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广州城市生态环境变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对广州城市生态环境因子的大气,水,固体废弃物和噪声污染状况近十年数据结合广州城市发展,分析其环境污染变化特征,结果表明,广州市大气环境污染已由煤烟型向石油型转变;环境中有机污染严重,主要表现为氨氮,BOD5,砷化物和汞化物污染,固体垃圾产出量逐年增加,声环境在逐步好转。  相似文献   

我国城市垃圾渗滤液量预测与污染防治对策   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44  
本文阐述了垃圾渗滤液对水体的污染,讨论并总结了填埋液特征-污染物浓度极高、持续时间长、流量小且极不均匀、水质变化大。对我国城市垃圾波渗液量的预测说明我国每年产生的垃圾渗滤液污染物的量相当于几座百万人口城市每年排放的生活污水。根据垃圾渗滤液特征以及我国目前情况提出了其污染防治对策。  相似文献   

塑料对农田生态系的污染及其防治   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
农田生态系统的塑料污染主要来源于:(1)工业废弃物的排放,(2)城市生活垃圾,(3)农用塑料薄膜残余物,塑料对我国农田生态系的污染状况相当普遍,个别地区由于农田残膜量大幅度增咖或城市生活垃圾直接进入农田给农业带来了一场空前的“白色灾害”,成为影响农业生产的主要污染问题之一。土壤耕层中的塑料可严重影响作物根 的生长发育及土壤中的水肥的运移,而使作物减产。此外,塑料中各种添加剂尤其是酞酸酯类增塑剂对作  相似文献   

中国城市土壤重金属污染研究现状及对策   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
张磊  宋凤斌  王晓波 《生态环境》2004,13(2):258-260
中国城市土壤重金属污染的主要来源是工业“三废”排放,金属采矿和冶炼,家庭燃煤,生活垃圾,汽车尾气排放。重金属在城市土壤中的分布规律表现为城市土壤重金属含量高于郊区,人类活动密集区和交通拥挤区重金属含量较高;人类活动的干扰导致土壤剖面重金属污染特征不明显。应采取预防与治理相结合的措施综合控制土壤重金属污染,并加紧制定我国的城市土壤健康评价标准。  相似文献   

农田生态系的塑料污染主要来源于:(1)工业废弃物的排放,(2)城市生活垃圾,(3)农用塑料薄膜残余物。塑料对我国农田生态系的污染状况相当普遍,个别地区由于农田残膜量大幅度增加或城市生活垃圾直接进入农田给农业带来了一场空前的“白色灾害”,成为影响农业生产的主要污染问题之一。土壤耕层中的塑料可严重影响作物根系的生长发育及土壤中水肥的运移,而使作物减产。此外,塑料中各种添加剂尤其是酞酸酯类增塑剂对作物的生长有明显影响,这种影响随作物生长时期和品种不同而异。为了防治塑料对农田生态系的污染,应该大力研制各类可降解性塑料制品,并推广应用到实际生产中去,注重废弃塑料的回收,使其再生资源化。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾堆肥及垃圾专用肥对柑桔增产效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
城市生活垃圾堆肥及垃圾堆肥配制的专用肥对柑桔的肥效实验结果表明,垃圾堆肥作为基肥使用比常规施肥能使柑桔增产12.4%-14.5%,比空白对照增产74.7%,施用垃圾专用肥的柑桔产量比常规施肥增产4.2%-50.3%,比空白对照增产58.4%-129.0%。施垃圾肥柑桔的营养成份(如维C,还原糖等)和常规施肥没有明显差异,也未发现重金属对桔子的污染。  相似文献   

垃圾卫生填埋技术   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
介绍我国第一座现代化城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场-深圳市下坪固体废弃物填埋场的卫生填埋技术设施,如防渗设施、垃圾渗沥液导流设施、场外排水设施和场内清污分流设施等;垃圾卫生填埋工艺技术及作业方法,如分区分层填埋法、单元作业法和高效作业法;垃圾填埋场的环境监测项目及监测成果。  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的城市水环境基础设施建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
给水排水系统是重要的城市基础设施,传统的供水模式因水源的日益污染以及人们对水质要求的提高,而不断受到挑战,传统排水设计思想和实践也因用水的迅速膨胀以及水源的污染和破坏,而需要用可持续发展的眼光看重新加以认证和审证,本文旨在以可持续发展的观点,原则和方法来探讨城市水环境基础设施的建设问题。  相似文献   

