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We searched the statutory codes of all 50 states to locate provisions applicable to endangered and threatened species. The state statutes were compared to 6 components of the US Endangered Species Act: (1) coverage; (2) listing procedures and requirements under section 4; (3) habitat designation and protection procedures and criteria under sections 4 and 7; (4) prohibitions on commerce and taking under section 9; (5) exceptions to the prohibitions on commerce and taking and (6) conservation planning under section 4. State endangered and threatened species legislation is far less comprehensive than the federal act. Only 15 states have statutes that cover all plants and animals. Similarly, only 11 states offer any protection for taxa below the subspecific level. 45 states have provisions for listing species independently of the federal act but only 8 authorize emergency listings. 43 states have no provisions authorizing the designation of critical habitat; 39 states offer no protection against habitat destruction on either private or publicly owned lands. Most states prohibit commercial transactions and taking of listed animal species; plant species receive less protection. Only 3 states include any requirements that the wildlife management agency engage in recovery planning processes. In the absence of a federal statute to protect endangered and threatened species, we question whether current state protection is either adequate or would be maintained. We briefly examined legislation on endangered species in two other countries with federal systems of government, Australia and Canada. Canada lacked a federal statute. Assessment of national, state and territorial legislation in Australia revealed several similarities and differences with the United States endangered species legislation. Differences suggested an alternative to the top down approach embodied in the United States Endangered Species Act.  相似文献   

The ‘Habitats’ Directive is a contribution of the European Community to the conservation of biodiversity. Species listed in Annex II of the Directive are the basis for the designation of a European reserve network (along with Annex I natural habitat types, not tested here). The indicator potential of the Annex II species occurring in Denmark for capturing and representing other Danish species is tested. Species listed in Annex IV were also analysed as they should receive ‘strict protection’ according to the directive. Further, the location of Danish reserves was compared to an optimal solution for maximum representation of Annex II species. Areas representing Danish Annex II species at least five times also represent other known Danish species effectively (with the possible exception of plants). Areas representing Annex II+IV species at least five times represented other Danish species even more effectively. Species richness in member states with similar species distributions may benefit from early incorporation of Annex IV in the designation process. The Danish reserves were not optimally located in respect to maximum representation of Annex II species. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of Danish reserves at representing other Danish species was equivalent to the effectiveness of the near-optimal area solution for Annex II species tested here.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and degradation are important biodiversity change drivers worldwide. Their effects have been described for many animal groups, but little is known about marsupials. We conducted a meta-analysis aiming to evaluate the actual effects of habitat fragmentation and degradation on forest marsupials. From a literature survey, we obtained 85 case studies reporting disturbance comparisons. We found a negative overall effect, as well as a negative effect for habitat fragmentation, but not for habitat degradation. Marsupials from Oceania were negatively affected by habitat disturbance, whereas there was no effect for those from South America. Arboreal marsupials were negatively affected, whereas terrestrial marsupials did not. Species from the families Dasyuridae (Antechinus spp.) and Microbiotheriidae (Dromiciops gliroides) showed to be sensitive to habitat disturbance.  相似文献   

目前,在世界范围内,美国《濒危物种法》可以说是物种保护方面最强有力的国内立法,它规定了两项国家政策,其一就是要求所有的联邦部门和机关都必须努力保护濒危物种并运用其权力促进《濒危物种法》立法宗旨的实现。本文简要介绍美国《濒危物种法》的历史发展和其第七章的主要内容,分析美国《濒危物种法》对联邦机构在物种保护中的要求。  相似文献   

Mollusc communities of previously unexplored Bulgarian fens were studied in order to determine and generalise the patterns of species richness and composition along the mineral richness gradient. The aim was also to compare predictive values of the environment, vegetation and spatial structure. Altogether, 44 mollusc species were recorded at 40 treeless fen sites. Species richness varied from 0 to 18 species per site, and it was positively associated with the mineral gradient and negatively with altitude. However, the best predictor was obtained using plant species composition. All explanatory variables had higher effect on land snails than on the entire mollusc assemblage (including aquatic species). Species richness and abundance were significantly and positively correlated with the species composition turnover; the communities were highly nested, with poor sites having subsets of the fauna found in the richest. The main direction of mollusc species turnover was highly associated with that observed for vegetation, and the main gradient of plant species composition was able to explain nearly 20% of total variation in mollusc data. We found that spatial structure explained by far the highest proportion of independent variation, which reflected the high level of geographical isolation of Bulgarian fens and regional differences independent of any environmental variation. Our results demonstrate (1) the general role of mineral richness gradient for structuring mollusc communities in fens, (2) the pivotal indicator role of plant species composition in predicting species composition of mollusc communities, despite being trophically independent and (3) the effect of isolation and origins of the habitat on species composition: most species have wide geographical distributions within the habitat type, and geographical patterns within Bulgaria may have a stochastic element.  相似文献   

