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The South Arne field being developed by Amerada Hess A/S is located in 60 m water depth approximately 200 km from the Danish mainland, in block 5604/29 of the Danish sector of the North Sea.As part of the development of the field, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment has been carried out, including the assessment of the impact from oil spills. The Danish authorities required that a ‘worst case’ oil spill be chosen as the basis for the assessment on birds and aquatic organisms including plankton, fish eggs and larvae and benthos.A well blow-out at the surface was chosen as the worst case for the impact on birds, and a seabed blow-out for aquatic organisms.The oil spill modelling was carried out with the DEEPBLOW, SLIKMAP and OSCAR models from SINTEF. The modelling identified environmentally sensitive areas which could potentially be influenced by an oil spill. These included the Dogger Bank, western Skagerrak, south-western Norwegian Trench, the eastern German Bight and the Wadden Sea.Historical meteorological and hydrodynamic scenarios were chosen from a long period of records to ensure that the plume passed through the environmentally sensitive resource areas.For birds, a scan of the literature and available databases was made to determine the numbers and species of birds in the areas swept by the surface slick, the number of fatalities was estimated and finally the recovery time for each species population was estimated.The impact on aquatic organisms was estimated using the predicted environmental concentration/predicted no effect concentration (PEC/PNEC) method of the CHARM model. This method is normally applied to continuous discharges, but here has been used to estimate the impact of a transient pollution cloud resulting from an oil spill.  相似文献   

The work reported here encompasses analyses of specific potential spill scenarios for oil exploration activity planned offshore of Namibia. The analyses are carried out with the SINTEF Oil Spill Contingency and Response (OSCAR) 3-dimensional model system. A spill scenario using 150 m3 of marine diesel demonstrates the rapidity with which such a spill will dissipate naturally, even in light winds. Vertical and horizontal mixing bring subsurface hydrocarbon concentrations to background levels within a few days. A hypothetical 10 day blowout scenario releasing 11,000 bbl per day of light crude oil is investigated in terms of the potential for delivering oil to selected bird and marine mammal areas along the Namibian coast. Worst case scenarios are selected to investigate the potential mitigating effects of planned oil spill response actions. Mechanical recovery significantly reduces, and in some cases eliminates, potential environmental consequences of these worst case scenarios. Dispersant application from fixed wing aircraft further reduces the potential surface effects. The analysis supplies an objective basis for net environmental analysis of the planned response strategies.  相似文献   

Most standard oil spill modeling programs neglect the effects of Langmuir circulation (LC). The authors have identified three areas where LC effects may be important in spill behavior. These three areas are spreading, dispersion, and transport. LC will cause the slick to break into windrows when the wind-row formation velocity is comparable to Fay and other spreading forces. Oil dispersion is likely to be enhanced, with droplets carried to greater depth and distributed non-uniformly. Transport velocities for different parts of the slick will vary because of LC, a phenomenon that also occurs because of other factors.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art in oil spill modeling is summarized, focusing primarily on the years from 1990 to the present. All models seek to describe the key physical and chemical processes that transport and weather the oil on and in the sea. Current insights into the mechanisms of these processes and the availability of algorithms for describing and predicting process rates are discussed. Advances are noted in the areas of advection, spreading, evaporation, dispersion, emulsification, and interactions with ice and shorelines. Knowledge of the relationship between oil properties, and oil weathering and fate, and the development of models for the evaluation of oil spill response strategies are summarized. Specific models are used as examples where appropriate. Future directions in these and other areas are indicated  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of heterogeneity in hydraulic conductivity on the tendency for contaminant plumes to attenuate via dilution, hydrodynamic dispersion, and molecular diffusion in simulated aquifers. Simulations included one homogeneous and four increasingly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields. A numerical mass transport model generated an initial contaminant plume for each case; all initial plumes had the same mass. Next, the model simulated plume migrations through the simulated aquifers. Results suggest that highly heterogeneous settings are potentially effective at plume attenuation. Low‐velocity zones in heterogeneous settings delay plume travel, enabling more time for natural processes to lower contaminant concentrations in groundwater. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model of the physical and chemical behavior and fate of spilled oil has been coupled to a model of oil spill response actions. This coupled system of models for Oil Spill Contingency and Response (OSCAR), provides a tool for quantitative, objective assessment of alternative oil spill response strategies. Criteria for response effectiveness can be either physical (‘How much oil comes ashore?’ or ‘How much oil have we recovered?’) or biological (‘How many biologically sensitive areas were affected?’ or ‘What exposures will fish eggs and larvae experience in the water column?’). The oil spill combat module in the simulator represents individual sets of equipment, with capabilities and deployment strategies being specified explicitly by the user. The coupling to the oil spill model allows the mass balance of the spill to be affected appropriately in space and time by the cleanup operation as the simulation proceeds. An example application is described to demonstrate system capabilities, which include evaluation of the potential for both surface and subsurface environmental effects. This quantitative, objective approach to analysis of alternative response strategies provides a useful tool for designing more optimal, functional, rational, and cost-effective oil spill contingency solutions for offshore platforms, and coastal terminals and refineries.  相似文献   

Pressure‐pulse injection tools are widely used in the oil and gas extraction industry to increase well production yields; however, they have been sparingly used in the environmental industry. These injection tools work by applying a pressure pulse to the subsurface that can open subsurface pore throats in unconsolidated material, increasing yields or increasing a radius of influence from a substrate injection. Collection trenches at an industrial site were installed to increase recovery of No. 2 fuel oil in the subsurface and maintain hydraulic control of the contaminant plume. However, after operating for seven years, significant reduction in recovery was observed. Diminished recovery was attributed to biofouling, iron fouling, and/or excessive scaling. A pilot test was conducted in 2009 to determine if a pressure‐pulse injection tool could be used to inject an antifouling agent and rehabilitate two of the site collection trenches. The pilot test was successful in increasing the transmissivity of both trenches, with an order‐of‐magnitude increase in groundwater recovery at Collection Trench 1 and a 50 percent increase in recovery at Collection Trench 2. The trench rehabilitation using the pressure‐pulse injection tool was conducted at two other site collection trenches in 2010 with similar success and is now proposed as part of regular maintenance of the trenches on an as‐needed basis. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Development of a multiple lines of evidence (MLOE) framework to evaluate the intrinsic biodegradation potential of 1,4‐dioxane is vital to implementing management strategies at groundwater sites impacted by 1,4‐dioxane. A comprehensive MLOE approach was formed to provide significant evidence of natural degradation of 1,4‐dioxane comingled with tetrahydrofuran (THF) within a large, diffuse plume. State‐of‐the art molecular biological analyses and compound‐specific isotope analysis (CSIA) were employed to support more traditional approaches for data analysis (concentration trend analyses, spatial distribution, temporal changes, geochemical biodegradation attenuation indicators, plume mass estimates, and fate and transport modeling). The molecular analyses demonstrated that microorganisms capable of both metabolic and cometabolic degradation of 1,4‐dioxane were present throughout the groundwater plume, whereas the CSIA data provided supporting evidence of biodegradation. 1,4‐Dioxane biomarkers were present and abundant throughout the 1,4‐dioxane plume, and our biomarkers tracked the plume with reasonable accuracy. Evidence also suggests that THF‐driven cometabolic biodegradation as well as catabolic 1,4‐dioxane biodegradation were active at this site. These data supplemented the traditional lines of evidence approaches, which demonstrated that 1,4‐dioxane attenuation was occurring across the groundwater plume and that nondestructive physical processes alone did not account for the observed 1,4‐dioxane attenuation. This MLOE framework combining new and traditional analyses demonstrates that this site has a significant capacity for intrinsic biodegradation of 1,4‐dioxane. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In situations where groundwater supplies have been impacted by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as tetrachloroethene (PCE), and the source has not been identified, the costs to identify the source and plume migration patterns may be extremely high. The costs for an investigation increase with the number and depth of borings and the number of samples that are collected and analyzed. An environmental investigator and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) have successfully utilized passive soil gas (PSG) surveys in Arizona to cost‐effectively investigate VOC impacts to groundwater and identify potential sources of impact. PSG surveys are minimally intrusive, and more samples can be collected for the same cost when compared to active soil gas surveys and conventional soil and groundwater sampling programs. The result is a surficial representation of the contaminant plume and the location of “hot spots,'' which are the potential sources. This provides a better understanding of the nature and extent of the impact and allows for a focused subsurface investigation, which subsequently reduces drilling and sampling costs. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During the production of thermonuclear fusion weapons at the Y‐12 National Security Complex (Y‐12 NSC) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, between 1950 and 1963, the regional environment was extensively contaminated by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Old Salvage Yard (OSY) on the western side of the site has been characterized as the major source of VOCs. In order to analyze the long‐term fate and transport of chlorinated VOC sources, an integrated surface and subsurface flow and transport model was developed for the Y‐12 NSC using the hydrodynamic and transport numerical package MIKE‐SHE. The model was developed considering the recent hydrogeological investigations on preferential flow and transport pathways at the site. The model was calibrated using the recorded groundwater flow and water‐quality data. The modeling simulated migration of the VOC plume for the next 100 years. Considering a range of hydrogeological and transport parameters, uncertainty of the results is discussed. The modeling predicted that tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and 1,2‐dichloroethene may exceed human health–related risk levels for the next 10 to 20 years. However, the contamination is unlikely to migrate to surface water under the current hydrogeological conditions and will decay below acceptable risk levels within approximately 20 years. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the major findings from laboratory studies and field trials conducted in Norway in recent years on the emulsification of oils spilled at sea. Controlled bench-scale and meso-scale basin experiments using a wide spectrum of oils have revealed that both the physico-chemical properties of the oils and the release conditions are fundamental determinants of the rate of emulsion formation, for the rheological properties of the emulsion formed and for the rate of natural dispersion at sea.During the last decade, several series of full-scale field trials with experimental releases of various crude oils have been undertaken in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. These have involved both sea surface releases, underwater pipeline leak simulations (release of oil under low pressure and no gas) and underwater blowout simulations (pressurized oil with gas) from 100 and 850 m depth. The field trials have been performed in co-operation with NOFO (Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies), individual oil companies, the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) and Minerals Management Services (MMS). SINTEF has been responsible for the scientific design and monitoring during these field experiments. The main objectives of the trials have been to study the behaviour of different crude oils spilled under various conditions and to identify the operational and logistical factors associated with different countermeasure techniques.The paper gives examples of data obtained on the emulsification of spilled oil during these field experiments. The empirical data generated from the experimental field trials have been invaluable for the validation and development of numerical models at SINTEF for predicting the spreading, weathering and behaviour of oil released under various conditions. These models are extensively used in contingency planning and contingency analysis of spill scenarios and as operational tools during spill situations and combat operations.  相似文献   

Concentration fields of different pollutants that spread outside two roadtunnels predicted with a CFD code will be presented. The solution domain represents the city area located between two tunnel outlets – tunnel Strahov and tunnel Mrazovka in Prague. The vicinity of both tunnels is a heavily built up area with tall buildings forming typical street canyons. The CFD modelling predicts the situation after the tunnel Mrazovka will be finished and traffic will increase considerably between both tunnels. Namely, an interest was given to the prediction of dispersion of emissions leaving both tunnel and the area touched by the traffic. For the CFD predictions, a method previously developed for moving vehicles was used. The method uses combination of Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to moving objects and is capable of modeling different speeds and traffic rates of cars as well as traffic-induced turbulence. Influence of several meteorological parameters was studied, namely wind speed and direction and traffic parameters, like traffic rates and speed of cars. The method separates contributions from different sources to the total concentration field, namely from background, tunnel outlet and roadway. Results are presented in the form of horizontal and vertical concentration fields of NOx.  相似文献   

Multiple-scale dynamic leaching of a municipal solid waste incineration ash   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Predicting the impact on the subsurface and groundwater of a pollutant source, such as municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration ash, requires a knowledge of the so-called "source term". The source term describes the manner in which concentrations in dissolved elements in water percolating through waste evolve over time, for a given percolation scenario (infiltration rate, waste source dimensions, etc.). If the source term is known, it can be coupled with a model that simulates the fate and transport of dissolved constituents in the environment of the waste (in particular in groundwater), in order to calculate potential exposures or impacts. The standardized laboratory upward-flow percolation test is generally considered a relevant test for helping to define the source term for granular waste. The LIMULE project (Multiple-Scale Leaching) examined to what extent this test, performed in very specific conditions, could help predict the behaviour of waste at other scales and for other conditions of percolation. Three distinct scales of percolation were tested: a laboratory upward-flow percolation column (30cm), lysimeter cells (1-2m) and a large column (5m) instrumented at different depths. Comparison of concentration data collected from the different experiments suggests that for some non-reactive constituents (Cl, Na, K, etc.), the liquid versus solid ratio (L/S) provides a reasonable means of extrapolating from one scale to another; if concentration data are plotted versus this ratio, the curves coincide quite well. On the other hand, for reactive elements such as chromium and aluminium, which are linked by redox reactions, the L/S ratio does not provide a means of extrapolation, due in particular to kinetic control on reactions. Hence extrapolation with the help of coupled chemistry-transport modelling is proposed.  相似文献   

