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Chloroform in the environment: occurrence,sources, sinks and effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
McCulloch A 《Chemosphere》2003,50(10):1291-1308
The chloroform flux through the environment is apparently constant at some 660±220 Gg yr−1 (±1σ) and about 90% of the emissions are natural in origin: the largest single source being in offshore sea water (contributing 360±90 Gg yr−1), with soil processes the next most important (220±100 Gg yr−1). Other natural sources, mainly volcanic and geological, account for less than 20 Gg yr−1. The non-natural sources total 66±23 Gg yr−1 and are much better characterised than the natural sources. They are predominantly the result of using strong oxidising agent on organic material in the presence of chloride ion, a direct parallel with the natural processes occurring in soils.

Chloroform partitions preferentially into the atmosphere; the equilibrium distribution is greater than 99% and the average global atmospheric concentration has been calculated to be 18.5 pmol mol−1. Atmospheric oxidation, the principal removal process, is approximately in balance with the identified source fluxes. Chloroform is widely dispersed in the aquatic environment (even naturally present in some mineral waters). Consequently, it is also widely dispersed in the tissue of living creatures and in foodstuffs but there is little evidence of bioaccumulation and the quantities in foodstuffs and drinking water are not problematical for human ingestion at the highest concentrations found. Definitive studies have shown that current environmental concentrations of chloroform do not present an ecotoxicological risk, even to fish at the embryonic and larval stages when they are most susceptible.

By virtue of the very small amounts that actually become transported to the stratosphere, chloroform does not deplete ozone materially, nor is it a photochemically active volatile organic compound (VOC). It has a global warming potential that is less than that of the photochemically active VOCs and is not classed as a greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Recently, China has relished rapid green investment, and its influence on clean energy consumption and environment is substantial. Therefore, this...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The objective of this study is to contribute to the existing debate of green economic growth by empirically investigating the role of cleaner energy...  相似文献   

Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) are produced in the environment by the oxidation of PCBs through a variety of mechanisms, including metabolic transformation in living organisms and abiotic reactions with hydroxyl radicals. As a consequence, OH-PCBs have been detected in a wide range of environmental samples, including animal tissues, water, and sediments. OH-PCBs have recently raised serious environmental concerns because they exert a variety of toxic effects at lower doses than the parent PCBs and they are disruptors of the endocrine system. Although evidence about the widespread dispersion of OH-PCBs in various compartments of the ecosystem has accumulated, little is currently known about their biodegradation and behavior in the environment. OH-PCBs are, today, increasingly considered as a new class of environmental contaminants that possess specific chemical, physical, and biological properties not shared with the parent PCBs. This article reviews recent findings regarding the sources, fate, and toxicities of OH-PCBs in the environment.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Slowing and reversing climate change and keeping energy prices at affordable levels are the main important achievements of the use of renewable...  相似文献   

Mobile sources are among the largest contributors of four hazardous air pollutants--benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde--in urban areas. At the same time, federal and state governments are promoting the use of alternative fuel vehicles as a means to curb local air pollution. As yet, the impact of this movement toward alternative fuels with respect to toxic emissions has not been well studied. The purpose of this paper is to compare toxic emissions from vehicles operating on a variety of fuels, including reformulated gasoline (RFG), natural gas, ethanol, methanol, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity. This study uses a version of Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gas, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model, appropriately modified to estimate toxic emissions. The GREET model conducts a total fuel-cycle analysis that calculates emissions from both downstream (e.g., operation of the vehicle) and upstream (e.g., fuel production and distribution) stages of the fuel cycle. We find that almost all of the fuels studied reduce 1,3-butadiene emissions compared with conventional gasoline (CG). However, the use of ethanol in E85 (fuel made with 85% ethanol) or RFG leads to increased acetaldehyde emissions, and the use of methanol, ethanol, and compressed natural gas (CNG) may result in increased formaldehyde emissions. When the modeling results for the four air toxics are considered together with their cancer risk factors, all the fuels and vehicle technologies show air toxic emission reduction benefits.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The present study seeks to investigate the sector-level energy consumption of oil and natural gas and to explore the linkage between economic growth,...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental sustainability concerns are increasing worldwide; both developing and developed countries face environmental degradation. Literature has...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Increasing business organizations are also damaging the natural infrastructure, and researchers are pressing hard on this issue since several decades....  相似文献   