21世纪城市生活垃圾生态化处理展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国目前由于管理,经济,技术以及公众环境意识的薄弱,城市生活垃圾已成为污染环境的一大公富,大致使大量有用资源浪费,就生态城市建设中垃圾生态化处理的重要性和对策进行了探讨,以期推动我国城市生活垃圾生态化处理和生态城市建设工作的开展。  相似文献   

城市垃圾管理综合体系改革探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以漳州为例,分析我国城市垃圾政策体系,管理体制、资金状况、产业市场调控机制的现状,提出城市垃圾管理改革的方向和目标应以“谁污染谁治理”为原则,以实现城市可持续发展为目标,应用生命周期评价理论,在环境可持续性、经济可负担性、社会可接受性的基础上,以清洁生产、最小量化、资源化、无害化和产业化为指导思想,加强立法和政策制定;按政企分开、政事分开原则,建立适应社会主义市场经济的垃圾管理新体制;依靠市场和政府双重动力,全方位、全过程、开放垃圾产业;建立多元化项目投资机制。  相似文献   

机动车污染模拟和地理信息系统支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机动车污染是城市大气污染物的重要来源,对街区机动车污染排放量的预测和排放模拟对了解城市街区环境污染状况有重要价值。文章中将CAR模式的模拟计算和GIS集成在一起,通过VisualBasic进行了一个样例开发,其中GIS功能由MapX控件实现。  相似文献   

Pollution from diffuse sources (pollution from contaminants picked up and carried into surface waters by stormwater runoff) has been identified as a significant source of water quality problems in the U.S. scientists and engineers continue to seek solutions that will allow them to optimize existing technologies and develop new ones that will provide the best possible protection to people, wildlife, and the environment. This paper addresses the various pollutants or stressors in urban stormwater, including flow (shear force), pathogens, suspended solids/sediment, toxicants (organic and metals), nutrients, oxygen demanding substances, and coarse solids. A broad overview of the pollutants removed and the removal mechanisms by and of conventional best management practices (BMPs) is also presented. The principal treatment mechanisms of conventional wet ponds, vegetative swales/buffer strips, and wetlands are sedimentation and filtration. These mechanisms have the capability to remove significant amounts of suspended solids or particulate matter and are a vital component of strategies to reduce pollutant loads to receiving waters. In addition, because most of the nation??s receiving water violations are caused by pathogen indicator bacteria, it is of utmost importance that research efforts address this problem. Further research is also needed on the treatment of emerging contaminants in BMPs and on the costs and affects of maintenance and maintenance schedules on the long-term performance of BMPs.  相似文献   

The surface runoff from urban areas is one of the most important sources of pollutants emitted into surface waters. Suspended solids which act as a transport vehicle for many anthropogenic pollutants (e.?g. heavy metals, PAH) are a key factor in this regard. The development of efficient measures of storm water runoff treatment thus requires a further differentiation of suspended solids in a fine (clay and silt) and coarse (sand and gravel) fraction. Both fractions show distinctly different characteristics in pollutant loading, transport and retention on urban surfaces and sewer systems. The primary aim of storm water runoff treatment is the reduction of the fine particles which are always highly loaded with anthropogenic pollutants. In contrast the coarse particles are almost unpolluted especially if they have a low organic share. The widespread sedimentation tanks with surface loadings between 10 and 2?m/h are very inefficient. A significant, save and lasting reduction of the emitted load of fine particles requires a considerable reduction of the surface loads. That can be achieved with the installation of lamellar settler or the utilization of the very large volumes of flood management tanks frequently present in urban areas. Filtration plants are highly efficient but there application in urban areas is limited due to their high space demands.  相似文献   