While a presumed equality between uncertainty and probability is dominant in subsurface hydrology, in other areas of science and engineering progress in the mathematics of uncertainty is leading the way in providing new types of uncertainty, distinct from probability. In this paper our focus is on one of these, namely fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. We start with an overview of fuzzy theory introducing terminology, notation, and concepts relevant to our paper. We continue our discussion with an overview of currently known applications in several areas that include subsurface characterization, groundwater flow and transport modeling, water resources management and optimization, and groundwater health risk assessment and management.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field data suggest that the movement of spilled oil at sea is in general a three-dimensional phenomenon in physical space, whereas trajectories of undrogued surface drifters are more susceptible to two-dimensional analysis. These conclusions are consistent with the intermittent failure of two-dimensional surface models to simulate the trajectories of spilled oil, although such models may be more successful with data from surface drifters. A physical explanation is presented, and a model that incorporates the key portions of the governing processes is described and tested against data from experimental oil spills at sea. Observations suggest that emulsified surface oil will drift down wind at speeds in excess of 3% of the windspeed. When surface turbulence drives oil subsurface for a significant fraction of time, however, net transport speeds are considerably less and significantly to the right of the wind in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Experience with groundwater remediation over several decades has demonstrated that successful outcomes depend on quantitative conceptual site models (CSMs). Over the last 30 years, we have progressed from groundwater pump‐and‐treat remedies, which were largely designed based on a water supply perspective, to in situ and combined remedy strategies, which are only beginning to benefit from understanding the aquifer architecture and distribution of contaminant mass to assess plume maturity, mass flux, and more reliable means of fate and transport assessment. The U.S. Air Force funded the development of the Stratigraphic Flux approach to provide a framework for understanding contaminant transport pathways at its complex sites and enable more reliable and cost‐effective remediation. Stratigraphic Flux enables the development of quantitative, flux‐based CSMs that are founded in sequence stratigraphy, and high‐resolution hydraulic conductivity and contaminant distribution measurements. The result is a three‐dimensional graphical mapping of relative contaminant flux and classification of transport potential that is easy for all stakeholders to understand. The Stratigraphic Flux graphical model is based on a hydrofacies classification system that describes transport potential in three segments of the aquifer: transport zones—where the majority of groundwater flow occurs and transport rates are measured in feet per day; slow advection zones—where transport rates are measured in feet per year; and storage zones—where typically less than 1% of flow occurs, and diffusion dominates contaminant transport. The hydrofacies architectures are based on stratigraphy and transport potential is defined by grouping facies by orders of magnitude classes in hydraulic conductivity. By combining the hydrofacies architecture with contaminant concentration distributions, one can map relative contaminant flux to define and target the complex pathways that control contaminant transport and cleanup behavior. In this article, we describe the Stratigraphic Flux framework, focusing on the key information needed and the methods of analysis. We illustrate the results of its application to evaluate migration pathways for trichlorethylene and chromium at a former chrome pit at Air Force Plant 4 in Fort Worth, Texas. A comprehensive guidance document that describes the approach with a broad spectrum of tools and several site examples can be requested from the authors.  相似文献   

Chlorinated solvents such as tetrachloroethene (perchloroethene, PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) have been extensively used in various industrial applications for many years. Because neither are typically consumed through their various uses, they are often released to the environment through industrial application or disposal. Once released, PCE and TCE tend to migrate downward into groundwater, where they persist. In the current case study, cheese whey was used as a groundwater amendment to facilitate the reductive dechlorination of a chlorinated solvent plume underlying an auto dealer/repair shop in Harris County, Texas. From September 2010 to January 2014, over 32,000 gallons of cheese whey were injected into the subsurface resulting in a marked reduction in oxidation–reduction potential (ORP) and nitrate concentrations, coupled with an increase in ferrous iron concentrations. Statistical trend analyses indicate the primary contaminants, PCE and TCE, as well as the daughter product cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cDCE), all exhibited a positive response, as evidenced by statistically decreasing trends, and/or reversal in concentration trends, subsequent to cheese whey injections. Maximum concentrations of PCE and TCE in key test wells decreased by as much as 98.97 percent and 99.17 percent, respectively. In addition, the bacterial genus Dehalococcoides, capable of complete reduction of PCE to non‐toxic ethene, was found to be more abundant in the treatment area, as compared to background concentrations. Because cheese whey is a by‐product of the cheese making process, the cost of the product is essentially limited to transport. This study demonstrates cheese whey to be an effective groundwater amendment at a cost which is orders of magnitude lower than popular industry alternatives.  相似文献   

