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Response of Red-Backed Voles to Recent Patch Cutting in Subalpine Forest   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We examined the response of southern red-backed voles ( Clethrionomys gapperi ) to patch cutting in a forested landscape in which 23% of the forest cover had been removed by timber harvest. We live trapped voles in and around 18 patchcuts in one watershed of southern Wyoming. Although we found a significant difference in capture rates between patchcut interior and forest habitats in 1 of 2 years, voles did not strongly avoid the interior of patchcuts. This result contrasts with results from most studies of voles in clearcut ecosystems, which report that red-backed voles are generally rare or absent from clearcuts. Capture rates were highest on both sides of the patchcut edge, which also contrasts with studies of voles at the edges of forest remnants. The use of patchcut interior and edge habitats could not be explained as a consequence of juvenile voles dispersing to those habitats or males moving through the habitat in search of mates. We suggest that, despite similar physiognomy in patchcut and clearcut sites, the differences in landscape structure in perforated versus fragmented landscapes lead to very different patterns of vole movement. Understanding the scales at which voles perceive landscapes as coarse- or fine-grained will be key to developing predictive models to aid managers in designing timber sales that maintain high vole populations. Our results emphasize the importance of the spatial pattern and scale of disturbance in determining the response of vertebrates to landscape change and the need for more refined investigations of the consequences of deforestation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We examined demographic responses of California red-backed voles ( Clethrionomys californicus ) to forest fragmentation in southwestern Oregon at sites where this species has previously shown negative responses to fragmentation. Voles were captured in live traps and released. Voles were rarely caught in clearcuts surrounding 11 forest fragments, but relative vole density did not decrease from the forest-fragment interiors to edges. The first result agrees with previous findings at these sites 6 years earlier, but the latter result does not. There was no evidence that vole response to edge changes with fragment age. Two years of intensive mark-recapture efforts at two forest-fragment sites and two unfragmented (control) sites did not show negative effects of fragmentation on vole survival, an important demographic rate. Vole capture probabilities varied greatly across space and time on these four sites, which may explain the differences in vole responses to edge seen between this and the previous study. These results suggest that reliable appraisal of edge effects may be difficult for many species on small fragments because the data necessary to apply population estimators require great efforts to obtain and the use of indices leads to a confounding of detection probabilities with demographic change.  相似文献   

We used population models to explore the effects of the organochlorine contaminant p,p'-DDE and fluctuations in vole availability on the population dynamics of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia). Previous work indicated an interaction between low biomass of voles in the diet and moderate levels of p,p'-DDE in Burrowing Owl eggs that led to reproductive impairment. We constructed periodic and stochastic matrix models that incorporated three vole population states observed in the field: average, peak, and crash years. We modeled varying frequencies of vole crash years and a range of impairment of owl demographic rates in vole crash years. Vole availability had a greater impact on owl population growth rate than did reproductive impairment if vole populations peaked and crashed frequently. However, this difference disappeared as the frequency of vole crash years declined to once per decade. Fecundity, the demographic rate most affected by p,p'-DDE, had less impact on population growth rate than adult or juvenile survival. A life table response experiment of time-invariant matrices for average, peak, and crash vole conditions showed that low population growth under vole crash conditions was due to low adult and juvenile survival rates, whereas the extremely high population growth under vole peak conditions was due to increased fecundity. Our results suggest that even simple models can provide useful insights into complex ecological interactions. This is particularly valuable when temporal or spatial scales preclude manipulative experimental work in the field or laboratory.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Habitat fragmentation causes extinction of local animal populations by decreasing the amount of viable "core" habitat area and increasing edge effects. It is widely accepted that larger fragments make better nature reserves because core-dwelling species have a larger amount of suitable habitat. Nevertheless, fragments in real landscapes have complex, irregular shapes. We modeled the population sizes of species that have a representative range of preferences for or aversions to habitat edges at five spatial scales (within 10, 32, 100, 320, and 1000 m of an edge) in a nation-wide analysis of forest remnants in New Zealand. We hypothesized that the irregular shapes of fragments in real landscapes should generate statistically significant correlations between population density and fragment area, purely as a "geometric" effect of varying species responses to the distribution of edge habitat. Irregularly shaped fragments consistently reduced the population size of core-dwelling species by 10–100%, depending on the scale over which species responded to habitat edges. Moreover, core populations within individual fragments were spatially discontinuous, containing multiple, disjunct populations that inhabited small spatial areas and had reduced population size. The geometric effect was highly nonlinear and depended on the range of fragment sizes sampled and the scale at which species responded to habitat edges. Fragment shape played a strong role in determining population size in fragmented landscapes; thus, habitat restoration efforts may be more effective if they focus on connecting disjunct cores rather than isolated fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Habitat fragmentation is the transformation of once-extensive landscapes into smaller, isolated remnants surrounded by new types of habitat. There is ample evidence of impoverished biodiversity as a consequence of habitat fragmentation, but its most profound effects may actually result from functional changes in ecological processes such as trophic interactions. We studied the trophic processes of herbivory and parasitism in insect-plant food webs composed of hundreds of species in a fragmented woodland landscape. We recorded all plant species, collected mined leaves, and reared leafminers and parasitoids from 19 woodland remnants. Herbivory and parasitism rates were then analyzed in relation to woodland size and edge or interior location. Herbivory by leaf-mining insects and their overall parasitism rates decreased as woodland remnants became smaller. For each remnant the intensity of both processes differed between edge and interior. Our results provide novel evidence of the magnitude of habitat fragmentation effects, showing they can be so pervasive as to affect trophic processes of highly complex food webs and suggesting a response associated with trophic specialization of the involved organisms as much as with their trophic level.  相似文献   