广州市区大气污染特征与影响因子分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以2000—2004年广州市国控测点的空气环境质量自动监测结果为基础数据,以我国《大气环境质量标准》的日平均质量浓度二级标准为依据计算广州市2000—2004年的各大气污染物的指数及污染负荷率,阐明广州市区主要大气污染物SO2、NO2、PM10、CO的地域分布特征、季节变化特征、年际变化特征以及由于大气中的酸性物质而形成的酸雨的变化特征并提出研究对策。结果表明:各污染物质量浓度存在明显的季节变化规律,除SO2春夏秋季污染最严重,其余几项污染程度由高到低的顺序均为冬季,春季,秋季,夏季。近5年来空气中的一氧化碳呈显著下降趋势,但二氧化硫、二氧化氮和可吸入颗粒物则呈显著上升趋势,综合污染指数也呈明显上升趋势;酸雨频率呈不显著上升且夏秋季污染大于春冬两季。广州市大气污染分布规律与风向频率以北和东北偏北方向较大,东和东南方向次之的分布基本一致。  相似文献   

城市路面降雨径流污染特征及源解析的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市路面径流是城市地表径流的重要组成部分,因其污染强度大、对地表水体的影响严重而被予以格外的关注。通过对国内外关于路面径流水质的研究进行总结发现:我国城市道路径流中COD、TP、TN和Pb的平均质量浓度分别为239.59、0.46、6.29和0.14 mg·L-1,超过了国家地表水环境质量Ⅴ类标准,TSS的质量浓度高达552.86 mg·L-1。因此,COD、TP、TN、Pb和TSS是我国路面径流的主要污染物。高速路径流污染物Pb、Cu和Zn的浓度明显高于普通道路,而普通道路径流污染物中COD和TSS要高于高速路。与其他国家相比,我国城市道路雨水径流污染物浓度偏高。多数研究表明:污染物的质量浓度与降雨量呈负相关关系,路面坡度增加了车辆与路面的摩擦力和燃料的消耗,进而导致路面径流污染物的浓度较高,路面清扫或许对污染物的浓度有不利的影响,主要由于道路清扫将路面中部分大颗粒破碎,释放出了细小的颗粒物(粒径〈43μm)并且不能将其清除的缘故。但是,降雨强度、干期、降雨历时和车流量对径流水质的影响存在一定的争议。通过对现有的研究总结发现:车流量≥30000的路面径流中COD、TSS、Pb和Cu的浓度是车流量〈30000的路面径流中的2.5、4.3、1.4和5.1倍;路面径流中的重金属主要来源于车辆的交通损耗,有机污染物来源于车辆的交通活动和路面材质,营养污染物来源于大气干湿沉降。今后应从以下几方面开展研究:将多环芳烃、大肠杆菌等水质指标列入研究计划;深入分析影响降雨径流水质的因素及各影响因子间的交互作用;运用同位素溯源技术识别道路径流污染物来源。  相似文献   

Air pollution poses a serious threat to human health in Asia. This study analyzes the association of air pollutants and greenness with incidence rates of allergic rhinitis in Seoul at the administrative district level to gain insight into district-level urban policies to improve public health. A spatial regression model is constructed to investigate the correlation between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and five air pollutants measured at 128 air pollution monitoring stations around Seoul: sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter less than 10 μm (PM10), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). The allergic rhinitis incidence data are derived from the National Health Insurance Service’s database that includes the number of allergic rhinitis-related clinic visits by the patients over 20 years of age and living in Seoul. A kriging geostatistical interpolation was used to estimate average air pollution level of 423 administrative districts. To assess pollen concentrations that can affect allergic rhinitis, the average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is measured based on the urban greenness. The model, controlling for built environment and socio-economic attributes, identifies the possibility of a weak association between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and carbon monoxide levels. The NDVI value is negatively correlated with allergic rhinitis incidence rates, implying a complicated aspect in relation to the effect of urban greenness.  相似文献   

万顺刚  李桂英  安太成 《生态环境》2011,(10):1575-1584
恶臭污染物(Odor pollutants)是指一切刺激嗅觉器官引起人们不愉快感觉以及损害生活环境的恶臭气味物质的统称。文章首先简要地介绍了大气中恶臭污染物的来源、分类以及危害等,指出大气恶臭污染物的主要来源主要包括农牧业来源、工业生产过程来源和城市垃圾处理恶臭污染来源等;其次,文章对能够处理大气恶臭污染物的反应器类型及其应用现状进行了系统的总结,提出能够应用于大气恶臭污染物处理的固定化微生物技术主要包括生物过滤池、生物滴滤塔和生物膜反应器等;同时着重综述了处理大气中恶臭污染物的影响因素,如底物、微生物、填料、微生物固定化方法、pH值和温度等因素对大气中恶臭污染物净化效率的影响,并且对固定化微生物技术生物转化与生物降解恶臭污染物的微观机理进行了一定的归纳与总结;最后还对固定化微生物技术在处理恶臭污染物方面的应用和未来发展趋势进行了展望,指出如果要真正实现固定化微生物技术在大气恶臭污染物处理中的工业化应用,今后还需要加强以下几个方面的研究工作:优势微生物菌剂的培育、固定化载体的开发与改良、固定微生物反应器的构建与优化和固定化微生物技术与其它单元技术的联用等。  相似文献   