The footprint of human activities within Antarctica is increasing, making it essential to consider whether current conservation/protection of environmental and scientific values is adequate. The Antarctic protected area network has developed largely without any clear strategy, despite scientific attempts to promote protection of representative habitats. Many Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) Management Plans do not state clearly if conservation or science is the priority objective. This is problematic as science and conservation may have conflicting management requirements, i.e. visitation may benefit science, but harm conservation values. We examined recent estimated mean annual levels of visitation to ASPAs. On average, ASPAs protecting scientific research interests were visited twice as often as ASPAs conserving Antarctic habitat and biological communities. However, ASPAs protecting both science and conserving habitat were visited three times as often as ASPAs conserving habitat alone. Examination of visitation data showed that the proportion of visitors entering ASPAs for science, environmental management and/or education and tourism purposes, did not reflect the primary reason for designation, i.e. for science and/or conservation. One third of APSAs designated since the Environmental Protocol entered into force (1998) did not describe clearly the main reason for designation. Policy makers should consider (i) for all Management Plans stating unambiguously the reason an area has ASPA designation, e.g. either to protect habitat/environmental values or scientific research, in accordance with adopted guidance, (ii) designating new protected areas where visitation is kept to an absolute minimum to ensure the long-term conservation of Antarctic species and habitats without local human impacts (possibly located far from areas of human activity), and (iii) encouraging the use of zoning in ASPAs to help facilitate the current and future requirements of different scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

We used three approaches to assess potential effects of climate change on birds of the Northeast. First, we created distribution and abundance models for common bird species using climate, elevation, and tree species variables and modeled how bird distributions might change as habitats shift. Second, we assessed potential effects on high-elevation birds, especially Bicknell’s thrush (Catharus bicknelli), that may be particularly vulnerable to climate change, by using statistical associations between climate, spruce-fir forest vegetation and bird survey data. Last, we complemented these projections with an assessment of how habitat quality of a migratory songbird, the black-throated blue warbler (Dendroica caerulescens) might be affected by climate change. Large changes in bird communities of the Northeast are likely to result from climate change, and these changes will be most dramatic under a scenario of continued high emissions. Indeed, high-elevation bird species may currently be at the threshold of critical change with as little as 1°C warming reducing suitable habitat by more than half. Species at mid elevations are likely to experience declines in habitat quality that could affect demography. Although not all species will be affected adversely, some of the Northeast’s iconic species, such as common loon and black-capped chickadee, and some of its most abundant species, including several neotropical migrants, are projected to decline significantly in abundance under all climate change scenarios. No clear mitigation strategies are apparent, as shifts in species’ abundances and ranges will occur across all habitat types and for species with widely differing ecologies.  相似文献   

Scientific uncertainty plays a significant role in forest policy and planning. Ecological complexity, the gap between science and policy, and public perceptions of science all contribute to the challenge of dealing with scientific uncertainty. This paper provides an overview of the role of scientific uncertainty in U.S. forest policy and an analysis of the requirements for responding to uncertainty under the National Forest Management Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and Endangered Species Act. The analysis includes a review of a broad range of literature and relevant statutory and regulatory language, along with several illustrative examples of case law. Findings include that all three laws allow for considerable agency discretion in cases of scientific uncertainty, and none prescribes a particular response to uncertainty. Approaches such as adaptive management may provide a way to proceed despite uncertainty, and while this approach represents something of a new paradigm in public land management, it is not incompatible with the current legal framework. The article concludes with recommendations, such as increased transparency and changes in the norms of judicial review, for increasing the accountability of decisions when uncertainty is involved. Also considered are other suggestions, such as peer-review, Daubert standards, and Bayesian inference techniques.  相似文献   