We monitored the short term behavioral and demographic responses of gray-tailed voles (Microtus canicaudus) to the reduction and fragmentation of their habitat. Our objectives were (1) to test whether animals perished or moved into remaining fragments after 70% of their habitat was removed; and (2) to test the null hypothesis that the social structure and demography of animals would not differ between habitats consisting of one large continuous fragment (625 m2), a mosaic of 25 small fragments (each 25 m2) separated by 4 m of bare ground, and control, unmanipulated habitats (1850 m2). We conducted the experiment in 12, 0.2-ha enclosures planted with alfalfa with four replicates for each of two manipulated treatments and a control. A 70% reduction in habitat did not adversely affect adult survival, reproductive rate, juvenile recruitment, or population size. However, an influx of unrelated females into habitat fragments resulted in decreased juvenile recruitment in those fragments. Voles from cleared habitat moved into the remaining habitat and did not measurably affect the resident population. Similarly, the demography of voles did not differ significantly among the large-fragment, small-fragment, and control enclosures. Peak density estimates based on the amount of habitat in each enclosure were 545 animals per hectare in control, 1056 in large-fragment, and 2880 in small-fragment enclosures. Reduced movement of animals among the small fragments was the most obvious effect of habitat fragmentation. Six percent of females and 15% of males moved among small fragments within a week compared to approximately 60% moving comparable distances in large-fragment and control enclosures. Rates of juvenile dispersal and sexual maturation declined throughout the summer on all treatments, were associated with season and density, and were only marginally associated with habitat loss and fragmentation. We conclude that at the time of habitat removal and fragmentation, populations were small enough to accommodate a 70% reduction in habitat and still continue to increase in numbers. The social system of gray-tailed voles was sufficiently flexible to accommodate an influx of animals to withstand densities> 1000 voles per ha. The behavioral and demographic features of gray-tailed voles are similar to those reported for other small mammals, thus confirming the use of voles for ecological model systems in habitat fragmentation studies.  相似文献   