As part of a pilot study into the chemical and physical properties of Australian fine particles, a suite of aerosol samples was collected at Ti Tree Bend in Launceston, Tasmania, during June and July 1997. This period represents midwinter in the Southern Hemisphere, a period when aerosol sources in Launceston are dominated by smoke from domestic wood burning. This paper describes the results from this measurement campaign, with the aim of assessing the effect of wood smoke on the chemical and physical characteristics of ambient aerosol. A micro orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI) was used to measure the size distributions of the aerosol from 0.05 to 20 microns aerodynamic diameter. Continuous measurements of fine particle mass were made using a PM2.5 tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) and light scattering coefficients at 530 nm were measured with nephelometers. Mass size distributions tended to be bimodal, with the diameter of the dominant mode tending to smaller sizes with increases in total mass. Non-sea salt potassium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were used as chemical tracers for wood smoke. Wood smoke was found to increase absolute particle mass (enough to regularly exceed air quality standards), and to concentrate mass in a single mode below 1 micron aerodynamic diameter. The acid-base equilibrium of the aerosol was altered by the wood smoke source, with free acidity hydrogen ion, non-sea salt sulfate, and ammonium concentrations being higher and the concentration of all species, including nitrate (to differing extents), focused in the fine particle size ranges. The wood smoke source also heavily influenced the aerosol scattering efficiency, adding to a strong diurnal cycle in both mass concentration and light scattering.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the present UK environmental loading of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Of the estimated approximately 40,000 t SigmaPCB sold in the UK since 1954, only an estimated 1% (400 t) are now present in the UK environment. Comparisons of estimated production and current environmental loadings of congeners 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180 suggest that PCB persistence broadly increases with increasing chlorination. Those PCBs that are not now present in the UK environment are considered to have been destroyed--by natural or anthropogenic mechanisms, to be still in use, to reside in landfills or to have undergone atmospheric and/or pelagic transport from the UK. The dramatic fall in PCB levels in archived UK soils and vegetation between the mid-1960s and the present is evidence that the latter mechanism is the most important and that a significant proportion of PCBs released into the UK environment in the 1960s have subsequently undergone environmental transport away from the UK. The bulk (93.1%) of the estimated contemporary UK environmental burden of SigmaPCBs is associated with soils, with the rest found in seawater (3.5%) and marine sediments (2.1%). Freshwater sediments, vegetation, humans and sewage sludge combined account for 1.4% of the present burden, whilst PCB loadings in air and freshwater are insignificant. Although consideration of individual congeners does not reveal any major deviations from the relative partitioning of Sigma PCBs, the importance of sinks other than soils is enhanced for individual congeners, particularly 138 and 180. In particular, around 2% of the total UK burden of congener 180 is present in humans, implying that biodata as a whole may constitute an important sink for the higher chlorinated congeners. The contemporary flux of SigmaPCBs to the UK surface is estimated at 19 t yr(-1), compared with an estimated annual flux to the atmosphere of 44-46 t. This implies that the major sources of PCBs to the UK atmosphere have been identified and that there is currently a net loss of these compounds from the UK. These sources are: volatilisation from soils (88.1%), leaks from large capacitors (8.5%), the production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) (2.2%), leaks from transformers (0.6%), the recovery of contaminated scrap metal (0.5%) and volatilisation from sewage sludge-amended land (0.2%). Interestingly, whilst large excesses of estimated annual fluxes to the atmosphere over deposition fluxes for individual congeners exist for congeners 28, 52 and 101, estimates of fluxes in both directions across the soil-atmosphere interface agree closely for congeners 138, 153 and 180. This suggests that lower chlorinated congeners are more susceptible to both long-range environmental transport beyond the UK and to atmospheric degradation. Retrospective analysis of dated sediment cores, vegetation and soils indicates that environmental transport from North America and continental Europe introduced PCBs into the British environment well before the onset of their commercial production in the UK in 1954. Since that time, the input of PCBs to the UK environment has essentially reflected temporal trends in UK use. After peaking in the 1960s they declined rapidly through the 1970s following restrictions on PCB use. Recent evidence, however, is that the rate of decrease has diminished and that further significant reductions in fresh environmental input will take some time to occur. Such reductions will be especially slow for humans and other biota with long life-spans. This stems partly from cross-generational transfer from parents to offspring and also because the persistence of PCBs in biota means that present body burdens will reflect past as well as current exposure.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The undertaken research examines the impact of green attitude, green customer value (e.g., environmental image and perceived value), and green...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Depletion of natural resources and population aging are the two most critical challenges for environmental sustainability. However, the research that...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the last few decades, wind energy has become a significant source of the renewable energy system, and it is essential to use wind energy for...  相似文献   

Wang Z  Chen J  Qiao X  Yang P  Tian F  Huang L 《Chemosphere》2007,68(5):965-971
To estimate the distribution and sources of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in metropolitan and adjacent areas, soil samples were collected from urban, suburban and rural locations of Dalian, China, and concentrations of 14 PAHs were determined. The spatial PAH profiles were site-specific and determined by the sources close to the sampling sites. PAH concentrations decreased significantly along the urban-suburban-rural transect. The gradient implied that the fractionation effect influenced PAH distribution. Bivariate plots of selected diagnostic ratios showed general trends of co-variation and allowed to distinguish samples taken from different areas. An improved method, factor analysis (FA) with nonnegative constrains, was used to determine the primary sources and contributions of PAHs in soils. The FA model showed traffic average (74%) and coal related residential emission (26%) were two primary sources to Dalian soils. In addition, the FA model provided reasonable explanations for PAH contributions in soils from different sites. The results suggest that FA with nonnegative constraints is a promising tool for source apportionment of PAHs in soils.  相似文献   

Non-Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are part of agricultural and green infrastructures that provide ecosystem services. Their role is fundamental for the minimization of urban pollution and adaptation to climate change. Like all natural ecosystems, NUAs are endangered by urban sprawl. The regulation of sprawl is a key issue for land-use planning. We propose a land use suitability strategy model to orient Land Uses of NUAs, based on integration of Land Cover Analysis (LCA) and Fragmentation Analysis (FA). With LCA the percentage of evapotranspiring surface is defined for each land use. Dimensions and densities of NUAs patches are assessed in FA. The model has been developed with Geographical Information Systems, using an extensive set of geodatabases, including orthophotos, vectorial cartographies and field surveys. The case of the municipality of Mascalucia in Catania metropolitan area (Italy), characterized by a considerable urban sprawl, is presented.  相似文献   

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