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Background, aim, and scope

Over the last two decades, there has been a remarkable shift of attention to the scientific and political fundamentals of the precautionary principle. The application of this principle has become a main strategy of coping with the different forms and problems related to non-knowledge. Thus, societies are increasingly confronted with the challenging and hitherto unresolved problem of political and technological decision-making under conditions of diverging framings of non-knowledge. At present, there seems to be no generally accepted scientific or institutional approach. This is why the fundamental question of how different scientific actors define and construct evidence is not answered yet. Hence, this paper is based on the consideration that the conflicts in risk policy concerning genetically modified organisms (GMO) depend on the unresolved conflicts about the diverging scientific strategies and structures of evidence-making between the epistemic cultures involved. Thus, this study investigates two questions: (1) do the epistemic strategies of evidence-making differ systematically with the scientific actors involved in the GMO-debate? (2) What consequences emerge considering institutionalized procedures of decision-making?

Main features

This article is based on a secondary analysis of findings and perspectives reported in the literature and on the methods of qualitative social empirical research, i.e., interviews with experts. A total number of 34 interviews were conducted to explore the different strategies of handling non-knowledge and constructing evidence. Actors from science, administration, business and NGOs were interviewed. In this way, typical epistemic cultures can be described. An epistemic culture is the constellation of methodological strategies, theoretical assumptions and practical-experimental settings which define in every speciality the ways how we know what we know.


There are two main results. Firstly, it was worked out that the epistemic cultures involved in the GMO-debate use rather distinct strategies to define non-knowledge and to classify evidence. There are three types of constructing evidence, which correspond to different types of epistemic cultures. Secondly, the findings imply that the intensity of the conflicts in risk policy fields like the GMO-debate is due to a lack of knowledge politics. Usually, knowledge politics is restricted to the design of institutional procedures to compile knowledge provided by experts. The institutional setting of risk analysis and risk management is based on the premise of strict separation between knowledge and power. However, inadmissible mixing-up of knowledge and power is observable.


It seems that non-knowledge leads to an epistemic no man’s land, and, hence, hybrid regimes of knowledge emerge. These regimes are hybrid with respect to the unclear and not explicitly reflected strategies of evidence-making. By lacking of knowledge politics, this situation opens up ‘windows of opportunity’ for actors with special interests in risk policy fields like the GMO-debate. Therefore, there is a difference between the visible institutionalized structures of risk policies and the rather invisible hybrid regimes of knowledge. Structure and scope of expertise have to be reflected and new instruments of knowledge politics have to be designed.


Different epistemic cultures can be qualified by describing their particular strategies of evidence-making. To solve the conflicts between these strategies, a meta-expertise is needed. Besides the institutionalized settings of knowledge politics, the underlying hybrid regimes of knowledge have to be identified.

Recommendations and perspectives

The concept of epistemic cultures and their strategies of evidence-making should be investigated more explicitly with respect to other risk policy fields The analysis of hybrid regimes of knowledge should be deepened by looking at the complex interactions between institutional, discursive and practical rules affecting risk assessment.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The contamination left by abandoned mines demands sustainable mitigation measures. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the phytoremediator...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The iron and steel industries are a vital driving force for propelling the nation’s economic growth. In 2019, to boost the economy and to...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Moroccan employers have a strong responsibility for the safety and health of their employees in the workplace and for protecting them from the risk of...  相似文献   

Increasing eutrophication and algal bloom events in the Yangtze River Three Gorges Reservoir, China, are widely discussed with regard to changed hydrodynamics and nutrient transport and distribution processes. Insights into water exchange and interaction processes between water masses related to large-scale water level fluctuations in the reservoir are crucial to understand water quality and eutrophication dynamics. Therefore, confluence zones of tributaries with the Yangtze River main stream are dedicated key interfaces. In this study, water quality data were recorded in situ and on-line in varying depths with the MINIBAT towed underwater multi-sensor system in the confluence zone of the Daning River and the Yangtze River close to Wushan City during 1 week in August 2011. Geostatistical evaluation of the water quality data was performed, and results were compared to phosphorus contents of selective water samples. The strongly rising water level throughout the measurement period caused Yangtze River water masses to flow upstream into the tributary and supply their higher nutrient and particulate loads into the tributary water body. Rapid algal growth and sedimentation occurred immediately when hydrodynamic conditions in the confluence zone became more serene again. Consequently, water from the Yangtze River main stream can play a key role in providing nutrients to the algal bloom stricken water bodies of its tributaries.  相似文献   

