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Hart JR 《Chemosphere》2004,54(10):1539-1547
Emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (dioxins) have been found from 57 field tests on the oxidation of low (a few to a few hundred) parts per million levels of chlorinated and non-chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The oxidation occurs in catalytic oxidizers with platinum, platinum/palladium or chromium(IV) oxide combustion catalysts, or in thermal oxidizers (without a catalyst). The catalyst inlet temperatures ranged from 293 to 573 degrees C. The thermal oxidizer operating temperatures (post-flame) were from 773 to 927 degrees C. Data of the toxic dioxin and furan isomers are reported and also weighted and expressed as international toxic equivalents (TEQ) of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. The maximum stack emissions, 1.07 ng/m3 TEQ, occurred at 293 degrees C. Salient results of this field study are: (1) TEQ levels in the stack exponentially increase with a decrease in operating temperature, an empirical equation is TEQ (ng/dscm)=8.4 exp(-0.0084T degrees C); (2) dioxin/furan production occurs at the combustion catalyst; (3) small variations in temperature cause large changes in the congener distribution of the dioxin and furan isomers; (4) molar TEQ yields from the parent compounds fed to the oxidizers are very small (10(-9)-10(-13)); (5) catalytic and thermal oxidizers may destroy dioxins fed from the ambient air; and (6) the oxidation of chlorinated VOCs with non-chlorinated VOCs reduces emissions of dioxins, likely due to the consumption of Cl in producing HCl. Laboratory investigations are needed to understand how dioxins are formed (and emitted) under conditions of this study.  相似文献   

An Automated Preconcentration Sampler (APS) was developed by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and Carleton University for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in drinking water. The APS employs a two-stage particulate filtration system followed by an XAD-2 resin column. Field and laboratory testing of the APS is required to validate the device before it is put into regular service.The capacity of the APS filtration system is 30 L for a 4 Formazin Turbidity Unit (FTU) input water turbidity and greater than 50 L for a typical treated water. Flushing of a clean XAD-2 resin column with 200 L of spiked water showed that the optimum flowrate in terms of spike breakthrough is equal to three times the resin bed volume per minute. This flowrate is used for APS operation. Testing also showed that no spike breakthrough occurred after 200 L of clean water was flushed through a spiked XAD-2 resin column at flowrates in excess of the APS operating flowrate. Spike testing was also carried out on the filters and results are pending. An analytical comparison between the present MOE sampling and analytical procedure and the proposed APS sampling and analytical procedure using a PCDD/PCDF source water is planned.  相似文献   

The formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, biphenyls and benzenes in de novo synthesis experiments have been studied on model fly ashes with a wide range of matrices. The model fly ash consisted of 18 selected matrices with the addition of CuCl(2) x 2H(2)O, activated charcoal and NaCl. The studied matrices were not restricted to the commonly investigated matrices with defined chemical composition (silica gel, alumina, florisil) and industrially produced adsorbents with silicate structures (diatomaceous earths), but also included natural occurring matrices (clays, kaolin, bentonite and feldspars). In addition fly ashes from a hazardous waste incinerator were included in the study for comparison. Differences in the isomer composition (homologue profiles and isomer patterns) of the substances formed by de novo synthesis experiments are discussed in dependence on the chemical composition of the studied matrices. The de novo synthesis experiments on matrices with silicate structures resulted in high concentration of mainly perchlorinated aromatic compounds while for other matrices in particular alkaline matrices a homologue shift to lower chlorinated homologues and lower formation rates were found. The paper discusses the resulting PCDD/PCDF pattern and compares them to the PCDD/PCDF profile found in naturally occurring kaolin and ball clay (illite).  相似文献   

The formation rates of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), activated carbon, and phenol were compared. The heat treatment at 300°C of all tested PAH on silica in the presence of CUCl2 Preferred PCDDs over PCDDs. Perylene reproducibly gave a higher yield of PCDDs than activated carbon gave under the same conditions. The formation rate of PCDDs from perylene could be higher than the values in this study because the residence time of perylene in the reactor is shorter than that of activated carbon. PCDDs were mainly formed from phenol.  相似文献   