In the ongoing evolutionary arms race between predators and their prey, successful escape from the predator leads to the evolution of improved escape tactics in prey, but also predators become more effective in following and attacking the prey. Antipredatory behavior of prey is considered to be the strongest towards their most dangerous predators. However, prey species can differ both in vulnerability and efficiency of escape to a shared predator. We studied escape reactions of two vole species, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) and the field vole (Microtus agrestis), under a simulated predation risk of the least weasel (Mustela nivalis nivalis). We conducted a laboratory experiment where a vole was given a possibility to escape from a weasel by fleeing to a horizontal tunnel or climbing the tree. Subsequently to the vole escape decision, we released a weasel to the same tunnel system to test how the weasel succeeded in following the vole. Weasel presence changed the behavior of voles as especially bank voles escaped by climbing. Instead, the majority of field voles fled into the ground-layer tunnel. The different escape tactics of the voles affected the success of the weasel, because climbing voles were less often successfully followed. We suggest that the difference in escape tactics has evolved as an adaptation to different habitats; meadow-exploiting field voles using ground-level escape while bank voles living in three-dimensional forest habitat frequently use arboreal escape tactics. This is likely to lead to different habitat-dependent vulnerabilities to predation in Microtus and Myodes vole species.  相似文献   

When food supply declines or population density increases, the per capita food availability is reduced causing a decline in condition of consumers. Many consumers alter their feeding behaviour and ultimately the surrounding community (e.g. overgrazing and formation of urchin barrens). This study tested the hypothesis that sea urchin populations are of greater density and poorer condition in barrens (little food) than forest habitat (lots of food). We then tested the hypothesis that a decrease in per capita food supply to urchins has a negative effect not only on their condition but also on their surrounding habitat. We experimentally assessed the effect of limited food supply and increased density of a subtidal Australian sea urchin (Heliocidaris erythrogramma) on their condition (i.e. gonad index) and surrounding benthic habitat (i.e. turf-forming algae). Our results show that a reduction in food supply led to poorer consumer condition and greater herbivory on surrounding local habitat. We provide evidence that per capita food reduction is one of the necessary conditions for the over-consumption by urchins (i.e. urchin barrens), a proposed but previously untested mechanism.  相似文献   

Howe HF  Zorn-Arnold B  Sullivan A  Brown JS 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3007-3013
We ask whether vole herbivory in experimental grassland plots is sufficient to create an unpalatable community. In a six-year experiment, meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) reduced plant standing crop between 30% and 72%, well within the range of ungulate effects. Moreover, meadow voles reduced their available forage species by changing the plant community composition: four grass species and a legume upon which they foraged declined sharply in cover and/or number of individuals, five forbs avoided by voles increased, and two forbs neither declined nor increased with either measure. Reductions of diversity occurred when voles first defoliated the plots in 2000 but disappeared as plant species avoided by voles replaced vulnerable plants. Within six years, meadow voles created plant communities dominated by species that they did not eat.  相似文献   

Space use,longevity, and reproductive success in meadow voles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary We addressed the question of how reproductive success (RS) was limited in the shortlived but highly fecund meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus. In so doing, we asked how differential space use patterns could affect longevity and hence RS in each sex. The sample comprised all voles achieving sexual competency over the course of a 40-week breeding season in a live-trapped population in Manomet, MA USA. Matrilineal families were determined using a radionuclide labelling technique; paternity was estimated using a maximum likelihood model. Individual RS was defined as the number of offspring successfully recruited into the trappable population per adult. We found that the variance in RS among female meadow voles was greater than the variance among males. In an attempt to explain this pattern, reproductively successful individuals were compared to reproductively unsuccessful individuals with regard to survivorship, maximum body weight achieved, and spatial mobility. The only difference between fathers and reproductively unsuccessful males was that fathers were heavier. In contrast, mothers differed from unsuccessful females in every measurement. Females lived longer than males, and mothers lived longer than either fathers or reproductively unsuccessful females. The observed differences in longevity may have been largely the result of differences in levels of mobility, assuming more mobile voles were more susceptible to predation. Mothers were significantly more site tenacious than were either males or unsuccessful females. These patterns explain the distribution of RS in our population if predation differentially affects male and female meadow voles. The meadow vole is the only non-polyandrous vertebrate reported to date in which the variance in RS among females exceeds the variance in RS among males.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In large parts of North America and Europe, deer overabundance threatens forest plant diversity. Few researchers have examined its effects on invertebrate assemblages. In a natural experiment on Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada), where Sitka black-tailed deer ( Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis ) were introduced, we compared islands with no deer, with deer for fewer than 20 years, and with deer for more than 50 years. We sampled invertebrates in three habitat categories: forest edge vegetation below the browse line, forest interior vegetation below the browse line, and forest interior litter. In forest edge vegetation, invertebrate abundance and species density decreased with increasing length of browsing history. In forest interior vegetation, decrease was significant only on islands with more than 50 years of browsing. Insect abundance in the vegetation decreased eightfold and species density sixfold on islands browsed for more than 50 years compared with islands without deer. Primary consumers were most affected. Invertebrates from the litter showed little or no variation related to browsing history. We attributed the difference between vegetation-dwelling and litter-dwelling invertebrates to differences in the effect of browsing on their habitat. In the layer below the browse line deer progressively removed the habitat. The extent of litter habitat was not affected, but its quality changed. We recommend more attention be given to the effect of overabundant ungulates on forest invertebrate conservation with a focus on edge and understory vegetation in addition to litter habitat.  相似文献   

