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发展中国家灾害经济的特点、成因及对策   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
何爱平 《灾害学》2000,15(2):91-96
发展中国家人口众多,经济技术落后,酱稀缺,抗灾能力低,防灾意识不强,加多不合理经济活动对环境的过度干预以及发达国家转嫁环境灾害和社会危机,致使发展中国家产生灾害的潜在因素日益增加,灾害的成灾损失越来越严重,灾害对经济发展的影响与经济因素对灾害的影响都在日益加深,形成恶性循环。本文从经济学角度提出了防灾减灾就采取的主要对策。  相似文献   

“历史模型”与灾害研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
灾害研究涉及多学科的交叉领域.水灾“历史模型”的研究方法是循社会科学的历史科学与自然科学的水利学科相结合的研究途径.将“历史模型”引人灾害研究.增强了研究与自然环境和社会经济密切相关的灾害问题的能力.本文论述了“历史模型”方法及其在灾害问题研究中的应用.  相似文献   

热浪灾害对人体健康的影响及其方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
由于全球气候变暖和城市热岛效应的影响,热浪已成为世界范围内夏季频繁发生的极端天气灾害事件,加之其对人类健康的显著影响,因此得到了越来越多的组织和机构的关注,同时也取得了许多研究成果。通过对国内外研究现状的概述,介绍了高温热浪对人体健康的影响,并根据相关因子,分单因子、双因子和多因子介绍了热浪对人体健康影响的主要研究方法,指出了目前热浪研究中的一些不足,并对如何降低热浪影响提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Carter W 《Disasters》1983,7(1):34-36
This paper discusses both the need for training within a wider context of community disaster preparedness and the major alternatives in methods of training. Emphasis is placed on the importance of compatibility between the resources within a given country and appropriate training programmes.  相似文献   

This paper explores sovereign risk preferences against direct and indirect natural disasters losses in industrialized countries. Using Australia as a case study, the analysis compares expected disaster losses and government capacity to finance losses. Utilizing a national disaster loss dataset, extreme value theory is applied to estimate an all-hazard annual loss distribution. Unusually but critically, the dataset includes direct as well as indirect losses, allowing for the analysis to consider the oft-ignored issue of indirect losses. Expected annual losses (direct, and direct plus indirect) are overlaid with a risk-layer approach, to distinguish low, medium and extreme loss events. Each risk layer is compared to available fiscal resources for financing losses, grounded in the political reality of Australian disaster financing. When considering direct losses only, we find support for a risk-neutral preference on the part of the Australian government for low and medium loss levels, and a risk-averse preference in regard to extreme losses. When indirect losses are also estimated, we find that even medium loss levels are expected to overwhelm available fiscal resources, thereby violating the available resources assumption underlying arguments for sovereign risk neutrality. Our analysis provides empirical support for the assertion that indirect losses are a major, under-recognised concern for industrialized countries. A risk-averse preference in regard to medium and extreme loss events recommends enhanced investment in both corrective and prospective risk reduction in relation to these risks level, in particular to reduce indirect losses.  相似文献   

以重庆地区的冰雹灾害为例,介绍了该地区的气候背景和经济环境,选取地貌、灾害频率、人口和社会经济为评价因子,应用模糊评价法建立了气象灾害孕灾背景、灾害危险性、承灾体易损性等数学模型。在使用有关基础图件和资料的基础上,运用MapInfo Professional软件,通过对属性数据库和图形数据库的操作,得到了各种灾害的孕灾背景、灾害危险性、承灾体易损性评价图层,再经过图层叠加、斑块合并以及等级划分等操作,最后得到了冰雹灾害的风险评估及其区划。  相似文献   

自然灾害造成的损失通常表现在多个方面,为了客观、全面地评估自然灾害,需要综合考虑多种灾情因素,最终才能得到灾害的总体评估结果。综合灾情指数(SDI)是对一系列灾情评价因子进行归一化、加权求和,这样得到的定量化的灾害评估指数,能够综合反映灾情信息。阐述了具有通用性的综合灾情指数,并设计开发了综合灾情指数工具,该工具包括评价因子、设置权重、规范化灾情指数和综合灾情指数4个模块。以汶川地震为例,利用综合灾情指数工具,对地震重灾区的灾害强度进行了综合评估。通过分析评估结果,综合灾情指数的分布真实地反映了受灾的严重程度,显示出该工具具有较好的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