设立保护地是保护生物多样性的最有效举措。“半个地球”愿景提出将50%的面积纳入保护地,并有效保护85%的物种,是全球生态保护的目标。IUCN保护地分类系统是国际通用的标准,一系列优先保护模块研究则对保护地的识别进行着探索。本文旨在通过对这些模块的保护目标、识别标准等进行分析,为保护地科学识别提供合理参考。主要结论如下:(1)物种、栖息地与人类活动是各模块的主要考虑要素,识别标准包括物种丰富度、生境转变率、人类活动强度等;(2)各模块对生境转变率的考虑有“亡羊补牢”和“未雨绸缪”两种思路,对人类活动强度的考虑有直接和间接之分;(3)各模块分布面积占比在5.77%~25.32%之间,总范围占全球陆表的55.59%,超过了“半个地球”愿景的目标比例。  相似文献   

Canadian and US marine conservation law, and other related law, was analyzed to determine if it reflected ecological criteria needed to implement connectivity among marine protected areas of the northeast Pacific in the proposed trilateral Baja to Bering Sea (B2B) initiative. The analysis included both nations’ federal laws and those of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and British Columbia. While legal provisions exist already to implement marine protected areas for varying reasons, there is little capacity in most laws to create connectivity among them for conservation purposes. Only California's legislation contained explicit provisions for all the criteria. Other federal, state, and provincial laws, while containing provisions for species at risk and vulnerable habitats, generally lacked explicit provisions for the vital criteria, size of area, migratory patterns, and recruitment patterns. Implementation, future management, and protection of the proposed B2B marine network would be facilitated by amendment of both Canadian and US laws. Some of the ecological criteria are already implied implicitly or vaguely, but they need to be made explicit in the amended law. The legislative model of California could serve as a template for amending the laws of other jurisdictions in the B2B venture.  相似文献   

为了解决在不同区域和不同河流类型间等大尺度范围内F-IBI(鱼类生物完整性指数)评价方法体系的建立问题,以浑河-太子河(下称浑太河)流域为研究区域,构建符合区域性特征的生物完整性评价体系并进行应用研究. 于2014年5月对浑太河流域32个采样点的鱼类进行采样调查,根据鱼类群落特征的空间差异和浑太河流域水生态分区,将采样点分为中上游和下游区域两种类型. 通过综合栖息地和水质的标准化方法确定参照点和受损点,依据候选指标分布范围检验、敏感性分析和相关性检验,筛选出浑太河流域中上游F-IBI核心指标包括总物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、鲤形目鱼类物种数百分比、雅罗鱼亚科个体数百分比、鳅科鱼类物种数百分比、鲈形目鱼类物种数百分比、杂食性鱼类物种数百分比、肉食性鱼类物种数百分比、敏感性鱼类个体数百分比等9个指标;下游筛选出F-IBI核心指标包括总物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、鮈亚科鱼类物种数百分比、鲈形目鱼类物种数百分比、虾虎鱼科鱼类物种数百分比、中上层鱼类物种数百分比、东北特有鱼类物种数百分比、无脊椎动物食性鱼类物种数百分比、耐受性鱼类个体数百分比等9个指标. 分别提出了浑太河流域中上游和下游的参数标准化公式和健康评价标准,依此将浑太河流域健康状态划分为极好、好、一般、差和极差5个健康等级. 评价结果表明,浑太河流域健康状况整体偏差,在32个采样点中,健康状况处于差和极差的采样点占采样点总数的37.5%,一般的采样点占21.88%,仅有6.25%的采样点处于极好状态. Pearson相关性分析结果显示,F-IBI分值与电导率、ρ(BOD5)、ρ(CODCr)、ρ(NH3-N)和ρ(TN)均呈显著负相关,而与栖息地综合指数呈显著正相关,表明F-IBI可有效评估浑太河流域的健康状况.   相似文献   

