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This work investigated sediment samples collected from Dapeng Bay and three neighboring rivers (Kaoping River, Tungkang River, and Lingbeng River) in southwestern Taiwan, Republic of China. Multivariate statistical analysis techniques, i.e., factor analysis, cluster analysis, and canonical discriminant analysis were used for the evaluation of spatial variations to determine the types of pollution and to identify pollutant sources from neighboring rivers. Factor analysis results showed that the most important latent factors in Dapeng Bay are soil texture, heavy metals, organic matter, and nutrients factors. Contour maps incorporating the factor scores showed heavy metals accumulate along the lakesides, especially on the southeastern banks of the lakes. A cluster analysis was performed using factor scores computed from these latent factors. We then classified these areas into five distinct classes using sampling stations, and we illustrate that in the three river classes, the sediment properties are influenced by industrial and domestic wastewater and agricultural activities (including livestock rearing and farm activities). However, in Dapeng Bay, the rivers were influenced more by complicated biogeochemical processes; these could be identified as a type of pollution. Canonical discriminant analysis illustrated that two constructed discriminant functions made a marked contribution to most of the discriminant variables, and the significant parameters of porosity and Cd, Cr, Al, and Pb content were combined as the ??heavy metal factor??. The recognition capacities of the two discriminant functions were 82.6% and 17.4%, respectively. It is also likely that the annual mean of the water exchange rate is insufficient (taking about 7 days to eliminate pollutants) and therefore has significantly influenced the carbon and nutrient biogeochemical processes and budgets in the semi-enclosed ecosystem. Thus, the sediment properties are not similar between the lagoon and the neighboring rivers. Our results yield useful information concerning estuary recovery and water resources management and may be applicable to other basins with similar characteristics that are experiencing similar coastal environmental issues.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake, situated on the Qinghai–Tibet plateau, is the largest lake in China. In this study, the water and sediment quality were investigated in Qinghai Lake, three sublakes, and five major tributaries. Both Na+ and Cl? were found to be the major ions present in Qinghai Lake and the three sublakes, while Ca2+ and HCO3? dominated the tributaries. Compared with historical data from the 1960s, the concentrations of NH4 +, NO3 ?, and soluble reactive silica have increased considerably, likely caused by increased human activities in the area. Compared to the historical data, chemical oxygen demand has increased and lake water transparency has decreased, likely related to an increase in nutrient levels. Relatively high concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were observed in Qinghai Lake sediments, although P fraction types and low water concentrations of these two indicate low possibility of transfer into the water column. The ratios of C/N suggest that the organic matter in the sediments are primarily from autochthonous sources. TN and total organic carbon in the sediment cores increased slowly up the core while TP and total inorganic carbon have been fairly constant.  相似文献   

Sustainable development or sustainability has been highlighted as an essential principle in urban master planning, with increasing recognition that uncontrollable urbanization may well give rise to various issues such as overexploitation of natural resources, ecosystem destruction, environmental pollution and large-scale climate change. Thus, it is deemed necessary to modify the existing urban and regional administrative system so as to cope with the challenges urban planning is being confronted with and realize the purpose of urban sustainability. This paper contributed to proposing a mechanism which helps to make urban planning with full consideration of issues with respect to sustainable development. We suggested that the integration of urban planning, SEA and ecological planning be a multi-win strategy to offset deficiency of each mentioned political tool being individually applied. We also proposed a framework where SEA and ecological planning are fully incorporated into urban planning, which forms a two-way constraint mechanism to ascertain environmental quality of urban planning, although in practice, planning and SEA processes may conditionally be unified. Moreover, as shown in the case study, the integration of the three political tools may be constrained due to slow changes in the contextual factors, in particular the political and cultural dimensions. Currently within the context of China, there may be three major elements which facilitate integration of the three political tools, which are (1) regulatory requirement of PEIA on urban planning, (2) the promotion or strong administrative support from government on eco-district building, and (3) the willingness of urban planners to collaborate with SEA experts or ecologists.  相似文献   

Sustainable development or sustainability has been highlighted as an essential principle in urban master planning, with increasing recognition that uncontrollable urbanization may well give rise to various issues such as overexploitation of natural resources, ecosystem destruction, environmental pollution and large-scale climate change. Thus, it is deemed necessary to modify the existing urban and regional administrative system so as to cope with the challenges urban planning is being confronted with and realize the purpose of urban sustainability. This paper contributed to proposing a mechanism which helps to make urban planning with full consideration of issues with respect to sustainable development. We suggested that the integration of urban planning, SEA and ecological planning be a multi-win strategy to offset deficiency of each mentioned political tool being individually applied. We also proposed a framework where SEA and ecological planning are fully incorporated into urban planning, which forms a two-way constraint mechanism to ascertain environmental quality of urban planning, although in practice, planning and SEA processes may conditionally be unified. Moreover, as shown in the case study, the integration of the three political tools may be constrained due to slow changes in the contextual factors, in particular the political and cultural dimensions. Currently within the context of China, there may be three major elements which facilitate integration of the three political tools, which are (1) regulatory requirement of PEIA on urban planning, (2) the promotion or strong administrative support from government on eco-district building, and (3) the willingness of urban planners to collaborate with SEA experts or ecologists.  相似文献   

