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We applied the solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to quantify trace elements in statoliths of Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas, collected from the high seas off Chile, Peru, and Costa Rica by Chinese squid jigging vessels during 2007–2009. All squid samples were aged and their spawning dates were back-calculated based on daily increments in statoliths. The most abundant trace elements in the whole statolith were Ca and Sr followed by other elements in the order of Fe, Mg, Zn, Ba, Cu, Mn, Ni, Al, Cr, Co, and U. Significant differences in Mn and Sr were found among samples from the three regions. Sr, Ni, Mn, and Co contributed significantly to the discrimination among the regions, with Co responsible for explaining most of the variation, followed by Ni, Mn, and Sr. Squid from the high seas off Costa Rica could be separated from those off Peru and Chile mostly due to the differences in Ni, Sr, and Co, while samples off Peru and Chile could be distinguished mainly because of differences in Mn and Co. Discriminant function analysis suggested that the overall cross-validated classification rate was 85.6 % with samples off Chile having the highest correct identification rates and samples off Costa Rica having the highest false classification rates. Significant positive relationships were found between sea surface temperature (SST) and Cr/Ca, Mn/Ca, and U/Ca, and there was a negative relationship between SST and Cu/Ca, Sr/Ca. This study suggests that the spatial difference in trace elements of statolith can be used to separate geographic populations of D. gigas and that elements having significant relationships with SST can be considered as natural indicators of ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in a predator-induced defense and its genetic basis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kishida O  Trussell GC  Nishimura K 《Ecology》2007,88(8):1948-1954
Predator-induced morphological defenses are a well-known form of phenotypic plasticity, but we continue to have a limited understanding of geographic variation in these responses and its genetic basis. Here we examine genetic variation and geographic differentiation in the inducible defenses of tadpoles (Rana pirica) in response to predatory salamander larvae (Hynobius retardatus). To do so, we crossed male and female frogs from a "mainland" Japanese island having predaceous salamanders and a more isolated island not having predaceous salamanders and raised resulting offspring in the presence and absence of H. retardatus. Mainland tadpoles exhibited a higher capacity to express the inducible morphology (a more bulgy body) than those from the predator-free island, and expression of the bulgy morph in mainland-island hybrids produced phenotypes that were intermediate to those produced by pure crosses. In addition, parental sex had no effect on expression of the bulgy morph. Our results support the hypothesis that geographic variation in inducible defenses is linked to the additive effects of autosomal alleles that are shaped by differences in historical exposure to the inducing predator.  相似文献   

A predictive framework for the ecology of species invasions requires that we learn what limits successful invaders in their native range. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is invasive in the United States, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, and China. Solenopsis invicta appears to be a superior competitor in its introduced range, where it can cause the local extirpation of native species, but little is known about its competitive ability in its native range in South America. Here we examine the competitive ability of S. invicta for food resources in three widely separated Brazilian ant communities. Each of these communities contains 20-40 ant species, 8-10 of which were common and frequently interacted with S. invicta. S. invicta at all three sites was attacked by several species-specific phorid parasitoids, and at one site, two other species were attacked by their own specialized parasitoids. We examined interactions in these local communities for evidence that trade-offs among ant species between resource dominance and resource discovery, and between resource dominance and parasitoid vulnerability facilitate local coexistence. The trade-off between resource dominance and resource discovery was strong and significant only at Santa Genebra, where parasitoids had no effect on the outcome of confrontations at resources. At Bonito, parasitoids significantly reduced the ability of S. invicta, which was the top-ranked behavioral dominant, from defending and usurping food resources from subordinate species. In the Pantanal, S. invicta ranked behind three other ant species in a linear hierarchy of behavioral dominance, and lost the majority of its interactions with a fourth more subordinate species, Paratrechina fulva, another invasive species. Parasitoids of S. invicta were uncommon in the Pantanal, and did not affect its low position in the hierarchy relative to the other two sites. Parasitoids, however, did affect the ability of Linepithema angulatum, the top-ranked behavioral dominant in this community, from defending and usurping resources from behavioral subordinates. These results indicate that both interspecific competition and trait-mediated indirect effects of phorid parasitoids affect the ecological success of the red imported fire ant in its native range, but that the relative importance of these factors varies geographically.  相似文献   