宫兆宁  苏朔  杜博  关晖  张强 《自然资源学报》2021,36(8):1964-1975
景观演变对野生动物栖息地质量和连接度造成的影响,一直是威胁全球生物多样性保护的关键问题,开展扎龙湿地丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)繁殖栖息地选择及繁殖期生境间的扩散研究,对野生丹顶鹤的保护具有重要的意义。首先利用需要“出现点”的生态位MAXENT模型,进行适宜栖息地选择研究。从水源、食物、干扰、隐蔽物四个方面选择明水面距离、土壤湿度、NDVI、道路距离和居民地距离五个环境变量作为丹顶鹤繁殖栖息地选择的影响因子,预测扎龙保护区可供丹顶鹤进行营巢繁殖的栖息地分布,并分析各影响因子的反应曲线。结果显示:丹顶鹤易于选择远离道路和居民地干扰且靠近明水面的区域作为营巢栖息地,栖息地土壤湿度较高并且植被覆盖较多。从MAXENT模型中提取了38个适宜栖息地斑块,基于电路理论模拟丹顶鹤繁殖期失去飞行能力时的多路径扩散,最大电流密度图突出了可能的“夹点”,模拟出具有一定宽度范围的连接区域,可供丹顶鹤在繁殖期间进行扩散。累积电流密度图突出了在维持网络连通性方面起到积极作用的斑块,并进行面积加权来评估适宜栖息地斑块的综合重要性。结果表明,在MAXENT模型预测出的适宜栖息地斑块基础上,考虑丹顶鹤繁殖期的迁移扩散行为,利用累积电流密度面积加权来评估适宜栖息地斑块的综合重要性,得到的适宜性等级更符合丹顶鹤真实巢址的分布。研究成果可为保护区丹顶鹤栖息繁殖生境的恢复和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In 2011, a legal settlement required the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to develop a series of work plans to assess a backlog of candidate species for protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Using the resulting USFWS Fiscal Year 2013–2018 work plan, which included 261 candidate species, we identified and analyzed pre-listing candidate conservation plans (PLCP) to determine their characteristics and evaluate the use of market-based mechanisms. Among the 34 PLCPs identified, we found that species-based conservation plans were more common than habitat-based plans, and market-based conservation approaches were infrequently implemented. Inconsistencies in plan documentation were present throughout the USFWS’s online portal, and not all documentation was publicly accessible. Lastly, we found that many states had implemented their own endangered species programs or initiated conservation plans through a state agency. Our work informs the recently-adopted USFWS pre-listing conservation policy and highlights needed improvements in tracking large numbers of at-risk species as they become the subject of regulations. Increased transparency and consistency in conservation plan databases, coupled with increased accessibility, will improve future at-risk species planning.  相似文献   

流域水生态空间管控下生境监测方法概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阴琨  刘海江  王光  金小伟 《环境科学》2021,42(3):1581-1590
生境被认为是区域内为水环境中生物提供生存和生长环境的物理、化学和生物特征,是水生态空间中支持和维持生物及其生态功能的重要空间.生境特征对阐释流域生态系统的结构和功能具有重要意义.然而,生境具有空间和时间尺度的异质性以及空间自相关性,尤其是大时空尺度下其生态功能的维持具有更加复杂的机制和过程.这决定了表征和阐释生境特征是极其困难的,特别是表征大时空尺度下的特征.尽管现有研究提出诸多涉及不同尺度的生境监测方法,但对实现长期跟踪多尺度下流域生境整体变化仍缺少成熟的方法.本文从生境的概念、生境监测的目的和意义引出生境的特点及生境监测对流域水生态环境管控的重要性,归纳了主流生境监测方法的特点及主要差异,综述了生境监测中关键的科学问题(如空间尺度、区域范围、特征参数和数据信息获取方法等),提出我国现阶段生境监测核心内容的建议,以期为流域生态空间管控下生境监测的应用和研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

As part of the right of indigenous cultures to self-determination, several international bodies have recognized and addressed the role of indigenous communities in natural resources management, including the conservation of biodiversity. In the United States, disagreements regarding the application of the federal Endangered Species Act to Native American tribes have hindered the relationship between the federal and tribal governments on endangered species recovery. Our research examines the efforts of one Native American tribe, the Nez Perce, and the United States federal government to collaborate on federal gray wolf recovery in central Idaho. We interviewed members of the Nez Perce Tribe and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to characterize their relationship and explore the context in which the recovery program was implemented. Respondents attributed the success of the biological aspects of wolf recovery to the robustness of the wolf as a species and to close interagency coordination at the operational level. However, differences of opinion existed between the Tribe and Service concerning program funding, policy planning, and the rights and role of the Tribe in wolf management via co-management and cooperative management regimes. Respondents from both governments noted a clear hierarchical relationship at the strategic level, where policy planning and decision-making rested with the federal government. Lessons drawn from this case study can be applied across the international spectrum to improving partnerships, particularly at the strategic level, between indigenous and non-indigenous governance structures for protecting endangered species.  相似文献   