五论灾害系统研究的理论与实践   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
作者曾分别于1991、1996、2002和2005年发表了关于灾害研究理论与实践的4篇文章,对灾害系统的性质、动力学机制、综合减灾范式,以及灾害科学体系等进行了探讨.在前4篇文章的基础上,就当前国际上灾害风险综合研究的趋势、应对巨灾行动,以及防范巨灾风险和加强综合减灾学科建设等方面进行了综合分析,阐述了对"区域灾害系统"作为"社会-生态系统"、"人地关系地域系统"和"可划分类型与多级区划体系"本质的认识;区分了"多灾种叠加"与"灾害链"损失评估的差异;论证了"综合灾害风险防范的结构、功能,及结构与功能优化模式";构建了由灾害科学、应急技术和风险管理共同组成的"灾害风险科学"学科体系.研究结果表明,通过综合减灾,防范巨灾风险已成为区域和全球可持续发展的重要措施,这一措施与资源节约型与环境友好型社会的建设,循环经济模式的发展,以及低碳经济模式的建立,共同构成了可持续发展战略实施的支撑体系.  相似文献   

四论灾害系统研究的理论与实践   总被引:50,自引:13,他引:50  
作者曾分别于1991,1995和2001年发表了关于灾害研究理论与实践的3篇文章,对灾害系统的性质、动力学机制等进行了探讨.本文在前3篇文章的基础上,从综合灾害风险管理的角度,完善了灾害系统的结构与功能体系,论证了灾情形成过程中恢复力的作用机制,分析了区域开发与安全建设的互馈关系,构建了区域综合减灾的行政管理体系,提出了由政府、企业与社区构成的区域综合减灾范式.研究结果表明,区域灾情形成过程中,脆弱性与恢复力有着明显的区别,脆弱性是区域灾害系统中致灾因子、承灾体和孕灾环境综合作用过程的状态量,它主要取决于区域的经济发达程度与社区安全建设水平;恢复力则是灾害发生后,区域恢复、重建及安全建设与区域发展相互作用的动态量,它主要取决于区域综合灾害风险行政管理能力、政府与企业投入和社会援助水平.区域安全水平与土地利用的时空格局和产业结构关系密切,通过划定区域高风险“红线区“的办法,调整土地利用时空格局和产业结构,有利于建立区域可持续发展的综合减灾范式.针对区域自然灾害系统存在着相互作用、互为因果的灾害链规律,以及灾害系统所具有的结构与功能特征,完善由纵向、横向和政策协调共同组成的一个“三维矩阵式“的区域综合减灾行政管理体系,构建以政府为主导、企业为主体、社区全面参与的区域综合减灾范式.以此促进在发展中提高区域减灾能力,并在一定安全水平下,建设区域可持续发展模式.  相似文献   

呼玛河冰灾害试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解高寒地区水工建筑物受春季流冰的威胁程度,选取呼玛河冰为研究对象。通过一系列单轴无侧限抗压强度试验,就温度与加载速率对河冰抗压强度、应力-应变关系、弹性模量的影响进行了研究。利用统计分析与曲线拟合,得出了抗压强度与温度间的相关关系。在呼玛大桥现场进行了流冰撞击桥墩的动态测量,取得了相应的实测数据,为研究冰-结构相互作用提供了有用的资料。  相似文献   

David A. Savage 《Disasters》2019,43(4):771-798
This paper outlines why a move towards a complex adaptive systems model of behaviour is required if the goal is to generate better understanding of how individuals and groups interact with their environment in a disaster setting. To accomplish this objective, a bridge must be built between the broader social sciences and behavioural economics to incorporate discipline‐specific insights that are needed to move towards complexity. This is only possible through a deeper understanding of behaviour and how the environment in which they occur can influence actions. It is then that one can counteract the poor behavioural predictions, flawed policies based on myth, inefficient design, and suboptimal outcomes that have flourished in the absence of a complex adaptive systems model. This paper provides a conceptual framework that draws on concepts from across the natural and social sciences, such as behavioural economics, endocrinology, psychology, sociobiology, and sociology in order to build an interactive theory of disaster behaviour.  相似文献   