The potential of linear strips of vegetation to act as corridors to facilitate dispersal is examined for three taxa of insects in lowland rain forest in northeastern Australia. The taxa selected were ants, butterflies, and dung beetles, all of which are taxonomically well known and could be considered bioindicator groups. The sampling design encompassed four habitats, namely rain-forest interior, rain-forest edge, rain-forest linear strip (corridor), and arable land. Ants and dung beetles were sampled using baited pitfall traps, and visual surveys were used to census butterflies. Potential increase in dispersal was examined by first identifying those species that specialized on the rain-forest interior habitat and then determining whether these species were present in the linear strips as opposed to the surrounding arable land. Two species of butterfly and two species of dung beetle were identified as rain-forest interior specialists, and two of these species were found in the linear strips but not in the arable habitat. This result supports the concept that the presence of corridors can increase the potential for dispersal of these species. But the remaining rain-forest interior species did not occur in the linear strips, which suggests that corridors will not increase dispersal for these species.  相似文献   

Morris DW  MacEachern JT 《Ecology》2010,91(11):3131-3137
Density-dependent habitat selection has numerous and far-reaching implications to population dynamics and evolutionary processes. Although several studies suggest that organisms choose and occupy high-quality habitats over poorer ones, definitive experiments demonstrating active selection, by the same individuals at the appropriate population scale, are lacking. We conducted a reciprocal food supplementation experiment to assess whether voles would first occupy a habitat receiving extra food, then change their preference to track food supplements moved to another habitat. Meadow voles, as predicted, were more abundant in food-supplemented habitat than in others. Density declined when food supplements ceased because the voles moved to the new habitat receiving extra food. Although males and females appeared to follow different strategies, meadow-vole densities reflected habitat quality because voles actively selected the best habitat available. It is thus clear that behavioral decisions on habitat use can motivate patterns of abundance, frequency, and gene flow that have widespread effects on subsequent evolution.  相似文献   

I used estimates of carrying capacity, survival, fecundity, and edge effects to simulate the responses of a forest-interior bird population to selection cutting clearcutting, and no timber harvest. I also modeled population sensitivity to changes in fecundity, survival, K , and edge relationships. Because model parameters are based on scant data, results should he regarded as hypotheses to be further investigated or measures of the relative impact or sensitivity (given model assumptions). Simulated population size was greater with no timber harvest than with clearcutting and greater with clearcutting than with group selection when edge effects were included in the model. Without edge effects, population levels were only slightly lower under group selection than under no timber harvest, and greater than clearcutting. Edge effects had only a small impact on population levels under clearcutting. Clearcut size did not have much effect on population levels, but longer and shorter rotation ages resulted in higher and lower population levels, respectively. The model was very sensitive to declines in mean fecundity and survival, suggesting that factors affecting mean demographic rates could be more important than local edge effects. Some methods of timber harvest may be compatible with the conservation of forest-interior birds, but better demographic data and information on habitat suitability of selectively cut forests and young even-aged stands is needed to adequately evaluate management options.  相似文献   