Using detailed mass balance and simple analytical models, a spreadsheet‐based application (BioBalance) was developed to equip decision makers with a predictive tool that can provide a semiquantitative projection of source‐zone concentrations and provide insight into the long‐term behavior of the associated chlorinated solvent plume. The various models were linked in a toolkit in order to predict the composite impacts of alternative source‐zone remediation technologies and downgradient attenuation processes. Key outputs of BioBalance include estimates of maximum plume size, the time frame for plume stabilization, and an assessment of the sustainability of anaerobic natural attenuation processes. The toolkit also provides spatial and temporal projections of integrated contaminant flux and plume centerline concentrations. Results from model runs of the toolkit indicate that, for sites trying to meet traditional, “final” remedial objectives (e.g., two to three orders of magnitude reduction in concentration with restoration to potable limits), “dispersive” mechanisms (e.g., heterogeneous flow and matrix diffusion) can extend remedial time frames and limit the benefits of source remediation in reducing plume sizes. In these cases, the removal of source mass does not result in a corresponding reduction in the time frame for source remediation or plume stabilization. However, this should not discourage practitioners from implementing source‐depletion technologies, since results from the toolkit demonstrate a variety of measurable benefits of source remediation. Model runs suggest that alternative, “intermediate” performance metrics can improve and clarify source remediation objectives and better monitor and evaluate effectiveness. Suggested intermediate performance metrics include reduction in overall concentrations or mass within the plume, reduction of flux moving within a plume, and reduction in the potential for risk to a receptor or migration of a target concentration of contaminant beyond a site boundary. This article describes the development of two key modules of the toolkit as well as illustrates the value of using intermediate performance metrics to evaluate the performance of a source‐remediation technology. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A 3-D hybrid flow/transport model has been developed to predict the dispersal of oil pollution in coastal waters. The transport module of the model takes predetermined current and turbulent diffusivities and uses Lagrangian tracking to predict the motion of individual particles (droplets), the sum of which constitute a hypothetical oil spill. Currents and turbulent diffusivities used in the model have been generated by a numerical ocean circulation model (Princeton ocean model) implemented for the Caspian Sea. The basic processes affecting the fate of the oil spill are taken into account and parameterized in the transport model.The hybrid model is implemented for a simulated continuous release in the coastal waters of the Caspian Sea. The potential of the model for the prediction of the advective and turbulent transport and dispersal of oil spills is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The data mining/groundwater modeling methodology developed in McDade et al. (2013) was performed to determine if matrix diffusion is a plausible explanation for the lower‐concentration but persistent chlorinated solvent plumes in the groundwater‐bearing units at three different pump‐and‐treat systems. Capture‐zone maps were evaluated, and eight wells were identified that did not draw water from any of the historical source areas but captured water from the sides of the plume. Two groundwater models were applied to study the persistence of the plumes in the absence of contributions from the historical source zones. In the wells modeled, the observed mass discharge generally decreased by about one order of magnitude or less over 4 to 10 years of pumping, and 1.8 to 17 pore volumes were extracted. In five of the eight wells, the matrix diffusion model fit the data much better than the advection dispersion retardation model, indicating that matrix diffusion better explains the persistent plume. In the three other wells, confounding factors, such as a changing capture zone over time (caused by changes in pumping rates in adjacent extraction wells); potential interference from a high‐concentration unremediated source zone; and limited number of pore volumes removed made it difficult to confirm that matrix diffusion processes were active in these areas. Overall, the results from the five wells indicate that mass discharge rates from the pumping wells will continue to show a characteristic “long tail'' of mass removal from zones affected by active matrix diffusion processes. Future site management activities should include matrix diffusion processes in the conceptual site models for these three sites. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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