Zhao L  Hou H  Shimoda K  Terada A  Hosomi M 《Chemosphere》2012,88(11):1368-1374
Thermal desorption has attracted considerable interest as a remediation technology for the removal of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from contaminated soils and sediments. Although several research groups have confirmed that polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are formed from PCBs during the thermal desorption of sediments contaminated with PCB, the formation pathways remain poorly understood. Herein, thermal desorption has been used to develop a greater understanding of the formation pathways of PCDFs from sediments contaminated with PCBs. PCB decomposition experiments of sediments contaminated with PCBs were performed over 5 min at 450 °C with a gas composition of 10% O(2)/90% N(2), either in the absence (Run 1) or presence (Run 2-4) of one of three different (13)C(12)-labeled PCB individual standards. The results of Run 1 showed that 99.96% of PCBs and 98.40% of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) in the treated sediments had decomposed, whereas the concentration levels of PCDFs had increased by a factor of 31. The addition of different (13)C(12)-labeled PCBs to the sediment sample yielded different (13)C(12)-PCDFs isomer patterns, with formation pathways including loss of ortho-Cl(2), loss of HCl involving a 2,3-chlorine shift, loss of ortho-H(2) and dechlorination.  相似文献   

Ryu JY  Mulholland JA 《Chemosphere》2005,58(7):977-988
Heterogeneous formation of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs) and dibenzofurans (CDFs) on CuCl2 from three phenols without ortho chlorine and one phenol with two ortho chlorines was studied in a flow reactor over a temperature range of 325-450 degrees C. Heated nitrogen gas streams containing 8% oxygen, 1.5% benzene vapor, and equal amounts of phenol, 3-chlorophenol, 3,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol vapor (700 ppmv, each) were passed through a 1 g particle bed of silica and 0.5% (Cu mass) CuCl2. Maximum product yields of greater than 1.4% phenol conversion to CDD and 5.7% phenol conversion to CDF were observed between 400 and 450 degrees C. CDDs formed with loss of one chlorine atom were favored. While total CDD/F yield varied with temperature, CDD/F homologue and isomer distributions did not vary significantly with temperature. Based on the results of experiments with single phenol precursors, phenol precursors could be assigned to all PCDD/F products. Of the chlorinated phenols without ortho chlorine that were studied, 3,4-dichlorophenol was found to have the greatest propensity to form CDFs.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) was investigated at four locations, namely at Yuancun, Wushan, Haizhu and Changban in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The annual deposition fluxes of tetra- to octa-CDD/Fs (total PCDD/Fs) were found to range from 170 to 3000 (mean 1500) pg m−2 day−1, and the fluxes of total 2, 3, 7, 8-substituted PCDD/F congeners ranged from 2.1 to 41 (mean 20) pg WHO-TEQ m−2 day−1 at Wushan. The average deposition fluxes of total 2, 3, 7, 8-substituted PCDD/F congeners in rainy season were found to be 37, 27 and 28 pg WHO-TEQ m−2 day−1 at Yuancun, Haizhu and Changban, respectively, and the PCDD/F deposition fluxes behaved obviously higher in rainy season than in dry season. Results from regression analysis showed that number of rainy days, the amount of wet precipitation, PCDD/F concentrations in particles and organic carbon content played important roles in the variation of PCDD/F deposition fluxes. Monthly average temperatures change little over the year. Therefore, it only played a minor role in monthly variation of PCDD/F deposition fluxes. Particle deposition fluxes were generally not considered as the factor that could cause the differences in PCDD/F deposition fluxes between rainy and dry season, but were found to be related with PCDD/F deposition fluxes in rainy season or dry season. It was found that the profiles of PCDD/F homologs or congeners in the samples were the same either spatially or temporally, indicating that the PCDD/F emission sources were similar to one another. The similarities in PCDD/F homolog patterns and the differences in deposition fluxes between samples collected from heavy-traffic roadside and nearby residence house roof indicated that vehicle exhaust might be an important source for PCDD/F in Guangzhou. PCDD/F concentrations and profiles of PCDD/F homologs in atmospheric deposition were compared with those in both total suspended particles in air and soils, and conclusions indicated that atmospheric deposition possibly tended to remove lower-chlorinated DD/Fs from air and was one of sources for PCDD/Fs in soils.  相似文献   

