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Accurate estimates of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions are critical for air quality planning in areas such as Eastern Texas where biogenic emissions comprise a significant fraction of the total volatile organic compound inventory. Uncertainties in biogenic volatile organic chemical emission estimates associated with different land use databases, surface temperature databases, and temperature interpolation methods were quantified and compared. The sensitivity of isoprene emissions to land use classification was investigated by comparing predictions based on land use data recently compiled for Eastern Texas to those based on the Biogenic Emissions Landcover Database version 3.1 (BELD3). Previous studies have only made these comparisons with the previous BELD version 2 database. Isoprene emission increased throughout much of Eastern Texas because areas classified as agricultural or savannah in BELD3 were more accurately classified as Post Oak, Live Oak, mesquite, and juniper in the new database. These results indicate the need for land use studies in areas poorly characterized in the BELD3. The sensitivity of isoprene emission estimates to uncertainties in surface temperatures were investigated by comparing predictions based on two different temperature databases and three different interpolation techniques. Spatial interpolations of surface temperatures collected at available Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations in Houston, Austin, and Dallas were similar to the spatial interpolations of surface temperatures obtained from the ETA Data Assimilation System (EDAS). As a result, substantial variations in isoprene emissions were not observed over the majority of the modeling domain; however, differences of 4 F over localized regions produced a 35% difference in isoprene emissions. Comparisons between the isoprene emissions of the three interpolation methods sometimes revealed large variations, with maximum temperature differences of 4 F resulting in 60% differences in isoprene emissions in areas with the highest isoprene emissions. It was noted that the ASOS stations were clustered in urban areas and not in areas with the highest biogenic emissions. More ambient temperature monitors need to be located in rural locations to provide robust estimates of biogenic emissions and facilitate validation of interpolated temperature fields.  相似文献   

In-stream nitrogen, phosphorus, organic carbon, and suspended sediment concentrations were measured in 18 subbasins over 2 annual cycles to assess how land use and land cover (LULC) and stream discharge regulate water quality variables. The LULC was a primary driver of in-stream constituent concentrations and nutrient speciation owing to differences in dominant sources and input pathways associated with agricultural, urban, and forested land uses. Stream discharge was shown to be a major factor that dictated not only the magnitude of constituent concentrations, but also the chemical form. In high discharge agricultural subbasins, where nitrate was the dominant nitrogen form, there was a negative correlation between discharge and nitrate concentration indicating groundwater inputs as the dominant pathway. In urban settings, however, nitrate was positively correlated with discharge, and, in forested subwatersheds, where dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was the dominant nitrogen form, there was a positive correlation between discharge and DON, indicating washoff from the watershed as the dominant input pathway. Similarly, phosphorus concentrations were strongly regulated by LULC, discharge, and seasonality. This comparative study highlights that different mechanisms regulate different forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon, and thus field programs or water quality models used for regulatory purposes must assess these nutrient forms to accurately apply management plans for nutrient reductions.  相似文献   

A method for the analysis of 10 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in whole fish homogenate is presented and applied to 60 fish samples collected from the Ohio, Missouri, and upper Mississippi Rivers in 2005. Method accuracy ranged between 86 and 125% with limits of quantitation between 0.2 and 10 ng/g wet weight. Intra- and inter-batch precision was generally ±20%. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the predominant compound identified in these samples, contributing over 80% of total PFC composition in the fish from these rivers, with median PFOS concentrations of 24.4, 31.8, and 53.9 ng/g wet wt in the Missouri, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers, respectively. Median PFOS levels were significantly (p = 0.01) elevated in piscivorous fish (88.0 ng/g) when compared with non-piscivorous fish (15.9 ng/g). The 10 samples with PFOS concentrations above 200 ng/g were broadly scattered across all three rivers, providing evidence of the widespread presence of this compound in these US waterways.  相似文献   

Artificial leaf packs were used to determine the effects of an oil spill on stream macroinvertebrate communities in the Chariton River, Missouri. Plastic mesh leaf retainers with approximately 10 g of leaves from five tree species were deployed at five sites (two upstream of the spill and three downstream) immediately after the spill and one year later. Four macroinvertebrate species dominating the community at upstream sites were virtually eliminated below the spill, including the stonefly Isoperla bilineata, the caddisfly Potamyia flava, the midge Thienemanniella xena, and blackfly larvae (Simulium sp.). Density of collector and shredder functional groups, and number of shredder taxa differed between upstream sites and the two furthest downstream sites during the 1990 sample period (Kruskal-Wallis w/Bonferroni paired comparisons, experiment wise error rate = 0.05). With one exception, no differences between sites were detected in the 1991-1992 sample period, indicating that the benthic community had at least partially recovered from the oil spill after one year. The odds of obtaining a sample with a small abundance of shredders (abundance < median) in 1990 was significantly greater downstream of the spill than upstream, and the odds of obtaining a sample with a small abundance of shredders at downstream sites was greater in 1990 than in 1991-1992. A similar pattern was observed in abundance and taxa richness of the collector functional group. No significant differences between the two sampling periods were detected at upstream sites. Observed effects appeared to be associated with oil sorption and substrate coating, creating conditions unsuitable for successful colonization.  相似文献   

