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资源科学的研究对象、学科体系与建设途径   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
资源科学是一门研究自然资源的形成、演化、质量特征与时空分布及其与人类社会发展之相互关系的科学。资源科学的学科体系与分支学科主要包括理论资源学、综合(基础)资源学、部门(应用)资源学与区域资源学,其中,综合资源学可以续分为7个资源学科,部门资源学可以续分为9个资源学科;理论资源学作为资源科学通论,区域资源学作为资源科学在具体区域的实际应用,都可做出进一步续分;由此提出了资源科学学科体系发展的三维结构网络模式。在此基础上,结合国内外高等院校资源科学的专业设置、学位体系与课程设计,提出整合现有分列的资源科学研究内容,在国家“学科分类与代码”和“授予博士、硕士学位和培养研究生的学科、专业目录”中,增列资源科学与技术交叉学科门类;高等院校的资源与环境学院,在资源科学之下可以设立资源科学、资源技术与资源管理3个本科专业,并招收相关专业的硕士、博士研究生。以此推动资源科学学科体系的发展与高级资源科学人才的培养工作。  相似文献   

我国土地资源学研究新进展及其展望   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土地资源学是研究土地资源的形成与演变过程、分类与分布规律、数量与质量评价,以及土地资源开发、利用、保护与管理的一门综合性学科。近些年来,我国在土地调查、土地评价、土地整理、土地可持续利用、土地利用规划与资源战略、土地利用优化配置与集约利用、土地资源安全与生态友好型土地利用模式等专业领域取得了显著进展。论文着重分析土地资源学科研究的新进展,对近年来我国土地资源学科最新成果及其在国民经济与社会发展中的应用、成效和前景进行评析,对我国土地资源学科发展趋势进行展望,提出新时期土地资源学研究的主要方向和重点领域。  相似文献   

高阳  吴浩  李鑫  蔡顺  熊巨华 《自然资源学报》2022,37(12):3049-3059
支持基础研究是国家自然科学基金的职责使命。自然资源管理是地理科学交叉融合创新的重要领域。划分国家自然科学基金土地科学和自然资源管理申请代码领域的研究方向,分析该领域申报与资助格局,透视研究热点,提出发展展望。研究发现:2021年以来土地科学和自然资源管理领域的申报格局以交叉且偏向人文要素研究为主,交叉类研究占55%以上,人文要素为主类研究占30%,自然要素为主类研究占15%;以土地资源为对象研究占73%,以生态资源为对象占14%,以其他自然资源为对象的研究占13%。资助格局中土地资源类项目占主导,在75%以上,其他自然资源资助比例不高且资助率不稳定,在土地资源中,农用地、建设用地与土地系统是主要资助领域。为推动自然资源管理领域的健康持续发展,要创新该领域研究范式,增强基础研究属性,树立交叉融合研究典范,坚持申请代码初衷内涵。  相似文献   

Patterns of selection and evolution of renewable resource management paradigms appear when strategies are considered across a temporal scale. The roles of renewable resource managers were established during the early twentieth century and have since evolved. Autocratic natural-science-based management (ANM) of renewable resources was institutionalized in the early twentieth century following the principle of management based on science with administrative decisions by professional agency employees. A more recent form of management paradigm is interactive natural-science-based management (INM) which provides for limited stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process. These historic paradigms often inadequately addressed social and political aspects of renewable resource management leading managers to adopt new management paradigms involving communications and negotiations among stakeholders, not just science and administrative decisions. The inability of either ANM or INM paradigms to win uncontested agency and public acceptance, coupled with demands to increase spatial scales of management and public (stakeholder) involvement, is providing impetus for emergence of a new paradigm. The evolving paradigm can be defined as collaborative natural- and social-science-based management (CNSM) and provides a framework for approaching and finding solutions to landscape-scale problems. Successful evolution of this paradigm will require removing barriers to societal involvement in management decision-making institutionalized over the past century.  相似文献   

煤炭资源开发利用过程中引发的岩、水、土、气等地质和生态环境问题会产生地质和生态环境负效应,严重影响经济社会可持续发展。科学的环境保护管理要有健全的环境保护法律法规作支撑,有法可依,同时发挥煤企资源与环境保护管理的能动性.力求最大程度降低煤炭开采给地区生态环境造成的污染和破坏影响.合理开发利用煤炭资源,促进社会经济与环境协调可持续发展。重点结合我国环境保护方面的法律法规和煤企如何科学强化资源与环境保护管理工作展开探讨。  相似文献   