Blubber samples from beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in the St Lawrence River estuary were analysed for PCB congeners (ortho- and non-ortho-substituted) and other persistent organochlorines as well as chlorinated dibenzo-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs). Major individual components (mean concentrations > 1 microg g(-1)) were 4,4'-DDE, -DDD and -DDT, T12 (a toxaphene-related compound), trans-nonachlor, oxychlordane, mirex, HCB, tris(p-chlorophenyl) methane and dieldrin. Concentrations of SigmaPCBs (8.3-412 microg g(-1)), SigmaDDT (3.36-389 microg g(-1)) and mirex (0.18-6.8 microg g(-1)) were particularly elevated relative to other odontocetes in Canadian waters. SigmaDDT, PCBs (as Aroclor), mirex and T12 concentrations were positively correlated with age of adult females (> 10 years) but only weakly, or not significantly, correlated with age of adult males. PCDD/Fs were present at low ng kg(-1) levels and consisted mainly of penta- and hexachlorofurans, and hepta- and octachlorodioxin. CB126 (3,3',4,4',5-PCB) was the most prominent non-ortho-substituted PCB congener in beluga blubber. Total TCDD toxic equivalents averaged 330 ng kg(-1) in females and 1400 ng kg(-1) in males and were dominated by CB126, and the mono-ortho-substituted congeners CB105 and CB118. Biomagnification factors (BMFs) for mirex and SigmaPCB from fish to beluga ranged from 11 to 16, and were similar to BMFs in Arctic animals, indicating that elevated levels in St Lawrence animals are a consequence of relatively high levels of recalcitrant organochlorines in prey of the beluga in the St Lawrence river system.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs) and monobromo-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (MoBPXDD/Fs) in atmosphere, bulk atmospheric deposition and soil in Kyoto, which is an urban city in Japan, were measured. Decabromodiphenyl ether (D(10)BDE, BDE-209) was detected in relatively high concentrations compared to other PBDE congeners in most samples. Similar results, in which D(10)BDE was predominantly detected, were reported in other studies in Japan. However, these homologue profiles differ from those of studies conducted in North America. The partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds between atmospheric gas phase and particulate-associated phase is an important factor in their environmental behavior. In this study, atmospheric particulate phase fraction (f(P)) of the brominated compounds increased with increasing bromine number, and f(P) was higher in samples collected in winter than in those collected in summer. Moreover, f(P) of PBDFs and MoBPXDFs was higher than that of PCDFs with the same halogen number. These results agree well with expectations from the vapor pressure of the brominated compounds and PCDD/Fs. Among the brominated compounds in the atmosphere, the level of MoBPXDD/Fs correlates positively with that of PCDD/Fs. This relationship has been previously observed in waste incineration samples. These results suggest that one of the sources of MoBPXDD/Fs in the atmosphere is incineration byproduct. The level of PBDD/Fs seems to correlate positively with that of PBDEs. This relationship suggest that the PBDD/Fs in the atmosphere relate to PBDEs, which is an impurity of PBDE products, or formed by the manufacture or combustion of plastics containing PBDEs.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), dibenzofurans (PCDF) and non-ortho substituted biphenyls (PCB, CB) were determined in 6 polar bear milk samples from Svalbard (Norway). For these compounds, no data for polar bears have been reported before from this region. Most of the PCDD/PCDF congeners were found at detectable levels. Concentrations expressed as 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents (Nordic model) were in the order of 1–3 pg/g−1 fat (0.2–1.6 pg ml−1 milk) which is comparable with ringed and harp seal blubber from the same region. On whole milk basis, concentrations were similar to those found in human milk. An estimation of the daily uptake via milk showed that the intake is lower for polar bears compared to humans. As in human milk, relatively high levels of OCDD were found in some polar bear milk samples. The PCDD/PCDF congener pattern in the milk was different to that found in polar bear fat from the Canadian Arctic. Non-ortho substituted PCB levels in polar bear milk were similar to those found in polar bear fat from the Canadian North. However, CB 77 or 169 dominated in the milk while CB 126 was the most abundant congener in fat. PCDD/PCDF levels expressed as 2,3,7,8-TE were highly correlated with the fat content of the milk. No correlation between CB and PCDD/PCDF concentrations was found. Some data indicate that PCDD/PCDF concentrations in polar bear milk decrease with increasing time after delivery.  相似文献   

Eljarrat E  Caixach J  Rivera J 《Chemosphere》2001,44(6):1383-1387
Soil analyses were carried out to evaluate the contamination caused by PCDDs and PCDFs in different soil samples. Monitoring was undertaken at different locations throughout Spain, from 1993 to 1999. A total of 230 samples were analysed. The levels ranged from 0.10 pg I-TEQ/g to 1.08 ng I-TEQ/g. Differences in dioxin levels were observed as a function of the sampling site, with levels at the industrial sites exceeding those at the control sites.  相似文献   

