highly enriched dual culture.  相似文献   

综合光催化氧化苯的动力学过程、光辐射场模型和质量守恒定律,采用平板型反应器建立了碳纳米管/二氧化钛/壳聚糖(CNTs/TiO2/CS)催化薄膜光催化氧化气相苯的数学模型;该模型考虑了光强、相对湿度、初始浓度与气体流速对气相苯光降解的影响。结果表明,建立的数学模型与实验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

An activated carbon bed adsorption process is influenced by the adsorbents' characteristics, volatile organic compound (VOC) characteristics, and process conditions. In the literatures, the adsorption processes of the adsorbents and VOCs were usually considered to be in equilibrium. In this study, the VOC adsorption processes by activated carbon were considered to be a kinetic process, i.e. they are not in equilibrium. Then, isothermal adsorption curves and a small column experiment were simulated.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of organic contaminants in groundwater is a microscale process which is often observed on scales of 100s of metres or larger. Unfortunately, there are no known equivalent parameters for characterizing the biodegradation process at the macroscale as there are, for example, in the case of hydrodynamic dispersion. Zero- and first-order degradation rates estimated at the laboratory scale by model fitting generally overpredict the rate of biodegradation when applied to the field scale because limited electron acceptor availability and microbial growth are not considered. On the other hand, field-estimated zero- and first-order rates are often not suitable for predicting plume development because they may oversimplify or neglect several key field scale processes, phenomena and characteristics. This study uses the numerical model BIO3D to link the laboratory and field scales by applying laboratory-derived Monod kinetic degradation parameters to simulate a dissolved gasoline field experiment at the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden. All input parameters were derived from independent laboratory and field measurements or taken from the literature a priori to the simulations. The simulated results match the experimental results reasonably well without model calibration. A sensitivity analysis on the most uncertain input parameters showed only a minor influence on the simulation results. Furthermore, it is shown that the flow field, the amount of electron acceptor (oxygen) available, and the Monod kinetic parameters have a significant influence on the simulated results. It is concluded that laboratory-derived Monod kinetic parameters can adequately describe field scale degradation, provided all controlling factors are incorporated in the field scale model. These factors include advective–dispersive transport of multiple contaminants and electron acceptors and large-scale spatial heterogeneities.  相似文献   

综合光催化氧化苯的动力学过程、光辐射场模型和质量守恒定律,采用平板型反应器建立了碳纳米管/二氧化钛/壳聚糖(CNTs/TiO2/CS)催化薄膜光催化氧化气相苯的数学模型;该模型考虑了光强、相对湿度、初始浓度与气体流速对气相苯光降解的影响。结果表明,建立的数学模型与实验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

TiO2光催化氧化十二烷基苯磺酸钠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家用或工业用表面活性剂的排放是河流、湖泊和海洋的主要污染源之一,其中十二烷基苯磺酸钠比较具有代表性.用TiO2光催化其降解具有无毒、快速、矿化彻底、操作成本低、催化剂价廉易得、无二次污染等优点,应用前景广阔.本文就该反应的机理、反应动力学以及影响反应的因素作了简要概述.  相似文献   

高盐废水盐度变化是影响微生物生长的重要因素之一。研究以中度嗜盐菌Halomonassp.STSY.3为例,测定其在不同盐度下生长对数期末OD600,并以葡萄糖为限制性基质,利用Monod方程,对菌株进行生长动力学拟合。结果表明,Halomonassp.STSY-3的最适生长盐度为7%(以NaCl计),此盐度下其OD600 为2.56,而0%和34%盐度下OD600分别为0.47和0.06;Halomonassp.STSY-3的生长动力学模型与实验数据能较好地拟合,在最适生长盐度下动力学模型参数μmax 为2.257h-1,Ks为0.0082g/L。比较不同盐度下STSY-3生长动力学参数,得出中度嗜盐菌STSY-3的生长存在3个明显分区:最适盐度区(盐度2%~9%)、嗜盐过渡区(盐度9%~20%和0.68%~1.76%)及生长抑制区(盐度≤2%或≥20%)。其中嗜盐过渡区0.68%~1.76%由于范围较小,实际意义小,忽略不计。  相似文献   

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