Stakeholder participation is considered a key principle for sustainable development in the context of natural resource and disaster risk management. Participatory modelling (PM) is an interactive and iterative process in which stakeholder involvement is supported by modelling and communication tools. Planning and decision-making for sustainable development (SD)integrate three substantive dimensions − social, ecological and economic. The procedural dimension of SD, however, is equally important, and here we see great potential for PM. In this study, we evaluate five PM research projects against criteria for the procedural dimension of SD. This provides a basis for identifying key issues and needs for further research into PM for SD. While the cases show great potential, especially for supporting knowledge integration, learning and transparent handling of values and perspectives, they indicate a particular need to develop PM in respect of organizational integration. This issue is closely connected to the possibility of effectively implementing PM in practice.  相似文献   

As lifecycle emissions accounting becomes more widely used in policy, it is important to understand how it has been applied. This paper analyses policy-making for two U.S. fuel regulations—the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)—that were pioneering not only in using life cycle assessment (LCA) in performance-based environmental regulations, but especially for including emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC). The case studies in this paper focus, in particular, on the decision to include ILUC in lifecycle emissions accounting. Tracing the development of these policies shows the key role of environmental policy entrepreneurs in advocating for ILUC emissions accounting during policy formulation. Moreover, it highlights a paradox in the use of science: although ILUC policy proponents were motivated by best available research, they were also politically enabled by scientific uncertainty and lack of understanding. Understanding this political dimension of decision-making is valuable for scholars as well as practitioners facing similar decisions.  相似文献   

Introduced ungulates, e.g., deer and Himalayan tahr, are variously considered as both pests and resources in New Zealand. Much ecological research has occurred into these species and into the ecosystems in which they live. Concurrently, much has been done to develop ‘management’ plans for these species. We reviewed ecological research relevant to these ungulates and developed ecologically relevant criteria to assess the extent to which these have been considered in these plans. Nine criteria were developed within four thematic areas: ecological principles, objectives and outcomes, adaptive management, and use of science information. Four planning documents were then evaluated. All four poorly or at best marginally considered fundamental ecological principles: only the Himalayan thar control plan scored well in terms of having objectives and outcomes that were clearly ecologically based; the thar plan was very strong in terms of its commitment to implementing adaptive management; and, in terms of using the best available science both the thar plan and the deer issues and options paper scored well. Overall, ecological science and principles have not played major roles in the development of some of these plans, probably because ultimately they reflect political choices that are difficult to support with the available ecological research.  相似文献   

沈镭 《自然资源学报》2013,28(9):1464-1478
中国自然资源学会迎来了30周年的大喜日子。论文系统地回顾了30 a来学会的发展历程,分析了存在的主要问题,对未来发展前景进行了展望。30 a来,学会经历了开创、发展和壮大的不同阶段,在为国家经济社会发展提供重要的资源科技支撑的同时,不断丰富资源科学研究的实践经验,并初步建立了中国特色的资源科学理论和方法体系框架。目前,学会已经拥有5 000多名会员、16个专业委员会、3个工作委员会、6个省级学会,成为中国科协下属的全国201个科技社团中的优秀学会之一。通过了国家民政部组织的中国社会组织评估并获得全国社会组织4A 级等级证书;获得了中国科协组织评审的优秀科技社团三等奖。但是,一些根本性问题仍然存在,包括:基本确立了资源科学但尚不牢靠;强调资源综合研究但分支学科分散;国内学术交流活跃但国际交流薄弱。未来学会将继续完善现有的理论方法体系,开拓资源学科研究的新领域;加强世界资源研究和国际合作交流;围绕国民经济应用性强的重大资源科学问题开展决策咨询;狠抓学科建设和资源科技人才培养;搭建"自然资源态势分析与学科发展信息平台"。  相似文献   

Management of common-pool natural resources is commonly implemented under institutional models promoting devolved decision-making, such as co-management and community-based management. Although participation of local people is critical to the success of devolved commons management, few studies have empirically investigated how individuals’ participation is related to socioeconomic factors that operate at multiple scales. Here, we evaluated how individual- and community-scale factors were related to levels of individual participation in management of community-based marine protected areas in Indonesia. In addressing this aim, we drew on multiple bodies of literature on human behaviour from economics and social science, including the social-ecological systems framework from the literature on common-pool resources, the theory of planned behaviour from social psychology, and public goods games from behavioural economics. We found three key factors related to level of participation of local people: subjective norms, structural elements of social capital, and nested institutions. There was also suggestive evidence that participation was related to people’s cooperative behavioural disposition, which we elicited using a public goods game. These results point to the importance of considering socioeconomic factors that operate at multiple scales when examining individual behaviour. Further, our study highlights the need to consider multiscale mechanisms other than those designed to appeal to self-interested concerns, such as regulations and material incentives, which are typically employed in devolved commons management to encourage participation. Increased understanding of the factors related to participation could facilitate better targeting of investments aimed at encouraging cooperative management.  相似文献   

