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随着人类的发展,作为人类专属产物的垃圾也伴随着人类文明,不断地挑战着我们的生存环境,污浊着我们的家园。时至今日,人类早已警觉到了垃圾处理的必要和迫切。垃圾的分类投放、回收再利用、运用垃圾发电等等,人类正在想着法子将垃圾变废为宝,但是,至今还无法从根本上改变垃圾  相似文献   

<正>随着人类的发展,作为人类专属产物的垃圾也伴随着人类文明,不断地挑战着我们的生存环境,污浊着我们的家园。时至今日,人类早已警觉到了垃圾处理的必要和迫切。垃圾的分类投放、回收再利用、运用垃圾发电等等,人类正在想着法子将垃圾变废为宝,但是,至今还无法从根本上改变垃圾  相似文献   

分析了固体垃圾填埋场渗沥液输送管道中的结垢物成分。采和多种方法对其进行了定性、定量分析,确定了组成,测得各组分含量。并对结垢物产生的原因进行了探讨,提出了处理意见。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋气的回收利用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对垃圾填埋气进行回收和利用具有显著的环境效益和经济效益,本文总结了垃圾填埋气的回收技术及方法,并探讨了可能的利用途径。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场规划设计中的得失分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
垃圾填埋场的规划、设计与管理问题,是一个非常有意义而又重大的问题。该文针对上海老港垃圾处置场的立项,设计、建设和实际运行中所暴露出来的问题,介绍了其经验和教训。实践证明,目前完全照搬国外一些成套的工艺、技术、设备等确实有相当的困难,在原则上掌握适合甸国情时,还应把如下几点:(1)不能随意删减一些原则性的内容。(2)从项目的可行性分析、方案设计、直到施工和营运管理,都须按正规程序办理,第一步都须有可  相似文献   

去年10月底,国家环境保护总局向社会公布了处理城市垃圾的国家行动方案。方案规定,今后我国的城市垃圾将进行填埋处理,并把垃圾填埋产生的气体收集起来发电。方案指出,在未来几年,像利用垃圾填埋气体发电这样的可再生环保产业是我国优先发展和扶持的产业,欢迎外资企业到我国兴建垃圾处理场。对于前来投资办厂的外资企业,我国政府还将给予一定的优惠政策,在税收、发电入网、银行贷款等方面都享有减免和优先的待遇。这意味着无论外资还民资,进入垃圾处理产业都受到鼓励。因此,方案出台后,立即受到各方关注。除署名文章外,本期“特别策划”内容皆摘自“促进中国城市垃圾填埋气体收集利用国家行动方案”。  相似文献   

通过对垃圾填埋场周围地下水监测结果的分析,阐述了垃圾填埋场对地下水造成污染的原因,并提出了减少污染的建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,城市生活垃圾与日俱增,环境污染问题突出,垃圾处理的发展方向和技术路线已成为人们关注的热点.坚持“垃圾是放错地方的资源”理念的基础上,分析了当前各种垃圾处理方式存在的主要问题,提出了垃圾回收利用与处理的新思路.  相似文献   

垃圾填埋气体作为可再生能源在荷兰的利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
垃圾填埋气如不加控制地排入大气中,会对环境产生不利影响。本文介绍了荷兰在填埋气回收利用方面的经验。  相似文献   

我国垃圾填埋场填埋气排放和利用现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于我国垃圾处理场进行了生活垃圾成份的分析,对现有填埋气体收集利用现状作了介绍,指出我国在垃圾填埋废气利用技术尚不成熟,可利用国外技术,建立垃圾填埋气体的回收装置,开展有效的垃圾回收利用.  相似文献   

Local governments are on the front line of efforts to address climate-related impacts. Recognizing this, there is a growing movement to develop and deliver tools, resources, and services to support local communities’ climate adaptation initiatives. There is, however, limited understanding of what specific types of resources exist and how well these resources match the needs of local practitioners. To bring clarity to these questions, we: 1) assessed the current landscape of climate-adaptation resources and services; 2) surveyed community practitioners to learn how well these resources align with their needs; and 3) convened leading service providers and local practitioners to identify strategic opportunities for moving the adaptation field forward. Findings demonstrate that existing services and resources are meeting the early phases of local adaptation efforts such as conducting vulnerability assessments and creating adaptation plans, but are failing to meet the needs associated with implementing, monitoring, and evaluating adaptation activities. Additionally, a lack of funding and staff time to support adaptation, as well as inaccessible resource formats are barriers impeding local climate adaptation efforts. The mismatch between the types and formats of services being provided and the needs of local governments means that more work is needed to ensure that climate adaptation resources are responsive to the existing and future needs of local governments. Moreover, our research finds that there is a strong and growing need to organize and streamline the climate adaptation resource and service landscape so that practitioners can easily, effectively, and efficiently access the resources they need to build more resilient local communities.  相似文献   