Habitat-mediated variation in predation risk by the American marten   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probability of prey encounter, attack, capture, and kill are often hypothesized to depend on habitat structure, but field evidence in terrestrial systems is rare. We tested whether predation efficiency by the American marten (Martes americana) and fear of predation by their primary prey, the red-backed vole (Clethrionomys gapperi), differed between 20- to 50-year-old regenerating forest stands and older uncut stands. Our results showed that the frequency of prey encounter, prey attack, and prey kill were higher in old uncut forests, despite the fact that small-mammal density was similar to that in younger logged forests. These differences in predation efficiency were linked to higher abundance of coarse woody debris, which seems to offer sensory cues to martens, thereby increasing the odds of hunting success. Red-backed voles in regenerating forest stands exhibited increased wariness compared to voles living in old uncut forest, suggestive of a behavioral response to habitat-mediated variation in predation risk.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the occurrence of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in boreal forest fragments, their edges, and adjacent clearcuts in central Finland. Beetles were collected with pitfall traps along transects extending 60 m from the edge into clearcuts and 60 m into forest interior. Our main findings were that (1) species richness was significantly higher in the clearcut than in the forest fragments, (2) clearcuts hosted many open-habitat species, which increased overall species richness in these sites, (3) carabid assemblages in the edges were more similar to forest assemblages than to those found in the clearcuts, (4) no edge specialists were found, and (5) open-habitat species did not penetrate into the forest fragments from the clearcut. Because forest specialists occurred all the way to the edge on the forest side, it seems that edge effects per se do not adversely affect these species, at least in the short term. In the long term, however, habitat conditions in the edges may deteriorate for interior species because of trees falling over in strong winds, thereby reducing the size of the fragments and widening the edge zone.  相似文献   

Edge effects are a dominant subject in landscape ecology literature, yet they are highly variable and poorly understood. Often, the literature suggests simple models for edge effects-positive (enhancement at the edge), negative (enhancement at the interior), or no effect (neutral)--on a variety of metrics, including abundance, diversity, and mortality. In the marine realm, much of this work has focused on fragmented seagrass habitats due to their importance for a variety of commercially important species. In this study, the settlement, recruitment, and survival of bay scallops was investigated across a variety of seagrass patch treatments. By simultaneously collecting settlers (those viable larvae available to settle and metamorphose) and recruits (those settlers that survive some period of time, in this case, 6 weeks) on the same collectors, we were able to demonstrate a "balance" between positive and negative edge effects, resulting in a net neutral effect. Scallop settlement was significantly enhanced along seagrass edges, regardless of patch type while survival was elevated within patch interiors. However, recruitment (the net result of settlement and post-settlement loss) did not vary significantly from edge to center, representing a neutral effect. Further, results suggest that post-settlement loss, most likely due to predation, appears to be the dominant mechanism structuring scallop abundance, not patterns in settlement. These data illustrate the complexity of edge effects, and suggest that the metric used to investigate the effect (be it abundance, survival, or other metrics) can often influence the magnitude and direction of the perceived effect. Traditionally, high predation along a habitat edge would have indicated an "ecological trap" for the species in question; however, this study demonstrates that, at the population level, an ecological trap may not exist.  相似文献   