The two intertidal grazers Littorina littorea and L. saxatilis occupy extensively overlapping distributions on both sides of the Atlantic. Morphological, electrophoretic and physiological evidence suggests that the direct developer L. saxatilis is more geographically differentiated than the planktonic developer L. littorea. This hypothesis was tested by collecting both species in 1980 and 1981 from three geographically separated beaches in Massachusetts, USA, marking them, and releasing them in two of the sites. Individuals from all three L. littorea populations, grown at a common site, tended to grow at similar rates, while L. saxatilis exhibited consistent population differences in individual growth. This study supports the view that L. saxatilis achieves its broad geographic distribution via locally adapted ecotypes, while L. littorea achieves its distribution by individual physiological plasticity.  相似文献   

The teleost Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) employs a semilunar spawning strategy, whereby eggs deposited on a spring tide optimally hatch on the following spring tide. This spawning strategy constrains the development period to ≃2 wk, regardless of the mean water temperature, which varies throughout the species' range (Nova Scotia, Canada, to Florida, USA). We hypothesized that F. heteroclitus embryos would exhibit development-rate compensation among populations to ensure appropriate hatching during the spring tide. Development rates of embryos from Massachusetts and Florida were examined. Northern embryos had faster temperature-specific development rates than southern embryos, while data from the literature showed that embryos from Delaware have an intermediate development rate. Results from reciprocal hybrid crosses indicated that there may be a genetic basis for these differences. In addition, northern embryos were more cold-tolerant and southern embryos more heat-tolerant. Field studies showed that embryos in their local environments develop at similar rates despite large temperature differences. Embryos seldom, if ever, experience lethal temperatures in their native habitats, but would do so if exposed to the temperature regimes at the extreme ends of the species' range. Thus, F. heteroclitus populations along the Atlantic coast have specifically adapted their development rates and thermal tolerances to the local thermal regime. Received: 2 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

K. Véliz  M. Edding  F. Tala  I. Gómez 《Marine Biology》2006,149(5):1015-1024
The effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), 280–400 nm, in different life histories and development stages of the kelps, Lessonia nigrescens and L. trabeculata, collected in the south-east Pacific coast (30°S) were evaluated in the laboratory. Germination and viability (motile zoospores, settled spores), diameter of the primary cell of the gametophytes, percentage of female gametophytes, fertility and sporophytes production were measured after exposure to three radiation treatments (PAR; PAR + UVA; PAR + UVA + UVB). The effects of UVR in young sporophytes (diploid stage) were evaluated as changes in maximal quantum yield of chlorophyll fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII) (F v/F m). A significant decrease in all variables was observed for the treatment that included UVB (PAR + UVA + UVB) after 2 and 4 h of exposure, in relation to the control. The motile spores were more sensitive to UVR exposure compared to settled spores and gametophytes, suggesting that along with an increase in ontogenetic development; there is an increase in the tolerance to UVR. In addition, it was observed that early stages of the intertidal L. nigrescens were more tolerant to UVR compared to the subtidal L. trabeculata. These results allow initially to infer that UVR may be regarded as an important environmental factor influencing the upper limit of distribution of these species, mainly through its detrimental effects on the early stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Codas, which are patterned series of clicks, were recorded from female and immature sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in a number of locations around the South Pacific Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea. Using K-means cluster analysis, 3,644 codas were categorized based on the number of clicks and their patterning. There were 30 resulting types of coda. The numbers of codas of the different types recorded were used to construct repertoires for each recording session, day, group of whales, place, area, and ocean. Strong group-specific dialects, which seem to persist over periods of years, were apparent, overlaid on weaker geographical variation. Significant differences in repertoire were found between the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean. Sperm whales now join killer whales (Orcinus orca) as the only cetacean species in which dialects (differences in vocal repertoire among neighboring, potentially interacting groups) have been found. Received: 13 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 19 January 1997  相似文献   

Environmental-stress-mediated geographic variation in reproductive parameters has been little studied in natural vertebrate populations outside the context of climatic variation. Based on life-history theory, an increase in the degree of environmental stress experienced by a population should lead to (1) a shift in reproductive allocation from fecundity to offspring quality, (2) stronger trade-offs between reproductive parameters, and (3) changes in the relationship between female phenotype and maternal investment. To test these predictions, we investigated geographic variation in maternal investment of moor frogs (Rana arvalis) in relation to breeding site acidity (pH 4-8). We found that mean egg size increased and clutch size and total reproductive output (TRO) decreased with increasing acidity among 19 Swedish moor frog populations. Tests for variation and co-variation in maternal investment and female size and age in 233 females from a subset of four acid origin (AO) and four neutral origin (NO) populations revealed that clutch size and TRO increased with female size in both acid and neutral environments. However, in AO populations, egg size also increased with female size, and clutch size and TRO with female age, whereas in NO populations, egg size increased with female age. The strength of the egg-size-clutch-size tradeoff tended to be stronger in AO than in NO females as expected if the former experience stronger environmental constraints. All in all, these results suggest that environmental acidification selects for investment in larger eggs at a cost to fecundity, imposes negative effects on reproductive output, and alters the relationship between female phenotype and maternal investment.  相似文献   