An appeal for a significantly comparative method in disaster research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wisner BG 《Disasters》1978,2(1):80-82


Developing countries, which often have emerging or fledgling civil societies, are vulnerable to disasters, and especially devastating earthquakes. The long-term influence of devastating earthquakes on civil societies in developing countries is a critical research topic while receives relatively little attention. From a comprehensive literature review, this study identified four key areas of the civil society: civic participation, voluntary organizations, social capital, and democratic governance, and then examined four devastating earthquakes in India, Iran, Pakistan and China in the first decade of the twenty-first century as case studies, to identify the effects these earthquakes had on these four areas. It was found that from a long-term perspective, while the earthquakes strengthened the civil society, they had beneficial but limited effects. We argue that by promoting local community participation, facilitating extensive non-government organization (NGO) cooperation, and streamlining state-civil society relationships, an enabling environment can be developed to further sustain the advances made by a civil society after a disaster.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):49-62

This paper sets out an examination of natural disaster amongst small island developing states (SIDS), and presents a framework for assessing the interaction of global pressures and local dynamics in the production of human vulnerability. Change at the global level is found to be a source of new opportunities as well as constraints on building local resilience to natural disaster. Much depends on the orientation of the state in global economic and political systems. The United Nations is a key global actor with relevance to shaping vulnerabilityin island states, and the impact of the UN Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction is reviewed. It is concluded that this is a critical time for SIDS which must contend with ongoing developmental pressures in addition to growing pressures from risks associated with global environmental change and economic liberalisation that threaten their physical and economic security.  相似文献   

The disaster clearinghouse concept originates with the earthquake community as an effort to coordinate research and data collection activities. Though prior earthquake clearinghouses are small in comparison to what was needed in response to Hurricane Katrina, these seminal structures are germane to the establishment of our current model. On 3 September 2005, five days after Katrina wrought cataclysmic destruction along the Gulf Coast, FEMA and Louisiana State University personnel met to establish the LSU GIS Clearinghouse Cooperative (LGCC), a resource for centralization and dissemination of geospatial information related to Hurricane Katrina. Since its inception, the LGCC has developed into a working model for organization, dissemination, archiving and research regarding geospatial information in a disaster. This article outlines the formation of the LGCC, issues of data organization, and methods of data dissemination and archiving with an eye towards implementing the clearinghouse model as a standard resource for addressing geospatial data needs in disaster research and management.  相似文献   

Some 280,000 people died in the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004. This cohort study examined its impact on mental health one and two years later. It did so by investigating the association between six consequent variables (personal injury, loss of home, loss of business, death of a family member, injury to a family member, or loss of a family member's business) and mental health, as measured by the 36‐item Short Form Health Survey (SF‐36), among residents in four provinces of Thailand. One year later, participants who suffered a personal injury, the loss of a business, or the loss of a family member reported poorer mental health than those who were unaffected. Two years later, participants who experienced the loss of a family member reported poorer mental health than those who were unaffected. This research shows that such a disaster may have long‐lasting ramifications for mental health, and that diverse losses may influence mental health differently.  相似文献   

Kenny C 《Disasters》2012,36(4):559-588
Some 60,000 people worldwide die annually in natural disasters, mostly due to the collapse of buildings in earthquakes, and primarily in the developing world. This is despite the fact that engineering solutions exist that can eliminate almost completely the risk of such deaths. Why is this? The solutions are expensive and technically demanding, so their cost–benefit ratio often is unfavourable as compared to other interventions. Nonetheless, there are various public disaster risk reduction interventions that are highly cost‐effective. That such interventions frequently remain unimplemented or ineffectively executed points to a role for issues of political economy. Building regulations in developing countries appear to have limited impact in many cases, perhaps because of inadequate capacity and corruption. Public construction often is of low quality, perhaps for similar reasons. This suggests the need for approaches that emphasise simple and limited disaster risk regulation covering only the most at‐risk structures—and that, preferably, non‐experts can monitor—as well as numerous transparency and oversight mechanisms for public construction projects.  相似文献   

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