The global olive oil production for 2010 is estimated to be 2,881,500 metric tons. The European Union countries produce 78.5 % of the total olive oil, which stands for an average production of 2,136,000 tons. The worldwide consumption of olive oil increased of 78 % between 1990 and 2010. The increase in olive oil production implies a proportional increase in olive mill wastes. As a consequence of such increasing trend, olive mills are facing severe environmental problems due to lack of feasible and/or cost-effective solutions to olive-mill waste management. Therefore, immediate attention is required to find a proper way of management to deal with olive mill waste materials in order to minimize environmental pollution and associated health risks. One of the interesting uses of solid wastes generated from olive mills is to convert them as inexpensive adsorbents for water pollution control. In this review paper, an extensive list of adsorbents (prepared by utilizing different types of olive mill solid waste materials) from vast literature has been compiled, and their adsorption capacities for various aquatic pollutants removal are presented. Different physicochemical methods that have been used to convert olive mill solid wastes into efficient adsorbents have also been discussed. Characterization of olive-based adsorbents and adsorption mechanisms of various aquatic pollutants on these developed olive-based adsorbents have also been discussed in detail. Conclusions have been drawn from the literature reviewed, and suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

Germanium (Ge) is widespread in the Earth’s crust. As a cognate element to silicon (Si), Ge shows very similar chemical characteristics. Recent use of Ge/Si to trace Si cycles and changes in weathering over time, growing demand for Ge as raw material, and consequently an increasing interest in Ge phytomining have contributed to a growing interest in this previously rather scarcely considered element in geochemical studies. This review deals with the distribution of Ge in primary minerals and surface soils as well as the factors influencing the mobility of Ge in soils including the sequestration of Ge in secondary mineral phases and soil organic matter. Furthermore, the uptake and accumulation of Ge in plants and effects of plant-soil relationships on the availability of Ge in soils and the biogeochemical cycling of Ge are discussed. The formation of secondary soil minerals and soil organic matter are of particular importance for the concentration of Ge in plant-available forms. The transfer from soil to plant is usually low and shows clear differences between species belonging to the functional groups of grasses and forbs. Possible uptake mechanisms in the rhizosphere are discussed. However, the processes that are involved in the formation of plant-available Ge pools in soils and consequently its biogeochemical cycling are not yet well understood. There is, therefore, a need for future studies on the uptake mechanisms and stoichiometry of Ge uptake under field conditions and plant-soil-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere as well as the chemical speciation in different plant parts.  相似文献   