Gene-enzyme variation was studied electrophoretically within and between barnacle populations of the genus Chthamalus from 8 intertidal stations from central California to the Pacific coast of Panamá. Horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis separated and resolved 18 enzymes from 512 individual barnacles. A maximum of 25 gene-enzyme systems was interpretable from the resulting zymograms. Electrophoretic phenotypes and patterns of phenotypic variation generally conformed with those observed in other organisms. The amount of genetic variation within barnacle populations varied; average heterozygosity, for example, ranged from a low of 3.4% in a Mexican population of the C. fissus group to a high of 10.4% in C. anisopoma from the Gulf of California. Observed and expected average heterozygosities agreed in all population samples, indicating that these species are outbreeding. In contrast to the prediction stemming from a hypothesis that trophic stability regulates the amount of genetic variation in marine species, average heterozygosity tends to be positively correlated with latitude. Data from these and other barnacle species may support a hybrid environmental heterogeneity-trophic diversity model recently proposed to explain genetic variation in decapod crustaceans. Juxtaposition of individuals from different localities revealed numerous genetic differences among populations of the C. fissus group. At least three partially sympatric sibling species are separated by genetic distances as large as those observed between the C. fissus group and the distinct species C. dalli and C. anisopoma. A cladistic analysis places C. anisopoma close to the Mexican and Panamanian sibling species, with C. fissus from San Diego and C. dalli successively farther removed.  相似文献   

Three different molecular markers (i.e. seven allozyme loci, two nuclear gene loci and, mtCOI DNA sequences) were used to assess the genetic structure of the vent gastropod Lepetodrilus elevatus collected from three vent fields along the East Pacific Rise (13°N, 9°50′N and 17°S). While allozymes and nuclear loci suggested a strong stepping-stone pattern, a multivariate analysis performed on allozymic frequencies showed the presence of two distinct evolutionary lineages: the first situated in the north from 13°N to 9°50′N and the second in the south from 9°50′N to 17°S. The analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences confirmed the separation of L. elevatus into two distinct clades with a divergence of 6.5%, which is consistent with the interspecific level of sequence variation in other vent species. A divergence time of 6–14 Mya was estimated between the two clades from previous clock calibrations. Our results suggest that these taxa followed an allopatric speciation between the northern and southern parts of the EPR with a recent demographic expansion of the southern clade to the north and a subsequent secondary contact (clade hybridisation). This speciation was probably reinforced by a habitat specialisation of the two cryptic species because the southern clade was mainly found associated with mussel-dominated communities and the northern clade with tubeworm-dominated communities. However, the analysis of shell morphology failed to separate the two cryptic species based on this sole criterion although they differed from Lepetodrilus elevatus galriftensis (Galapagos population) by a higher shell elevation. Within each clade, genetic differentiation was not related to the distance across populations and could be within vent field as important as between fields. While both clades appear to be in expansion since their speciation, significant excesses in heterozygotes suggest a very recent and local bottleneck at 17°S, probably due to massive site extinction in this region.  相似文献   

