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翻阅历史资料,一件件血淋淋道路交通惨案,催人泪下,逼人思考。 1999年5月5日早晨,浙江省常山县一辆载有芙蓉乡初级中学三年级43名学生和教师赴镇参加考试的中巴车,向右冲出公路,翻入落差51.08米的长厅水库中,造成32人死亡(其中学生29人、教师1人,搭车客和售票员各1人),17人受伤。经查,事故的直接原因:一是违章超载驾驶。肇事车辆额定载客19人,实际载客49人,致使车辆的驾驶机动性能以及制动性能受到严重影响,不能正常减速和拐弯;二是车辆带病行驶。该车两只后轮制动分泵漏油严重,制动失效。右前轮挡泥板与轮胎有磨擦… 相似文献
隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾,责任重于泰山。"现实生活中,各色各样、大大小小的隐患,就存在于我们的工作与劳动场所,有的引起我们注意,得到及时消除,有的却被我们忽视,结果酿成事故。这方面的经验与教训,真可谓俯仰即拾、不胜枚举。现就连城县某基层单位1998年7月5日发生的一起交通事故来看,既具有比较典型的特殊教育意义,又可总结出不少值得吸取的深刻教训。"7.5"事故是由人党申请人社会关系外调的一次公务活动而演化成的一起死亡2人的摩托车道路交通事故。是人的不安全行为与物的不安全因素交互作用的结果。主观方面是驾驶员酒… 相似文献
翻阅历史资料,一件件血淋淋道路交通惨案,催人泪下,逼人思考。 相似文献
本文应用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联分析研究驾驶员行为对道路交通事故的影响.就驾驶员行为对道路交通事故的影响来说,灰色关联序的汁算结果表明,导致某省道路交通事故最主要的原因是驾驶员操作不当,此外依次为不按规定让行,未保持安全距离、违章转弯等.通过规范驾驶员培训、考试制度和加强道路交通安伞宣传、教育,可以减少道路事故的发生. 相似文献
发生道路交通事故的特点 1.机动车驾驶员超速行驶,临危措施不当.疏忽大意、违章占道等违章行为导致的道路交通事故占事故总数的90%以上。 相似文献
自2004年开始,福州市把抓好道路交通事故“黑点”整治作为安全生产工作重中之重。两年来,分管安全生产工作的黄序和副市长13次组织市交巡警、建设、安监、交通、公路等部门及各县(市、区)分管领导研究确定道路交通事故“黑点”整治地段和措施,共投入资金近4000万元,整治“黑点”49个,有效遏制了道路交通事故。 相似文献
畅通的公路给人们出行带来了便捷,公路的清洁离不开保洁员的辛勤劳动。然而,在保洁员工作的时候,时有发生的交通事故令人忧。 相似文献
法律性 道路交通事故案件是综合性案件。当事人在道路交通事故中有承担事故责任的,都要承担交通事故的损害后果的,一是财产损失、二是人体伤害的12个不等项目的赔偿。即使机动车一方在道路交通事故中没有责任,也应承担相应的的,无过错赔偿的民事责任; 相似文献
2011年2月4日,国道316线南平邵武路段发生一起重大生产安全责任事故。一辆大型普通客车因避让一辆两轮摩托车,碰撞公路右侧城墙式警示防护栏后翻滚落入电站水库中,致12人死亡、9人受伤、客车损坏,直接经济损失680多万元。聚集:事故主要特点1.临危措施不当。肇事摩托车突见肇事客车,向左急转,用力不当,导致侧翻,影响客车安全行驶;肇事客车突遇侧翻的摩托车,未能谨慎驾驶,紧急避险不当,导 相似文献
在澳大利亚和新西兰考察的10天时间里,共驱车行程达2000余公里,无论是在车流如织的悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、奥克兰等城市道路上,还是在澳大利亚的墨尔本至阿德雷斯的往返620多公里、新西兰的奥克兰至罗托鲁拉的往返400多公里,我们没有见到一起道路交通事故。这让从事安全管理20余年、 相似文献
INTRODUCTION: The urban road traffic accident (RTA) risks for the city of Zagreb, Croatia, from 1999 through 2000 were analyzed with the aim of reducing the increasing injury incidence. METHOD: Simple and bivariate analysis using chi(2), odds ratio, and confidence interval of 95% was used to determine risks in three outcome groups: killed, severely, and mildly injured. RESULTS: There were 528 RTA victims consisting of 260 severely, 213 mildly injured, and 55 killed at the scene of an accident and during transportation. More fatal accidents occurred during night hours (OR=3.78; 95% CI, 2.08-6.85), on urban road links (OR=2.33; 95% CI, 1.30-4.19), and at exceeding speed limit (OR=2.56; 95% CI, 1.43-4.61). More people were injured than killed on urban junctions (OR=5.27; 95% CI, 2.21-12.57). The highest combined risk of dying or being severely injured was found in males, driving at excessive speed, on urban links, and during bad visibility (OR=16.15; 95% CI, 3.901-66.881). CONCLUSION: These results will influence the urban traffic police enforcement measures, which will change inappropriate behavior of drivers and protect the least experienced road users. 相似文献
为加强对重特大道路交通事故的控制和预防,从95份重特大道路交通事故调查报告中提取相关数据,运用社会网络分析(SNA)构建重特大道路交通事故原因间的关系网络。通过社会网络相关指标,找到导致事故的关键原因,以及哪些原因组合导致事故的能力最强,得到重特大道路交通事故原因特征。建立重特大道路交通事故风险指标体系,并通过实例分析验证指标体系的合理性。研究结果可以进一步加深对重特大道路交通事故原因以及彼此间相互作用关系的认识,风险指标体系的建立可为重特大道路交通事故的预防预警工作提供参考。 相似文献
Objective: Rapid urbanization and motorization without corresponding increases in helmet usage have made traumatic brain injury due to road traffic accidents a major public health crisis in Cambodia. This analysis was conducted to quantify the impact of helmets on severity of injury, neurosurgical indication, and functional outcomes at discharge for motorcycle operators who required hospitalization for a traumatic brain injury following a road traffic accident in Cambodia. Methods: The medical records of 491 motorcycle operators who presented to a major tertiary care center in Cambodia with traumatic brain injury were retrospectively analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Results: The most common injuries at presentation were contusions (47.0%), epidural hematomas (30.1%), subdural hematomas (27.9%), subarachnoid hemorrhages (12.4%), skull fractures (21.4%), and facial fractures (18.5%). Moderate-to-severe loss of consciousness was present in 36.3% of patients. Not wearing a helmet was associated with an odds ratio of 2.20 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.15–4.22) for presenting with moderate to severe loss of consciousness compared to helmeted patients. Craniotomy or craniectomy was indicated for evacuation of hematoma in 20.0% of cases, and nonhelmeted patients had 3.21-fold higher odds of requiring neurosurgical intervention (95% CI, 1.25–8.27). Furthermore, lack of helmet usage was associated with 2.72-fold higher odds of discharge with functional deficits (95% CI, 1.14–6.49). In total, 30.1% of patients were discharged with severe functional deficits. Conclusions: Helmets demonstrate a protective effect and may be an effective public health intervention to significantly reduce the burden of traumatic brain injury in Cambodia and other developing countries with increasing rates of motorization across the world. 相似文献
Objective: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are the first cause of abdominopelvic injuries (APIs). The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics and severity of APIs due to traffic accidents in a large French trauma registry and to identify risk factors for API. Methods: All victims from the French Rhône registry of victims of RTAs were analyzed from 1996 to 2013. This registry contained data that were issued over a 20-year period from 245 medical departments, from prehospital care until re-adaptation, and forensic medicine departments. All APIs, defined as an injury between the diaphragm and the pelvic bone, were extracted and studied. Results: Among 162,695 victims, 10,165 had an API (6.7%). Accidents frequently involved young men and 2 cars. Mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 8.7. Mortality rate was 5.6%. Soft tissue injuries largely predominated (n = 6,388; 54.4% of patients). Overall, 2,322 victims had a pelvic bone injury. Internal abdominal organs were involved in 2,425 patients; the most frequent were the spleen, liver, and kidney. Wearing of the seat belt appeared to be a significant protective factor in API, including serious injuries. A partial analysis over the past 2 years among the most severe patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit indicated that nonoperative management was carried out in two thirds of the wounded. In uni- or multivariate analysis, sex, age, type of user, antagonist, time of occurrence, associated severe lesions, or wearing of the seat belt were statistically associated with the occurrence of API, highlighting a more dangerous user profile. Conclusions: Abdominopelvic injuries concern a minority of road traffic injuries, but they are responsible for significant mortality. Large solid organs are the most frequently affected. Women drivers wearing a seat belt and driving in town during the day appear to be more protected against API. 相似文献
为准确预测我国危化品道路运输及交通2类事故数量趋势,探究其内在联系,在单一的灰色GM(1,1)模型基础上与马尔科夫过程组合形成灰色GM(1,1)—马尔科夫预测模型,以2013—2017年2类事故数量的原始序列探讨了该组合预测模型的实际应用,采取平均相对误差、均方差比值、小误差概率对模型进行精度检验。研究结果表明:在组合预测模型较优情况的研究中,2类事故数量历年来波动性相似,因危险化学品自身的性质、包装和装卸使得2类事故量变化频率存在偏差;2018—2019年的危化品道路运输事故分别为485起和480起,交通事故分别为225 294起和234 454起。 相似文献