The levels of photochemical air pollutants: O3, NO and NO2, were monitored in Athens and in the neighbouring region of the Mesogia plain (Spata, Artemis and Markopoulo) from 1 May–31 August 2000. Phytodetection of ozone was also conducted using bioindicator plants of Bel-W3 and Zichnomirodata (KK6/5) tobacco varieties. The average maximum daily O3 concentration was 60–75 ppb, while the 24 hour average ranged from 40–65 ppb. The AOT40 (ppb hours) index was very high in Athens (16 679 over 121 days), Spata (16 325 over 110 days), Artemis (8093 over 22 days) and Markopoulo (18 646 over 113 days), suggesting potentially phytotoxic ozone levels. The ozone bioindicator plants of Bel-W3 and KK6/5 tobacco varieties were highly injured in all regions confirming the phytotoxicity of those ozone levels. The levels of NO and NO2 recorded at the three stations, in the Mesogia plain, were considerably lower than those occurring in Athens. The data presented here provide important background information concerning pollution levels in the Mesogia plain shortly before the operation of the new international airport 'Eleftherios Venizelos' in this region (March 2001).  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for the dispersion and chemical reactions of pollutants in chimney plumes. It assumes that atmospheric dispersion is such that an inert constituent would be distributed in a Gaussian fashion downwind of the chimney, uses a discreet approximation approach to obtain concentrations of reactive pollutants, and can account for reactive species entrained into the plume from the ambient air. The model is used to interpret some data on NO2 formation in the plume of a power plant chimney.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the potential of natural gas to reduce emissions from stationary combustion sources by analyzing the case study of the metropolitan region of Santiago, Chile. For such purposes, referential base scenarios have been defined that represent with and without natural gas settings. The method to be applied is an emission estimate based on emission factors. The results for this case study reveal that stationary combustion sources that replaced their fuel reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions by 61%, sulfur oxides (SOx) by 91%, nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 40%, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) by 10%. Carbon mon-oxide (CO) emissions were reduced by 1%. As a result of this emission reduction, in addition to reductions caused by other factors, such as a shift to cleaner fuels other than natural gas, technological improvements, and sources which are not operative, emission reduction goals set forth by the environmental authorities were broadly exceeded.  相似文献   

The degradation of veratrylglycerol-β-(pentachlorophenyl)ether, a model compound for lignin derived “Bound residues” by Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Corynebacterium equi and photosensitized riboflavin was studied. Whereas C. equi was not able to degrade the model compound, the other two systems decomposed the model compound to pentachlorophenol, 3,4-dimethoxybenzylalcohol and 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde.  相似文献   