Summary Song characteristics of the Bewick's wren (Thryomanes bewickii) are compared from nine localities in the western United States. Character shifts, i.e., a difference in means, are evident for all song characters: Arizona and Colorado songs are especially short and long, respectively (Figs. 1, 2); songs of insular (Santa Cruz Is.) and nearby mainland populations in California are very dissimilar (Table 1); excluding the insular population, the frequency range of song phrases is positively correlated with latitude (Fig. 3). Variance shifts, i.e., a difference in repertoire size or Coefficients of Variation (CV's) of measured song characters, are also present; most notably, Arizona males have exceptionally stereotyped songs, with small song phrase repertoires (Table 2) and low CV's. Population densities and/or habitat structure undoubtedly influence signal design, but correlations reported here suggest that the avifaunal complexity and the corresponding vocal milieu should also be examined rigorously as possibly important influences.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the squid Loligo forbesi was investigated using multivariate analysis of morphometric and meristic characters in samples of squid taken from 13 localities in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Two character sets, body morphometrics and beak morphometrics, indicated similar patterns of variation, with squid from the Azores differing markedly from those on the continental shelf. No consistent pattern was apparent in meristic data. Partial Mantel tests indicated that similarity matrices for morphological data were significantly correlated with distance matrices for (a) geographic proximity, (b) whether the capture site was on the continental shelf or the Azorean bank, and (c) (beak data only) average seasurface temperature at site of capture. Partial Mantel tests on allozyme data for the same individuals support hypothesis (b). The results suggest that L. forbesi in the Azores may reasonably be regarded as a distinct stock, differing significantly from L. forbesi on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Fertile Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. and Pterygophora californica Rupr. were collected in California, USA in 1987 to 1988. Spores of the kelps exhibited both positive and negative chemotaxis to a variety of chemical nutrients. Chemotaxis was measured by counting the number of spores that swam into flattened capillary tubes with the chemical relative to the number that swam into control tubes. Video-motion-analysis also showed that P. californica spores swam towards a nitrogen source more often than they swam away. Similar chemotactic effects were observed in both 2 and 8 h-old preparations. M. pyrifera spores swam towards nitrate, ammonium (1 to 90 M), glycine, aspartate iron (1 m), boron, cobalt, and manganese. Negative chemotaxis was elicited by ammonium (1 000 M) and iron (45 M). Neither phosphate nor zinc had significant effects. P. californica spores were attracted by nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, and boron. Negative chemotactic effects were recorded with iron (45 M) and manganese. Iron (1 M), cobalt, and zinc had no effect. It is suggested that chemotactic behavior is an adaptation which allows the kelp spores to find and settle in microhabitats suitable for gamatophytic growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate ecological influences on cooperative social organization, I studied the four allopatric species of mockingbirds (Nesomimus spp.) endemic to the Galápagos archipelago on four islands. On three small, low and arid islands (Genovesa, Champion and Española), mockingbird territories filled all terrestrial habitat, mean group size varied from 4.5 to 14.2 adults, maximum group size ranged from seven to 24 birds, and 70–100% of groups contained more than two birds. San Cristóbal is larger and higher, and it supports a broader range of habitats. At one highland and two coastal sites on this island, mockingbirds did not hold territories in all available habitats, group size averaged 2.2 adults, only 25% of groups were larger than two, and none included more than three adults. Adults dispersed into vacant habitat to establish new territories only on San Cristóbal. Helping behavior has not yet been observed on San Cristóbal, but it occurs on the other three islands. These results support the hypothesis that social groups and cooperative breeding are maintained where limited availability of preferred habitat constrains dispersal. The mechanism relaxing habitat saturation on San Cristóbal, however, remains undetermined. Predation by introduced rats and cats may reduce survival and indirectly reduce group size; these predators are absent from Genovesa, Champion and Española. Differences in food supplies could also affect interand intra-island variation in population density. Variation in social organization among arid coastal sites on the four islands, and similarity between climatically different sites on San Cristóbal, suggest that climatic conditions are less important as determinants of dispersal and breeding. Skews in adult sex ratios also fail to account for inter-island variation in sociality. Although they live in a climatically variable environment, territorial behavior and the physical limits of suitable habitat have an overriding influence on cooperative social organization in Galápagos mockingbirds.  相似文献   

Samples of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) collected in 1991 and 1992 from the western, central and eastern regions of the Pacific Ocean were examined for genetic variability. Four polymorphic allozyme loci (ADA *, FH *, GPI-S * and GPI-F *) were examined in all samples and a fifth polymorphism (GDA *) was examined in western and central samples only. Samples were also screened for mitochondrial DNA variation following restriction analysis by two enzymes (BcII and EcoRI) detecting polymorphic cut sites. Eighteen mtDNA haplotypes were revealed, with an overall nucleon diversity of 0.678. A subset of individuals screened for eight restriction enzymes had an overall nucleon diversity of 0.724 and a mean nucleotide diversity per sample of 0.359%. No significant spatial heterogeneity was detected for alleles at the ADA *, FH *, GPI-S * and GDA * loci nor for the mtDNA haplotypes. Significant heterogeneity was detected for GPI-F *. At this locus, the two eastern samples (southern California and northern Mexico) were not significantly different from each other but were significantly different (P<0.001) from the five western/central samples (Philippines, Coral Sea, Kiribati, Hawaii-91 and Hawaii-92). GPI-F * 100 was the most common allele in western and central regions, GPI-F * 75 the most common in eastern samples.  相似文献   

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