Large inputs of phosphorus (P) in chemical fertilizers and feed supplements since 1978 have improved soil P status in arable land in China, but have also created challenges by increasing P concentrations in manure and exacerbating water quality degradation. Arable land in China can be divided into five management zones based on soil P chemistry, with 15–92 % of arable land having lower P status than the agronomic optimum and 0.3–7.2 % having severe risks of P leaching losses. A scenario analysis of soil P budget and agronomic P demand during 2011–2030 highlighted the great pressure China faces in sustainable P management and the need for drastic changes in current practices. This includes new policies to reduce P supplementation of feed and improved P use efficiency by livestock and programs to expand the adoption of appropriate fertilization, soil conservation, and drainage management practices to minimize P losses.  相似文献   

合肥城郊典型排水沟渠沉积物磷形态及其释放风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为弄清合肥市城郊排水沟渠-关镇河水体沉积物磷赋存形态及其污染特征,于2013年9月-2014年6月,在沟渠上选取8个采样点,逐月采集水样和表层沉积物样,解析沉积物的磷赋存形态及其时空变化特征,并对磷的潜在释放风险进行分析。结果表明:关镇河水体氮、磷污染严重;沉积物中TP含量处于1430.10~1941.26 mg/kg范围,平均为1734.42 mg/kg;沉积物各形态磷含量由高到低排序为:OP > Fe-P > Ca-P > De-P > Al-P > Oc-P > Ex-P;生物有效性磷平均值为464.01 mg/kg,占TP的26.81%;广义生物有效性磷的平均含量为1226.92 mg/kg,占TP的71.00%;PSI变化范围为18.31~69.96 mg P/(100 g)·(μmol/L),且沉积物磷释放风险春夏季高于秋冬季。  相似文献   

A network of eight monitoring stations was established to study the atmospheric nitrogen concentration and deposition in the State of Connecticut. The stations were classified into urban, rural, coastal and inland categories to represent the geographical location and land use characteristics surrounding the monitoring sites. Nitrogen species including nitrate, ammonium, nitric acid vapor and organic nitrogen in the air and precipitation were collected, analyzed and used to infer nitrogen concentrations and dry and wet deposition flux densities for the sampling period from 1997 through 1999, with independently collected meteorological data. Statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the spatial variations of atmospheric concentration and deposition fluxes of total nitrogen in Connecticut. A slightly higher atmospheric concentration of total nitrogen was observed along the Connecticut coastline of Long Island Sound compared to inland areas, while the differences of nitrogen deposition fluxes were insignificant between coastal and inland sites. The land use characteristics surrounding the monitoring sites had profound effects on the atmospheric nitrogen concentration and dry deposition flux. The ambient nitrogen concentration over the four urban sites was averaged 38.9% higher than that over the rural sites, resulting a 58.0% higher dry deposition flux in these sites compared to their rural counterparts. The local industrial activities and traffic emissions of nitrogen at urban areas had significant effects on the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen concentration and dry deposition flux in the State. Wet and total deposition fluxes appeared to be invariant between the monitoring sites, except for high flux densities measured at Old Greenwich, a monitoring station near to and downwind of the New York and New Jersey industrial complexes.  相似文献   

Assessments of large-scale changes in habitat are a priority for management and conservation. Traditional approaches use land use and land cover data (LULC) that focus mostly on “structural” properties of landscapes, rather than “functional” properties related to specific ecological processes. Here, we contend that designing functional analyses of LULC can provide important and complementary information to traditional, structural analyses. We substantiate this perspective with an example of functional changes in habitat due to industrial anthropogenic footprints in Alberta’s boreal forest, where there has been little overall forest loss (~ 6% structural change), but high levels of functional change (up to 93% functional change) for species’ habitat, biodiversity, and wildfire ignition. We discuss the methods needed to achieve functional LULC analyses, when they are most appropriate to add to structural assessments, and conclude by providing recommendations for analyses of LULC in a future of increasingly high-resolution, dynamic remote sensing data.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01434-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The pH of rainfall in central Missouri was monitored at four sites during the fall of 1983. Several pH values were well above 5.6, the theoretical pH of pure water in equilibrium with ambient levels of CO2. Most of the higher pHs were measured on rainfall of short duration or rainfall collected during the first few hours of extended rainfall events. Furthermore, the rainfall associated with storm events lasting several days exhibited a trend of decreasing pH with time approaching values as low as 4.0 during the late stages of rainfall. Precipitation pH values above 5.6 apparently reflect neutralization reactions between wet precipitation and various components of airborne dust, especially clays and carbonates. During extended rainfalls, the neutralization effects gradually diminish as suspended dust is washed from the atmosphere yielding more accurate values of the wet precipitation pH. The results of this study suggest that airborne particulate matter generated from the dust bowl region of the U.S. may affect the chemistry of precipitation in areas hundreds of km downwind.  相似文献   