Rain forest fragmentation and the proliferation of successional trees   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The effects of habitat fragmentation on diverse tropical tree communities are poorly understood. Over a 20-year period we monitored the density of 52 tree species in nine predominantly successional genera (Annona, Bellucia, Cecropia, Croton, Goupia, Jacaranda, Miconia, Pourouma, Vismia) in fragmented and continuous Amazonian forests. We also evaluated the relative importance of soil, topographic, forest dynamic, and landscape variables in explaining the abundance and species composition of successional trees. Data were collected within 66 permanent 1-ha plots within a large (approximately 1000 km2) experimental landscape, with forest fragments ranging from 1 to 100 ha in area. Prior to forest fragmentation, successional trees were uncommon, typically comprising 2-3% of all trees (> or =10 cm diameter at breast height [1.3 m above the ground surface]) in each plot. Following fragmentation, the density and basal area of successional trees increased rapidly. By 13-17 years after fragmentation, successional trees had tripled in abundance in fragment and edge plots and constituted more than a quarter of all trees in some plots. Fragment age had strong, positive effects on the density and basal area of successional trees, with no indication of a plateau in these variables, suggesting that successional species could become even more abundant in fragments over time. Nonetheless, the 52 species differed greatly in their responses to fragmentation and forest edges. Some disturbance-favoring pioneers (e.g., Cecropia sciadophylla, Vismia guianensis, V. amazonica, V. bemerguii, Miconia cf. crassinervia) increased by >1000% in density on edge plots, whereas over a third (19 of 52) of all species remained constant or declined in numbers. Species responses to fragmentation were effectively predicted by their median growth rate in nearby intact forest, suggesting that faster-growing species have a strong advantage in forest fragments. An ordination analysis revealed three main gradients in successional-species composition across our study area. Species gradients were most strongly influenced by the standlevel rate of tree mortality on each plot and by the number of nearby forest edges. Species-composition also varied significantly among different cattle ranches, which differed in their surrounding matrices and disturbance histories. These same variables were also the best predictors of total successional-tree abundance and species richness. Successional-tree assemblages in fragment interior plots (>150 m from edge), which are subjected to fragment area effects but not edge effects, did not differ significantly from those in intact forest, indicating that area effects per se had little influence on successional trees. Soils and topography also had little discernable effect on these species. Collectively, our results indicate that successional-tree species proliferate rapidly in fragmented Amazonian forests, largely as a result of chronically elevated tree mortality near forest edges and possibly an increased seed rain from successional plants growing in nearby degraded habitats. The proliferation of fast-growing successional trees and correlated decline of old-growth trees will have important effects on species composition, forest dynamics, carbon storage, and nutrient cycling in fragmented forests.  相似文献   

Land‐use dynamics and climatic gradients have large effects on many terrestrial systems. Exurban development, one of the fastest growing forms of land use in the United States, may affect wildlife through habitat fragmentation and building presence may alter habitat quality. We studied the effects of residential development and temperature gradients on bird species occurrence at 140 study sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains (North Carolina, U.S.A.) that varied with respect to building density and elevation. We used occupancy models to determine 36 bird species’ associations with building density, forest canopy cover, average daily mean temperature, and an interaction between building density and mean temperature. Responses varied with habitat requirement, breeding range, and migration distance. Building density and mean temperature were both included in the top occupancy models for 19 of 36 species and a building density by temperature interaction was included in models for 8 bird species. As exurban development expands in the southern Appalachians, interior forest species and Neotropical migrants are likely to decline, but shrubland or edge species are not likely to benefit. Overall, effects of building density were greater than those of forest canopy cover. Exurban development had a greater effect on birds at high elevations due to a greater abundance of sensitive forest‐interior species and Neotropical migrants. A warming climate may exacerbate these negative effects. Efectos del Desarrollo Exurbano y de la Temperatura sobre Especies de Aves en las Apalaches del Sur  相似文献   

We studied Ovenbirds ( Seiurus aurocapillus ) in northern New Hampshire during 1992 and 1993 to determine whether edge-related changes in habitat use and reproductive success reported in fragmented landscapes exist in predominantly forested landscapes. Six study plots were placed adjacent to four recent clearcuts (2.1–5 ha) and extended 400 m into the forest interior. Nests, territories, and territorial males obtaining mates were equally distributed in edge (0–200 m) and interior (201–400 m) areas. Nest survival was higher in the forest interior in 1992 and for 1992 and 1993 combined. The proportion of pairs fledging ≥ 1 young, fledgling weight, and fledgling wing-chord did not differ between edge and interior in either year. Number of young fledged per pair was slightly lower in edge areas, but these differences were not significant. We conclude that clearcutting in extensively forested landscapes can affect Ovenbird reproductive success. Nevertheless, the effect on Ovenbird populations is moderated by the abundance of mature forest cover in the region and by the tendency of Ovenbirds to renest after initial nest failure.  相似文献   

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