Electronic waste is one of the world's rapidly increasing environmental issues because a wide range of toxic substances are not closely monitored that can pollute the atmosphere and affect health. This paper proposes an Artificial Intelligence Technique (AIT) for the analysis of hazardous pollutants in e-waste and their effects on the climate and human health and management policies in certain countries. Artificial Intelligence Techniques (AIT) are being developed for managing e-waste, especially based on prevailing strategies such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA), and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). In the e-waste management sector, eco-design systems must be created, e-waste properly processed, recycled, and reused content through safe methods, e-waste disposed of using appropriate techniques, used electronic devices cannot be transferred to developing countries, and the burden of e-waste should be increased. Artificial intelligence-based MCA and EPR is a reasonable approach to address the increasing problems with e-wastes.  相似文献   

Inland pollution sources of Doam bay were investigated from August to October in 2013. A total of 210 sources including rivers, streams, domestic, agricultural and industrial discharge points were identified along the coast, including 32 sources that had outflow. Agricultural sources were the largest inland pollution sources (139, 66.2%). Fecal coliform concentrations were measured. These data were combined with water discharge data to determine daily loads of pollutants discharged from each source into the bay. Fecal coliform concentrations were the highest in domestic discharges. However, they only had slight influence because their discharge volume was small. The most significant pollution source was Tamjin River (St.85) due to large amount of discharge volume. The influence of St.85 reached almost half of Doam bay. Fecal coliform levels of streams increased after rainfall, but decreased overtime. Domestic pollution sources were not affected upon rain event.  相似文献   

跨界河流的水质监测(1)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度、文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度。文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

In the past 30?years, the Lis river basin has been subjected to constant ecological disasters mainly due to piggery untreated wastewater discharges. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of existing domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities on the water quality, and to propose a watershed plan to protect and manage surface water resources within the Lis river basin. For this purpose, 16 monitoring stations have been strategically selected along the Lis river stretch and its main tributaries to evaluate the water quality in six different sampling periods (2003–2006). All samples were characterized in terms of organic material, nutrients, chlorophyll, and pathogenic bacteria. Generally, the Lis river presents poor water quality, according to environmental quality standards for surface water, principally in terms of dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, and fecal coliform, which can be associated mainly with the contamination source from pig-breeding farms.  相似文献   

Royal Commission Environmental Control Department (RC-ECD) at Yanbu industrial city in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has established a well-defined monitoring program to control the pollution from industrial effluents. The quality of effluent from each facility is monitored round the clock. Different strategic measures have been taken by the RC-ECD to implement the zero discharge policy of RC. Industries are required to pre-treat the effluent to conform pretreatment standards before discharging to central biological treatment plant. Industries are not allowed to discharge any treated or untreated effluent in open channels. After treatment, reclaimed water must have to comply with direct discharge standards before discharge to the sea. Data of industrial wastewater collected from five major industries and central industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) is summarized in this report. During 5-year period, 3,705 samples were collected and analyzed for 43,436 parameters. There were 1,377 violations from pretreatment standards from all the industries. Overall violation percentage was 3.17%. Maximum violations were recorded from one of the petrochemical plants. The results show no significant pollution due to heavy metals. Almost all heavy metals were within RC pretreatment standards. High COD and TOC indicates that major pollution was due to hydrocarbons. Typical compounds identified by GC-MS were branched alkanes, branched alkenes, aliphatic ketones, substituted thiophenes, substituted phenols, aromatics and aromatic alcohols. Quality of treated water was also in compliance with RC direct discharge standards. In order to achieve the zero discharge goal, further studies and measures are in progress.  相似文献   