There has been tremendous development in the field of prenatal diagnosis of cardiac disease in the last 30 years. Early work centered on the technical aspects of providing an accurate assessment of cardiac structure and function. Techniques of fetal cardiac screening have been developed and utilized throughout the world. More recently, investigators have begun to explore the ramifications of fetal cardiac diagnosis by assessing measures of outcome. In this article, the field of fetal echocardiography, as a screening tool for identifying congenital heart disease, and its impact on disease outcome is reviewed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many countries, ultrasound examination is used in the second trimester to look for congenital malformations as part of routine prenatal care. While tertiary centres scanning high-risk pregnancies have reported a high degree of accuracy in the detection of congenital heart disease, many studies have shown that cardiac abnormalities are commonly overlooked during routine obstetric evaluation and there still remains a huge variation between centres. The majority of babies with congenital heart disease are born to mothers with no identifiable high-risk factors and so will not be detected unless there is widespread screening of the low-risk population. It is feasible to achieve widespread screening for fetal congenital heart disease in low-risk groups, but this does need commitment and effort from those performing the scans and those teaching them how to examine the heart. Staff performing routine obstetric ultrasound scans should learn a simple technique for examining the fetal heart and to use this in all patients. Links to a tertiary centre can provide support for checking scans of concern as well as for providing training and for obtaining feedback. In addition, an audit system needs to be established in each centre to trace false-positive and false-negative cases as well as to confirm true positives and true negatives. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined whether adding spin to a ball in the free kick situation in football affects a professional footballer’s perception of the ball’s future arrival position. Using a virtual reality set-up, participants observed the flight paths of aerodynamically realistic free kicks with (±600 rpm) and without sidespin. With the viewpoint being fixed in the centre of the goal, participants had to judge whether the ball would have ended up in the goal or not. Results show that trajectories influenced by the Magnus force caused by sidespin gave rise to a significant shift in the percentage of goal responses. The resulting acceleration that causes the ball to continually change its heading direction as the trajectory unfolds does not seem to be taken into account by the participants when making goal judgments. We conclude that the visual system is not attuned to such accelerated motion, which may explain why goalkeepers appear to misjudge the future arrival point of such curved free kicks. Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

Many environmental strategies relying on a mere improvement of resource productivity and eco-efficiency of processes and products are not able to fully address the environmental impacts induced by increasing consumption. In addition to these strategies, the concept of sustainable consumption calls for changing the levels and patterns of consumption, which require complimentary approaches. However, so far, there has been a noticeable lack of strategies that conceive ways of shifting from a material-intensive consumer culture to a society with less materialistic aspirations.This paper aims to provide a critical overview of the current debate, research trends and main outcomes relating to the area of sustainable consumption. It is based on the study commissioned by the Swedish EPA and focuses on current research streams and activities of main stakeholders. It identifies and discusses the gaps in the existing range of initiatives and policy instruments towards sustainable consumption.  相似文献   

<正>在化石能源带来了沉重的环境代价下,清洁能源是未来发展方向。其中核能作为清洁、高效、安全的能源,自1951年被人类首次利用后,已成为世界电力供给的主要能源之一。今年3月份在海牙举行的第三届核安全峰会上,习近平总书记首次提出"核安全观",并在访欧期间变身核电"推销员",力推中国核电"走出去"。从大亚湾核电站到英国核电项目,我国核电已从"引进来"到"走出去"。国际核电市场风云变幻,一方法国在大力发展核电,法国电力供应中核电比例占世界第一,一方是德国将于2022年前彻底放弃核能发电,在全球核电发展前景一片大好下,"德国弃核是勇气还是无奈",德法核电发展冰火两重天,但"德法核  相似文献   

生活垃圾填埋场建设项目竣工环境保护验收制度是环境保护工作的重要制度。垃圾填埋场项目竣工环境保护验收情况是环保部门对改项目运行后进行环境管理的主要依据。根据垃圾填埋场项目竣工环境保护验收规范要求和实际工作经验,总结出竣工项目环境保护验收中需要注意的问题,并就问题的原因分析提出注意要点。  相似文献   

EnvironmentalSciences,Beijing100012,China)Abstract:AstudyonlandfillgasemissioninQingdao,Chinawascarriedout.Theresultsshowedth...  相似文献   

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