关于资源学科定位及其学科与人才培养体系的建设   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
环境问题的根源是资源利用问题。加强资源问题的研究是解决资源利用所引起的环境问题的关键措施。在环境问题研究日趋完善与深化的今天,加强对资源学科体系和资源领域人才培养体系的建设显得更加迫切。论文依据作者近年来从事资源问题研究和资源领域人才培养的实践,以及推动资源学科建设的行动,就资源学科定位、学科体系及其人才培养体系构建,提出一个初步的框架。对资源问题的研究可归纳为“资源学”作为“交叉学科”门类,与理学、工学、管理学等学科门类同级。资源学可进一步划分为资源科学、资源技术学与资源管理学总计3个一级学科,8个二级学科,22个三级学科,59个四级学科,其学位均应授予理学(科学)博士学位。资源领域人才培养应满足科学研究、产业发展与管理等领域的需求,即本科仅设1个专业,研究生设3个专业;逐渐形成本科与研究生专业培养,学士、硕士、博士学位共同组成的人才培养体系,努力建设满足资源领域人才培养的33门核心课程。  相似文献   

论文在简要回顾我国资源科学发展阶段及其特点的基础上,从生态学思想对资源科学研究的影响出发,认为随着经济社会的快速发展,资源开发利用过程及其效应问题将是今后相当长一段时间资源科学研究的重要领域和方向。只有深入研究资源在经济社会系统中的生命周期,才能清楚认识资源与经济、社会、环境的关系机理,才能为国家或区域资源可持续利用提供更加科学的理论依据。据此,提出了资源流动的概念,阐述了资源流动的内涵与研究方法,并以木材资源、玉米资源为例进行了说明。从某种意义上说,我国资源科学仍然处于一种静态的状态研究阶段,研究内容主要包括以资源开发利用为目的的资源认识和资源评价研究,和以协调人-资源关系为目的的人口、资源、环境可持续发展研究。现代资源科学吸收了生态学、特别是生态系统的理论和方法,将资源视为由不同学科、不同区域、不同部门的网式结构和从开发利用到最终消费的链式结构的复合系统,通过资源流动分析,将有助于揭示资源开发利用及其效应的动态过程机制。  相似文献   

This paper presents the Management and Transition Framework (MTF), an interdisciplinary conceptual and methodological framework supporting the analysis of water systems, management processes and multi-level governance regimes. It serves to improve the scientific understanding of system properties and to give practical guidance for the implementation of transition processes towards more adaptive systems. Doing so requires a systemic perspective to embrace complexity and the wealth of interactions characterizing resource governance regimes. The MTF supports and provides guidance for an interdisciplinary approach in the social sciences and across the social–natural science interface.The framework integrates a range of concepts to develop a more coherent understanding of the complexity of water management regimes. Specific emphasis is given to adaptive capacity and learning processes. However, the MTF is not linked to one specific theory but provides a language that can be tailored to specific research questions and different theoretical approaches. The structured yet flexible approach is a condition for developing shared databases that allow comparative analyses over a wider range of case studies. The MTF does not promote panaceas but a diagnostic approach supporting context sensitive analysis without being case specific and thus not directly transferable.  相似文献   