The sediment characteristics, different phosphorus (P) fraction concentrations and the effect of pH on P release were investigated in a shallow eutrophic lake in China. The total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in the sediments ranged greatly from 420 to 3408 mg kg(-1) and inorganic P (IP) was the main P fraction. For the heavily eutrophic sediment, IP mainly consisted of NaOH-P; while for the mesotrophic sediments, IP mainly consisted of HCl-P. The rate of P release decreased as pH increased from 2 to 6. But it increased as pH increased from 8 to 12. It is suggested that high pH promoted the release of NaOH-P, and low pH promoted the release of HCl-P, and there was no P release occurring in the neutral condition.  相似文献   

巢湖入湖河流沉积物中有机磷的形态分级研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为识别巢湖流域污染物的特征、来源及其沉积物有机磷各形态分布与富营养化的关系,测定了7条巢湖入湖河流沉积物中有机磷各形态的含量,分析不同污染类型人湖河流沉积物中有机磷各形态分布的差异及与其他因素间的相关性。研究发现,不同污染类型人湖河流沉积物中水土保持控制型河流沉积物中有机磷各组分的相对含量顺序为残渣态Po〉富里酸-Po〉HCl-Po〉胡敏酸-Po〉NaHCO3-Po,平均的相对比例为7.5:3.1:1.9:1.5:1.0,而城市污染控制型和面源污染控制型河流沉积物中有机磷各组分的相对含量顺序恰好相同,面源污染控制型河流沉积物Po各形态含量低于城市污染控制型和水土保持控制型河流。中活性P。和OM、TP、Pi、Po、TN、NaHCO3-Pi、NaOH—Pi呈正相关,非活性Po与Po、NaOH-Pi呈显著正相关关系,反映了中活性Po很容易转化为生物可利用磷和非活性Po,且非活性Po仍然具有潜在的生物活性。  相似文献   

巢湖入湖河流沉积物中有机磷的形态分级研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为识别巢湖流域污染物的特征、来源及其沉积物有机磷各形态分布与富营养化的关系,测定了7条巢湖入湖河流沉积物中有机磷各形态的含量,分析不同污染类型入湖河流沉积物中有机磷各形态分布的差异及与其他因素间的相关性。研究发现,不同污染类型入湖河流沉积物中水土保持控制型河流沉积物中有机磷各组分的相对含量顺序为残渣态Po >富里酸-Po >HCl-Po >胡敏酸-Po >NaHCO3-Po,平均的相对比例为7.5:3.1:1.9:1.5:1.0,而城市污染控制型和面源污染控制型河流沉积物中有机磷各组分的相对含量顺序恰好相同,面源污染控制型河流沉积物Po各形态含量低于城市污染控制型和水土保持控制型河流。中活性Po和OM、TP、Pi、Po、TN、NaHCO3-Pi、NaOH-Pi呈正相关,非活性Po与Po、NaOH-Pi呈显著正相关关系,反映了中活性Po很容易转化为生物可利用磷和非活性Po,且非活性Po仍然具有潜在的生物活性。  相似文献   