Solid waste management (SWM) is a significant challenge for the Seychelles. Waste generation, fueled by economic development and tourism, increases steadily, while landfilling continues to be the main disposal path, thus exacerbating the island nation’s specific weaknesses. Due to the small scale of the Seychelles economy, there is little capital available to stimulate innovations in SWM and generate the knowledge for setting priorities and guiding SWM action. Students from ETH Zurich and UniSey conducted a transdisciplinary case study (tdCS) to fill this knowledge gap and gain insights into the obstacles and opportunities related to sustainable SWM. The tdCS approach allowed students to gain comprehensive and in-depth knowledge about the SWM system required to set priorities for action and next steps. The government should streamline the different financial frameworks according to a clear principle (e.g., polluter pays principle). Specific biogenic waste streams represent a potential source of energy and fertilizers. Expanding the scope and densifying the network of collection points could help raise recycling rates of other waste fractions. Diverting biogenic waste and recycling more glass, metals, paper, and plastics would also significantly reduce landfilling rates. Regardless of future amounts of waste ending up on landfills, the latter must be reengineered before the surrounding environment suffers major adverse impacts. All these actions imply a government-driven approach which integrates the views of stakeholders and consumers alike.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the degradation and mineralization of hydroquinone (HQ) by the Fenton’s process in a bubble column reactor (BCR). The effect of the main operating variables, namely, air flow rate, effluent volume, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration, catalyst (Fe2+) dose, initial pH, and temperature, were assessed. For all air flow rates tested, no concentration gradients along the column were noticed, evidencing that a good mixing was reached in the BCR. For the best conditions tested ([H2O2] = 500 mg/L, [Fe2+] = 45 mg/L, T = 24 °C, Q air = 2.5 mL/min, pH = 3.0, and V = 5 L), complete HQ degradation was reached, with ~ 39% of total organic carbon (TOC) removal, and an efficiency of the oxidant use—η H2O2—of 0.39 (ratio between TOC removed per H2O2 consumed normalized by the theoretical stoichiometric value); moreover, a non-toxic effluent was generated. Under these conditions, the intermediates and final oxidation compounds identified and quantified were a few carboxylic acids, namely, maleic, pyruvic, and oxalic. As a strategy to improve the TOC removal, a gradual dosage of the optimal H2O2 concentration was implemented, being obtained ~ 55% of mineralization (with complete HQ degradation). Finally, the matrix effect was evaluated, for which a real wastewater was spiked with 100 mg/L of HQ; no reduction in terms of HQ degradation and mineralization was observed compared to the solution in distilled water.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are detected in the aquatic environment and our drinking water supplies. The need for high quality drinking water is one of the most challenging problems of our times, but still only little knowledge exists on the impact of these compounds on ecosystems, animals, and man. Biological waste water treatment in constructed wetlands is an effective and low-cost alternative, especially for the treatment of non-industrial, municipal waste water. In this situation, plants get in contact with pharmaceutical compounds and have to tackle their detoxification. The mechanisms for the detoxification of xenobiotics in plants are closely related to the mammalian system. An activation reaction (phase I) is followed by a conjugation (phase II) with hydrophilic molecules like glutathione or glucose. Phase III reactions can be summarized as storage, degradation, and transport of the xenobiotic conjugate. Until now, there is no information available on the fate of pharmaceuticals in plants. In this study, we want to investigate the fate and metabolism of N-acetyl-4-aminophenol (paracetamol) in plant tissues using the cell culture of Armoracia rusticana L. as a model system. Materials and methods  A hairy root culture of A. rusticana was treated with acetaminophen in a liquid culture. The formation and identification of metabolites over time were analyzed using HPLC-DAD and LC–MSn techniques. Results  With LC–MS technique, we were able to detect paracetamol and identify three of its metabolites in root cells of A. rusticana. Six hours after incubation with 1 mM of acetaminophen, the distribution of acetaminophen and related metabolites in the cells resulted in 18% paracetamol, 64% paracetamol–glucoside, 17% paracetamol glutathione, and 1% of the corresponding cysteine conjugate. Discussion  The formation of two independently formed metabolites in plant root cells again revealed strong similarities between plant and mammalian detoxification systems. The detoxification mechanism of glucuronization in mammals is mirrored by glucosidation of xenobiotics in plants. Furthermore, in both systems, a glutathione conjugate is formed. Due to the existence of P450 enzymes in plants, the formation of the highly reactive NAPQI intermediate is possible. Conclusions  In this study, we introduce the hairy root cell culture of A. rusticana L. as a suitable model system to study the fate of acetaminophen in plant tissues. Our first results point to the direction of plants being able to take up and detoxify the model substrate paracetamol. These first findings underline the great potential of using plants for waste water treatments in constructed wetlands. Recommendations and perspectives  This very first study on the detoxification of a widely used antipyretic agent in plant tissues again shows the flexibility of plant detoxification systems and their potential in waste water treatment facilities. This study covers only the very first steps of acetaminophen detoxification in plants; still, there is no data on long-term exposure as well as the possible impact of pharmaceuticals on the plant health and stress defense. Long-term experiments need to be performed to follow the fate of acetaminophen in root and leaf cells in a whole plant system, and to evaluate possible usage of plants for the remediation of acetaminophen from waste water.  相似文献   

The unsustainable life cycle management of pesticides in the last 60 years has created large pesticide stockpiles. The two major working areas of the International HCH and Pesticide Association (IHPA; www.ihpa.info) address a part of these legacies and are shortly introduced here: (1) The assessment and support of the management of the worlds single largest POPs stockpile: the globally dumped 4 to 7 million tonnes hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) wastes from lindane production, and (2) the support for the management of the obsolete pesticides legacy in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) countries of ~240,000 t, leaving these pesticides in unregulated storages without adequate safety control being a huge risk to the environment and human health. The integrative approach IHPA takes—promoting international cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and experiences—is shortly explained. IHPA has developed various supporting tools for its work: the IHPA web page and newsletter informing on the threats and challenges, but also on the progresses of managing pesticide stockpiles; the joint GIZ-PAN-IHPA exhibition on awareness of the pesticide stockpile challenge; and the ‘International HCH and Pesticides Forum’ as most important tool to progress the integrative work and mission of IHPA. Finally, a summary of the 11th International HCH and Pesticides Forum held in Gabala, Azerbaijan is given which brought together more than 120 scientists, policy-makers, non-governmental and international organisations, industry and students from more than 40 countries to progress the obsolete pesticides and hazardous chemical waste challenge in EECCA countries. The event finished with adoption of ‘Gabala Declaration’, which aims to mobilise efforts of all stakeholders for prevention and elimination of POPs, obsolete pesticides, and hazardous chemical waste in the region.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Municipal solid waste (MSW) is regarded to be an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, which could result in a significant impact on climate...  相似文献   


Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely spread ecological contaminants. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are present with mobile genetic elements (MGE) in the bacteria. There are molecular evidences that PAHs may induce the development of ARGs in contaminated soils. Also, the abundance of ARGs related to tetracycline, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, ampicillin, and fluoroquinolones is high in PAH-contaminated environments. Genes encoding the efflux pump are located in the MGE and, along with class 1 integrons, have a significant role as a connecting link between PAH contamination and enrichment of ARGs. The horizontal gene transfer mechanisms further make this interaction more dynamic. Therefore, necessary steps to control ARGs into the environment and risk management plan of PAHs should be enforced. In this review, influence of PAH on evolution of ARGs in the contaminated soil, and its spread in the environment, has been described. The co-occurrence of antibiotic resistance and PAH degradation abilities in bacterial isolates has raised the concerns. Also, presence of ARGs in the microbiome of PAH-contaminated soil has been discussed as environmental hotspots for ARG spread. In addition to this, the possible links of molecular interactions between ARGs and PAHs, and their effect on environmental health has been explored.


Impingers have been employed for collection of biological particles for a long time and the collection efficiency for submicron particles has been well studied for a few impinger models, like the SKC Biosampler and the AGI 30. These efficiency studies have been limited to particles larger than about 15 nm. The aim of this research is to determine the collection efficiency of ultrafine particles (from 3 to 100 nm) of a 25 ml midget impinger. The effect of different collection parameters (particle type, collection fluid volume and type and flow rate) was studied and results are presented here. All results showed minimum collection efficiencies from 3 to 10% at approximately 40–57 nm. Increasing the volume of the collection liquid and flow rate improved the collection efficiency of the impinger.  相似文献   


The applicability of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) has received attention due to their attractive properties. This study proposes the functionalization of açai CNFs with copaiba oil and vegetal tannins to produce films with potential for packaging. Bio-based films were evaluated by vapor permeability, colorimetry, and mechanical strength. CNFs were produced by mechanical fibrillation, from suspensions of bleached açai fibers and commercial eucalipytus pulp. Moreover, copaiba oil and vegetal tannin were added to the CNFs to produce films/nanopapers by casting from both suspensions with concentrations of 1% (based on CNF dry mass). The bulk densities of the eucalyptus CNF films were higher (1.126–1.171 g cm?3) compared to the açai CNF ones. Films from eucalyptus and açai pulps containing copaiba oil and tannins presented higher Tonset and Tmax, respectively (312 and 370 °C). Films with açaí CNFs functionalized with copaiba oil and tannin showed the lowest permeability value (370 g day?1 m?2). Films produced with eucalyptus pulp, and eucalyptus pulp functionalized with copaiba oil highlighted by superior mechanical strength, achieving 133.8 and 121.4 MPa, respectively. The evaluation of colorimetry showed a greater tendency to yellowing for açai films, especially those functionalized with vegetal tannins. Besides the low cost, functionalized vegetal-based nanomaterials could have attractive properties, with potential for application as some kind of packaging, for transporting basic products, such as breads, flours, or products with low moisture content, enabling efficient utilization of forest wastes.


Some results concerning characteristics of airflow within and above a forest are presented: horizontal mean windspeed profiles, turbulence intensities, turbulent transfer coefficients, autocorrelation curves, energy spectra, turbulence scales, microscales.To understand the mechanisms of SO2 diffusion within and above a forest, we have to calculate SO2 fluxes at the top of the canopy and two methods are used for this: the first one uses speed fluctuations and the second one mean speed values.The aim of that work is to determine the behaviour of the forest towards SO2 and to develop a diffusion model of SO2 with associated absorption by the roughness.  相似文献   

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