关于自然资源的几个问题   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
本文认为自然资源是有价值的。确立自然资源价值观是解决资源问题、生态环境问题的一项带根本性的对策。自然资源是经济社会发展的物质基础,因此又是一种资产财富,应树立资源资产观念,建立资源资产管理制度,加强产权管理,实行资源所有权和使用权分离,对资源使用部门实行资源有偿使用和转让。自然资源的再生产中应实行产业化,对自然资源应进行核算并纳入国民经济核算体系。这些问题都是在自然资源的保护和开发利用中的一些带根本性的问题,也是在自然资源资产管理制度化和法制化中必须考虑和重视的问题。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代以来,在以服务国家战略需求为导向的大规模、长时期、持续的自然资源综合考察活动推动下,中国自然资源研究形成了跨部门、跨学科、跨地区的综合集成的发展特色,并且在“任务带学科”的发展过程中也逐步创建了较为系统的资源科学理论基础和实证方法论体系。面对自然资源部成立以来国家对自然资源综合管理体制深化改革的重大需求,推动建立并完善独立的资源科学学科体系,已成为当前我国自然资源研究领域的重要任务。本文系统梳理了20世纪50年代至21世纪初中国自然资源综合考察和研究的发展过程,着重论述了不同时期的重点发展方向及特点,完成了对不同时期历史机遇的总结与展望。可以发现:中国自然资源研究已经形成了国家需求导向并引领学科建设的发展趋势,未来应继续坚持以多学科整合为特色的综合研究范式,开拓中国特色的资源科学系统研究新视角;加快形成完整的学科体系,完善资源科学人才培养体系;加强资源科学的学科史研究,厘定资源科学与地理学、地质学、生态学、环境科学等相关学科的相互关系,积极引入大数据理论框架及技术优势,创新“自然资源大数据”或“资源利用大数据”等相关理论及技术,建立自然资源开发利用过程动态评价方法,为生态文明建设和可持续发展战略提供自然资源本底及其与生态环境综合影响评价方面的决策支持,探索解析自然资源利用过程中自然规律和社会经济规律以及两者之间的系统关联机制。  相似文献   

生态环境问题是当今许多大城市所面临的最主要问题之一.生态环境本身的多元性及交互作用,决定了生态环境保护的综合性与复杂性.它既涉及到自然科学,又涉及到社会科学;既需要定量的研究,也需要定性的研究;既包括实证的描述,也包括实义的分析和趋势的预测.以昆明为例,重点从城市规划的角度出发,定性地探索城市生态环境保护问题.  相似文献   

重大的资源开发利用工程建设设想或实施往往容易引起社会各界的广泛关注。如何正确认识和科学评价各种资源环境热点问题是大家讨论的重点。文章认为任何重大资源开发工程必须遵循自然规律、生态规律、资源规律和经济规律,必须结合国家战略需求和地缘政治关系,开展前期深入的系统性综合调查,进行生态安全与资源工程安全评价和交叉学科论证,并对其科学价值、社会价值和经济价值等做出正确的判断。建议:未来的资源环境工程建设要谨防“大跃进”,要科学认识自然资源系统规律,守护好美丽的地球家园;要切实履行资源科学家的社会责任,提倡基于科学研究和科学态度的学术争鸣,科学问题最好还是由科学家去讨论;一些争议大的科研课题慎用公益性研发经费来支持。  相似文献   

通过对石油化工企业环保管理研究,参照国家环保相关法律法规的要求,设计了环保管理系统的功能模块和管理内容。利用Struts和Spring作为开发架构,Orcal作为数据库管理系统,选用Java作为开发语言进行了管理系统开发。该系统已在中国石化的部分企业进行了试点应用,为环保部门管理和决策提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

交叉性以及通过学科交叉实现学科创新,是学科创新发展的重要特征。本文探讨了地理学和资源科学融合的学科基础,指出自然资源的稀缺性、自然资源的空间性、自然资源系统的复杂性和自然资源问题的应对性是地理学和资源学学科对象的共性;阐述了地理学、资源科学两者相互作用及其历史过程,梳理了地理学、资源科学与人地关系思想、可持续思想的发展关系,揭示了地理学和资源科学的差异性特征;地理学、资源科学的共性与差异性,促进了资源地理学的产生与发展。据此,提出了资源地理学的学科内容与方向,论述其全球及国家战略支撑,展望中国资源地理学的发展趋势,以期更好地认识中国地理学和资源学交叉融合的现状,从整体范畴上把握学科发展的脉络,促进学科之间的相互渗透,理论和方法的移植创新,不断开拓新的研究领域和提高学科研究水平。  相似文献   

针对城市垃圾的迅速增长.垃圾污染问题异常尖锐的问题.介绍了中国城市生活垃圾的处理技术应用现状.分析了垃圾处理存在的一些问题.对目前常用的城市生活垃圾处理方法的优缺点进行对比分析,并提出了在未来一段时间里生活垃圾处理技术的研究方向,要彻底解决垃圾问题,仅靠各种处理技术是不够的.必须完善法律、法规;改进管理方法.加强环境监测;加大科技投入,提高技术装备水平;增加资金投入;加强宣传等。  相似文献   

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