Water quantity and quality joint operation is a new mode in the present dams?? operation research. It has become a hot topic in governmental efforts toward integrated basin improvement. This paper coupled a water quantity and quality joint operation model (QCmode) and genetic algorithm with Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Together, these tools were used to explore a reasonable operation of dams and floodgates at the basin scale. Wenyu River Catchment, a key area in Beijing, was selected as the case study. Results showed that the coupled water quantity and quality model of Wenyu River Catchment more realistically simulates the process of water quantity and quality control by dams and floodgates. This integrated model provides the foundation for research of water quantity and quality optimization on dam operation in Wenyu River Catchment. The results of this modeling also suggest that current water quality of Wenyu River will improve following the implementation of the optimized operation of the main dams and floodgates. By pollution control and water quantity and quality joint operation of dams and floodgates, water quality of Wenyu river will change significantly, and the available water resources will increase by 134%, 32%, 17%, and 82% at the downstream sites of Sha River Reservoir, Lutong Floodgate, Xinpu Floodgate, and Weigou Floodgate, respectively. The water quantity and quality joint operation of dams will play an active role in improving water quality and water use efficiency in Wenyu River Basin. The research will provide the technical support for water pollution control and ecological restoration in Wenyu River Catchment and could be applied to other basins with large number of dams. Its application to the Wenyu River Catchment has a great significance for the sustainable economic development of Beijing City.  相似文献   

To tackle China’s pervasive water pollution, tremendous efforts are needed to achieve more and better information. However, resources for information collection (e.g., water quality monitoring, field experiments, etc.) are very limited for large watersheds with significant nonpoint source pollution. Thus, it is crucial to identify the priority of information acquisition. Based on the theory of value of information (VOI), a stochastic optimization approach was developed in this study to evaluate the importance of information. The approach was applied to several key polluted water bodies in China (e.g., Lake Taihu, Lake Chaohu, and Lake Dianchi). The major findings include: (1) because of the severe pollution and large uncertainty, the VOI for the targeted water bodies is substantial; (2) when the uncertainty is significant, a stricter regulation would result in a higher VOI, and therefore provide more incentives for data collection; (3) due to the interaction among different information sources, collecting multiple types of information simultaneously could be more valuable than collecting one after another; and (4) the importance of a specific type of information could vary significantly across watersheds. The proposed approach can be readily extended to more complex models and more sophisticated watershed cases. It could effectively support watershed management in China, as well as in other countries.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of crude oil water accommodated fraction (WAF) on marine phytoplankton community, natural phytoplankton collected seasonally from the Yueqing bay were exposed to eight groups of crude oil WAF for 15 days under laboratory conditions. Chlorophyll a and cell density were measured, and species of phytoplankton were identified every 24 h to reflect the change of phytoplankton community. The results showed that (1) High concentrations (??2.28 mg l???1) of oil pollution would greatly restrain phytoplankton growth (p?< 0.001), decrease chlorophyll a content and cell density, whereas low concentrations (??1.21 mg l???1) did not restrain its growth but rather promoted the phytoplankton growth. (2) The biodiversity, evenness, and species number of phytoplankton were all significantly influenced by crude oil WAF in all seasons (p?<?0.001). (3) The dominant species changes were different under different pollutant concentrations in different seasons. Different species had different tolerances to the oil pollution, thus leading to abnormal succession.  相似文献   

This study outlines and original tool for rural policy planning in southern Europe. This new tool is a process-based, scale-dependent, rural policy-making approach, which is designed to address increasing land degradation problems in southern Europe. Seven important processes are identified (land abandonment, devegetation, intensification in agriculture, global climate change, accelerated soil erosion, increasing water demands, urbanisation) and plotted on a space-time diagram, which clearly shows the spatial and temporal scales for which these processes are significant for landscape change in southern Europe. Conclusions are derived concerning, in particular, sustainable (optimal) rural policy-making for southern Europe's problematic land management. An optimal spatial-temporal scale for land management in southern Europe may range spatially from the farm (0.5 km2) to sub-provincial level (450 km2) and temporally from 7 to 30 years. The study delineates methods and results derivable from such a new policy-planning approach and suggests the usefulness of combining this approach with ecological land classification at the landscape level.  相似文献   

This study attempts to develop a non-path-dependent model for environmental risk management and polycentric urban land-use planning in Gorgan Township area, Iran. Applying three suitability layers of environmental risk (soil erosion, flood risk, fire risk, and land susceptibility), urbanization potential, and integrated surface (environmental risk plus urbanization potential layers), a non-path-dependent Cellular Automata-Markov Chain (CA-MC) model was configured to execute three scenarios of polycentric urban growth allocation. Specifically, the modeling approach improved the traditional functionality of the CA-MC model from a prediction algorithm into an innovative land allocation tool. Besides, due to its flexibility, the non-path-dependent model was able to explicitly include different characteristics of the landscape structure ranging from physical land attributes to landscape functions and processes (natural hazards). Accordingly, three polycentric urban growth allocation efforts were undertaken and compared in terms of connectivity and compactness of the resultant patterns and consumption of other land resources. Based on results, the polycentric allocation procedure based on integrated suitability layer produced a more manageable pattern of urban landscape, while the growth option based on environmental risk layer was more successful for protecting farmlands against excessive urbanization. This study suggests that polycentric urban land-use planning under the strategy of rural land development programs is an available option for designing an urban landscape with lower exposure to natural hazards and more economic benefits to rural residents. Finally, the non-path-dependent modeling is a recommended approach, when highly flexible and interactive decision-support systems as well as trend-breaking scenarios are desired.  相似文献   