Fat tissue samples from dugong (Dugong dugon) carcasses stranded at three sites along the Great Barrier Reef were analysed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Relatively high levels of PCDDs were determined in all three dugongs. In particular OCDD, the PCDD/F congener that is usually considered the least bioavailable of all 2,3,7,8 substituted congeners, was found at levels higher than reported for other marine mammals. Tissue accumulation of PCDDs by dugongs may be a consequence of sediment and/or seagrass ingestion during feeding, microbial biotransformation of PCDD precursors in the animal's hindgut or, alternatively, the possession of a selective degradation capability for PCDFs.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Ni Y  Chen J  Su F  Lu X  Zhao L  Zhang Q  Zhang X 《Chemosphere》2008,73(10):1640-1648
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) were analyzed in surface sediments and top soils collected from 30 sites in Daliao River Basin. The concentrations of PCDD/F ranged from 0.28 to 29.01 ng TEQ kg(-1) dw (mean value, 7.45 ng TEQ kg(-1)dw) in sediments, and from 0.31 to 53.05 ng TEQ kg(-1)dw (mean value, 7.00 ng TEQ kg(-1)dw) in soils. PCDD/F pollution in sediments from the mid- and downstream sections of Hun River was found to be relatively heavy, and the levels of PCDD/F contamination in paddy soils were generally higher than those of upland soils. Using multivariate statistical analysis, the PCDD/F homologue and congener profiles of all soil and sediment samples were compared with those of suspected PCDD/F sources. The results showed that, PCDD/F contamination in most sediments of Hun River should mainly originated from the production of organochlorine chemicals, while metal smelting was the important potential source of PCDD/F in the drainage area of Taizi River. PCDD/F contamination in paddy soils should be simultaneously attributed to the polluted water irrigation and the organochlorine pesticide application.  相似文献   

The PCDD/Fs in the ambient air associated with concentration and dry deposition flux of four seasons were characterized in rural area. The mean PCDD/F concentrations were 0.342, 0.221, 0.675, 0.741 pg m(-3) and the mean I-TEQ values were 0.027, 0.016, 0.024, 0.063 pg m(-3) in spring, summer, fall and winter, respectively. Ambient air in winter was higher by a factor of 3.4 and 3.9 for PCDD/F concentration and I-TEQ, respectively, than in summer. The study area is located in a Tropical region. Hence, domestic heating is not found in this area and is not responsible for the elevated winter concentration in comparison to other studies. A smooth plate with a sharp leading edge that is pointed into the wind by a wind vane was used for measuring dry deposition flux of PCDD/Fs. Atmospheric dry deposition fluxes of total PCDD/Fs were 140, 116, 137, and 207 pg m(-2)day(-1) in spring, summer, fall, and winter, respectively, and averaged approximately 150 pg m(-2)day(-1). The total dry deposition flux was found to decrease as the temperature increased. Calculated dry deposition velocities of total PCDD/Fs were 0.45, 0.52, 0.32 and 0.39 cm s(-1) in spring, summer, fall, and winter, respectively, and averaged 0.42 cm s(-1).  相似文献   

Fifteen sediment samples were analysed in order to determine their content of polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and biphenyls (PCBs). Samples were collected from several hot spots on the Spanish coast, such as the harbours of Almeria and Tarragona, and the mouths of the Besos and Llobregat rivers in Barcelona. A generic analytical procedure based on Soxhlet extraction followed by an automated cleanup system and gas chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometry was employed for determining the toxic congeners of PCDDs and PCDFs, as well as dioxin-like PCBs. As regards PBDE determinations, a rapid method based on the use of selective pressurized liquid extraction followed by gas chromatography-negative ion chemical ionization-mass spectrometry was applied. Total toxicity equivalent (WHO-TEQ) values were calculated using the toxicity equivalent factors proposed by WHO for dioxin-like PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. WHO-TEQ values ranged from 0.3 to 75 pg/g dry weight (dw), with PCB contribution on the toxicity of the samples between 1 and 84%. Total PBDE levels ranged from 2.7 to 134 ng/g dw, with BDE-209 contribution on the total PBDE contamination between 50 and 99%.  相似文献   

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