Influence of driver sex on road accidents is assessed in this article. Accident records for 3 years and for three different income regions were analyzed. Annual distance traveled, social and economic participation, and effect of public vehicle accidents were considered. Effects of environmental factors and driver age were also included. Driver faults analysis identified possible reasons for accident differences. Analysis of accident severity was used to assess degree of harm. Statistical analysis at the 5% significance level was used to evaluate all differences. The results show that male accident rates are significantly higher. This trend is consistent through all the analyses. Accident differences are significant only in normal driving conditions. Drivers over age 50 had the lowest accident rates. Accident rate differences were caused by lack of attention and impatience among male drivers. Appropriate means of communication should alert concerned populations to these findings. 相似文献
Introduction: An efficient decision-making process is one of the major necessities of road safety performance analysis for human safety and budget allocation procedure. Method: During the road safety analysis procedure, data envelopment analysis (DEA) supports policymakers in differentiating between risky and safe segments of a homogeneous highway. Cross-risk, an extension of the DEA models, provides more information about risky segments for ranking purpose. After identification of risky segments, the next goal is to identify the factors that are major contributors in making that segment risky. Results: This research proposes a methodology to analyze road safety performance by using a combination of DEA with the decision tree (DT) technique. The proposed methodology not only provides a facility to identify problematic road segments with the help of DEA but also identifies contributing factors with the help of DT. Practical applications: The applicability of the proposed model will help policymakers to identify the major factors contributing to road accidents and analysis of safety performance of road infrastructure to allocate the budget during the decision-making process. 相似文献
Background: The objective of this study is to provide an up-to-date overview of the patterns of injuries, especially traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by RTAs and to discuss some of the public health consequences. Methods: A scientific team was established to collect road traffic accidents occurring between 2013 and 2018 in Chongqing, Southwest China. For each accident, the environment-, vehicle-, and person- variables were analyzed and determined. The overall injury distribution and TBI patterns of four types of road users (driver, passenger, motorcyclist and pedestrian) were compared. The environmental and time distribution of accidents with TBI were shown by bar and pie chart. The risks of severe brain injury whether motorcyclist wearing helmets or not were compared and the risk factors of severe TBI in pedestrian were determined by odds ratio analysis. Results: This study enrolled 2131 accidents with 2741 persons of all kind of traffic participants, 1149 of them suffered AIS1+ head injury and 1598(58%) died in 7 days. The most common cause of deaths is due to head injury with 714(85%) and 1266(79%) persons died within 2 hours. Among 423 persons suffered both skull fracture and intracranial injury, 102 (24.1%) have an intracranial injury but no skull fractures, while none of the skull fractures without intracranial injury was found. Besides, motorcyclists without a helmet were at higher risks for all the brain injury categories. The risk of pedestrian suffering severe TBI at an impact speed of more than 70 km/h is 100 times higher than that with an impact speed of less than 40 km/h. Conclusion: It is urgently needed to develop a more reliable brain injury evaluation criterion for better protection of the road users. We believe that strengthening the emergency care to head injury at the scene is the most effective way to reduce traffic fatality. 相似文献