A water quality monitoring program was undertaken from June 2004 to May 2005, on a monthly basis, in Polyphytos Reservoir of Aliakmon River. Depth, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH and transparency (Secchi disk) were measured in situ, while collected water samples were analyzed in the laboratory for the determination of BOD, COD, total phosphorus (TP), ortho-phosphate (OP), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), ammonium, nitrite and nitrate, total Kappajeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni and Cd). Measured concentrations were compared to those from two previous studies conducted in July 1987 to June 1988 and January 1991 to February 1993. The following conclusions are drawn: the effect of the watershed on the lake environment, mostly through Aliakmon River, is significant, and it accelerates the eutrophication of the lake. The anoxic zones, which were defined in the lake, reinforce this conclusion. Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia were measured at lower concentrations compared to previous studies, while total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a were found at increased concentrations. The current trophic state of Polyphytos reservoir is eutrophic, based on the OECD method and Carlson's Trophic State Indices (TSI). The concentration of BOD and COD ranged at low levels. Furthermore, the mean concentrations of metals Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Cd were below the potable water standards set by WHO and EU. During most part of the study period the ratio N/P for Polyphytos reservoir was higher than 7.2:1, and therefore, phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for algal growth.  相似文献   

Water quality information of Beijiang River, a tributary of Pearl River in Guangdong, China, was analyzed to provide an overview of the hydrochemical functioning of a major agricultural/rural area and an industrial/urban area. Eighteen water quality parameters were surveyed at 13 sites from 2005 to 2006 on a monthly basis. A bivariate correlation analysis was carried out to evaluate the regional correlations of the water quality parameters, while the principal component analysis (PCA) technique was used to extract the most influential variables for regional variations of river water quality. Six principal components were extracted in PCA which explained more than 78% and 84% of the total variance for agricultural/rural and industrial/urban areas, respectively. Physicochemical factor, organic pollution, sewage pollution, geogenic factor, agricultural nonpoint source pollution, and accumulated pesticide usage were identified as potential pollution sources for agricultural/rural area, whereas industrial wastewaters pollution, mineral pollution, geogenic factor, urban sewage pollution, chemical industrial pollution, and water traffic pollution were the latent pollution sources for industrial/urban area. A multivariate linear regression of absolute principal component scores (MLR-APCS) technique was used to estimate contributions of all identified pollution sources to each water quality parameter. High coefficients of determination of the regression equations suggested that the MLR-APCS model was applicable for estimation of sources of most water quality parameters in the Beijiang River Basin.  相似文献   

Seven representative sampling stations were selected from Indus Delta comprising of (1) Keti Bander, (2) Darya Peer, (3) Kharo Chanr, (4) Jati, (5) Shah Bander, (6) Nariri Dhand and (7) Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD) near Rupa Mari. The sampling scheme was repeated seven times during 2014–2015 for 1 year. The samples were analysed for temperature, conductivity, pH, hardness, chloride, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, sulphate, orthophosphate-P, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, Na, K, Fe, Ni, Cr, Co, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb and As. The analysis was carried out using standard analytical procedures. A number of parameters crossed the WHO permissible limits and water quality guidelines for aquatic life and indicated pollution within coastal region. Coefficient of correlation (r) among physicochemical parameters and metal ions were examined and a number of parameters did not correlate positively and did not indicate natural origin and may indicate their presence due to human activity. The samples were examined for cluster analysis, and principal component analysis. The samples also indicated the presence of Presumptive Coliform, Faecal coliform and E. coli.  相似文献   

The quality of Ogun river in South-West, Nigeria was studied by a field survey for a period of 1 year (covering dry season and rainy season). Water samples were collected from thirteen sites and analysed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters as well as heavy metals using standard methods. Generally, the values obtained for turbidity, phosphate, oil and grease, iron and faecal coliform from all the sites in both seasons were above the maximum acceptable limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water. Also, the manganese content from all the sites in the dry season, lead concentrations from three sites in the dry season and cadmium concentrations from some sites in both seasons were above the WHO limit. The values obtained for total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen and chloride at site M in the dry season and nitrate at site J in the rainy season were also above the WHO limit. Pollution of Ogun river water along its course is evidenced by the high concentrations of pollution indicators, nutrients and trace metals above the acceptable limit. This poses a health risk to several rural communities who rely on the river primarily as their source of domestic water. The study showed a need for continuous pollution monitoring programme of surface waters in Nigeria.  相似文献   

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