Fish may significantly affect habitat use by birds, either as their prey or as competitors. Fish communities are often distinctly size-structured, but the consequences for waterbird assemblages remain poorly understood. We examined the effects of size structure of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) cohorts together with other biotic and abiotic pond characteristics on the distribution of breeding waterbirds in a seminatural system of monocultured ponds, where three fish age classes were separately stocked. Fish age corresponded to a distinct fish size gradient. Fish age and total biomass, macroinvertebrate and amphibian abundance, and emergent vegetation best explained the differences in bird density between ponds. Abundance of animal prey other than fish (aquatic macroinvertebrates and larval amphibians) decreased with increasing carp age in the ponds. Densities of ducks and smaller grebes were strongly negatively associated with fish age/size gradient. The largest of the grebes, the piscivorous great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), was the only species that preferred ponds with medium-sized fish and was positively associated with total fish biomass. Habitat selection by bitterns and most rallids was instead strongly influenced by the relative amount of emergent vegetation cover in the ponds. Our results show that fish size structure may be an important cue for breeding habitat choice and a factor affording an opportunity for niche diversification in avian communities.  相似文献   

The effects of organic management and landscape context on two highly endemic and important pollinator taxa (bees and monkey beetles) were studied in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) biodiversity hotspot, where a quarter of the land is intensively managed mostly for grape production. This functional group was chosen as there is concern worldwide over pollinator decline, particularly in regions of high levels of endemism of both flora and fauna such as the CFR. Species richness and abundance of bees and monkey beetles were sampled and compared between organic and conventional vineyards, with natural vegetation as reference habitat. Species richness of monkey beetles, but not the species richness of bees, benefited from organic compared to conventional vineyard management. Our findings support the hypothesis that the effects of landscape context and management may be taxon dependent. Monkey beetles have been suggested as strong indicators of disturbance. These beetles are among the most important pollinator guilds in the CFR, as they help to sustain the endemic vegetation of this region. Protection of the remaining natural habitat in close proximity to farmland is an imperative conservation strategy in this region.  相似文献   

Birds are the most diverse vertebrate group in Chile, characterized by low species turnover at the country-size scale (high alpha but low beta diversities), resembling an island biota. We tested whether this low differentiation is valid at a local scale, among six forest habitat types. We detected 25 bird species; avifauna composition was significantly different among habitat types, with five species accounting for 60 % of the dissimilarity. We found a higher level of bird assemblage differentiation across habitats at the local scale than has been found at the country-size scale. Such differentiation might be attributed to structural differences among habitats.  相似文献   

Habitat templet theory predicts that habitat provides the templet on which evolution shapes species’ multiple traits and thus their characteristic life-history strategies. By analysing entire trait communities (multiple species and traits) in this framework we can enhance our understanding of how species composition changes as environmental constraints vary across the landscape. Here, we study multiple traits of floodplain Orthoptera communities under the influence of two different sources of disturbance, land use and seasonal flooding.The application of two recently developed statistical techniques - qualitative RLQ analysis and subsequent fourth-corner permutation tests - revealed two different life history strategies in Orthoptera as a response to ecological disturbances, resulting from land use management and seasonal flooding. Orthoptera species seem to have developed two complementary strategies: (i) the high active dispersal-low reproduction strategy in intensive land use situations and (ii) the high passive dispersal-high reproduction strategy in areas with high flood disturbance. Disturbance gradients act as trait filters allowing only particular trait combinations i.e. species with particular preadaptations to survive, whereas others go regionally extinct. Reproduction and dispersal capacity seem to be inversely associated with the disturbance gradients. Ovariole number, taken as the measure for reproduction, showed significant phylogenetic signal, which could potentially confound this relationship. Nonetheless, RLQ analyses coupled with fourth-corner permutation tests proved a powerful tool to reveal and disentangle different evolutionary strategies.  相似文献   

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