At present, human activities on marine shores, nearshore waters and estuaries, as well as in rivers which discharge into the seas, are influencing nearshore and estuarine waters so strongly that the resultant changes affect the breeding and spawning of bottom invertebrates which inhabit these waters. The majority of bottom invertebrate species from the shallow shelf of all seas and oceans, and from all except the highest latitudes, pass through a pelagic larval phase during development. Thus, survival and maintenance of such species are determined by survival and distribution of larvae during their planktonic phase and their settling on the substrate. Consequently, an attempt to summarize all available data on the influence of pollution in marine and estuarine waters, not only on adult bottom invertebrates, but also on their pelagic larvae, will be of practical interest from both scientific and economic points of view. This paper represents a first step towards that goal. Despite the fact that all aspects of pollution-industrial wastes (including heated effluents producing thermal pollution), domestic sewage, oil and oil products, oil-spill removers and oil-emulsifiers, various pesticides, synthetic surfactants, etc.—exert harmful effects on pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates under experimental conditions, in natural environments, free-swimming larvae are influenced only slightly by these pollutants. Pollution becomes a grave danger for larvae when they are settling on the substrate, as much higher concentrations of different pollutants may be present on the substrate than in the water mass above it (the pollution of every nearshore water mass usually varies greatly from place to place). Pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates inhabiting comparatively clean parts of polluted regions are dispersed throughout all such regions by local currents, tidal oscillations, eddies and other small-scale water movements. They represent, therefore, the potential source for re-establishment of the normal composition of the bottom communities in these regions, after the abatement of pollution by means of natural causes or by man's own improvements.  相似文献   

There are two approaches in the application of satellite sensors to marine pollution studies. Satellite sensors are used to observe and characterize ocean pollutants such as industrial wastes and oil. in addition, satellite observations provide information useful in illuminating processes such as eutrophi-cation or air-sea exchange of CO2, that are important in determining the distribution and fate of pollutants.

Satellite technology is an important tool in monitoring and studying ocean pollution. Visible sensors have been used to observe and characterize sewage sludge and industrial wastes dumped at sea. Oil slicks have been observed with Landsat, AVHRR and SAR imagery. Besides directly detecting pollutants, satellite sensors are useful for analyzing ocean processes that are influential in the fate of pollutants. These processes include eutrophication of coastal waters and the distribution of suspended matter. the fate of excess CO2 can be addressed using scatterometer-derived estimates of wind speeds to determine the CO2 exchange coefficient at the sea surface on a global scale.  相似文献   

基于盲数的水体沉积物潜在生态风险评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李如忠  洪天求  贾志海  刘路 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1346-1352
基于生态风险评价系统中多种不确定性共存或交叉存在的特性,将盲数理论应用于水体沉积物潜在生态风险的评价研究。在将Hakanson潜在生态风险指数模型参数定义为盲参数的基础上,建立了沉积物潜在生态风险评价的盲数模型,并提出了污染程度和潜在生态风险等级识别盲数可靠性计算模型。根据上述盲数模型,不仅可以得到沉积物污染程度和潜在生态风险的可能取值区间,也可以得到各区间相应的可信度水平,进而定量计算待评价对象隶属于各评价等级的主观可能性大小。作为案例,将上述模型应用于巢湖十五里河河口沉积物中重金属潜在生态风险评价的研究。在得到沉积物中单个重金属污染物(Hg,Cd,Pb,Cu,Cr)隶属于污染程度各等级和潜在生态风险各等级可信度水平的基础上,得出十五里河河口处于较高生态风险水平的结论,相应的可信度为0.626。实例研究表明,以盲数理论评价沉积物的潜在生态风险,理论上可行,评价结论可信。  相似文献   

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