This study investigated the forms of soil P released to solution, accuracy of their determination, and influence of colloids on P sorption/desorption dynamics. A Hagerstown silt loam, amended with dairy and poultry manure or superphosphate at five rates (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 kg P ha(-1)), was extracted at two soil:solution ratios (1:5 and 1:100) and filtered at three pore sizes (0.8, 0.45, and 0.22 microm). Results showed that relative to the proportion of dissolved organic P (DOP, determined as the difference between total dissolved P [TDP] and P detected by ion chromatography), DRP increased with amendment rate. Relative to Mehlich-3 extractable P, DRP exhibited a power relationship with a much greater potential for soil P release at concentrations in excess of ca. 50 mg Mehlich-3 P kg(-1). Concentrations of DRP, determined by the acid molybdate method, were on average 12.5% greater than P detected by ion chromatography indicating P was solubilised during colorimetric determination. A linear relationship was found between total Al and DRP, which could indicate acid mediated hydrolysis of A1-humic-P substances, although acid mediated desorption of P from colloids cannot be discounted. No difference in solubilised P was found between solutions filtered at 0.22 and 0.45 microm, but was found between 0.8 microm and smaller filter sizes. Organic P extracted from manured soils was more recalcitrant than that extracted from soils amended with superphosphate, the later attributed to its accumulation in more labile pools. The sorption/desorption of P by colloids in solution were greatly affected by the rate of amendment and the soil:solution extraction ratio. More P was sorbed by superphosphate solutions compared to dairy manure amended soil solutions and was attributed to the saturation of colloidal P sorption sites by organic matter. In order to minimise the effects of colloids on P dynamics and the potential for hydrolysis in solution, filtration to at least 0.45 microm is required. However, soils with a lesser aggregate stability may require additional filtration.  相似文献   

A regional modeling system was applied with inputs from global climate and chemistry models to quantify the effects of global change on future biogenic emissions and their impacts on ozone and biogenic secondary organic aerosols (BSOA) in the US. Biogenic emissions in the future are influenced by projected changes in global and regional climates and by variations in future land use and land cover (LULC). The modeling system was applied for five summer months for the present-day case (1990–1999, Case 1) and three future cases covering 2045–2054. Individual future cases were: present-day LULC (Case 2); projected-future LULC (Case 3); and future LULC with designated regions of tree planting for carbon sequestration (Case 4). Results showed changing future meteorology with present-day LULC (Case 2) increased average isoprene and monoterpene emission rates by 26% and 20% due to higher temperature and solar insolation. However when LULC was changed together with climate (Case 3), predicted isoprene and monoterpene emissions decreased by 52% and 31%, respectively, due primarily to projected cropland expansion. The reduction was less, at 31% and 14% respectively, when future LULC changes were accompanied by regions of tree planting (Case 4). Despite the large decrease in biogenic emission, future average daily maximum 8-h (DM8H) ozone was found to increase between +8 ppbv and +10 ppbv due to high future anthropogenic emissions and global chemistry conditions. Among the future cases, changing LULC resulted in spatially varying future ozone differences of ?5 ppbv to +5 ppbv when compared with present-day case. Future BSOA changed directly with the estimated monoterpene emissions. BSOA increased by 8% with current LULC (Case 2) but decreased by 45%–28% due to future LULC changes. Overall, the results demonstrated that on a regional basis, changes in LULC can offset temperature driven increases in biogenic emissions, and, thus, LULC projection is an important factor to consider in the study of future regional air quality.  相似文献   

以西安汉城湖为研究对象,2015年4月对湖体沉积物进行现场调查和采样分析,共设4个采样点,研究不同温度下沉积物磷的吸附释放特性及沉积物磷形态的分布。结果表明,沉积物磷等温吸附随着温度的升高而增大,吸附特征符合修正的Langmuir模型,最大吸附容量Qmax的范围为507.21~786.77 mg·kg-1。磷动力学吸附主要发生在实验进行前12 h之内,吸附量基本达到或超过72 h吸附平衡时吸附总量的85%。磷动力学释放量范围为2.02~11.058 mg·kg-1,且在6 h达到最大值。沉积物总磷的含量范围为655.37~1.809.38 mg·kg-1,以无机磷为主,沉积物不同形态磷含量为TP > IP > HCl-P > OP > NaOH-P。沉积物富营养化风险指数ERI的范围为5.92~11.86,在10℃和20℃时,4个采样点的ERI均在10以下,属于低风险,在30℃时,4个采样点的ERI均在10以上,属于中等富营养化风险。  相似文献   

Artificially prepared sediments were used to assess the effects of sediment composition on inorganic Hg partitioning, speciation and bioavailability. Organic coating in sediment greatly increased the Hg partitioning and the amount of bioavailable Hg bound with the clay and the Fe and Mn oxides, but had little effect on that bound with the quartz and calcium carbonate as a result of weaker binding of humic acids and fulvic acids. The clay content increased the concentration of Hg in the sediments but inhibited the gut juice extraction due to the strong binding of Hg-organic matter (OM) complexes. Most Hg in the sediments was complexed by OM (mainly distributed in the organo-complexed phase and the strongly complexed phase), and the Hg-OM complexes (especially Hg in the strongly complexed phase) in sediments contributed much to gut juice extraction. Redistribution of Hg-OM complexes between sediments and gut juices may occur during gut juice extraction and modify Hg bioavailability and speciation in sediments.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Water quality of lakes, estuaries, and coastal areas serves as an indicator of the overall health of aquatic ecosystems as well as the health of the...  相似文献   

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